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Reproduction in species of eusocial insects is monopolized by one or a few individuals, while the remaining colony tasks are performed by the worker caste. This reproductive division of labor is exemplified by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), in which a single, polyandrous queen is the sole colony member that lays fertilized eggs. Previous work has revealed that the developmental fate of honey bee queens is highly plastic, with queens raised from younger worker larvae exhibiting higher measures in several aspects of reproductive potential compared to queens raised from older worker larvae. Here, we investigated the effects of queen reproductive potential (“quality”) on the growth and winter survival of newly established honey bee colonies. We did so by comparing the growth of colonies headed by “high-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from young worker larvae, which are more queen-like morphologically) to those headed by “low-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from older worker larvae, which are more worker-like morphologically). We confirmed that queens reared from young worker larvae were significantly larger in size than queens reared from old worker larvae. We also found a significant positive effect of queen grafting age on a colony’s production of worker comb, drone comb, and stored food (honey and pollen), although we did not find a statistically significant difference in the production of worker and drone brood, worker population, and colony weight. Our results provide evidence that in honey bees, queen developmental plasticity influences several important measures of colony fitness. Thus, the present study supports the idea that a honey bee colony can be viewed (at least in part) as the expanded phenotype of its queen, and thus selection acting predominantly at the colony level can be congruent with that at the individual level.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Twenty-three nests of the submissive ant Formica fusca L. were sampled in two adjacent territories of the dominant wood ant Formica polyctena Först. The nests were dug up at different distances from the wood-ant mounds. Distance is assumed to be inversely related to the extent of disturbance of F. fusca by F. polyctena.
2. Colony success of F. fusca was assayed by counting the numbers of workers (colony size), and worker and sexual offspring in a nest. For individual size, the head width and dry weight of fifty workers per nest were measured.
3. Colony size correlated positively with the numbers of worker and sexual offspring in one territory, but only with worker offspring in the other.
4. Distance from the wood-ant mound correlated positively with colony size and numbers of worker and female offspring in one territory. In the other territory distance correlated positively with number of females, but negatively with number of worker offspring. No significant correlations between distance and the size measurements were obtained.
5. Because of its nonaggressive behaviour F. fusca may nest fairly close to a wood-ant mound but is likely to show reduced abundances in terms of nest density and forager number, and, ultimately, lowered fitness.  相似文献   

The efficacy of drone brood removal for the management of Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman in colonies of the honey bee, A. mellifera L., was evaluated. Colonies were treated with CheckMite+ in the fall of 2002. The following spring, quantities of bees and brood were equalized, but colonies were not retreated. The brood nest of each colony consisted of 18 full-depth worker combs and two full-depth drone combs. Each worker comb had <12.9 cm2 of drone cells. Standard management practices were used throughout the season. Colonies were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the control group, drone combs remained in place throughout the season. In the treatment group, drone combs were removed on 16 June, 16 July, 16 August, and 16 September and replaced with empty drone combs (16 June) or with drone combs removed on the previous replacement date. In the early fall, the average mite-to-bee ratio in the control group was significantly greater than the corresponding ratio in the treatment group. Drone brood removal did not adversely affect colony health as measured by the size of the worker population or by honey production. Fall worker populations were similar in the two groups. Honey production in treatment colonies was greater than or similar to production in control colonies. These data demonstrate that drone brood removal can serve as a valuable component in an integrated pest management program for V. destructor and may reduce the need for other treatments on a colony-by-colony basis.  相似文献   

Pleometrosis (colony founding by multiple queens) may improve life history characteristics that are important for early colony survival. When queens unite their initial brood, the number of workers present when incipient colonies open may be higher than for single queen colonies. Further, the time until the first worker emerges may shorten. For territorial species and species that rob brood from neighbouring colonies, a faster production of more workers may improve the chance of surviving intraspecific competition. In this study, the time from the nuptial flight to the emergence of the first worker in incipient Oecophylla smaragdina Fabr. colonies founded by 1–5 queens was compared and the production of brood during the first 68 days after the nuptial flight was assessed. Compared to haplometrotic colonies, pleometrotic colonies produced 3.2 times more workers, their first worker emerged on average 4.3 days (8%) earlier and the queen’s per capita egg production almost doubled. Further, colony production was positively, correlated with the number of founding queens and time to worker emergence was negatively correlated. These results indicate that pleometrotic O. smaragdina colo-nies are competitively superior to haplometrotic colonies as they produce more workers faster and shorten the claustral phase, leading to increased queen fecundity.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory has received some of its strongest support from analyses of within-colony conflicts between workers and queens in social insects. One of these conflicts involves the timing of queen production. In neotropical wasps, new queens are only produced by colonies with just one queen while males are produced by colonies with more queens, a pattern favoured by worker interests. We now show that new colonies, or swarms, have few queens and variable within-colony relatednesses which means that their production is not tied to new queen production. The queens in these swarms are seldom the mothers of the workers in the swarm. Therefore, either colonies producing swarms have very many queens, or queens joining daughter swarms are reproductive losers on the original colonies. As new colony production is not linked to queen production, it can occur at the ecologically optimum time, i.e. the rainy season. This disassociation between queen production and new colony production allows worker interests in sex ratios to prevail without hampering new colony production at the most favourable season, an uncoupling that may contribute to the ecological success of the Epiponini.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of eusocial insect species are most vulnerable during the founding stage. Many species have evolved means to minimize the length of the founding, or pre-emergence, stage by accelerating the rate of development of the first worker offspring. Other things being equal, the sooner a colony can begin producing workers, the less the risk of colony failure, the steeper the growth curve of the colony during the ergonomic stage, and the larger the colony will be at reproductive maturity. Swarm-founding species, whose founding units consist of hundreds or thousands of workers, may face less selection pressure to minimize the duration of the founding stage than independent-founding species. However, swarm size varies within species, and small swarms face greater risk of extinction during the founding stage than large swarms. This consideration predicts that within a species, small swarms should have shorter founding stages than large swarms, likely by rearing a small group of precocious brood. On the other hand, evidence that large social groups organize colony labor more efficiently, gather resources more predictably, and homeostatically maintain physical conditions inside the nest within narrower ranges, predicts that larger groups should rear all brood more rapidly and therefore have shorter founding stages. To test whether small or large swarms have shorter founding stages in colonies of Polybia occidentalis, a Neotropical swarm-founding wasp, we measured brood development rates in colonies collected after 28 days of development, just short of the minimum egg-to-adult development time. We found that as size increased across colonies, pre-emergence times decreased, mean age of pupae in the nest increased, and median age of the brood (larvae + pupae) increased. That is, brood developed significantly faster in large colonies than in small ones. Using these same measures, we also found that infection by a gregarine parasite increased brood development time, independently of colony size.Received 10 April 2003; revised 29 October 2003; accepted 21 November 2003.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The adaptive significance of the timing of growth and reproduction by honeybee, Apis mellifera L., colonies in cold climates was studied by describing the seasonal patterns of food storage, brood rearing, and swarming, and then observing the consequences of experimentally perturbing the seasonal cycles of brood rearing and swarming.
2. Colonies consume large amounts of food over winter (20+ kg of honey), but have only a brief period (about 14 weeks) for food collection each year.
3. The honeybee's striking habits of starting brood rearing in midwinter and swarming in late spring evidently help colonies achieve maximum use of the short summer season. Colonies whose onset of-brood rearing was experimentally postponed until early spring showed greatly retarded colony growth and swarming. Other experiments demonstrated that late swarms starve more often during winter than do early swarms.
4. We conclude that the timings of colony growth and reproduction are essential elements in the honeybee's suite of adaptations for winter survival.  相似文献   

Nourishment affects colony demographics in the paper wasp Polistes metricus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  1. Colony survivorship and numbers of nest cells, pupae, and adult females were monitored throughout the nesting season for a cohort of 78 colonies of the paper wasp Polistes metricus Say. Thirty-nine colonies received a twice-weekly nourishment supplement of honey during pre-emergence and early emergence phases of the colony cycle; 39 colonies were unsupplemented controls.
2. Colony survivorship was unaffected by the supplemental nourishment. Loss of colonies to predation differed among three sites but was unaffected by supplementation.
3. Honey-supplemented colonies constructed more nest cells than did control colonies but this effect was not expressed until after supplementation had ceased.
4. Honey-supplemented colonies produced more pupae than did control colonies but the number of adult females at nests did not differ between supplemented and control colonies. Because honey-supplemented colonies had more offspring but fewer of them remained as workers at the nest, honey supplementation led to a lower frequency of workers and corresponding higher frequency of reproductives than in control colonies.
5. In a second year of study, colony survivorship and numbers of nest cells, pupae, and adult females were monitored from late pre-emergence until the end of the nesting season for a cohort of 32 colonies of Polistes metricus . In 16 colonies, trophallactic saliva was taken from final-instar larvae on nine dates in the late pre-emergence and early emergence periods; 16 colonies served as controls.
6. Saliva-diminished colonies had lower survivorship, fewer nest cells, fewer pupae, and fewer adult females at the nest than did control colonies.
7. These results show that variation in nourishment in the early to mid phases of the colony cycle can have significant effects on the subsequent colony demographics of Polistes metricus paper wasps.  相似文献   

Aron S  Passera L 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(2):325-329
In ants, young queens can found new colonies independently (without the help of workers) or dependently (with the help of workers). It has been suggested that differences in the mode of colony founding strongly influence queen survival and colony development. This is because independent queens are constrained to produce a worker force rapidly, before they deplete their body reserves and to resist the intense intercolony competition during the founding stage. By contrast, queens that found colonies dependently remain with the workers, which probably results in a lower mortality rate and earlier production of reproductive offspring. Consequently, in species that found independently, queens of incipient colonies are expected to produce mostly worker brood by laying a lower fraction of haploid (male) eggs than queens in mature colonies; such a difference would not occur in species founding dependently. We compared the primary sex ratio (proportion of male-determined eggs) laid by queens in incipient and mature colonies of two ant species Lasius nigerLinepithema humile, showing independent and dependent modes of colony founding, respectively. As predicted L. niger queens of incipient colonies laid a lower proportion of haploid eggs than queens from mature colonies. By contrast, queens of L. humile laid a similar proportion of haploid eggs in both incipient and mature colonies. These results provide the first evidence that (1) the primary sex ratio varies according to the mode of colony foundation, and (2) queens can adjust the primary sex ratio according to the life history stage of the colony in ants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Large colonies of ants are known to have a higher propensity for sexual offspring production, probably owing to their high capacity to exploit food resources.
2. The effects of food supplementation on the propensity for sexual offspring production, and whether it is linked with colony size, were investigated in an environment with poor resources (clear-cut areas).
3. Large colony size was associated with a higher propensity for sexual offspring production in food-supplemented colonies, whereas in non-supplemented control colonies an association with colony size was not found.
4. The results demonstrate that large colonies seem to have a higher capacity to exploit supplemented food. In addition, the production of sexual offspring was apparently limited by food availability in clear-cuts, especially for large colonies.  相似文献   

1. Bumblebee colonies show much variation in the number of workers, drones, and queens produced. Because this variation prevails even when colonies are kept under identical conditions, it does not seem to be caused by extrinsic factors but rather by differences between founding queens. 2. The most likely factor that could cause differences between queens is diapause. Although colonies are raised under standardised conditions, the queens often experience diapause of different length. If there are costs associated with diapause that influence post‐diapause reproduction, the diapause history of the queens could affect colony characteristics. 3. Here, several colony characteristics are compared: number of first and second brood workers; total number of workers, drones, and queens; energy spent on sexuals; sex ratio; rate of worker production; time to emergence of first reproductive; and colony lifetime. Colonies were used where the queens experienced a diapause treatment of 0 (nondiapause queens), 2, and 4 months. 4. Although no proof was found for the existence of costs associated with diapause, the colony characteristics of nondiapause queens were significantly different from those of diapause queens. Colonies of nondiapause queens produced the lowest number of workers but the highest number of young queens. 5. It is argued that these nondiapause colonies are more time‐constrained than diapause colonies because nondiapause colonies produce two generations within the same season and should therefore be more efficient in producing sexual offspring. 6. Moreover, nondiapause colonies should rear a more female‐biased sex ratio because they can be certain of the presence of males produced by other (diapause) colonies.  相似文献   

Summary. A shift in colony founding behaviour from single queen (haplometrosis) to multiple queens (pleometrosis) was observed locally in the obligate plant-ant Crematogaster (Decacrema) morphospecies 2, which is associated with Macaranga trees in Borneo. In addition, about a quarter of all mature colonies (27 of 95 trees examined) were found to be multiple queen colonies. They arose either directly from pleometrotic founding colonies or secondarily by adoption of additional queens. Using microsatellite markers, we showed that queens in colonies founded through pleometrosis are unrelated and each queen participates in producing worker offspring, albeit with significant skew in a third of the colonies. In mature polygynous colonies, all resident queens contributed to the production of workers and sexual offspring. Relatedness of queens in mature polygynous colonies was not significantly higher than in foundress associations. We hypothesize that increased nest site limitation in this specific interaction trigger the observed shift in colony founding behaviour. Crematogaster msp. 2 inhabits the light demanding pioneer plant species Macaranga pearsonii that is typical for early successional stages of secondary forests. Thus suitable host-plants for colonisation are abundant for only a short time in highly disturbed sites and become increasingly sparse when secondary forest matures.Received 6 September 2004; revised 29 November; accepted 10 December 2004.  相似文献   

Sex ratios in social insects have become a general model for tests of inclusive fitness theory, sex ratio theory and parent–offspring conflict. In populations of Formica exsecta with multiple queens per colony , sex ratios vary greatly among colonies and the dry-weight sex ratio is extremely male-biased, with 89% of the colonies producing males but no gynes (reproductive females). Here we test the queen-replenishment hypothesis, which was proposed to explain sex ratio specialization in this and other highly polygynous ants (i.e. those with many queens per nest). This hypothesis proposes that, in such ants, colonies produce gynes to recruit them back into the colony when the number of resident queens falls below a given threshold limiting colony productivity or survival. We tested predictions of the queen-replenishment hypothesis by following F. exsecta colonies across two breeding seasons and relating the change in effective queen number with changes in sex ratio, colony size and brood production. As predicted by the queen-replenishment hypothesis, we found that colonies that specialized in producing females increased their effective queen number and were significantly more likely to specialize in male production the following year. The switch to male production also coincided with a drop in productivity per queen as predicted. However, adoption of new queens did not result in a significant increase in total colony productivity the following year. We suggest that this is because queen production comes at the expense of worker production and thus queen production leads to resource limitation the following year, buffering the effect of greater queen number on total productivity.  相似文献   

The success of an ant colony depends on the simultaneous presence of reproducing queens and non-reproducing workers in a ratio that will maximize colony growth and reproduction. Despite its presumably crucial role, queen–worker caste ratios (the ratio of adult queens to workers) and the factors affecting this variable remain scarcely studied. Maintaining polygynous pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) colonies in the laboratory has provided us with the opportunity to experimentally manipulate colony size, one of the key factors that can be expected to affect colony level queen–worker caste ratios and body size of eclosing workers, gynes and males. We found that smaller colonies produced more new queens relative to workers, and that these queens and workers both tended to be larger. However, colony size had no effect on the size of males or on the sex ratio of the individuals reared. Furthermore, for the first time in a social insect, we confirmed the general life history prediction by Smith and Fretwell (Am Nat 108:499–506, 1974) that offspring number varies more than offspring size. Our findings document a high level of plasticity in energy allocation toward female castes and suggest that polygynous species with budding colonies may adaptively adjust caste ratios to ensure rapid growth.  相似文献   

黄强  曾志将 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):107-111
以3群中华蜜蜂Apiscerana cerana Fabricius为材料,研究自然分蜂中的亲属优惠行为。分蜂开始后,分别对参与分蜂的工蜂和留在原巢内的工蜂随机取样,用95%酒精保存待用。取下所有王台,放入培养箱中培养出房,每30min观察1次,记录处女王的出房顺序。运用3个MRJP(major royal jelly protein)标记分析蜂群的亲缘关系和亚家系组成。3群实验蜂群分别由13,12和9个亚家系组成。分蜂过程中,王台的全同胞姐妹工蜂绝大多数都选择留在原巢内,说明工蜂能够辨认出全同胞姐妹王台,并且给予优惠。参与分蜂的工蜂和留在原巢内的工蜂间亚家系分布差异极显著,说明一些亚家系分蜂性更强,而另一些亚家系分蜂性较弱。实验首次运用MRJP分子标记技术证明:在自然分蜂过程中,工蜂和王台之间存在亲属优惠行为,并且这种优惠行为可能会刺激其它工蜂产生分蜂趋向性。  相似文献   

Summary. The ability of worker ants to adapt their behaviour depending on the social environment of the colony is imperative for colony growth and survival. In this study we use the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica to test for a relationship between colony size and foraging behaviour. We controlled for possible confounding ontogenetic and age effects by splitting large colonies into small and large colony fragments. Large and small colonies differed in worker number but not worker relatedness or worker/brood ratios. Differences in foraging activity were tested in the context of single foraging cycles with and without the opportunity to retrieve food. We found that workers from large colonies foraged for longer distances and spent more time outside the nest than foragers from small colonies. However, foragers from large and small colonies retrieved the first prey item they contacted, irrespective of prey size. Our results show that in R. metallica, foraging decisions made outside the nest by individual workers are related to the size of their colony.Received 23 March 2004; revised 3 June 2004; accepted 4 June 2004.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The longevity of field colonies was investigated in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos saltator (Jerdon) in which either reproductive workers (gamergates) or a single queen reproduce.
2. Data from 3 years were used to calculate the ratio between queen-right ( n  = 50) and gamergate ( n  = 12) colonies that can be used to derive the colony mortality of gamergate colonies. Using the survival rates of queens in the laboratory, extrinsic and intrinsic mortality rates of queen-right colonies were calculated.
3. No significant differences in the sizes of queen-right and gamergate colonies above 14 workers was found, suggesting that mortality of established colonies is not size related.
4. The mortality of gamergate colonies is 4.17 times higher than the intrinsic mortality of queen-right colonies.
5. In the laboratory, mean survival time of queens in colonies of more than 14 workers was 1.79 years.
6. Estimated mean survival time of queen-right and gamergate colonies in the field varies between 0.78 and 0.43 years respectively, when no costs of conflict during the replacement of queens occur; however, when the latter costs increase colony mortality to a level similar to extrinsic mortality, the calculated longevity of queen-right colonies would increase to 1.02 years.  相似文献   

To date very few studies have addressed the effects of inbreeding in social Hymenoptera, perhaps because the costs of inbreeding are generally considered marginal owing to male haploidy whereby recessive deleterious alleles are strongly exposed to selection in males. Here, we present one of the first studies on the effects of queen and worker homozygosity on colony performance. In a wild population of the ant Formica exsecta, the relative investment of single‐queen colonies in sexual production decreased with increased worker homozygosity. This may either stem from increased homozygosity decreasing the likelihood of diploid brood to develop into queens or a lower efficiency of more homozygous workers at feeding larvae and thus a lower proportion of the female brood developing into queens. There was also a significant negative association between colony age and the level of queen but not worker homozygosity. This association may stem from inbreeding affecting queen lifespan and/or their fecundity, and thus colony survival. However, there was no association between queen homozygosity and colony size, suggesting that inbreeding affects colony survival as a result of inbred queens having a shorter lifespan rather than a lower fecundity. Finally, there was no significant association between either worker or queen homozygosity and the probability of successful colony founding, colony size and colony productivity, the three other traits studied. Overall, these results indicate that inbreeding depression may have important effects on colony fitness by affecting both the parental (queen) and offspring (worker) generations cohabiting within an ant colony.  相似文献   

Social insects are well-known for their ability to achieve robust collective behaviours even when individuals have limited information. It is often assumed that such behaviours rely on very large group sizes, but many insect colonies start out with only a few workers. Here we investigate the influence of colony size on collective decision-making in the house-hunting of the ant Temnothorax albipennis. In experiments where colony size was manipulated by splitting colonies, we show that worker number has an influence on the speed with which colonies discover new nest sites, but not on the time needed to make a decision (achieve a quorum threshold) or total emigration time. This occurred because split colonies adopted a lower quorum threshold, in fact they adopted the same threshold in proportion to their size as full-size colonies. This indicates that ants may be measuring relative quorum, i.e. population in the new nest relative to that of the old nest, rather than the absolute number. Experimentally reduced colonies also seemed to gain more from experience through repeated emigrations, as they could then reduce nest discovery times to those of larger colonies. In colonies of different sizes collected from the field, total emigration time was also not correlated with colony size. However, quorum threshold was not correlated with colony size, meaning that individuals in larger colonies adopted relatively lower quorum thresholds. Since this is a different result to that from size-manipulated colonies, it strongly suggests that the differences between natural small and large colonies were not caused by worker number alone. Individual ants may have adjusted their behaviour to their colony’s size, or other factors may correlate with colony size in the field. Our study thus shows the importance of experimentally manipulating colony size if the effect of worker number on the emergence of collective behaviour is to be studied. Received 13 December 2005; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 15 May 2006.  相似文献   

Summary: Ninety-eight nests of various growing stages of Provespa anomala were found in the lowlands of Sumatra, Indonesia, from August to January. Its colony cycle is considered to be annual, with nests built throughout the year. There were two types of early nests before the emergence of workers, one with a worker number of less than 63 and the other of more than 231. The former were new nests, each containing a new queen and were built by reproductive swarming, whereas each of the latter was possibly re-built by an old queen and an absconding swarm. Ten swarming colonies were attracted by an oil-lamp light; these consisted of a copulated queen with immature oocytes in the ovary and 55 workers on average. No males, or workers stylopized by Xenos provesparum were observed either in colonies before worker emergence or in swarms coming flying into the light. Differences between swarming in Provespa, polygyny and nest relocation in Vespa, and those in swarm-founding Polistinae are discussed.  相似文献   

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