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Summary A new linear DNA plasmid, designated pSKL, was found in the yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri. Restriction maps of the 14.2 kb plasmid were constructed. By the use of CsCl-Hoechst 33258 centrifugation containing guanidine chloride, pSKL was isolated as a DNA-protein complex. The protein was associated with the terminal regions of pSKL. The two terminal EcoRI fragments of pSKL were cloned and their nucleotide sequences were determined. pSKL had inverted terminal repeats of 483 bp with a unique structure in which fairly homologous sequences of 30 bp were repeated eight times.  相似文献   

By heat treatment killer strains of the type K1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are known to harbour dsRNA plasmids were completely cured, whereas only a small fraction of the clones of the killer type K2 had lost the dsRNA dependent killer character. The K2 killers but not the strains of killer type K1 were easily cured by cycloheximide. Killer strains of Hanseniaspora uvarum were not curable by heat treatment. Curing was successfull with cycloheximide or 5-fluorouracil. Two double-stranded RNA plasmids were detected in the killer strains of H. uvarum. The smaller dsRNA plasmid was absent in the strains that were cured of their killer character by 5-fluorouracil. The killer character of H. uvarum was transferred to S. cerevisiae by spheroplast fusion. The fusion products showing the killer character contained both dsRNA plasmids, obviously the smaller plasmid (M-dsRNA) carries the genes for killer toxin formation. Killer strains of Pichia kluyveri were not curable of their killer character, in these strains no dsRNA plasmids were detected.This paper was kindly supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The yeast, Hansenula wingei has two mating types designated 5 and 21. Cells of each mating type were found to produce mating type-specific sex pheromone which induces sexual agglutinability of the opposite mating type. Crude fractions of these pheromones were prepared by using an Amberlite CG 50 (H+ type) column. The agglutinability-inducing action of the pheromones required glucose as carbon source, but no external nitrogen source. The action of the pheromones was inhibited by 5 g/ml cycloheximide. The optimum pH for the pheromone action was 4.0. Pheromones of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kluyveri induced sexual agglutinability of 5 mating type cells but did not that of 21 mating type cells. a Pheromones of the Saccharomyces yeasts had no effect on both 5 and 21 mating type cells. The sex pheromones of H. wingei had no effect on the sexual agglutinability of inducible a cells of S. cerevisiae. From the experimental results obtained so far, we propose to call 5 and 21 mating types in H. wingei a and mating types, respectively.  相似文献   

Relocation into the nucleus of the yeast cytoplasmic linear plasmids was studied using a monitor plasmid pCLU1. InSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the nuclearly-relocated pCLU1 replicated in a linear form (termed pTLU-type plasmid) which carried the host telomeric repeats TG1–3 of 300–350 bp at both ends. The telomere sequences mainly consisted of a major motif TGTGTGGGTGTGG which was complementary to part of the RNA template of yeast telomerase and were directly added to the very end of the pCLU1-terminal element ITR (inverted terminal repeat), suggesting that the ITR end played a role as a substrate of telomerase. The telomere sequences varied among isolated pTLU-type plasmids, but the TG1–3 organization was symmetrically identical on both ends of any one plasmid. During cell growth under non-selective condition, the telomeric repeat sequences were progressively rearranged on one side, but not on the opposite side of pTLU plasmid ends. This indicates that the mode of telomeric DNA replication or repair differed between both ends. Clonal analysis showed that the intense rearrangement of telomeric DNA was closely associated with extreme instability of pTLU plasmids. Published: February 17, 2003  相似文献   

Summary A linear DNA plasmid (pSCL) has been isolated from Streptomyces clavuligerus by a method employing high concentrations of protease. Rate-zonal sedimentation on sucrose gradients was used to purify the plasmid. The plasmid is 12 kb in length and appears to be linked to protein at its 5 termini. A restriction endonuclease map of the plasmid for ten enzymes has been determined. Evidence for terminally repeated sequences is provided by cross-hybridization analysis.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have indicated that DNA bending is a general structural feature of sequences (ARSs) from cellular DNAs of yeasts and nuclear and mitochondrial genomic DNAs of other eukaryotes that are capable of autonomous replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we showed that bending activity is also tightly associated with S. cerevisiae ARS function of segments cloned from mitochondrial linear DNA plasmids of the basidiomycetes Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinus edodes. Two plasmids, designated pLPO2-like (9.4 kb), and pLPO3 (6.6 kb) were isolated from a strain of P. ostreatus. A 1029 by fragment with high-level ARS activity was cloned from pLPO3 and it contained one ARS consensus sequence (A/T)TTTAT(A/G)TTT(A/T) indispensable for activity and seven dispersed ARS consensus-like (10/11 match) sequences. A discrete bent DNA region was found to lie around 500 by upstream from the ARS consensus sequence (T-rich strand). Removal of the bent DNA region impaired ARS function. DNA bending was also implicated in the ARS function associated with a 1430 by fragment containing three consecutive ARS consensus sequences which had been cloned from the L. edodes plasmid pLLE1 (11.0 kb): the three consecutive ARSs responsible for high-level ARS function occurred in, and immediately adjacent to, a bent DNA region. A clear difference exists between the two plasmid-derived ARS fragments with respect to the distance between the bent DNA region and the ARS consensus sequence(s).  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of yeast linear DNA plasmids, particularly of k1 and k2 from the non-conventional dairy yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, has been advanced by the recent establishment of DNA transformation-mediated one-step gene disruption and allele replacement techniques. These methods provide the basis for a strategy for the functional analysis of plasmid genes and DNA elements. By use of double selection regimens, these single-gene procedures have been extended to effect disruption of individual genes on plasmid k2 and transplacement of a functional copy onto plasmid k1, resulting in the production of yeast strains with an altered plasmid composition. This cytoplasmic gene shuffle system facilitates the introduction of specifically modified alleles into k1 or k2 in order to study the function, expression (from UCS promoters) and regulation of cytoplasmic linear plasmid genes. Additionally, identification, characterization and localization of plasmid gene products of interest are made possible by shuffling GFP-, epitope- or affinity purification-tagged alleles between k2 and k1. The gene shuffle approach can also be used for vector development and heterologous protein expression in order to exploit the biotechnical potential of the K. lactis k1/k2 system in yeast cell factory research.  相似文献   

Summary A 2 m circle-based chimaeric plasmid containing the yeast LEU2 and the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV-1 TK) genes was constructed. Transformants grown under selective conditions for the LEU2 gene harboured the plasmid at about 15 copies per cell whilst selection for the HSV-1 TK gene led to an increase to about 100 copies per cell. Furthermore, the plasmid copy number could be controlled by the stringency of selection for the TK gene, and the increase in TK gene dosage was reflected in an increase in intracellular thymidine kinase activity. The mitotic stability of the plasmid in high-copy and low-copy number cells was determined. High-copy number cells showed a greater mitotic stability. The relationship of TK expression to plasmid copy number may be useful for the isolation of plasmid copy number mutants in yeast and the control of heterologous gene expression.  相似文献   

The plasmid stability of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, which expresses cloned -amylase, was increased when glucose or yeast extract was fed with multi-pulse mode in fed-batch culture. Using a novel strategy combining constant rate fed-batch culture and multi-pulse feeding of yeast extract, the plasmid stability was maintained over 90%, meanwhile, 36 g cells l–1 and 208 units of cloned -amylase activity ml–1 were obtained.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces kluyveri is a petite-negative yeast, which is less prone to form ethanol under aerobic conditions than is S. cerevisiae. The first reaction on the route from pyruvate to ethanol is catalysed by pyruvate decarboxylase, and the differences observed between S. kluyveri and S. cerevisiae with respect to ethanol formation under aerobic conditions could be caused by differences in the regulation of this enzyme activity. We have identified and cloned three genes encoding functional pyruvate decarboxylase enzymes ( PDC genes) from the type strain of S. kluyveri (Sk-PDC11, Sk-PDC12 and Sk-PDC13). The regulation of pyruvate decarboxylase in S. kluyveri was studied by measuring the total level of Sk-PDC mRNA and the overall enzyme activity under various growth conditions. It was found that the level of Sk-PDC mRNA was enhanced by glucose and oxygen limitation, and that the level of enzyme activity was controlled by variations in the amount of mRNA. The mRNA level and the pyruvate decarboxylase activity responded to anaerobiosis and growth on different carbon sources in essentially the same fashion as in S. cerevisiae. This indicates that the difference in ethanol formation between these two yeasts is not due to differences in the regulation of pyruvate decarboxylase(s), but rather to differences in the regulation of the TCA cycle and the respiratory machinery. However, the PDC genes of Saccharomyces/Kluyveromyces yeasts differ in their genetic organization and phylogenetic origin. While S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri each have three PDC genes, these have apparently arisen by independent duplications and specializations in each of the two yeast lineages.Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

Summary Two strains of Kluyveromyces marxianus (A1 and A2) isolated from ‘aguamiel’ (agave sap) and one strain of K. lactis var. lactis (P7) isolated from ‘pulque’ (its fermented product), were studied to make a survey of inulinase production. The strains of K. marxianus A1 and A2 were the best producers of inulinase, giving up to 2.5 times more enzyme than the control hyperproducing strain K. marxianus CDBB-L-278, and showed lower catabolic repression than this. One strain isolated from pulque was identified as K. lactis var. lactis and was also an excellent inulinase producer, being the first strain of this species reported as such. These strains were very good inulinase producers and they had low susceptibility to catabolic repression probably because the source from which they were isolated was rich in sucrose and oligofructans. They can be used in the transformation of inulin to produce fructose and/or oligofructans.  相似文献   

Clostridium La 1 obtained from a Clostridium kluyveri culture was compared with a typical C. kluyvery strain (DSM 555). The former grows on crotonate and is unable to use ethanol-acetate as carbon sources. The latter grows on crotonate only after long adaptation periods. Resting cells of both strains show also pronounced differences in the fermentation of crotonate. This holds even for C. kluyveri grown on crotonate. Besides several other differences the most striking is that there is no hybridization between the DNA of both strains.Crotonate seems not to be a very special carbon source since C. butyricum and C. pasteurianum grow on crotonate medium supplemented by peptone and yeast extract.Non Standard Abbreviations EA-medium ethanol and acetate as carbon source - C-medium crotonate as carbon source - DSM Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen  相似文献   

Strains of the yeast Pichia inositovora that carry the linear plasmids pPin1-1 (18 kb) and pPin1-3 (10 kb) display a killer activity towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cloning and sequencing of the smaller plasmid, pPin1-3, revealed that it is 9683 bp long and has 154-bp terminal inverted repeats. Comparison of pPin1-3 with the only other completely sequenced killer plasmid, pGKL1 of Kluyveromyces lactis, revealed differences in genome organization. The Pichia element has four ORFs that account for 95% of the sequence. ORF1 is homologous to the putative immunity gene of the K. lactis system. A viral B-type DNA polymerase is encoded by ORF2. The predicted product of ORF3 displays similarities to the - and -subunits of the heterotrimeric K. lactis killer toxin, also known as zymocin. A cysteine-rich chitin-binding site and a chitinase signature, characteristic for the -subunit of zymocin were identified in Orf3p. Chitin affinity chromatography and Western analysis confirmed the plasmid specific expression and secretion of a protein that cross-reacts with an antibody raised against the -subunit of K. lactis zymocin. Disruption of the major chitin synthase-gene ( CHS3) renders S. cerevisiae resistant to the toxin, providing further evidence that chitin is the cellular receptor for the P. inositovora toxin. Orf4p of pPin1-3 displays only weak similarities to the -subunit of zymocin, which causes a G1 cell-cycle arrest in S. cerevisiae. However, disruption of the S. cerevisiae gene ELP3/TOT3, which encodes a histone-acetyltransferase that is essential for zymocin action, resulted in reduced sensitivity to the P. inositovora toxin also. Thus, despite obvious differences in genome organization and protein architecture, both killer systems very probably have similar modes of action.Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

Volatile aroma-active esters are responsible for the fruity character of fermented alcoholic beverages, such as beer and wine. In the brewers’ yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the major part of these esters is formed by two alcohol acetyltransferases, Atf1 and Atf2. In this paper, the existence of orthologues of these S. cerevisiae alcohol acetyltransferases in several ascomycetous fungi was investigated. Bioinformatic analysis of sequenced fungal genomes revealed the presence of multiple orthologues. The Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts all have two genes coding for orthologues. More distantly related fungi like Saccharomyces castelii, Candida glabrata, Kluyveromyces waltii and Kluyveromyces lactis have only one orthologue in their genome. The homology between the identified proteins and the S. cerevisiae alcohol acetyltransferases suggests a role for these orthologues in the aroma-active ester formation. To verify this, the K. lactis orthologue KlAtf was cloned and expressed in S. cerevisiae. Gas chromatographic analysis of small-scale fermentations with the transformant strains showed that, while S. cerevisiae ATF1 overexpression resulted in a substantial increase in acetate ester levels, S. cerevisiae ATF2 and K. lactis ATF overexpression only caused a moderate increase in acetate esters. This study is the first report of the presence of an ester synthesis gene in K. lactis.  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic isolate RI-64 of anastomosis group 4 of Rhizoctonia solani possesses three linear DNA plasmids (pRS64-1, -2, and -3). Unique poly(A) RNA, 0.5 kb in length and hybridizable with the pRS64 DNAs was found in mycelial cells of the isolate RI-64. The overall homology at the nucleotide level between pRS64-1, -2, and -3, and the cDNA prepared from the poly(A) RNA was 100%, 73%, and 84%, respectively. The open reading frames found in pRS64-1, -2, and -3 (ORF1-1, ORF2-1, and ORF3-1) are 68 amino acids long. The amino acids sequence showed no significant homology with known proteins. Extracts from Escherichia coli cells expressing ORF1-1 contain a specific protein of 7 kDa. Antisera raised against the ORF1-1 product obtained from E. coli cells cross-reacted with the specific proteins found in the mycelia. The results indicate that the DNA plasmids found in R. solani contain a sequence that encodes a specific protein which may be involved in determination of plant pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The single-strand origin (SSO) of the rolling-circle (RC), broad-host-range lactococcal plasmid pWVO1 was functionally characterized. The activity of this SSO in the conversion of single-stranded DNA to double-stranded DNA was tested both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, the effect of this SSO on plasmid maintenance was determined. The functional pWVO1 SSO comprises a 250 by region, containing two inverted repeats (IRs). The activity of each IR was tested, separately and in combination, in a plasmid derivative that was otherwise completely devoid of structures that might function as SSO. One of the IRs (IR 1) showed some homology with other previously described SSOs of the SSOA type, as well as with the conversion signal of the Escherichia coli phage X174. This IR was shown to have a partial, RNA polymerise-independent activity in complementary strand synthesis, both in vivo and in vitro. The second IR, which had no activity of its own, was required for full SSO activity, both in vivo and in vitro. The conversion of single-stranded DNA to the double-stranded form by the complete SSO was only partly sensitive to inhibition by rifampicin, indicating the existence of an RNA polymerase-independent pathway for this event. The results suggest that the pWVO1 SSO can be activated by two different routes: an RNA polymerise-dependent one (requiring the entire SSO), and an RNA polymerase-independent one (requiring only IR I).  相似文献   

Stable isotope labeling for proteins of interest is an important technique in structural analyses of proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Escherichia coli is one of the most useful protein expression systems for stable isotope labeling because of its high-level protein expression and low costs for isotope-labeling. However, for the expression of proteins with numerous disulfide-bonds and/or post-translational modifications, E. coli systems are not necessarily appropriate. Instead, eukaryotic cells, such as yeast Pichia pastoris, have great potential for successful production of these proteins. The hemiascomycete yeast Kluyveromyces lactis is superior to the methylotrophic yeast P. pastoris in some respects: simple and rapid transformation, good reproducibility of protein expression induction and easy scale-up of culture. In the present study, we established a protein expression system using K. lactis, which enabled the preparation of labeled proteins using glucose and ammonium chloride as a stable isotope source.  相似文献   

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