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Tubules are the building blocks of epithelial organs and form in response to cues derived from morphogens such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Relatively little is known about signaling pathways that orchestrate the cellular behaviors that constitute tubule development. Here, using three-dimensional cell cultures of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, we show that the ARF6 GTPase is a critical determinant of tubule initiation in response to HGF. ARF6 is transiently activated during tubulogenesis and perturbing the ARF6 GTP/GDP cycle by inducible expression of ARF6 mutants defective in GTP binding or hydrolysis, inhibits the development of mature tubules. Further, we show that activation of ARF6 is necessary and sufficient to initiate tubule extension. The effect of ARF6 on tubule initiation is two-fold. First, ARF6 regulates the subcellular distribution of the GTPase, Rac1, to tubule extensions. Second, ARF6-induced ERK activation regulates Rac1 activation during tubule initiation through the expression of the receptor for urokinase type plasminogen activator. Thus, we have identified a cellular apparatus downstream of ARF6 activation, which regulates membrane and cytoskeleton remodeling necessary for the early stages of tubule development.  相似文献   

pRb, p107 and p130 are important regulators of cell cycle and have extensive overlapping functions; however, only Rb has been shown to be a bone fide tumor suppressor. Defining the overlapping versus distinct pocket protein functions is therefore an important step to understanding the unique role of Rb. Using lung as a model, the present studies demonstrate that pocket proteins are important not only in regulating cell cycle and survival but also in cell lineage specification. An inducible lung-specific Rb knockout strategy was used to demonstrate that Rb is specifically required for restricting neuroendocrine cell fate despite functional compensation for Rb deficiency in other cell types. Ablation of total Rb family function resulted in opposing effects in specification along distinct cell lineages, providing evidence that pocket proteins inhibit neuroendocrine cell fate while being required for differentiation in other cell types. These findings identify a novel role for pocket proteins in cell fate determination, and establish a unique cell lineage-specific function for Rb that explains, at least in part, why Rb and p16 are inactivated in phenotypically distinct carcinomas.  相似文献   

Drosophila wing development is a useful model to study organogenesis, which requires the input of selector genes that specify the identity of various morphogenetic fields (Weatherbee, S. D. and Carroll, S. B. (1999) Cell 97, 283-286) and cell signaling molecules. In order to understand how the integration of multiple signaling pathways and selector proteins can be achieved during wing development, we studied the regulatory network that controls the expression of Serrate (Ser), a ligand for the Notch (N) signaling pathway, which is essential for the development of the Drosophila wing, as well as vertebrate limbs. Here, we show that a 794 bp cis-regulatory element located in the 3' region of the Ser gene can recapitulate the dynamic patterns of endogenous Ser expression during wing development. Using this enhancer element, we demonstrate that Apterous (Ap, a selector protein), and the Notch and Wingless (Wg) signaling pathways, can sequentially control wing development through direct regulation of Ser expression in early, mid and late third instar stages, respectively. In addition, we show that later Ser expression in the presumptive vein cells is controlled by the Egfr pathway. Thus, a cis-regulatory element is sequentially regulated by multiple signaling pathways and a selector protein during Drosophila wing development. Such a mechanism is possibly conserved in the appendage outgrowth of other arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of the oncogenic Ras-MAPK pathway have been intensely pursued as therapeutics. Targeting this pathway, however, presents challenges due to the essential role of MAPK in homeostatic functions. The phosphorylation and activation of MAPK substrates is regulated by protein-protein interactions with MAPK docking sites. Active ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2)-MAPKs localize to effectors containing DEF (docking site for ERK, (F)/(Y) -X-(F)/(Y) -P)- or D-domain (docking domain) motifs. We have examined the in vivo activity of ERK2 mutants with impaired ability to signal via either docking site. Mutations in the DEF-domain binding pocket prevent activation of DEF-domain-containing effectors but not RSK (90 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase), which contains a D domain. Conversely, mutation of the ERK2 CD domain, which interacts with D domains, prevents RSK activation but not DEF-domain signaling. Uncoupling docking interactions does not compromise ERK2 phosphotransferase activity. ERK2 DEF mutants undergo regulated nuclear translocation but are defective for Elk-1/TCF transactivation and target gene induction. Thus, downstream branches of ERK2 signaling can be selectively inhibited without blocking total pathway activity. Significantly, several protooncogenes contain DEF domains and are regulated by ERK1/2. Therefore, disrupting ERK-DEF domain interactions could be an alternative to inhibiting oncogenic Ras-MAPK signaling.  相似文献   

Bolger TA  Folkmann AW  Tran EJ  Wente SR 《Cell》2008,134(4):624-633
Gene expression requires proper messenger RNA (mRNA) export and translation. However, the functional links between these consecutive steps have not been fully defined. Gle1 is an essential, conserved mRNA export factor whose export function is dependent on the small molecule inositol hexakisphosphate (IP(6)). Here, we show that both Gle1 and IP(6) are required for efficient translation termination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that Gle1 interacts with termination factors. In addition, Gle1 has a conserved physical association with the initiation factor eIF3, and gle1 mutants display genetic interactions with the eIF3 mutant nip1-1. Strikingly, gle1 mutants have defects in initiation, whereas strains lacking IP(6) do not. We propose that Gle1 functions together with IP(6) and the DEAD-box protein Dbp5 to regulate termination. However, Gle1 also independently mediates initiation. Thus, Gle1 is uniquely positioned to coordinate the mRNA export and translation mechanisms. These results directly impact models for perturbation of Gle1 function in pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) are structures indispensable to epithelial cells and are responsible for regulation of paracellular diffusion and maintenance of cellular polarity. Although many interactions between TJ constituents have been identified, questions remain concerning how specific functions of TJs are established and regulated. Here we investigated the roles of Ral GTPases and their common effector exocyst complex in the formation of nascent TJs. Unexpectedly, RNA interference-mediated suppression of RalA or RalB caused opposing changes in TJ development. RalA reduction increased paracellular permeability and decreased incorporation of components into TJs, whereas RalB reduction decreased paracellular permeability and increased incorporation of components into TJs. Activities of both Ral GTPases were mediated through the exocyst. Finally, we show that TJ-mediated separation of apical-basal membrane domains is established prior to equilibration of barrier function and that it is unaffected by Ral knockdown or specific composition of TJs.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important regulator of mammary epithelial cell (MEC) function and is remodeled by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). To investigate the significance and regulation of MMP activity in normal MEC, we utilized a primary culture model in which rat MEC were grown three dimensionally within a reconstituted basement membrane (RBM) in defined serum-free medium. Zymograms of culture medium demonstrated that five major gelatinases of 97, 80, 74, 69, and 65 kDa were secreted by MEC and were distinct from gelatinases of RBM origin. Based on molecular weight, p-aminophenylmercuric acid activation, immunoblotting with MMP-specific antibodies, inhibition by EDTA, a peptide containing the prodomain sequence of MMP (TMRKPRCGNPDVAN) and two synthetic MMP inhibitors (BB-94 and CGS 27023A), these were classified as inactive and active forms of MMP-9 and MMP-2. The maximal MMP activities occurred when MEC were in a rapid proliferation and branching phase and declined after they underwent functional differentiation. Known regulators of MEC growth and differentiation were evaluated for their ability to modulate gelatinase activity in primary culture. Secretion of one or both MMPs was inhibited by EGF, TGFalpha, prolactin, and hydrocortisone and stimulated by progesterone. Furthermore, the functional significance of MMPs was demonstrated since three MMP inhibitors blocked branching morphogenesis elicited by the absence of hydrocortisone. Additionally, two synthetic MMP inhibitors not only inhibited epithelial cell growth but also inhibited normal alveolar development of the MEC. Finally, these drugs were found to enhance MMP secretion from MEC, although the activity of the secreted MMPs was inhibited as long as the drug was present.  相似文献   

Different signaling systems coordinate and regulate the development of a multicellular organism. In hydra, the canonical Wnt pathway and the signal transduction pathways mediated by PKC and Src regulate early stages of head formation. In this paper, we present evidence for the participation of a third pathway, the PI3K-PKB pathway, involved in this process. The data presented here are consistent with the participation of ERK 1-2 as a point of convergence for the transduction pathways mediated by PKC, Src and PI3K for the regulation of the regeneration of the head in hydra. The specific developmental point regulated by them appears to be the commitment of tissue at the apical end of the regenerate to form the head organizer.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is a prominent component of the milk lipid globule, whose concentration is selectively increased in mammary epithelial cells during the transition from pregnancy to lactation. To understand how XOR expression is controlled in the mammary gland, we investigated its properties and regulation by lactogenic hormones in cultured HC11 mammary epithelial cells. XOR was purified as the NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenase by benzamidine-Sepharose chromatography and was shown to be intact and to have biochemical properties similar to those of enzyme from other sources. Treating confluent HC11 cells with prolactin and cortisol produced a progressive, four- to fivefold, increase in XOR activity, while XOR activity in control cells remained constant. Elevated cellular XOR activity was correlated with increased XOR protein and was due to both increased synthesis and decreased degradation of XOR. Prolactin and cortisol increased XOR protein and mRNA in the presence of epidermal growth factor, which blocked the stimulation of beta-casein synthesis by these hormones. Further, hormonal stimulation of XOR was inhibited by genistein (a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and by PD 98059 (a specific inhibitor of the MAP kinase cascade). These findings indicate that lactogenic hormones stimulate XOR and beta-casein expression via distinct pathways and suggest that a MAP kinase pathway mediates their effects on XOR. Our results provide evidence that lactogenic hormones regulate milk protein synthesis by multiple signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The pronephros is a transient embryonic kidney that is essential for the survival of aquatic larvae. It is also absolutely critical for adult kidney development, as the pronephric derivative the wolffian duct forms the ductal system of the adult kidney and also triggers the condensation of metanephric mesenchyme into the adult nephrons. While exploring Xenopus pronephric patterning, we observed that epidermally delivered hedgehog completely suppresses pronephric kidney tubule development but does not effect development of the pronephric glomus, the equivalent of the mammalian glomerulus or corpuscle. This effect is not mediated by apoptosis. Microarray analysis of microdissected primordia identified FGF8 as one of the potential mediators of hedgehog action. Further investigation demonstrated that SU5402-sensitive FGF signaling plays a critical role in the very earliest stages of pronephric tubule development. Modulation of FGF8 activity using a morpholino has a later effect that blocks condensation of pronephric mesenchyme into the pronephric tubule. Together, these data show that FGF signaling plays a critical role at two stages of embryonic kidney development, one in the condensation of the pronephric primordium from the intermediate mesoderm and a second in the later epithelialization of this mesenchyme into the pronephric nephron. The data also show that in Xenopus, development of the glomus/glomerulus can be uncoupled from nephron formation via ectopic hedgehog expression and provides an experimental avenue for investigating glomerulogenesis in the complete absence of tubules.  相似文献   

ERK5 and ERK2 cooperate to regulate NF-kappaB and cell transformation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have previously demonstrated an involvement of MEK5 and ERK5 in RafBXB-stimulated focus formation in NIH3T3 cells. We find here that MEK5 and ERK5 cooperate with the RafBXB effectors MEK1/2 and ERK1/2 to induce foci. To further understand MEK5-ERK5-dependent signaling, we examined potential MEK5-ERK5 effectors that might influence focus-forming activity. Consistent with results from our focus-formation assays, constitutively active variants of MEK5 and MEK1 synergize to activate NF-kappaB, and MEK5 and ERK5 are required for activation of NF-kappaB by RafBXB. The MEK5-ERK5 pathway is also sufficient to activate both NF-kappaB and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase. Our results support the hypothesis that NF-kappaB and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase are involved in MEK5-ERK5-dependent focus formation and may serve as integration points for ERK5 and ERK1/2 signaling.  相似文献   

Specific integrins expressed on oligodendrocytes, the myelin-forming cells of the central nervous system, promote either differentiation and survival or proliferation by amplification of growth factor signaling. Here, we report that the Src family kinases (SFKs) Fyn and Lyn regulate each of these distinct integrin-driven behaviors. Fyn associates with alpha6beta1 and is required to amplify platelet-derived growth factor survival signaling, to promote myelin membrane formation, and to switch neuregulin signaling from a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway (thereby changing the response from proliferation to differentiation). However, earlier in the lineage Lyn, not Fyn, is required to drive alphaVbeta3-dependent progenitor proliferation. The two SFKs respond to integrin ligation by different mechanisms: Lyn, by increased autophosphorylation of a catalytic tyrosine; and Fyn, by reduced Csk phosphorylation of the inhibitory COOH-terminal tyrosine. These findings illustrate how different SFKs can act as effectors for specific cell responses during development within a single cell lineage, and, furthermore, provide a molecular mechanism to explain similar region-specific hypomyelination in laminin- and Fyn-deficient mice.  相似文献   

We have shown that the pro-inflammatory mediator LTD4, via its G-protein-coupled receptor CysLT1, signals through both pertussis-toxin-sensitive and -insensitive G-proteins to induce various cellular responses. To further characterise the initial step of the different signalling pathways emanating from the CysLT1 receptor, we transfected intestinal epithelial cells, Int 407, with different mini vectors that each express a specific inhibitory peptide directed against a unique alpha subunit of a specific heterotrimeric G-protein. Our results revealed that LTD4-induced stress fibre formation is inhibited approximately 80% by a vector expressing an inhibitory peptide against the pertussis-toxin-insensitive Galpha12-protein in intestinal epithelial Int 407 cells. Control experiments revealed that the LPA-induced stress fibre formation, mediated via the Galpha12-protein in other cell types, was blocked by the same peptide in intestinal Int 407 cells. Furthermore, the CysLT1-receptor-mediated calcium signal and activation of the proliferative ERK1/2 kinase are blocked in cells transfected with a vector expressing an inhibitory peptide against the Galphai3-protein, whereas in cells transfected with an empty ECFP-vector or vectors expressing inhibitory peptides against the Galphai1-2-, Galpha12-, GalphaR-proteins these signals are not significantly affected. Consequently, the CysLT1 receptor has the capacity to activate at least two distinctly different heterotrimeric G-proteins that transduce activation of unique downstream cellular events.  相似文献   

The ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinases) cascade has an evolutionarily conserved three tier architecture consisting of protein kinases Raf, MEK (MAPK/ERK kinase) and ERK. Following activation, ERK phosphorylates various cellular elements leading to diverse cellular responses. Downstream of ERK the family of p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) has been proven to be an important conveyor of ERK signaling, however, little is known if ERK and RSK coordinate their functions to generate a specific biological response. Here we show that in epithelial cells conditional activation of the ERK pathway causes phenotypic conversion of epithelial cells to autonomously migrating cells. This process involves two sequential steps characterized by loss of apical–basal polarity followed by cell scattering. The activation of ERK, but not RSK, is sufficient for the execution of the first step and it requires calpain mediated remodeling of actin cytoskeleton. Conversely, RSK regulates the successive stage characterized by cell–cell contact weakening and increased cellular migration. Thus, ERK and RSK regulate different cellular subprograms and coordinated execution of these subprograms in time generates a relevant biological response. Our data also suggest that the mechanism by which the ERK pathway controls a cellular response may be distributed between ERK and RSK, rather than being elicited by a single effector kinase.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) is a hormone derived from the metabolism of arachidonic acid whose functions include regulation of platelet aggregation, fever and smooth muscle contraction/relaxation. PGE2 mediates its physiological and pathophysiological effects through its binding to four G-protein coupled receptor subtypes, named EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4. The EP3 prostanoid receptor is unique in that it has multiple isoforms generated by alternative mRNA splicing. These splice variants display differences in tissue expression, constitutive activity and regulation of signaling molecules. To date there are few reports identifying differential activities of EP3 receptor isoforms and their effects on gene regulation. We generated HEK cell lines expressing the human EP3-Ia, EP3-II or EP3-III isoforms. Using immunoblot analysis we found that nM concentrations of PGE2 strongly stimulated the phosphorylation of ERK 1/2 by the EP3-II and EP3-III isoforms; whereas, ERK 1/2 phosphorylation by the EP3-Ia isoform was minimal and only occurred at μM concentrations of PGE2. Furthermore, the mechanisms of the PGE2 mediated phosphorylation of ERK 1/2 by the EP3-II and EP3-III isoforms were different. Thus, PGE2 stimulation of ERK 1/2 phosphorylation by the EP3-III isoform involves activation of a Gαi/PI3K/PKC/Src and EGFR-dependent pathway; while for the EP3-II isoform it involves activation of a Gαi/Src and EGFR-dependent pathway. These differences result in unique differences in the regulation of reporter plasmid activity for the downstream effectors ELK1 and AP-1 by the EP3-II and EP3-III prostanoid receptor isoforms.  相似文献   

Mammary epithelial organoids (MEO), isolated from pubescent rats, were cultured within a reconstituted basement membrane in transwell inserts, in the presence or absence of mature mammary adipocytes in the lower well. This system allowed for free medium exchange between the two compartments, without direct cell-to-cell contact. When cultured in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin, prolactin, hydrocortisone, progesterone, and various epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentrations, mammary adipocytes did not affect epithelial cell growth, but enhanced epithelial differentiation. Casein and lipid accumulations were monitored as indicators of functional differentiation of MEO. Mammary adipocytes significantly enhanced casein and lipid accumulation within the MEO, independently of EGF concentration. Furthermore, adipocytes induced MEO to preferentially undergo alveolar morphogenesis, inhibited squamous outgrowth, and increased lumen size. These findings demonstrate that morphological and functional differentiation of mammary epithelial cells is profoundly enhanced by the adipose stroma and that these effects are mediated by diffusible paracrine factors. This new model can be exploited in future studies to define the mechanisms whereby hormones and growth factors regulate mammary gland development and carcinogenesis. Moreover, it could complement in vivo reconstitution/transplantation studies, which are currently employed to evaluate the role of specific gene deletions in the regulation of mammary development.  相似文献   

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