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Opsin gene sequences were first reported in the 1980s. The goal of that research was to test the hypothesis that human opsins were members of a single gene family and that variation in human color vision was mediated by mutations in these genes. While the new data supported both hypotheses, the greatest contribution of this work was, arguably, that it provided the data necessary for PCR-based surveys in a diversity of other species. Such studies, and recent whole genome sequencing projects, have uncovered exceptionally large opsin gene repertoires in ray-finned fishes (taxon, Actinopterygii). Guppies and zebrafish, for example, have 10 visual opsin genes each. Here we review the duplication and divergence events that have generated these gene collections. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that large opsin gene repertories in fish have been generated by gene duplication and divergence events that span the age of the ray-finned fishes. Data from whole genome sequencing projects and from large-insert clones show that tandem duplication is the primary mode of opsin gene family expansion in fishes. In some instances gene conversion between tandem duplicates has obscured evolutionary relationships among genes and generated unique key-site haplotypes. We mapped amino acid substitutions at so-called key-sites onto phylogenies and this exposed many examples of convergence. We found that dN/dS values were higher on the branches of our trees that followed gene duplication than on branches that followed speciation events, suggesting that duplication relaxes constraints on opsin sequence evolution. Though the focus of the review is opsin sequence evolution, we also note that there are few clear connections between opsin gene repertoires and variation in spectral environment, morphological traits, or life history traits.  相似文献   

The role of behaviour in gene flow in Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata was assessed using fish from an upstream and downstream pair of populations that differ in predation regime. High-predation (downstream) females preferred males from the corresponding low-predation population, but high-predation males achieved greater reproductive success under competition. This suggests that post-copulatory as well as pre-copulatory events are important in determining rates of gene flow.  相似文献   

The functional diversification of the vertebrate globin gene superfamily provides an especially vivid illustration of the role of gene duplication and whole-genome duplication in promoting evolutionary innovation. For example, key globin proteins that evolved specialized functions in various aspects of oxidative metabolism and oxygen signaling pathways (hemoglobin [Hb], myoglobin [Mb], and cytoglobin [Cygb]) trace their origins to two whole-genome duplication events in the stem lineage of vertebrates. The retention of the proto-Hb and Mb genes in the ancestor of jawed vertebrates permitted a physiological division of labor between the oxygen-carrier function of Hb and the oxygen-storage function of Mb. In the Hb gene lineage, a subsequent tandem gene duplication gave rise to the proto α- and β-globin genes, which permitted the formation of multimeric Hbs composed of unlike subunits (α2β2). The evolution of this heteromeric quaternary structure was central to the emergence of Hb as a specialized oxygen-transport protein because it provided a mechanism for cooperative oxygen-binding and allosteric regulatory control. Subsequent rounds of duplication and divergence have produced diverse repertoires of α- and β-like globin genes that are ontogenetically regulated such that functionally distinct Hb isoforms are expressed during different stages of prenatal development and postnatal life. In the ancestor of jawless fishes, the proto Mb and Hb genes appear to have been secondarily lost, and the Cygb homolog evolved a specialized respiratory function in blood-oxygen transport. Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses of the vertebrate globin gene superfamily have revealed numerous instances in which paralogous globins have convergently evolved similar expression patterns and/or similar functional specializations in different organismal lineages.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the complete mosquito Anopheles gambiae genome has revealed a far higher number of opsin genes than for either the Drosophila melanogaster genome or any other known insect. In particular, the analysis revealed an extraordinary opsin gene content expansion, whereby half are long wavelength-sensitive (LW) opsin gene duplicates. We analyzed this genomic data in relationship to other known insect opsins to estimate the relative timing of the LW opsin gene duplications and to identify "missing" paralogs in extant species. The inferred branching patterns of the LW opsin gene family phylogeny indicate at least one early gene duplication within insects before the emergence of the orders Orthoptera, Mantodea, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera. These data predict the existence of one more LW opsin gene than is currently known from most insects. We tested this prediction by using a degenerate PCR strategy to screen the hymenopteran genome for novel LW opsin genes. We isolated two LW opsin gene sequences from each of five bee species, Bombus impatiens, B. terrestris, Diadasia afflicta, D. rinconis, and Osmia rufa, including 1.1 to 1.2 kb from a known (LW Rh1) and 1 kb from a new opsin gene (LW Rh2). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the novel hymenopteran gene is orthologous to A. gambiae GPRop7, a gene that is apparently missing from D. melanogaster. Relative rate tests show that LW Rh2 is evolving at a slower rate than LW Rh1 and, therefore, may be a useful marker for higher-level hymenopteran systematics. Site-specific rate tests indicate the presence of several amino acid sites between LW Rh1 and LW Rh2 that have undergone shifts in selective constraints after duplication. These sites and others are discussed in relationship to putative structural and functional differences between the two genes.  相似文献   

Gene duplications drive the recruitment of genes for secondary metabolism. Gene copies are gradually modified to create genes with specificities and expression patterns adapted to the needs of the new pathway in which they are involved. Duplicated genes are often in tandem repeats, forming clusters within the plant genome. However, in some cases, clusters of nonhomologous genes have also been identified as forming a functional unit. The selective forces that have caused the establishment of new pathways are far from understood and might have changed repeatedly during evolution owing to the continuously changing environment. Recent data show that the way several classes of secondary compounds are scattered among species is attributable to independent recruitment and the inactivation of biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

van Hoof A 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1455-1461
Gene duplication is often cited as a potential mechanism for the evolution of new traits, but this hypothesis has not been thoroughly tested experimentally. A classical model of gene duplication states that after gene duplication one copy of the gene preserves the ancestral function, while the other copy is free to evolve a new function. In an alternative duplication, divergence, and complementation model, duplicated genes are preserved because each copy of the gene loses some, but not all, of its functions through degenerating mutations. This results in the degenerating mutations in one gene being complemented by the other and vice versa. These two models make very different predictions about the function of the preduplication orthologs in closely related species. These predictions have been tested here for several duplicated yeast genes that appeared to be the leading candidates to fit the classical model. Surprisingly, the results show that duplicated genes are maintained because each copy carries out a subset of the conserved functions that were already present in the preduplication gene. Therefore, the results are not consistent with the classical model, but instead fit the duplication, divergence, and complementation model.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual display traits or preferences for them in response to divergent natural selection will alter sexual selection within populations, yet the role of sexual selection in ecological speciation has received little empirical attention. We evolved 12 populations of Drosophila serrata in a two‐way factorial design to investigate the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of female mate preferences for male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Mate preferences weakened in populations evolving under natural selection alone, implying a cost in the absence of their expression. Comparison of the vectors of linear sexual selection revealed that the populations diverged in the combination of male CHCs that females found most attractive, although this was not significant using a mixed modelling approach. Changes in preference direction tended to evolve when natural and sexual selection were unconstrained, suggesting that both processes may be the key to initial stages of ecological speciation. Determining the generality of this result will require data from various species across a range of novel environments.  相似文献   

The study of the evolutionary origin of vertebrates has been linked to the study of genome duplications since Susumo Ohno suggested that the successful diversification of vertebrate innovations was facilitated by two rounds of whole-genome duplication (2R-WGD) in the stem vertebrate. Since then, studies on the functional evolution of many genes duplicated in the vertebrate lineage have provided the grounds to support experimentally this link. This article reviews cases of gene duplications derived either from the 2R-WGD or from local gene duplication events in vertebrates, analyzing their impact on the evolution of developmental innovations. We analyze how gene regulatory networks can be rewired by the activity of transposable elements after genome duplications, discuss how different mechanisms of duplication might affect the fate of duplicated genes, and how the loss of gene duplicates might influence the fate of surviving paralogs. We also discuss the evolutionary relationships between gene duplication and alternative splicing, in particular in the vertebrate lineage. Finally, we discuss the role that the 2R-WGD might have played in the evolution of vertebrate developmental gene networks, paying special attention to those related to vertebrate key features such as neural crest cells, placodes, and the complex tripartite brain. In this context, we argue that current evidences points that the 2R-WGD may not be linked to the origin of vertebrate innovations, but to their subsequent diversification in a broad variety of complex structures and functions that facilitated the successful transition from peaceful filter-feeding non-vertebrate ancestors to voracious vertebrate predators.  相似文献   

A model of sexual selection is studied, in which females mate with males chosen out of a group of males. Group size may vary for different females. Males are of two kinds, more and less attractive, with the more attractive form having a higher chance of succeeding in mating with the females. It is shown by considering the realised fecundities of the two types of males, at different frequencies in the population, that protected polymorphism for a locus controlling the male type is possible. However, it requires strong sexual selection and a distribution of group sizes with a high variance. In many cases, although there is frequency dependence, it acts to increase the advantage of the preferred form, as it increases in frequency.  相似文献   

Watanabe M  Hiraide K  Okada N 《Gene》2007,399(1):46-52
Mutation in the inward rectifier potassium channel gene, kir7.1, was previously identified as being responsible for the broader stripe zebrafish skin pattern mutant, jaguar/obelix. An amino acid substitution in this channel causes a broader stripe pattern than that of wild type zebrafish. In this study we analyzed cichlid homologs of the zebrafish kir7.1 gene. We identified two kinds of homologous genes in cichlids and named them cikir7.1 and cikir7.2. Southern hybridization using cichlid genome revealed that cichlids from the African Great Lakes, South America and Madagascar have two copies of the gene. Cichlids from Sri Lanka, however, showed only one band in this experiment. Database analysis revealed that only one copy of the kir7.1 gene exists in the genomes of the teleosts zebrafish, tetraodon, takifugu, medaka and stickleback. The deduced amino acid sequence of cikir7.1 is highly conserved among African cichlids, whereas that of cikir7.2 has several amino acid substitutions even in conserved transmembrane domains. Gene expression analysis revealed that cikir7.1 is expressed specifically in brain and eye, and cikir7.2 in testis and ovary; zebrafish kir7.1, however, is expressed in brain, eye, skin, caudal fin, testis and ovary. These results suggest that gene duplication of the cichlid kir7.1 occurred in a common ancestor of the family Cichlidae, that the function of parental kir7.1 was then divided into two genes, cikir7.1 and cikir7.2, and that the evolutionary rate of cikir7.2 might have been accelerated, thereby effecting functional diversification in the cichlid lineage. Thus, the evolution of kir7.1 genes in cichlids provides a typical example of gene duplication--one gene is conserved while the other becomes specialized for a novel function.  相似文献   

In mammals, species with high sexual size dimorphism tend tohave highly polygynous mating systems associated with high variancein male lifetime reproductive success (LRS), leading to a highopportunity for sexual selection. However, little informationis available for species with weak sexual size dimorphism. Ina long-term study population, we used parentage analysis basedon 21 microsatellite markers to describe, for the first time,variance in male lifetime breeding success (LBS) of roe deer,a territorial ungulate where males weigh less than 10% morethan females. LBS ranged from 0 to 14 (mean = 4.54, variance= 15.5), and its distribution was highly skewed, with only afew males obtaining high LBS and many males failing to breedor siring only one fawn. As predicted for polygynous specieswith low sexual size dimorphism, the standardized variance inmale LBS was low (Im = 0.75) and was only slightly higher thanthe standardized variance in female LRS (If = 0.53), suggestinga low opportunity for sexual selection. The Im value reportedhere for roe deer is much lower than values reported for highlydimorphic ungulates such as red deer (Im > 3). We suggestthat, along a continuum of opportunity for sexual selection,roe deer occupy a position closer to monogamous and monomorphicterritorial ungulates than to highly polygynous, sexually dimorphicungulates with dominance rank–based mating systems suchas harems or roving mating systems.  相似文献   

When divergent populations are connected by gene flow, the establishment of complete reproductive isolation usually requires the joint action of multiple barrier effects. One example where multiple barrier effects are coupled consists of a single trait that is under divergent natural selection and also mediates assortative mating. Such multiple-effect traits can strongly reduce gene flow. However, there are few cases where patterns of assortative mating have been described quantitatively and their impact on gene flow has been determined. Two ecotypes of the coastal marine snail, Littorina saxatilis, occur in North Atlantic rocky-shore habitats dominated by either crab predation or wave action. There is evidence for divergent natural selection acting on size, and size-assortative mating has previously been documented. Here, we analyze the mating pattern in L. saxatilis with respect to size in intensively sampled transects across boundaries between the habitats. We show that the mating pattern is mostly conserved between ecotypes and that it generates both assortment and directional sexual selection for small male size. Using simulations, we show that the mating pattern can contribute to reproductive isolation between ecotypes but the barrier to gene flow is likely strengthened more by sexual selection than by assortment.  相似文献   

The origin of novel gene functions through gene duplication, mutation, and natural selection represents one of the mechanisms by which organisms diversify and one of the possible paths leading to adaptation. Nonetheless, the extent, role, and consequences of duplications in the origins of ecological adaptations, especially in the context of species interactions, remain unclear. To explore the evolution of a gene family that is likely linked to species associations, we investigated the evolutionary history of the A-superfamily of conotoxin genes of predatory marine cone snails (Conus species). Members of this gene family are expressed in the venoms of Conus species and are presumably involved in predator-prey associations because of their utility in prey capture. We recovered sequences of this gene family from genomic DNA of four closely related species of Conus and reconstructed the evolutionary history of these genes. Our study is the first to directly recover conotoxin genes from Conus genomes to investigate the evolution of conotoxin gene families. Our results revealed a phenomenon of rapid and continuous gene turnover that is coupled with heightened rates of evolution. This continuous duplication pattern has not been observed previously, and the rate of gene turnover is at least two times higher than estimates from other multigene families. Conotoxin genes are among the most rapidly evolving protein-coding genes in metazoans, a phenomenon that may be facilitated by extensive gene duplications and have driven changes in conotoxin functions through neofunctionalization. Together these mechanisms led to dramatically divergent arrangements of A-superfamily conotoxin genes among closely related species of Conus. Our findings suggest that extensive and continuous gene duplication facilitates rapid evolution and drastic divergence in venom compositions among species, processes that may be associated with evolutionary responses to predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

The following paper develops a sexual selection model for the evolution of bipedal locomotion, canine reduction, brain enlargement, language and higher intelligence. The model involves an expansion of Darwin’s ideas about human evolution based on recent elaborations of sexual selection theory. Modern notions about intrasexual competition and female and male choice and their ecological correlates are summarized along with a new model for the role of sexual selection in speciation. Rapid evolution of bipedal locomotion as a male adaptation for nuptial feeding of females is proposed as a model for ape-hominid divergence through sexual selection; canine reduction is attributed to selection for associated epigamic displays. The analogy with male specialization through sexual selection speciation in hamadryas baboons is noted. Subsequent changes in female reproductive physiology are attributed to female competition for increased male parental investment during the time of early Homo andHomo erectus. The origin of higher intellectual and language abilities inHomo sapiens is attributed to male competition through technology and rule production to control resources and females; intellectual abilities involved in social manipulation are attributed to female competition for male parental investment and maintenance of polyandry. The course of hominid evolution is characterized as involving a trend from a promiscuous mating system toward increasing intensity of adaptations for male control of females, and by increasing intensity of female adaptation to maintain male parental investment while circumventing male control.  相似文献   

The effects of Quaternary glacial range partitioning on the diversification of Holarctic biota remain unclear. Glacial refugial lineages may form vicariant species, hybrid products, or merge after secondary contact. Here, we assess the effects of Quaternary glaciation on a Holarctic sexual zooplankter, Daphnia galeata, with apparently marked dispersal capacity and a widespread hybrid lineage in the New World. We collected samples of this species from 148 Holarctic lakes, analysed the nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences, and tested predictions for hypotheses that account for the origin and spread of the New World D. galeata. We detected five nuclear phylogroups and four mitochondrial phylogroups, most of which were restricted to either the New World or the Old World. The oldest mitochondrial phylogroup was restricted to Japan. One major mitochondrial clade was distributed throughout the Holarctic, but only four haplotypes were shared among continents, and analysis of molecular variance indicated significant structure at the continental level. Haplotype sharing among continents could largely be attributed to anthropogenic introductions. Mismatch distributions, haplotype networks, phylogenetic trees, longitudinal haplotype diversity erosion and coalescence analyses are consistent with colonization from an Old World and a New World refugium. Our nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence evidence supports the hypothesis that the New World D. galeata underwent introgression with Daphnia dentifera, with dispersal being enhanced by glaciation. We conclude that Quaternary glaciation had a pronounced effect on the diversification of a Holarctic sexual zooplankter.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs encoding the two-domain hemoglobin (Hb) chains of a crustacean Cladocera, Moina macrocopa, were cloned and their nucleotide (nt) sequences were determined. The amino acid (aa) sequences of both the gene products deduced from the nt sequences consisted of 348 residues and showed 98% identity with each other. These sequences together with the NH(2)-terminal aa sequences of the Hb chains determined after separation by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the Hb chains are synthesized as a secretory precursor with a signal peptide of 17 aa residues. The aa sequences of M. macrocopa Hb chains shared the following features with those of Daphnia Hb chains. Firstly, the signal peptide is followed by an NH(2)-terminal extension containing a threonine-rich sequence that might play a role in the multimerization of subunit chains. Secondly, the identity between the aa sequences of the first and second domains is exceptionally low. These facts suggest that duplication of the cladoceran Hb gene occurred before the divergence of families Moinidae and Daphniidae. Analysis of genomic DNA showed that the M. macrocopa Hb genes consist of two large repeated regions, encoding the first and second domains of Hb chains, respectively. The intron-exon organization of the first region of the M. macrocopa Hb genes was similar to that found in the Daphnia Hb genes, having the three-exon, two-intron structure characteristic of animal Hb genes. However, the intron bridging the two regions and the most downstream intron in the second region were missing in the Moina genes, providing a new example of intron loss. The following elements in the 5' flanking region were conserved in the Moina and Daphnia genes: (1) TATAAA, a typical TATA box sequence accompanied by a downstream sequence, GAAXAGCATCAGTT (the fourth residue X was G or A in Daphnia and absent in Moina); (2) CCAAT boxes, located upstream of the TATA box; (3) the binding sites for HIF-1 and GATA-1, also located upstream of the TATA box, that may be responsible for up-regulation of the cladoceran Hb genes under hypoxia.  相似文献   

Nakajima M  Taniguchi N 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):279-289
The guppy, Poecilia reticulata, is one of the most famous tropical ornamental fish in the world. There are many varieties and breeds which have been bred by aqua lists for many years. The guppy has frequently been used as model organism for experiments in fish genetics because of its short life cycle, ease of breeding and reproductive capacity. The laboratory strains which were created from local (Japanese) strains and varieties were used as an experimental genetic model for aquaculture. These laboratory strains were maintained as closed colonies for five to 20 years in our laboratory. One of the roles of model experiments in fish genetics to perform experiments which take a long time in which are commercially important, such as genetic drift, as the effect of inbreeding during the growth and maintenance of population. In this review, we mainly considered the results obtained in our laboratory relating to genetic drift, and the effects of inbreeding, heterosis and inheritance of quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Recent research has identified polymorphic trichromacy in three diurnal strepsirrhines: Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli), black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata), and red ruffed lemurs (V. rubra). Current hypotheses suggest that the transitions to diurnality experienced by Propithecus and Varecia were necessary precursors to their independent acquisitions of trichromacy. Accordingly, cathemeral lemurs are thought to lack the M/L opsin gene polymorphism necessary for trichromacy. In this study, the M/L opsin gene was sequenced in ten cathemeral blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons). This analysis identified a polymorphism identical to that of other trichromatic strepsirrhines at the critical amino acid position 285 in exon 5 of the M/L opsin gene. Thus, polymorphic trichromacy is likely present in at least one cathemeral Eulemur species, suggesting that strict diurnality is not necessary for trichromacy. The presence of trichromacy in E. m. flavifrons suggests that a re-evaluation of current hypotheses regarding the evolution of strepsirrhine trichromacy may be necessary. Although the M/L opsin polymorphism may have been independently acquired three times in the lemurid-indriid clade, the distribution of opsin alleles in lemurids and indriids may also be consistent with a common origin of trichromacy in the last common ancestor of either the lemurids or the lemurid-indriid clade.  相似文献   

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