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Diurnal series of fluorescence and photosynthesis assays wereconducted in high altitude (3803 m), tropical (16°), LakeTiticaca (Peru/Bolivia). Near-surface diurnal thermoclines formedon typical days of high photon flux density (PFD, {small tilde}2000 µE m–2 s–1). In the depth range of diurnalstratification profiles of in vivo fluorescence, both without(Fa and with (Fb DCMU, exhibited a mean decrease of 64% frommorning to mid-day, but little change (mean increase of 1.5%)through the afternoon. Three times during the day surface, mid-depth(3–5 m) and deep (15–20 m) phytoplankton sampleswere incubated with H14CO3 under short (<2 h) exposuresto a range of in situ PFDs. Comparison of phytoplankton in differentsamples (ANOVA) showed identical photosynthetic response insunrise (isothermal) samples but a significant drop in surfaceand mid-depth photosynthesis at all PFDs during times of diurnalstratification. Similarly, both low-light () and light-saturated(P2 max photosynthetic parameters were lower in mid-day surfacesamples compared to deep samples. In addition, previously photoinhibitedsamples had a higher threshold intensity for photoinhibition,IT. These results, together with diurnal time series of fluorescencefrom in situ incubations, demonstrate that recovery from extendedepisodes of photoinhibition during diurnal stratification isslower than suggested by previous observations in vitro. Photosynthesisby near-surface phytoplankton is different in light increasingup to IT than light decreasing from IT. This effect can be modeledby reducing and Pmax as a function of the maximum photoinhibitingPFD in the diurnal light history. 1Present address: Division of Molecular Plant Biology, Universityof California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA  相似文献   

To evaluate the in situ occurrence of phytoplankton photoinhibition, the light-mediated depression of chlorophyll in vivo fluorescence (IVF) and of the cellular fluorescence capacity (CFC) of phytoplankton was determined in three southeastern United States reservoirs. Vertical profiles of a fluorescence depression index (FDI) and of the CFC for reservoir phytoplankton showed that near-surface photoinhibition of fluorescence properties occurred in association with high surface irradiance and weak vertical mixing of the water column. To characterize the time scales of photochemical and photosynthetic responses to and recovery from exposure to supraoptimal light intensity, phytoplankton IVF responses and 14C-fixation rates were measured infield experiments. Phytoplankton chlorophyll IVF, CFC, and photosynthetic 14C fixation were rapidly (20–40 min) depressed when reservoir phytoplankton were exposed to surface irradiances (1700–2000 μE·m?2·s?1). Light-mediated increases in the FDI declined rapidly (20–40 min) to pre-exposure levels during a subsequent low-light (75–200 μE·m?2·s?1) period, but CFC and 14C fixation recovered more slowly (>40 min). Exposure of reservoir phytoplankton to a light-intensity gradient revealed both intensity and time thresholds for IVF and CFC depression. Phytoplankton photochemical responses to bright light operate on time scales that, in conjunction with vertical mixing, should limit the occurrence of photoinhibition to extreme irradiance environments. Our results support the hypothesis that the photoinhibition of phytoplankton productivity occurs less commonly than is indicated by fixed-depth incubation measurements.  相似文献   

The maximum effective quantum yield of photosystem II was estimatedfrom measurements of variable chlorophyll a fluorescence [(F'm- F'o)/F'm = F'v/F'm] in samples of phytoplankton collectedfrom various depths in Chaffey Reservoir, Australia. Duringstratified conditions, F'v/F'm showed depth-dependent decreasesas irradiance increased during the morning, and increases asirradiancereduced in the afternoon. Wind-induced mixing disrupted thediel pattern, but even under well-mixed conditions a verticalgradient in F'v/F'm remained. Differences in F'v/F'm valuesbetween samples incubated at fixed depths and unconstrainedlake samples enabled identification of the phytoplankton mixingdepth. Recovery of F'v/F'm was modelled as a function of timeand the degree of F'v/F'm inhibition, while damage was considereda function of photon dose. A combined, numerical model was fittedto diel sequences of F'v/F'm to estimate rate constants fordamage and repair. Recovery rate constants ranged from r = 0.7x 10-4 to 9.1 x 10-4 s-1, while damage rate constants rangedfrom k = 0.03 to 0.22 m2 mol photon-1. A fluorescence-basedmodel of photosynthesis was used to investigate the effectsof wind speed, euphotic depth and mixed layer depth on photoinhibition.At different mixing rates, depth-integrated photosynthesis wasenhanced by up to 16% under the conditions tested, while increasesof 9% occurred between phytoplankton with different measureddamage and repair characteristics.  相似文献   

1. We studied the seasonal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in a turbid, large shallow lake during an annual period (2005–06). We relate the patterns of seston concentration (total suspended solids), phytoplankton biomass and water transparency to the seasonal pattern of incident solar radiation (I0). We also report the seasonal trends of phytoplankton primary production (PP) and photosynthesis photoinhibition due to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) (Iβ and UV50). 2. We first collected empirical evidence that indicated the conditions of light limitation persisted during the study period. We found that the depth‐averaged irradiance estimated for the time of the day of maximum irradiance (Imean–noon) was always lower than the measured onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (Ik). 3. We then contrasted the observations with theoretical expectations based on a light limitation scenario. The observed temporal patterns of seston concentration, both on a volume and area basis, were significantly explained by I0 (R2 = 0.39 and R2 = 0.37 respectively). The vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient (kdPAR) (R2 = 0.55) and the depth‐averaged irradiance (Imean) (R2 = 0.66), significantly increased with the I0; while the irradiance reaching the lake bottom (Iout) significantly decreased with the incident irradiance (R2 = 0.49). However, phytoplankton biovolume maxima were not coincident with the time of the year of maximum irradiance. 4. A significant positive relationship was observed between PP estimated on an area basis and I0 (R2 = 0.51, P < 0.001). In addition, the parameters describing the photosynthetic responses to high irradiances displayed marked seasonal trends. The photosynthesis photoinhibition due to PAR as well as to UV were significantly related to incident solar radiation (PAR: R2 = 0.73; UV: R2 = 0.74). These results suggest adaptation of the phytoplankton community in response to changes in incident solar radiation.  相似文献   

We analyzed a model of phytoplankton competition for light in a well-mixed water column. The model, proposed by Gerla et al. (Oikos 120:519–527, 2011), assumed inhibition of photosynthesis at high irradiance (photoinhibition). We described the global behavior through mathematical analyses, providing a general solution to the multi-species competition for light with photoinhibition. We classified outcomes of 2- and 3-species competitions as examples, and evaluated feasibility of the theoretical predictions using empirical relationships between photosynthetic production and irradiance. Numerical simulations with published pI curves indicate that photoinhibition may often lead to strong Allee effects and competitive facilitation among species. Hence, our results suggest that photoinhibition may play a major role in organizing phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Time-series of 14C uptake and fluorescence yield (i.e., thefluorescence enhancement after addition of the photosyntheticinhibitor DCMU) were measured in Chorella vulgaris at variouslight intensities. Adaptation and recovery processes after alterationof the light intensity were also studied. At a constant lightintensity, both the rate of 14C uptake and the fluorescenceyield decreased with time. Comparison of time-series data of14C uptake at different light intensities showed that this phenomenonconsisted of several processes (i.e., at low light intensitiessmall changes in uptake rates were mainly due to photoadaptation,while at higher light intensities relatively larger changesoccurred, as result of photoinhibition). Transfer of an algalsample to low light intensities after a period of exposure toinhibiting light intensities resulted in an exponential recoveryof the 14C uptake rate with time, coupled with an exponentialrecovery of the fluorescence yield. A mechanistic model is presented,which describes the algal 14C uptake rate as a function of timeand light intensity. The model includes adaptation, inhibitionand recovery. Six parameters, characterising the algal suspension,have to be estimated from the results of one P versus I curveand one time-series 14C uptake, which includes a period of recovery.Using these parameters the model can predict the time-courseof 14C uptake at every constant light intensity, as well aswhen the light intensity is changed during the experiment. Whenapplied to a culture of C. vulgaris, the theoretical valuesclosely approach the actual measurements. The resemblance betweenthe measured time-series of fluorescence yield and the rateof 14C uptake indicates, that the changes in the rate of 14Cuptake are due to changes in the photosynthetic apparatus, ratherthan to changes of diffusion of 14C into the cell.  相似文献   

The photoresponse of respiration was examined in six estuarine phytoplankton species grown at a limiting irradiance in the presence or absence of glucose. Cellular respiration rates in the dark, at the growth irradiance, and at saturating light levels were higher in glucose-grown cultures than in photoautotrophic cultures. Glucose uptake also affected the relationship between incident irradiance and gross respiration rate, and the specific respiratory pathways that contributed to the respiration versus irradiance (R vs. I) response. The energy-conseming Mehler reaction contributed largely to light-stimulated respiration in photoautotrophic (energy-limited) cultures. However, the energy-dissipating alternative pathway was the predominant form of respiration measured in mixotrophic (energy-sufficient) cultures. Based on these and previous observations, a model of phytoplankton R us. I response is presented, in which the relative contributions of different light respiratory processes (cytochrome pathway respiration, alternative pathway respiration, chlororespiration, Mehler reaction) are dependent on the incident irradiance and cellular energy content.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the potential for lightacclimation in shade grown seedlings of Bischofia javanica Blume.The seedlings were grown under simulated forest shade light(40 µmol m–2 s–1), and after transfer to ahigher light level (1200 µmol m–2 s–1), chlorophyllfluorescence induction kinetics, net photosynthesis, and changesin leaf chlorophylls and leaf anatomy were examined in leavesthat were fully developed prior to the transfer. The low-light (LL) leaf displayed photoinhibition immediatelyafter transfer to high-light (HL). This photo-inhibition wassubstantial, and continued for several days. Chlorophyll bleachingoccurred only after a certain degree of photoinhibition hadproceeded. Photosynthetic light acclimation commenced immediatelyafter severe photoinhibition. An increase in chlorophylls perunit leaf area was also immediate after severe bleaching. Thechanges in leaf chlorophylls over time were consistent withthe visual observations of bleaching and recovery. The leafweight per unit leaf area increased gradually on transfer toHL and finally it approached that of the newly formed HL leaf.Although fully expanded prior to transfer to HL, the leaf thicknesswas increased by about 45% and the leaf tissues became denserwithout changing the leaf area and the stomatal density. Finally,the net photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area was higher thanthat before exposure by 75% but less than that of newly formedHL leaf by more than 30%. Moreover, leaf movements were observedafter exposure to HL and also the formation of short epicormicshoots with a cluster of small leaves on the lower part of thestem during light acclimation. It is concluded that the fully expanded shade leaf has a wideacclimation plasticity. In addition to leaf acclimation, wholeplant responses such as leaf movements, the formation of epicormicshoots and the production of new ‘sun-type’ leavesunder HL may be of crucial importance to the success of thespecies following opening of the canopy. Photoinhibition, light acclimation, photosynthesis, fluorescence, tropical trees, shade, Bischofia javanica  相似文献   

Chlorophyll concentration, light intensity, primary production, light absorption and quantum yield were measured between 12 January 1994 and 27 March 1994 in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas. Primary production and quantum yield within Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas were typical of the high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll area of the Southern Ocean while small variations were found as a result of local conditions. Chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations were generally low (<1 μg l−1) in the water column, while in cases of blooms it reached 7–8 μg l−1. The light intensity at which photosynthesis approaches saturation varied between 59 and 105 μmol q m−2 s−1.The initial slope of the photosynthesis curve varied between 0.02 and 0.07 μg C (μg chl a)−1 h−1 (μmol q m−2 s−1)−1. The maximal photosynthetic rate at light saturation ranged between 1.6 and 5.4 μg C (μg chl a)−1 h−1. Light limitation was found within the mixing depth, while no photoinhibition was observed when surface light was 500 μmol q m−2 s−1. The mean spectral absorption coefficients of phytoplankton ranged between 0.018 and 0.042 m2 (mg chl a)−1 depending on the phytoplankton taxonomy. The quantum yield of photosynthesis varied between 0.027 and 0.076 mol C mol q−1. These high quantum yields are explained by the prevailing high nutrient concentrations in this area. Light intensity plays a major role as limiting factor, even in very shallow water. The phytoplankton close to the surface did not show photoinhibition but had higher UV absorption capabilities.  相似文献   

The productivity of individual phytoplankton species in freshwateror brackish water communities has principally been studied bymeans of grain density autoradiography. The present paper describesa track autoradiographic method which can estimate the productivityof individual cells in marine phytoplankton communities. Individualdisintegrations caused by 14C can be recognized as silver grainstrings of specific shapes. In contrast to grain density autoradiography,the track autoradiography differentiates grains caused by disintegrationsof 14C atoms from those caused by background or artifacts. Onlysmall amounts of radioactivity are necessary. The techniqueis described in detail, and preliminary results are given. Improvementof the technique and other fields for its application are considered.  相似文献   

The photosynthesis-irradiance dependence of natural phytoplankton assemblages from surface waters of Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, was investigated over a several month period during late winter —early spring, 1982, when water temperatures were ? 0.5 to 8.5°C. Maximal photosynthetic rates not only were consistently observed between 7–15% I0, but were substantially higher than previously reported rates for cold-water assemblages, averaging 10–20 μg C · μg Chl a?1 · h?1. At higher light intensities photo-inhibition was severe and developed within minutes to tens of minutes of the start of the experiment. Several lines of evidence, however, suggest that photoinhibition in situ may be much less that that measured in incubations of > 30 min duration; residence time of phytoplankton at surface light intensities is sufficiently short, and adaptation of photosynthetic capacity appears to have occurred to approximately the mean depth of the water column. These results further highlight the importance of establishing the time-dependent photosynthetic responses of phytoplankton and the relationship to the physical mixing regime in estimating primary productivity.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the effectiveness of a 4-h exposureto equal quantum-flux densities of radiation in different zonesof the visible spectrum in shifting the phase of the endogenouscircadian rhythm of carbon dioxide metabolism in leaves of Bryoyihyllumfedtschenkoi. At an incident quantum-flux density of 8.9 ? 10–13einsteins cm–2 8–1, only radiation between 600 and700 nm induced a phase shift, maximum activity being found at(560 nm. At a higher incident quantum-flux density of 1.9 ?10–11 einsteins cm–2 8– 1, the peak of activitywas broader and extended from 560 to 700 nm. At both flux densitiesa sharp cut-off occurred at 700 nm. The action spectra are somewhat similar to the absorption spectrumof phytochrome except that they show no minor peak in the bluezone. No evidence has yet been obtained that the inductive effectof red light can be reversed by exposure to far-red radiationas in the case of a typical phytochrome-mediated response. Ultra-violet radiation at 237 nm had no effect upon the phaseof the rhythm.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of solar radiation on photosynthetic oxygen production and pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorescence were measured in the marine brown macroalga Padina pavonia harvested from different depths from the Greek coast near Korinth. In fluence rate-response curves the light compensation point for photosynthetic oxygen production increased and the saturation level decreased with increasing exposure time to solar radiation. Cutting off the UV-B wavelength range (280–315 nm) from solar radiation reduced the inhibition of photosynthesis, and the organisms were less affected when all of the UV radiation was filtered out. Algae collected from 7 m depth were much more prone to photoinhibition than those harvested from rock pools exposed to unfiltered solar radiation. During continuous exposure to solar radiation, rock pool algae showed photoinhibition after longer periods of time than specimens from 7 m or from dark adapted habitats. When subjected to unfiltered solar radiation the ratio of the variable fluorescence to the maximal fluorescence     (Fv = Fm− Fo) rapidly declined with increasing exposure time. However, again algae from 7 m depth were more prone to photoinhibition than rock pool algae. The differences between the two ecological strains were less obvious when UV-B or total UV was removed from solar radiation. Only in the latter case a complete recovery was observed after 2 h while, when exposed to unifiltered sunlight, only the rock pool algae recovered completely within that time.  相似文献   

Experiments on a marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) clone 3H, demonstrate that under moderate photon flux densities (75 μmol quanta·m?2·s?1) of visible light the inhibition of photosynthesis by supplemental ultraviolet (UV) radiation (UV-B: 280–320 nm) is well described as a hyperbolic function of UV-B irradiance for time scales of 0.5–4 h. Results are consistent with predictions of a recently developed model of photosynthesis under the influence of UV and visible irradiance. Although net destruction of chlorophyll occurs during a 4-h exposure to UV-B, and the effect is a function of exposure, the principal effect of UV-B is a decrease in chlorophyll-specific photosynthetic rate. The dependence of photoinhibition on dosage rate, rather than cumulative dose, and the hyperbolic shape of the relationship are consistent with net photoinhibition being an equilibrium between damage and repair. The ratio of damage to repair is estimated by a mathematical analysis of the inhibition of photosynthesis during exposures to UV-B. A nitrate-limited culture was much more sensitive to UV-B than were the nutrient-replete cultures, but the kinetics of photoinhibition were similar. The analysis suggests that the nutrient-limited culture was more sensitive than the nutrient-replete cultures because repair or turnover of critical proteins associated with photosynthesis is inhibited. An inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis was used to suppress repair processes. Photoinhibition by UV-B was enhanced, and inhibition was a function of cumulative dose, as would be expected if damage were not countered by repair. The fundamental importance of repair processes should be considered in the design of field experiments and models of UV-B effects in the environment, especially in the context of vertical mixing. Repair processes must also be considered whenever biological weighting functions are developed.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition and the rate of its recovery were studied in the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans grown at a low (10 micromoles per square meter per second) and a high (120 micromoles per square meter per second) photosynthetically active radiation. The rate of light limited photosynthetic O2 evolution was measured to determine levels of photoinhibition and rates of recovery. Studies of photoinhibition and recovery with and without the translation inhibitor streptomycin demonstrated the importance of a recovery process for the susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition. We concluded that the approximately 3 times lower susceptibility to photoinhibition of high light than of low light grown cells, significantly depended on high light grown cells having an approximately 3 times higher recovery capacity than low light grown cells. It is suggested that these differences in susceptibility to photoinhibition and recovery depends on high light grown cells having a higher turnover rate of photosystem II protein(s) that is(are) the primary site(s) of photodamage, than have low light grown cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that photoinhibition of A. nidulans may occur under physiological light conditions without visible harm to the growth of the cell culture. The results give support for the hypotheses that the net photoinhibitory damage of photosystem II results from the balance between the photoinhibitory process and the operation of a recovery process; the capacity of the latter determining significant differences in the susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition of high and low light grown A. nidulans.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We tested the influence of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and shallow stratification on phytoplankton and bacterioplankton from the surface and the base of the mixed layer in two boreal lakes in north-western Ontario, Canada.
2. We measured phytoplankton biomass and production, bacterioplankton production and plankton respiration after transplantation under three solar radiation treatments: ambient radiation (Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) + ultraviolet-A (UVA) + ultraviolet-B (UVB)), minus UVB (PAR + UVA) and PAR only. We repeated this experiment on three occasions in each lake during the summer.
3. Solar stress (measured as reduced growth and photoinhibition) was generally only found in the 'base phytoplankton' (i.e. originating from the base of the mixed layer). No inhibition of photosynthesis by UVB exposure was found in near-surface phytoplankton. On the other hand, production of near-surface bacterioplankton was reduced following a 4-h UVR exposure but had increased after a 48-h exposure to both UVA and UVB compared with the PAR only treatment.
4. Negative effects of UVR on phytoplankton and bacterioplankton were not ubiquitous. We emphasise the importance of conducting experiments repeatedly, particularly those which test the effects of UVR on different community assemblages from different lakes.  相似文献   

In the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis the dependence of photoinhibition on fluence rate, duration and wavelength of irradiation were studied by measurements of oxygen production and fluorescence emission spectra. The analysis of the photosynthetic activity revealed that photoinhibition affects exclusively photosystem II (PS II), whereas photosystem I (PS I) remained largely unimpaired. Furthermore, PS II fluorescence emission decreased much faster in bleached than in unbleached controls.Studying the wavelength dependence of photoinhibition it was found that only radiation between 520 and 680 nm causes photoinhibition. This is about the same range of wavelengths which causes photobleaching. Fluorescence emission spectra of samples exposed to high fluence rates of 582 and 662 nm, respectively, essentially agree with those samples exposed to high fluence rates of white light, whereas the fluorescence emission spectra of samples exposed to blue light resemble those exposed to dim white light.NaN3, a substance which prevents photobleaching, inhibits the photosynthetic O2 production of Anabaena and, hence, enhances the photoinhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to photoinhibition was assessed in sorghum infectedwith the angiosperm root parasite Striga her-monthica and inuninfected sorghum plants, at four times during the developmentof the host-parasite association. Photoinhibition was inducedby exposing either leaf discs or intact leaves to a photosyntheticphoton flux density of 2000 µmol m–2 s–1 for4 h. The inhibition of apparent quantum yield (a) and photosynthesisin high light (A1500) were assessed in leaf discs using an oxygenelectrode and the recovery of these from photoinhibition wasfollowed in intact leaves using an infra-red gas analyser. Fromsoon after attachment of the parasite, infected sorghum plantshad a lower A1500. During the period when Striga induced a loweringof A1500, a was more sensitive to photoinhibition in Striga-infectedplants. However, at the same time, the high-light-induced inhibitionof A1500 was similar in Striga-infected and uninfected plants.Recovery of both a and A1500 was incomplete after 6 h and thetime-course of recovery was similar in Striga-infected and uninfectedplants. The results indicate that Striga-infected plants weremore sensitive to photoinhibition and that photoinhibition wasprimarily due to damage to electron transport/photo-phosphorylationand not disablement of the recovery processes. Key words: Photoinhibition, quantum yield, recovery from photoinhibition, parasitic plants  相似文献   

A mechanistic model of photoinhibition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mechanistic model was developed, to simulate the main facets of photoinhibition in phytoplankton. Photoinhibition is modelled as a time dependent decrease in the initial slope of a photosynthesis versus irradiance curve, related to D1 (photosystem II reaction centre protein) damage and non-photochemical quenching. The photoinhibition model was incorporated into an existing ammonium-nitrate nutrition interaction model capable of simulating photoacclimation and aspects of nitrogen uptake and utilization. Hence the current model can simulate the effects of irradiance on photosynthesis from sub-saturating to inhibitory photon flux densities, during growth on different nitrogen sources and under nutrient stress. Model output conforms well to experimental data, allowing the extent of photoinhibition to be predicted under a range of nutrient and light regimes. The ability of the model to recreate the afternoon depression of photosynthesis and the enhancement of photosynthesis during fluctuating light suggests that these two processes are related to photoinhibition. The model may be used to predict changes in biomass and/or carbon fixation under a wide range of oceanographic situations, and it may also help to explain the progression to dominance of certain algal species, and bloom formation under defined irradiance and nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

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