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The homogeneous preparation of protamine sulphate is obtained chromatographically and electrophoretically from milt roe of the sturgeon. Its amino acid composition and properties are studied. The methods to blockade the functional groups of protamine sulphate amino acids is used to investigate the possible mechanism of heparin inactivation.  相似文献   

Composition of the milt of some teleost fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The milt composition of six freshwater teleosts was studied, and the measured parameters showed clear specific differences between species. The highest spermatocrits and sperm densities were observed in perch, Perc afluviatilis , and burbot, Lota lota , and the lowest in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri , and whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus . Fructose concentrations in the seminal plasma were small compared to mammalian values. The glucose concentrations in the seminal plasma were five times higher than those of fructose, and higher in landlocked salmon and rainbow trout than in the other species. The citric acid concentration of all species except whitefish showed a significantly positive correlation to either spermatocrit or sperm density. The role of citric acid in the seminal plasma of fishes was also assumed to be important. The glycerol concentration in the seminal plasma was comparatively high, and highest in whitefish. This was assumed to be related to the high applicability value of glycerol as a cryoprotective agent for whitefish sperm. The high glycerol concentration was also assumed to be related to the lipolytic capacity of the testis in the studied species.  相似文献   

Protamines 1 and 2 have been isolated from the sperm of frozen and isopropanol preserved Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) epididymides and analyzed by gel electrophoresis, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and amino acid analysis and sequencing. The results show that alcohol preservation does not alter the primary structure of the two sperm nuclear proteins and that the preservation of mammalian reproductive organs in alcohol is a viable alternative to freezing tissues collected in the field.Sperm were isolated from tissues fixed in isopropanol for as long as 7 months without detectable adverse effects on either the isolation of sperm or the primary structure of the protamines.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the triprotamine stelline C from mature sperm nuclei of Acipenser stellatus has been established by automated sequence analysis of the protein and from data provided by thermolysine peptides. The complete amino acid sequence of stelline C is: R-R-R-R-R-H-A-S-T-K-L-K-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-H-G-K-K-S-H-K. The comparison of the primary structure of stelline C with that of other triprotamines from Acipenser stellatus shows that they are similar except for the absence of N-terminal alanine in the stelline A molecule. The main structure difference between stelline C and other fish protamines is that the stelline C molecule begins with five arginine residues.  相似文献   

J Zhu  Y T Li  S C Li  R B Cole 《Glycobiology》1999,9(10):985-993
Electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry has been used in conjunction with microwave-mediated saponification, periodate oxidation, and clostridial sialidase hydrolysis to enable detailed structural characterization of gangliosides and their derivatives present in mullet milt. The gangliosides extracted from mullet milt were determined to be GM3, GM3 lactone, GM3 methyl ester, and 9-O-acetyl GM3. For the major ganglioside GM3 and all GM3 derivatives, the ceramide composition was revealed to be C18:1/C16:0. GM3 with a C18:0/C16:0 ceramide was also found as a minor ganglioside. Both the ganglioside intramolecular ester and the ganglioside methyl ester (lacking carboxylic acid groups) showed dominant chloride attachment peaks (M + Cl)- in negative ion ESI-MS in addition to low intensity peaks corresponding to (M-H)-. GM3 and O-acetyl GM3 bearing carboxylic acid functions showed only (M-H)-. In positive ion ESI, GM3 and O-acetyl GM3 revealed (M + 2Na-H)+ peaks in addition to (M + Na)+, indicating free exchange of the carboxylic acid proton with a sodium cation, while the ganglioside intramolecular ester and ganglioside methyl ester with no acidic protons yielded only (M + Na)+. The strategy of employing ESI-MS to detect products of established wet chemical reactions represents a general approach for elucidation of ganglioside structural details.  相似文献   

Biochemical study of the activity of the enzyme systems of different localization in the cell connected with the subcellular structures - lysosomes (hyaluronidase, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, beta-glucosidase) and hyaloplasm-soluble (aldolase of neuraminic acid), and also a study of the state of the enzyme-substrate groups, belonging to the immunoreactive biopolymeres containing a carbohydrate (glucoproteins, glycosaminoglycanes) was carried out in the tissues of different organs (the liver, kidneys, small intestine, skin) and in the blood serum of albino rats exposed to the isolated and joint (in combination with various doses of ultraviolet irradiation) action of the chemical allergen (dinitrochlorbenzene). General and specific regularities of metabolic reactions, the appearance of which could presumably be connected with the development of delayed allergy were revealed.  相似文献   

Isolated chlorosomes, treated with the detergent lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS), can be separated into two green fractions by agarose gel electrophoresis. One fraction contains chlorosomes with a full complement of proteins and antenna BChl c absorbing at 740 nm, but with a more spherical form than the normal ellipsoid shape observed in control chlorosomes. The second fraction was completely devoid of proteins but had a similar absorption spectrum. Electron micrographs of the protein-free fraction indicated the presence of stain-excluding spheres with overall dimensions resembling those of intact chlorosomes (40–100 nm). These spheres are probably micelles of BChl c liberated from the chlorosomes during the detergent treatment, since similar structures could be produced when purified BChl c, dissolved in 1-hexanol, was dispersed in buffer, producing an aggregate absorbing at 742 nm. These results suggest that the chlorosome proteins are not required to produce an arrangement of BChl c chromophores which gives rise to a 740 nm absorption peak resembling that of intact chlorosomes. It seems probable, however, that proteins have a role in determining the overall shape of the chlorosome. Treatment with cross-linking reagents did not prevent the detergent-induced changes in chlorosome morphology.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - DSP dithiobis-succinimidyl-2-propionate - EM electron microscopy - LDS lithium dodecyl sulfate - MGDG monogalactosyl diacylglycerol - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Biological activity of low molecular DNA isolated from salmon milt was studied. When administered subcutaneously to mice with with acute experimental radiation disease in a course dose of 10 mg/kg, it showed a therapeutic effect, stimulated hemopoiesis, increased the survival rate and the average life span of the animals. Moreover, its marked effect on the humoral immunity was observed.  相似文献   

The pattern of staining for DNA, histone, and nonhistone protein has been studied in whole cells and in nuclei and chromosomes isolated by surface spreading. In whole interphase cells from bovine kidney tissue culture, nuclear staining for DNA and histones reveals numerous small, intensely stained clumps, surrounded by more diffusely stained material. Nuclei in whole cells stained for nonhistone proteins also contain intensely stained regions surrounded by diffuse stain. These intensely stained regions also stain for RNA, indicating that the regions contain nucleolar material. Electron microscopy of kidney cells confirms that multiple nucleoli are present. Kidney nuclei isolated by surface spreading show an even distribution of stain for DNA, histones, and nonhistone proteins, indicating that the surface forces disperse both condensed chromatin and nucleoli. DNA and protein staining was also studied in metaphase chromosomes from testes of the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. Staining for DNA and histones in metaphase chromosomes is essentially the same in sections of fixed and embedded testes as in preparations isolated by surface spreading. However, striking differences are noted in the distribution of nonhistone proteins. In sections, nonhistone stain is concentrated in extrachromosomal areas; metaphase chromosomes do not stain for nonhistone proteins. Chromosomes isolated by surface spreading, however, stain intensely for nonhistone proteins. This suggests that nonhistone proteins are bound to the chromosomes as a contaminant during the isolation procedure. The relationship of these findings to current work with chromosomes isolated for electron microscopy is discussed.  相似文献   

The pattern of staining for DNA, histone, and nonhistone protein has been studied in whole cells and in nuclei and chromosomes isolated by surface spreading. In whole interphase cells from bovine kidney tissue culture, nuclear staining for DNA and histones reveals numerous small, intensely stained clumps, surrounded by more diffusely stained material. Nuclei in whole cells stained for nonhistone proteins also contain intensely stained regions surrounded by diffuse stain. These intensely stained regions also stain for RNA, indicating that the regions contain nucleolar material. Electron microscopy of kidney cells confirms that multiple nucleoli are present. Kidney nuclei isolated by surface spreading show an even distribution of stain for DNA, histones, and nonhistone proteins, indicating that the surface forces disperse both condensed chromatin and nucleoli. DNA and protein staining was also studied in metaphase chromosomes from testes of the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. Staining for DNA and histones in metaphase chromosomes is essentially the same in sections of fixed and embedded testes as in preparations isolated by surface spreading. However, striking differences are noted in the distribution of nonhistone proteins. In sections, nonhistone stain is concentrated in extrachromosomal areas; metaphase chromosomes do not stain for nonhistone proteins. Chromosomes isolated by surface spreading, however, stain intensely for nonhistone proteins. This suggests that nonhistone proteins are bound to the chromosomes as a contaminant during the isolation procedure. The relationship of these findings to current work with chromosomes isolated for electron microscopy is discussed.  相似文献   

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