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The effects of 1) X-irradiation and 2) hyperthermia at a temperature of 43 degrees C individually and in combination have been investigated using cultured 8-day mouse embryos. B6C3F1 embryos were exposed to 0.3-2.0 Gy of X-rays, 5-20 min of heating, or 5 min of heating and irradiation at 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 Gy. Irradiation alone at 0.3 Gy showed no apparent effect on embryonic development, but irradiation at 0.6-2.0 Gy caused a dose-dependent increase in malformed embryos. Heating alone for 5 min produced no malformed embryos, while heating for 10-20 min caused malformations as a function of heating time. Combined treatments produced higher frequencies (22.2-100%) of malformations than those of the sum of the separate treatments (0-41.7%). Malformations observed were primarily microphthalmia, microcephaly, and open neural tubes. The results indicate that in cultured mouse embryos irradiation combined with a "nonteratogenic dose" of hyperthermia directly exerts an additive effect on formation of the malformed embryos. In addition, a single occurrence of left-sided tail was produced by hyperthermia alone, while four occurrences were produced in combination with radiation.  相似文献   

Summary Pregnant mice were treated on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day of pregnancy by a single dose of 300 R X-rays. Uterine dissections at day 6 p.c. topographically revealed decrease of the implantation sites from 9.67 per female in the controls to 8.00 in females irradiated on day 1, to 6.63 in females irradiated on day 2, and to 7.00 in females irradiated on day 3 p.c. Among a number of 22 implantations after irradiation on day 1, 19 after irradiation on day 2 and 11 after irradiation on day 3, however no living embryo could be detected on histological examination. The degree of damage as indicated by the total resorptions was highest (94,7%) after irradiation on day 2 p.c., and lowest (31,8%) after irradiation on day 1 p.c. Since the decidual cell reaction was either unaffected or only slightly reduced after irradiation on day 2 p.c. as indicated by cytomorphological criteria and the alkaline phosphatase reaction, not maternal effects but direct effects only of the irradiation on the embryo must account for embryonic deaths.  相似文献   

Exposure of male mice to 6 Gy of X-rays resulted in a very rapid and extensive sloughing of the germinal epithelium as shown by the accumulation of non-sperm cells within the lumen of the epididymis. These cells were identified as stage 1 and 2 round spermatids. After accumulating in the caput, they progressed through the epididymis over the weeks of sampling and, by Week 9 after irradiation, they had completely disappeared from the organ. It is suggested that the precocious loss of round spermatids is responsible for the induction of oligospermy within the testis and the caput epididymidis. Similar sperm losses from the cauda epididymidis were not observed. Radiation also enhanced the frequency of misshapen spermatozoa normally found in this strain. From kinetic considerations, it is suggested that the generation of abnormal spermatozoa may be biphasic with an early component comprising maturing spermatids and a late contingent composed of affected spermatocytes. Return to the pre-irradiation level of abnormal frequency was not observed within the time frame of this study (10 weeks), perhaps indicating residual damage. The synchrony that existed among the various organs in terms of both sperm loss and the generation of abnormal spermatozoa may be the result of a rapid dispersion of gametes from the testis and not due to local responses as would be expected if sperm flow were affected by the irradiation. The distribution of abnormal sperm types was different in the testis from that in the epididymis, presumably because of a testicular spermatophagic mechanism specific for the removal of certain deformities. It is concluded that the kinetics of spermatogenesis, of spermiogenesis, and of sperm transport in the mouse is not affected by exposure to 6 Gy of X-rays.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of hemopoietic stem cells to repopulate spleens of heavily irradiated syngeneic hosts in form of macroscopically visible clonal colonies of differentiating cells was studied in mice exposed for 32 and 4 weeks to internally deposited226Ra (0.56 and 0.46 µCi per mouse respectively) or to 100 rad X-irradiation. Exocolonizing test and cytological techniques were used for quantitative evaluation. The size of stem cell compartment was reduced and the function of the surviving stem cells was altered by radium and X-ray irradiation. The proliferation and maintenance of hemopoietic cell populations were found to depend not only on the numbers of stem cells but also on their multiplicative and differentiative capability.  相似文献   

Radiosensitive mutants rad2, rad9, and rad51 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were X-irradiated with 120 Gy or 60 Gy, heated at 50 degrees C for 30 min or treated with a combination of both and incubated in nutrient medium at 30 degrees C. Cell number, percentage of budding cells, and cell cycle progression were determined in 45-min intervals. Cell cycle kinetics were investigated by flow cytofluorometry. Hyperthermia leads mainly to a lengthening of G1, whereas X-rays arrest cells of the rad2 and rad9 mutant in G2 and the rad51--mutant additionaly in a state with DNA contents above G2. Cell division delay is influenced by oxygen in all strains but to a lesser extent in the rad2 mutant. The effect of the combined treatment appears to be merely additive in the rad2 and rad9 mutant while the rad51 mutant is sensitized to X-irradiation by hyperthermia. No selective action of hyperthermia on hypoxic cells was found.  相似文献   

The alterations of normal growth of hair follicles following irradiation of rat tails with X-rays have been analysed. The changes in follicle length are attributed to a series of deleterious events occurring in the hair matrix after irradiation. A dose-dependent reduction of length was demonstrated for a given post-irradiation interval. An approximate exponential response was obtained for all conditions excepting low doses for which a marked reduction of follicle length was observed a short time after irradiation and was ascribed to the depletion of highly radiosensitive cells. At later post-irradiation times this response was obscured by the resumption of follicle growth.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of resting and proliferating cells of the seminal vesicle to X-irradiation and adriamycin has been investigated. Stimulation with testosterone propionate (250 μg/day) was started 11 days after castration in BALB/c mice. X-rays (2.5–7.5 Gy total body irradiation) and intraperitoneal injections of adriamycin (4–16 mg/kg body weight) were administered at various times before or after induction of proliferation by testosterone injection. The DNA contents and the weights of the seminal vesicles were determined at 4 days after the start of stimulation. A D0 for X-rays of about 10 Gy was found for the seminal vesicle epithelium. For both X-irradiation and adriamycin no significant differences in sensitivity were observed between quiescent (G0) and proliferating (G1; S) seminal vesicle cells.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of resting and proliferating cells of the seminal vesicle to X-irradiation and adriamycin has been investigated. Stimulation with testosterone propionate (250 micrograms/day) was started 11 days after castration in BALB/c mice. X-rays (2.5-7.5 Gy total body irradiation) and intraperitoneal injections of adriamycin (4-16 mg/kg body weight) were administered at various times before or after induction of proliferation by testosterone injection. The DNA contents and the weights of the seminal vesicles were determined at 4 days after the start of stimulation. A Do for X-rays of about 10 Gy was found for the seminal vesicle epithelium. For both X-irradiation and adriamycin no significant differences in sensitivity were observed between quiescent (Go) and proliferating (G1; S) seminal vesicle cells.  相似文献   

为探索肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体(TNF related apoptosis inducing ligand,TRAIL)的死亡受体(mouse killer,MK)对小鼠子宫基质细胞蜕膜化进程的影响,构建MK基因过表达和siRNA干扰重组腺病毒.原代培养的小鼠子宫基质细胞感染MK过表达或者干扰重组腺病毒并诱导蜕膜化,72 h后用免疫细胞化学与流式细胞术分别检测蜕膜细胞的标志物催乳素(prolactin,PRL)与蜕膜细胞凋亡率的变化情况.妊娠d4小鼠子宫角注射MK重组腺病毒,观察胚胎植入点的数量变化.实验结果表明,与对照组相比,在诱导的蜕膜细胞中过表达MK使得催乳素的含量显著降低(P<0.05),同时,蜕膜细胞的凋亡率明显升高(P<0.05),而siRNA干扰之后催乳素的含量显著升高,凋亡率明显下降(P<0.05),但是,宫角注射MK基因过表达和siRNA干扰重组腺病毒之后,胚胎植入数量均显著减少(P<0.01).提示MK基因通过参与小鼠子宫内膜基质细胞的蜕膜化进程,调节蜕膜细胞增殖与凋亡之间的平衡从而影响胚胎的植入.  相似文献   

Analysis of second meiotic metaphase divisions in control and irradiated male mice shows that while the spontaneous rates of autosomal and sex chromosomal anaphase I non-disjunction are extremely low, they can be enhanced by X ray treatment of prophase spermatocytes. Irradiation at pre-leptotene results in a higher rate of anaphase I non-disjunction than does irradiation at pachytene. Early spermatogonia are relatively insensitive. Experiments to detect trisomic progeny among the F1 foetal offspring of male mice mated during weeks 5 and 6 following irradiation (sampling of irradiated early spermatocytes and late spermatogonia) showed that none were present. Possible explanations for this are considered. Two triploid foetuses were however found.  相似文献   

Normal mouse B lymphocytes were tested for the ability to cap plasma membrane antigen-antibody complexes following exposure to 2.45-GHz continuous wave (CW) microwaves at power densities up to 100 mW/cm2 (45 W/kg specific absorption rate), at 37, 41, and 42.5 degrees C. After a 30-minute treatment, the irradiated cells and the nonirradiated controls were tested for capping by the direct immunofluorescence technique. First, the cells were incubated for nine minutes at 37 degrees C with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated goat antimouse immunoglobulin. After fixing and washing, the percentage of capped cells was determined under a fluorescence microscope. The results show that for the nonirradiated controls, capping is reduced from 90% at 37 degrees C, to 52% at 41 degrees C, to less than 5% for cells that were pretreated at 42.5 degrees C. There was no significant difference between the microwave-treated cells and the controls when both were maintained at the same temperature. In another experiment, there was no significant difference in the percentage of capping between controls and cells that were exposed to microwave radiation during capping, when the temperature in both preparations was kept at 38.5 degrees C. The results demonstrate that B-lymphocyte capping is sensitive to temperature in the range that is proposed for use in tumor therapy.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of 1000 R, whole-body X-irradiation on the proliferative cells of the mouse duodenal crypts, in the four phases of the generation cycle; namely, the DNA synthesis phase, S; the pre-mitotic gap, G 2; the division phase or mitosis, M; and the pre-synthesis gap, G 1. As pointed out by Whitmore and Till (1964) G1 and G2 are characterized only by the fact that no DNA synthesis is taking place in these phases.In the intestinal crypts of BCF1 mice, a 1000 R whole-body X-ray exposure blocks cells in G2 for approximately 18 hours, and reduces the number of cells in S to less than 1/2 that observed in control animals during the first 12 hours after exposure. Cells synthesizing DNA, and undergoing division, remain few in number for more than 48 hours. Between 48 and 72 hours a compensatory reaction begins, and the number of cells in M and S increases from 28 at 48 hours to 150 at 72 hours and reaches a mean value of 482 at 96 hours.Work supported under the auspices of the US Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase-activity in brain tissue. Effect of X-irradiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Ludwig  E Frei  B Kimmig  W E Brandeis 《Blut》1987,55(6):483-488
The mechanism responsible for the toxic late effects of cranial irradiation, followed by the administration of systemic methotrexate (MTX) on brain tissue, is still under discussion. We studied the influence of X-irradiation on dihydrofolate reductase (E.C. activity (DHFR), the enzyme inhibited by MTX. New Zealand white rabbits, 6-9 weeks old, underwent 24 Gy fractionated or 20 Gy single-dose brain irradiation using a 60Co source. Before, immediately following, and 1, 2, 4, 12 weeks after irradiation, DHFR was measured in brain and liver tissue by a photometric assay. DHFR in brain tissue was 11.9 +/- 2.9 mU/g wet weight (ww) X h and in liver tissue 121.8 +/- 24.2 mU/g ww X h. Fractionated brain irradiation with 2 Gy per day produced no significant changes in brain DHFR. Single-dose cranial irradiation significantly decreased brain DFHR (7.3 +/- 0.6 mU/g ww X h). Suppression of the developmental increase of DHFR by X-irradiation in young rabbits could be excluded by determining the unchanged brain-to-liver ratios of DHFR in the animals with fractionated brain irradiation.  相似文献   

The effect of 2.0 Gy X-irradiation at different times during foetal and early post-natal development on the resultant somatic mutation frequency was investigated by scoring for changes in follicular melanocyte morphology (nucleofugal vs. nucleopetal) in mice heterozygous for the recessive coat colour mutations dilute (d) and leaden (ln). Two peaks were observed following X-irradiation on days 12.5 and 17.5 post coitus (p.c.). The biomodal character of the mutation frequency with time of X-irradiation may be related to changes in the dynamics of the melanocyte population with foetal age. Nonetheless, the results validate the treatment time used in the pilot study (Searle and Stephenson, 1982) as the most sensitive to the induction of somatic mutations within the follicular melanocyte population.  相似文献   

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