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Freshwater and marine snails serve as intermediate hosts fornumerous species of larval trematodes. Any particular populationof snails may be infected by several species. It is commonlyobserved that mixed species infections are less frequent thanexpected by change in collections of host snails from naturalpopulations. While several mechanisms might generate such negativeassociations, laboratory studies of freshwater snail-trematodeassociations have demonstrated the presence of strong antagonisticinteractions between intramolluscan larval stages (rediae andsporocysts) of species that infect the same host individual.Both predatory and non-predatory antagonism has been observed,the former taking the form of predation by large, dominant redialforms on the sporocysts and rediae of subordinate species. Theseinteractions are largely hierarchical, although in some systemspriority effects have been observed, and in one case a sporocystspecies replaced a redial species by strong non-predatory antagonism.Several instances of positive association between larval trematodespecies have also been observed. In such cases, interferencewith host defense mechanisms by the first parasite appears toenhance superinfection by the second. My own study of the larvaltrematode guild that infects the salt marsh snail, Cerithideacalifornica, has revealed patterns of association and interactionthat are very similar to those demonstrated by laboratory studiesof freshwater systems. Ultimately, the frequency of interactionsamong larval trematodes depends on the availability, relativeto the numbers of susceptible snails, of infective eggs andmiracidial larvae transmitted from definitive hosts.  相似文献   

云南热带,亚热带蕨类植物根际土壤中的VA菌根真菌   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
对云南热带,亚热带地我的256种蕨类植物的VA菌根状况进行了调查;从具有VA菌根的蕨类植物根际土壤中分离鉴定了分属于无梗2囊霉巨孢囊霉球囊霉,硬囊霉属和盾孢囊霉属的25种VA菌根真菌,其中,8种属于国内新记录种。本文对这些植物的VA菌根状况及其进化进行了讨论,并对25种真菌的分类特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

The southern pine beetle, a damaging pest of conifers, is intimately linked to three symbiotic fungi. Two fungi, Ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus and Entomocorticium sp. A, are transported within specialized structures (mycangia) in the beetle exoskeleton and are mutualists of the beetle. A third fungus, Ophiostoma minus, is transported externally on the beetle exoskeleton (phoretically) and is an antagonist of the beetle. This study examined competitive interactions among these three fungi. The results of de Wit replacement series and primary and secondary resource capture assays with these fungi provide strong evidence for differential competition between the phoretic and mycangial fungi. O. minus was the most able to capture both uncolonized and colonized resources. Entomocorticium sp. A and C. ranaculosus, although equal to one another in competitive abilities, differed in their ability to compete with O. minus. Entomocorticium sp. A was able to maintain space free of O. minus to a much greater degree than was C. ranaculosus. The outcome of such competitive interactions may have significant impacts on the biology of this ecologically and economically important beetle.  相似文献   

The levels of Cu, Fe and Zn in water, sediment and Cynothrissa mento, a commercially important fish species, were investigated from April 2007 to March 2008 at three sites in Ologe Lagoon. Metal levels in the water column and C. mento were lower than the FAO/WHO drinking water and food safety limits. In most cases, metal concentrations were highest during the dry season and lowest in the wet season. Metal concentrations in sediment and C. mento varied significantly among the sampling stations, but in the water column only the levels of Fe and Zn differed significantly between stations. Concentrations of metals in C. mento were significantly affected by wet and dry seasons. The metal concentrations in Ologe Lagoon were lower than the values reported in some Nigerian water bodies. While the Ologe Lagoon system contains the heavy metals studied, their levels in the water, sediment and fish are still within acceptable limits.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions among insect natural enemies have seldom been investigated experimentally within the context of biological control. Research in this area is needed due to the often contradictory predictions provided by the many theoretical models, the increasing dependence on biological control, and the concern that biological control agents may adversely affect some nontarget organisms. We describe a study whereby the occurrence and dynamics of interspecific interactions among three natural enemies (two parasitoids:Encarsia formosaandEncarsia pergandiella;and one predatorDelphastus pusillus) of the whitefly,Bemisia argentifolii(previously referred to asBemisia tabacistrain “B”), were evaluated in greenhouse cage experiments. Eight populations consisting of all possible combinations of the three natural enemies and one population of whitefly alone were established to test the following hypotheses: (1) Natural enemy introductions are capable of suppressingB. argentifoliipopulations; (2) all interspecific interactions are detrimental to achieving biological control; (3) the likelihood of achieving biological control decreases as the potential number of interspecific interactions increases; and (4) the species composition of biological control agents is of greater consequence than the number of natural enemy species released. In addition, we tested the hypothesis (5) that the frequency of interspecific interactions increases with a decrease in host or prey availability. Our results demonstrate that all combinations of natural enemies provided significant levels of whitefly suppression. While the intensities of interspecific interactions among natural enemy species were frequently positively and significantly correlated with the densities of parasitized whitefly, interspecific interactions among natural enemies were not detrimental to achieving higher levels of biological control. The composition of species released, rather than the number of species released, was of greater importance to accomplishing biological control. Releases ofD. pusillusin combination with one or both of the parasitoids provided the greatest levels of whitefly suppression. These results suggest that the types of interspecific interactions rather than the numbers of interspecific interactions among natural enemies may be important to the outcome of inundative biological control programs.  相似文献   

In vitro production of cellulase and xylanase was common among diverse freshwater ascomycetes and their hyphomycetous anamorphs. Production of enzymes involved in lignin degradation was rare. Most isolates were capable of causing mass loss in angiosperm wood, although values were low, at ~10% during a 24-week period. A few isolates caused higher mass loss of up to 26.5%, and five of these were shown to solubilize significant amounts of lignin. This is the first report of lignin solubilization by freshwater fungi. Torula herbarum (hyphomycete) and Ophioceras dolichostomum (ascomycete) produced indices of lignin solubilization equivalent to those of terrestrial white-rot basidiomycetes. In all cases wood decay was 2.2- to 3-fold higher in exposed rather than submerged conditions.  相似文献   

By now, most marine and inland fishery resources have been fully exploited or overexploited. To keep up with the growing demand for fish, only a few avenues for increasing fish production remain open. One of these is the intensification of fisheries in inland waters, such as reservoirs, lakes and small water bodies. Fish species transfer and culture-enhanced fisheries based largely on exotic species, mainly tilapias and cyprinids, is the current common strategy for increasing fishery benefits from tropical and subtropical inland water bodies. The growing human population and rising expectations require a steady growth in the number of reservoirs, both large and small. The development of cage and pen culture, especially in Asia, has substantially increased the reservoir fish production there. In Latin America, tilapias are the mainstay of many reservoir fisheries. By the year 2025, an additional 62 million tonnes of aquatic products will be required to maintain the present consumption of 19.1 kg/person. Much of it will have to come from inland waters, including reservoirs and small water bodies.  相似文献   

Fungi and bacteria are the major organic matter (OM) decomposers in aquatic ecosystems. While bacteria are regarded as primary mineralizers in the pelagic zone of lakes and oceans, fungi dominate OM decomposition in streams and wetlands. Recent findings indicate that fungal communities are also active in lakes, but little is known about their diversity and interactions with bacteria. Therefore, the decomposer niche overlap of saprotrophic fungi and bacteria was studied on pollen (as a seasonally recurring source of fine particulate OM) by performing microcosm experiments with three different lake types. Special emphasis was placed on analysis of fungal community composition and diversity. We hypothesized that (I) pollen select for small saprotrophic fungi and at the same time for typical particle-associated bacteria; (II) fungal communities form specific free-living and attached sub-communities in each lake type; (III) the ratio between fungi or bacteria on pollen is controlled by the lake''s chemistry. Bacteria-to-fungi ratios were determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR), and bacterial and fungal diversity were studied by clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprints. A protease assay was used to identify functional differences between treatments. For generalization, systematic differences in bacteria-to-fungi ratios were analyzed with a dataset from the nearby Baltic Sea rivers. High abundances of Chytridiomycota as well as occurrences of Cryptomycota and yeast-like fungi confirm the decomposer niche overlap of saprotrophic fungi and bacteria on pollen. As hypothesized, microbial communities consistently differed between the lake types and exhibited functional differences. Bacteria-to-fungi ratios correlated well with parameters such as organic carbon and pH. The importance of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen for bacteria-to-fungi ratios was supported by the Baltic Sea river dataset. Our findings highlight the fact that carbon-to-nitrogen ratios may also control fungal contributions to OM decomposition in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seven strains with identical 16S rRNA genes affiliated with the Luna2 cluster (Actinobacteria) were isolated from six freshwater habitats located in temperate (Austria and Australia), subtropical (People's Republic of China), and tropical (Uganda) climatic zones. The isolates had sequence differences at zero to five positions in a 2,310-nucleotide fragment of the ribosomal operon, including part of the intergenic spacer upstream of the 16S rRNA gene, the complete 16S rRNA gene, the complete 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS1), and a short part of the 23S rRNA gene. Most of the few sequence differences found were located in the internal transcribed spacer sequences. Two isolates obtained from habitats in Asia and Europe, as well as two isolates obtained from different habitats in the People's Republic of China, had identical sequences for the entire fragment sequenced. In spite of minimal sequence differences in the part of the ribosomal operon investigated, the strains exhibited significant differences in their temperature response curves (with one exception), as well as pronounced differences in their temperature optima (25.0 to 35.6°C). The observed differences in temperature adaptation were generally in accordance with the thermal conditions in the habitats where the strains were isolated. Strains obtained from temperate zone habitats had the lowest temperature optima, strains from subtropical habitats had intermediate temperature optima, and a strain from a tropical habitat had the highest temperature optimum. Based on the observed temperature responses, we concluded that the strains investigated are well adapted to the thermal conditions in their home habitats. Consequently, these closely related strains represent different ecotypes adapted to different thermal niches.  相似文献   

Acetone, ethanol and water extracts of mature fruits of yaupon (llex vomitoria Ait.) inhibited germination of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora Swartz DC. var. glandulosa (Torr.) Cockerell and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Extracts of guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) inhibited cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seed germination. Water soluble inhibitors were found in fruits, leaves, roots and bark of several tropical species representing 10 different families. Strong inhibition of cucumber seed germination and growth did not occur in sand when water extracts containing inhibitors were applied. Growth of corn, sorghum, cucumber and bean was reduced in soils collected beneath Malay apple (Eugenia malaccensis L.) trees. Plant growth-inhibitors occurred in all species studied in various plant parts, and some apparently affect the growth and ecology of other plant species.  相似文献   

To understand the structure of marine diazotrophic communities in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean, the molecular diversity of the nifH gene was studied by nested PCR amplification using degenerate primers, followed by cloning and sequencing. Sequences of nifH genes were amplified from environmental DNA samples collected during three cruises (November-December 2000, March 2002, and October-November 2002) covering an area between 0 to 28.3°N and 56.6 to 18.5°W. A total of 170 unique sequences were recovered from 18 stations and 23 depths. Samples from the November-December 2000 cruise contained both unicellular and filamentous cyanobacterial nifH phylotypes, as well as γ-proteobacterial and cluster III sequences, so far only reported in the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, samples from the March 2002 cruise contained only phylotypes related to the uncultured group A unicellular cyanobacteria. The October-November 2002 cruise contained both filamentous and unicellular cyanobacterial and γ-proteobacterial sequences. Several sequences were identical at the nucleotide level to previously described environmental sequences from the Pacific Ocean, including group A sequences. The data suggest a community shift from filamentous cyanobacteria in surface waters to unicellular cyanobacteria and/or heterotrophic bacteria in deeper waters. With one exception, filamentous cyanobacterial nifH sequences were present within temperatures ranging between 26.5 and 30°C and where nitrate was undetectable. In contrast, nonfilamentous nifH sequences were found throughout a broader temperature range, 15 to 30°C, more often in waters with temperature of <26°C, and were sometimes recovered from waters with detectable nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Based on the study of over 500 zooplankton samples collected in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) during 1965–1974, the species composition from different habitats is analysed. The zooplankton assemblage is typically tropical with relatively few species of Cladocera and Copepoda. The Rotifera include a large number of species of the genus Brachionus. The limnetic zooplankton resembles the pond zooplankton closely in that all the eurytopic species found in the different types of habitats, including ponds, also occur in the limnetic zooplankton. The large Cladocera belonging to the genus Daphnia are very rare. In general, large zooplankters are absent. The size composition of the zooplankton has a smaller range than in temperate regions. This is due to the absence of large-sized zooplankton species. The reasons for the differences in species variety and size composition between zooplankton of temperate and tropical regions is perhaps due to a number of factors. These include the effects of high and uniform temperatures, food availability and predation by fish and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Abstract In a study of bacterioplankton in an oligotrophic lake in northern Wisconsin, a community fingerprinting technique, automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), was used to determine the effect of resources and trophic interactions on bacterioplankton diversity. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus (NP), carbon in the form of glucose (G) or dissolved organic matter extracted from peat (DOM), and carbon and NP in combination were added to two types of experimental systems. Ten-liter mesocosms contained all components of the original aquatic community except for large zooplankton. One-liter dilution cultures were prepared so that the effects of grazers and phytoplankton were removed. During a 3-day incubation, bacterial production showed the greatest response to the carbon plus NP treatment in both experimental systems, but bacterial diversity was strikingly different between them. In the mesocosms, the number of ARISA-PCR fragments averaged 41 per profile, whereas the dilution culture communities were highly reduced in complexity, dominated in most cases by a single PCR fragment. Further analysis of the mesocosm data suggested that whereas the NPDOM addition caused the greatest aggregate bacterial growth response, the addition of NP alone caused the largest shifts in community composition. These results suggest that the measurement of aggregate responses, such as bacterial production, alone in studies of freshwater bacterial communities may mask the effects of resources on bacterioplankton. Received: 24 January 2000; Accepted: 10 May 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

中国南部高等真菌的热带亲缘   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
中国南部,特别是北回归线以南的地区,高等真菌区系与世界热带真菌区系有着广泛的联系。该地区高等真菌具有明显的热带性质,主要有泛热带成分、热带亚洲—热带非洲和热带亚洲的成分,尽管在该区高等真菌区系中也有相当比重的温带成分。该区系中某些属种可能有古南大陆起源的背景,另一些区系成分与热带亚洲的有密切的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Detailed information about interspecific spatial associations among tropical tree species is scarce, and hence the ecological importance of those associations may have been underestimated. However, they can play a role in community assembly and species diversity maintenance. This study investigated the spatial dependence between pairs of species. First, the spatial associations (spatial attraction and spatial repulsion) that arose between species were examined. Second, different sizes of trees were considered in order to evaluate whether the spatial relationships between species are constant or vary during the lifetime of individuals. Third, the consistency of those spatial associations with the species-habitat associations found in previous studies was assessed. Two different tropical ecosystems were investigated: a montane cloud forest and a lowland moist forest. The results showed that spatial associations among species exist, and these vary among life stages and species. The rarity of negative spatial interactions suggested that exclusive competition was not common in the studied forests. On the other hand, positive interactions were common, and the results of this study strongly suggested that habitat associations were not the only cause of spatial attraction among species. If this is true, habitat associations and density dependence are not the only mechanisms that explain species distribution and diversity; other ecological interactions, such as facilitation among species, may also play a role. These spatial associations could be important in the assembly of tropical tree communities and forest succession, and should be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

从云南程海湖分离到473株淡水真菌,用滤纸片法测定其抗菌活性,活性菌株经显微形态观察进行分类鉴定。结果显示有290株菌对至少1种病原菌具有抗菌活性,占总菌株数的61.31%;高抗菌活性菌株59株(抑菌圈直径≥15 mm),占总菌株的12.47%。将具有抗菌活性的菌株鉴定为46个属,优势属为青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)和枝孢属(Cladosporium)。  相似文献   

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