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An automated CSTR system has been developed to study the stability of immobilised whole cell biocatalysts for ammonium acrylate production. Two potentially useful amidase-active rhodococci have been identified: One possesses an amidase of much higher activity than the other but of much lower stability. The activity and stability of each biocatalyst over a range of temperatures has been determined and used to compare the productivity of the biocatalysts in a bioconversion.  相似文献   

Two Rhodococcal isolates, one possessing a nitrile hydratase and an amidase enzyme, the other an aliphatic nitrilase enzyme have been isolated. The kinetic constants for the enzymes in each isolate have been determined. This data coupled with stability tests indicate that Rhodococcus ruber NCIMB 40757, the nitrilase containing organism, should be an excellent biocatalyst for the commercial production of ammonium acrylate. This is confirmed by a fed-batch bioconversion to produce 5.7 M ammonium acrylate.  相似文献   

The nitrilase of Rhodococcus rhodochrous performs a one-step biotransformation of nitriles to their corresponding carboxylic acids. Application of a direct electric current moves the charged carboxylic acid towards an anode, across an anion exchange membrane, into a separate compartment. Cells encapsulated within alginate beads (2.9 mm diameter) for protection against the current biotransformed benzonitrile to benzoic acid with a 26% reduction in the biotransformation rate, from 0.054 mmol/min/g dcw with free cells to 0.040 mmol/min/g dcw with immobilised cells. When the electric current was applied, the biotransformation rate increased to 0.047 mmol/min/g dcw and product recovery increased from 19% to 79%.  相似文献   

Nitrile hydratase (NHase) was discovered in our laboratory. This enzyme was purified and characterized from various microorganisms. NHases are roughly classified into two groups according to the metal involved: Fe-type and Co-type. NHases are expected to have great potential as catalysts in organic chemical processing because they can convert nitriles to the corresponding higher-value amides under mild conditions. We have used microbial enzymes for the production of useful compounds; NHase has been used for the industrial production (production capacity: 30,000 tons/year) of acrylamide from acrylonitrile. This is the first successful example of a biotransformation process for the manufacture of a commodity chemical. This review summarizes the history of NHase studied not only from a basic standpoint but also from an applied point of view.  相似文献   

A systematic and powerful knowledge‐based framework exists for improving the activity and stability of chemical catalysts and for empowering the commercialization of respective processes. In contrast, corresponding biotechnological processes are still scarce and characterized by case‐by‐case development strategies. A systematic understanding of parameters affecting biocatalyst efficiency, that is, biocatalyst activity and stability, is essential for a rational generation of improved biocatalysts. Today, systematic approaches only exist for increasing the activity of whole‐cell biocatalysts. They are still largely missing for whole‐cell biocatalyst stability. In this review, we structure factors affecting biocatalyst stability and summarize existing, yet not completely exploited strategies to overcome respective limitations. The factors and mechanisms related to biocatalyst destabilization are discussed and demonstrated inter alia based on two case studies. The factors are similar for processes with different objectives regarding target molecule or metabolic pathway complexity and process scale, but are in turn highly interdependent. This review provides a systematic for the stabilization of whole‐cell biocatalysts. In combination with our knowledge on strategies to improve biocatalyst activity, this paves the way for the rational design of superior recombinant whole‐cell biocatalysts, which can then be employed in economically and ecologically competitive and sustainable bioprocesses.  相似文献   

The kinetic, selective and stereoselective properties of enzyme immobilised on magnetic polymer beads with diameters in the range 1 microm was studied with penicillin amidase from E. coli. The enzyme was immobilised on epoxy and glutaraldehyde-activated poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(methylmetacrylate) and poly(vinyl acetate-divinylbenzene) magnetic beads. The amount of covalently bound active protein was dependent on the chemical modification of the matrix and increased at higher ionic strength of the immobilisation buffer. The small size of the magnetic beads, that reduces mass transfer limitations, and the decreased charge density in the electric double layer resulted in lower apparent Km values and higher efficiency for benzylpenicillin hydrolysis, higher stereoselectivity in condensation of R-phenylglycine amide with S- and R-Phe and in hydrolysis of racemic phenylacetyl-Phe and higher selectivity in kinetically controlled synthesis of cephalexin compared to the enzyme immobilised on larger and porous carriers.  相似文献   

A mutant of the cysteine protease papain, displaying nitrile hydratase and amidase activities, was expressed in Pichia pastoris and used for the hydrolysis of peptide nitriles in aqueous-organic media. The rate of hydrolysis of these nitriles is lowered by increasing acetone concentration. This is caused by an increase of the Michaelis constant, and a variation of Vmax proportional to the amount of water in the mixture. The hydrolysis of the amide is less affected by the increase in co-solvent, which results in lower accumulation of this intermediate product. With the peptide nitrile tested, high nitrile concentrations could be used to promote the production of the amide and prevent its hydrolysis to the acid by diminishing the relative rate of amide hydrolysis. A number of non-peptidyl nitriles were also tested as potential substrates but activity was detected for only one compound with structural resemblance to peptide nitriles.  相似文献   

Microbial detoxification of acrylonitrile vapor was performed using Rhodococcus ruber immobilized into rings of a synthetic silicone polymer (ImmobaSil ) sponge. The immobilization matrix was used as both the cell support material and also as the trickle-bed column packing. The elimination capacity of the biocatalytic scrubber was determined for different influent concentrations of gaseous acrylonitrile. The working life of the nongrowing biocatalyst was also examined under test conditions and was found to be at least 70 days before biocatalyst replacement was required. An elimination capacity of 4.0 kg m(-3) h(-1) was achieved with a 95% removal efficiency, and an elimination capacity of over 7.2 kg m(-3) h(-1) acrylonitrile was achieved with a removal efficiency of 90%. This elimination capacity is 10 times that previously published in the literature.  相似文献   

In this study, an amidohydrolase activity of amidase in whole cells of Rhodococcus sp. MTB5 has been used for the biotransformation of aromatic, monoheterocyclic and diheterocyclic amides to corresponding carboxylic acids. Benzoic acid, nicotinic acid and pyrazinoic acid are carboxylic acids which have wide industrial applications. The amidase of this strain is found to be inducible in nature. The biocatalytic conditions for amidase present in the whole cells of MTB5 were optimized against benzamide. The enzyme exhibited optimum activity in 50?mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.0. The optimum temperature and substrate concentrations for this enzyme were 50?°C and 50?mM, respectively. The enzyme was quite stable for more than 6?h at 30?°C. It showed substrate specificity against different amides, including aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic amides. Under optimized reaction conditions, the amidase is capable of converting 50?mM each of benzamide, nicotinamide and pyrazinamide to corresponding acids within 100, 160 and 120?min, respectively, using 5?mg dry cell mass (DCM) per mL of reaction mixture. The respective percent conversion of these amides was 95.02%, 98.00% and 98.44% achieved by whole cells. The amidase in whole cells can withstand as high as 383?mM concentration of product in a reaction mixture and above which it undergoes product feedback inhibition. The results of this study suggest that Rhodococcus sp. MTB5 amidase has the potential for large-scale production of carboxylic acids of industrial value.  相似文献   

In this article, a recombinant cyclohexanone monooxygenase (CHMO), overexpressed in Escherichia coli has been used to study the oxidation of bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-en-6-one to its two corresponding lactones at very high enantiomeric excess. The reaction is a useful model for the study of biocatalytic oxidations to create optically pure molecules. The major limitations to a highly productive biocatalytic oxidation in this case are oxygen supply, product inhibition, and biocatalyst stability. In this article, we investigate the effects of whole cell biocatalyst concentration on the rate of reaction at a range of scales from shake flasks to 75 L bioreactors. At low cell concentrations (<2 g(dcw)/L) the maximum specific rate (0.65 g/g(dcw).h) is observed. However, at higher cell concentrations (> 2 g(dcw)/L), the reaction becomes oxygen limited and both the specific rate and absolute rate decrease with further increases in cell concentration. The role of oxygen limitation in reducing the rate of reaction with scale was investigated by increasing the maximum oxygen transfer rate in the reactor at a high cell concentration and observing the increase in product formation rate. We propose a qualitative model demonstrating the relationship between oxygen limitation, biocatalyst concentration, and the rate of reaction. This conceptual model will be a useful guide in the industrial scale-up of whole cell mediated Baeyer-Villiger biocatalysis.  相似文献   

固定化全细胞催化可再生油脂合成生物柴油的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酶法合成生物柴油具有反应条件温和、醇用量小、无污染物排放、产物易分离回收等优点,越来越得到关注。全细胞催化剂,无需酶的提取和纯化,减少了酶活损失,有望大幅降低生产成本;Rhizopus oryzae IFO4697全细胞可以有效催化植物油脂合成生物柴油,进一步提高全细胞在催化植物油脂甲醇解制备生物柴油过程中的稳定性,对于工业放大具有重要意义。本实验对固定化全细胞Rhizopus oryzae IFO4697催化植物油脂合成生物柴油的稳定性进行了系统地研究,结果表明:反应体系水含量对于全细胞催化剂的反应活性和催化稳定性有重要影响,5%~15%含水量适宜;研究范围内,载体粒度及干燥方式对稳定性影响不显著;经过戊二醛交联后,全细胞催化油脂甲醇解反应的稳定性显著提高,1200h反应后,仍然可以保持75%的生物柴油得率;真空抽滤直接回用的方式有利于稳定性的保持。在优化条件下,回用20个批次,生物柴油得率可维持在80%。  相似文献   


Whole cell applications are one of the main methodologies for the bioreduction of prochiral ketones to obtain enantiomerically rich chiral secondary alcohols which are mainly affected by the culture parameters of the whole cell. In this study, whole cell of Lactobacillus senmaizukei as a safe Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was used for the reduction of acetophenone and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) application was used to optimize the culture parameters in terms of temperature, pH, incubation time, and agitation level to obtain the highest enantiomeric excess (ee) and conversion rate. The predicted optimum conditions for the bioreduction with whole cell Lactobacillus senmaizukei were found to be pH of 5.25, temperature of 25?°C, incubation time of 72?hr, and agitation level of 100?rpm. Importantly, the efficiency of the reduction of the acetophenone was significantly affected by the linear and quadratic effects of culture parameters. These findings are important to show the role of culture parameters for the bioreduction reactions and also the efficiency of the RSM technique to optimize these parameters.  相似文献   

A microbial biosensor was formed by applying immobilized cells of Rhodococus sp. DSM 6344 to the surface of ion selective potentiometric electrodes. The bacterium contains the enzyme alkyl-halidohydrolase (EC, which transforms appropriate halogenated hydrocarbons into the corresponding alcohols and halogen ions, the latter being detectable by ion sensitive electrodes. Several matrices for immobilization (alginate, agarose, carrageenan, polyacrylamide, etc.) were tested, the most effective being the direct formation of a catalytic layer on the electrode surface by alginate gels.

Influence of the specific activity of the catalytic layer and the effect of temperature and pH on sensor performance were tested. Reproducible results were obtained within a time period of 5 min. Calibration with 1-chlorobutane and ethylenebromide showed a non-linear dependence and a good sensitivity, e.g. 0·22 and 0·04 mg/l, respectively. The relative standard deviation was determined as 7·8% by carrying out five consecutive experiments. The sensor can be stored at 277 K in dry form for 1 week and is easily rehydrated in calcium nitrate solutions.  相似文献   

腈化合物是一类重要的用于合成多种精细化学品的化合物,它们容易制备,并且可以合成多种化合物。传统化学水解方法将腈化合物转化为相应的羧酸或酰胺通常需要高温、强酸、强碱等相对苛刻的条件,腈转化酶(腈水解酶、腈水合酶和酰胺酶)由于其生物催化过程具有高效、高选择性、条件温和等特点,在精细化学品的合成中越来越受到人们的关注。许多腈转化酶已经被开发出来并用于精细化学品的生产。以下介绍了腈转化酶在医药及中间体、农药及中间体、食品与饲料添加剂等精细化学品生产中的应用。随着研究的不断深入,将会有更多的腈转化酶被开发出来并用于精细化学品的生产。  相似文献   

The methanolysis of soybean oil to produce a fatty acid methyl ester (ME, i.e., biodiesel fuel) was catalyzed by lipase-producing filamentous fungi immobilized on biomass support particles (BSPs) as a whole-cell biocatalyst in the presence of ionic liquids. We used four types of whole-cell biocatalysts: wild-type Rhizopus oryzae producing triacylglycerol lipase (w-ROL), recombinant Aspergillus oryzae expressing Fusarium heterosporum lipase (r-FHL), Candida antarctica lipase B (r-CALB), and mono- and diacylglycerol lipase from A. oryzae (r-mdlB). w-ROL gave the high yield of fatty acid methyl ester (ME) in ionic liquid [Emim][BF4] or [Bmim][BF4] biphasic systems following a 24 h reaction. While lipases are known to be severely deactivated by an excess amount of methanol (e.g. 1.5 Mequiv. of methanol against oil) in a conventional system, methanolysis successfully proceeded even with a methanol/oil ratio of 4 in the ionic liquid biphasic system, where the ionic liquids would work as a reservoir of methanol to suppress the enzyme deactivation. When only w-ROL was used as a biocatalyst for methanolysis, unreacted mono-glyceride remained due to the 1,3-positional specificity of R. oryzae lipase. High ME conversion was attained by the combined use of two types of whole-cell biocatalysts, w-ROL and r-mdlB. In a stability test, the activity of w-ROL was reduced to one-third of its original value after incubation in [Bmim][BF4] for 72 h. The stability of w-ROL in [Bmim][BF4] was greatly enhanced by cross-linking the biocatalyst with glutaraldehyde. The present study demonstrated that ionic liquids are promising candidates for use as the second solvent in biodiesel fuel production by whole-cell biocatalysts.  相似文献   

随着石油等不可再生资源的日益减少以及环境污染问题的日益严重,应用工业生物催化技术改造或取代传统化工工艺已经成为新世纪化学工业可持续发展的研究热点。工业生物催化技术的研究对象是生物催化剂及其催化过程。近来,利用生物信息学技术进行工业生物催化研究已经越来越受到人们的重视。随着工业生物催化的发展,生物信息学将直接指导并加快新型高效生物催化剂的发现及功能改造进程。  相似文献   

Autologous whole cell vaccines use a patient's own tumor cells as a source of antigen to elicit an anti-tumor immune response in vivo. Recently, the authors conducted a systematic review of clinical trials employing these products in hematological cancers that showed a favorable safety profile and trend toward efficacy. However, it was noted that manufacturing challenges limit both the efficacy and clinical implementation of these vaccine products. In the current literature review, the authors sought to define the issues surrounding the manufacture of autologous whole cell products for hematological cancers. The authors describe key factors, including the acquisition, culture, cryopreservation and transduction of malignant cells, that require optimization for further advancement of the field. Furthermore, the authors provide a summary of pre-clinical work that informs how the identified challenges may be overcome. The authors also highlight areas in which future basic research would be of benefit to the field. The goal of this review is to provide a roadmap for investigators seeking to advance the field of autologous cell vaccines as it applies to hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Whole cells of the bacterium Rhodococcus rhodochrous LL100-21, which had been grown on benzonitrile to induce the nitrilase enzyme, converted benzonitrile to benzohydroxamic acid in the presence of hydroxylamine.  相似文献   

The cDNA of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) gene isolated from Trigonopsis variabilis was expressed in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A clone, ASP327-10, transformed with plasmid vector, pTL2M5DAO, expressed catalytically active DAO in the presence of G418, and converted Cephalosprin C to alpha-ketoadipyl-7-cephalosporanic acid (KA-7-ACA) and glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid (GL-7-ACA). Biocatalysts were prepared using ASP327-10 and T. variabilis, and evaluated to demonstrate the feasibility of recombinant S. pombe for industrial application. The cells were immobilized by crosslinking polyethylene imine after glutardialdehyde (GDA) fixation and permeabilization by alkaline treatment. Although the biocatalyst prepared from ASP327-10 exhibited DAO activity, catalase activity still remained fully even after permeabilization, under which condition, the catalase activity of T. variabilis decreased to 20-30%. Heat treatment was required before cell fixation by GDA to inactivate the catalase in S. pombe. This improved the efficiency of bioconversion to GL-7-ACA, but caused poor mechanical strength in the biocatalyst of S. pombe. To overcome this weakness, a catalase-deficient host strain was obtained by ethylmethansulfate mutagenesis. Moreover, taking economics into consideration, the integrative vector, pTL2M5DAO-8XL, with multi-copies of expression cassette was constructed to express DAO in S. pombe even in the absence of G418. The newly established integrant, ASP417-7, did not exhibit any catalase activity so that heat treatment was not required. The obtained integrant and its biocatalyst were significantly improved in GL-7ACA conversion ability and mechanical strength. This study demonstrates that the established integrant is a potential candidate as an alternative source of DAO enzyme.  相似文献   

A whole-cell technology for detoxification of organophosphates based on genetically engineered Escherichia coli cell expressing both cellulose-binding domain (CBD) and organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) onto cell surface was reported recently (Wang et al., 2002). This study reports the application of these biocatalysts when immobilized in a cellulose hollow fiber bioreactor (HFB) for the biodetoxification of a model organophosphate, paraoxon, in a continuous flow mode. In 24 h, 0.79 mg wet cell/cm2 fiber surface were immobilized onto cellulose fibers specifically and strongly through the cellulose binding domain, forming a monolayer demonstrated by Scanning Electronic Micrograph, and essentially no cell was washed away by washing buffer. The immobilized biocatalyst had a high performance of detoxifying paraoxon solution of 5,220 mumol/h x L reactor or 990 mumol/h x m2 reactor. The immobilized biocatalysts maintained a stable degradation capacity for 15 uses over a period of 48 days with only 10% decline in degradation efficiency under operating and storage conditions. In addition, the bioreactor was easily regenerated by washing with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), with 86.7% immobilization capacity and 93.9% degradation efficiency recovery. This is the first report using the HFB in a non-traditional way, immobilizing whole-cell biocatalysts by specific adhesion thus rendering the catalysis operation the advantages of low pressure drop, low shear force, and low energy requirement. The successful application of this genetically engineered dual functional E. coli strain in a model bioreactor shows its promise in large-scale detoxification of organophosphate nerve agents in bulk liquid phase.  相似文献   

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