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Scarcity of water causes a shift from flooded to aerobic conditions for rice production in zinc deficient areas in Northern China. This shift alters soil conditions that affect zinc availability to the crop. This paper concerns the effect of aerobic compared to flooded conditions on crop biomass production, grain yield and zinc content. A field experiment was done with six rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) grown on a calcareous soil, both with (23 kg Zn ha−1) and without Zn fertilization. Sampling was conducted at tillering and physiological mature stage. Zn concentration in the shoots was significantly lower at both stages in plants grown in the aerobic field. At maturity, Zn uptake, biomass production, grain yield and Zn-harvest index [grain Zn/(shoot + grain Zn)] were lower under aerobic cultivation. Rice genotypes including aerobic rice and lowland rice differ in degree of response to low Zn supply. A twofold difference was found among aerobic genotypes in grain yield and Zn uptake. Also Zn-harvest index varied significantly. Zn application affected neither grain yield nor grain Zn content, although it significantly improved biomass production in both systems in most genotypes. These results demonstrate that introduction of aerobic rice systems on calcareous soils may increase Zn deficiency problems.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper were to determine (1) if lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants respond similarly to low zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P) availability by increased root exudation of low-molecular weight organic anions (LMWOAs) and (2) if genotypic variation in tolerance to low soil supply of either Zn or P is related to LMWOA exudation rates. Exudation of LMWOAs can increase bioavailability of both Zn and P to the plant, through partly similar chemical mechanisms. We used seven lowland rice genotypes and showed in two experiments that genotypes that grow relatively well on a soil with low Zn availability also grow well on a sparingly soluble Ca-phosphate (r = 0.80, P = 0.03). We measured exudation rates of LMWOAs on nutrient solution and found that both Zn and P deficiency induced significant increases. Among the LMWOAs detected oxalate was quantitatively the most important, but citrate is considered more effective in mobilizing Zn. Citrate exudation rates correlated with tolerance to low soil levels of Zn (P=0.05) and P (P = 0.07). In a low-Zn-field we found an increased biomass production at higher plant density, which is supportive for a concentration-dependent rhizosphere effect on Zn bioavailability such as LMWOA exudation. We, for the first time, showed that tolerance to low Zn availability is related to the capacity of a plant to exude LMWOAs and confirmed that exudation of LMWOAs must be regarded a multiple stress response.  相似文献   

植物铁吸收、转运和调控的分子机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铁是植物正常生命活动所必需的微量矿质元素,铁离子的吸收、转运和利用是一个复杂的过程,很多基因参与了这一过程。本文对近10年来发现和分离的参与植物铁吸收、转运及调控的基因研究进展进行了综述。根据最近的研究结果,提出了植物控制铁吸收的分子调控模式(机理I)。  相似文献   

水稻对砷的吸收及代谢机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
砷(As)是一种广泛存在的致癌的微量元素。环境中日益严重的As污染问题,影响了水稻的生长和品质,并通过食物链进一步威胁着人类健康。为降低食物链中As的污染并提高水稻对As的耐性,需要深入了解水稻对As的吸收及As在水稻体内转运、代谢过程的生理及分子生物学机制。本文就以上几个问题综述了近些年来国内外的研究结果,并对今后深入研究提出建议。  相似文献   

水稻蔗糖转运及其与产量形成的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔗糖是植物体内主要的光合产物和运输形式,在叶片中合成并经过维管组织向库器官转运,在库组织中水解并用于合成淀粉、蛋白质和纤维素等有机物。水稻蔗糖转运对调控作物生长发育和产量形成,特别是在逆境条件下的产量稳定,都具有十分重要的作用。本文重点综述了水稻蔗糖韧皮部装载、运输和卸载机制以及关键酶的活性和基因表达调控,并讨论了其与水稻产量形成的关系。  相似文献   

Abstract: This review focuses on the uptake and primary translocation of boron (B), as well as on the subcellular compartmentation of B and its role in cell walls of higher plants. B uptake occurs via passive diffusion across the lipid bilayer, facilitated transport through major intrinsic proteins (MIPs), and energy-dependent transport through a high affinity uptake system. Whereas the first two represent passive uptake systems, which are constitutively present, the latter is induced by low B supply and is able to establish a concentration gradient for B between the root symplasm and the external medium. At high B supply, a substantial retention of B can be observed at xylem loading, and passive processes are most likely responsible for that. At low B supply, another energy-dependent high affinity transport system for B seems to be induced which establishes an additional concentration gradient between root symplasm and the xylem. The possible significance of all these processes at various B supplies is discussed. The role of soluble B complexes in uptake and primary translocation of B has been evaluated, but the few data available do not allow comprehensive conclusions to be drawn. In any case, there are no indications that soluble B complexes play a major role in either uptake or primary translocation of B. The subcellular compartmentation of B still remains a matter of controversy, but it is unequivocally clear that B is present in all subcellular compartments (apoplasm, cell wall, cytosol and vacuole). The relative distribution of B between these is dependent on plant species and experimental conditions and may vary greatly. Recent results on the well-established role of B in cell walls are summarized and their physiological significance discussed.  相似文献   

四种景天属植物对锌吸收和累积差异的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用营养液培养试验 ,比较研究了 4种景天属植物对Zn的吸收、积累和运输特性。结果表明 ,东南景天(SedumalfrediiHance)耐Zn毒的能力远强于珠芽景天 (S .sarmentosumBunge)、凹叶景天 (S .bulbiferumMakino)和垂盆草 (S .emarginatumMigo) ,其地上部和根系的干物质产量随着Zn浓度的增加而逐渐减少 ;当浓度≤ 40mg·L-1时 ,东南景天的地上部和根系的干物质产量均随Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,其地上部Zn含量、积累量及其Zn运输速率均显著高于珠芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草 ;当Zn浓度低于 80mg·L-1时 ,东南景天地上部Zn含量随着营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,在 80mg·L-1浓度 ,其地上部Zn含量高达 19.0 9mg·g-1。东南景天的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量的比值大于 1,而株芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量比值小于 1。东南景天是在我国首次发现的具有生物量大、生长速率快的一种新的Zn超积累植物  相似文献   

四个水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种"IR72"、"特三矮2号"、"桂朝2号"和"Ⅱ优4480"在田间栽于含35 μmol/mol 和60 μmol/mol CO2的塑料大棚中,自然光照.高浓度CO2下供试水稻品种的光合速率变化表现为提高型("IR72"、"特三矮2号")、稳定型("桂朝2号"的Pn几无变化)和下调型("Ⅱ优4480").生长速率、穗重、由Δ13C计算而得的长期水分利用效率和清除DPPH@自由基的能力皆增加.除"Ⅱ优4480"外,其他3个品种明显增高总生物量.供试品种的穗重/总生物量比不同程度地受到高浓度CO2的改变.叶片段经PEG渗透胁迫后,不同的生长于高浓度CO2者的电解质渗漏率较小.结果表明高浓度CO2可改变水稻的光合作用和水分关系特性,品种间不同的响应显示了选育适于未来高浓度CO2下具有高产和抗逆性品种的可能性.  相似文献   

植物对重金属锌耐性机理的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Zn是植物必需的营养元素,同时也是一种常见的有毒重金属元素.由于长期的环境选择和适应进化,植物相应对Zn~(2+)产生了耐性,可减轻或避免Zn~(2+)的毒害.植物对锌耐性机制有:菌根和细胞膜对Zn~(2+)吸收的阻止和控制,其中控制Zn~(2+)的细胞膜跨膜转运器主要有(ZIP)类、阳离子扩散促进器(CDF)类和B-type ATPase (HMA)类;金属硫蛋白(MTs)、植物螯合素(PCs)和有机酸等Zn~(2+)螯合物质的体内螯合解毒;体内区室化分隔以及通过抗氧化系统和渗透调节物质的代谢调节等.本文从生理和分子水平上综述了植物对Zn~(2+)耐性机理的研究进展,并在此基础上提出目前存在的问题和今后研究的重点领域,为该领域的相关研究提供资料和借鉴.  相似文献   

采用营养液培养试验,比较研究了4种景天属植物对Zn的吸收、积累和运输特性.结果表明,东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)耐Zn毒的能力远强于珠芽景天(S. sarmentosum Bunge)、凹叶景天(S. bulbiferum Makino)和垂盆草(S. emarginatum Migo),其地上部和根系的干物质产量随着Zn浓度的增加而逐渐减少;当浓度≤40 mg*L-1时,东南景天的地上部和根系的干物质产量均随Zn浓度的增加而增加,其地上部Zn含量、积累量及其Zn运输速率均显著高于珠芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草;当Zn浓度低于80 mg*L-1时,东南景天地上部Zn含量随着营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加,在80 mg*L-1浓度,其地上部Zn含量高达19.09 mg*g-1.东南景天的地上部Zn含量/根系Zn含量的比值大于1,而株芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草的地上部Zn含量/根系Zn含量比值小于1.东南景天是在我国首次发现的具有生物量大、生长速率快的一种新的Zn超积累植物.  相似文献   

小麦锌营养状况对锌吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不论锌的供给形态是无视态(ZnSO_4),还是螯合态(ZnEDTA 或 Zn—PS),小麦锌吸收率均随供锌浓度的提高而增加。缺锌小麦锌吸收率明显高于对照。供ZnEDTA的小麦锌吸收率低于供ZnSO_4和 Zn—PS的小麦。无机态Zn~(24)在根自由空间内累积多,而 ZnEDTA态锌在根自由空间中累积少,缺锌小麦根分泌的有机物质对前者活化量大于后者、被植物吸收利用的数量也就高于后者。  相似文献   

锌元素的营养失衡已成为影响人类健康的最重要因素之一,籽粒锌含量的QTL(quantitative trait loci)定位对研究富锌水稻的遗传育种具有重要的意义。以水稻(Oryzasativa L.)亲本奉新红米和明恢100杂交的145个株系的F2群体为实验材料,利用92个SSR(simple sequence repeat)标记对水稻籽粒锌含量进行了QTL定位,共检测到3个QTLs,分别定位于第3、6和11染色体上,对表型变异的贡献率分别为4.97%、12.75%和7.74%。其中位于第3染色体上的分子标记RM186和RM168之间的QZN3对表型变异的贡献率最大,其增效等位基因来自亲本明恢100,表现为部分显性。3个QTLs的联合贡献率为25.46%。具有基因累加效应。该研究结果有利于深入理解水稻锌含量的遗传基础,为锌含量的QTL精细定位、基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择提供依据。  相似文献   

Increasing the zinc content of cereal grains will be important for improving human nutrition. Improved plant zinc efficiency will lead to increased yields when available zinc is limiting plant growth. The aim of our work was to test how the over-expression of zinc transporters in cereals affects plant growth, seed mineral content, and zinc transport rates. Known zinc transporters from Arabidopsis were over-expressed in Hordeum vulgare cv. Golden Promise by means of a ubiquitin promoter. Multiple transgenic lines were obtained, and the locus number and expression levels were verified. Transgenic lines were tested in long-term growth and short-term uptake experiments. Seeds from transgenic lines grown in soil had higher zinc and iron contents than controls. Short-term uptake rates were higher in the transgenic lines after zinc deprivation. Resupply of zinc after a period of deprivation resulted in the rapid decrease in zinc uptake even in transgenic lines in which a zinc transporter gene was constitutively expressed. Similar to processes in yeast and Arabidopsis, we hypothesize that this rapid decrease in zinc transport activity may be caused by the degradation of transporters in response to zinc-sufficient conditions. In the long-term growth experiments, there were no significant differences between transgenic and control lines in leaf zinc content or shoot biomass under zinc-sufficient or -deficient conditions. However, root-to-shoot ratios were higher in the transgenic plants grown under low-zinc conditions; this could impact zinc acquisition under field conditions. Increased seed zinc and iron content by over-expression of a zinc transporter provides a new strategy for increasing the micronutrient content of cereals.  相似文献   

水稻砷的吸收机理及阻控对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水稻积累砷的能力较其他农作物强,稻米是我国人群从食品中摄入无机砷的主要来源,降低稻米砷含量对增进农产品质量安全有重要意义。本文阐述了稻田砷的生物地球化学转化特征及水稻对不同形态砷的吸收、运输与储存机理,提出阻控稻米砷积累的对策,并讨论了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of anoxia on K+ uptake andtranslocation in 3–4-d-old, intact, rice seedlings (Oryzasativa L. cv. Calrose). Rates of net K+ uptake from the mediumover 24 h by coleoptiles of anoxic seedlings were inhibitedby 83–91 %, when compared with rates in aerated seedlings.Similar uptake rates, and degree of inhibition due to anoxia,were found for Rb+ when supplied over 1·5–2 h,starting 22 h after imposing anoxia. The Rb+ uptake indicatedthat intact coleoptiles take up ions directly from the externalsolution. Monovalent cation (K+ and Rb+) net uptake from thesolution was inhibited by anoxia to the same degree for thecoleoptiles of intact seedlings and for coleoptiles excised,‘aged’, and supplied with exogenous glucose. Transportof endogenous K+ from caryopses to coleoptiles was inhibitedless by anoxia than net K+ uptake from the solution, the inhibitionbeing 55 % rather than 87 %. Despite these inhibitions,osmotic pressures of sap (sap) expressed from coleoptiles ofseedlings exposed to 48 h of anoxia, with or without exogenousK+, were 0·66 ± 0·03 MPa; however,the contributions of K+ to sap were 23 and 16 %, respectively.After 24 h of anoxia, the K+ concentrations in the basal10 mm of the coleoptiles of seedlings with or without exogenousK+, were similar to those in aerated seedlings with exogenousK+. In contrast, K+ concentrations had decreased in aeratedseedlings without exogenous K+, presumably due to ‘dilution’by growth; fresh weight gains of the coleoptile being 3·6-to 4·7-fold greater in aerated than in anoxic seedlings.Deposition rates of K+ along the axes of the coleoptiles werecalculated for the anoxic seedlings only, for which we assessedthe elongation zone to be only the basal 4 mm. K+ depositionin the basal 6 mm was similar for seedlings with or withoutexogenous K+, at 0·6–0·87 µmolg–1 f. wt h–1. Deposition rates in zones above6 mm from the base were greater for seedlings with, thanwithout, exogenous K+; the latter were sometimes negative. Weconclude that for the coleoptiles of rice seedlings, anoxiainhibits net K+ uptake from the external solution to a muchlarger extent than K+ translocation from the caryopses. Furthermore,K+ concentrations in the elongation zone of the coleoptilesof anoxic seedlings were maintained to a remarkable degree,contributing to maintenance of sap in cells of these elongatingtissues.  相似文献   

Balimau Putih [an Indonesian cultivar tolerant to rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV)] was crossed with IR64 (RTBV, susceptible variety) to produce the three filial generations F1, F2 and F3. Agroinoculation was used to introduce RTBV into the test plants. RTBV tolerance was based on the RTBV level in plants by analysis of coat protein using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. The level of RTBV in cv. Balimau Putih was significantly lower than that of IR64 and the susceptible control, Taichung Native 1. Mean RTBV levels of the F1, F2 and F3 populations were comparable with one another and with the average of the parents. Results indicate that there was no dominance and an additive gene action may control the expression of tolerance to RTBV. Tolerance based on the level of RTBV coat protein was highly heritable (0.67) as estimated using the mean values of F3 lines, suggesting that selection for tolerance to RTBV can be performed in the early selfing generations using the technique employed in this study. The RTBV level had a negative correlation with plant height, but positive relationship with disease index value.  相似文献   

镁肥对水稻镁吸收与分配及稻米食味品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以‘宁粳2号’为材料,采用田间小区试验方法研究了单季粳稻施用镁肥后对镁吸收分配的影响。结果表明,从拔节到始穗期,水稻体内镁的阶段吸收量和吸收速度最高,分别为7.22 kg.hm-2和0.40 kg.hm-2.d-1;从拔节期到齐穗期,镁肥的施用促进了水稻对镁的吸收,其它生育期对外界镁浓度变化不敏感;镁肥的施用降低了镁在茎鞘和叶片中的分配比例,提高了镁在穗部的分配比例;齐穗后15~30 d为穗部积累镁的高峰期;在本实验范围内,随施肥水平的提高,稻米中的镁含量升高,RVA(Rapid of viscosity analysis)谱中最终黏度、回复值及消减值显著下降,最高黏度、热浆黏度和崩解值显著上升,糊化温度没有明显差异。施用镁肥提高了稻米食味品质,这其中以120 kg.hm-2用量效果最好。  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) has a vast number of functions in plant metabolism and consequently Zn deficiency has a range of effects on plant growth. There are a number of different possible mechanisms by which plants tolerate Zn deficiency (generally expressed as Zn efficiency), such as Zn uptake, translocation to the shoot and physiological efficiency. However, there have been no direct comparisons of the relative importance of these possible mechanisms of Zn efficiency in a large set of genotypes of contrasting Zn efficiency. Soil and solution culture studies were conducted to examine the relative contribution of different mechanisms of Zn efficiency at the whole plant level in bread and durum wheat during early vegetative stage. Zn treatments were 0, 0.05, 0.1 and 1 mg/kg soil in the soil culture, and nil in the solution culture. Visual symptoms of Zn deficiency, dry matter production, Zn uptake, Zn distribution between roots and shoots, Zn utilization in roots and shoots and Zn remobilisation from the seed into growing parts were examined. Significant genotypic differences were observed in most criteria and responses differed with external Zn supply. The results of the present study suggest that while there are a number of different mechanisms contributing to Zn efficiency, uptake is the major mechanism and the effect of this is modified by the physiological efficiency within the shoot. Root:shoot partitioning was not strongly associated with Zn efficiency and seed Zn remobilisation was not linked to Zn efficiency. Visual symptoms of the severity of Zn deficiency was a good predictor of Zn efficiency and was correlated with Zn uptake.  相似文献   

To understand the inheritance of cold tolerant characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L. ), the authors investigated the cold tolerance of hybrid progenies in relation to their parental lines which were "Qinghua 6—a cold sensitive cultivar and "Guishan’aixuan 3”— a cold tolerant cultivar. The hybrid progenies were the cross and the reciprocal cross of these two cultivars. Results showed that after 1℃ dark or light (250 μmol · m-2 · s-1) treatment, the survival rate of seedlings was higher in "Guishan’aixuan 3” than that in "Qinghua 6”. That of the hybrid "Qinghua 6” ( ♂ )× "Guishan’aixuan 3” (♀) was higher than that . in hybrid "Guishan’aixuan 3” ( ♂ ) × "Qinghua 6” (♀). Detached flag leaves at heading stage when treated in light and chilling condition for 12, 24, 36 h, there was also less decrease of photosynthesis in "Guishan’aixuan 3” and "Qinghua 6” ( ♂ ) × "Guishan’aixuan 3” (♀) than in “Qinghua 6” and “Guishan’aixuan 3” ( ♂ ) × “Qinghua 6” ( ♀ ). After being treated for 12 h, respiratory rate rose in the former but not the latter. Changes of fluorescence parameters, rise of Fo and decline of Fm and Fv, were caused by 1 ℃ and light (250 μmol·m-2·s-1) treatment. The decrease of Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm were more apparent in the former than in the latter after light and chilling treatment for 24 h, with a much faster recovery under normal temperature in the former than in the latter. Effect of the natural low temperature (cold, dew and wind) on the chlorophyll fluorescence of rice was similar to that of artificial treatment. It was suggested that cold tolerance of rice progenies seemed to be from maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

重金属镉对水稻根毛细胞钾离子吸收过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重金属镉进入植物体后会引起一系列的毒害反应,然而迄今为止有关镉毒害的机制并不明了。本研究综合使用了膜电势测定、非损伤微测和膜片钳等电生理学实验技术,检测了镉对水稻根毛细胞钾离子吸收过程的影响。研究结果显示,外源施用50μmol·L-1 CdCl2能明显造成水稻根毛细胞膜的去极化,抑制根毛细胞质膜内向K+通道活性,同时诱导外向K+通道开放,导致根系内K+外渗,进而降低了水稻根部K+含量。通过上述影响,镉扰乱了水稻根系对钾离子的吸收过程,造成钾元素缺失,成为植物体镉毒害作用的机理之一。  相似文献   

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