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The purpose of this work was to improve our understanding of quasielastic light scattering from long rigid rods (QL >> 1). For these scatterers, only small angular displacements are required to produce dephasing of the scattering light. This plus the fact that only rods lying perpendicular to Q contribute to the scattered light allow one to simplify the intermediate scattering function to an analytic form. This form is shown to be nonexponential, exhibiting (t) behavior at long delay times. This new scattering function can then be fit to experimental functions using standard methods.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the field correlation function of the light scattered from a solution of lollipop-shaped particles. Such particles are a tractable model of certain bacteriophages. They are assumed to consist of an ellipsoidal head containing optically anisotropic scattering material and a tail which does not scatter. Because of the tail, Brownian rotational movement occurs around a center of rotational friction which is at a distance r0 from the center of the head. The dependence of the field correlation function C(τ) on the rotational diffusion coefficient DR is given by the factor ΣlBl exp[?l(l + 1)DRτ]. It is shown that the tail causes the coefficients Bl to be different from zero for all values of l. Therefore, C(τ) contains a term proportional to exp(?2DRτ), which is not present when r0 = 0. We give plots of Bl for various combinations of parameters. It turns out that dynamic light scattering may be used to measure r0.  相似文献   

Quasielastic light scattering spectroscopy (QLS) is an optical method for the determination of diffusion coefficients of particles in solution. Here we discuss the principles of QLS and explain how the distribution of particle sizes can be reconstructed from the measured correlation function of scattered light. Non-invasive observation of the temporal evolution of particle sizes provides a powerful tool for studying protein assembly. We illustrate practical applications of QLS with examples from studies of fibril formation of the amyloid beta-protein.  相似文献   

The normal modes for a mixture of charged macromolecules and electrolyte solution are calculated. We derive a generalized Debye relaxation time and the apparent diffusion coefficient of the macroion, which is shown to increase from its Stokes value, obtained in excess of added salt, with decreasing ionic strength. We test our result with experimental data for macromolecules with different charge densities: heparin and chondroitin sulfate. Besides, we show for this latter molecule that while the diffusion coefficient is increased, the scattered intensity is decreased but not by the same factor. Our results are compared with other theories developed in quasielastic light scattering.  相似文献   

Melittin, a cationic hemolytic peptide, is intrinsically fluorescent due to the presence of a single functionally important tryptophan residue. We have previously shown that the sole tryptophan of melittin is localized in a motionally restricted environment in the membrane interface. We have monitored the effect of ionic strength on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin utilizing fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic approaches. Our results show that red edge excitation shift (REES) of melittin bound to membranes is sensitive to the change in ionic strength of the medium. This could be attributed to a change in the immediate environment around melittin tryptophan with increasing ionic strength due to differential solvation of ions. Interestingly, the rotational mobility of melittin does not appear to be affected with change in ionic strength. In addition, fluorescence parameters such as lifetime and acrylamide quenching of melittin indicate an increase in water penetration in the membrane interface upon increasing ionic strength. Our results suggest that the solvent dynamics and water penetration in the interfacial region of the membranes are significantly affected at physiologically relevant ionic strength. These results assume significance in the overall context of the influence of ionic strength in the organization and dynamics of membrane proteins and membrane-active peptides.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe study of acridine orange (AO) spectral characteristics and the quenching of its singlet and triplet excited states by TEMPO radical at its binding to DNA in the function of the DNA concentration and in the absence and presence of NaCl is reported.MethodsThe study was performed using steady-state and time resolved optical absorption and florescence, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and resonant light scattering techniques.ResultsThe presence of different species in equilibrium: AO monomers and aggregates bound to DNA, has been demonstrated, their relative content depending on the DNA and the AO concentrations. At high DNA concentration the AO monomers are protected against the contact with other molecules, thus reducing the AO excited state quenching. The addition of NaCl reduces the AO binding constant to DNA, thus reducing the AO and DNA aggregation.ConclusionsThe interaction of AO with DNA is a complex process, including aggregation and disaggregation of both components. This modifies the AO excited state characteristics and AO accessibility to other molecules. The salt reduces the DNA effects on the AO excited state characteristics thus attenuating its effects on the AO efficacy in applications.General significanceThis study demonstrates that the interaction of photosensitizers with DNA, depending on their relative concentrations, can both decrease and increase the photosensitizer efficacy in applications. The salt is able to attenuate these effects.  相似文献   

The pKa of 3,8-diamino-6-phenyl-phenanthridine (DAPP), a nonquaternary analog of ethidium bromide, has been determined spectrophotometrically as a function of sodium ion concentration both free in solution and complexed to DNA. Unwinding angle determinations with this compound were determined with Col El DNA using ethidium bromide as a standard. The unwinding angle for DAPP was 24 ± 2° relative to 26° for ethidium, and this suggests that DAPP binds in a manner quite similar to ethidium and with no significant outside bound DAPP under these experimental conditions. Isobestic behavior was obtained on spectrophotometric pH titration above pH 5 as long as the ratio of DNA-phosphate to ligand was between 100 and 300 and the DNA phosphate concentration was approximately 0.01M or greater. The loss of isosbestic behavior which occurred below pH 5 is probably due to titration of the 8 amino group of the ligand complexed to DNA. To circumvent this problem, pKa values and the extinction coefficient of the acidic species were both determined by a computer program using experimental data obtained above pH 5. The pKa of the free compound has only a minor dependence on ionic strength, while the pKa of the ligand bound to DNA in an intercalated complex depends strongly on the sodium ion concentration. The pKa of the DAPP-DNA complex is a linear function of –log[Na+] as predicted by the ion-condensation theory of polyelectrolytes. It was determined that DAPP is essentially completely bound to DNA under the conditions of these experiments by (1) determination of apparent pKa values as a function of total DNA concentration, (2) calculation of binding constants for the neutral species of DAPP, and (3) spectral analysis of the protonated and neutral species of DAPP bound to DNA relative to DAPP free in solution. These results support the ion-condensation theory; provide an independent method for measuring ψ*, the average number of counterions associated per phosphate of DNA in the intercalated conformation; and illustrate that there are no specific pH effects or absolute pKa values for ligands bound to DNA, but only ionic-strength-dependent results.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism has been commonly employed to infer the conformation of DNA in solution. The basis of the conformational assignments is the work of Tunis-Schneider and Maestre, wherein CD spectra of DNA were obtained under conditions comparable to those employed in the x-ray diffraction studies of A-, B-, and C-DNA. It has recently been suggested that the CD spectrum of DNA in chromatin, which is similar to the CD spectrum of the C-form DNA, is a superposition of the normal B-DNA spectrum and a single negative band, centered at 275 nm. This negative band is qualitatively identical to the spectrum for condensed Ψ-form DNA. We have employed the hydrodynamic methods of quasielastic light scattering and sedimentation velocity to determine the extent of DNA tertiary structural alteration in 5.5M LiCl as a possible explanation of the C-form CD spectrum. These studies suggest an eightfold contraction of the Stokes hydrodynamic volume for calf thymus DNA in going from 0.4M NH4Ac to 5.5M LiCl, with no change in molecular weight. The estimated maximum presistence length of DNA in 5.5M LiCl is estimated to be 20.0 nm compared to the “minimum” value of 44.7 nm in NaCl solutions. The value 20.0 nm corresponds to a maximum radius of 16.7 nm for a “continuously coiled” cylinder of DNA, which compares with the value 5.0 nm of DNA in the nucleosome unit of chromatin.  相似文献   

Intensity fluctuations of laser light scattered from filamentous viruses Pf1 [length L (Å) × diameter d (Å) = 20,000 × 90], M13 (9000 × 90), potato virus X (5150 × 130), and tobacco mosaic virus (3000 × 180) in sucrose density gradients were measured with a photon correlation spectrometer over a range of scattering angles from 15° to 120°. The experimental data can be approximated by two exponential decays, “slow” and “fast.” The slow decay rate constant t corresponds to the translational diffusion D of the virus, i.e., t = K2D, where K is the magnitude of the scattering vector. The amplitude of the slow component, i.e., translational diffusion, remains greater than that of the fast component, even at high KL. The fast decay rate constant t is also proportional to K2 for viruses such as Pf1, M13, and even potato virus X. In the companion paper, we shall attribute the amplitude enhancement of the translational diffusion to the coupling of its anisotropy to the rotational diffusion modes. In order to explain the excessive decay rates in the fast component, we need to consider the bending mode of rodlike viruses, especially in the longer viruses such as M13 and Pf1, in addition to the usually expected rotational diffusion modes.  相似文献   

Quasielastic light scattering and electrophoretic light scattering experiments were performed on chicken erythrocyte polynucleosome solutions at various temperatures and ionic strengths. The apparent diffusion coefficient, Dapp, was found to depend on the scattering vector K. In general, Dapp can be described as a damped oscillatory function of K in the ionic strength range of 10 to 60 mM and over the temperature range of 10 to 40°C. Electrophoretic light scattering studies on total digest chromatin samples indicate the apparent charge on the polynucleosomes increases as the ionic strength is lowered from 10 to 1 mM. These data are interpreted in terms of fluctuations in the surface charge distribution of the polyion and subsequent inducement of an asymmetric distribution of small ions about the polyion. These fluctuation components lead to the formation of “clusters” of polyions.  相似文献   

The influence of the ionic strength of solution on the DNA molecule protonation was studied by means of circular dichroism (CD), spectrophotometric and potentiometric titration methods over a wide range of the supporting electrolyte concentrations [( NaCl] = 0.0005 divided by 4 M). Consideration of the obtained CD spectra shown that the acidation of the solution induces two cooperative structural transitions in the double stranded DNA molecule in the pre-denaturation pH region. Further decrease in the solution pH results in acidic melting of the DNA molecule. Analysis of the potentiometric data shows that diluted DNA solutions exhibit marked buffer capacity at pH greater than 4.2. A concept of local pH dependent on the electrostatic potential in the vicinity of the polyion was used for interpreting the obtained results. A phase diagram, which describes the polymorphic transformations of the protonated macromolecule, was constructed in terms of pHloc and -log[Na+]. Consideration of this phase diagram allows to hypothesize that: 1) in the neutral diluted DNA solution with a very low supporting electrolyte content the macromolecule exists in a polymorphic state; 2) at [NaCl] greater than or equal to 0.001 M the acid-base equilibrium in the DNA molecule is invariant in respect to the ionic strength of the solution.  相似文献   

Using laser light scattering, we have measured the static and dynamic structure factor of two different superhelical DNAs, p1868 (1868 bp) and simian virus 40 (SV40) (5243 bp), in dilute aqueous solution at salt concentrations between 1 mM and 3 M NaCl. For both DNA molecules, Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations were also performed, using a previously described model. A Fourier mode decomposition procedure was used to compute theoretical light scattering autocorrelation functions (ACFs) from the BD trajectories. Both measured and computed autocorrelation functions were then subjected to the same multiexponential decomposition procedure. Simulated and measured relaxation times as a function of scattering angle were in very good agreement. Similarly, computed and measured static structure factors and radii of gyration agreed within experimental error. One main result of this study is that the amplitudes of the fast-relaxing component in the ACF show a peak at 1 M salt concentration. This nonmonotonic behavior might be caused by an initial increase in the amplitudes of internal motions due to diminishing long-range electrostatic repulsions, followed by a decrease at higher salt concentration due to a compaction of the structure.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic properties of large homodisperse single stranded DNAs complexed with the helix destabilizing protein of phage T4, the product of gene 32 (GP32), have been measured. The results suggest a size of the binding site between 8 and 10 nucleotides/GP32 molecule, in reasonable agreement with earlier work on a complex between GP32 and single stranded 145 base DNA. From static light scattering experiments it is concluded that the persistence length of these complexes is about 30 nm, distinctly smaller than the generally accepted value for double stranded DNA. The quasi-elastic light scattering properties of the DNA-GP32 complexes were determined. The variation of the apparent translation diffusion coefficient Dapp with the scattering vector q was analyzed using the discrete ISMF and Rouse-Zimm models [S.C. Lin et al., Biopolymers 17 (1978) 425]. The model parameters that followed from the fit of Dapp versus q2 and from an extensive global analysis of the actually measured autocorrelation functions agreed with the notion that these DNA-protein complexes are indeed rather flexible. The continuous Soda model [K. Soda, Macromolecules 17 (1984) 2365] could successfully explain the variation of Dapp versus q2, assuming a persistence length of 30 nm and a base-base distance in the complex of 0.44 nm.  相似文献   

Dynamic and static light scattering, CD, and optical melting experiments have been conducted on M13mp19 viral circular single-strand DNA as a function of NaCl concentration. Over the 10,000-fold range in concentration from 100 microM to 1.0 M NaCl, the melting curves and CD spectra indicate an increase in base stacking and stability of stacked regions with increased salt concentration. Analysis of dynamic light scattering measurements of the single-strand DNA solutions as a function of K2 from 1.56 to 20 X 10(10) cm-2 indicates the collected autocorrelation functions are biexponential, thus revealing the presence of two decaying dynamic components. These components are taken to correspond to (1) global translational motions of the molecular center of mass and (2) motions of the internal molecular subunits. From the evaluated relaxation rates of these components, diffusion coefficients D0 and Dplat are determined. The center of mass translational diffusion coefficient D0, varies in a nonmonotonic manner, by 10%, from 3.75 X 10(-8) to 3.39 X 10(-8) cm2/s over the NaCl concentration range from 100 microM to 1.0 M. Likewise, the radius of gyration RG, obtained from static light scattering experiments, varies by 15% from 699 to 830 A over the same NaCl range Dplat, the diffusion coefficient of the internal subunits, displays a different dependence on the NaCl concentration and decreases, by nearly 22% in a titratable fashion, from 12.46 X 10(-8) to 10.26 X 10(-8) cm2/s, when the salt is increased from 100 microM to 1.0 M. A semiquantitative interpretation of these results is provided by analysis of the light scattering data in terms of the circular Rouse-Zimm chain. Rouse-Zimm model parameters are estimated from the experimental results, assuming the circular chains are composed of a fixed number of Gaussian segments, N + 1 = 15. The rms displacement of the internal segments, b, is estimated to be the smallest (442 A) in 100 mM NaCl. Increases of b to 467 A in 100 microM and 524 A in 1.0 M NaCl are observed. Meanwhile, the hypothetical friction factor of the internal subunits, f, progressively increases as the NaCl concentration is raised. It is inferred from the evaluated Rouse-Zimm model parameters that both the static flexibility of the circular chain and diffusive displacements of the internal subunits decrease with increases in NaCl concentration from 100 mM to 1.0 M.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Quasielastic light scattering methods were used to study calf thymus DNA in solutions of LiCl, NaCl, NH4Ac, and NH4Cl. Plots of the reciprocal relaxation time (1/τ) vs sin2(θ/2), where θ is the scattering angle, exhibit two linear regions, in accordance with theories for semiflexible polymers based on the t → 0 approximation. In these theories the slope of the linear region at low angles is associated with the translational diffusion coefficient (Dt), whereas the slope of the linear region at high angles is associated with the segmental diffusion coefficient (Ds = kT/?s). The midpoint of the “transition” between these two linear regions is associated with the mean displacement between segments (b). Data presented here indicate that the Rouse-Zimm parameters b and ?s are significantly different for DNA in 0.4M NH4Cl relative to the other salts at comparable ionic strengths. It is suggested that this difference reflects local solvent structure and that both b and Ds are sensitive to the local water structure.  相似文献   

A M Jamieson  L Mack  A G Walton 《Biopolymers》1972,11(11):2267-2269
The quasielastic light scattering of poly-L -lysine HBr in aqueous solutions has been examined over a variety of pH values where the polymer is in different conformations. Analysis of the spectra demonstrates that as the pH is lowered, the polymer changes from an extended anisotropic from through a collapsed randomized state to a larger isotropic form. These data support the current view that the polymer undergoes a conformational change from an α-helical form to a “kinked” extended-coil conformation through an intermediate partially α-helical state in which internal packing of the helical portions occurs. Finally, a value for the rate of propagation of the unwinding of the α-helix has been obtained.  相似文献   

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