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 Recent reports indicate that neuronal elements develop in early larval stages of some Gastropoda from the Pulmonata and Opisthobranchia prior to the appearance of any ganglia of the future adult central nervous system (CNS). The present study describes similar early neuronal elements in Crepidula fornicata. A posterior FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (LIR) cell with anteriorly projected fibers was observed in the trochophore stage. Additional FMRFamide-LIR and serotonin-LIR cells and fibers were found in the apical organ in the trochophore and early veliger stages. FMRFamide-LIR and serotonin-LIR projections to the velum and foot were also detected at this time. As the veliger developed, peripheral FMRFamide-LIR and later catecholaminergic cells were located in the foot region. Also during this stage, catecholaminergic cells and processes were observed near the mouth. In addition, this study tentatively identified the first serotonin- and FMRFamide-LIR cells and fibers within the developing ganglia of the adult CNS, which appeared in close proximity to the earlier developing elements. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, in addition to its presumed role in the control of larval behaviors, the larval nervous system guides the development of the adult CNS. Larvae from the class Bivalvia and other invertebrate phyla also have neuronal elements marked by the presence of FMRFamide, serotonin, and catecholamines, and, therefore, this study may provide additional insights into phylogenetic relationships of the Gastropoda with other representatives of the Mollusca and different invertebrate phyla. Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Recent molecular data place Phoronida within the protostome superclade Lophotrochozoa, where they have been suggested to form a monophyletic assemblage with Brachiopoda and/or Nemertea. Herein, the anatomy of the nervous system and the structure of the apical organ are described for two larval stages of Phoronis muelleri in order to contribute to the discussion concerning the evolution of lophotrochozoan nervous systems. Specimens were investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy using antibodies against the serotonin‐like immunoreactive (serotonin‐lir), the FMRF‐amide‐like immunoreactive (FMRFamide‐lir) and the small cardioactive peptide B‐like immunoreactive (small cardioactive peptide B‐lir) compounds of the nervous system. Consistent with larvae of other phoronid species, we found a complex apical organ that consists of numerous serotonin‐lir flask‐shaped cells, additional bi‐ or multipolar serotonin‐lir cells and several FMRFamide‐lir perikarya. A detailed comparison between our results and those of a previous study on the same species shows significant differences in the innervation of the preoral lobe, the tentacles and the telotroch. Our work is the first to prove the presence of small cardioactive peptide B in phoronids. In larvae of P. muelleri, it is expressed in neurites along the margin of the preoral hood, in the mesosome, in the tentacles, in the trunk as well as in the apical organ. A positive signal for this peptide is also known from molluscs, annelids and arthropods, indicating that it was also part of the protostomian groundplan. In contrast to a recent study on another phoronid species, Phoronopsis harmeri, we did not find a ventral neurite bundle in the larval stages investigated herein, thus leaving the question open whether this structure was part of the phoronid groundplan or evolved de novo in P. harmeri.  相似文献   

We provide data of the development of thenervous system during the first five larval stages of Triops cancriformis. We use immunohistochemical labeling (against acetylated α‐tubulin, serotonin, histamine, and FMRFamide), confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis, and 3D‐reconstruction. The development of the nervous system corresponds with the general anamorphic development in T. cancriformis. In larval stage I (L I), all brain parts (proto‐, deuto‐, and tritocerebrum), the circumoral connectives, and the mandibular neuromere are already present. Also, the frontal filaments and the developing nauplius eye are already present. However, until stage L III, the nauplius eye only consists of three cups. Throughout larval development, the protocerebral network differentiates into distinct subdivisions. In the postnaupliar region, additional neuromeres and their commissures emerge in an anteroposterior gradient. The larval nervous system in L V consists of a differentiated protocerebrum including a central body, a nauplius eye comprising four cups, a circumoral nerve ring, mandibular‐ and postnaupliar neuromeres up to the seventh thoracic segment, each featuring an anterior and a posterior commissure, and two parallel connectives. The presence of a protocerebral bridge is questionable. The distribution of neurotransmitters in L I is restricted to the naupliar nervous system. Over the course of the five stages of development, neurotransmitter distribution also follows an anteroposterior gradient. Each neuromere is equipped with two ganglia innervating the locomotional appendages and possesses a specific neurotransmitter distribution pattern. We suggest a correlation between neurotransmitter expression and locomotion. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The nervous system of the planktotrophic trochophore larva of Polygordius lacteus has been investigated using antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) and the neuropeptide FMRFamide. The apical ganglion contains three 5-HT-ir neurons, many FMRFamide-ir neurons and a tripartate 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir neuropil. A lateral nerve extends from each side of the apical ganglion across the episphere and the ventral hyposphere, where the two nerves combine to form the paired ventral nerve cord. These nerves have both 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes. Three circumferential nerves are associated with the ciliary bands: two prototroch and one metatroch nerve. All contain 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes. An oral nerve plexus also contain both 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes develops from the metatroch nerve, and an esophageal ring of FMRFamide-ir processes develops in later larval stages. In young stages the ventral ganglion contains two 5-HT-ir and two FMRFamide-ir perikarya; during development the ventral ganglion grows caudally and adds additional 5-HR-ir and FMRFamide-ir perikarya. These are the only perikarya that could be found along the lateral nerve and ventral nerve cord. The telotroch nerve develops from the ventral nerve cord. The 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir part of the nervous system is strictly bilateral symmetric. and much of the system (i.e. apical ganglion, lateral nerves ventral nerve cord, dorsal nerve and oral plexus) is retained in the adult.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in the chiton Mopalia muscosa (Gould, 1846) was investigated by applying differential interference contrast microscopy, semithin serial sectioning combined with reconstruction techniques, as well as confocal laser scanning microscopy for the detection of fluorescence-conjugated antibodies against serotonin and FMRFamide. The ontogeny of serotonergic nervous structures starts with cells of the apical organ followed by those of the cerebral commissure, whereas the serotonergic prototroch innervation, pedal system, and the lateral cords develop later. In addition, there are eight symmetrically arranged serotonergic sensory cells in the dorsal pretrochal area of the larva. FMRFamide-positive neural elements include the cerebral commissure, specific "ampullary" sensory cells in the pretrochal region, as well as the larval lateral and pedal system. In the early juvenile the cerebral system no longer stains with either of the two antibodies and the pedal system lacks anti-FMRFamide immunoreactivity. Outgroup comparison with all other molluscan classes and related phyla suggests that the cord-like, nonganglionized cerebral system in the Polyplacophora is a reduced condition rather than a primitive molluscan condition. The immunosensitivity of the pedal commissures develops from posterior to anterior, suggesting independent serial repetition rather than annelid-like conditions and there is no trace of true segmentation during nervous system development. Polyplacophoran neurogenesis and all other available data on the subject contradict the idea of a segmented molluscan stem species.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of serotonin- and FMRF-amide-bearing neuronal elements in the scaphopod Antalis entalis was investigated by means of antibody staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Nervous system development starts with the establishment of two initial, flask-like, serotonergic central cells of the larval apical organ. Slightly later, the apical organ contains four serotonergic central cells which are interconnected with two lateral serotonergic cells via lateral nerve projections. At the same time the anlage of the adult FMRF-amide-positive cerebral nervous system starts at the base of the apical organ. Subsequently, the entire neuronal complex migrates behind the prototroch and the six larval serotonergic cells lose transmitter expression prior to metamorphic competence. There are no strictly larval FMRF-amide-positive neuronal structures. The development of major adult FMRF-amide-containing components such as the cerebral system, the visceral loop, and the buccal nerve cords, however, starts before the onset of metamorphosis. The anlage of the putative cerebral system is the only site of adult serotonin expression in Antalis larvae. Establishment of the adult FMRF-amidergic and serotonergic neuronal bauplan proceeds rapidly after metamorphosis. Neurogenesis reflects the general observation that the larval phase and the expression of distinct larval morphological features are less pronounced in Scaphopoda than in Gastropoda or Bivalvia. The degeneration of the entire larval apical organ before metamorphic competence argues against an involvement of this sensory system in scaphopod metamorphosis. The lack of data on the neurogenesis in the aplacophoran taxa prevent a final conclusion regarding the plesiomorphic condition in the Mollusca. Nevertheless, the results presented herein shed doubts on general theories regarding possible functions of larval "apical organs" of Lophotrochozoa or even Metazoa.  相似文献   

Within Gastropoda, limpets (Patellogastropoda) are considered the most basal branching taxon and its representatives are thus crucial for research into evolutionary questions. Here, we describe the development of the neuromuscular system in Lottia cf. kogamogai. In trochophore larvae, first serotonin‐like immunoreactivity (lir) appears in the apical organ and in the prototroch nerve ring. The arrangement and number of serotonin‐lir cells in the apical organ (three flask‐shaped, two round cells) are strikingly similar to those in putatively derived gastropods. First, FMRFamide‐lir appears in veliger larvae in the Anlagen of the future adult nervous system including the cerebral and pedal ganglia. As in other gastropods, the larvae of this limpet show one main and one accessory retractor as well as a pedal retractor and a prototroch muscle ring. Of these, only the pedal retractor persists until after metamorphosis and is part of the adult shell musculature. We found a hitherto undescribed, paired muscle that inserts at the base of the foot and runs towards the base of the tentacles. An apical organ with flask‐shaped cells, one main and one accessory retractor muscle is commonly found among gastropod larvae and thus might have been part of the last common ancestor.  相似文献   

The tornaria larva of hemichordates occupies a central position in phylogenetic discussions on the relationships between Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata. Dipleurula-type larvae (tornaria and echinoderm larvae) are considered to be primary in the life cycle and thus provide a model for the ancestral animal common to all three taxa (the theory of W. Garstang). If the similarities between tornaria and the larvae in Echinodermata result from homology, their nervous systems should be basically similar as well. The present study utilizes anti-serotonin and FMRFamide antisera together with laser scanning microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, to describe in detail the nervous system of the tornaria of Balanoglossus proterogonius. Serotonin immunoreactive neurons were found in the apical and esophageal ganglia, and in the stomach epithelium. FMRFamide immunoreactive neurons, probably sensory in nature, were detected in the apical ganglion and in the equatorial region of the stomach epithelium. At the ultrastructural level, the apical organ consists of a columnar epithelium of monociliated cells and includes a pair of symmetrical eyespots. The apical ganglion is located at its base and has a well-developed neuropil. Different types of neurons are described in the apical organ, esophagus, and stomach. Comparison with larvae in Echinodermata shows several significant differences in the way the larval nervous system is organized. This calls into question the homology between tornariae and echinoderm larvae. The possibility of convergence between the two larval types is discussed.  相似文献   

We applied fluorescence staining of F-actin, confocal laser scanning microscopy, as well as bright-field light microscopy, SEM, and TEM to examine myogenesis in larval and early juvenile stages of the tusk-shell, Antalis entalis. Myogenesis follows a strict bilaterally symmetrical pattern without special larval muscle systems. The paired cephalic and foot retractors appear synchronously in the early trochophore-like larva. In late larvae, both retractors form additional fibers that project into the anterior region, thus enabling retraction of the larval prototroch. These fibers, together with the prototroch, disappear during metamorphosis. The anlagen of the putative foot musculature, mantle retractors, and buccal musculature are formed in late larval stages. The cephalic captacula and their musculature are of postmetamorphic origin. Development of the foot musculature is dramatically pronounced after metamorphosis and results in a dense muscular grid consisting of outer ring, intermediate diagonal, and inner longitudinal fibers. This is in accordance with the proposed function of the foot as a burrowing organ based on muscle-antagonistic activity. The existence of a distinct pair of cephalic retractors, which is also found in basal gastropods and cephalopods, as well as new data on scaphopod shell morphogenesis and recent cladistic analyses, indicate that the Scaphopoda may be more closely related to the Gastropoda and Cephalopoda than to the Bivalvia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The phylogenetic position of Brachiopoda remains unsettled, and only few recent data on brachiopod organogenesis are currently available. In order to contribute data to questions concerning brachiopod ontogeny and evolution we investigated nervous and muscle system development in the craniiform (inarticulate) brachiopod Novocrania anomala . Larvae of this species are lecithotrophic and have a bilobed body with three pairs of dorsal setal bundles that emerge from the posterior lobe. Fully developed larvae exhibit a network of setae pouch muscles as well as medioventral longitudinal and transversal muscles. After settlement, the anterior and posterior adductor muscles and delicate mantle retractor muscles begin to form. Comparison of the larval muscular system of Novocrania anomala with that of rhynchonelliform (articulate) brachiopod larvae shows that the former has a much simpler muscular organization. The first signal of serotonin-like immunoreactivity appears in fully developed Novocrania anomala larvae, which have an apical organ that consists of four flask-shaped cells and two ventral neurites. These ventral neurites do not stain positively for the axonal marker α-tubulin in the larval stages. In the juveniles, the nervous system stained by α-tubulin is characterized by two ventral neurite bundles with three commissures. Our data are the first direct proof for the presence of an immunoreactive neurotransmitter in lecithotrophic brachiopod larvae and demonstrate the existence of flask-shaped serotonergic cells in the brachiopod larval apical organ, thus significantly increasing the probability that this cell type was part of the bauplan of the larvae of the last common lophotrochozoan ancestor.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined muscle development throughout the complete larval cycle of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus trossulus. An immunofluorescence technique and laser scanning confocal microscopy were used in order to study the organization of the muscle proteins (myosin, paramyosin, twitchin, and actin) and some neurotransmitters. The appearance of the muscle bundles lagged behind their nervous supply: the neuronal elements developed slightly earlier (by 2 h) than the muscle cells. The pioneer muscle cells forming a prototroch muscle ring were observed in a completed trochophore. We documented a well‐organized muscle system that consisted of the muscle ring transforming into three pairs of velar striated retractors in the early veliger. The striations were positive for all muscle proteins tested. Distribution of FMRFamide and serotonin (5‐HT) immunocytochemical staining relative to the muscle ring differed significantly: 5‐HT‐immunioreactive cells were situated in the center of the striated muscle ring, while Phe‐Met‐Arg‐Phe‐NH2 neuropeptide FMRFamid immunoreactive fibers were located in a distal part of this ring. Our data showed clearly that the muscle proteins and the neurotransmitters were co‐expressed in a coordinated fashion in a continuum during the early stages of the mussel development. Our study provides the first strong evidence that mussel larval metamorphosis is accompanied by a massive reorganization of striated muscles, followed by the development of smooth muscles capable of catch‐contraction.  相似文献   

Three developmental stages of Branchiostoma lanceolatum were examined by means of transmission electron microscopy. The development of the protonephridium-like cyrtopodocyte from nearly undifferentiated (ento-) mesodermal cells is demonstrated. The ultrastructure of Hatschek's nephridium in an early larval stage is described. The existence of a second filtralional barrier around the rod-like microvilli of the cyrtopodocytes was confirmed. The mesodermal nephridium drains via an excretory canal which is possibly of ectodermal origin into the oral cavity. Cytotic vesicles in the canal cells suggest that the organ is functional in the earliest larval stages. The phylogenetic interpretation of the cyrtopodocyte is clarified as an autapomorphy of the acraniates derived from a podocyte with an apical cilium. The whole system is comparable to the pronephros of craniates and therefore represents a modified metanephridium.  相似文献   

The structure of the larval nervous system and the musculature of Phoronis pallida were studied, as well as the remodeling of these systems at metamorphosis. The serotonergic portion of the apical ganglion is a U-shaped field of cell bodies that send projections into a central neuropil. The majority of the serotonergic cells are (at least) bipolar sensory cells, and a few are nonsensory cells. Catecholaminergic cell bodies border the apical ganglion. The second (hood) sense organ develops at competence and is composed of bipolar sensory cells that send projections into a secondary neuropil. Musculature of the competent larva includes circular and longitudinal muscle fibers of the body wall, as well as elevators and depressors of the tentacles and hood. The juvenile nervous system and musculature are developed prior to metamorphosis and are integrated with those of the larva. Components of the juvenile nervous system include a diffuse neural net of serotonergic cell bodies and fibers and longitudinal catecholaminergic fibers. The juvenile body wall musculature consists of longitudinal fibers that overlie circular muscle fibers, except in the cincture regions, where this pattern is reversed. Metamorphosis is initiated by the larval neuromuscular system but is completed by the juvenile neuromuscular system. During metamorphosis, the larval nervous system and the musculature undergo cell death, and the larval tentacles and gut are remodeled into the juvenile arrangement. Although the phoronid nervous system has often been described as deuterostome-like, these data show that several cytological aspects of the larval and juvenile neuromuscular systems also have protostome (lophotrochozoan) characteristics.  相似文献   

Location and time of appearance of serotonin and FM RFamide in ontogenesis of the bivalve mollusc Mytilus adulis L. has been studied. Serotonin first appears at a transfer from the last trochophore stage to the early veliger stage, 30–32 h after fertilization and is detected in a large cell located immediately at the base of the apical plume. FMRFamide appears 14–15 h after fertilization, during the transfer from the conchostoma stage to the early trochophore stage before the turning out of the shell gland and is a marker of the future shell site. It is located as a transverse stretch on the back of the larva in the area of the future shell. After the turning out of the shell gland the stretch is markedly shortened, while its processes approach the larval surface and are located under the shell. A suggestion is made about a morphogenetic function of FMRFamide.  相似文献   

Bivalve larvae use catch muscles for rapid shell closure and maintenance of the closed condition. We used specific antibodies against the muscle proteins together with phalloidin and neuronal markers, FMRFamide and serotonin (5-HT), to analyze mutual distribution of muscle and neuronal elements in larvae of the mussel, Mytilus trossulus, and the oyster, Crassostrea gigas. At trochophore and early veliger stages no anatomical connections between muscular and nervous system were detected. By the pediveliger stage the 5-HT innervation of the anterior adductor developed in oyster only, while rich FMRFa innervation of the adductor muscles developed in both species. Possible roles and mechanisms of FMRFamide and serotonin in the regulation of the catch state are discussed.  相似文献   

Settlement behavior of molluscan veliger larvae prior to metamorphosis requires cessation of swimming, accomplished by arrest of prototrochal cilia on the margin of the velum (the larval swimming organ). Ciliary arrest in larvae of gastropods is mediated by an action potential that occurs synchronously across the velum as a consequence of electrical coupling between the prototrochal ciliated cells. We developed a preparation for extracellular recording of such ciliary arrest spikes from intact swimming and crawling veliger larvae of the caenogastropod Crepidula fornicata, using a fine wire electrode. Ciliary arrest spike rates during bouts of substrate crawling were significantly higher than those recorded during preceding swimming periods in larvae that were competent for metamorphosis, but not in precompetent larvae. Spike rates were similar on clean polystyrene substrates, and on substrates that had been coated with a natural cue for metamorphosis (mucus from conspecific adults). We used immunohistochemical methods to localize neuromodulators that might regulate the function of velar cilia. Labeled terminals for serotonin, FMRFamide, and tyrosine hydroxylase (an enzyme for catecholamine synthesis) were located in positions consistent with modulatory effects on the prototrochal ciliated cells. Prototrochal ciliary arrest spike rates and beat frequencies were measured in isolated velar lobes from competent larvae, which were exposed to serotonin, FMRFamide, and dopamine (10?5 mol L?1). Serotonin abolished arrest spiking and increased beat frequency; dopamine also increased beat frequency, and FMRFamide depressed it. Competent larvae tested in a small static water column swam to the top of the column when exposed to serotonin, but occupied lower positions than controls when in the presence of dopamine and FMRFamide. The larval nervous system appears to regulate velar functions that are critical for settlement behavior, and is likely to do so by integrating different sensory modalities in an age‐dependent manner.  相似文献   

The investigation of neurogenesis in polychaetes not only facilitates insights into the developmental biology of this group, but also provides new data for phylogenetic analyses. This should eventually lead toward a better understanding of metazoan evolution including key issues such as the ontogenetic processes that underlie body segmentation. We here document the development of the larval nervous system in the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata using fluorescence-coupled antibodies directed against serotonin, FMRFamide, and tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D reconstruction software. The overall pattern of neurogenesis in S. alveolata resembles the condition found in other planktonic polychaete trochophores where the larval neural body plan including a serotonergic prototroch nerve ring is directly followed by adult features of the nervous system such as circumesophageal connectives and paired ventral nerve cords. However, distinct features are also found in S. alveolata, such as the innervation of the apical organ with ring-shaped neurons, the low number of immunoreactive perikarya, and the lack of a posterior serotonergic cell. Moreover, in the larvae of S. alveolata, two distinct modes of neuronal development are expressed, viz. the simultaneous formation of the first three segmental neurons of the peripheral nervous system on the one hand versus the sequential appearance of the ventral commissures on the other. This highlights the complex mechanisms that underlie annelid body segmentation and indicates divergent developmental pathways within polychaete annelids that lead to the segmented nervous system of the adult.  相似文献   

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