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Summary Calcium markedly stimulates the respiration of the isolated chick chorioallantoic membrane. This stimulation of oxygen uptake appears to be closely associated with the membrane's active transcellular calcium transport mechanism. In the presence of 1mm Ca++ the rate of uptake increases from 9.3±0.15 to 13.0±0.2 liters O2/cm2/hr, an increase of about 40%. The calcium-stimulated respiration is specific for the ectodermal layer of cells, the known location of the calcium transport mechanism, and only occurs when the calcium transport mechanism is operative. Sr++ and Mn++ are transported by the tissue at a lower rate than Ca++ and cause a smaller stimulation of oxygen consumption. Mg++ and La3+ have no effect on tissue respiration. In the presence of Ca++, the organic mercurialp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) inhibits calcium transport and specifically decreases the oxygen uptake of the ectoderm to a rate identical to that obtained in a calcium-free medium. Stripping the inner shell membrane away from the chorioallantoic membrane mimics these effects. The specificity and locus of action of these two inhibitors suggest that a vital component of the active transcellular calcium transport mechanism resides on or near the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the ectodermal cells and that sulfhydryl groups are important to the normal function of this component.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of the egg shell on the process of shell calcium mobilization by the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), chick embryos were maintained in long-term cultures in vitro without the shells. The shell-less embryos were severely calcium deficient and showed signs of retarded development and anomalous skeletal calcification. Throughout development, calcium transport and calcium-binding protein (CaBP) activities were diminished in the CAM of shell-less embryos as compared to those of control embryos which developed in ovo. The levels of developmentally expressed carbonic anhydrase activity remained, however, similar. By means of a single radial immunodiffusion assay of CaBP using a specific anti-CaBP antiserum, the level of immunoreactive CaBP was found to be significantly increased in the CAM of the shell-less embryos. These studies indicate that the CAM of chick embryos cultured under shell-less conditions is defective in calcium transport, probably as a result of the expression of an inactive form of the CaBP.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles from pigeon erythrocytes show a rapid, ATP-dependent accumulation of 45Ca2+. Ca2+ accumulation ratios greater than or approximately equal to 104 are readily attained. For ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, V is 1.5 mmol · 1?1 · min?1 at 27°C (approx. 0.9 nmol · mg?1 protein · min?1), [Ca2+]12 is 0.18 μM, [ATP]12 is 30–60 μM, the Ca2+ uptake rate depends on [Ca2+]2 and the dependence of uptake rate on ATP concentration implies strong ATP-ATP cooperativity. The Arrhenius activation energy is 19.1 ± 1.4 kcal/mol and the pH optimum is approx. 6.9.  相似文献   

Calcium ion transport by pig erythrocyte membrane vesicles   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Preincubating pig erythrocyte membranes with ATP enhances their ability to accumulate Ca2+ against a concentration gradient. The extent of this increase is dependent on preincubation time over the period 0–60min. As the accessibility of outside membrane markers is decreased by preincubation and as accumulated Ca2+ is not removed by EGTA [ethanedioxybis(ethylamine)tetra-acetate], it is suggested that ATP causes the formation of sealed inside-out vesicles which can transport Ca2+ inward. The transport system requires ATP and Mg2+ and exhibits an apparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ of approx. 100μm. Since the dissociation constant for Ca2+-sensitive ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) in these preparations is similar, it is concluded that this ATPase is responsible for Ca2+ transport. Polyphosphoinositide concentrations are also increased during incubation with ATP; however, there is no change in their rate of synthesis or breakdown during Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   

The invasion of Candida albicans strains into the chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM) of a developing chick was studied by light and electron microscopy. A proteinase-producing strain, NUM961, invaded into intact CAM, but proteinase-deficient strain NUM678 cells remained on the surface of the CAM with no evidence of damage to the host cells. However, NUM678 cells invaded into the ectoderm-damaged CAM, or proteinase-treated one. Electron microscopy revealed that treatment with purified Candida proteinase disorganized the ectoderm tissue by disrupting the intercellular junctions. These results suggest that Candida proteinase damages the CAM surface, which enables the invasion of the growing hyphae.  相似文献   

Summary Characteristics of 2-deoxyglucose uptake (2DG) by intestinal epithelial cells isolated from chickens were evaluated as a means of discriminating between the concentrative transport system for monosaccharides, associated with the mucosal brush border, and other possible routes of monosaccharide entry. 2DG was chosen as it is not a substrate for the mucosal transport system. The deoxysugar enters via a saturable pathway which is not Na+-dependent, is not inhibited by K+, does not accumulate solute against a concentration gradient; exhibits a high sensitivity to inhibition by phloretin; is relatively insensitive to phlorizin inhibition; and has low affinity [but high capacity relative to Na+-dependent mucosal transport of 3-O-methylglucose (3-OMG) and other monosaccharides]. These characteristics confirm those established in an earlier report for Na+-independent uptake of 3-OMG. Complications encountered in the use of 2DG as a test sugar include significant rates of metabolic conversion to an anionic form which presumably is a phosphorylated species. Methods for distinguishing between transport and subsequent metabolism are described. Inhibition of 2DG entry by several other sugars is described and inhibitory constants (K's) given for each.  相似文献   

Calcium transport was studied in bone cells isolated from fetal rat calvaria. 45Ca uptake experiments revealed an active component of calcium exchange. Calcium uptake was inhibited by iodoacetamide, DNP, CCCP and oligomycin and appeared to be dependent on medium phosphate concentration. Initial influx values exhibited saturation kinetics from 0.6 mM to 1.5 mM extracellular calcium. Efflux of 45Ca from loaded cells increased in the presence of iodoacetamide, DNP and CCCP. Incubation of the cells af 4° C inhibited both influx and efflux of calcium. Parathyroid hormone had no consistent effect on calcium uptake although characteristic increases in cyclic AMP levels were seen with the hormone. Calcitonin appeared to cause a transient increase in calcium uptake.  相似文献   

Calcium transport in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Summary The interrelationships between sodium ion, calcium transport and oxygen utilization have been investigated in the chick chorioallantoic membrane. The oxygen uptakes of the two surface layers of the tissue, the ectoderm and the endoderm, were separated into their basal, Na+ dependent and Ca++ dependent components. The endoderm has a basal rate of respiration of 3.6 liters O2/cm2/hr and a Na+ dependent component of 1.4 liters O2/cm2/hr. The ectoderm has a basal rate of respiration of about 3.5 liters O2/cm2/hr, and Na+ and Ca++ dependent components of 1.1 and 3.6 liters O2/cm2/hr, respectively. The rate of ectodermal calcium transport and calcium-stimulated oxygen uptake is strictly dependent on the presence of sodium in the bathing medium, and complex kinetics are observed as a function of sodium concentration. On the other hand, in 140mm Na+ the rate of calcium transport exhibits simple saturation kinetics as a function of calcium concentration. Ca++/O2 ratios determined for many different rates of transport give a ratio of about 0.5, a value much lower than similar ratios determined for other transport mechanisms. The calcium transport mechanism in the ectoderm responds to changes in transport rate very sluggishly, taking 30 to 50 min to give a maximum response. The differences between the calcium transport mechanism in this membrane and other known transport systems are discussed and it is suggested that these differences may represent the adaptations necessary for transcellular calcium transport.  相似文献   

Tyrosine uptake by membrane vesicles derived from rat brain has been investigated. The uptake is dependent on an Na+ gradient ([Na+]outside > [Na+]inside). The uptake is transport into an osmotically active space and not a binding artifact as indicated by the effect of increasing the medium osmolarity. The process is stimulated by a membrane potential (negative inside) as demonstrated by the effect of the ionophores valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and anions with different permeabilities. Kinetic data show that tyrosine is accumulated by two systems with different affinities. Tyrosine uptake is inhibited by the presence of phenylalanine and tryptophan.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles (ca 40% inside-out, after one freeze-thaw cycle) were extracted and purified from the shoots of oat ( Avena sativa L. ) and chickweed ( Stellaria media L.) using the two-phase aqueous polymer technique. In the presence of ATP or GTP, a rapid uptake of 45Ca2+ occurred (0.77 and 0.62 nmol Ca2+ mg-1 protein, for ATP and GTP, respectively, in oat, and 0.53 and 0.51 nmol Ca2+ mg-1 protein, for ATP and GTP, respectively, in chickweed). Nucleotide-dependent Ca2+-transport was sensitive to 1 μ M Erythrosin B (with ATP. inhibited by 52% in oat and in chickweed by 72%; with GTP, inhibition was similar in both species at ca 67%); ATP-dependent uptake was greater in oat than in chickweed, but not stimulated by calmodulin. Addition of the calcium ionophore A-23187 resulted in the release of label from the vesicles (41% and 63% release with ATP, and 24% and 52% release with GTP, in oat and chickweed, respectively). The results obtained suggest that Ca2+-transport is independent of the proton pump. In oat, kinetic data indicate a discontinuity in the absorption isotherm at 10 μ M free calcium.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules play a major role in haemolymph calcium homeostasis in insects by sequestering excess Ca2+ within the biomineralized granules that often accumulate in the tubule cells and/or lumen. Using the scanning ion‐selective microelectrode technique, measurements of basolateral Ca2+ transport are determined at several sites along the length of the Malpighian tubules isolated from the eight insects representing seven orders: Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera), Aedes aegypti (Diptera), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera), Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera), Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera), Periplaneta americana (Blattodea), Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera) and Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera). Ca2+ transport is specific to tubule segments containing Ca‐rich granules in D. melanogaster and A. aegypti, whereas Ca2+ transport is relatively uniform along the length of whole tubules in the remaining species. Generally, manipulation of second messenger pathways using cAMP and thapsigargin has little effect on rates of basolateral Ca2+ transport, suggesting that previous effects observed across midtubules of A. domesticus are unique to this species. In addition, the present study is the first to provide measurements of basolateral Ca2+ across single principal and secondary tubule cells, where Ca2+ uptake occurs only across principal cells. Estimated times for all tubules to eliminate the entire haemolymph Ca2+ content in each insect range from 6 min (D. melanogaster) to 19 h (H. halys) or more, indicating that rates of Ca2+ uptake by the Malpighian tubules are not always rapid. The results of the present study suggest that the principal cells of the Malpighian tubules contribute to haemolymph calcium homeostasis by sequestering excess Ca2+, often within specific tubule segments.  相似文献   

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