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合成生物学是综合了科学与工程的一个崭新的生物学研究领域,为生命现象及其运动规律的解析提供了一种采用“白下而上”合成策略的正向工程学的研究思路和方法手段,在经济和社会发展中具有巨大的应用开发潜力。近年来,DNA合成与系统生物学技术的发展使生命系统复杂基因回路的设计、合成与组装逐步成为可能,并应用于生物基化学品、生物燃料、医药中间体、保健产品的生产和环境保护等领域。但是,合成生物学的研究仍然面临科学、技术和伦理的挑战,只有积极地应对这些问题,在加大研究开发支持力度的同时,做好必要的风险监管,才能真正把握合成生物学发展带来的历史机遇。  相似文献   

The engineering of and mastery over biological parts has catalyzed the emergence of synthetic biology. This field has grown exponentially in the past decade. As increasingly more applications of synthetic biology are pursued, more challenges are encountered, such as delivering genetic material into cells and optimizing genetic circuits in vivo. An in vitro or cell-free approach to synthetic biology simplifies and avoids many of the pitfalls of in vivo synthetic biology. In this review, we describe some of the innate features that make cell-free systems compelling platforms for synthetic biology and discuss emerging improvements of cell-free technologies. We also select and highlight recent and emerging applications of cell-free synthetic biology.  相似文献   

合成生物学旨在建立一套完整的工程理论和方法,通过设计和组装基本生物学元件,更为有效地实现复杂生物系统的设计,并使其完成可编程的生物学功能。近年来随着可编程基因组元件的出现,特别是CRISPR和CRISPRi技术平台的建立和完善,使得合成生物学进入了一个全新发展的时期。本文重点综述CRISPR等基因组编辑和调控技术,其在构建可编程生物学元件和复杂基因线路的应用以及合成生物学在医学中(称为医学合成生物学)的发展前景。  相似文献   

Synthetic gene circuits are designed to program new biological behaviour, dynamics and logic control. For all but the simplest synthetic phenotypes, this requires a structured approach to map the desired functionality to available molecular and cellular parts and processes. In other engineering disciplines, a formalized design process has greatly enhanced the scope and rate of success of projects. When engineering biological systems, a desired function must be achieved in a context that is incompletely known, is influenced by stochastic fluctuations and is capable of rich nonlinear interactions with the engineered circuitry. Here, we review progress in the provision and engineering of libraries of parts and devices, their composition into large systems and the emergence of a formal design process for synthetic biology.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology seeks to enable programmed control of cellular behavior though engineered biological systems. These systems typically consist of synthetic circuits that function inside, and interact with, complex host cells possessing pre-existing metabolic and regulatory networks. Nevertheless, while designing systems, a simple well-defined interface between the synthetic gene circuit and the host is frequently assumed. We describe the generation of robust but unexpected oscillations in the densities of bacterium Escherichia coli populations by simple synthetic suicide circuits containing quorum components and a lysis gene. Contrary to design expectations, oscillations required neither the quorum sensing genes (luxR and luxI) nor known regulatory elements in the PluxI promoter. Instead, oscillations were likely due to density-dependent plasmid amplification that established a population-level negative feedback. A mathematical model based on this mechanism captures the key characteristics of oscillations, and model predictions regarding perturbations to plasmid amplification were experimentally validated. Our results underscore the importance of plasmid copy number and potential impact of “hidden interactions” on the behavior of engineered gene circuits - a major challenge for standardizing biological parts. As synthetic biology grows as a discipline, increasing value may be derived from tools that enable the assessment of parts in their final context.  相似文献   

The ongoing merge between engineering and biology has contributed to the emerging field of synthetic biology. The defining features of this new discipline are abstraction and standardisation of biological parts, decoupling between parts to prevent undesired cross-talking, and the application of quantitative modelling of synthetic genetic circuits in order to guide their design. Most of the efforts in the field of synthetic biology in the last decade have been devoted to the design and development of functional gene circuits in prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes. Researchers have used synthetic biology not only to engineer new functions in the cell, but also to build simpler models of endogenous gene regulatory networks to gain knowledge of the "rules" governing their wiring diagram. However, the need for innovative approaches to study and modify complex signalling and regulatory networks in mammalian cells and multicellular organisms has prompted advances of synthetic biology also in these species, thus contributing to develop innovative ways to tackle human diseases. In this work, we will review the latest progress in synthetic biology and the most significant developments achieved so far, both in unicellular and multicellular organisms, with emphasis on human health.  相似文献   

合成生物学是一门21世纪生物学的新兴学科,它着眼生物科学与工程科学的结合,把生物系统当作工程系统"从下往上"进行处理,由"单元"(unit)到"部件"(device)再到"系统"(system)来设计,修改和组装细胞构件及生物系统.合成生物学是分子和细胞生物学、进化系统学、生物化学、信息学、数学、计算机和工程等多学科交叉的产物.目前研究应用包括两个主要方面:一是通过对现有的、天然存在的生物系统进行重新设计和改造,修改已存在的生物系统,使该系统增添新的功能.二是通过设计和构建新的生物零件、组件和系统,创造自然界中尚不存在的人工生命系统.合成生物学作为一门建立在基因组方法之上的学科,主要强调对创造人工生命形态的计算生物学与实验生物学的协同整合.必须强调的是,用来构建生命系统新结构、产生新功能所使用的组件单元既可以是基因、核酸等生物组件,也可以是化学的、机械的和物理的元件.本文跟踪合成生物学研究及应用,对其在DNA水平编程、分子修饰、代谢途径、调控网络和工业生物技术等方面的进展进行综述.  相似文献   

The Darwinian concept of natural selection was conceived within a set of Newtonian background assumptions about systems dynamics. Mendelian genetics at first did not sit well with the gradualist assumptions of the Darwinian theory. Eventually, however, Mendelism and Darwinism were fused by reformulating natural selection in statistical terms. This reflected a shift to a more probabilistic set of background assumptions based upon Boltzmannian systems dynamics. Recent developments in molecular genetics and paleontology have put pressure on Darwinism once again. Current work on self-organizing systems may provide a stimulus not only for increased problem solving within the Darwinian tradition, especially with respect to origins of life, developmental genetics, phylogenetic pattern, and energy-flow ecology, but for deeper understanding of the very phenomenon of natural selection itself. Since self-organizational phenomena depend deeply on stochastic processes, self-organizational systems dynamics advance the probability revolution. In our view, natural selection is an emergent phenomenon of physical and chemical selection. These developments suggest that natural selection may be grounded in physical law more deeply than is allowed by advocates of the autonomy of biology, while still making it possible to deny, with autonomists, that evolutionary explanations can be modeled in terms of a deductive relationship between laws and cases. We explore the relationship between, chance, self-organization, and selection as sources of order in biological systems in order to make these points.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a recent scientific approach towards engineering biological systems from both pre-existing and novel parts. The aim is to introduce computational aided design approach in biology leading to rapid delivery of useful applications. Though the term reprogramming has been frequently used in the synthetic biology community, currently the technological sophistication only allows for a probabilistic approach instead of a precise engineering approach. Recently, several human health applications have emerged that suggest increased usage of synthetic biology approach in developing novel drugs. This mini review discusses recent translational developments in the field and tries to identify some of the upcoming future developments.  相似文献   

《Biotechnology advances》2019,37(6):107393
Living organisms evolve complex genetic networks to interact with the environment. Due to the rapid development of synthetic biology, various modularized genetic parts and units have been identified from these networks. They have been employed to construct synthetic genetic circuits, including toggle switches, oscillators, feedback loops and Boolean logic gates. Building on these circuits, complex genetic machines with capabilities in programmable decision-making could be created. Consequently, these accomplishments have led to novel applications, such as dynamic and autonomous modulation of metabolic networks, directed evolution of biological units, remote and targeted diagnostics and therapies, as well as biological containment methods to prevent release of engineered microorganisms and genetic materials. Herein, we outline the principles in genetic circuit design that have initiated a new chapter in transforming concepts to realistic applications. The features of modularized building blocks and circuit architecture that facilitate realization of circuits for a variety of novel applications are discussed. Furthermore, recent advances and challenges in employing genetic circuits to impart microorganisms with distinct and programmable functionalities are highlighted. We envision that this review gives new insights into the design of synthetic genetic circuits and offers a guideline for the implementation of different circuits in various aspects of biotechnology and bioengineering.  相似文献   

The new cover of Experimental Biology and Medicine features the hermeneutic circle of biology, a concept we have adapted from the hermeneutic principle that one understands the whole only in terms of each part and the parts only in terms of the whole. Our hermeneutic circle summarizes the course of experimental biology through 2500 years of the achievements of reductionist research (understanding the parts), which culminates in our ability to rapidly sequence the genome. Rather than returning along the same path in a constructionist approach that simply builds upon this knowledge, but in reverse, an alternative is to close the circle with synthetic constructions that seek to integrate the full complexity of biological and physiological systems (understanding the whole), of which organs-on-chips are one example. This closing of the circle cannot be a comprehensively accurate representation of biology, but it can be a synthetic one that effectively defines particular biological subsystems. The illustration of the hermeneutic circle of biology is also intended to suggest both the multiple cycles that may be required to reach such a synthesis and the expansion of the circle in an outward spiral as knowledge increases. Our commentary explains the symbolism of the new cover in a philosophical and scientific discussion.  相似文献   

生物元件是合成生物学中的三大基本要素之一,是合成生物学的基石。现阶段,生物元件的挖掘、鉴定和改造仍然是合成生物学领域的重要研究方向之一。合成生物学与基因工程和代谢工程最显著的差别在于能够将大量的生物元件进行快速、随意的组装,而实现这一目标的前提是将生物元件标准化。目前,已经有大量基因组被解析,通过这些基因组数据库的注释与功能验证,并借助于各种生物信息学软件预测启动子、终止子、操纵了、转录因子和转录因子结合位点、核糖体结合位点以及蛋白质编码区等部件,为合成生物学提供丰富的生物元件信息资源。随着元基因组技术的兴起,大量未培养微生物中的基因和基因簇信息被解析,使得我们可以从占自然界中实际存在微生物总数99%的未知微生物中挖掘更多的生物元件。另外,生物元件可以从自然界分离出来,也可以对天然生物元件进行修饰、重组和改造后得到新的元件。酵母是异源蛋白表达的通用宿主和生物基产品生产的细胞工厂,但其本身可用的启动子非常有限,近年来各国学者在酵母启动子改造和文库构建方面做了很多工作,该文也将概述酵母启动子改造和在合成生物生物学研究领域中的应用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The aim of synthetic biology is to design artificial biological systems for novel applications. From an engineering perspective, construction of biological systems of defined functionality in a hierarchical way is fundamental to this emerging field. Here, we highlight some current advances on design of several basic building blocks in synthetic biology including the artificial gene control elements, synthetic circuits and their assemblies into devices and modules. Such engineered basic building blocks largely expand the synthetic toolbox and contribute to our understanding of the underlying design principles of living cells.  相似文献   

Inspired by advances in the ability to construct programmable circuits in living organisms, in vitro circuits are emerging as a viable platform for designing, understanding, and exploiting dynamic biochemical circuitry. In vitro systems allow researchers to directly access and manipulate biomolecular parts without the unwieldy complexity and intertwined dependencies that often exist in vivo. Experimental and computational foundations in DNA, DNA/RNA, and DNA/RNA/protein based circuitry have given rise to systems with more than 100 programmed molecular constituents. Functionally, they have diverse capabilities including: complex mathematical calculations, associative memory tasks, and sensing of small molecules. Progress in this field is showing that cell-free synthetic biology is a versatile testing ground for understanding native biological circuits and engineering novel functionality.  相似文献   

Highly complex synthetic gene circuits have been engineered in living organisms to develop systems with new biological properties. A precise trigger to activate or deactivate these complex systems is desired in order to tightly control different parts of a synthetic or natural network. Light represents an excellent tool to achieve this goal as it can be regulated in timing, location, intensity, and wavelength, which allows for precise spatiotemporal control over genetic circuits. Recently, light has been used as a trigger to control the biological function of small molecules, oligonucleotides, and proteins involved as parts in gene circuits. Light activation has enabled the construction of unique systems in living organisms such as band-pass filters and edge-detectors in bacterial cells. Additionally, light also allows for the regulation of intermediate steps of complex dynamic pathways in mammalian cells such as those involved in kinase networks. Herein we describe recent advancements in the area of light-controlled synthetic networks.  相似文献   

The parts-based engineering approach in synthetic biology aims to create pre-characterised biological parts that can be used for the rational design of novel functional systems. Given the context-sensitivity of biological entities, a key question synthetic biologists have to address is what properties these parts should have so that they give a predictable output even when they are used in different contexts. In the first part of this paper I will analyse some of the answers that synthetic biologists have given to this question and claim that the focus of these answers on parts and their properties does not allow us to tackle the problem of context-sensitivity. In the second part of the paper, I will argue that we might have to abandon the notions of parts and their properties in order to understand how independence in biology could be achieved. Using Robert Cummins’ account of functional analysis, I will then develop the notion of a capacity and its condition space and show how these notions can help to tackle the problem of context-sensitivity in biology.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is an engineering discipline that builds on modeling practices from systems biology and wet-lab techniques from genetic engineering. As synthetic biology advances, efficient procedures will be developed that will allow a synthetic biologist to design, analyze, and build biological networks. In this idealized pipeline, computer-aided design (CAD) is a necessary component. The role of a CAD application would be to allow efficient transition from a general design to a final product. TinkerCell is a design tool for serving this purpose in synthetic biology. In TinkerCell, users build biological networks using biological parts and modules. The network can be analyzed using one of several functions provided by TinkerCell or custom programs from third-party sources. Since best practices for modeling and constructing synthetic biology networks have not yet been established, TinkerCell is designed as a flexible and extensible application that can adjust itself to changes in the field.  相似文献   

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