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In both Drosophila wings and vertebrate limbs, signaling between dorsal and ventral cells establishes an organizer that promotes limb formation. Significant progress has been made recently towards characterizing the signaling interactions that occur at the dorsal—ventral limb border. Studies of chicks have indicated that, as in Drosophila, this signaling process requires the participation of Fringe. Studies of Drosophila have indicated that Fringe functions by inhibiting the ability of Notch to be activated by one ligand, Serrate, while potentiating the ability of Notch to be activated by another ligand, Delta. Recent studies of both Drosophila and vertebrates have also shed new light on the signaling activity of the dorsal—ventral boundary limb organizer, and have highlighted how this organizer is maintained by feedback mechanisms with neighboring cells.  相似文献   

Cellular interactions in the developing Drosophila eye   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The formation of complex cellular arrays from unpatterned epithelia is a widespread developmental phenomenon. Insights into the mechanisms regulating this transformation have come from studying the development of the Drosophila compound eye. Pattern formation in the eye primordium is a highly ordered process in which the onset of differentiation is coordinated with synchronization of cell cycle progression. Recent studies have identified a number of genes that are required for early patterning events, and provide a link between the regulation of proliferation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

Strutt H  Strutt D 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(16):1451-1457
The ommatidia of the Drosophila eye initiate development by stepwise recruitment of photoreceptors into symmetric ommatidial clusters. As they mature, the clusters become asymmetric, adopting opposite chirality on either side of the dorsoventral midline and rotating exactly 90 degrees (Figures 1A and 1B, ). The choice of chirality is governed by higher activity of the frizzled (fz) gene in one cell of the R3/R4 photoreceptor pair and by Notch-Delta (N-Dl) signaling. The 90 degrees rotation also requires activity of planar polarity genes such as fz as well as the roulette (rlt) locus. We now show that two regulators of EGF signaling, argos and sprouty (sty), and a gain-of-function Ras85D allele, interact genetically with fz in ommatidial polarity. Furthermore, we find that argos is required for ommatidial rotation, but not chirality, and that rlt is a novel allele of argos. We present evidence that there are two pathways by which EGF signaling affects ommatidial rotation. In the first, typified by the rlt phenotype, there is partial transformation of the "mystery cells" toward a neuronal fate. Although most of these mystery cells subsequently fail to develop as neurons, their partial transformation results in inappropriate subcellular localization of the Fz receptor, a likely cue for regulating ommatidial rotation. Secondly, reducing EGF signaling can specifically affect ommatidial rotation without showing transformation of the mystery cells or defects in polarity protein localization.  相似文献   

The Drosophila compound eye comprises about 750 individual ommatidia arranged into an almost crystalline array. The eye is not needed for viability and thus served as a favorite model organ to decipher many signaling systems controlling diverse aspects such as cell fate allocation or cell-cycle control. Here, we review that the Drosophila eye can also serve to study the interaction between neurons and glial cells. In the Drosophila eye, all glial cells originate from the brain lobes and need to migrate onto the larval eye disc as neurogenesis is initiated during the third instar stage. Although we do have a relatively good understanding of the sequential progression of neurogenesis in the eye disc, we are still at the beginning in our dissection of the molecular pathways orchestrating the coordinated development of neurons and glial cells.  相似文献   

Taguchi A  Sawamoto K  Okano H 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1639-1648
Argos is a secreted protein that contains an EGF-like domain and acts as an inhibitor of Drosophila EGF receptor activation. To identify genes that function in the Argos-regulated signaling pathway, we performed a genetic screen for enhancers and suppressors of the eye phenotype caused by the overexpression of argos. As a result, new alleles of known genes encoding components of the EGF receptor pathway, such as Star, sprouty, bulge, and clown, were isolated. To study the role of clown in development, we examined the eye and wing phenotypes of the clown mutants in detail. In the eye discs of clown mutants, the pattern of neuronal differentiation was impaired, showing a phenotype similar to those caused by a gain-of-function EGF receptor mutation and overexpression of secreted Spitz, an activating ligand for the EGF receptor. There was also an increased number of pigment cells in the clown eyes. Epistatic analysis placed clown between argos and Ras1. In addition, we found that clown negatively regulated the development of wing veins. These results suggest that the clown gene product is important for the Argos-mediated inhibition of EGF receptor activation during the development of various tissues. In addition to the known genes, we identified six mutations of novel genes. Genetic characterization of these mutants suggested that they have distinct roles in cell differentiation and/or survival regulated by the EGF receptor pathway.  相似文献   

Although glial cells have been implicated widely in the formation of axon tracts in both insects and vertebrates, their specific function appears to be context-dependent, ranging from providing essential guidance cues to playing a merely facilitory role. Here we examine the role of the retinal basal glia (RBG) in photoreceptor axon guidance in Drosophila. The RBG originate in the optic stalk and have been thought to migrate into the eye disc along photoreceptor axons, thus precluding any role in axon guidance. Here we show the following. (1) The RBG can, in fact, migrate into the eye disc even in the absence of photoreceptor axons in the optic stalk; they also migrate to ectopic patches of differentiating photoreceptors without axons providing a continuous physical substratum. This suggests that glial cells are attracted into the eye disc not through haptotaxis along established axons, but through another mechanism, possibly chemotaxis. (2) If no glial cells are present in the eye disc, photoreceptor axons are able to grow and direct their growth posteriorly as in wild type, but are unable to enter the optic stalk. This indicates that the RBG have a crucial role in axon guidance, but not in axonal outgrowth per se. (3) A few glia close to the entry of the optic stalk suffice to guide the axons into the stalk, suggesting that glia instruct axons by local interaction.  相似文献   

Determination of cell fate in the developing eye of Drosophila depends on a precise sequence of cellular interactions which generate the stereotypic array of ommatidia. In the eye imaginal disc, an initially unpatterned epithelial sheath of cells, the first step in this process may be the specification of R8 photoreceptor cells at regular intervals. Genes such as Notch and scabrous, known to be involved in bristle development, also participate in this process, suggesting that the specification of ommatidial founder cells and the formation of sensory organs in the adult epidermis may involve a similar mechanism, that of lateral inhibition. The subsequent steps of ommatidial assembly, following R8 assignment, involve a different mechanism: Undetermined cells read their position based on the contacts they make with neighbors that have already begun to differentiate. The development of the R7 photoreceptor cell, one of the eight photoreceptor cells in the ommatidium, is best understood. An important role seems to be played by sevenless, a receptor tyrosine kinase on the surface of the R7 precursor. It transmits the positional information--most likely encoded by the boss protein on the neighboring R8 cell membrane--into the cell via its tyrosine kinase, which activates a signal transduction cascade. Constitutive activation of the sevenless kinase by overexpression of an N-terminally truncated form results in the diversion of other ommatidial cells into the R7 pathway suggesting that activation of the sevenless signalling pathway is sufficient to specify R7 development. Genetic dissection of this pathway should therefore identify components of a signalling cascade activated by a tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

During nervous system development stem cell daughters must exit the proliferative cycle to adopt specific neural and glial fates and they must do so in the correct positions. Cell proliferation in the central nervous system occurs in neuroepithelia such as the neural retina and the ventricular zones. As cells are assigned specific fates they migrate out of the plane of the epithelium to form higher layers. Recent evidence from the Drosophila compound eye suggests that a novel mode of Ras pathway regulation may be crucial in both cell-cycle exit and neural patterning: "MAP Kinase cytoplasmic hold".  相似文献   

The division of the mammalian forebrain into distinct left and right hemispheres represents a critical step in neural development. Several signaling molecules including sonic hedgehog (SHH), fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8), and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been implicated in dorsal midline development, and prior work suggests that the organizing centers from which these proteins are secreted mutually regulate one another during development. To explore the role of the ventral organizing center in the formation of two hemispheres, we assessed dorsal midline development in Shh mutant embryos and in wildtype embryos treated with the SHH signaling inhibitor HhAntag. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that SHH signaling plays an important role in maintaining the normal expression patterns of Fgf8 and Bmp4 in the developing forebrain. We further show that FGF8 can induce the expression of Zic2, which is normally expressed at the midline and is required in vivo for hemispheric cleavage, suggesting that FGF signaling may stimulate dorsal midline development by inducing Zic2 expression.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the function of the Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathways in partitioning the dorsal head neurectoderm of the Drosophila embryo. This region, referred to as the anterior brain/eye anlage, gives rise to both the visual system and the protocerebrum. The anlage splits up into three main domains: the head midline ectoderm, protocerebral neurectoderm and visual primordium. Similar to their vertebrate counterparts, Hh and Dpp play an important role in the partitioning of the anterior brain/eye anlage. Dpp is secreted in the dorsal midline of the head. Lowering Dpp levels (in dpp heterozygotes or hypomorphic alleles) results in a 'cyclops' phenotype, where mid-dorsal head epidermis is transformed into dorsolateral structures, i.e. eye/optic lobe tissue, which causes a continuous visual primordium across the dorsal midline. Absence of Dpp results in the transformation of both dorsomedial and dorsolateral structures into brain neuroblasts. Regulatory genes that are required for eye/optic lobe fate, including sine oculis (so) and eyes absent (eya), are turned on in their respective domains by Dpp. The gene zerknuellt (zen), which is expressed in response to peak levels of Dpp in the dorsal midline, secondarily represses so and eya in the dorsomedial domain. Hh and its receptor/inhibitor, Patched (Ptc), are expressed in a transverse stripe along the posterior boundary of the eye field. As reported previously, Hh triggers the expression of determinants for larval eye (atonal) and adult eye (eyeless) in those cells of the eye field that are close to the Hh source. Eya and So, which are induced by Dpp, are epistatic to the Hh signal. Loss of Ptc, as well as overexpression of Hh, results in the ectopic induction of larval eye tissue in the dorsal midline (cyclopia). We discuss the similarities between vertebrate systems and Drosophila with regard to the fate map of the anterior brain/eye anlage, and its partitioning by Dpp and Hh signaling.  相似文献   

In the developing eye of Drosophila, the EGFR and Notch pathways integrate in a sequential, followed by a combinatorial, manner in the specification of cone-cell fate. Here, we demonstrate that the specification of primary pigment cells requires the reiterative use of the sequential integration between the EGFR and Notch pathways to regulate the spatiotemporal expression of Delta in pupal cone cells. The Notch signal from the cone cells then functions in the direct specification of primary pigment-cell fate. EGFR requirement in this process occurs indirectly through the regulation of Delta expression. Combined with previous work, these data show that unique combinations of only two pathways--Notch and EGFR--can specify at least five different cell types within the Drosophila eye.  相似文献   

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