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Bioclastic accumulations often occur on top of Tethysian carbonate platforms and crinoids are a common constituent of these bioclastic deposits on Lower and Middle Liassic carbonate platforms. In contrast, the relevant literature contains few examples in which the main constituent of the lumachels is thin-shelled bivalves (filaments). This paper presents a study of a filament lumachelle cropping out on top of a Middle Jurassic carbonate platform. The carbonate platform is represented by the Jabalcuz Formation, found in one of the northernmost Subbetic units (south of Jaén city). The lumachelle marks the demise of the carbonate platform and has special features that characterize the drowning phase. This process has been related with the syn-rift extensional tectonics associated to the opening of the Tethys westwards. Stratigraphically, the lumachelle occurs on top of shallow-water oolite limestones (Middle Jurassic) and is overlain by radiolarian-rich pelagic and resedimented deposits (Latest Callovian–Oxfordian). It occurs as a body (about 1.5 km wide and up to 8 m thick) made up entirely of densely packed thin bivalve shells. A remarkable feature of the bivalve shell beds is stromatolite-like crumpled lamination at the outcrop. The observations made at the outcrop scale, by microscope under transmitted light, and by cathodoluminiscence favor a diagenetic origin for this striking structure. Other hypotheses, such as its possible relation with seismicity, cannot be confirmed. The filaments would have filled one of the former basins that originated in relation with syn-rift fault-block tectonics leading to the demise of the carbonate platform. Tectonics was one of the main factors setting in motion a carbonate productivity crisis and the inhibition of a diverse benthic community. Once production failed in the carbonate factory, storms and probably hurricanes as well, swept shell deposits from the shallowest areas of the shallow-water carbonate platform and accumulated them in a coevally formed small half-graben basin. At least three main depositional stages can be differentiated in the fill of this half-graben basin, which was a sediment trap for the accumulation and preservation of the tiny bivalve shells against ebb surges. The massive accumulation of valves, the shortage of micrite around the filaments, outcrop morphology and facies relationships, along with regional geology, are among the arguments supporting this interpretation.  相似文献   

Samples of Triassic pelagic limestones collected in several regions of the Central Mediterranean area were examined with the electron microscope. They show calcareous nannoplankton existing already from Middle Triassic time. The Middle Triassic nannofossils are contained in nodular limestones such as the “Ammonitico Rosso” of Epidaurus (Greece); the Upper Triassic ones are contained in nodular limestones like the Ammonitico Rosso of Hallstatt (Austria), as well as in Halobia cherty limestones of the Pindos basin in Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. In the Halobia limestones it is possible, in spite of the recrystallization effects, to recognize such an abundance of organic forms — even if in fragments — that we can suppose the original sediment to be a kind of nannoplankton ooze.Because of the very low accumulation rate (few metres/m.y.) of the Middle Triassic Ammonitico Rosso limestones, the coccoliths cannot be considered a significant factor of carbonate pelagic sedimentation at this time; the very high accumulation rate (up to 25 metres/m.y.) of the Upper Triassic cherty limestones in the Pindos basin, on the contrary, allows the nannoplankton to be considered a very important agent of calcareous pelagic sedimentation. The authors hypothesize that the Dogger-Malm, mainly represented by radiolarites, was only a temporary interlude in the Mesozoic pelagic carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

A variety of ribbon carbonates of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation (Middle Cambrian) in Central Alborz Range of northern Iran are studied to provide facies characterization and paleoenvironmental interpretation of ribbon carbonates on shallow-marine carbonate platforms. Seven types of ribbon carbonates are divided based mainly on sedimentary structures, ichnofossils, and bed geometry, which represent deposition during different phases of storm-induced processes. The different features of the storm deposits in ribbon carbonates such as hummocky and swaley cross-stratification, planar lamination, and combined-flow-ripple cross-stratification were formed by combined flows. Identification and interpretation of ichnological signatures and the spatial arrangement of succession of sedimentary structures are used to further refine sedimentary interpretations of parameters such as wave energy, substrate properties, variability in sedimentation rates, and proximality-distality trends of a wave-dominated marine ramp sequence. Successions from individual storm events reflect deposition during increasing combined oscillatory and unidirectional flow succeeded by the waning stages. The study provides depositional processes and models of various ribbon carbonates that may be useful for facies interpretation of ribbon rocks elsewhere.  相似文献   

Summary Following a phase of predominantly siliciclastic sedimentation in the Early and Middle Jurassic, a large-scale, low-latitude carbonate depositional system was established in the northern part of the Tabas Block, part of the central-east Iranian microplate, during the Callovian and persisted until the latest Oxfordian/Early Kimmeridgian. Running parallel to the present eastern block margin, a NNW/SSE-trending carbonate platform developed in an area characterized by reduced subsidence rates (Shotori Swell). The growth of this rimmed, flat-topped barrier platform strongly influenced the Upper Jurassic facies pattern and sedimentary history of the Tabas Block. The platform sediments, represented by the predominantly fine-grained carbonates of the Esfandiar Limestone Formation, pass eastward into slope to basin sediments of the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation (platform-derived allochthonites, microbialites, and peri-platform muds). Towards the west, they interfinger with bedded limestones and marlstones (Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation), which were deposited in an extensive shelf lagoon. In a N−S direction, the Esfandiar Platform can be traced for about 170 km, in an E-W direction, the platform extended for at least 35–40 km. The width of the eastern slope of the platform is estimated at 10–15 km, the width of the western shelf lagoon varied considerably (>20–80 km). During the Late Callovian to Middle Oxfordian, the Esfandiar Platform flourished under arid climatic conditions and supplied the slope and basinal areas with large amounts of carbonates (suspended peri-platform muds and gravitational sediments). Export pulses of platform material, e.g. ooids and aggregate grains, into the slope and basinal system are interpreted as highstand shedding related to relative sealevel variations. The high-productivity phase was terminated in the Late Oxfordian when the eastern platform areas drowned and homogeneous deep water marls of the Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian Korond Formation onlapped both the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation and the drowned Esfandiar Limestone Formation. Tectonic instability, probably caused by faulting at the margins of the Tabas Block in connection with rotational movements of the east-central Iranian block assemblage, was responsible for the partial drowning of the eastern platform areas. In some areas, relicts of the platform persisted to produce shallow-water sediments into the Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

Summary The accurate reconstruction of the facies architecture in the Jurassic succession of Monte Kumeta, coupled with a detailed biostratigraphy, allow to define dynamics and genetic factors controlling the conversion of a Bahamian-type carbonate platform to a pelagic escarpment. A change from tidalites to oolites i.e. from the restricted, interior lagoon to a more open-marine sandy depositional environment, records the establishment of a basin south of the Monte Kumeta sector in late Hettangian-Sinemurian times. The oolitic limestones are overlain by earliest Carixian bioclastic grainstones and packstones with micritized grains and by wackestones with radiolarians and sponge spicules, organized in thin sand prisms. The decrease of carbonate productivity indicated by these sediments records the dissection of the platform and the subsequent isolation of a submarine topographic high in the Monte Kumeta sector. Though based only on indirect evidence, it is suggested that a tectonically controlled scarp must have existed between the Monte Kumeta “high” and the basin. Progressive northward retreat of this scarp resulted in the conversion of a shallow platform sector into a gradually steepening slope, along which the distribution of sediments was controlled by repeated tectonic and gravity-induced modifications of the topography of the substrate. Vertical and lateral changes and geometrical relationships of the recognized lithofacies suggest that they were deposited on a stepped surface brought about mainly by, repeatedly reactivated basin ward dipping normal faults. This scenario is clearly reflected by the relationship of platform strata and the overlying encrinites of Carixian/Domerian age. The encrinite bodies show again a prismatic geometry, becoming thicker towards the south and filling the first generation of neptunian dykes. The top of the encrinites is marked by a peculiar jagged dissolution surface with dm-scale pinnacles capped by a thick ferromanganese crust. The formation of this peculiar surface could have been controlled by complex changes in water chemistry probably related to the Early Toarcian anoxic event. The crust itself is dissected by faults of decimetres to metres of throw, sometimes organized into small-scale positive flower structures. In the hollows/depressions of this highly articulated substrate pelagic sediments of Bajocian to Oxfordian age were deposited. They display a clearly onlapping relationship to the encrinites and to the carbonate platform beds. Their thickness rarely exceeds 4 to 5 meters and they are present also as neptunian dykes filling a dense network of fissures. During Late Callovian and Oxfordian times synsedimentary tectonics has intensified resulting in an increase of the inclination of the slope. This led to more and more abundant, gravitationally controlled deformations (slumping and sliding) of semi-lithified and unlithified sediments along the Monte Kumeta escarpment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Pliensbachian gastropods described by De Toni in 1912, coming from an isolated boulder at the foot of Mt Vedana (eastern margin of Trento Platform, Venetian Southern Alps, Italy) are revised. The fauna consists of 13 species representing nine families and eight superfamilies. Despite the low number of species, the assemblage represents the most diverse Early Jurassic gastropod fauna known for the Venetian Southern Alps. The boulder yielding the material was thought to derive from the upper part of the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi Group, a carbonate platform unit extensively cropping out in the Mt Vedana area. The sedimentological analysis indicates a prevalently bioclastic wackstone‐floatstone, reflecting a lime‐muddy deposit undergone to an early consolidation. This and the high content of ammonoids, which is unusual for the Calcari Grigi Group, are typical aspects of a condensed pelagic sediment, presumably a fissure filling at the top of the carbonate platform succession. Palaeobiogeographical comparisons show that the fauna is composed of species occurring exclusively in pelagic limestones of the western Tethys. By contrast, it shows no relationships with the coeval faunas of the adjacent Trento platform and of the other western Tethyan carbonate platforms. These lines of evidence and the facies analysis would testify to the Pliensbachian drowning of the eastern margin of the Trento platform. In the wider context of the palaeobiogeographical history of Early Jurassic western Tethyan gastropods, the species from Vedana belong to a faunal stock which is typical for pelagic, mainly postdrowning sediments. Thus, appearance and diffusion in space and time of this stock were probably regulated by the direction, rate and pattern of the Neotethyan rifting. A new subgenus, Proarcirsa (Schafbergia) subgen. nov., and three new species, namely Ataphrus (Ataphrus) cordevolensis sp. nov., Guidonia pseudorotula sp. nov. and Proarcirsa (Schafbergia) zirettoensis sp. nov. are erected.  相似文献   

A study of the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian strata in Jämtland, central Sweden, shows that large-scale changes in shelf deposition took place close to the systems boundary. These changes include unconformity development and the replacement of a siliciclastic shelf with a carbonate-dominated shelf, suggesting the interaction of allocyclic controls such as changing eustatic sea-level and climate. The 6-m-thick Ede Formation is a key lithosome for interpretation of this transition. Its sediments were deposited in the Caledonian foreland basin, situated east of the closing Iapetus Ocean on the western margin of the Baltic craton. A major part of the late Caradoc to late Ashgill (into the Hirnantian) was characterised by continuous and uniform deposition over wide areas (Kogsta Formation), whereas erosional surfaces and complex lateral facies relationships characterise the Ordovician–Silurian boundary strata (Ede Formation and lateral equivalents). The Ede Formation represents the end of terrigenous deposition, which in the middle Aeronian was followed by regional expansion of carbonate deposition (Berge Formation). A syn-sedimentary erosional surface, with at least 1 m of relief locally, forms the lower boundary of the Ede Formation. This surface is overlain by two types of conglomerate. Lower parts of the Ede Formation consist of medium to thick-bedded quartzites. A second erosional surface with only minor (few centimetres) relief occurs on top of these quartzites. The upper parts of the Ede Formation consist of a thin, basal favositid biostrome overlain by thin bedded, calcareous sandstones, limestones and intensely bioturbated shales. Analysis of stratigraphic boundaries and the facies succession suggests that the lower Ede Formation represents a major downward shift in coastal onlap and by-pass sedimentation that created the lower erosional surface. The erosional surface in the middle of the Ede Formation is inferred to have formed during the subsequent maximum lowstand or as a ravinement surface, and is interpreted as an unconformity. The succession is subdivided into four facies associations, each corresponding to a specific systems tract: (a) a Shale–Siltstone Association (uppermost Kogsta Formation), deposited during a highstand situation in mid-outer shelf areas; (b) a Quartzite Association (the lower Ede Formation), deposited during forced regression in a shoreface environment; (c) a Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Association (the upper Ede Formation), deposited during transgression in a wave-dominated, proximal shelf environment when clastic supply was reduced; and (d) a Micritic Limestone Association (lowermost Berge Formation), deposited during a second highstand situation in a low-energy, offshore environment.

Conodont data, together with a previously reported Hirnantia fauna, constrain the position of the Ordovician–Silurian boundary to the lower 1.65 m of the Ede Formation, or less likely, to the uppermost metre of the underlying Kogsta Formation, i.e., within a 2.65-m-thick uncertainty interval. The base of the Berge Formation is about 4 m above the top of the uncertainty interval, and is dated as being mid-Aeronian in age, suggesting condensation and/or a hiatus close to, or at, the Ordovician–Silurian boundary. These data tie the unconformity and the regional facies change from a siliciclastic to a carbonate-dominated shelf to Late Ordovician–Early Silurian eustatic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

Successions of the Slovenian Basin structurally belong to the easternmost Southern Alps. During the Late Triassic, they were part of the Adriatic continental margin. Norian–Rhaetian successions of the Slovenian Basin are characterized mainly by dolomite of the Bača Dolomite Formation. However, in the northern part of the basin, Late Triassic limestone is preserved above Bača Dolomite Formation and is formalized as the Slatnik Formation. It is composed of hemipelagic limestone alternating with resedimented limestones. The succession documents an upward progradation of the slope environment composed of three high-frequency cycles. Most prominent progradation is referred to the second, i.e., Early Rhaetian cycle. The Slatnik Formation ends with thin-bedded hemipelagic limestone that records the end-Triassic productivity crisis, or rapid sea-level fall. The overlying resedimented limestones of the Early Jurassic Krikov Formation, document the recovery of production and shedding from the adjacent carbonate platform.  相似文献   

Limestone-marl alternations represent a common type of fine-grained calcareous rhythmites during the entire Phanerozoic. Their diagenetic overprint, however, obliterates their value for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The original mineralogical composition of the carbonate fraction (aragonite, high-Mg calcite, low-Mg calcite) would potentially yield important information on palaeoenvironmental conditions: for example shallow-water carbonate factories are usually characterised by extensive aragonite production, whereas pelagic carbonate production is dominated by calcitic organisms. Therefore, a reconstruction of the pre-diagenetic mineralogical composition of limestone-marl precursors would be desirable. A particularly conspicuous attribute of fine-grained calcareous rhythmites is the intercalation of two rock types that have undergone two entirely different diagenetic pathways (“differential diagenesis”). As indicated by earlier petrography work, in the interlayers selective aragonite dissolution has taken place, and the dissolved aragonite provided the cement for the limestones. Primary aragonite usually is not preserved in diagenetically mature fine-grained limestones. However, in a recently published paper a method is proposed to quantify the primary mineralogical composition of the precursor sediments of a fine-grained calcareous rhythmite. Here we apply this method to several published data sets from sections of Cambrian to Jurassic age. We try to answer the following questions: Where does the aragonite come from, especially during times of “calcite seas”? What is the impact of the enhanced pelagic carbonate production since the Late Jurassic on the formation of limestone-marl alternations? How much dissolved aragonite is lost to sea water during early marine burial diagenesis, i.e. how closed is the diagenetic system? As demonstrated for the five examples shown here, the new method for reconstructing primary mineralogy potentially provides insight into ancient depositional environments, surface productivity, and ocean chemistry.  相似文献   

本文通过对北羌塘盆地北坳陷中南部胜利河、东湖及毛毛山等地区侏罗纪布曲组6条剖面及其中丰富的腕足类、双壳类等古生物资料和岩石组合特征的研究,将布曲组地质时代划为中侏罗世巴通期(Bathonian)至早卡洛夫期(Callovian),还可能跨入早巴柔期(Bajocian)。通过本文研究和区域对比,认为布曲组的沉积时代在北羌塘盆地存在穿时性。依据岩石组合特征,布曲组沉积充填物三分性明显,下部和上部为一套以微晶结构、粒泥结构为主的低能碳酸盐岩,中部为一套以高能的亮晶粒屑灰岩为主的碳酸盐岩。结合古生物生态习性,布曲组沉积环境总体为近岸浅水开阔台地–台地边缘碳酸盐岩沉积体系,构成多个沉积旋回。这一基础资料对下一步分析北羌塘盆地坳陷中南部布曲组岩相古地理提供了支撑。  相似文献   

A detailed facies study of Early Permian strata within NE Svalbard reveals a fundamental change of the depositional setting, from a restricted-marine, warm-water carbonate platform to an open-marine, temperate-water, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp. The uppermost strata of the Gipshuken Formation (Templet and Sørfonna members; Sakmarian–early Artinskian?) consist of microbialites (algal mats), mudstones, bioclastic/peloidal limestones, carbonate breccias and Microcodium facies reflecting peritidal platform areas and supratidal sabkhas. A mixed heterozoan/reduced photozoan assemblage indicates temperate-water conditions within neighboring deeper, open-marine mid-platform areas, while warm-water conditions still prevailed within inner platform zones. In contrast, the lowermost strata of the overlying Kapp Starostin Formation (Vøringen Member; late Artinskian?–Kungurian) show a fully heterozoan biotic assemblage reflecting temperate water conditions within open-marine, storm-dominated, nearshore to transitional offshore areas of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. The Vøringen Member comprises three facies associations, which form a shallowing-upward sequence subsequent to an initial transgression. The sediments reflect bryozoan bioherms in most distal areas, followed by stacked tempestites of sandy brachiopodal shell banks and Skolithos piperocks, grading into broad sand flats in most proximal areas of the inner ramp. The above environmental change is regarded as a regional event taken place across the entire shelf along the northern margin of Pangea and is attributed to paleoclimatic, paleoceanographic, as well as paleogeographic changes, possibly related to the overall northwards drift of the supercontinent. An abrupt increase in terrigenous input coinciding with this change is ascribed to the uplift of a new local source area, probably to the north or east of the investigation area.  相似文献   

塔里木板块西北柯坪地层区中-上奥陶统萨尔干组的分布和相变受控于当时西浅东深的海底深度差异。萨尔干组的厚度10米左右,为富含有机物的黑色页岩并夹少量灰岩薄层或透镜体。位于研究区西南的伽师西克尔剖面缺失大部分奥陶纪地层,上奥陶统铁热克阿瓦提组碎屑岩不整合于下-中奥陶统鹰山组灰岩之上,中-晚奥陶世的大部分时段属于暴露海面的剥蚀区;北部乌什的亚科瑞克剖面无萨尔干组岩性单元,为红色居多且粒度偏粗的碎屑岩夹白云岩薄层,属于近岸带碎屑岩为主的沉积区。西克尔向东北延伸150km至柯坪羊吉坎亦无萨尔干组,与萨尔干组同期沉积的地层在此表现为大湾沟组上部浅海灰岩的相变,且与上奥陶统桑比阶坎岭组偏深水相的红色薄层含泥瘤状灰岩之间呈整合接触;由西向东出露于柯坪苏巴什沟、柯坪大湾沟、阿克苏四石厂3个剖面的萨尔干组黑色泥页岩指示典型的滞流盆地相,而夹含于萨尔干组下部和上部的薄层灰岩之微相特征差异甚为显著,表现为该组下部可见数层密集砂屑颗粒形成泥粒状灰岩或颗粒灰岩,可解释为西部相邻的浅海碳酸盐岩台地区灰岩经重力流搬运后的再沉积;而该组上部含生屑泥状灰岩则属滞流盆地相区类似于黑色页岩环境的正常沉积。从羊吉坎灰岩台地到苏巴什沟滞流盆地相之间距离仅20余千米,坡度偏大是导致重力流形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

In the Argolis, the Basal Sequence, constituting the eastern Pelagonian margin which bordered the Maliac-Vardar oceanic domain, includes shallow-water carbonates of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, condensed pelagic limestones of Early-Middle Jurassic, radiolarian cherts of late Middle-Late Jurassic age and siliceous mudstones and sandstones rich in ophiolite fragments. Up-section, coarse breccias, including clasts of boninites derived from the ophiolite obducted onto the Pelagonian margin in Late Jurassic times crop out. Near Angelokastron a small quarry exposes pervasively sheared dark reddish-brown, radiolarian-bearing cherty shales with disrupted fragments of chert and chert nodules impregnated by ferro-manganese oxides. These shales occur in the footwall of a thrust bringing them into contact with the Pantokrator Limestone of the Basal Sequence. We collected more than 30 samples of the chert fragments and the shaly matrix. Thirteen nodules and one matrix sample yielded determinable radiolarians. Low to non-detectable concentrations of trace metals such as Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Pb indicate a hydrothermal origin of the ferro-manganese mineralization. The radiolarian taxa found indicate four age groups for the nodules that are embedded in the siliceous shale matrix that yielded a Middle Jurassic age (middle Bathonian). The first group includes a nodule of Late Triassic age (late Norian to Rhaetian); the second group nodules of Early Jurassic age (late early to late Pliensbachian and probably middle-late Toarcian); the third group nodules of early Middle Jurassic age (Aalenian–Bajocian); the last group finally includes nodules of late Middle Jurassic age (Bajocian–Bathonian). The presence of Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic Mn-impregnated chert nodules in a Middle Jurassic matrix indicates a deep oceanic environment of deposition outside the Pelagonian realm (easternmost Adria Plate), which at that time was a shallow-water carbonate platform with a thin pelagic limestone cover. The chert nodules are with all certainty derived from the oceanic Maliac-Vardar domain and were, together with their host formation, tectonically emplaced onto the Pelagonian margin. We speculate that these nodules, more lithified than their matrix, were exhumed on the slope of an intra-oceanic accretionary wedge and were redeposited in the Middle Jurassic siliceous mudstones on the floor of the subducting Maliac-Vardar Ocean.  相似文献   

Jurassic neptunian dikes are common within Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic platform limestone of the Julian Alps. At Mt Mangart, the following geometries were observed: irregular dissolution cavities, thin penetrative fractures, larger fractures with sharp sidewalls, and laterally confined breccia bodies. Inside a complex neptunian dike system two main generations of infillings were differentiated. The first generation is heterogeneous and consists of bioclastic limestones, representing uniquely preserved sediments subdivided into five different microfacies. The second generation is more common and typically consists of coarse-grained breccias with host-rock clasts and marly limestone matrix containing echinoderms. Fracture formation and void filling of the first generation of neptunian dikes is dated as Pliensbachian and is interpreted to be caused by the Julian carbonate platform dissection due to widely recognized Lower Jurassic Tethyan rifting. The timing of formation for the second generation is only broadly constrained, ranging from the Pliensbachian to the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Julian E. Andrews 《Ichnos》2013,20(4):247-253
The Kilmaluag Formation of the Great Estuarine Group (Middle Jurassic) of Scotland represents deposition of mixed carbonate and clastic sediments in a low‐salinity coastal lagoon to floodplain lake setting. Large, unusual trace fossils occur at two horizons within the formation. One type consists of platelike structures about 50 cm in diameter, which are found on wave‐rippled sandstone. These structures, strikingly similar to burrows produced by modern mudskippers, are assigned to fish that shallowly burrowed into the lagoon‐shore sediment.

The second type of burrows, found in brecciated, dolomitic limestones, are pipelike, about 4 to 7 cm in diameter and as much as 50 cm deep. One example has a chamber at the base of the pipe. Although most features of these structures appear similar to modern lungfish burrows, the chamber is most similar to structures produced by modern crayfish. The animal probably burrowed into the moist, mudflat sediment to escape desiccation during seasonal aridity.  相似文献   

Summary The Triassic sediments in the subsurface of the United Arab Emirates has been divided into three formations (from bottom to top): Sudair, Jilh (Gulailah) and Minjur. The Sudair Formation consists of four lithofacies units composed mainly of limestones and minor dolomites interbedded with terrigenous shaley mudstones and anhydritic dolomitic limestones. These were deposited in shallow marine supratidal to subtidal settings. The Jilh (Gulailah) Formation has five lithofacies units dominated by anhydritic dolomitic limestone, fine terrigenoclastic sediments and bioclastic and intraclastic limestones. The formation was laid down under lagoonal to supratidal sabkha conditions with little normal marine influence. The Minjur Formation is composed of three lithofacies units characterized by argillaceous quartzitic sandstones, shales, mudstones, dolomitic and ferruginous limestones with thin coal seams. These facies represent deposition in prograding delta lobes, reflecting humid continental to marginal-marine conditions. Diagenesis plays a major role in the reservoir development in the Triassic sediments, the pores are occluded by dolomite and anhydrite. The grains are compacted, leached or cemented by marine cements. Porosity generally ranges from fair to poor with values from 6% to 9% in the carbonates and from 6% to 15% in the clastics. Interparticle and vuggy porosities are the main pore types. The porosity was controlled by diagenesis, depth of burial and lithology. No oil has been discovered so far in the Triassic sediments of the United Arab Emirates but pronounced gas shows have been reported from offshore fields. Western offshore United Arab Emirates is a promising area for potential hydrocarbon accumulations. The Triassic sediments have low to moderate source rock potential; the organic matter is mainly sapropelic kerogen, and the degree of thermal alteration ranges between mature to highly mature stages.  相似文献   

The Torinosu-type limestones, having many lithologic characters showing their original deposition on shallow shelves, are widely distributed in the Jurassic to Cretaceous terranes of Japan. The foraminiferal faunas from the Jurassic to the lowermost Cretaceous of Japan were first revealed in the calcareous blocks of the southern Kanto Mountains. Distinguished microfaunas consist of 39 species including many marker species of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous in Europe, West Asia, and North Africa such as Melathrokerion spirialis, Charentia evoluta, Freixialina planispiralis, Nautiloculina oolithica, Everticyclammina cf. virguliana, Haplophragmium lutzei and Pseudocyclammina lituus. These faunas suggest a Tithonian to Berriasian age of Torinosu-type limestones. They are contained in four tectonostratigraphic units (Kamiyozawa, Hikawa and Gozenyama Formations; Ogouchi Group) continuously accreted from Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. The younger deposition age of Torinosu-type limestones than the accretion age (Bajocian to Bathonian) in the Kamiyozawa Formation and their older age than the accretion age of the Ogouchi Group (late Albian to middle Maastrichtian) are important to date the post-accretionary tectonics of Jurassic to Cretaceous terranes of Japan and to explain the emplacement process of Torinosu-type limestones.  相似文献   

Sedimentary environment of Devonian pelagic limestones in the Southern Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary sedimentary structures combined with the geometry of Devonian and Lower Palaeozoic lithosomes in the Southern Alps (Austria and Italy) suggest many doubts about the published environmental and bathymetric interpretation of some Lower to Middle Devonian pelagic nodular limestones as 'deep-water' abyssal deposits. Every graded bed is not necessarily aturbidite; a single or some turbiditic beds are not necessarily deep-water or abyssal deposits; carbonate dissolution does not necessarily take place only below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Data show that graded allodapic beds, like those of the Lower to Middle Devonian of the Alps, may have been deposited as storm layers at a depth not exceeding some hundreds of metres. Accordingly the margins between Lower Devonian shallow-water platform and basins were characterized by low gradient and transitional sedimentary conditions. They became very steep only at the Devonian–Carboniferous transition because of synsedimentary block faulting.  相似文献   

More than two thirds of beds in the lowest Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation lack ammonites, which are commonly preserved in irregular or planar-bedded, bioturbated limestones, very rarely in laminated limestones and almost never in laminated black shales. Ammonites are preserved in 3D in nodular and planar-bedded limestones and at any orientation to bedding. Co-occurrence with macrobenthos and absence from beds without benthos suggest that Blue Lias ammonites were nektobenthonic. Scour structures and imbrication of ammonites in the Best Bed imply presence of traction currents. Lack of epifauna on large cephalopod shells (and other fossils) implies rapid deposition in event beds. Blue Lias deposition was episodic, not slow and continuous as the fine grain size implies. Undistorted trace fossils, uncrushed ammonites and stable isotope values all suggest early cementation of limestone beds from pore waters of a similar composition to contemporary Jurassic sea water. A clear diagenetic trend exists, with limestones having least, and laminated black shales most, modified stable isotope values. Contrast between trace fossil fills and host sediment demonstrates that Blue Lias rhythms are primary, but limestone beds have been diagenetically cemented.  相似文献   

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