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Marine benthic diatoms growing in biofilms on sediment surfaces generally occur associated with heterotrophic bacteria, whereas modern molecular techniques and analyses of species‐specific physiology create a demand for axenic cultures. Numerous benthic diatoms were isolated from surface sediments during a monitoring of the Solthörn tidal flat (southern North Sea, Germany) from May 2008 to May 2009. Of these, around 50% could be purified from the accompanying heterotrophic bacteria using different antibiotics combined with physical separation methods (vortexing, ultrasound). Overall, seven different antibiotics were tested at different concentrations, and a best working protocol was developed. The axenic strains were stable on average for only around 15 months, indicating a symbiotic interaction between the benthic diatoms and the associated bacteria. While most short‐term effects during the purification process were restricted to differences in growth rates among xenic and axenic diatom strains, long‐term cultivation led to distinct changes in cell volumes and growth characteristics of the axenic strains.  相似文献   

Ten species of benthic diatoms from the Eems-Dollard estuary were grown in axenic cultures under various combinations of irradiance and supply of organic substrates. Six species were capable of growth in the dark on yeast extract, casamino acids, or glucose. Four of these species grew best in the presence of glucose, whereas the growth of the other two species was supported only by yeast extract and casamino acids. The light limited growth rate of only those species that were also capable of heterotrophic growth in the dark was increased by organic substrates. The rate of this “mixed” growth together with the absence of a lag-phase upon change from autotrophic to heterotrophic conditions indicates the nutritional versatility of these diatom species. A positive relation between the organic matter content of the natural habitat and the heterotrophic capacities of the diatom species is suggested. All species with heterotrophic capacities were isolated from muddy sediments, whereas two species isolated from a sandflat seem to be obligately autotrophic. Also two species from muddy sediments apparently had no heterotrophic capacities. The cells of the six species with heterotrophic capacities differed from those of the four species without such capacities in their higher surface to volume ratio.  相似文献   

Copper and zinc salts act synergistically and have inhibitory effects on the growth of the diatoms Amphora coffeaeformis and Amphiprora hyalina. The concentrations required to cause a significant reduction in growth yields indicate that the isolates of the two species used are copper and zinc tolerant. Some growth stimulation was found in lower concentrations of the two metals. Cellular levels generally increased with increasing concentrations in the external medium, resulting in increased growth inhibition. Growth yields and cellular copper concentrations were found to be related to calculated cupric ion activities in the medium. Relative inhibitory and cellular concentrations of copper and zinc tor A. coffeaeformis and A. hyalina suggest that the latter species may be more sensitive to CuC12‐2HjO and more tolerant to ZnCl2 than the former. The results suggest that inclusion of ZnO as an additional biocide in self‐polishing copolymer antifouling paints would result in more effective antifouling action.  相似文献   


Potentiometric titrations of filtrates from cultures of intertidal and marine fungi revealed extracellular production of strong copper-complexing ligands for 8 of 11 species tested. Conditional stability constants for these ligands at pH 7 ranged from 109 to 1012, similar to previously published constants for organic ligands from natural waters and sediments. Our results indicate that fungi could be an important source of natural chelating substances, and could play an important role in controlling the biological availability and geochemical behavior of copper in many natural systems.  相似文献   

Abiotic factors and primary production by phytoplankton and microphytobenthos was studied in the turbid Westeschelde estuary. Because of the high turbidity and high nutrient concentrations primary production by phytoplankton is light-limited. In the inner and central parts of the estuary maximum rates of primary production were therefore measured during the summer, whereas in the more marine part spring and autumn bloom were observed. Organic loading is high, causing near anaerobic conditions upstream in the river Schelde. Because of this there were no important phytoplankton grazers in this part of the estuary and hence the grazing pressure on phytoplankton was minimal. As this reduced losses, biomass is maximal in the river Schelde, despite the very low growth rates.On a number of occasions, primary production by benthic micro-algae on intertidal flats was studied. Comparison of their rates of primary production to phytoplankton production in the same period led to the conclusion that the contribution to total primary production by benthic algae was small. The main reason for this is that the photosynthetic activity declines rapidly after the flats emerged from the water. It is argued that CO2-limitation could only be partially responsible for the noticed decrease in activity.  相似文献   

An experimental life support system (ELSS) was constructed to study the interactive effects of multiple stressors on coastal and estuarine benthic communities, specifically perturbations driven by global climate change and anthropogenic environmental contamination. The ELSS allows researchers to control salinity, pH, temperature, ultraviolet radiation (UVR), tidal rhythms and exposure to selected contaminants. Unlike most microcosms previously described, our system enables true independent replication (including randomization). In addition to this, it can be assembled using commercially available materials and equipment, thereby facilitating the replication of identical experimental setups in different geographical locations. Here, we validate the reproducibility and environmental quality of the system by comparing chemical and biological parameters recorded in our ELSS with those prevalent in the natural environment. Water, sediment microbial community and ragworm (the polychaete Hediste diversicolor) samples were obtained from four microcosms after 57 days of operation. In general, average concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3?; NH4+ and PO4?3) in the water column of the ELSS experimental control units were within the range of concentrations recorded in the natural environment. While some shifts in bacterial community composition were observed between in situ and ELSS sediment samples, the relative abundance of most metabolically active bacterial taxa appeared to be stable. In addition, ELSS operation did not significantly affect survival, oxidative stress and neurological biomarkers of the model organism Hediste diversicolor. The validation data indicate that this system can be used to assess independent or interactive effects of climate change and environmental contamination on benthic communities. Researchers will be able to simulate the effects of these stressors on processes driven by microbial communities, sediment and seawater chemistry and to evaluate potential consequences to sediment toxicity using model organisms such as Hediste diversicolor.  相似文献   

The nature reserve Botshol (Utrecht, The Netherlands), consisting of two shallow lakes, ditches and reedland, originated from excavation of peat by man in the 17th century. Up to 1960 Botshol was a clear-water Charophyte lake system. Since the sixties water quality deteriorated and phytoplankton concentrations increased, while the number and dispersion of Chara species decreased. Several restoration measures were attempted to restablish a Charophyte-dominated ecosystem. This paper reports the promising results of this restoration experiment and mentions some complications that arose in restoring the reserve to a less fertile state. The restoration measures have resulted in a sixfold reduction of the external phosphorus load, from 0.6 to 0.1 g m–2.y–1, and in a significant reduction of phosphorus levels at all locations. Moreover, the light climate improved and the phyto- and zooplankton compositions changed considerably Unexpectedly, a bloom ofPrymnesium parvum and a fish kill were observed during the last three months of 1990. Despite this fish kill the restoration of the lake is successful so far.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity and temperature on Arthrospira platensis growth and production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in batch culture were evaluated using a three-level, full-factorial design and response surface methodology. Three levels were tested for each parameter (temperature: 30, 35, 40°C; light intensity: 50, 115, 180 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Both growth and EPS production are influenced mainly by the temperature factor but the interaction term temperature*light intensity also had a significant effect. In addition, conditions optimising EPS production are different from those optimising growth. The highest growth rate (0.414 ± 0.003 day−1) was found at the lowest temperature (30°C) and highest light intensity (180 μmol photons m−2 s−1) tested, no optima were detectable within the given test range. Obviously, optima for growth must be at a temperature lower than 30°C and a light intensity higher than 180 μmol photons m−2 s−1. For EPS production, light intensity had a positive linear effect (optimum obviously higher than 180 μmol photons m−2 s−1), but for the temperature parameter a maximum effect was detectable at 35°C.  相似文献   

Chaetoceros convolutus and C. concavicornis have been implicated in the death of salmon in netpens in the Pacific Northwest by damaging the salmon's gills. To better understand how environmental factors affect the distribution of these two species, the interacting effects of light, temperature and salinity on growth rate were examined by growing these species under a range of temperatures (4–18 °C), light (10–175 μmol photon m−2 s−1) and salinities (10–30‰). For C. convolutus, the growth rate showed a hyperbolic relationship with irradiance at 8, 14 and 18 °C and light saturation occurred at 9, 14 and 20 μmol photon mt s−1 respectively. At 4 °C for C. convolutus and 8 °C for C. concavicornis, cells grew at μmax, even at the lowest irradiances tested (10 μmol photon m−2 s−1). For C. convolutus, the amount of light required to saturate growth rate increased with temperature in an approximately linear fashion. The Q10 was 1.88, calculated by averaging over both species. C. concavicornis was the more euryhaline species growing at salinities as low as 17.5‰, while C. convolutus grew only at 25‰ and above.  相似文献   

Melatonin, a methoxylated indoleamine, plays a role as a mediator of darkness in animals as well as in the unicellular alga Gonyaulax polyedra Stein and was recently detected in higher plants. We report on the first finding of melatonin in a multicellular alga, the brown alga Pterygophora californica Rupr. Melatonin was identified in juvenile sporophytes of P. californica by two independent methods, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection, and radioimmunoassay. Another indolic metabolite, 5-methoxytryptophol, was also indentified by HPLC. The rapid decline of growth rate upon the onset of darkness in P. californica is mimicked by melatonin in the light, with increasing efficiency from 5 × 10–5M to 5 × 10–4M, while no effect was obtained at 10–5M.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - LD light-dark cycle K.L. and A.W. thank Petra Kadel for help with algal cultivation and evaluation of the experiments.  相似文献   

Exposure of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Floramerica) to chilling temperatures in the dark for as little as 12 h resulted in a sizable inhibition in the rate of light- and CO2-saturated photosynthesis. However, when photosynthesis was measured at low light intensity, the inhibition disappeared and the quantum yield of CO2 reduction was diminished only slightly. Chilling the tomato plants under strong illumination caused an even more rapid and severe decline in the rate of light- and CO2-saturated photosynthesis, accompanied by a large decline in the quantum efficiency. Sizeable inhibition of photosystem II activity was observed only after dark exposures to low temperature of grater than 16 h. No inhibition of photosystem I electron transfer capacity was observed even after 40 h of dark chilling. Chilling under high light resulted in a rapid decline in both photosystem I and photosystem II electron transfer capacity as well as in significant reaction center inactivation.Regardless of whether the chilling exposure was in the presence or absence of illumination and regardless of its duration, the electron transfer capacity of thylakoid membranes isolated from the treated plants was always in excess of that necessary to support light- and CO2-saturated photosynthesis. Thus, in neither case of chilling inhibition of photosynthesis does it appear that impaired electron transfer capacity represents a significant rate limitation to whole plant photosynthesis.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DHQ duroquinol - EDTA ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MES 2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MV methylviologen - PS I & II photosystems I and II - PDOX p-phenylenediimine (oxidized) - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine  相似文献   

Interplexiform cells contact cone horizontal cells in the fish retina and probably release dopamine at synaptic sites. The effects of dopamine, certain related compounds, and light and dark régimes were tested on the intracellularly recorded activity of horizontal cells in the superfused carp retina to elucidate the functional role of the interplexiform cell. Dopamine application onto retinae kept in the dark for 30-40 min increased the size of the responses of cone horizontal cells to small-spot stimuli but decreased response size to large- and full-field stimuli. Dopamine also altered the response waveform of these cells; the transient at response onset increased in size and the depolarizing afterpotential decreased in size. Haloperidol, a dopamine antagonist, blocked these effects of dopamine application. Forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator, increased the size of the responses of the cells to small-spot stimuli. Superfusion of vasoactive intestinal peptide did not produce any effects on horizontal cells. The results indicate that dopamine produces multiple physiological effects on cone horizontal cells by activation of an intracellular enzyme system. We propose that some of these effects are probably related to an uncoupling of the gap junctions between horizontal cells, but that other effects are most likely not explained on this basis and reflect additional changes induced in the cells by dopamine. After prolonged periods of darkness (100-110 min), compared with short periods (30-40 min), L-type cone horizontal cells exhibited responses similar to those obtained during dopamine application. Dim flickering or continuous light backgrounds did not mimic the effects of dopamine. Although dopamine application onto retinae after short-term darkness produced dramatic effects on L-type cone horizontal cells, little or no effect was observed when dopamine was applied while the effects of a previous dopamine application were still present or after prolonged darkness. These results suggest that interplexiform cells may release dopamine after prolonged darkness and that interplexiform cells may regulate lateral inhibitory effects mediated by L-type cone horizontal cells as a function of time in the dark.  相似文献   

光照条件对蒙古栎幼苗生长及形态特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对生长于不同光照环境(林内和林外)下的蒙古栎幼苗的形态特征进行了比较.结果表明,光照条件对蒙古栎幼苗的生物量及其分配具有明显影响,林外幼苗单株生物量为林外的4.48倍,其中以根系生物量的差别为最大,林外为林内的6.23倍;林外与林内幼苗根冠比分别为2.70和1.11.在不同的光照条件下,蒙古栎幼苗的叶片形态表现出明显不同,林外叶片比叶面积明显低于林内,分别为139.55cm2/g 和284.94cm2/g,林内约为林外的2.04倍;一次生长叶面积林外明显低于林内,总叶面积则高于林内.二次生长使蒙古栎幼苗的叶面积有明显增加,但是经过二次生长后,幼苗的单株生物量没有明显增加,说明二次生长叶片对于蒙古栎幼苗生物量的积累没有明显贡献;光照对于蒙古栎主干及根系的形态具有明显影响,林外幼苗高(包括二次生长)明显低于林内幼苗,而地径则相反,林外幼苗根系的长度和直径则明显高于林内幼苗;林外幼苗顶芽体积明显大于林内幼苗.同时,林外幼苗的二次生长导致顶芽体积明显下降,从而对翌年的高生长量和未来干型产生影响.认为,蒙古栎幼苗通过形态上的一系列可塑性变化来适应不同的光环境以获取最大的碳收益.  相似文献   

1. Balitorid loaches are widespread and highly diverse in Asian streams, yet their life history and ecology have received little attention. We investigated seasonal (wet versus dry season) and spatial variation in populations of algivorous Pseudogastromyzon myersi in Hong Kong, and estimated the magnitude of secondary production by this fish in pools in four streams (two shaded and two unshaded) over a 15‐month period. 2. Mean population densities of P. myersi ranged from 6.0 to 23.2 individuals m−2, constituting more than half (and typically >70%) of benthic fishes censused. Abundance was c. 25% greater in the wet season, when recruitment occurred. Significant density differences among streams were not related to shading conditions and were evident despite small‐scale variations in P. myersi abundance among pools. Mean biomass varied among streams from 0.85 to 3.87 g ash‐free dry weight (AFDW) m−2. Spatial and seasonal patterns in biomass and density were similar, apart from some minor disparities attributable to differences in mean body size among populations. 3. All four P. myersi populations bred once a year in June and July, and life spans varied from 24 to 26 months. Populations consisted of three cohorts immediately after recruitment but, for most of the study period, only two cohorts were evident. Cohort‐specific growth rates did not differ significantly among streams but, in all streams, younger cohorts had higher cohort‐specific growth rates. 4. Secondary production of P. myersi estimated by the size‐frequency (SF) method was 2.7–11.5 g AFDW m−2 year−1 and almost twice that calculated by the increment‐summation (IS) method (1.2–6.6 g AFDW m−2 year−1). Annual P/B ratios were 1.17 – 2.16 year−1 (IS) and 2.73 – 3.22 year−1 (SF). Highest production was recorded in an unshaded stream and the lowest in a shaded stream, but site rankings by production did not otherwise match shading conditions. Wet‐season production was six times greater than dry‐season production, and daily production fell to almost zero during January and February. Cool temperatures (<17 °C) may have limited fish activity and influenced detectability during some dry‐season censuses. Estimates of abundance and annual production by P. myersi are therefore conservative. 5. Comparisons with the literature indicate that the abundance and production of P. myersi in Hong Kong was high relative to other benthic fishes in tropical Asia, or their temperate counterparts in small streams. Manipulative experiments are needed to determine the influence of P. myersi, and algivorous balitorids in general, on periphyton dynamics and energy flow in Asian streams.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorus, Zn2+, CO2, and light intensity on growth, biochemical composition, and the activity of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) in Isochrysis galbana were investigated. A significant change was observed when the concentration of phosphorus in the medium was increased from 5 μmol/L to 1000 μmol/L affecting I. galbana’s cell density, biochemical composition, and the activity of extracellular CA. Phosphorous concentration of 50 μmol/L to 500 μmol/L was optimal for this microalgae. The Zn2+ concentration at 10 μmol/L was essential to maintain optimal growth of the cells, but a higher concentration of Zn2+ (≥ 1000 μmol/L) inhibited the growth of I. galbana. High CO2 concentrations (43.75 mL/L) significantly increased the cell densities compared to low CO2 concentrations (0.35 mL/L). However, the activity of extracellular CA decreased significantly with an increasing concentration of CO2. The activity of extracellular CA at a CO2 concentration of 43.75 mL/L was approximately 1/6 of the activity when the CO2 concentration was at 0.35 mL/L CO2. Light intensity from 4.0 mW/cm2 to 5.6 mW/cm2 was beneficial for the growth, biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA. The lower and higher light intensity was restrictive for growth and changed its biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA. These results indicate that phosphorus, Zn2+, CO2, and light intensity are important factors that impact growth, biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA in I. galbana.  相似文献   

The link between the growth stage and the production stage in a two-stage batch process was investigated using (filtered) inocula from different periods of the stationary phase of the growth cycle. In the production stage, ajmalicine production by Catharanthus roseus in a 3-L stirred tank reactor was induced with a high glucose concentration (80 g/L). Ajmalicine production in cultures started with cells from the late stationary phase was five times higher than in cultures started with cells from the early stationary phase. After transfer to the production stage, cells from the early stationary phase showed a transient increase in respiration and enzyme induction, followed by culture browning. In contrast, cells in the late stationary phase showed a typical induction pattern: constant respiration, and permanent enzyme induction. A striking similarity between the geraniol-10-hydroxylase (G10H) activity and the ajmalicine accumulation profile could be observed in all cultures, suggesting that G 10H regulated ajmalicine production in this investigation. The intracellular nitrate concentration was significantly higher in the inoculum showing a high ajmalicine production than in the inoculum with a low production. Consequently, nitrate may act as a marker for the start of the production stage: as soon as the nitrate is depleted in the growth medium secondary metabolism can be induced. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesizes glycerol as an osmoregulatory metabolite when exposed to high saline concentrations (200 mM NaCl). Response to osmotic stress can be used for biotechnological production of this compound. When synthesis of a substance is linked to photosynthetic capacity and consequently to effective light, the production on a large scale makes an efficient utilization of light necessary. In the present work a model for evaluation of effective light has been tested.  相似文献   

The consumption of food containing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been shown to exert immunomodulatory effects in humans. The specific cellular interaction of these bacteria with immuno-competent cells has not yet been fully understood. Since the TNF-alpha secretion of stimulated monocytes is an important initial response to a bacterial challenge, we investigated the potential of LAB originating from the human intestine or fermented food in comparison to the effect of invasive pathogens. The challenge of monocytes with three LAB strains, Listeria monocytogenes or enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) elicited a strain specific, dose-dependent biphasic TNF-alpha secretion. The concentration (EDmax) of bacteria or bacterial cell wall components necessary to induce maximal TNF-alpha secretion (TNFmax) by monocytes was mathematically approximated. It was shown for exponentially growing LAB strains that the maximal TNF-alpha secretion (TNFmax) was stronger (57 to 78%) upon stimulation with living bacteria than with heat killed cells. In contrast to log-phase bacteria, the maximal TNF-alpha secretion of monocytes (TNFmax) was higher (15 to 55%) after the stimulation with heat killed, stationary-phase bacteria when compared to that of live LAB. Thus, monocyte stimulation was clearly affected by the growth phase of bacteria. Purified cell walls of LAB strains revealed only a limited potential for monocyte stimulation. LPS exhibited a higher capacity to stimulate monocytes than purified gram positive cell walls or muramyldipeptide. In comparison to pathogenic bacteria, the maximal secretory TNF-alpha response (TNFmax) was up to 2 fold higher with LAB strains. In general, the amount of bacteria (EDmax) necessary to induce maximal TNF-alpha secretion (TNFmax) was approximately 1 to 3 log higher for heat killed bacteria when compared to live bacterial cells illustrating the significant lower potential of heat killed bacteria to activate monocytes.  相似文献   

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