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V A Bizer 《Antibiotiki》1979,24(2):137-140
The therapeutic effect of carminomycin was studied in clinic at different treatment schemes with respect to 14 children and juvenile patients with osteogenic sarcoma. Pronounced local effect evident from disappearance of the pain and in some cases decrease of the metastatic tumor were noted in the patients with metastases of the osteogenic sarcoma to the bones or relapses of the primary tumor. Subjective improvement and objective effect were observed respectively in 90 and 53 per cent of the patients with metastases into the lungs and pronounced lung symptomatology.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle atrophy is a severe morbidity caused by a variety of conditions, including cachexia, cancer, AIDS, prolonged bedrest, and diabetes. One strategy in the treatment of atrophy is to induce the pathways normally leading to skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The pathways that are sufficient to induce hypertrophy in skeletal muscle have been the subject of some controversy. We describe here the use of a novel method to produce a transgenic mouse in which a constitutively active form of Akt can be inducibly expressed in adult skeletal muscle and thereby demonstrate that acute activation of Akt is sufficient to induce rapid and significant skeletal muscle hypertrophy in vivo, accompanied by activation of the downstream Akt/p70S6 kinase protein synthesis pathway. Upon induction of Akt in skeletal muscle, there was also a significant decrease in adipose tissue. These findings suggest that pharmacologic approaches directed toward activating Akt will be useful in inducing skeletal muscle hypertrophy and that an increase in lean muscle mass is sufficient to decrease fat storage.  相似文献   

Carminomycin, a new antibiotic made in the USSR, was used in the treatment of 21 patients aged 5 to 15 years with extended osteogenic sarcoma. As a result of the treatment the number of the patients with lifetime prolonged for 1-2 years increased from 7.6 to 46 per cent. It was shown that the drug might be used for the prophylaxis of the localized forms of the disease in children.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma is a soft tissue cancer associated with a recurrent t(X:18) translocation that generates one of two fusion proteins, SYT-SSX1 or SYT-SSX2. In this study, we demonstrate that SYT-SSX2 is a unique oncogene. Rather than confer enhanced proliferation on its target cells, SYT-SSX2 instead causes a profound alteration of their architecture. This aberrant morphology included elongation of the cell body and formation of neurite-like extensions. We also observed that cells transduced with SYT-SSX2 often repulsed one another. Notably, cell repulsion is a known component of ephrin signaling. Further analysis of SYT-SSX2-infected cells revealed significant increases in the expression and activation of Eph/ephrin pathway components. On blockade of EphB2 signaling SYT-SSX2 infectants demonstrated significant reversion of the aberrant cytoskeletal phenotype. In addition, we discovered, in parallel, that SYT-SSX2 induced stabilization of the microtubule network accompanied by accumulation of detyrosinated Glu tubulin and nocodazole resistance. Glu tubulin regulation was independent of ephrin signaling. The clinical relevance of these studies was confirmed by abundant expression of both EphB2 and Glu tubulin in SYT-SSX2-positive synovial sarcoma tissues. These results indicate that SYT-SSX2 exerts part of its oncogenic effect by altering cytoskeletal architecture in an Eph-dependent manner and cytoskeletal stability through a concurrent and distinct pathway.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma is an aggressive mesenchymal tumor, characterized by the presence of unique transfusion gene, SS18–SSX. Cell lines enable researchers to investigate the molecular backgrounds of disease and the significance of SS18–SSX in relevant cellular contexts. We report the establishment and proteomic characterization of a novel synovial sarcoma cell line. Primary tissue culture was performed using tumor tissue of synovial sarcoma. The established cell line was authenticated by assessing its DNA microsatellite short tandem repeat analysis and characterized by in vitro assay. Proteomic study was achieved by mass spectrometry, and the results were analyzed by treemap. The cell line NCC-SS2-C1 was established from a primary tumor tissue of a synovial sarcoma patient. The cell line has grown well for 11 mo and has been subcultured more than 15 times. The established cells were authenticated by assessing their short tandem repeat pattern comparing with that of original tumor tissue. The cells showed polygonal in shape and formed spheroid when seeded on the low-attachment dish. Proteomic analysis revealed the molecular pathways which are unique to the original tumor tissue or the established cell line. In conclusion, a novel synovial sarcoma cell line NCC-SS2-C1 was successfully established from the primary tumor tissue. The cell line has characteristic transfusion SS18–SSX and poses aggressive in vitro growth and capability of spheroid formation. Thus, NCC-SS2-C1 cell line will be a useful tool for investigation of the mechanisms of disease and the biological role of fusion gene.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcomas are a rare form of soft tissue sarcomas. We present a case of a 62 year-old male presenting with a left thyroid lump initially though to be a thyroid adenoma but subsequently diagnosed as a monophasic synovial sarcoma of the pharynx. We discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this case.  相似文献   

Although adeno-associated virus (AAV) infection is common in humans, the biology of natural infection is poorly understood. Since it is likely that many primary AAV infections occur during childhood, we set out to characterize the frequency and complexity of circulating AAV isolates in fresh and archived frozen human pediatric tissues. Total cellular DNA was isolated from 175 tissue samples including freshly collected tonsils (n = 101) and archived frozen samples representing spleen (n = 21), lung (n = 16), muscle (n = 15), liver (n = 19), and heart (n = 3). Samples were screened for the presence of AAV and adenovirus sequences by PCR using degenerate primers. AAV DNA was detected in 7 of 101 (7%) tonsil samples and two of 74 other tissues (one spleen and one lung). Adenovirus sequences were identified in 19 of 101 tonsils (19%), but not in any other tissues. Complete capsid gene sequences were recovered from all nine AAV-positive tissues. Sequence analyses showed that eight of the capsid sequences were AAV2-like (approximately 98% amino acid identity), while the single spleen isolate was intermediate between serotypes 2 and 3. Comparison to the available AAV2 crystal structure revealed that the majority of the amino acid substitutions mapped to surface-exposed hypervariable domains. To further characterize the AAV capsid structure in these samples, we used a novel linear rolling-circle amplification method to amplify episomal AAV DNA and isolate infectious molecular clones from several human tissues. Serotype 2-like viruses were generated from these DNA clones and interestingly, failed to bind to a heparin sulfate column. Inspection of the capsid sequence from these two clones (and the other six AAV2-like isolates) revealed that they lacked arginine residues at positions 585 and 588 of the capsid protein, which are thought to be essential for interaction with the heparin sulfate proteoglycan coreceptor. These data provide a framework with which to explore wild-type AAV persistence in vivo and provide additional tools to further define the biodistribution and form of AAV in human tissues.  相似文献   

In a previous paper [Horuk, Huang, Covington & Newton (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16275-16278] we reported that there were fundamental differences in the biochemical properties of the interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor between Raji and EL4 cell lines. In the present study we have investigated the basis for these differences. Kinetic studies measuring the on and off rates of IL-1 receptor binding revealed that the low-affinity IL-1-binding sites observed in Raji cells, compared with EL4 cells, result from a combination of a lower association rate and a higher dissociation rate in the Raji cells. The turnover of the Raji IL-1 receptor, measured by inhibiting protein synthesis with cycloheximide, was much faster than that of the EL4 IL-1 receptor, with a half-time of 2 h as against 5 h. Treatment of 125I-IL-1-labelled IL-1 receptors in Raji and EL4 cells with neuraminidase decreased their molecular mass by approx. 2-5 kDa as assessed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The covalently labelled IL-1 receptors in both cell types were sensitive to treatment with endoglycosidase F, which decreased their molecular mass on SDS/PAGE by 12-13 kDa. Incubation of Raji cells with maximally stimulating doses of IL-1 resulted in an increase in the nascent RNA levels of several genes, including the IL-2 receptor and the proto-oncogenes c-Ha-ras and c-myc.  相似文献   

Preparations of lapine synovial 'chondrocyte activating factors' (CAF) were analyzed for the presence of individual cytokines which modulate the production of neutral metalloproteinases (NMPs) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by articular chondrocytes. A combination of different biochemical analyses suggested that synovial fibroblasts secrete IL-1 alpha, which activated chondrocytes directly, bFGF, which potentiated the activity of IL-1, and TGF-beta 1, which produced a bivalent response. TGF-beta 1 suppressed NMP synthesis by chondrocytes, but enhanced PGE2 synthesis. The IL-1 receptor antagonist protein (IRAP) eliminated chondrocyte activation by IL-1, but only partially inhibited activation by CAF. Thus, CAF may contain a cytokine in addition to IL-1 which activates chondrocytes. This putative additional factor was more thermosensitive than IL-1, and had an apparent molecular weight of approx. 20,000 when estimated by size exclusion chromatography. Of a variety of purified cytokines tested for their ability to induce NMPs in chondrocytes, only IL-1 was active. This favours the possibility that the activity which resists suppression by IRAP reflects the presence of a novel cytokine.  相似文献   

SW982 cells are characterized by expression of inflammatory cytokine and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes and by their response to dexamethasone at different cell densities. They express genes encoding interleukin (IL)-1 beta; IL-6; transforming growth factor-beta; intercellular adhesion molecule-1; cycloxygenase (COX)-2; and MMPs, including MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-13, and MT1-MMP; tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2; and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs-4. Expression of all the genes examined was induced with 2 ng/ml IL-1 beta at low cell density. The cells, however, failed to express tumor necrosis factor-alpha, COX-1, and MMP-9, regardless of the presence of IL-1 beta. Dexamethasone significantly reduced IL-1 beta, IL-6, COX-2, and MMP-1 expression at high cell density. The results suggest that SW982 cells are a useful tool for studying the expression of inflammatory cytokine or MMP genes.  相似文献   

Keratin in the epithelial-like cells of classical biphasic synovial sarcoma   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Four cases of classical biphasic synovial sarcoma were studied for intermediate filaments of keratin and vimentin type. Epithelial-like cells lining gland-like slits were strongly positive for keratin but negative for vimentin, whereas the spindle cell stroma was negative for keratin but positive for vimentin. The observations indicate epithelial differentiation in the glandular elements of biphasic synovial sarcomas, and are consistent with earlier ultrastructural observations suggesting epithelial properties of these cells.  相似文献   

Development of noninvasive, real-time molecular imaging tools to assess responsiveness of a given therapy may be a critical component of the success of individualized therapy approach for patients. Toward this, we have previously developed and validated molecular sensors for Akt and caspase-3 activity, and in this report, we have explored the utility of these reporters in assessing the responsiveness of tumors to a combination of gemcitabine (Gem) and cetuximab (Cet) delivered in two opposite schedules. We found that human head and neck cancer (UMSCC1) xenografts responded significantly better in a schedule where cetuximab was administered after gemcitabine when compared with the schedule of cetuximab followed by gemcitabine. Wilcoxon two-sample tests suggested that the difference in tumor volumes in two schedules became significant on day 7 (P > .05 on day 4, and P < .05 on days 7 and 10), and the difference in activity of Akt in two schedules became significant on day 4 (P < .05 on days 4, 6, and 10). Using Akt reporter activity and cubic spline interpolation, the distinction between the two schedules could be detected 2 days before using the tumor volume, suggesting that molecular imaging of Akt may allow early prediction of therapy responsiveness. We did not observe a significant difference between the two schedules in the caspase-3 activity. In summary, this proof-of-concept study provides a basis for using molecular imaging of Akt as an early indicator of therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Supercoiled Harvey sarcoma virus (Ha-SV) DNA was extracted from newly infected cells by the Hirt procedure, enriched by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis, and digested with EcoRI, which cleaved the viral DNA at a unique site. The linearized Ha-SV DNA was then inserted into lambda gtWESlambda B at the EcoRI site and cloned in an approved EK2 host. Ha-SV DNA inserts from six independently derived recombinant clones have been analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion, molecular hybridization, electron microscopy, and infectivity. Four of the Ha-SV DNA inserts were identical, contained about 6.0 kilobase pairs (kbp), and comigrated in agarose gels with the infectious, unintegrated, linear Ha-SV DNA. One insert was approximately 0.65 kbp smaller (5.35 kbp) and one was approximately 0.65 kpb larger (6.65 kpb) than the 6.0 kpb inserts. R-looping with Ha-SV RNA revealed that the small (5.35 kbp) insert contained one copy of the Ha-SV RNA. Preliminary restriction endonuclease digestion of the recombinant DNAs suggested that the middle-size inserts contained a 0.65-kbp tandem duplication of sequences present only one in the small-size insert; this duplication corresponded to the 0.65-kpb terminal duplication of the unintegrated linear Ha-SV DNA. The large-size insert apparently contained a tandem triplication of these terminally located sequences. DNA of all three sized inserts induced foci in NIH 3T3 cells, and focus-forming activity could be rescued from the transformed cells by superinfection with helper virus. Infectivity followed single-hit kinetics, suggesting that the foci were induced by a single molecule.  相似文献   

A 19-year-old male was admitted because of exertional dyspnoea. The imaging studies revealed epicardial, pericardial and mediastinal masses. The tumours could not be resected through a minor thoracotomy, only biopsies could be taken. Analyses led to the final diagnosis of a monophasic synovial sarcoma. The patient preferred a conservative and palliative approach. Three months later he died at home. Autopsy demonstrated dramatic extension of the tumour masses. We conclude this report with a discussion on primary cardiac tumours. (Neth Heart J 2007;15:226-8.)  相似文献   

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