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放牧制度对草地产流产沙及氮磷流失的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究不同放牧制度草场水土流失过程,对草原生态环境保护和治理具有重要的理论意义。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原不同放牧草场为研究对象,设置选取三种放牧制度草场(自由放牧、轮牧、休牧),采用人工模拟降雨的方法进行0.74mm/min和1.5mm/min雨强的降雨模拟试验,测定径流量,含沙量,径流和泥沙中总氮,总磷浓度,并探讨植被截留对径流的影响规律。结果表明:植被截留对减少降雨径流具有明显的作用,休牧草场径流系数减小最多,自由放牧草场减小最少,产沙量显示为自由放牧草场轮牧草场休牧草场。降雨强度对径流中的氮磷浓度影响显著,自由放牧草场总氮浓度和休牧草场总磷浓度受雨强影响最大,氮磷流失过程浓度变化曲线更符合幂函数分布。休牧草场泥沙氮含量和泥沙磷含量均为最高,自由放牧草场与休牧草场的总氮富集率基本相等且均大于轮牧草场,总磷富集率为自由放牧休牧轮牧,三种放牧草场氮磷和泥沙流失主要影响因素为径流量和含沙量。因此,适当的将呼伦贝尔草原自由放牧草场向休牧和轮牧草场转变,将有利于减少草场水土营养元素流失及草原生态可持续发展。  相似文献   

丘岗稻田地下水位动态及对土壤氮磷有效性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对红壤丘岗区渍潜田地下水位动态变化规律及对土壤氮磷有效性的影响进行了研究。结果表明,渍潜田地下水位的月变化具有十分明显的规律性,一般以秋冬季节(1-3月份和9-12月份)地下水位最低,而以春夏季节(4-8月份)地下水位最高,故以早稻受渍害最为严重,其原因主要是受降雨和灌溉的共同影响。根据渍潜田地下水位的变化特点不同,可将其分为地下水位和相对稳定型和非稳定型两种类型,并提出了相应的水分管理模式,地下水位的变化能明显影响土壤养分的有效性,随着地下水位的升高,土壤有效氮和磷含量下降。渍潜田土Fe-P和O-P含量也有随地下水位的升高而呈下降的趋势,其含量亦显著低于非渍潜田土壤,因而导致了土壤磷素有效性的下降。  相似文献   

氮、磷在水-土界面会发生复杂的迁移转化作用,了解集水区氮、磷的迁移流失特征,对区域面源污染的治理意义重大。本研究通过在毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林地设置径流小区5个(5 m×20 m),于2012年5月—2013年10月定期采集径流水样测试,分析了浙北安吉赋石水库集水区毛竹林地表径流氮、磷的流失特征。结果表明:观测到16次地表径流事件中,各径流小区径流水量差别较大,最大为0.98 m3;其中氮是主要的流失元素,硝态氮(NO3--N)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度分别在0.039~1.017、0.039~2.547、2.069~5.393和0.020~1.205 mg·L-1,其浓度受降雨量和径流水量影响较大;用二次函数可以较好地拟合氮、磷流失量与径流水量之间的相关关系,由于台风"菲特"的影响,2012年10月12日径流水量达到最大值,平均为0.81 m3,TN和TP的流失量分别为2.300和1.716 g。本研究表明,在植物非生长季和暴雨时期,该集水区毛竹林氮、磷随径流流失风险大,对赋石水库水体富营养化形成潜在压力。  相似文献   

三峡库区典型小流域农业非点源氮磷流失特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于2007-2009年的野外观测数据对戴家沟小流域降雨径流与农业非点源氮磷流失的时间序列变化关系及其特征进行研究.结果表明:2007-2009年,戴家沟小流域降雨量和径流量峰值变化一致,二者相关系数为0.904.总氮和总磷浓度变化趋势吻合,但总氮对降雨径流变化响应的灵敏度高于总磷;氮流失浓度受降雨径流变化影响显著,而磷流失则表现出逐年递增的趋势;氮磷比的变化特征与总氮浓度的变化特征一致,且与径流波动有良好的耦合关系.2007-2009年,戴家沟小流域降雨径流量累积百分比峰值出现时刻与总氮、总磷流失量累积百分比峰值出现时刻不吻合,表明流域农业非点源污染具有较大的随机性和分散性,二者没有严格的对应关系.  相似文献   

稻田蜘蛛研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
稻田蜘蛛研究是稻虫生态管理的基础工作之一,从生态学的观点出发,介绍中国近年稻田蜘蛛研究的主要内容及进展,阐明蜘蛛的保护利用在可持续农业发展中的地位和作用,分析稻田蜘蛛生态研究的可行性,探讨蜘蛛群落研究方向,主要任务和应用前景。  相似文献   

红壤小流域不同利用方式氮磷流失特征研究   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:41  
从红壤小流域坡地资源合理利用和保护的角度研究了不同利用方式土壤氮、磷流失的特征,结果表明:恢复保护性植被的试验区3,由于其水土流失量最低,氮、磷流失量最小。侵蚀严重的试验区5,由于水土失量最大,磷的流失量最大,但其有效磷、水溶性磷及氮素流失量低于不注重水土资源保持经营利用的试验区1、注重水土保持措施的试验区2和试验区4。由于采用了水土保持综合农林措施,有效地减轻了水土流失,试验区2和试验区4的土壤氮、磷流失量明显小于试验区1土壤氮、磷流失量,红壤小流域不同利用方式中水土保持综合措施能有效地控制土壤养分流失。2000年不同试验区土壤氮、磷的流失主要集中于5、6及8月份,其流失量占全年氮、磷流失量的90%以上,这与当地的降雨季节性分配特征有关。土壤氮、磷的坡面流失方式为推移质流失和径流流失,磷的流失形态主要为泥砂结合态,约占总磷流失量的70%以上。除试验区3以外,其它试验区泥沙结合态氮素的流失量大于水溶态氮素流失量。  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对红壤稻田氮磷平衡及生态经济效益的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用始于1982年的长期定位试验,研究了单施化肥、单施有机肥及化肥与有机肥不同配比等处理下红壤区稻田的氮磷平衡,并评价了不同处理的生态经济效益,以期筛选出生态经济效益最优的施肥配比,减少红壤区稻田氮磷损失.结果表明: 不施肥处理(CK)下稻田氮素略有盈余(27.10 kg·hm-2)、磷素亏缺(-6.85 kg·hm-2),其他处理下氮磷均出现盈余,氮盈余量达110.94~243.98 kg·hm-2,磷盈余量达19.06~67.49 kg·hm-2.单施化肥(NPK)或有机肥(M)对稻田中氮磷平衡并无影响.在相同施肥量下,化肥配施有机肥(NPKM)比NPM和NKM的氮素盈余量分别低6.3%和12.9%,磷盈余量比NPM和PKM分别低3.7%和13.8%,能较好地维持农田的氮磷平衡.有机肥和化肥配施不同组合下均能提高0~20 cm土层全氮、全磷、碱解氮和速效磷含量.高施磷量处理稻田20~40 cm土层的速效磷含量较高.NPKM处理的生态经济效益综合评价得分值最高(0.762),是兼顾经济和生态效益的最优施肥配比,而CK处理的得分最低(0.560).根据本研究结果,在试验所处立地条件下,保持红壤稻田氮磷平衡的氮磷施肥量应分别为:N 157.71 kg·hm-2,P2O5 112.18 kg·hm-2.  相似文献   

基于文献数据,研究了南方不同稻区水稻生长期氧化亚氮排放(N2O排放)、硝态氮或铵态氮淋洗(N淋洗)、硝态氮或铵态氮径流(N径流)、氨挥发(NH3挥发)的差异及其影响因素.结果表明: N2O排放、N淋洗和N径流主要发生在长江流域单季稻区,损失量分别为1.89、6.4和10.4 kg N·hm-2,损失率分别为0.8%、3.8%和5.3%,较高施氮量和稻田土壤干湿交替可能是主要原因;NH3挥发主要发生在华南晚稻,损失量和损失率分别为54.9 kg N·hm-2和35.2%,晚稻生长期较高的温度可能是NH3挥发较大的主要原因.田间优化管理措施减少某一途径氮损失的同时可能会增加另一种途径氮素损失,实际生产中应综合考虑田间管理措施对各种活性氮损失的影响,活性氮损失量随着水稻产量水平的提高而增加,主要是因为施氮量也在逐渐增加.随着氮肥偏生产力的增加,N2O排放、N淋洗和N径流损失率逐渐下降,因此,努力减小单位产量的氮损失,是协同提高作物产量和氮肥利用效率的重要途径.  相似文献   

水网平原地区不同种植类型农田氮磷流失特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
章明奎  王阳  黄超 《应用生态学报》2011,22(12):3211-3220
采用田间径流小区定位研究方法,在浙江省绍兴县选择27块农田,研究了自然降雨条件下水网平原地区7种种植类型农田N、P的径流流失特征、负荷及影响因素.结果表明: 农田径流总P(TP)、水溶态P(DP)和颗粒态P(PP)的年流失量平均分别为4.75、0.74和4.01 kg·hm-2;PP占TP的比例高于DP.径流总N(TN)、水溶态总N(DTN)、水溶态有机N(DON)、NH4+-N和NO3--N的年流失量平均分别为21.87、17.19、0.61、3.63和12.95 kg·hm-2;流失的DTN各组分以NO3--N为主,其次为NH4+-N,DON的比例较低.不同种植类型农田径流TN、DTN、DON和NO3--N的流失量由低至高依次为:休闲地<苗木地<单季晚稻农田<双季稻农田<油菜(或小麦)-单季水稻农田<小麦-早稻-晚稻农田<蔬菜地,而径流TP和PP的流失量依次为:休闲地<苗木地<单季晚稻、双季稻农田<小麦-早稻-晚稻农田<油菜(或小麦)-单季水稻农田<蔬菜地,不同种植类型间的DP流失量差异较小.N、P流失主要发生在作物生产期间,TN和TP的流失比例随作物复种指数的提高而增加.TN、DTN和NO3--N流失量主要与N肥施用量有关,土壤中NO3--N含量对TN和DTN流失量也有明显影响;农田DON的流失除与N肥施用量有关外,还受土壤全N和有机质积累的影响;NH4+-N的流失量主要与土壤NH4+-N水平有关,受N肥施用量的影响不明显;径流TP和PP的流失量受P肥施用量、土壤P积累的共同影响,而DP的流失与施P量关系不大,但与土壤全P和有效P都存在显著相关关系.  相似文献   

淫羊藿属多种植物是我国著名的传统中药材,贵州是淫羊藿属植物小花类群发生和演化的重要区域和分布中心,尤以黔东北地区保存的原始种类最多。随着市场对淫羊藿提取物的需求量急剧增加,淫羊藿属野生资源遭受大面积破坏,资源呈现濒危趋势,人工栽培成为保障市场需求的重要途径。为此,本文整理了贵州现存的20种淫羊藿属植物的资源分布情况,分析了淫羊藿属植物的主要活性成分(黄酮类、生物碱、多糖),重点论述了光照、温度、土壤及采收时间等因子对淫羊藿属植物品质含量的影响,综合当前人工栽培淫羊藿属植物的繁殖方式、种植密度和管护等栽培技术,分析相关研究存在的问题及瓶颈,以期为贵州淫羊藿属植物资源保护、开发利用及栽培示范提供参考依据。  相似文献   

D. M. Eissenstat 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):342-347
Summary This study has two objections: (1) to compare transfers of phosphorus (32P) with nitrogen (15N) from undefoliated and defoliated mycorrhizal P-rich plants to an adjacent mycorrhizal plant and (2) to determine whether the improved nutrient status of a plant growing with a nutrient-rich plant is due primarily to movement of nutrients from roots of its nutrient-rich neighbor (= nutrient transfer) or to reduced nutrient uptake by its nutrient-rich neighbor (=shift in competition). Two plants of Plantago lanceolata were grown in a three-pot unit in which each of their root systems were split, with part in the central shared pot and part by themselves in an outside pot. There were three treatments: (1) no added P; (2) P added in the outer pot to only plant, termed the donor plant, since it might provide P to the companion plant, acting as a receiver; and (3) as in the previous treatment but the P-fertilized donor plant was also clipped. To encourage the formation of hyphal links between roots of the different plants, transfers were determined when root length densities were high (90 to 130 cm cm-3 soil) and when 56 to 85% of the root length was infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae. Phosphorus fertilization enhanced P but not N movement within donor plants. Regardless of treatment, N transfer from donor to receiver plants was an order of magnitude greater than P transfer and in amounts that could potentially affect plant nutrition in very infertile soils. Phosphorus transfer was very small in any of the treatments. Although P fertilization and clipping improved P status of receiver plants, P transfer was not indicated as the main reason for the improved nutrition. A shift in competition between donor and receiver plants was likely the major factor in the shift in nutrition of the receiver plants.  相似文献   

Integrated aquaculture in Chinese lakes and paddy fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While pond culturing is still the staple of Chinese freshwater fisheries, its extensive development is handicapped by the increasing shortage of land resource for cereal production in face of China’s population growth. Accordingly, people have looked towards the development of aquaculture in lakes (and reservoirs) in the 1970s. This paper reviews the successful integrated measures taken in an experiment for raising fish in Donghu lake (East lake) of Wuhan. By way of (1) stocking the right kinds of fish; (2) producing a large number of sizeable fingerlings; (3) improving fish screens; (4) controlling predatory fish; and (5) applying the ‘driving and concentrating’ bulk harvesting fishing method, fish production of the lake has increased steadily from 180 t in 1971 to 800 t in 1978, and then to 1840 t in 1995, all in an area of 1500 ha, and all without any supplementary feeding. Integrated aquaculture in paddy fields, known to be beneficial to both rice and fish production, has been regaining momentum in recent years. The paper summarizes its underlying principle, its benefits—economical, social and ecological—and the prospect of its development in China.  相似文献   

土壤跳虫是土壤分解者中最重要的类群之一,它们通过营养联系将基础食物资源中的物质和能量传递到更高营养级,在地下食物网中具有不可替代的作用。在全球氮磷沉降日趋严重的背景下,土壤跳虫群落如何响应氮(N)、磷(P)沉降的研究还十分有限,严重阻碍了我们对跳虫群落的生态功能、在地下食物网的物质循环和能量流动以及陆地碳(C)循环中作用的科学认识。跳虫功能群的分类标准不一导致相关研究结果可比性差。本文整理了跳虫功能群的3种分类方法,归纳了4种研究跳虫营养关系的方法,总结了N、P养分添加下土壤跳虫的响应机制。总体上,跳虫对N添加的响应多表现为负效应即种群密度降低,而对P添加的响应则多表现为正效应,N、P混施下,跳虫群落的变化更为复杂。未来土壤跳虫对N、P添加响应的研究应聚焦在跳虫功能群的科学划分、跳虫营养结构研究方法的完善和N、P交互对跳虫群落的作用机制上。  相似文献   

不同肥料对稻田红壤碳、氮、磷循环相关酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中国科学院千烟洲生态站1998年开始的定位试验数据,研究不同肥料(猪粪、秸秆、化肥)对稻田红壤碳、氮、磷养分及相关酶活性[3-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶(βG)、β-1,4-N-乙酰葡糖氨糖苷酶(NAG)、L-亮氨酸氨基肽酶(LAP)、酸性磷酸酶(AP)]的影响.结果表明:施用猪粪(OM)土壤中的βG、NAG和LAP活性显著高于其他处理,比对照(不施任何肥料)分别高1.4、2.6和1.9倍;土壤C/N提高、βG/(NAG+LAP)降低,说明施用猪粪有利于土壤中纤维素的降解和有机碳的积累.施用化肥提高了土壤中βG、NAG和LAP活性,而AP活性比对照低34%;土壤βG/AP和(NAG+LAP)/AP较高,而C/P和N/P较低,说明施用化肥导致稻田红壤无机磷的积累,抑制了土壤中分解磷酸多糖和磷脂的微生物功能.  相似文献   

菜地土壤氮磷面源污染现状、机制及控制技术   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了提高蔬菜产量,菜农大量施用化肥,菜地氮磷肥用量在一些地区已超过蔬菜实际需求量的数倍;而大多数蔬菜是浅根系和没有庞大根系的作物,菜地土壤已出现明显的氮磷累积现象,从而导致蔬菜作物营养失调,硝酸盐含量严重超标、品质下降,并引起菜地土壤理化性状恶化、地下水硝酸盐污染及地表水富营养化等一系列环境问题.本文综述了菜地土壤氮磷面源污染现状(氮磷累积特征、对水环境及蔬菜污染现状)、污染机制(氮磷来源、转化特征及损失途径)及包括施肥控制技术、应用化学添加剂技术、填闲作物技术、种植制度优化技术、汇源景观组合和生态草带拦截技术等污染控制技术,旨在为菜地土壤氮磷面源污染的深入研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Ocean receives the largest allochthonous supplies of nitrogen of any ocean basin because of the close proximity of industrialized nations. In this paper, we describe the major standing stocks, fluxes and transformations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the pelagic regions of the North Atlantic, as one part of a larger effort to understand the entire N and P budgets in the North Atlantic Ocean, its watersheds and overlying atmosphere. The primary focus is on nitrogen, however, we consider both nitrogen and phosphorus because of the close inter-relationship between the N and P cycles in the ocean. The oceanic standing stocks of N and P are orders of magnitude larger than the annual amount transported off continents or deposited from the atmosphere. Atmospheric deposition can have an impact on oceanic nitrogen cycling at locations near the coasts where atmospheric sources are large, or in the centers of the highly stratified gyres where little nitrate is supplied to the surface by vertical mixing of the ocean. All of the reactive nitrogen transported to the coasts in rivers is denitrified or buried in the estuaries or on the continental shelves and an oceanic source of nitrate of 0.7–0.95 × 1012 moles NO 3 –1 y–1 is required to supply the remainder of the shelf denitrification (Nixon et al., this volume). The horizontal fluxes of nitrate caused by the ocean circulation are both large and uncertain. Even the sign of the transport across the equator is uncertain and this precludes a conclusion on whether the North Atlantic Ocean as a whole is a net source or sink of nitrate. We identify a source of nitrate of 3.7–6.4 × 1012 moles NO 3 y–1 within the main thermocline of the Sargasso Sea that we infer is caused by nitrogen fixation. This nitrate source may explain the nitrate divergence observed by Rintoul & Wunsch (1991) in the mid-latitude gyre. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation inferred from this nitrate source would exceed previous estimates of global nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixation requires substantial quantities of iron as a micro-nutrient and the calculated iron requirement is comparable to the rates supplied by the deposition of iron associated with Saharan dust. Interannual variability in dust inputs is large and could cause comparable signals in the nitrogen fixation rate. The balance of the fluxes across the basin boundaries suggest that the total stocks of nitrate and phosphate in the North Atlantic may be increasing on time-scales of centuries. Some of the imbalance is related to the inferred nitrogen fixation in the gyre and the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, both of which may be influenced by human activities. However, the fluxes of dissolved organic nutrients are almost completely unknown and they have the potential to alter our perception of the overall mass balance of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) losses from livestock houses and manure storage facilities contribute greatly to the total loss of N from livestock farms. Volatilisation of ammonia (NH3) is the major process responsible for the loss of N in husbandry systems with slurry (where average dry matter content varies between 3 and 13%). Concerning this volatilisation of NH3, the process parameters of pH and air temperature are crucial. During a period of approximately 10 years, systematic measurements of NH3 losses originating from a large variety of different livestock houses were made. One of the problems with NH3 emissions is the large variation in the measured data due to the season, the production of the animals, the manure treatment, type of livestock house, and the manure storage. Generally speaking, prevention and control of NH3 emission can be done by control of N content in the manure, moisture content, pH, and temperature. In houses for growing pigs, a combination of simple housing measures can be taken to greatly reduce NH3 emissions. In houses for laying hens, the control of the manure drying process determines the emission of NH3. Monteny has built an NH3 production model with separate modules for the emission of the manure storage under the dairy house and the floor in the house. Manure spreading is also a major source of NH3 emission and is dependent on slurry composition, environmental conditions, and farm management. The effects of these factors have been employed in a model. Losses via NO, N2O, and N2 are important in husbandry systems with solid manure and straw. The number of experimental data is, however, very limited. As N2O is an intermediate product of complex biochemical processes of nitrification and denitrification, optimal conditions are the key issues in N2O reduction strategies. We may expect that in the near future the emission of greenhouse gases will get the same attention from policy makers as NH3. Sustainable livestock production has to combine low emissions of gaseous N compounds with acceptable odour emissions, low emissions of greenhouse gases, and acceptable standards of animal welfare. For the entrepreneur, the strategy must be built on the regulations, the special conditions of his farm, and what is reasonably achievable.  相似文献   

Leaf nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry across Chinese grassland biomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
He JS  Wang L  Flynn DF  Wang X  Ma W  Fang J 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):301-310
Leaf N and P stoichiometry covaries with many aspects of plant biology, yet the drivers of this trait at biogeographic scales remain uncertain. Recently we reported the patterns of leaf C and N based on systematic census of 213 species over 199 research sites in the grassland biomes of China. With the expanded analysis of leaf P, here we report patterns of leaf P and N:P ratios, and analyze the relative contribution of climatic variables and phylogeny in structuring patterns of leaf N:P stoichiometry. Average values of leaf P and N:P ratio were 1.9 mg g−1 and 15.3 (mass ratio), respectively, consistent with the previous observation of a higher N:P ratio in China’s flora than the global averages (ca. 13.8), resulting from a lower leaf P. Climatic variables had very little direct correlation with leaf P and N:P ratios, with growing season precipitation and temperature together explaining less than 2% of the variation, while inter-site differences and within-site phylogenetic variation explained 55 and 26% of the total variation in leaf P and N:P ratios. Across all sites and species, leaf N and P were highly positively correlated at all levels. However, the within-site, within-species covariations of leaf N and P were weaker than those across sites and across species. Leaf N and P relationships are driven by both variation between sites at the landscape scale (explaining 58% of the variance) and within sites at the local scale (explaining 24%), while the climatic factors exerted limited influence (explaining less than 3%). In addition, leaf N:P ratios in two dominant genera Kobresia and Stipa had different responses to precipitation. This study suggests that geographic variation and between-species variation, rather than climatic variation, are the major determinants of grassland foliar stoichiometry at the biome level. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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