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二氧化氮(NO2)是大气氮氧化物之一,是大气气溶胶颗粒形成的主要成分,降低大气NO2浓度可减轻空气中的雾霾.大气NO2通过干沉降和湿沉降两种方式降落到植物叶片.植物吸收NO2后主要通过两种代谢途径来降低空气中NO2浓度: 一是主要在细胞质和叶绿体中利用还原酶的氮代谢途径,二是在质外体和细胞质中的歧化反应.植物吸收NO2干扰了植物正常的生长和生理代谢,包括: 植物营养和生殖生长,植物体内硝酸还原酶(NaR)活性、亚硝酸还原酶(NiR)活性、氮素吸收、光合等生理代谢过程.对目前国内外有关大气NO2影响植物生长与代谢的研究进展进行了综述,并对植物吸收NO2的生理及分子机制的未来研究方向进行了展望. 相似文献
大气颗粒物是大气中固态或液态微粒物质的总称。大气颗粒物的增多会对气候、空气能见度、公共卫生等造成重大影响。种植合适的植物成为减轻大气颗粒损害的良好措施,但大气颗粒物覆盖在植物叶片表面及进入植物体内都会对植物造成不同程度的影响。本文围绕大气颗粒物的成因及组成,大气颗粒物对植物生长发育、生理生化、抗病虫性、植物生产力和产量的影响方式及机理与减轻途径等进行了系统综合与评述,并展望了未来的研究趋势。综合发现,大气颗粒物对植物的影响广泛且复杂多样,并受到环境条件、颗粒物浓度及组成、植物种类及研究尺度的影响。通过提前预知大气颗粒物浓度变化、提供充足的营养和水分、及时冲洗叶片、人工补光及合理选择并种植植物等方式可避免或者减轻大气颗粒物所带来的负面效应。未来可增加大气颗粒物影响下景观和造林植物的研究、大尺度植被生理生态、各种化合物和微生物颗粒物对植物影响的研究,研究内容可关注植物生理生态、植物叶片氮分配、叶肉细胞导度及植物遗传育种学等。 相似文献
二氧化硫是对植物危害最大的一种气体。为了验证大气中二氧化硫对植物的危害 ,可利用亚硫酸钠和浓硫酸反应生成的二氧化硫模拟被污染的大气 ,以此观察污染大气中二氧化硫对植物生长的影响。1 实验目的1)通过实验 ,掌握模拟大气成分对植物生长影响的实验方法。2 )了解实验结果 ,增强环境保护意识。2 实验材料干燥器 ( 2 10 mm)、小花盆、小烧杯、天平、角匙、滴管 ;无水硫酸钠、浓硫酸 ;豆角、葱、玉米。3 实验原理大氧中的二氧化硫 ,由叶片上的气孔进入叶肉 ,生成亚硫酸盐 ,亚硫酸盐会破坏叶片的叶肉细胞和叶绿素 ,使叶片出现一块块的伤… 相似文献
大气一氧化碳浓度升高对植物生长的影响 总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18
大气CO2浓度同对植物生长有促进作用,对C3植物生长的促进作用最大。短期CO2浓度升高时,植物光和速率增加;在长期CO2浓度升高条件下,植物光鸽上降并发生光合适应现象。这可能是植物在长期CO2浓度升高条件下植物源库关系不平衡引起的反馈抑制作用以及营养吸收不能满足光合速率增加的需要所引起Rubiseo活必和含量下降。在CO2浓度升高条件下植物的呼吸也会发生变化,根的分枝和数量增多,根系的分泌量和吸收 相似文献
增强UV-B辐射和氮素互作对植物生长代谢影响的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
不同氮源条件下,UV-B辐射增强能改变植株对氮的吸收利用以及植株叶片的碳氢比和碳氮比,增加氨基酸的生物合成.缺氮条件下, UV-B辐射增强使植物叶片中SOD、POD活性增强,MDA含量增加;氮素过量时,UV-B辐射增强会降低植物对UV-B辐射的耐性.UV-B辐射增强和氮缺乏相互作用会降低叶片的光合速率、叶绿素含量、可溶性糖及淀粉含量,从而抑制植物的生长,降低生物量.该文对近年来国内外有关UV-B辐射增强与氮素相互作用对植物抗氧化系统、氮代谢、光合作用、生物量和形态结构的影响进行综述. 相似文献
植物产生大量结构和功能多样的次生代谢物,它们在植物生长发育和植物响应非生物和生物胁迫过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用.近年来,植物代谢基因聚集成簇现象受到了广泛关注,而基因组、转录组和代谢组等多组学技术的快速发展使得高效挖掘植物代谢基因簇成为可能.另一方面,植物代谢基因簇研究也将为发掘和利用植物次生代谢物多样性提供新的见解.... 相似文献
植物一氧化氮(NO)研究进展 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
一氧化氮(NO)是植物的重要生物活性分子,它参与植物生长发育的许多过程,如种子萌发、下胚轴伸长、叶扩展、根生长、侧根形成、细胞凋亡以及植物抗逆反应等。大量的证据表明,植物可以通过与动物NO合酶类似的酶产生NO。此外,植物还可通过硝酸还原酶产生NO。NO在植物中的信号传递途径仍不十分清楚,植物有可能采用与动物相类似的机制。由于植物的大多数生长发育现象都受到植物激素的调节和控制,NO与植物激素之间的关系也受到越来越多的关注。通过激素起作用可能是植物内源NO作用的机理之一。 相似文献
一氧化氮(NO)是植物的重要生物活性分子,它参与植物生长发育的许多过程,如种子萌发、下胚轴伸长、叶扩展、根生长、侧根形成、细胞凋亡以及植物抗逆反应等。大量的证据表明,植物可以通过与动物NO合酶类似的酶产生NO。此外,植物还可通过硝酸还原酶产生NO。NO在植物中的信号传递途径仍不十分清楚,植物有可能采用与动物相类似的机制。由于植物的大多数生长发育现象都受到植物激素的调节和控制,NO与植物激素之间的关系也受到越来越多的关注。通过激素起作用可能是植物内源NO作用的机理之一。 相似文献
低磁场磁化水对植物早期生长代谢的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
磁化杯低磁场处理的磁化水对多种植物有促萌发和促早期生长作用,其效应敏感性与磁处理时间和种皮厚度有关。磁化水促生长机理可能与提高早期代谢过程中氧化磷酸化程度有关。 相似文献
植物生物碱代谢生物学研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前,植物生物碱作为植物的化学防御武器,在植物的生态适应过程中发挥积极作用的观点已得到了普遍的接受。生物碱代谢生物学的研究近年来取得了长足的进步,主要集中在生物碱合成和贮存部位、转运途径、代谢调控因子、生物合成途径和关键酶及其编码基因等方面,现就这方面的进展作一简要综述,并提出了该领域尚存在的问题和前景展望。 相似文献
大气氮沉降是全球氮素生物地球化学循环中的重要环节,指包括氧化态(NOy)和还原态(NHx)的活性氮通过干、湿沉降两种方式从大气中移除并降落到地表的过程,对陆地和水生生态系统的结构和功能有重要影响.日益增加的氮沉降对自然生态系统和人类健康构成潜在威胁,如何准确监测不同生态系统的干、湿氮沉降的组成和通量,建立统一的监测技术方法是近年来的研究热点和难点之一.本文详细综述了近年来国内外干、湿氮沉降的监测方法,包括微气象学法、推算法、模型法、替代面法、降水采集法和离子交换树脂法等.并结合其在区域、国家及全球尺度的应用对比总结了不同方法的优缺点,为建立全国性的氮沉降监测网络提供方法学的支持. 相似文献
Sicher RC 《Photosynthesis research》2001,68(3):193-201
Effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on nitrogen metabolism were studied in barley primary leaves (Hordeum vulgare
L. cv. Brant). Seedlings were grown in chambers under ambient (36 Pa) and elevated (100 Pa) carbon dioxide and were fertilized
daily with complete nutrient solution providing 12 millimolar nitrate and 2.5 millimolar ammonium. Foliar nitrate and ammonium
were 27% and 42% lower (P ≤ 0.01) in the elevated compared to ambient carbon dioxide treatments, respectively. Enhanced carbon dioxide affected leaf
ammonium levels by inhibiting photorespiration. Diurnal variations of total nitrate were not observed in either treatment.
Total and Mg2+inhibited nitrate reductase activities per gram fresh weight were slightly lower (P ≤ 0.01) in enhanced compared to ambient carbon dioxide between 8 and 15 DAS. Diurnal variations of total nitrate reductase
activity in barley primary leaves were similar in either treatment except between 7 and 10 h of the photoperiod when enzyme
activities were decreased (P ≤ 0.05) by carbon dioxide enrichment. Glutamate was similar and glutamine levels were increased by carbon dioxide enrichment
between 8 and 13 DAS. However, both glutamate and glutamine were negatively impacted by elevated carbon dioxide when leaf
yellowing was observed 15 and 17 DAS. The above findings showed that carbon dioxide enrichment produced only slight modifications
in leaf nitrogen metabolism and that the chlorosis of barley primary leaves observed under enhanced carbon dioxide was probably
not attributable to a nutritionally induced nitrogen limitation.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
植物内生菌促进宿主氮吸收与代谢研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
内生菌与植物共生能够提高宿主的氮吸收与氮代谢水平,这可能是由于内生菌在植物体内引发的多种效应的综合结果.植物内生菌能够通过促进植物根系发育和固氮作用为宿主植物提供更多的无机氮素;能够通过分泌多种胞外酶系如漆酶、蛋白水解酶等使宿主植物更好地利用有机氮素;能够提高宿主氮代谢关键酶如硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)等酶的活性;能够提高宿主植物激素水平和维生素含量从而促进宿主氮代谢;能够通过影响宿主植物氮代谢促进宿主植物分蘖、提高宿主植物叶绿素含量和光合速率等等.综述了国内外关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢的相关报道,归纳了植物内生菌影响宿主氮素吸收与代谢的可能机制,并展望了关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢机制方面的研究方向. 相似文献
Impacts of invasive plant species on riparian plant assemblages: interactions with elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen deposition 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bradford MA Schumacher HB Catovsky S Eggers T Newingtion JE Tordoff GM 《Oecologia》2007,152(4):791-803
Resource competition is commonly invoked to explain negative effects of invasive plants on native plant abundance. If invasives
out-compete natives, global changes that elevate resource availability may interact with invasives to exacerbate impacts on
native communities. Indeed, evidence is accumulating that elevated CO2 and N deposition decrease native biomass and simultaneously increase invasive biomass. However, superior competitive ability,
and a relative increase in the magnitude of invasive impacts under elevated resource availability, remain to be definitively
proven. Using model, multi-species, multi-individual riparian plant communities, where planting density was maintained by
replacement of native with exotic individuals, we conducted a greenhouse, competition experiment using native (to the UK)
and invaded communities exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 (CO2 experiment) or N availability (N experiment). We tested two hypotheses: (1) invasives are superior competitors to natives
at ambient atmospheric CO2 and N deposition; (2) negative effects of invasives on natives are exacerbated under elevated CO2 or N availability. Our results provide some support for the first hypothesis: in the CO2 experiment native biomass was significantly lower in invaded communities. In the N experiment, native biomass was unaffected
by the presence of exotics but other characteristics (e.g. root:shoot ratios) were altered. Differences in light availability
between the experiments may have modified the effects of the invasives on the native assemblages but our design did not permit
us to determine this definitively. The hypothesis that elevated CO2 and N availability benefit invasives at the expense of natives was not supported by our results. This may be explained either
because the invasives showed minor responses to the resource manipulations or because native and exotic species were differentially
limited by CO2 and N. Our results confirm the expectation that invasives alter the characteristics of native assemblages but lead us to
question whether elevated resource availability will magnify these effects. 相似文献
New insights into the cellular mechanisms of plant growth at elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2 下载免费PDF全文
Dananjali Gamage Michael Thompson Mark Sutherland Naoki Hirotsu Amane Makino Saman Seneweera 《Plant, cell & environment》2018,41(6):1233-1246
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) significantly influences plant growth, development, and biomass. Increased photosynthesis rate, together with lower stomatal conductance, has been identified as the key factors that stimulate plant growth at elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]). However, variations in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance alone cannot fully explain the dynamic changes in plant growth. Stimulation of photosynthesis at e[CO2] is always associated with post‐photosynthetic secondary metabolic processes that include carbon and nitrogen metabolism, cell cycle functions, and hormonal regulation. Most studies have focused on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in response to e[CO2], despite the emerging evidence of e[CO2]'s role in moderating secondary metabolism in plants. In this review, we briefly discuss the effects of e[CO2] on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and then focus on the changes in other cellular mechanisms and growth processes at e[CO2] in relation to plant growth and development. Finally, knowledge gaps in understanding plant growth responses to e[CO2] have been identified with the aim of improving crop productivity under a CO2 rich atmosphere. 相似文献
城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
本文综述了城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展。随着全球特别是发展中国家城市化水平的提高, 城市化对生物多样性的影响逐渐引起了人们的重视。城市化造成了本土植物物种的丢失和外来物种的增加。在空间分布上, 城市化还常使城区本土植物多样性沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性下降; 但是由于引进大量外来物种, 总体植物多样性反而升高, 沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性升高。城市化对植物种类组成也有很大影响,优势种在远郊农区、城郊和城区呈现不同。城市化对植物多样性影响的机制主要有人为引入外来物种、小生境改变以及景观格局的变化三个方面。以下四个研究方向将越来越重要: (1) 不同区域、不同方法、不同学科的系统整合研究;(2) 城市化扩张与植物多样性变化过程的定位监测研究; (3) 本土植物多样性丢失以及性状改变的内在机制研究, 特别是外来物种与本地物种的相互作用过程和机制的研究; (4) 城市植物多样性保护研究。 相似文献
Griffin Kevin L. Bashkin Michael A. Thomas Richard B. Strain Boyd R. 《Plant and Soil》1997,190(1):11-18
We measured CO2 efflux from intact root/rhizosphere systems of 155 day old loblolly (Pinus taeda L.) and ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) pine seedlings in order to study the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the below-ground carbon balance of coniferous tree seedlings. Seedlings were grown in sterilized sand culture, watered daily with either 1, 3.5 or 7 mt M NH
, and maintained in an atmosphere of either 35 or 70 Pa CO2. Carbon dioxide efflux (mol CO2 plant–1 s–1) from the root/rhizosphere system of both species significantly increased when seedlings were grown in elevated CO2, primarily due to large increases in root mass. Specific CO2 efflux (mol CO2 g root–1 s–1) responded to CO2 only under conditions of adequate soil nitrogen availability (3.5 mt M). Under these conditions, CO2 efflux rates from loblolly pine increased 70% from 0.0089 to 0.0151 mol g–1 s–1 with elevated CO2 while ponderosa pine responded with a 59% decrease, from 0.0187 to 0.0077 mol g–1 s–1. Although below ground CO2 efflux from seedlings grown in either sub-optimal (1 mt M) or supra-optimal (7 mt M) nitrogen availability did not respond to CO2, there was a significant nitrogen treatment effect. Seedlings grown in supra-optimal soil nitrogen had significantly increased specific CO2 efflux rates, and significantly lower total biomass compared to either of the other two nitrogen treatments. These results indicate that carbon losses from the root/rhizosphere systems are responsive to environmental resource availability, that the magnitude and direction of these responses are species dependent, and may lead to significantly different effects on whole plant carbon balance of these two forest tree species. 相似文献
氮代谢参与植物逆境抵抗的作用机理研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,植物所受到的诸如干旱、盐、高温、低氧、重金属胁迫和营养元素缺乏等环境胁迫越来越多,严重影响了植物的生长发育及作物的质量和产量。氮素是植物生长发育所需的必需营养元素,同时也是核酸、蛋白质和叶绿素的重要组成成分,其代谢过程与植物抵抗逆境的能力息息相关。氮代谢是指植物对氮素的吸收、同化和利用的全过程,是植物体内基础代谢途径之一。氮代谢主要从氮素吸收、同化及氨基酸代谢等方面参与植物的抗逆性,并通过调节离子吸收和转运、稳定细胞形态和蛋白质结构、维持激素平衡和细胞代谢水平、减少体内活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)生成以及促进叶绿素合成等生理机制来影响植物抵抗非生物胁迫的能力。因此,提高植物在逆境下的氮代谢水平是减轻外界胁迫对其损伤的一种潜在途径。该文从氮素同化的基本途径出发,分别阐述了氮代谢在干旱胁迫、盐胁迫和高温胁迫等多个方面的逆境抵抗过程中的作用机理,为氮代谢参与植物抗逆性研究提供了有利参考。 相似文献