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Bacteroides ovatus, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe from the human colon, can ferment the branched galactomannan guar gum. Previously, three enzymes involved in guar gum breakdown were characterized. The expression of these enzymes appeared to be regulated; i.e., specific activities were higher in extracts from bacteria grown on guar gum than in extracts from bacteria grown on the monosaccharide constituents of guar gum, mannose and galactose. In the present study, we used two-dimensional gel analysis to determine the total number of B. ovatus proteins enhanced during growth on guar gum. Twelve soluble proteins and 20 membrane proteins were expressed at higher levels in guar gum-grown cells than in galactose-grown cells. An unexpected finding was that the expression of the two galactomannanases was induced by glucose as well as guar gum. Three other proteins, one membrane protein and two soluble proteins, had this same expression pattern. The remainder of the guar gum-associated proteins seen on two-dimensional gels and the guar gum-associated alpha-galactosidase were induced in cells grown on guar gum but not in cells grown on glucose. Two transposon-generated mutants (M-5 and M-7) that could not grow on guar gum were isolated. Both mutants still expressed the galactomannanases and the alpha-galactosidase. They also still expressed all of the guar gum-associated proteins that could be detected in two-dimensional gels of glucose-grown or galactose-grown cells. A second transposon insertion that suppressed the guar gum-negative phenotype of M-5 was isolated and characterized. The characteristics of this suppressor mutant indicated that the original transposon insertion was probably in a regulatory locus.  相似文献   

When Bacteroides ovatus is grown on guar gum, a galactomannan, it produces alpha-galactosidase I which is different from alpha-galactosidase II which it produces when grown on galactose, melibiose, raffinose, or stachyose. We have purified both of these enzymes to apparent homogeneity. Both enzymes appear to be trimers and have similar pH optima (5.9 to 6.4 for alpha-galactosidase I, 6.3 to 6.5 for alpha-galactosidase II). However, alpha-galactosidase I has a pI of 5.6 and a monomeric molecular weight of 85,000, whereas alpha-galactosidase II has a pI of 6.9 and a monomeric molecular weight of 80,500. alpha-Galactosidase I has a lower affinity for melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose (Km values of 20.8, 98.1, and 8.5 mM, respectively) than does alpha-galactosidase II (Km values of 2.3, 5.9, and 0.3 mM, respectively). Neither enzyme was able to remove galactose residues from intact guar gum, but both were capable of removing galactose residues from guar gum which had been degraded into large fragments by mannanase. The increase in specific activity of alpha-galactosidase which was associated with growth on guar gum was due to an increase in the specific activity of enzyme I. Low, constitutive levels of enzyme II also were produced. By contrast, enzyme II was the only alpha-galactosidase that was detectable in bacteria which had been grown on galactose, melibiose, raffinose, or stachyose.  相似文献   

By analyzing outer membrane proteins of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels, we were able to identify 10 protein spots that were associated with growth on chondroitin sulfate but not with growth on glucuronic acid or other monosaccharides. These proteins were distinct from the outer membrane polypeptides that were associated with growth on two other negatively charged polysaccharides, polygalacturonic acid and heparin. Of the 10 protein spots that were associated with growth on chondroitin sulfate, 4 could be detected on immunoblots with antiserum that had been raised against outer membranes from bacteria grown on chondroitin sulfate and then cross-adsorbed with membranes from bacteria grown on glucose. Synthesis of these four proteins appeared to be regulated coordinately with synthesis of the two enzymes that degrade chondroitin sulfate, chondroitin lyase I and II. Although one of the four proteins (Mr 110,000) was similar in molecular weight to the chondroitin lyases, the cross-adsorbed antiserum which detected this outer membrane protein did not cross-react with either of these two enzymes.  相似文献   

Y Zhao  J He  X Han  X Tian  M Deng  W Chen  B Jiang 《Carbohydrate polymers》2012,90(2):988-992
A new guar gum derivative containing amino group was synthesized through nucleophilic substitution of p-toluenesulfonate activated hydroxypropyl guar gum with ethanolamine. For the preparation of p-toluenesulfonate esters hydroxypropyl guar gum, the results showed that the reaction rate was optimal at 25°C and the reaction could reach equilibrium state when it was carried out for 10h at 25°C. For the nucleophilic substitution of tosyl group with ethanolamine, the reaction was completed after 10h reaction at 50°C. The structures of products were characterized by NMR and FT-IR spectroscopy. The results showed that the p-toluenesulfonate esters can be effectively substituted by ethanolamine to form the hydroxyethyl amino hydroxypropyl guar gum (EAHPG). The content of nitrogen of EAHPG was determined by acid-base titration and element analysis.  相似文献   

Multivalent galactose ligands have been proposed for selective targeting of carbohydrate-binding proteins on epithelial cell surfaces, both in normal and pathological conditions. One cellular partner is galectin-3, a β-galactoside-binding protein present on many epithelial linings, such as those of the ocular surface. In this study, we investigated the ability of hydroxypropyl guar galactomannan (HPGG) to bind recombinant galectin-3 and to target the apical surface of differentiated human corneal keratinocytes. Pull-down and slot-blot assays demonstrated that fluorescence-labeled HPGG bound recombinant galectin-3 through a galactose-dependent mechanism. In contrast, no binding of HPGG could be detected towards recombinant galectin-8 or -9. In a cell culture system, HPGG bound weakly to biotinylated cell surface corneal isolates containing endogenous galectin-3, and incubation of HPGG with corneal keratinocytes in culture resulted in discrete, galactose-independent, binding to the cell surface. Moreover, HPGG failed to elute the biological counter-receptor MUC16 from galectin-3 affinity columns. We conclude that HPGG binds galectin-3 through the conventional carbohydrate-recognition domain in vitro, but not in a biological system, suggesting that endogenous carbohydrate ligands on epithelial cell surface glycocalyces impair HPGG biorecognition.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe found in the human colon, can utilize xylan as a sole source of carbohydrate. Previously, a 3.8-kbp segment of B. ovatus chromosomal DNA, which contained genes encoding a xylanase (xylI) and a bifunctional xylosidase-arabinosidase (xsa), was cloned, and expression of the two genes was studied in Escherichia coli (T. Whitehead and R. Hespell, J. Bacteriol. 172:2408-2412, 1990). In the present study, we have used segments of the cloned region to construct insertional disruptions in the B. ovatus chromosomal locus containing these two genes. Analysis of these insertional mutants demonstrated that (i) xylI and xsa are probably part of the same operon, with xylI upstream of xsa, (ii) the true B. ovatus promoter was not cloned on the 3.5-kbp DNA fragment which expressed xylanase and xylosidase in E. coli, (iii) there is at least one gene upstream of xylI which could encode an arabinosidase, and (iv) xylosidase rather than xylanase may be a rate-limiting step in xylan utilization. Insertional mutations in the xylI-xsa locus reduced the rate of growth on xylan, but the concentration of residual sugars at the end of growth was the same as that with the wild type. Thus, a slower rate of growth on xylan was not accompanied by less extensive digestion of xylan. Mutants in which xylI had been disrupted still expressed some xylanase activity. This second activity was associated with membranes and produced xylose from xylan, whereas the xylI gene product partitioned primarily with the soluble fraction and produced xylobiose from xylan.  相似文献   

Activity of various glycosidases in the intracellular enzyme fraction of Bacteroides ovatus B4-11 was investigated. During 120 h of incubation at 37 degrees C, ca. 30% of the crude hemicellulose was hydrolyzed by an intracellular enzyme fraction of strain B4-11. Xylose was the major sugar released from crude hemicellulose. Glycosidases (alpha-1,6-glucosidase, alpha-1,4-glucosidase, beta-1,4-glucosidase, and beta-1,4-xylosidase) were induced in B. ovatus B4-11 by crude hemicellulose and heteroxylan. When B. ovatus B4-11 was grown on either crude hemicellulose or heteroxylan, the predominant enzyme in the intracellular enzyme fraction was beta-1,4-xylosidase.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe found in the human colon, can utilize xylan as a sole source of carbohydrate. Previously, a 3.8-kbp segment of B. ovatus chromosomal DNA, which contained genes encoding a xylanase (xylI) and a bifunctional xylosidase-arabinosidase (xsa), was cloned, and expression of the two genes was studied in Escherichia coli (T. Whitehead and R. Hespell, J. Bacteriol. 172:2408-2412, 1990). In the present study, we have used segments of the cloned region to construct insertional disruptions in the B. ovatus chromosomal locus containing these two genes. Analysis of these insertional mutants demonstrated that (i) xylI and xsa are probably part of the same operon, with xylI upstream of xsa, (ii) the true B. ovatus promoter was not cloned on the 3.5-kbp DNA fragment which expressed xylanase and xylosidase in E. coli, (iii) there is at least one gene upstream of xylI which could encode an arabinosidase, and (iv) xylosidase rather than xylanase may be a rate-limiting step in xylan utilization. Insertional mutations in the xylI-xsa locus reduced the rate of growth on xylan, but the concentration of residual sugars at the end of growth was the same as that with the wild type. Thus, a slower rate of growth on xylan was not accompanied by less extensive digestion of xylan. Mutants in which xylI had been disrupted still expressed some xylanase activity. This second activity was associated with membranes and produced xylose from xylan, whereas the xylI gene product partitioned primarily with the soluble fraction and produced xylobiose from xylan.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus, a human colonic anaerobe, utilizes the galactomannan guar gum as a sole source of carbohydrate. Previously, we found that none of the galactomannan-degrading enzymes were extracellular, and we characterized an outer membrane mannanase which hydrolyzes the backbone of guar gum to produce large fragments. We report here the purification and characterization of a second mannanase from B. ovatus. This enzyme is cell-associated and soluble. Using ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and chromatofocusing steps, we have purified the soluble mannanase to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme has a native molecular weight of 190,000 and a monomeric molecular weight of 61,000. It is distinct from the membrane mannanase not only with respect to cellular location but also with respect to stability and isoelectric point (pI of 6.9 for the membrane mannanase and pI of 4.8 for the soluble mannanase). The soluble mannanase, like the membrane mannanase, hydrolyzed guar gum to produce large fragments rather than monosaccharides. However, if galactosyl side chains were removed from the galactomannan fragments by alpha-galactosidase, both the soluble mannanase and the membrane mannanase could degrade guar gum to monosaccharides. Thus either or both of these two enzymes, working together with alpha-galactosidase, appear to be sufficient for the breakdown of guar gum to the level of monosaccharides.  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖植物胶加工是我国70年代中期兴起的新兴产业。本文从我国植物资源发展的角度。重点论证了瓜尔豆(Cyanopsis tetragonoloba(L.)Taubert.)、田菁(Sesbania cannabina(Retz.)Pers.)、胡芦巴(Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)的生产情况,认为胡芦巴适应性强、产量高、易于机械化大面积种植与轮作,并具有改良土壤以及经济效益好等优势。因此,发展半乳甘露聚糖胶资源,大量种植胡芦巴是最好的选择。  相似文献   

Guar galactomannan, a naturally occurring polysaccharide, is susceptible to hydrolysis by three enzymes: beta-mannosidase, beta-mannanase, and alpha-galactosidase. The beta-mannosidase cleaves a single mannose unit from the nonreducing end of the guar molecule, the beta-mannanase cleaves interior glycosidic bonds between adjacent mannose units, and the alpha-galactosidase cleaves the galactose side branches off the guar. In this study, hydrolysis of guar solutions using hyperthermopilic versions of these enzymes together in different proportions and combinations are examined. The enzymatic reactions are carried out in situ in a rheometer, and the progress of the reaction is monitored through measuring the variation in zero shear viscosity. We find the presence of alpha-galactosidase to affect the action of both beta-mannanase and beta-mannosidase with respect to solution rheology. However, this effect is more pronounced when the alpha-galactosidase and beta-mannanase or beta-mannosidase enzymes were added sequentially rather than simultaneously. This likely is the result of debranching of the guar, which facilitates attack on beta-1,4-linkages by both the beta-mannanase and the beta-mannosidase enzymes and increases hydrolytic rates by the individual enzymes. A rheology-based kinetic model is developed to estimate the reaction rate constants and interpret synergistic effects of multiple enzyme contributions. The model fits the experimental data well and reveals that both the native and the debranched guar have the same activation energy for beta-mannanase action, although debranching considerably increases the frequency of enzyme-guar interactions.  相似文献   

The effect that magnesium and iron have on the hydration and hydrolysis of guar gum at pH 12 was studied as a function of viscosity. It was found that small concentrations of magnesium do not affect the dissolution ratio of guar but significantly decrease hydrolysis at high temperatures. These results suggest that Mg(OH)(2) forms an adduct with the polysaccharide that prevents thermal hydrolysis of the guar. Viscosity measurements recorded in the presence of iron at pH 12 show that ferric iron inhibits hydration or dissolution of guar and may accelerate chain scission of fully hydrated guar when solutions are heated in an autoclave at 121 degrees C.  相似文献   

A method of purifying the naturally occurring antibody to alpha-galactoside moiety (anti-alpha-Gal) in human plasma by a single-step affinity chromatography on cross-linked guar galactomannan (CLGG) or agarose (Sepharose 4B) is described. IgG nature of the two preparations, as revealed by agar gel diffusion, as well as their preference for alpha-anomer of galactose, as revealed in inhibition of their agglutination of trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes by sugars, identified them with anti-alpha-Gal. The antibody binding capacity of Sepharose 4B was only a third of that of CLGG. Both gels showed similar dependence on ionic strength for binding. The pH optimum for binding of anti-alpha-Gal to CLGG was 8.0. Significantly anti-alpha-Gal binding to Sepharose was unaffected by CNBr activation and ligand coupling to the gel, thus warning that contaminating plasma could introduce artifacts in agarose-based chromatography of human tissue biomolecules.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus was grown in batch culture on 12 different carbon sources (five polysaccharides, seven monosaccharides and disaccharides). Specific growth rates were determined for each substrate together with polysaccharidase and glycosidase activities. Growth rates on polymerized carbohydrates were as fast or faster than on corresponding simple sugars, demonstrating that the rate of polysaccharide depolymerization was not a factor limiting growth. Bacteroides ovatus synthesized a large range of polymer-degrading enzymes. These polysaccharidases and glycosidases were generally repressed during growth on simple sugars, but arabinose was required for optimal production of alpha-arabinofuranosidase. Polysaccharidase and glycosidase activities were measured in continuous cultures grown with either xylan or guar gum under putative carbon limitation. With the exception of beta-xylosidase, activities of the polymer-degrading enzymes were inversely related to growth rate. This correlated with polysaccharide utilization which was greatest at low dilution rates. These results show that Bact. ovatus is highly adapted for growth on polymerized carbohydrate in the human colon and confirm that the utilization of polysaccharides is partly regulated at the level of enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Genetic and physical analyses were used to characterize the Bacteroides ovatus R plasmid pBI136. Results from restriction endonuclease cleavage studies were used to construct a physical map of the plasmid for the enzymes EcoRI, BamHI, ClaI, XbaI, SalI, and SmaI. Based on the sizes of restriction fragments generated in these studies, the plasmid was estimated to be 80.6 kilobase pairs (kb). A 7.2-kb region of the plasmid required for resistance to lincosamide and macrolide (LM) antibiotics was mapped by analysis of spontaneously occurring LM-sensitive deletion derivatives. Hybridization studies showed that this region and an adjoining 2.9-kb EcoRI fragment were responsible for the previously reported homology among Bacteroides plasmids pBF4, pBFTM10, and pBI136. Within this region of homology, 0.5 kb was attributed to a directly repeated sequence thought to bound the LM resistance determinant on pBF4 and pBFTM10. Two pBI136 EcoRI fragments spanning the putative LM resistance region were cloned in Escherichia coli, and heteroduplex analysis of these recombinant plasmids revealed the presence of a 1.2-kb directly repeated sequence. These results suggested that the pBI136 LM resistance determinant resides on an 8.4-kb segment of DNA containing 6.0 kb of intervening DNA sequences bounded by a 1.2-kb directly repeated sequence.  相似文献   

Bacteroides ovatus was grown in batch culture on 12 different carbon sources (five polysaccharides, seven monosaccharides and disaccharides). Specific growth rates were determined for each substrate together with polysaccharidase and glycosidase activities. Growth rates on polymerized carbohydrates were as fast or faster than on corresponding simple sugars, demonstrating that the rate of polysaccharide depolymerization was not a factor limiting growth. Bacteroides ovatus synthesized a large range of polymer-degrading enzymes. These polysaccharidases and glycosidases were generally repressed during growth on simple sugars, but arabinose was required for optimal production of α-arabinofuranosidase. Polysaccharidase and glycosidase activities were measured in continuous cultures grown with either xylan or guar gum under putative carbon limitation. With the exception of β-xylosidase, activities of the polymer-degrading enzymes were inversely related to growth rate. This correlated with polysaccharide utilization which was greatest at low dilution rates. These results show that Bact. ovatus is highly adapted for growth on polymerized carbohydrate in the human colon and confirm that the utilization of polysaccharides is partly regulated at the level of enzyme synthesis. and accepted 8 June 1989  相似文献   

Addition of individual amino acids to a Trypticase-yeast extract-hemin medium affected growth rates and final yields of an asaccharolytic strain and a saccharolytic strain of Bacteroides melaninogenicus. L-Aspartate or L-asparagine produced maximal growth enhancement for both strains. L-[14C]aspartate was fermented by resting cells of the asaccharolytic strain. L-Cysteine or L-serine also enhanced growth for the saccharolytic strain. However, growth of the saccharolytic strain was inhibited by L-lysine, L-glutamate, L-glutamine, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, and L-proline; growth of the asaccharolytic strain was inhibited by DL-valine and L-serine. Both strains were inhibited by L-histidine, DL-methionine, L-tryptophan, L-arginine, and glycine.  相似文献   

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