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Nicole Lair 《Hydrobiologia》2005,546(1):457-472
The numbers of rotifers in large rivers never achieve the abundances observed in eutrophic lakes. The adverse conditions of the current have conduct biologists to establish links between particular geomorphologies and biological processes in the plankton of rivers. Recent attempts to examine specific adaptations of rotifers have shown that among several planktonic forms, the loricate species appeared to be better adapted to the current than soft-bodied or littoral-epibenthic species. The eutrophic Middle Loire provides rotifers with more edible biomass than that necessary for their production so, the aim of this study was to determine which other factors were responsible for the origins, growth and survival of rotifer populations in the river. Samples were taken bi-monthly in the current, from end-June to early-October during 8 years, in two sections of the River Loire situated at 550 and 640 km from the source. Flow rate, temperature, dissolved oxygen, suspended matter, biological oxygen demand and algal densities were examined in parallel, and among the 61 rotifer species collected at each site, the 30 dominant species were retained for the analysis. Planktonic loricate species were dominant in the Middle Loire, followed by epibenthic species, soft-bodied species being least abundant. The densities of rotifers and algae changed in parallel and in relation to temperature; flow was clearly unfavourable to algae, represented by the Chlorophytes and to rotifers, whatever the sites. Co-inertia analysis revealed that the assemblage of species was closely grouped at Dam where the immediate environment was dominated by numerous scattered islands. This analysis also illustrated that the consequence of eutrophication in the water quality was more marked downstream. Lessons drawn from this experience of the Middle Loire, which ranks among the richest rivers in terms of species, allowed to highlight that dominance of the Brachionidae is a rule in numerous rivers and may be explained by the capacity of several species to continue growing in a current of 0.2 m s−1. Trichocercids may be relevant indicators of sandy rivers. The flexibility of rotifers in the face of hydraulic conditions, the question of the rotifers’ origin, the respective roles of downstream transfer and processes, as well as the role of the rotifers in the river food-web are discussed.  相似文献   

Coastal wetland restoration can be complex and expensive, so knowing long‐term consequences makes it important to inform decisions about if, when, and where to conduct restoration. We determined temporal changes in land gain and loss in receiving basins and adjacent reference areas for two diversions of the Mississippi River in south Louisiana (Davis Pond and Caernarvon initiated in 1991 and 2002, respectively). Water from both diversions went into receiving basins with vegetated areas as did the adjoining reference areas. The results from two different types of satellite imagery analyses demonstrate a net land loss after diversions began. The results were confirmed for the Caernarvon diversion using a before–after/control–impact analysis of independently collected data over a larger area of the estuary. These results are consistent with an analysis of land gain and loss after a natural levee break on the Mississippi River in 1973. The positive influences of adding new sediments were apparently counter‐balanced by other factors, and consistent with the conclusion from other studies indicating that increased nutrient supply and flooding are, by themselves, negative influences on marsh health. Modeling the ecosystem effects of diversions can be calibrated and tested using landscape‐scale analyses like this to understand the chronic and delayed effects, including the unintended consequences. Basing the legitimacy of river diversion on ecosystem modeling will be premature without successfully reproducing empirical results like these in ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Data on macroinvertebrate functional groups and benthic and suspended organic matter were examined using polar ordination techniques to test for distribution patterns in relation to stream size along an extended section of the Salmon River, Idaho (U.S.A.). Responses over a 200-km 8th-order section were studied in autumn 1978 and the succeeding summer. Overall trends and those of individual parameters comprising the three categories studied were used to examine aspects of the River Continuum Concept of Vannoteet al. (1980). Community composition of functional groups changed in an orderly fashion as a function of stream size (measured as link magnitude) along the 8th-order section in autumn but not in summer.Likewise, the composition of transported and combined (benthic plus transported) organic matter was a statistically significant function of stream size in autumn but not in summer. Only selected, individual functional groups and organic matter parameters demonstrated significant river continuum patterns; again, these were more prevalent in autumn than in summer. We conclude that continuum relationships within a segment of a given order are discerned better through analysis of compositional trends based on polar ordination than a focus on individual parameters.  相似文献   

We examined feeding of blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, and flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, collected from floodplain lake, secondary (side) river channel, and main river channel habitats in the lower Mississippi River (LMR), U.S.A. We described the feeding ecology of two large river catfish species within the context of whether off-channel habitats in the LMR (i.e., floodplain lakes and secondary channels) potentially provided energetic benefits to these fishes as purported in contemporary theory on the ecology of large rivers. We used diet composition and associated caloric densities of prey consumed as indicators of energetic benefit to catfishes. Differences in diet among habitats were strong for blue catfish, but weak for flathead catfish; consumed foods generally differed among habitats in caloric (energy) content. Caloric densities of consumed foods were generally greatest in floodplain lakes, least in the main river channel, and intermediate in secondary river channels. Strong between-year variation in diet was observed, but only for blue catfish. Blue catfish fed disproportionately on lower-energy zebra mussels in the main river channel during 1997, and higher-energy chironomids and oligochaetes in floodplain lakes during 1998. Results suggested that although off-channel habitats potentially provided greater energetic return to catfishes in terms of foods consumed, patterns of feeding and subsequent energy intake may vary annually. Energetic benefits associated with off-channel habitats as purported under contemporary theory (e.g., the ‘flood-pulse concept’) may not be accrued by catfishes every year in the LMR.  相似文献   

1. Many aspects of the flow regime influence the structure of stream communities, among which the minimum discharge left in rivers has received particular attention. However, instream habitat models predicting the ecological impacts of discharge management often lack biological validation and spatial generality, particularly for large rivers with many fish species. 2. The minimum flow at Pierre‐Bénite, a reach of the Rhône river bypassed by artificial channels, was increased from 10 to 100 m3 s?1 in August 2000 (natural mean discharge 1030 m3 s?1), resulting in a fivefold increase in average velocity at minimum flow. Fish were electrofished in several habitat units on 12 surveys between 1995 and 2004. 3. Principal components analysis revealed a significant change in the relative abundance of fish species. The relative abundance of species preferring fast‐flowing and/or deep microhabitats increased from two‐ to fourfold after minimum flow increase. A change in community structure confirmed independent quantitative predictions of an instream habitat model. This change was significantly linked to minimum flow increase, but not to any other environmental variables describing high flows or temperature at key periods of fish life cycle. The rapidity of the fish response compared with the lifespan of individual species can be explained by a differential response of specific size classes. 4. The fish community at Pierre‐Bénite is in a transitional stage and only continued monitoring will indicate if the observed shift in community structure is perennial. We expect that our case study will be compared with other predictive tests of the impacts of flow restoration in large rivers, in the Rhône catchment and elsewhere.  相似文献   


Recent work has led to the suggestion that biologically-mediated redox processes might be important in the regulation of dissolved trace element concentrations in rivers, especially with regard to manganese. Here, we focus on the removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water. Experiments indicate that dissolved Mn can be rapidly removed from lower Mississippi River water on a timescale of days or less and that Mn oxides are formed. However, demonstrating a biological origin for this removal is problematic. Experiments reveal that commonly used microbial controls, including NaN3 mixtures, HgCl2, heat sterilization, and sonification all affect fluvial particulate Mn through dissolution, disaggregation, interference with adsorption, or particle ageing. Thus, these microbial controls may affect abiotic as well as biological processes. Evidence supporting microbial removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water includes a temperature optimum for the process (~30°C), a lower activation energy than reported for heterogeneous inorganic Mn oxidation, and a faster rate than reported for autocatalytic inorganic Mn oxidation. This rapid Mn oxidation process occurs at essentially the same rate in the dark as well as the light. Observation of Mn removal at similar rates in a blackwater river in addition to the lower Mississippi, suggests that this is a common phenomenon in fluvial systems. If, as has been shown by other lab studies, the freshly biologically precipitated Mn oxides have a high specific surface area, then our observations provide a potential link between microbial activity, Mn cycling, and the cycling of other particle-reactive trace elements in rivers. Our results also indicate that unfiltered river water samples for dissolved Mn analysis should be filtered as soon as possible or at least stored cold if immediate filtration is not possible.  相似文献   

1. Zooplankton density and biomass was examined in a Danube River floodplain section with highly variable hydrological dynamics. Temporal patterns were analysed to assess the effects of hydrological conditions on zooplankton community structure and the differential response of the two major zooplankton taxa, rotifers and crustaceans.
2. Calculated floodplain water age was used as an integrated parameter describing hydrological conditions and connectivity.
3. Total zooplankton biomass, crustacean biomass and crustacean species number were significantly positively related to water age. Rotifer biomass followed a hump-shaped relationship with water age, and rotifer species number decreased with increasing water age.
4. Rotifers dominated the community in periods of low to medium water ages. In periods of higher water ages the community was dominated by crustaceans.
5. We propose that the hydrological regime of floodplains is crucial for zooplankton biomass patterns and succession, through the alternation of washing-out effects, taxon-specific potential of reproduction and biological interactions. Flood events and high water levels reset the community to an early successional phase.  相似文献   

Routing nitrate through backwaters of regulated floodplain rivers to increase retention could decrease loading to nitrogen (N)-sensitive coastal regions. Sediment core determinations of N flux were combined with inflow–outflow fluxes to develop mass balance approximations of N uptake and transformations in a flow-controlled backwater of the Upper Mississippi River (USA). Inflow was the dominant nitrate source (>95%) versus nitrification and varied as a function of source water concentration since flow was constant. Nitrate uptake length increased linearly, while uptake velocity decreased linearly, with increasing inflow concentration to 2 mg l−1, indicating limitation of N uptake by loading. N saturation at higher inflow concentration coincided with maximum uptake capacity, 40% uptake efficiency, and an uptake length 2 times greater than the length of the backwater. Nitrate diffusion and denitrification in sediment accounted for 27% of the backwater nitrate retention, indicating that assimilation by other biota or denitrification on other substrates were the dominant uptake mechanisms. Ammonium export from the backwater was driven by diffusive efflux from the sediment. Ammonium increased from near zero at the inflow to a maximum mid-lake, then declined slightly toward the outflow due to uptake during transport. Ammonium export was small compared to nitrate retention. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River system has been modified with locks, dams, dikes, bank revetments, channel modifications, and dredging to provide a nine-foot navigation channel. These activities have changed the river's characteristics. The historical changes in the hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic characteristics were assessed and related to navigational development and maintenance activities in the Upper Mississippi River system. The hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic features studied include river discharges, stages, sediment transport, river position, river surface area, island surface area, and river bed elevation. Water and sediment transport effects on dredging were also estimated. It was found that the general position of the Upper Mississippi River system has remained essentially unchanged in the last 150 years except for specific man-made developments in the river basin. The stage, velocity, sediment transport, and river and island areas were altered by development of the 2.75-m navigation system. Dredging requirements are strongly related to mean annual water discharge. Years in which water discharges were great were generally the years during which large volumes of sediment needed to be dredged from the channel. The backwater areas are experiencing some deposition. With implementation of erosion-control measures in major tributaries and upland areas, better confinement of disposed dredged materials, and better maintenance practices, the sedimentation and pertinent problems in the main channel, as well as in the backwater areas, may be reduced with time.  相似文献   

Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) was implemented to monitor environmental status and trends and restore degraded habitat. There was little experience conducting restoration in large rivers, and engineering and ecological integration evolved through project implementation. Loss of depth in backwaters and side channels, excessive biological oxygen demand, increased currents, and low water temperatures were common symptoms of backwater eutrophication that were primary objectives for implementing UMRR. Biological outcome monitoring was initially funded for six projects using the most common methods to restore aquatic and wetland habitat. UMRR island construction occurred as four generations of learning. Current plans represent a comprehensive restoration approach including: physical process modeling (i.e. hydraulic and wind‐wave modeling) of existing conditions and alternative restoration measures. Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Projects, fish response monitoring validated winter habitat suitability models. Long term fish population monitoring indicates sustainable recovery, and now population interaction among restored lakes is under investigation. Isolated wetland management in Illinois River backwater lakes can achieve bottom consolidation that promotes emergent wetland habitat response that migratory waterfowl exploit in large numbers. Adult fish movement between the river and management units is restricted to flood stage or through control structures and post‐project movements into the lake for overwintering were not apparent. The lack of Illinois River overwintering habitat is shown by an abundance of young fish and few older fish in status and trends monitoring. Upper Mississippi River System ecosystem restoration practitioners have implemented ecosystem restoration science and practice in a manner that exemplifies the best intent of adaptive management.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of large wood jams (LWJ) and their use by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill) and other fish in four geomorphically-distinct sections of the Little Carp River, a small river flowing through an uncut, old-growth, northern hardwood-conifer forest along the south shore of Lake Superior, Upper Michigan. We characterized nine LWJ per section and then electroshocked fish at three randomly selected LWJ per section. Structural characteristics of LWJ (e.g., total volume of wood, number of logs) varied with geomorphology at the scale of approximately one km. Differences in the abundance of fish associated with LWJ were not statistically significant among LWJ and non-LWJ portions of stream across all study reaches. Factors that explained most variability in the proportion of salmonids at LWJ (valley constraint, volume and number of pieces in the jam) reflected both large-scale geomorphology and characteristics of LWJ. If emulating an old-growth system is the goal for restoring habitat, attention should be given to the correlation of LWJ with larger-scale geomorphology of the reference river. However, it cannot be assumed that LWJ restoration will necessarily increase brook trout abundance near LWJ in a system similar to the Little Carp River as we observed low overall correlation between brook trout abundance and LWJ.  相似文献   

Despite some highly visible projects that have resulted in environmental benefits, recent efforts to quantify the number and distribution of river restoration projects revealed a paucity of written records documenting restoration outcomes. Improving restoration designs and setting watershed priorities rely on collecting and making accessible this critical information. Information within the unpublished notes of restoration project managers is useful but rarely documents ecological improvements. This special section of Restoration Ecology is devoted to the current state of knowledge on river restoration. We provide an overview of the section’s articles, reflecting on lessons learned, which have implications for the implementation, legal, and financing frameworks for restoration. Our reflections are informed by two databases developed under the auspices of the National River Restoration Science Synthesis project and by extensive interactions with those who fund, implement, and permit restoration. Requiring measurable ecological success criteria, comprehensive watershed plans, and tracking of when and where restoration projects are implemented are critical to improving the health of U.S. waters. Documenting that a project was put in the ground and stayed intact cannot be equated with ecological improvements. However, because significant ecological improvements can come with well‐designed and ‐implemented stream and river restorations, a small investment in documenting the factors contributing to success will lead to very large returns in the health of our nation’s waterways. Even projects that may appear to be failures initially can be turned into success stories by applying the knowledge gained from monitoring the project in an adaptive restoration approach.  相似文献   

Attached algal communities were studied during ice-free periods along the borders of the main channel and in backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River. Diatoms strongly dominated the phycoperiphyton except during late June through August when the green alga Stigeoclonium was abundant. Two distinct assemblages were apparent: a diverse, complex assemblage during spring and late fall annd a less complex, adnate, two-dimensional summer assemblage dominated by Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta and Navicula tripunctata var. schizonemoides. Simultaneous studies revealed two-dimensional periphytic colonization in the main channel and more complex communities in backwaters. Greater physical turbulence (e.g., surface waves) in the main channel may have favored adnate taxa and two-dimensional architecture, whereas lesser turbulence (e.g. protected backwaters) favored the more diverse, complex community. Community architecture and species composition were similar among communities on artificial substrates within each navigation pool (median SIMI0.87), but communities on artificial substrates were not taxonomically very similar (median SIMI=0.44) to epiphytic communities on Cladophora.Accrual of algal cells, chlorophyll a, and aufwuchs ash-free dry weight was usually greater in Pool 5 than in Pool 9. This may have been due to differences in discharges and/or sampler placement. The greatest accrual of cells and chlorophyll a occurred during summer and early fall. Chironomid and tricopteran larvae were common at that time and are known to affect algal accumulation by grazing.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) is a geographically diverse basin extending 10° north temperate latitude that has produced fishes for humans for millennia. During European colonization through the present, the UMRS has been modified to meet multiple demands such as navigation and flood control. Invasive species, notably the common carp, have dominated fisheries in both positive and negative ways. Through time, environmental decline plus reduced economic incentives have degraded opportunities for fishery production. A renewed focus on fisheries in the UMRS may be dawning. Commercial harvest and corresponding economic value of native and non-native species along the river corridor fluctuates but appears to be increasing. Recreational use will depend on access and societal perceptions of the river. Interactions (e.g., disease and invasive species transmission) among fish assemblages within the UMRS, the Great Lakes, and other lakes and rivers are rising. Data collection for fisheries has varied in intensity and contiguousness through time, although resources for research and management may be growing. As fisheries production likely relies on the interconnectivity of fish populations and associated ecosystem processes among river reaches (e.g., between the pooled and unpooled UMRS), species-level processes such as genetics, life-history interactions, and migratory behavior need to be placed in the context of broad ecosystem- and landscape-scale restoration. Formal communication among a diverse group of researchers, managers, and public stakeholders crossing geographic and disciplinary boundaries is necessary through peer-reviewed publications, moderated interactions, and the embrace of emerging information technologies.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of ant species to landscape and geomorphologic parameters of a long‐term (7–11 years) restoration project in the Jequitinhonha River (Northern State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) margins, previously dredged by a diamond mining company. Geomorphological changes from the dredging were severe and the area is unlikely to be adequately restored, mainly due to the negative effects of flooding. Our hypothesis is that ant species assemblages bioindicate successional stages and soil characteristics. We studied the association of effects from the river's flooding zone, the native vegetation, and sedimentary grain size with that of ant species diversity, abundance, and composition. An ant sampling program was conducted in April 2005, using three methods: baits, pitfall traps, and direct collection. Grain size was measured by sieving. In total, 10,784 ants were sampled, belonging to 7 subfamilies, 24 genera and 45 morphospecies. Ant species richness was greater in the undisturbed savanna area than in the restored habitats, and equivalently greater in the ecotone and intermediate zone habitats than on the river bank, the poorest habitat. Atta sexdens rubropilosa indicated a condition related to small forest remnants having well‐structured soil. On the other hand, ants with a body length of under 0.5 cm (Dorymyrmex pyramicus and Pheidole fallax) predominated in sandy areas, where the majority of the granules were the finest. The lack of organic matter and soil structure for constructing suitable nests may prevent large ants from colonizing such areas, and thus inhibit the advance of natural succession.  相似文献   

Seasonal influences and the role of floodplain forest as source or sink of organic matter is relatively unknown for 3arge, temperate rivers. Discharge and fine-particulate (FPOC), dissolved (DOC), and total organic carbon concentrations (TOC) were measured during five sampling periods from November, 1984, to August, 1985, above and below the floodplain-forested area (1054 ha) of Burlington Island in navigation Pool 19, upper Mississippi River. Sampling coincided with autumnal leaf fall of the floodplain forest, peak flood and falling spring flood, and low-flow conditions prior to and during phytoplankton bloom. Greatest TOC transport occurred during peak flood (8.84 × 106 Kg/day) and leaf fall (7.79 × 106 Kg/day). Peak flood transport was dominated by FPOC associated with flushing of material from upland areas. Transport during autumnal leaf fall was predominantly DOC attributed to litter leaching. Seasonal DOC loads generally increased downstream except during the phytoplankton bloom when a decrease was associated with increased microbial metabolic activity. Downstream decline in FPOC and increasing DOC loads during peak flood characterized the mechanism of deposition and processing of FPOC on the floodplain. FPOC concentration was significantly correlated to discharge and DOC concentrations were higher than FPOC except for peak flood. Significant downstream changes in TOC load suggests the importance of riparian vegetation as an influence on organic matter transport in large rivers.  相似文献   

We synthesized information on selected contaminants in the Upper Mississippi River, summarized regulatory measures enacted to reduce pollution, and described biotic and ecosystem responses to regulatory actions. Contamination of the river with mercury and lead rapidly followed settlement of the basin by European immigrants in the mid-1800s. Metal contamination peaked in the 1960s and has since decreased substantially. DDT, its degradation product DDE, and PCBs biomagnified to concentrations that adversely affected wildlife in upper trophic levels. National (U.S.A.) environmental regulations enacted from 1972 to 1991 reduced discharges of wastes from point sources, improved wastewater treatment, and reduced or banned the production or usage of certain chemicals, such as DDT, PCBs, and lead. Responses to these regulatory measures include reductions in ecosystem contamination, reductions in biotic exposure, and recovery of affected wildlife populations. Recovery from pollution has been slow, however, and we conclude that proactive approaches focusing on prevention are highly preferable to reactive approaches in management of toxic substances. Past successes in reducing point-source pollution, which is greatest near urban areas, do not extend to nonpoint-source pollution, given that the existing regulatory framework does not adequately address nonpoint sources. The river continues to receive hundreds of recently synthesized chemicals, and the behavior and effects of most of these compounds in aquatic ecosystems are largely unknown. Emerging contaminants and recently discovered mechanisms of adverse biological effects, such as endocrine disruption, pose continuing challenges to scientists and environmental managers concerned with the ecological health of this riverine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Threats to riverine landscapes are often the result of system‐wide river management policy, located far from where the threats appear, or both. As a result, the rationale for land protection to achieve floodplain conservation and restoration has shifted to require that lands must also have multiple and systemic threat abatement benefits. The Mississippi River Flood of 2011 highlighted the need for increased floodplain complexes along the Mississippi River to provide both systemic threat abatement and conservation benefits. We used spatial analysis, landowner outreach, and market assessment to examine ways to enhance land protection in the Atchafalaya River Basin Floodway, the largest river basin swamp North America and the site of two employed floodway locations during the 2011 flood. We identified six Priority Conservation Areas (77,084 ha) in the floodway that are largely privately owned (mean 78.2 ± 6.4%), with forest dominated by Taxodium distichum (baldcypress) and hydrologic and water quality characteristics considered most suitable for baldcypress regeneration (31.2 ± 2.4% and 10.2 ± 3.0% of area, respectively). Landowners expressed high (80%) interest in land protection programs and found the range of property values derived from market analyzes (minimal protection—$346 USD/ha; additional protections—up to $2,223 USD/ha) to be reasonable. We seek to: (1) enhance current land protection in the Atchafalaya River Basin and (2) provide a model for using land protection to increase the number of floodplains for both systemic threat abatement and conservation benefits.  相似文献   

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