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No drug has been targeted specifically for HIV-2 (human immunodeficiency virus type 2) infection despite its increasing prevalence worldwide. The antiviral HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type 1) protease (PR) inhibitor darunavir and the chemically related GRL98065 and GRL06579A were designed with the same chemical scaffold and different substituents at P2 and P2′ to optimize polar interactions for HIV-1 PR (PR1). These inhibitors are also effective antiviral agents for HIV-2-infected cells. Therefore, crystal structures of HIV-2 PR (PR2) complexes with the three inhibitors have been solved at 1.2-Å resolution to analyze the molecular basis for their antiviral potency. Unusually, the crystals were grown in imidazole and zinc acetate buffer, which formed interactions with the PR2 and the inhibitors. Overall, the structures were very similar to the corresponding inhibitor complexes of PR1 with an RMSD of 1.1 Å on main-chain atoms. Most hydrogen-bond and weaker C-H…O interactions with inhibitors were conserved in the PR2 and PR1 complexes, except for small changes in interactions with water or disordered side chains. Small differences were observed in the hydrophobic contacts for the darunavir complexes, in agreement with relative inhibition of the two PRs. These near-atomic-resolution crystal structures verify the inhibitor potency for PR1 and PR2 and will provide the basis for the development of antiviral inhibitors targeting PR2.  相似文献   

Nelfinavir is an inhibitor of HIV-1 protease, and is used for treatment of patients suffering from HIV/AIDS. However, treatment results in drug resistant mutations in HIV-1 protease. N88D and N88S are two such mutations which occur in the non-active site region of the enzyme. We have determined crystal structures of unliganded N88D and N88S mutants of HIV-1 protease to resolution of 1.65 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively. These structures refined against synchrotron data lead to R-factors of 0.1859 and 0.1780, respectively. While structural effects of N88D are very subtle, the mutation N88S has caused a significant conformational change in D30, an active site residue crucial for substrate and inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The monomer-dimer equilibrium for the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease has been investigated under physiological conditions. Dimer dissociation at pH 7.0 was correlated with a loss in beta-sheet structure and a lower degree of ANS binding. An autolysis-resistant mutant, Q7K/L33I/L63I, was used to facilitate sedimentation equilibrium studies at neutral pH where the wild-type enzyme is typically unstable in the absence of bound inhibitor. The dimer dissociation constant (KD) of the triple mutant was 5.8 microM at pH 7.0 and was below the limit of measurement (approximately 100 nM) at pH 4.5. Similar studies using the catalytically inactive D25N mutant yielded a KD value of 1.0 microM at pH 7.0. These values differ significantly from a previously reported value of 23 nM obtained indirectly from inhibitor binding measurements (Darke et al., 1994). We show that the discrepancy may result from the thermodynamic linkage between the monomer-dimer and inhibitor binding equilibria. Under conditions where a significant degree of monomer is present, both substrates and competitive inhibitors will shift the equilibrium toward the dimer, resulting in apparent increases in dimer stability and decreases in ligand binding affinity. Sedimentation equilibrium studies were also carried out on several drug-resistant HIV-1 protease mutants: V82F, V82F/I84V, V82T/I84V, and L90M. All four mutants exhibited reduced dimer stability relative to the autolysis-resistant mutant at pH 7.0. Our results indicate that reductions in drug affinity may be due to the combined effects of mutations on both dimer stability and inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

Recombinant wild-type protease of human immunodeficiency virus, type [(HIV-1) expressed in E. coli was purified by pepstatin A affinity chromatography. An 88-fold purification was achieved giving a protease preparation with a specific enzymatic activity of approximately 3700 pmol/min/μg. Two proteolytically inactive HIV-1 mutant proteases (Arg-87 → Lys; Asn-88 → Glu) were found to bind to pepstatin A agarose, and they were purified as the wild-type protease. A third mutant protease (Arg-87 → Glu) was apparently unable to bind to pepstatin A under similar conditions. Binding to pepstatin A indicates the binding ability of the substrate binding site and the ability to form dimers. These features may be used to purify and to characterize other mutated HIV-1 proteases.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease (PR) is a 99 amino acid protein responsible for proteolytic processing of the viral polyprotein – an essential step in the HIV-1 life cycle. Drug resistance mutations in PR that are selected during antiretroviral therapy lead to reduced efficacy of protease inhibitors (PI) including darunavir (DRV). To identify the structural mechanisms associated with the DRV resistance mutation L33F, we performed X-ray crystallographic studies with a multi-drug resistant HIV-1 protease isolate that contains the L33F mutation (MDR769 L33F). In contrast to other PR L33F DRV complexes, the structure of MDR769 L33F complexed with DRV reported here displays the protease flaps in an open conformation. The L33F mutation increases noncovalent interactions in the hydrophobic pocket of the PR compared to the wild-type (WT) structure. As a result, L33F appears to act as a molecular anchor, reducing the flexibility of the 30s loop (residues 29–35) and the 80s loop (residues 79–84). Molecular anchoring of the 30s and 80s loops leaves an open S1/S1′ subsite and distorts the conserved hydrogen-bonding network of DRV. These findings are consistent with previous reports despite structural differences with regards to flap conformation.  相似文献   

Amprenavir is one of six protease inhibitors presently approved for clinical use in the therapeutic treatment of AIDS. Biochemical and clinical studies have shown that, unlike other inhibitors, Amprenavir is severely affected by the protease mutation I50V, located in the flap region of the enzyme. TMC-126 is a second-generation inhibitor, chemically related to Amprenavir, with a reported extremely low susceptibility to existing resistant mutations including I50V. In this paper, we have studied the thermodynamic and molecular origin of the response of these two inhibitors to the I50V mutation and the double active-site mutation V82F/I84V that affects all existing clinical inhibitors. Amprenavir binds to the wild-type HIV-1 protease with high affinity (5.0 x 10(9) M(-1) or 200 pM) in a process equally favored by enthalpic and entropic contributions. The mutations I50V and V82F/I84V lower the binding affinity of Amprenavir by a factor of 147 and 104, respectively. TMC-126, on the other hand, binds to the wild-type protease with extremely high binding affinity (2.6 x 10(11) M(-1) or 3.9 pM) in a process in which enthalpic contributions overpower entropic contributions by almost a factor of 4. The mutations I50V and V82F/I84V lower the binding affinity of TMC-126 by only a factor of 16 and 11, respectively, indicating that the binding affinity of TMC-126 to the drug-resistant mutants is still higher than the affinity of Amprenavir to the wild-type protease. Analysis of the data for TMC-126 and KNI-764, another second-generation inhibitor, indicates that their low susceptibility to mutations is caused by their ability to compensate for the loss of interactions with the mutated target by a more favorable entropy of binding.  相似文献   

Proper proteolytic processing of the HIV-1 Gag/Pol polyprotein is required for HIV infection and viral replication. This feature has made HIV-1 protease an attractive target for antiretroviral drug design for the treatment of HIV-1 infected patients. To examine the role of the P1 and P1′positions of the substrate in inhibitory efficacy of multi-drug resistant HIV-1 protease 769 (MDR 769), we performed a series of structure–function studies. Using the original CA/p2 cleavage site sequence, we generated heptapeptides containing one reduced peptide bond with an L to F and A to F double mutation at P1 and P1′ (F-r-F), and an A to F at P1′ (L-r-F) resulting in P1/P1′ modified ligands. Here, we present an analysis of co-crystal structures of CA/p2 F-r-F, and CA/p2 L-r-F in complex with MDR 769. To examine conformational changes in the complex structure, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were performed with MDR769–ligand complexes. MD trajectories show the isobutyl group of both the lopinavir analog and the CA/p2 L-r-F substrate cause a conformational change of in the active site of MDR 769. IC50 measurements suggest the non identical P1/P1′ ligands (CA/p2 L-r-F and lopinavir analog) are more effective against MDR proteases as opposed to identical P1/P1′ligands. Our results suggest that a non identical P1/P1′composition may be more favorable for the inhibition of MDR 769 as they induce conformational changes in the active site of the enzyme resulting in disruption of the two-fold symmetry of the protease, thus, stabilizing the inhibitor in the active site.  相似文献   

A novel immunoenzymatic procedure for the quantitative determination of HIV protease activity is provided. An N-terminal biotinylated peptide (DU1) that comprises an HIV-1 protease (HIV-PR) cleavage sequence was bound to streptavidin-coated microtiter plates. The bound peptide can be quantified by an immunoenzymatic procedure (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) that includes a monoclonal antibody (Mab 332) against the peptide (DU1) C-terminal. The incubation of the bound peptide with HIV-PR in solution resulted in a signal decrement, as the peptide was hydrolyzed and the released C-terminal segment washed away. An equation that relates the amount of added enzyme to the kinetics of the reaction was written in order to describe this heterogeneous enzyme-quasi-saturable system. This equation allows quantitative determination of protease activity, a feature widely underrated in previous similar assays. The assay also allows evaluation of the inhibitory activity of HIV-PR inhibitors. Due to the intrinsic advantages of the ELISA format, this method could be used in high-throughput screening of HIV protease inhibitors. The assay can be extended to other proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug-resistant variants is a serious side effect associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome therapies based on inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR). In these variants, compensatory mutations, usually located far from the active site, are able to affect the enzymatic activity via molecular mechanisms that have been related to differences in the conformational flexibility, although the detailed mechanistic aspects have not been clarified so far. Here, we perform multinanosecond molecular dynamics simulations on L63P HIV-1 PR, corresponding to the wild type, and one of its most frequently occurring compensatory mutations, M46I, complexed with the substrate and an enzymatic intermediate. The quality of the calculations is established by comparison with the available nuclear magnetic resonance data. Our calculations indicate that the dynamical fluctuations of the mutated enzyme differ from those in the wild type. These differences in the dynamic properties of the adducts with the substrate and with the gem-diol intermediate might be directly related to variations in the enzymatic activity and therefore offer an explanation of the observed changes in catalytic rate between wild type and mutated enzyme. We anticipate that this "flexibility-assisted" mechanism might be effective in the vast majority of compensatory mutations, which do not change the electrostatic properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Polyoxometalates (POMs) are interesting biomedical agents due to their versatile anticancer and antiviral properties, such as remarkable anti-HIV activity. Although POMs are tunable and easily accessible inorganic drug prototypes in principle, their full potential can only be tapped by enhancing their biocompatibility, for example, through organic functionalization. We have therefore investigated the HIV-1 protease inhibition potential of functionalized Keggin- and Dawson-type POMs with organic side chains. Their inhibitory performance was furthermore compared to other POM types, and the buffer dependence of the results is discussed. In addition, chemical shift mapping NMR experiments were performed to exclude POM-substrate interactions. Whereas the introduction of organic side chains into POMs is a promising approach in principle, the influence of secondary effects on the reaction system also merits detailed investigation.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out based on the GROMOS force field on the aspartyl protease (PR) of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. The principal simulation treats the HIV-1 PR dimer and 6990 water molecules in a hexagonal prism cell under periodic boundary conditions and was carried out for a trajectory of 100 psec. Corresponding in vacuo simulations, i.e., treating the isolated protein without solvent, were carried out to study the influence of solvent on the simulation. The results indicate that including waters explicitly in the simulation results in a model considerably closer to the crystal structure than when solvent is neglected. Detailed conformational and helicoidal analysis was performed on the solvated form to determine the exact nature of the dynamical model and the exact points of agreement and disagreement with the crystal structure. The calculated dynamical model was further elucidated by means of studies of the time evolution of the cross-correlation coefficients for atomic displacements of the atoms comprising the protein backbone. The cross-correlation analysis revealed significant aspects of structure originating uniquely in the dynamical motions of the molecule. In particular, an unanticipated through-space, domain-domain correlation was found between the mobile flap region covering the active site and a remote regions of the structure, which collectively act somewhat like a molecular cantilever. The significance of these results is discussed with respect to the inactivation of the protease by site-specific mutagenesis, and in the design of inhibitors.  相似文献   

The development of resistance to anti-retroviral drugs targeted against HIV is an increasing clinical problem in the treatment of HIV-1-infected individuals. Many patients develop drug-resistant strains of the virus after treatment with inhibitor cocktails (HAART therapy), which include multiple protease inhibitors. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the mechanisms by which the viral proteins, in particular HIV-1 protease, develop resistance. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of HIV-1 protease NL4-3 in complex with the potent protease inhibitor TL-3 at 2.0 A resolution. We have also obtained the crystal structures of three mutant forms of NL4-3 protease containing one (V82A), three (V82A, M46I, F53L) and six (V82A, M46I, F53L, V77I, L24I, L63P) point mutations in complex with TL-3. The three protease mutants arose sequentially under ex vivo selective pressure in the presence of TL-3, and exhibit fourfold, 11-fold, and 30-fold resistance to TL-3, respectively. This series of protease crystal structures offers insights into the biochemical and structural mechanisms by which the enzyme can overcome inhibition by TL-3 while recovering some of its native catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The maturation of human immunodeficiency type-1 virions is accomplished through the proteolytic processing of Gag and GagPol precursor proteins by the viral protease (PR). Since virions must be assembled at the cell surface from uncleaved precursor molecules, intracellular activation of PR must be inhibited. We have previously developed a system where the intracellular activity of PR, associated with GagPol, was inhibited by the expression of Gagin trans. The disproportionate synthesis of Gag inhibits the activation of PR in the cytoplasm. Sequences capable of mediating this inhibition were localized to capsid. In this communication, the region of HIV-1 capsid capable of mediating inhibition was further defined and shown to require the major homology region of capsid within Gag.  相似文献   

The aspartyl dyad of free HIV-1 protease has apparent pK(a)s of approximately 3 and approximately 6, but recent NMR studies indicate that the aspartyl dyad is fixed in the doubly protonated form over a wide pH range when cyclic urea inhibitors are bound, and in the monoprotonated form when the inhibitor KNI-272 is bound. We present computations and measurements related to these changes in protonation and to the thermodynamic linkage between protonation and inhibition. The Poisson-Boltzmann model of electrostatics is used to compute the apparent pK(a)s of the aspartyl dyad in the free enzyme and in complexes with four different inhibitors. The calculations are done with two parameter sets. One assigns epsilon = 4 to the solute interior and uses a detailed model of ionization; the other uses epsilon = 20 for the solute interior and a simplified representation of ionization. For the free enzyme, both parameter sets agree well with previously measured apparent pK(a)s of approximately 3 and approximately 6. However, the calculations with an internal dielectric constant of 4 reproduce the large pKa shifts upon binding of inhibitors, but the calculations with an internal dielectric constant of 20 do not. This observation has implications for the accurate calculation of pK(a)s in complex protein environments. Because binding of a cyclic urea inhibitor shifts the pK(a)s of the aspartyl dyad, changing the pH is expected to change its apparent binding affinity. However, we find experimentally that the affinity is independent of pH from 5.5 to 7.0. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel way to inhibit HIV-1 protease by destabilizing its native state is discussed. A simplified protein model is used together with Monte Carlo simulations, to assess the destabilizing effect of peptides displaying the same sequence as specific fragments of the protein which are essential for its stability. Model calculations also show that it is unlikely that the protein can escape the inhibitory peptide by point mutations.  相似文献   

A reliable reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of LB71350 in the plasma of dogs. The analyte was deproteinized with 1.5 volumes of methanol and 0.5 volumes of 10% zinc sulfate, and the supernatant was injected into a 5-μm Capcell Pak C18 column (150×4.6 mm I.D.). The mobile phase was a stepwise gradient mixture of acetonitrile and 0.2% triethylamine–HCl with a flow-rate of 1 ml/min and detection at UV 245 nm. The proportion of acetonitrile was kept at 52% for the first 6 min, increased to 100% for the next 0.5 min, kept at 100% for the next 2 min, decreased to 52% for the next 0.5 min, and finally kept at 52% for the next 7 min. The retention time of LB71350 was 6.9 min. The calibration was linear over the concentration range of 0.1–100 mg/l for dog plasma (r>0.997) and the limit of quantitation was 0.1 mg/l using 0.1 ml plasma. The quality control samples were reproducible with acceptable accuracy and precision at 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/l concentrations. The within-day recovery (n=5) was 90.2–93.9%, the between-day recovery (n=5) was 89.5–93.5%, and the absolute between-day recovery (n=5) was 77–81%. The within-day precision (n=5) and between-day precision (n=5) were 2.59–5.82% and 3.17–4.55%, respectively. No interferences from endogenous substances were observed. Taken together, the above HPLC assay method by deproteinization and UV detection was suitable for the determination of LB71350 in the preclinical pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of indinavir and three newly synthesized indinavir analogs in complex with a multi-drug-resistant variant (L63P, V82T, I84V) of HIV-1 protease were determined to approximately 2.2 A resolution. Two of the three analogs have only a single modification of indinavir, and their binding affinities to the variant HIV-1 protease are enhanced over that of indinavir. However, when both modifications were combined into a single compound, the binding affinity to the protease variant was reduced. On close examination, the structural rearrangements in the protease that occur in the tightest binding inhibitor complex are mutually exclusive with the structural rearrangements seen in the second tightest inhibitor complex. This occurs as adaptations in the S1 pocket of one monomer propagate through the dimer and affect the conformation of the S1 loop near P81 of the other monomer. Therefore, structural rearrangements that occur within the protease when it binds to an inhibitor with a single modification must be accounted for in the design of inhibitors with multiple modifications. This consideration is necessary to develop inhibitors that bind sufficiently tightly to drug-resistant variants of HIV-1 protease to potentially become the next generation of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

We describe the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel HIV-1 protease inhibitors containing a squaramide-derived scaffold as the P2 ligand in combination with a (R)-hydroxyethylamine sulfonamide isostere. Inhibitor 3h with an N-methyl-3-(R)-aminotetrahydrofuranyl squaramide P2-ligand displayed an HIV-1 protease inhibitory Ki value of 0.51 nM. An energy minimized model of 3h revealed the major molecular interactions between HIV-1 protease active site and the tetrahydrofuranyl squaramide scaffold that may be responsible for its potent activity.  相似文献   

结合分子相似性、药效团和分子对接建立兼顾计算效率和预测准确度的HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂筛选方法。首先通过对现有HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂分子进行相似性分析,选取代表性的HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂作为模板分子,构建和优化药效团模型,并从1万个化合物中优先筛选出500个化合物。而后采用分子对接方法进一步考察化合物与HIV-1蛋白酶结合情况,得到4个新的活性候选化合物,并进行其结合自由能计算和抗突变性分析。结果表明新候选化合物ST025723和HIV-1蛋白酶表现出较好的相互作用和抗突变性,具有深入研究的价值,同时也证明分子相似性、药效团和分子对接相结合能够快速有效地发现新颖活性候选化合物。  相似文献   

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