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Tetrahymena pyriformis GL was starved for 24 h and then the immunologically demonstrable insulin content and FITC-insulin binding were measured by flow cytometry and localization was studied by confocal microscopy. The amount of endogeneous insulin as well as FITC insulin binding, was highly significantly elevated. Glucose feeding for 30 min abolished the elevation of FITC-insulin binding. In starved cells, insulin-binding sites disappeared from the surface and FITC-insulin was bound inside the cells, within large food vacuoles. Endogeneous insulin was dispersed in the cytoplasm both in the control and starved cells and food vacuoles did not contain it. The results call attention to the stimulatory effect of starvation on insulin production in Tetrahymena, in parallel with the internal storage of insulin receptors, which points to an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Na-metavanadate and ouabain that act on Na+K(+)-ATPase had no influence on insulin binding to Tetrahymena immediately after treatment, but after 24 h considerably enhanced the binding capacity of generations of progeny. The increase in binding was of a similar magnitude to that elicited by insulin imprinting. Vanadate failed to increase the imprinting potential of insulin while ouabain even prevented insulin imprinting when administered together with insulin, but, did not affect imprinting when administered after insulin. By analogy with higher organisms it appears that inhibition of Na+K(+)-ATPase plays no role in the insulin-like effect of vanadate on the unicellular Tetrahymena, as judged also from the capacity to bind insulin of the generations of offspring.  相似文献   

The unicellular Tetrahymena pyriformis GL produce, store and secrete vertebrate‐like hormones. In earlier experiments the effect of different stressors on the hormone levels of Tetrahymena was studied and an elevation of these was found. In the present experiments the hormone binding was investigated, using flow cytometric method. FITC‐insulin binding was elevated after concentrated (5, 10, or 20 mg ml?1) NaCl or 0.01%, 0.1%, or 0.05% formaldehyde treatment, or after thermal stress (37°C). Serotonin given together with NaCl increased and together with formaldehyde decreased the binding. Histamine always decreased the binding and insulin was indifferent. Four hours after osmotic stress, hormone binding significantly decreased and this was not influenced by hormones. However, 4 h after formaldehyde stress the binding elevated and this was further increased by repeated hormone treatments. The results show that the stress in Tetrahymena provokes an activation of its hormonal system (hormone production and binding), which is differently influenced by exogeneously given hormones. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The unicellular ciliate Tetrahymena, contains and binds hormones, characteristic of vertebrates. Earlier experiments demonstrated the effect of extremely low concentrations of hormones. In the present experiments, the effect of various hormones (endorphin, serotonin, histamine, insulin and epidermal growth factor [EGF]) in 10(-15) M, or oxytocin, gonadotropin at 0.001 IU concentrations) on the binding of FITC-insulin was studied by using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, after 1, 5, 15, 30 and 60 min. Six of the seven hormones promptly decreased the cells' hormone binding capacity, the exception being EGF, and in four cases (endorphin, serotonin, insulin and oxytocin) the reduction was enormous. The decreased binding was durable. However, in the case of endorphin and oxytocin after 30 min, and in the case of serotonin after 60 min the binding returned to the control level. In the case of oxytocin after 60 min, binding significantly surpassed the control level. Histamine returned to the control level after 15 min, but after that the binding became even lower. EGF provoked special behaviour: it increased hormone binding after 30 and 60 min. The results call attention to the extreme sensitivity of Tetrahymena receptors to hormonal inductions and to its quick response ability.  相似文献   

FITC-insulin binding and endogenous insulin content of Tetrahymena pyriformis, that had been 24 h or 30 min starved, continuously fed or re-fed after starvation was studied by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Long starvation elevated both insulin binding and endogenous insulin content of the cells. Short re-feeding after long starvation or short starvation after continuous feeding does not change the situation. Fixed cells also bind FITC-insulin, however, in this case long starvation reduces, and re-feeding after long starvation elevates, the binding, which means that hormone binding by receptors only differs from receptor binding and engulfment (in living cells). The increase of FITC-insulin content in living cells seems to be due to engulfment, rather than by receptor binding. The results point to the unicellular organism's requirement for insulin production and binding in a life-threatening stress situation.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugate Journal - Glycans have been shown to function as versatile molecular signals in cells. This prompted us to look at their roles in endocytosis, endolysosomal system and autophagy. We...  相似文献   

In vivo studies have demonstrated that the liver is the main site of insulin resistance in hyperthyroidism. To further investigate the effect of thyroid hormone in the liver, we have incubated primary cultures of rat hepatocytes in the presence and absence of triiodothyronine (T3) 1 ng/ml and 5 ng/ml for 20 hr. Without affecting basal activity, T3 5 ng/ml decreased insulin-stimulated (1 x 10(-7) M) lipid synthesis but not insulin-stimulated alpha-aminoisobutyric acid uptake. These changes occur in the absence of any abnormalities in 125I-insulin binding, degradation, internalization or insulin receptors structure as determined by affinity-labeling methods. However, basal insulin receptor kinase activity using Glu4: Tyrl as phospho-acceptor was decreased by T3 without altering its insulin responsiveness. These results demonstrate the heterogeneity of T3's effects at the postinsulin binding level in the liver.  相似文献   

FITC-insulin binding to previously hormone-treated Tetrahymena was studied by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Hormones produced by Tetrahymena were chosen for study and the hormone concentrations were administered between 10(-6) and 10(-21)M for 30 min. Endorphin, serotonin and insulin significantly reduced the hormone binding however histamine did not influence it at all. Endorphin, serotonin and insulin were significantly effective down to 10(-18)M and the effect of insulin and endorphin suggest a similar mechanism. The results call attention to the efficacy of very low hormone concentrations, which can influence the hormone content (earlier experiments) and receptor binding capacity (present study) of a unicellular organism. This seems to be very important, as in wild (natural) conditions the dilution of signaling materials secreted by a water-living protozoan is very high. In addition, the results point to the selectivity of response, as not all of the hormones that deeply influence other physiological indices (e.g. histamine) have an effect on insulin content or insulin receptors.  相似文献   

The binding of asialoglycoproteins to their liver cell receptor results in internalization of the ligand-receptor complex. These complexes rapidly appear in intracellular compartments termed endosomes whose acidification results in ligand-receptor dissociation. Ligand and receptor subsequently segregate: ligand is transported to lysosomes and is degraded while receptor recycles to the cell surface. The proton ionophore monensin prevents acidification of endosomes and reversibly inhibits this acid-dependent dissociation of ligand from receptor. The present study determined the effect of monensin treatment of short-term cultured rat hepatocytes on cell-surface-receptor content, determined both by their binding activity and immunologically, following continuous endocytosis of asialoorosomucoid. Inclusion of 5 microM monensin in the incubation medium reduced the number of immunologically detectable cell-surface receptors by 20% in the absence of ligand. During continuous endocytosis of asialoorosomucoid, inclusion of monensin resulted in a 30-40% reduction of cell-surface receptor detectable either by ligand binding or immunologically. These results suggest that the reduced liver-cell-surface content of receptor in monensin is due to intracellular trapping of ligand-receptor complexes. The reduction of surface receptor during monensin incubation in the absence of ligand suggests that "constitutive recycling" of plasma membrane components also requires intracellular acidification.  相似文献   

In cultured human fibroblasts we observed that monensin, a Na+/H+-exchanging ionophore, (i) inhibits mannose 6-phosphate-sensitive endocytosis of a lysosomal enzyme, (ii) enhances secretion of the precursor of cathepsin D, while inhibiting secretion of the precursors of beta-hexosaminidase, (iii) induces secretion of mature beta-hexosaminidase and mature cathepsin D, and (iv) inhibits carbohydrate processing in and proteolytic maturation of the precursors remaining within the cells; this last effect appears to be secondary to an inhibition of the transport of the precursors. If the treated cells are transferred to a monensin-free medium, about half of the accumulated precursors are secreted, and the intracellular enzyme is converted into the mature form. Monensin blocks formation of complex oligosaccharides in lysosomal enzymes. In the presence of monensin, total phosphorylation of glycoproteins is partially inhibited, whereas the secreted glycoproteins are enriched in the phosphorylated species. The suggested inhibition by monensin of the transport within the Golgi apparatus [Tartakoff (1980) Int. Rev. Exp. Pathol. 22, 227-250] may be the cause of some of the effects observed in the present study (iv). Other effects (i, ii) are rather explained by interference by monensin with the acidification in the lysosomal and prelysosomal compartments, which appears to be necessary for the transport of endocytosed and of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Gold-labeled insulin is bound first of all to the cilia of the oral field of Tetrahymena. A primary treatment (hormonal imprinting) with insulin increases the binding capacity even after 24h and makes it more sensitive for appearance a week later, within a minute of giving insulin-gold. The food vacuoles contain insulin-gold in pretreated cells or without pretreatment as well, though in imprinted situations the label can be found in pinocytotic vesicles at the bases of cilia in the oral field. Altogether, a functional difference can be observed between the cilia of the oral and non-oral surfaces of Tetrahymena and hormonal imprinting has a specifying effect on the binding of labeled hormone.  相似文献   

1. Pretreatment of cultured human skin fibroblasts with convanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin inhibited endocytosis of alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase and increased extracellular accumulation of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. 2. These effects were dose-dependent, reversible and could be prevented by haptenic carbohydrates, such as methyl alpha-D-mannoside or N-acetylglucosamine. 3. Pretreatment of fibroblasts with di- and monovalent succinylated concanavalin A inhibited alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase endocytosis, but had no effect on extracellular beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase accumulation. 4. Concanavalin A-alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase complexes become internalized via the recognition of the lectin. Complex formation prevents recognition of the phosphorylated carbohydrate on lysosomal enzymes that interacts with cell surface receptors specific for lysosomal enzymes. The inhibitory effect of all lectins tested on lysosomal enzyme endocytosis suggests that the cell surface receptors for lysosomal enzymes interact either directly with lectins or are closely linked to lectin receptors. The effect of polyvalent lectins on extracellular lysosomal enzyme accumulation is ascribed to their alteration of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Effects of novel taurolipid A and B localized in Tetrahymena lysosomes on the activities of lysosomal enzymes purified from Tetrahymena were investigated. Both taurolipids activated acid phosphatase, while they did not affect α-glucosidase and β-hexosaminidase. The acid phosphatase activity was activated approximately 3-fold by both taurolipids A and B, with the half-maximum activations for taurolipid A and B being at approximately 1.03·10−4 and 0.72·10−4 M, respectively. When the purified acid phosphatase was incubated at 37°C in citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 5.0) its activity was rapidly inactivated, but the inactivation was prevented to a remarkable extent by the addition of taurolipids to the incubation medium. These results thus suggest that the taurolipids may be involved in activating and stabilizing acid phosphatase in Tetrahymena lysosomes.  相似文献   

Inefficient endosomal escape remains the primary barrier to the broad application of oligonucleotide therapeutics. Liver uptake after systemic administration is sufficiently robust that a therapeutic effect can be achieved but targeting extrahepatic tissues remains challenging. Prior attempts to improve oligonucleotide activity using small molecules that increase the leakiness of endosomes have failed due to unacceptable toxicity. Here, we show that the well-tolerated and orally bioavailable synthetic sphingolipid analog, SH-BC-893, increases the activity of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) up to 200-fold in vitro without permeabilizing endosomes. SH-BC-893 treatment trapped endocytosed oligonucleotides within extra-lysosomal compartments thought to be more permeable due to frequent membrane fission and fusion events. Simultaneous disruption of ARF6-dependent endocytic recycling and PIKfyve-dependent lysosomal fusion was necessary and sufficient for SH-BC-893 to increase non-lysosomal oligonucleotide levels and enhance their activity. In mice, oral administration of SH-BC-893 increased ASO potency in the liver by 15-fold without toxicity. More importantly, SH-BC-893 enabled target RNA knockdown in the CNS and lungs of mice treated subcutaneously with cholesterol-functionalized duplexed oligonucleotides or unmodified ASOs, respectively. Together, these results establish the feasibility of using a small molecule that disrupts endolysosomal trafficking to improve the activity of oligonucleotides in extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

Insulin imprinting given to the unicellular Tetrahymena considerably increases the uptake and intracellular storage of amino acids even many generations after the actual contact with the hormone. On the other hand, both the first and the second contacts with insulin increase the rate of the excretion of the stored amino acids. On the basis of the results obtained it seems to be possible that both protein synthesis and exocytosis of the Tetrahymena change as an effect of imprinting, either in general or specifically due to the formation of new hormone receptors.  相似文献   

A single neonatal insulin treatment decreased considerably the insulin binding capacity of erythrocytes in adult rats, by analogy of the behaviour of the hepatic insulin receptors in response to insulin exposure during the perinatal period, or during liver regeneration in adulthood. These observations substantitate earlier conclusions on the mechanism of imprinting and strongly suggest the universality of perinatal imprinting in living organisms. In vitro insulin exposure of the erythrocytes of adult rats depressed 48 h later the erythrocytic insulin binding capacity to a similar degree in individuals treated and not treated with insulin when newborn, from which it follows that neonatal exposure had no influence on erythrocytic response to later in vitro treatment. In the light of the present study the use of erythrocytes as model cells for imprinting studies deserves consideration.  相似文献   

Although bulk endocytosis has been found in a number of neuronal and endocrine cells, the molecular mechanism and physiological function of bulk endocytosis remain elusive. In pancreatic beta cells, we have observed bulk-like endocytosis evoked both by flash photolysis and trains of depolarization. Bulk-like endocytosis is a clathrin-independent process that is facilitated by enhanced extracellular Ca2+ entry and suppressed by the inhibition of dynamin function. Moreover, defects in bulklike endocytosis are accompanied by hyperinsulinemia in primary beta cells dissociated from diabetic KKAy mice, which suggests that bulk-like endocytosis plays an important role in maintaining the exo-endocytosis balance and beta cell secretory capability.  相似文献   

Medina-Kauwe LK  Leung V  Wu L  Kedes L 《BioTechniques》2000,29(3):602-4, 606-8, 609
We have developed a simple scheme for characterizing ligand-receptor binding and post-binding activity on living cells. Our approach makes use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as an auto-fluorescent tag to label protein ligands. We have constructed GFP-tagged ligands that can be expressed in bacteria as soluble fusion proteins. A cell-binding assay using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) demonstrates that GFP-tagged proteins retain their wild-type receptor-binding specificity. Using this assay, we measure ligand binding on unfixed cells and demonstrate receptor specificity using specific competitors. To determine the ability of receptor targets to internalize, we developed a second FACS-based assay to detect the rate and percentage of internalized ligand in living cells. Noninternalizing control ligands and fluorescence microscopy of treated cells confirm that our assay is reliable for determining receptor internalization activity.  相似文献   

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