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To evaluate the osteogenic potential of novel implant materials, it is important to examine their effect on osteoblastic differentiation. Characterizing the tissue response at the bone-biomaterial interface in vivo at a molecular level would contribute significantly to enhancing our understanding of tissue integration of endosseous implant materials. We describe here a new technique that overcomes difficulties commonly associated with performing immunohistochemistry on undecalcified sawed sections of bone. Sheep mandible specimens were fixed in an ethanol based fixative to maintain adequate antigenicity of the tissue. As a result, it was possible to omit antigen retrieval at high temperature for recovery of antigenicity, and detachment of sections from the slides was avoided. Following dehydration and infiltration, the specimens were embedded in a resin composed of polymethylmethacrylate and polybutylmethacrylate. Polymerization was achieved by adding benzoylperoxide and N,N-dimethyl-toluidine. This resin was selected because it maintained the antigenicity of the tissue, provided adequate properties for cutting 50 µm thick sections, and it facilitated deacrylizing the sawed sections. Acid-resistant acrylic slides were glued to the blocks using an epoxy resin based two-component adhesive to avoid detachment of the slides during the deacrylation procedure. Samples were stained for alkaline phosphatase, type I collagen, osteonectin, osteopontin, osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein. The EnVision + ™ dextran polymer conjugate two-step visualization system was applied for immunohistochemical detection of these bone matrix proteins. This procedure yielded positive staining for the osteogenic markers in cells and matrix components. The protocol described here facilitates the use of immunohistochemistry on resin embedded sawed sections of bone and provides a convenient and reliable method that can be used routinely for immunohistochemical analysis of hard tissue specimens containing implant materials.  相似文献   

A method is presented for histological examination of undecalcified ground sections of tooth roots affected with periodontal disease. The roots were placed in Karnovsky's fixative overnight, postfixed in 2% buffered osmic acid, and dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol. The specimens were then infiltrated with propylene-oxide and Epon-Araldite resin, embedded in Epon-Araldite, and sections were prepared using a cutting and grinding system. The resulting ground sections were 8-12 μm thick. The sections were allowed to air dry at room temperature. When thoroughly dried, a coverglass was applied using resinous mounting medium DPX. The specimens were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. The method is useful for simultaneous examination of mineralized dental tissue and bacterial morphotypes covering the root surface of teeth involved with periodontal disease.  相似文献   

A method is presented for histological examination of undecalcified ground sections of tooth roots affected with periodontal disease. The roots were placed in Karnovsky's fixative overnight, postfixed in 2% buffered osmic acid, and dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol. The specimens were then infiltrated with propylene-oxide and Epon-Araldite resin, embedded in Epon-Araldite, and sections were prepared using a cutting and grinding system. The resulting ground sections were 8-12 μm thick. The sections were allowed to air dry at room temperature. When thoroughly dried, a coverglass was applied using resinous mounting medium DPX. The specimens were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. The method is useful for simultaneous examination of mineralized dental tissue and bacterial morphotypes covering the root surface of teeth involved with periodontal disease.  相似文献   

Otic bullas of the rat, obtained by excision and formalin fixed, are successfully embedded in methylmethacrylate by dehydration and subsequent infiltration with plastic under vacuum. Sections 10 μm thick are obtained by cutting the trimmed and sandpapered acrylic blocks on an LKB multirange microtome. The sections are collected on adhesive tape and stained with a Trichrome stain (modified Weigert-van Gieson). Finally, the sections attached to the tape are mounted on microscope slides with glycerin-gelatin and sealed in the same medium. Serial sections are used for three-dimensional graphic reconstruction.  相似文献   

We observed the histology and tetracycline (TC) labeling in a single frontal section of alveolar bone of upper first molars of adolescent rats. A single injection of TC was administered intraperitonealy in adolescent rats. After three weeks, the upper jaws were immersed rapidly in liquid nitrogen and sectioned. Five micrometer unfixed, undecalcified frozen sections were cut and observed by light and fluorescence microscopy. Frontal sections of the upper first molar area revealed that the structural relationships among the roots, the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone, and also between the cervical enamel and the attachment epithelium were well preserved. The TC labeling lines in the sections were very clear and distinguished new bone from old bone. The brightness of the lines differed among regions. An analysis of the brightness in the same section suggested a difference in the bone forming activity at the time of injection.  相似文献   

Histology of dry bone tissue has many scientific applications. The histological analysis of bone requires the production of good quality thin sections. Many researchers have developed new histological techniques and/or they have refined existing ones. In this paper, we describe a revision of histological techniques for obtaining thin sections from modern dry bone. The method is easy to apply and the equipment required is commonly found in a histology laboratory. In comparison to other techniques presented in the literature, this adapted method reduces the number of consumables and steps, thereby improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the procedure.  相似文献   

IntroductionPreviously, a finite element (FE) model of the proximal tibia was developed and validated against experimentally measured local subchondral stiffness. This model indicated modest predictions of stiffness (R2 = 0.77, normalized root mean squared error (RMSE%) = 16.6%). Trabecular bone though was modeled with isotropic material properties despite its orthotropic anisotropy. The objective of this study was to identify the anisotropic FE modeling approach which best predicted (with largest explained variance and least amount of error) local subchondral bone stiffness at the proximal tibia.MethodsLocal stiffness was measured at the subchondral surface of 13 medial/lateral tibial compartments using in situ macro indentation testing. An FE model of each specimen was generated assuming uniform anisotropy with 14 different combinations of cortical- and tibial-specific density-modulus relationships taken from the literature. Two FE models of each specimen were also generated which accounted for the spatial variation of trabecular bone anisotropy directly from clinical CT images using grey-level structure tensor and Cowin’s fabric-elasticity equations. Stiffness was calculated using FE and compared to measured stiffness in terms of R2 and RMSE%.ResultsThe uniform anisotropic FE model explained 53–74% of the measured stiffness variance, with RMSE% ranging from 12.4 to 245.3%. The models which accounted for spatial variation of trabecular bone anisotropy predicted 76–79% of the variance in stiffness with RMSE% being 11.2–11.5%.ConclusionsOf the 16 evaluated finite element models in this study, the combination of Synder and Schneider (for cortical bone) and Cowin’s fabric-elasticity equations (for trabecular bone) best predicted local subchondral bone stiffness.  相似文献   

Technovit 7200 VLC is an acrylic resin formulated for embedding undecalcified hard tissues which are prepared for light microscopy according to a cutting-grinding technique. To employ this resin for embedding and cutting soft tissues by ultramicrotomy, we carried out a qualitative study on biopsies of canine gingival mucosa using light and transmission electron microscopy. For a critical evaluation of this resin, some biopsies were embedded in Agar 100, an epoxy resin widely used in morphological studies. At the light microscopic level the samples embedded in Technovit 7200 VLC showed good morphology and excellent toluidine blue staining of different cell types and extracellular matrix. At the ultrastrueturallevel, nuclei, cytoplasmic organelles, collagen fibrils and ground substance appeared well preserved and showed high electron density. The acrylic resin was stable under the electron beam and its degree of shrinkage appeared to be very low. We conclude that Technovit 7200 VLC can be employed for ultramicrotomy for both light and electron microscopic investigation of soft tissues.  相似文献   

Technovit 7200 VLC is an acrylic resin formulated for embedding undecalcified hard tissues which are prepared for light microscopy according to a cutting-grinding technique. To employ this resin for embedding and cutting soft tissues by ultramicrotomy, we carried out a qualitative study on biopsies of canine gingival mucosa using light and transmission electron microscopy. For a critical evaluation of this resin, some biopsies were embedded in Agar 100, an epoxy resin widely used in morphological studies. At the light microscopic level the samples embedded in Technovit 7200 VLC showed good morphology and excellent toluidine blue staining of different cell types and extracellular matrix. At the ultrastrueturallevel, nuclei, cytoplasmic organelles, collagen fibrils and ground substance appeared well preserved and showed high electron density. The acrylic resin was stable under the electron beam and its degree of shrinkage appeared to be very low. We conclude that Technovit 7200 VLC can be employed for ultramicrotomy for both light and electron microscopic investigation of soft tissues.  相似文献   

In this article the locations and histologic and ultrastructural features of all of the minor salivary glands of the rat are presented; similarities and differences among them are highlighted. These glands are almost as diverse morphologically as the major salivary glands of the rat. The acini of von Ebner's glands are serous; those of the anterior and posterior buccal glands and minor sublingual glands are mucous; and those of the glossopalatal, palatal, and Weber's glands are mucous with serous demilunes. The anterior buccal, minor sublingual and von Ebner's glands have striated and stratified columnar ducts, while only the minor sublingual and von Ebner's glands have intercalated ducts. The glossopalatal, palatal, posterior buccal and Weber's glands have none of these ducts; the tubulo-acini drain abruptly into short terminal ducts composed of stratified squamous epithelium. All of the mucous acini react with an antibody to a mucin (Muc19) of the rat major sublingual gland, but in some of the glands the reaction varies in intensity among the acinar cells. Ultrastructurally, the mucous secretory granules of the anterior buccal, glossopalatal, palatal and Weber's glands are biphasic, while those of the minor sublingual and posterior buccal glands are monophasic. Although there is a considerable body of literature concerning the development, innervation, physiology and proteomics of von Ebner's glands, investigation of the other minor salivary glands of the rat ranges from modest to nearly nonexistent.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00400.x
Evaluation of the efficacy of chemical disinfectants for disinfection of heat‐polymerised acrylic resin Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of disinfectants on the internal aspect of heat‐polymerised acrylic resin contaminated with microbial strains. Background: Dentures absorb oral fluids and become contaminated by different microorganisms. Methods: Two hundred and fifty rectangular specimens were made of heat‐polymerised acrylic resin, and then divided into five groups corresponding to the microbial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, S. mutans and Enterococcus faecalis). After contamination, the specimens were immersed in 1 and 2% sodium hypochlorite and 2% glutaraldehyde for periods of 5, 10 and 15 min. The specimens were placed into tubes containing different broths and incubated at 35°C and then visually analysed. Turbidity in the medium indicated microbial growth. The Fisher’s exact test was used in the analysis of the results. Results: The strain E. faecalis was the most resistant to the disinfectant solutions, and among them, glutaraldehyde was more effective than 2 and 1% hypochlorite for disinfection for 5 min; in the 10‐min period there were no differences between the disinfectants. In 15 min of immersion, 1% hypochlorite and glutaraldehyde were more effective than 2% hypochlorite. Conclusions: Disinfection for 10 min with 1% hypochlorite and glutaraldehyde is effective in disinfecting the internal aspect of heat‐polymerised acrylic resin.  相似文献   

Whole‐organ and whole‐body optical tissue clearing methods allowing imaging in 3 dimensions are an area of profound research interest. Originally developed to study nervous tissue, they have been successfully applied to all murine organs, yet clearing and imaging of rat peripheral organs is less advanced. Here, a modification of CUBIC clearing protocol is presented. It provides a rapid and simple approach to clear the entire adult rat organism and thus all organs within as little as 4 days. Upgraded perfusion‐based rat CUBIC protocol preserves both anatomical structure of organs and signal from proteinaceous fluorophores, and furthermore is compatible with antibody staining. Finally, it enables also volumetric cells analyses and is tailored for staining of calcium deposits within unsectioned soft tissues.   相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the dietary essentiality of lithium (Li) in rats. In three experiments, two types of diets were fed during growth, reproduction, and lactation. In the first experiment, dams were maintained on a corn-based diet containing 2 ng or 500 ng (controls) Li/g through five successive periods of pregnancy and lactation. The offspring of dams fed the low-Li diet had significantly lower weaning weights (p=0.011), and the percent weaned was lower (p=0.094) than that of controls. In the second experiment, rats were maintained through three generations on a rice-based diet containing 0.6 ng Li/g, or the control (500 ng/g) diet. There was a significant effect of Li level on litter size (p=0.017) and litter wt at birth (p=0.006) in the third generation. The overall effect through three generations on litter wt at birth approaches statistical significance (p=0.086). In the third experiment, third-generation rats were continued on the respective rice-based diets with three levels of dietary sodium, the normal level, one-half, and four times that level. The litter size and birth wt were significantly lower (p=0.0030 and 0.0038, respectively) among the low-Li dams that consumed the normal and high-sodium levels compared to those that consumed the low-sodium diets. The interaction of Li and sodium as regards litter wt at birth approached significance (p=0.083). Various tissues of the rats in the third experiment were analyzed for Li. It seems likely that Li exerts an essential nutrient role for the rat. Contribution of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 11,327.  相似文献   

Summary The glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein and myosin were localized in rat spinal cord and human frontal cortex using specific antibodies against GFA protein from human spinal cord and highly purified smooth myosin from chicken gizzard by means of an indirect immunofluorescence microscopical approach. A strong GFA protein and myosin immunoreactivity was found in astrocytes of the white and grey matter and in the external glial limitans membrane. The very fine branches of astrocytic processes stained with antiGFA protein, but not with anti-myosin. Similar results were obtained with the human frontal cortex, where myosin antibodies failed to reveal the very fine branches of protoplasmic astrocytes.As a whole, staining with the GFA protein antiserum was more crisp than with the myosin antibody.Thanks are due to Professor J.R. Wolff, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, for stimulating discussions, to Ursula König, Christa Mahlmeister and Renate Steffens for skilful technical assistance, and to Heidi Waluk for the photographic workSupported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Br 634/1, Dr 91/1, Un 34/4, Ste 105/19)Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60. birthday  相似文献   

Rat intestinal epithelial cells were isolated by EDTA-chelation, combined with gentle shaking (modified Weiser procedure) or with strong longitudinal vibration (Harrison/Webster procedure). Both methods yield large numbers of viable cells and are relatively easy to use. Electronmicroscopical and biochemical data indicate that cell fractions from different levels of the villous region can be obtained only by the modified Weiser procedure. When strong mechanical forces are involved (Harrison-Webster procedure) the villus epithelium is released according to an all-or-nothing process. The biotransformational capacity of cell fractions, obtained from different levels of the villi by the modified Weiser procedure, was investigated. It was shown that the rate of metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin and 1-naphthol was substantially higher in lower villous cells than in cells isolated from the upper villous region. O-Deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin decreases from 145 +/- 13 pmole/min mg cell protein (72 +/- 4% conjugated) in lower villous cells to 62 +/- 12 pmole/min mg cell protein (37 +/- 6% conjugated) in tip cells. Glucuronidation of 1-naphthol decreased from 495 +/- 23 pmole/min mg cell protein (lower villous cells) to 137 +/- 13 pmole/min mg cell protein (tip cells).  相似文献   

The kinetic of maturation (schistogram) of Schistosoma mansoni worms grown in laboratory rats was studied by light and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Infected rats with the BH strain were weekly euthanized 3-9 weeks pi. Recovered flukes stained with hydrochloric carmine were preserved as whole-mounts and analyzed by confocal and brightfield microscopy. Worms displayed varying degrees of maturation of the reproductive system at weeks 3-6. Male worms showed complete maturation of the reproductive system at week 6, while female worms completed their maturation at week 7. Males presented few tubercles in tegument in all weeks. Despite the presence of a developing embryo within the ootype, no uterine egg was found. The schistogram in rats follows a pattern similar to that observed in mice hosts.  相似文献   

Optical tissue clearing is a method allowing post‐mortem deep imaging of organs in three dimensions. By optimizing the CUBIC clearing protocol, the authors provide rapid and simple approach to clear the entire adult rat organism within as little as four days, which is accompanied by the variety of its staining and imaging techniques. The image was captured with polarizers and demonstrates transparent rodent heart with thread‐like crystals of clearing reagent. Further details can be found in the article by Pawe? Matryba et al. ( e201700248 ).


A wide range of biomaterials and tissue‐engineered scaffolds are being investigated to support and stimulate bone healing in animal models. Using phantoms and rat cadavers, we investigated the feasibility of using spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) to monitor changes in collagen concentration at levels similar to those expected to occur in vivo during bone regeneration (0‐0.84 g/cm3). A partial least squares (PLS) regression model was developed to quantify collagen concentration in plugs consisting of mixtures or collagen and hydroxyapatite (predictive power of ±0.16 g/cm3). The PLS model was then applied on SORS spectra acquired from rat cadavers after implanting the collagen: hydroxyapatite plugs in drilled skull defects. The PLS model successfully predicting the profile of collagen concentration, but with an increased predictive error of ±0.30 g/cm3. These results demonstrate the potential of SORS to quantify collagen concentrations, in the range relevant to those occurring during new bone formation.  相似文献   

A conventional balance study with growing rats was conducted to evaluate experimental conditions for determining endogenous fecal manganese (Mn) excretion and, hence, true Mn absorption by the isotope-dilution technique. Thirty-four rats, with a mean initial live weight of 60 g, allotted to three groups of 8 animals and one group of 10 animals, were injected intramuscularly with a54Mn tracer dose and sacrificed after 4, 8, 12, and 16 d, respectively. In liver and serum, the specific radioactivity of Mn was the lowest among the tissues analyzed and its exponential rate of decrease over the period of d 4–16 was the highest. During the 8-d period, from d 9–16, apparent Mn absorption averaged 14.1% of intake (128.5 μg Mn/d). Assuming that the specific activity of Mn in liver of d 11 or, alternatively, in serum of d 16, was on the average representative of that of endogenous Mn in feces of d 9–16, it was computed that Mn of endogenous origin accounted for 9.0 and 9.3% of the total fecal excretion of the metal, and that true absorption amounted to 21.9 and 22.1% of Mn intake, respectively.  相似文献   

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