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The interhemispheric interactions in perception of Russian prosody were studied in the norm and in schizophrenia as a clinical model of impaired hemispheric interactions. Monaural presentation of stimuli and binaural presentation in a free acoustical field were used. Sentences with main variants of Russian prosodic intonations were used as stimuli. The response time and the number of erroneous responses were recorded. In binaural listening without headphones, no significant difference in the percent of errors in identifying the emotional prosody was found between healthy subjects and schizophrenics. Compared with the healthy subjects, the patients made more errors in understanding the logical stress and fewer errors in understanding the syntagmatic segmentation. By response time, a significant dominance of the left ear was revealed in the healthy subjects during monaural listening to sentences with emotional prosody and complete or incomplete sentences, whereas no significant ear dominance was found in the schizophrenics. During monaural listening to sentences with logical stress, the response time was shorter when stimuli were presented to the right ear both in the healthy subjects and in the schizophrenics. The results testified that the functional brain asymmetry in schizophrenics is flattened. The flattening was less evident in the perception of a logical stress in a sentence and did not significantly affect the efficiency of identification of emotional prosody and syntagmatic segmentation of a sentence.  相似文献   

This article deals with the role of functional cerebral asymmetry in the analysis of lexical and grammatical material. The author examined healthy test subjects with various types of cerebral organization of speech activity; i.e., with speech lateralization in the left and right hemispheres and bilateral speech lateralization. The test subjects with speech lateralization in the left hemisphere and bilateral lateralization are shown to prefer the formal-grammatical principle of the classification of both lexemes (distinguishing antonyms and synonyms) and grammatical constructions (distinguishing active and passive sentences). The test subjects with speech lateralization in the right hemisphere fail to follow the formal-grammatical principle of the classification of either lexemes (synonyms disappear) or grammatical constructions (active and passive sentences are united). The data obtained show that the linguistic abilities are determined by the functional specialization of the hemispheres.  相似文献   

Reaction time and recognition accuracy of speech emotional intonations in short meaningless words that differed only in one phoneme with background noise and without it were studied in 49 adults of 20-79 years old. The results were compared with the same parameters of emotional intonations in intelligent speech utterances under similar conditions. Perception of emotional intonations at different linguistic levels (phonological and lexico-semantic) was found to have both common features and certain peculiarities. Recognition characteristics of emotional intonations depending on gender and age of listeners appeared to be invariant with regard to linguistic levels of speech stimuli. Phonemic composition of pseudowords was found to influence the emotional perception, especially against the background noise. The most significant stimuli acoustic characteristic responsible for the perception of speech emotional prosody in short meaningless words under the two experimental conditions, i.e. with and without background noise, was the fundamental frequency variation.  相似文献   

Cerebral mechanisms of musical abilities were explored in musically gifted children. For this purpose, psychophysiological characteristics of perception of emotional speech information were experimentally studied in samples of gifted and ordinary children. Forty six schoolchildren and forty eight musicians of three age groups (7-10, 11-13 and 14-17 years old) participated in the study. In experimental session, a test sentence was presented to a subject through headphones with two emotional intonations (joy and anger) and without emotional expression. A subject had to recognize the type of emotion. His/her answers were recorded. The analysis of variance revealed age- and gender-related features of emotional recognition: boys musicians led the schoolchildren of the same age by 4-6 years in the development of mechanisms of emotional recognition, whereas girls musicians were 1-3 years ahead. Musical education in girls induced the shift of predominant activities for emotional perception in the left hemisphere; in boys, on the contrary, initial distinct dominance of the left hemisphere was not retained in the process of further education.  相似文献   

It is well established that for most people linguistic processing is primarily a left hemisphere activity, whereas recent evidence has shown that basic odor perception is more lateralized to the right hemisphere. Importantly, under certain conditions, emotional responding also shows right hemisphere laterality. Hedonic (pleasantness) assessments constitute basic level emotional responses. Given that olfaction is predominantly ipsilateral in function, it was hypothesized that odor pleasantness evaluations may be accentuated by right nostril perception and that odor naming would be superior with left nostril perception. To test this prediction we presented eight familiar neutral-mildly pleasant odors for subjects to sniff through the left and right nostrils. Subjects smelled each odor twice (once through each nostril) at two different sessions, separated by 1 week. At each session subjects provided pleasantness, arousal and naming responses to each odorant. Results revealed that odors were rated as more pleasant when sniffed through the right nostril and named more correctly when sniffed through the left. No effects for arousal were obtained. These findings are consistent with previously demonstrated neural laterality in the processing of olfaction, emotion and language, and suggest that a local and functional convergence may exist between olfaction and emotional processing.  相似文献   

This study analyzed specificities in the activity of the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the organization of active word-derivation processes. The regularities in the reorganization of the spatial structure for the systemic interaction of bioelectrical activity between different cortical areas of the cerebral hemispheres were studied in adult subjects during the test for mental derivation of common root words (i.е., using the modern methods of the so-called “functional connectome” investigations). Сross-correlation and coherent analysis of EEG has shown that the ipsilateral statistical EEG interactions in the left hemisphere, including Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, were significantly increased in adults during mental derivation of common root words and, simultaneously, the interhemispheric connectivity and the EEG interactions in the right hemisphere were reduced. Comparison of our results with the previous data of verbal activity associated with speech perception and production has revealed significant differences in the degree of involvement of the left and right hemisphere cortical activity in verbal processing. For example, unlike the data of current study, an equal involvement of both hemispheres cortical activity was recorded during the phoneme recognition in auditory perceived words, grammatical and semantic errors in sentences, as well as during mental formation of words from a set of phonemes and sentences from a set of words, which was particularly manifested in the increased of hemispheric interactions, predominantly, in the inferior frontal and temporal areas and the overlapped areas of the temporal, parietal, and occipital cortical zones (TPO) of both hemispheres. Thus, the data obtained in this study indicate the presence of expressed specificities in the lateralization of activity in the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the processes of active word derivation and inflexion.  相似文献   

Analysis is presented of word associations produced by subjects with left hemispheric (group 1), right hemispheric (group 2), and bilateral (group 3) speech representation. The strategy for producing extralinguistic responses was found to prevail over the strategy for producing linguistic associations in all subjects, irrespective of their type of speech representation. This strategy was more pronounced in subjects with right hemispheric speech laterality, suggesting a correlation between the generation of extralinguistic associations and functional brain asymmetry. Producing linguistic associations also depended on the type of cerebral organization of speech. The most important linguistic associations are syntagmatic. Syntagmatic associations were more closely related to the lateralization of speech to the left hemisphere. The data are compared to the results of studies of the ontogeny of associative processes.  相似文献   

The listener-distinctive features of recognition of different emotional intonations (positive, negative and neutral) of male and female speakers in the presence or absence of background noise were studied in 49 adults aged 20-79 years. In all the listeners noise produced the most pronounced decrease in recognition accuracy for positive emotional intonation ("joy") as compared to other intonations, whereas it did not influence the recognition accuracy of "anger" in 65-79-year-old listeners. The higher emotion recognition rates of a noisy signal were observed for speech emotional intonations expressed by female speakers. Acoustic characteristics of noisy and clear speech signals underlying perception of speech emotional prosody were found for adult listeners of different age and gender.  相似文献   

Correlation and coherence analyses of multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from 18 subjects (mean age 25 years) were used for investigating the reorganization of systemic interactions between bioelectric potentials of the cortical areas of both hemispheres (20 EEG derivations) during verbal-mental activity connected with generating verbal units from simpler components. When generating either words from aurally presented phonemes or sentences from a set of words, the subjects exhibited specific changes in the spatial structure of the statistical relationships in the EEG, with a significant increase in the interhemispheric interactions. During performance of both tasks, the changes in the interhemispheric interactions were most pronounced in the temporal, temporo-parieto-occipital (TPO), inferofrontal, and occipital areas of both hemispheres. Phonemic synthesis was associated with a more marked increase in the contralateral interactions in the left hemisphere, and generating sentences from words, in the right hemisphere. The coherence analysis of the EEG showed the greatest changes in the Δ, ?, and β frequency bands, with rather slight changes in the α frequency band. For all frequency bands, changes in the EEG coherences were the greatest in Wernicke’s and the TPO areas of the right and left hemispheres during the performance of both tasks, especially during the phonemic synthesis. These findings suggest that neurophysiological processes underlying mental generation of words and sentences require coordinated activity of the left and right hemispheres, which is accompanied by an increase in the interhemispheric interactions in the EEG, especially in the temporal, inferofrontal, and TPO areas.  相似文献   

In order to explore the process of adaptation of children to school environment psychophysiological characteristics of perception of emotional speech information and school progress were experimentally studied. Forty-six schoolchildren of three age groups (7-10, 11-13, and 14-17 years old) participated in the study. In experimental session, a test sentence was presented to a subject through headphones with two emotional intonations (joy and anger) and without emotional expression. A subject had to recognize the type of emotion. His/her answers were recorded. School progress was determined by year grades in Russian, foreign language, and mathematics. Analysis of variance and linear regression analysis showed that ontogenetic features of a correlation between psychophysiological mechanisms of emotion recognition and school progress were gender- and subject-dependent. This correlation was stronger in 7-13-year-old children than in senior children. This age boundary was passed by the girls earlier than by the boys.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on individual variations in perception of speech emotional information by 7-16-year children. Significant differences between subjects from various age groups were found concerning the correct recognition of emotions, the degree of brain asymmetry and domination type. The exactness of emotional recognition increases with age, while the degree of asymmetry becomes lower, the right hemisphere domination becoming more stable in processing of speech emotional information. With age, individual type of asymmetry turns to the specific one, reflecting asymmetry formation during evolution.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the analysis of the role of the right and left hemispheres in realization of various parameters of subjective emotional reactions to external stimuli. Experimental study of the evaluation of difficult-to-verbalize visual stimuli, according to the preset emotional valences, showed that damage to the posterior parts of the right hemisphere predominantly impairs evaluation of the emotion valence, and damage to the anterior parts of the left hemisphere impairs discrimination of the modality (quality) of the emotion.  相似文献   

Although language is a function traditionally attributed to the left hemisphere, experimental and clinical reports indicate that the right hemisphere may also have a capacity to process verbal information. Indeed, some attributes of words, including their concreteness, imageability and emotional component, have been shown to be associated with right-hemispheric processing capacities. In addition, studies on brain-damaged, split-brain patients and studies realized with neuroimaging techniques have also suggested that the right hemisphere has some linguistic capacities. The main objective of this article is to review specific contribution of right cerebral hemisphere to semantic processing from three complementary approaches: (1) divided visual-field experiments with healthy participants, (2) studies of patients with acquired lesions of both left and right hemispheres, and (3) neuroimaging studies.  相似文献   

After memorizing a simple periodical movement in the ankle joint, 36 healthy subjects (right-handers) reproduced it from memory. The movement rhythm image that formed during movement in the left ankle joint was memorized better than when the movement was performed by the right extremity. The specific features of interhemispheric interaction at various stages of trace processes, unequal participation of the hemispheres in perception and processing of information, and the physiological expedience of the signal transmission from the right to the left hemisphere are sufficient to assume a basic sequence of hemispheric functional activity redistribution when the brain masters new cognitive actions.  相似文献   

Review concerns cortical mechanisms of postural control. Data on different role of the right and the left cerebral hemispheres in postural control are analyzed. These data are compared with the data on lateralization of perception and action. Peculiarities of sensory perception and motor control in the right and the left hemispheres are supposed to be connected with the specialization of the left hemisphere on the dynamic tasks and of the right hemisphere on the static tasks which include orthograde posture control in human beings.  相似文献   



Prosody, the melody and intonation of speech, involves the rhythm, rate, pitch and voice quality to relay linguistic and emotional information from one individual to another. A significant component of human social communication depends upon interpreting and responding to another person''s prosodic tone as well as one''s own ability to produce prosodic speech. However there has been little work on whether the perception and production of prosody share common neural processes, and if so, how these might correlate with individual differences in social ability.


The aim of the present study was to determine the degree to which perception and production of prosody rely on shared neural systems. Using fMRI, neural activity during perception and production of a meaningless phrase in different prosodic intonations was measured. Regions of overlap for production and perception of prosody were found in premotor regions, in particular the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Activity in these regions was further found to correlate with how high an individual scored on two different measures of affective empathy as well as a measure on prosodic production ability.


These data indicate, for the first time, that areas that are important for prosody production may also be utilized for prosody perception, as well as other aspects of social communication and social understanding, such as aspects of empathy and prosodic ability.  相似文献   

The pattern of interhemisphere distribution of EEG amplitude and frequency as a function of the levels of emotional experience and motivation as well as probability of the goal achievement was studied in 20 probands. An emotional state was evoked by simulating emotionally colored events. A modified test of Priseet al.(1985) was used to evaluate the level of motivation for the simulated event as well as the probability of goal achievement from the lengths of line segments marked by the probands. Here, we studied a simulated emotion of joy. The highest correlation coefficients were observed between the awareness and alpha activity in the both hemispheres. The levels of emotional experience and motivation inversely correlated with the delta and theta activity mostly in the left hemisphere. The beta activity correlated with both the emotional and motivation levels  相似文献   

Voluntary components of the emotion perception were shown to be related to the left hemisphere temporal area in patients with focal lesions of postero-frontal and temporal areas of both hemispheres, whereas the involuntary components required involvement of the right hemisphere temporal area. The voluntary components of the emotion reproduction are associated with involvement of the left hemisphere postero-frontal area, whereas involuntary components of perception are related to work of the right hemisphere postero-frontal area. The data obtained suggest that the voluntary (conscious) recognition and reproduction of emotions are mainly related to the sensory and motor speech centres of the left hemisphere, whereas involuntary those involve symmetrical areas of the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

Different kinds of emotional phenomena are related in a different way with the workings of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Emotional reactions (phasic emotions), which appear on the basis of a cognitive loading (mental representation, recognition, play, prognostication, watching movies, reading of emotionally colored texts or separate words and so on) and which are tested with the help of electrophysiological methods, activate different regions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain depending on the complexity and novelty of emotiogenic situations as well as on the degree of subject's emotional tension. The tonic emotions individual background-mood, on which depends the emotional estimation (negative of positive) of the presented stimuli or events, are determined mostly by a prolonged, relatively stable, tonic activation of each hemisphere connected with subjects' individual characteristics. The predominance of the left hemisphere activity creates positive emotional background, whereas the predominance of the right hemisphere creates negative background.  相似文献   

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