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A study of the effect of trimethylamine N-oxide on the stability of two recombinant forms of the prion protein PrP, an ovine full-length and a human truncated form, is here reported. Both thermal denaturation and denaturation at room temperature were analyzed at pH values above and below the pKa of trimethylamine N-oxide, which is close to 4.7. Surprisingly, results showed that not only is trimethylamine N-oxide able to decrease PrP thermal stability at low pH but it also acts as a strong denaturant at room temperature. Likely, this destabilization is due to the capability of the cationic form of trimethylamine N-oxide to interact with the protein backbone as well as to weaken electrostatic interactions which are important for PrP fold. These results constitute the first experimental measurement of the effect of trimethylamine N-oxide on PrP stability and provide an unambiguous proof of the destabilizing effect of this osmolyte on PrP at low pH.  相似文献   

Most theories predict that macromolecular crowding stabilizes globular proteins, but recent studies show that weak attractive interactions can result in crowding-induced destabilization. Osmolytes are ubiquitous in biology and help protect cells against stress. Given that dehydration stress adds to the crowded nature of the cytoplasm, we speculated that cells might use osmolytes to overcome the destabilization caused by the increased weak interactions that accompany desiccation. We used NMR-detected amide proton exchange experiments to measure the stability of the test protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 under physiologically relevant crowded conditions in the presence and absence of the osmolyte glycine betaine. The osmolyte overcame the destabilizing effect of the cytosol. This result provides a physiologically relevant explanation for the accumulation of osmolytes by dehydration-stressed cells.  相似文献   

Osmolytes that are naturally selected to protect organisms against environmental stresses are known to confer stability to proteins via preferential exclusion from protein surfaces. Solvophobicity, surface tension, excluded volume, water structure changes and electrostatic repulsion are all examples of forces proposed to account for preferential exclusion and the ramifications exclusion has on protein properties. What has been lacking is a systematic way of determining which force(s) is(are) responsible for osmolyte effects. Here, we propose the use of two experimental metrics for assessing the abilities of various proposed forces to account for osmolyte-mediated effects on protein properties. Metric 1 requires prediction of the experimentally determined ability of the osmolyte to bring about folding/unfolding resulting from the application of the force in question (i.e. prediction of the m-value of the protein in osmolyte). Metric 2 requires prediction of the experimentally determined ability of the osmolyte to contract or expand the Stokes radius of the denatured state resulting from the application of the force. These metrics are applied to test separate claims that solvophobicity/solvophilicity and surface tension are driving forces for osmolyte-induced effects on protein stability. The results show clearly that solvophobic/solvophilic forces readily account for protein stability and denatured state dimensional effects, while surface tension alone fails to do so. The agreement between experimental and predicted m-values involves both positive and negative m-values for three different proteins, and as many as six different osmolytes, illustrating that the tests are robust and discriminating. The ability of the two metrics to distinguish which forces account for the effects of osmolytes on protein properties and which do not, provides a powerful means of investigating the origins of osmolyte-protein effects.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the mutational effect for the stability of thermolysin (TLN) in conserved regions. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mutational effects for stability at autodegradation sites of TLN in conserved region were studied. The bands of mutant TLN (34 kDa) on SDS-PAGE were decreased. However, those of mutant TLN cultivated with CaCl2 recovered to the same level as WT TLN. Dialysis study shows that these mutant TLN require more calcium ions than WT TLN. CONCLUSIONS: From these results, calcium affinity of mutant TLN in the conserved regions seem to become weak, subsequently mutant TLN were easily autodegraded in the case of low concentration of CaCl2. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The autodegradation sites located in conserved regions of bacilli neutral proteases are important for the tertiary structure formation concerning the stability of the protein.  相似文献   

The mycobactin siderophore system is present in many Mycobacterium species, including M. tuberculosis and other clinically relevant mycobacteria. This siderophore system is believed to be utilized by both pathogenic and nonpathogenic mycobacteria for iron acquisition in both in vivo and ex vivo iron-limiting environments, respectively. Several M. tuberculosis genes located in a so-called mbt gene cluster have been predicted to be required for the biosynthesis of the core scaffold of mycobactin based on sequence analysis. A systematic and controlled mutational analysis probing the hypothesized essential nature of each of these genes for mycobactin production has been lacking. The degree of conservation of mbt gene cluster orthologs remains to be investigated as well. In this study, we sought to conclusively establish whether each of nine mbt genes was required for mycobactin production and to examine the conservation of gene clusters orthologous to the M. tuberculosis mbt gene cluster in other bacteria. We report a systematic mutational analysis of the mbt gene cluster ortholog found in Mycobacterium smegmatis. This mutational analysis demonstrates that eight of the nine mbt genes investigated are essential for mycobactin production. Our genome mining and phylogenetic analyses reveal the presence of orthologous mbt gene clusters in several bacterial species. These gene clusters display significant organizational differences originating from an intricate evolutionary path that might have included horizontal gene transfers. Altogether, the findings reported herein advance our understanding of the genetic requirements for the biosynthesis of an important mycobacterial secondary metabolite with relevance to virulence.  相似文献   

Natalello A  Liu J  Ami D  Doglia SM  de Marco A 《Proteins》2009,75(2):509-517
In this work the effect of betaine on the structure and aggregation of the GST-GFP fluorescent fusion protein was studied by different complementary techniques, including electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, circular dichroism, and FTIR spectroscopy. Although osmolytes are known to be protein stabilizers in vivo, the effect of betaine on the structure and aggregation of our model protein was found to be strictly concentration dependent. We demonstrated that, by changing betaine concentration, it was possible to tune the formation of protein soluble assemblies and insoluble aggregates, as well as to disaggregate preformed aggregates. In particular, at a critical concentration of betaine between 5 and 7.5 mM, the protein precipitated into macroscopic prefibrillar structures, rich in intermolecular beta-sheets, which were found to bind thioflavine T and to be inaccessible to protease. Instead, at higher betaine concentration (10-20 mM) the misfolded protein lost its fluorescence, but formed soluble assemblies with hydrodynamic radius of about 16 nm. These structures displayed a reduced propensity to further aggregate under thermal treatment. In addition, betaine at this high concentration was also found to disrupt large preformed aggregates, obtained under different conditions, into protein soluble assemblies. It is the first time that a disaggregation process has been described for a chemical chaperone. A mechanism for the betaine concentration-dependent effect on protein misfolding, aggregation, and disaggregation is proposed and its possible physiological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease HII from hyperthermophile Thermococcus kodakaraensis (Tk-RNase HII) is a kinetically robust monomeric protein. The conformational stability and folding kinetics of Tk-RNase HII were measured for nine mutant proteins in which a buried larger hydrophobic side chain is replaced by a smaller one (Leu/Ile to Ala). The mutant proteins were destabilized by 8.9 to 22.0 kJ mol− 1 as compared with the wild-type protein. The removal of each -CH2- group burial decreased the stability by 5.1 kJ mol− 1 on average in the mutant proteins of Tk-RNase HII examined. This is comparable with the value of 5.3 kJ mol− 1 obtained from experiments for proteins from organisms growing at moderate temperature. We conclude that the hydrophobic residues buried inside protein molecules contribute to the stabilization of hyperthermophilic proteins to a similar extent as proteins at normal temperature. In the folding experiments, the mutant proteins of Tk-RNase HII examined exhibited faster unfolding compared with the wild-type protein. These results indicate that the buried hydrophobic residues strongly contribute to the kinetic robustness of Tk-RNase HII. This is the first report that provides a practical cause of slow unfolding of hyperthermostable proteins.  相似文献   

Mukaiyama A  Koga Y  Takano K  Kanaya S 《Proteins》2008,71(1):110-118
Proteins are known to be stabilized by naturally occurring osmolytes such as amino acids, sugars, and methylamines. Here, we examine the effect of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) on the conformational stability of ribonuclease HII from a hyperthermophile, Thermococcus kodakaraensis (Tk-RNase HII), which inherently possesses high conformational stability. Heat- and guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding experiments demonstrated that the conformational stability of Tk-RNase HII in the presence of 0.5M TMAO was higher than that in the absence of TMAO at all examined temperatures. TMAO affected the unfolding and refolding kinetics of Tk-RNase HII to a similar extent. These results indicate that proteins are universally stabilized by osmolytes, regardless of their robustness, and suggest a stabilization mechanism by osmolytes, caused by the unfavorable interaction of osmolytes with protein backbones in the denatured state. Our results also imply that the basic protein folding principle is not dependent on protein stability and evolution.  相似文献   

GAPA is an IQGAP-related protein and is involved in Dictyostelium cytokinesis. Since mammalian IQ-GAPs are effectors for Rac/Cdc42, GAPA is also predicted to bind to small GTPases, which are to be identified. In this study, mutant GAPAs were examined for functions in cytokinesis by genetic complementation of gapA- cells. Positively charged side chains of Arg442 and Lys474 of GAPA, predicted to be present on the surface of interaction with small GTPases, were found to be essential, suggesting an interaction between GAPA and putative small GTPase in cytokinesis. Also, results from truncated GAPAs indicated that almost the entire region of GAPA homologous to IQGAP is required for cytokinesis in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that proteins such as beta-lactoglobulin and lysozyme insert into monoglyceride monolayers and are able to induce an L(beta) to coagel phase transition in monoglyceride bilayers. These studies gave a first indication that protein stability could be an important factor for these interactions. This study therefore aims at further investigating the potential role of protein stability on protein-monoglyceride interactions. To this end we studied the interaction of stable and destabilized alpha-lactalbumin with monostearoylglycerol. Our results show that protein stability is important for the insertion of proteins into a monostearoylglycerol monolayer, such that the lower the stability of the protein the better the protein inserts. In marked contrast to beta-lactoglobulin and lysozyme we found that destabilized alpha-lactalbumin does not induce the L(beta) to coagel phase transition in monoglyceride bilayers. We propose that this is due to an increased surface coverage by the protein which could result from the unfolding of the protein upon binding to the interface.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis mutants with decreased responses to light and mutants showing light responses in the dark have both been characterized. Some of the former mutants lack specific photoreceptors, such as the red/far-red light receptor phytochrome A, phychrome B, or a putative blue light receptor, HY4. These have allowed the assessment of physiological functions of these photoreceptors. The mutants with light responses in the dark include some, such as det1 and cop1, that appear to identify light signal transduction components, and others, such as fus6, that may be less directly related to normal control of light responses. Double mutant studies suggest how the different gene products might interact.  相似文献   

Comparison of the conformational stability of an O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis strain KOD1 (Tk-MGMT), and its mesophilic counterpart C-terminal Ada protein from Escherichia coli (Ec-AdaC) was performed in order to obtain information about the relationship between thermal stability and other factors, such as thermodynamic parameters, thermodynamic stability and other unfolding conditions. Tk-MGMT unfolded at Tm = 98.6 degrees C, which was 54.8 degrees C higher than the unfolding temperature of Ec-AdaC. The maximum free energy (DeltaG(max)) of the proteins were different; the value of Tk-MGMT (42.9 kJ.mol-1 at 29.5 degrees C) was 2.6 times higher than that of Ec-AdaC (16.6 kJ.mol-1 at 7.4 degrees C). The high conformational stability of Tk-MGMT was attributed to a 1.6-fold higher enthalpy value than that of Ec-AdaC. In addition, the DeltaG(max) temperature of Tk-MGMT was considerably higher (by 22.1 degrees C). The apparent heat capacity of denaturation (DeltaC(p)) of Tk-MGMT was 0.7-fold lower than that of Ec-AdaC. These three synergistic effects, increasing DeltaGmax, shifted DeltaG vs. temperature curve, and low DeltaC(p), give Tk-MGMT its thermal stability. Unfolding profiles of the two proteins, tested with four alcohols and three denaturants, showed that Tk-MGMT possessed higher stability than Ec-AdaC in all conditions studied. These results indicate that the high stability of Tk-MGMT gives resistance to chemical unfolding, in addition to thermal unfolding.  相似文献   

The effects of urea on protein stability have been studied using a model system in which we have determined the energetics of dissolution of a homologous series of cyclic dipeptides into aqueous urea solutions of varying concentration at 25°C using calorimetry. The data support a model in which urea denatures proteins by decreasing the hydrophobic effect and by directly binding to the amide units via hydrogen bonds. The data indicate also that the enthalpy of amide hydrogen bond formation in water is considerably higher than previously estimated. Previous estimates included the contribution of hydrophobic transfer of the α-carbon resulting in an overestimate of the binding between urea and the amide unit of the backbone and an underestimate of the binding enthalpy. Proteins 31:107–115, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Maniccia AW  Yang W  Li SY  Johnson JA  Yang JJ 《Biochemistry》2006,45(18):5848-5856
Ca2+ controls biological processes by interacting with proteins with different affinities, which are largely influenced by the electrostatic interaction from the local negatively charged ligand residues in the coordination sphere. We have developed a general strategy for rationally designing stable Ca2+- and Ln3+-binding proteins that retain the native folding of the host protein. Domain 1 of cluster differentiation 2 (CD2) is the host for the two designed proteins in this study. We investigate the effect of local charge on Ca2+-binding affinity based on the folding properties and metal-binding affinities of the two proteins that have similarly located Ca2+-binding sites with two shared ligand positions. While mutation and Ca2+ binding do not alter the native structure of the protein, Ca2+ binding specifically induced changes around the designed Ca2+-binding site. The designed protein with a -5 charge at the binding sphere displays a 14-, 20-, and 12-fold increase in the binding affinity for Ca2+, Tb3+, and La3+, respectively, compared to the designed protein with a -3 charge, which suggests that higher local charges are preferred for both Ca2+ and Ln3+ binding. The localized charged residues significantly decrease the thermal stability of the designed protein with a -5 charge, which has a T(m) of 41 degrees C. Wild-type CD2 has a T(m) of 61 degrees C, which is similar to the designed protein with a -3 charge. This decrease is partially restored by Ca2+ binding. The effect on the protein stability is modulated by the environment and the secondary structure locations of the charged mutations. Our study demonstrates the capability and power of protein design in unveiling key determinants to Ca2+-binding affinity without the complexities of the global conformational changes, cooperativity, and multibinding process found in most natural Ca2+-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The myoinositol transporter SMIT (SLC5A3) and the betaine/γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter BGT1 (SLC6A12) accomplish cellular accumulation of organic osmolytes and thus contribute to cell volume regulation. Challenges of cell volume constancy include energy depletion, which compromises the function of the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase leading to cellular Na(+) accumulation and subsequent cell swelling. Energy depletion is sensed by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). The present study explored whether AMPK influences the activity of SMIT and BGT1. To this end, cRNA encoding SMIT or BGT1 was injected into Xenopus oocytes with and without additional injection of wild type AMPK (AMPKα1+AMPKβ1+AMPKγ1), of constitutively active (γR70Q)AMPK (AMPKα1+AMPKβ1+(R70Q)AMPKγ1) or of catalytically inactive (αK45R)AMPK ((K45R)AMPKα1+AMPKβ1+AMPKγ1). Substrate-induced current in dual electrode voltage-clamp experiments was taken as measure of osmolyte transport. As a result, in SMIT-expressing, but not in water-injected Xenopus oocytes, myoinositol, added to the extracellular bath, generated a current (I(SMIT)), which was half maximal (K(M)) at ≈7.2μM myoinositol concentration. Furthermore, in BGT1-expressing, but not in water-injected Xenopus oocytes, GABA added to the bath generated a current (I(GABA)), which was half maximal (K(M)) at ≈0.5mM GABA concentration. Coexpression of AMPK and of (γR70Q)AMPK but not of (αK45R)AMPK significantly decreased I(SMIT) and I(GABA). AMPK decreased the respective maximal currents without significantly modifying the respective K(M). In conclusion, the AMP-activated kinase AMPK is a powerful regulator of the organic osmolyte transporters SMIT and BGT1 and thus interacts with cell volume regulation.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are associated with the conversion of cellular prion protein, PrPC, into a misfolded oligomeric form, PrPSc. Previous studies indicate that salts promote conformational conversion of the recombinant prion protein into a PrPSc-like form. To gain insight into the mechanism of this effect, here we have studied the influence of a number of salts (sodium sulfate, sodium fluoride, sodium acetate, and sodium chloride) on the thermodynamic stability of the recombinant human prion protein. Chemical unfolding studies in urea show that at low concentrations (below approximately 50 mm), all salts tested significantly reduced the thermodynamic stability of the protein. This highly unusual response to salts was observed for both the full-length prion protein as well as the N-truncated fragments huPrP90-231 and huPrP122-231. At higher salt concentrations, the destabilizing effect was gradually reversed, and salts behaved according to their ranking in the Hofmeister series. The present data indicate that electrostatic interactions play an unusually important role in the stability of the prion protein. The abnormal effect of salts is likely because of the ion-induced destabilization of salt bridges (Asp144-Arg148 and/or Asp147-Arg151) in the extremely hydrophilic helix 1. Contrary to previous suggestions, this effect is not due to the interaction of ions with the glycine-rich flexible N-terminal region of the prion protein. The results of this study suggest that ionic species present in the cellular environment may control the PrPC to PrPSc conversion by modulating the thermodynamic stability of the native PrPC isoform.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2004,54(2):315-322
The average contribution of individual residue to folding stability and its dependence on buried accessible surface area (ASA) are obtained by two different approaches. One is based on experimental mutation data, and the other uses a new knowledge-based atom-atom potential of mean force. We show that the contribution of a residue has a significant correlation with buried ASA and the regression slopes of 20 amino acid residues (called the buriability) are all positive (pro-burial). The buriability parameter provides a quantitative measure of the driving force for the burial of a residue. The large buriability gap observed between hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues is responsible for the burial of hydrophobic residues in soluble proteins. Possible factors that contribute to the buriability gap are discussed.  相似文献   

Force mode microscopy can be used to examine the effect of mechanical manipulation on the noncovalent interactions that stabilize proteins and their complexes. Here we describe the effect of complexation by the high affinity protein ligand E9 on the mechanical resistance of the simple four-helical protein, Im9. When concatenated into a construct of alternating I27 domains, Im9 unfolded below the thermal noise limit of the instrument ( approximately 20 pN). Complexation of E9 had little effect on the mechanical resistance of Im9 (unfolding force approximately 30 pN) despite the high avidity of this complex (K(d) approximately 10 fM).  相似文献   

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