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Ueda N  Okamoto Y  Morishita J 《Life sciences》2005,77(14):1750-1758
N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are a lipid class present in brain and other animal tissues and contains anandamide (an endocannabinoid) and other bioactive substances. NAEs are formed from N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines (NAPEs) by a phospholipase D (PLD)-type enzyme abbreviated to NAPE-PLD. Although this enzyme has been recognized for more than 20 years, its molecular cloning has only recently been achieved by us. We highly purified NAPE-PLD from the particulate fraction of rat heart, and on the basis of peptide sequences with the purified enzyme cloned its cDNA from mouse, rat and human. The deduced primary structures revealed no homology with any PLDs so far reported, but was suggested to belong to the beta-lactamase fold family. When overexpressed in COS-7 cells, the NAPE-PLD activity increased about 1000-fold in comparison with the endogenous activity. The recombinant enzyme generated various long-chain NAEs including anandamide from their corresponding NAPEs at similar rates. However, the enzyme was inactive with phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine and did not catalyze transphosphatidylation, a reaction characteristic of PLD. The enzyme was widely expressed in murine organs with higher levels in brain, testis and kidney. The existence of NAPE-PLD specifically hydrolyzing NAPEs to NAEs emphasizes physiological significance of NAEs including anandamide in brain and other tissues.  相似文献   

F-BAR proteins join the BAR family fold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Expanding the range of curvature generating and curvature stabilizing protein modules, the first F-BAR domain structures support their assignment to the BAR domain superfamily and emphasize how modifications to a basic structural frame can generate a broad spectrum of properties.  相似文献   

Several cysteinyl peptides have been synthesised and shown to be reversible competitive inhibitors of the Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase. The pH dependence of pKi indicates that the thiol anion displaces hydroxide ion from the active site zinc(II). D,D-Peptides bind to the enzyme better than other diastereoisomers, which is compatible with the predicted stereochemistry of the active site.  相似文献   

Coaxing the LDL receptor family into the fold   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Herz J  Marschang P 《Cell》2003,112(3):289-292
Low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family members control diverse developmental and physiological pathways. In this issue of Cell, both Culi and Mann and Hsieh et al. report on Boca/MESD, a highly conserved chaperone required for transport of LDLR family proteins to the cell surface. Together with recent insights into the atomic structure of the LDL receptor, they shed new light on the synthesis and trafficking of this important class of multifunctional receptors.  相似文献   

Kinch LN  Baker D  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2003,52(3):323-331
Sequence--and structure-based searching strategies have proven useful in the identification of remote homologs and have facilitated both structural and functional predictions of many uncharacterized protein families. We implement these strategies to predict the structure of and to classify a previously uncharacterized cluster of orthologs (COG3019) in the thioredoxin-like fold superfamily. The results of each searching method indicate that thioltransferases are the closest structural family to COG3019. We substantiate this conclusion using the ab initio structure prediction method rosetta, which generates a thioredoxin-like fold similar to that of the glutaredoxin-like thioltransferase (NrdH) for a COG3019 target sequence. This structural model contains the thiol-redox functional motif CYS-X-X-CYS in close proximity to other absolutely conserved COG3019 residues, defining a novel thioredoxin-like active site that potentially binds metal ions. Finally, the rosetta-derived model structure assists us in assembling a global multiple-sequence alignment of COG3019 with two other thioredoxin-like fold families, the thioltransferases and the bacterial arsenate reductases (ArsC).  相似文献   

Histidine residues of zinc ligands in beta-lactamase II.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
On the basis of the chemical and structural features of the amino acid sequences in the vicinities of phosphorylatable hydroxyamino acid residues in several of the well-known protein substrates for skeletal-muscle cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, it is hypothesized that the phosphorylatable residue at position i and arginine residue at position i-3 of these protein substrates are located on a peptide turn on the hydrophilic protein surface. It is further hypothesized that there is an arginine-recognition site near the active centre on the protein kinase. This site is essential for the function of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, for, not only does it recognize specifically the exposed arginine residue of the protein substrate, but, more importantly, via the interaction with arginine-(i--3), it may help to steer the topologically adjacent serine-i into proper orientation on the nearby active centre for phosphorylation. Model-building and kinetic data that provide support for the proposed hypotheses are presented.  相似文献   

Many different zinc binding modules have been identified. Their abundance and variety suggests that the formation of zinc binding folds might be relatively common. We have determined the structure of CH1(1), a 27-residue peptide derived from the first cysteine/histidine-rich region (CH1) of CREB binding protein (CBP). This peptide forms a highly ordered zinc-dependent fold that is distinct from known folds. The structure differs from a subsequently determined structure of a larger region from the CH3 region of CBP, and the CH1(1) fold probably represents a nonphysiologically active form. Despite this, the fold is thermostable and tolerant to both multiple alanine mutations and changes in the zinc-ligand spacing. Our data support the idea that zinc binding domains may arise frequently. Additionally, such structures may prove useful as scaffolds for protein design, given their stability and robustness.  相似文献   

Members of the pacifastin family are small, approximately 35-residue serine protease inhibitors isolated from arthropod species. Several locust inhibitors exhibit intriguing taxon specificity while others do not. The structural basis of this phenomenon may lie in the different dynamical properties of the proteins originating from different stabilizing interactions. In this study, we identify new members of the family to confirm the universal role of these interactions in the family. Structural investigations show that both the disulfide pattern and the stabilizing interactions are unique among small all-beta proteins.  相似文献   

An α/β barrel is predicted for the three-dimensional (3D) structure of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase. To arrive at this structure, the THREADER program was used to find possible homologous 3D structures and to predict the secondary structure for the ferrochelatase sequence. The secondary structure was fit by hand to the selected homologous 3D structure then the MODELLER program was used to predict the fold of ferrochelatase. Molecular biological information about the conserved residues of ferrochelatase was used as the criteria to help select the homologous 3D structure used to predict the fold of ferrochelatase. Based on the predicted structure possible, ligands binding to the iron and protoporphyrin IX are discussed. The structure has been deposited in the Brookhaven database as ID 1FJI. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Novel protein fold discovered in the PabI family of restriction enzymes   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Although structures of many DNA-binding proteins have been solved, they fall into a limited number of folds. Here, we describe an approach that led to the finding of a novel DNA-binding fold. Based on the behavior of Type II restriction–modification gene complexes as mobile elements, our earlier work identified a restriction enzyme, R.PabI, and its cognate modification enzyme in Pyrococcus abyssi through comparison of closely related genomes. While the modification methyltransferase was easily recognized, R.PabI was predicted to have a novel 3D structure. We expressed cytotoxic R.PabI in a wheat-germ-based cell-free translation system and determined its crystal structure. R.PabI turned out to adopt a novel protein fold. Homodimeric R.PabI has a curved anti-parallel β-sheet that forms a ‘half pipe’. Mutational and in silico DNA-binding analyses have assigned it as the double-strand DNA-binding site. Unlike most restriction enzymes analyzed, R.PabI is able to cleave DNA in the absence of Mg2+. These results demonstrate the value of genome comparison and the wheat-germ-based system in finding a novel DNA-binding motif in mobile DNases and, in general, a novel protein fold in horizontally transferred genes.  相似文献   

Suárez D  Brothers EN  Merz KM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6615-6630
Herein, we report quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the dinuclear form of the Bacteroides fragilis zinc beta-lactamase. We studied four different configurations which differ in the protonation state of the Asp103 residue and in the presence or absence of a Zn1-OH-Zn2 bridge. The flexibility of the Zn1-OH-Zn2 bridge was studied by means of quantum mechanical (QM) calculations on cluster models while the relative stabilities of the different configurations were estimated from QM linear scaling calculations on the enzyme. Contacts between important residues (Cys104, Asp69, Lys185, etc.), the solvation of the zinc ions, and the conformation of the active site beta-hairpin loop were characterized by the MD analyses. The influence of the buried sodium ion close to the Zn2 position was investigated by carrying out a secondary simulation where the sodium ion was replaced with an internal water molecule. The comparative structural analyses among the different MD trajectories augmented with energetic calculations have demonstrated that the B. fragilis protein efficiently binds the internal Na(+) ion observed crystallographically. Moreover, we found that when Asp103 is unprotonated, a rigid Zn1-OH-Zn2 bridge results, while for neutral Asp103, a fluctuating Zn1-Zn2 distance was possible via the breaking and formation of the Zn1-OH-Zn2 bridge. The mechanistic implications of these observations are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A separate family of enzymes within the metallo-β-lactamase fold comprises several important proteins acting on nucleic acid substrates, involved in DNA repair (Artemis, SNM1 and PSO2) and RNA processing [cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) subunit]. Proteins of this family, named β-CASP after the names of its representative members, possess specific features relative to those of other metallo-β-lactamases, that are concentrated in the C-terminal part of the domain. In this study, using sensitive methods of sequence analysis, we identified highly conserved amino acids specific to the β-CASP family, some of which were unidentified to date, that are predicted to play critical roles in the enzymatic function. The identification and characterisation of all the extant, detectable β-CASP members within sequence databases and genome data also allowed us to unravel particular sequence features which are likely to be involved in substrate specificity, as well as to describe new but as yet uncharacterised members which may play critical roles in DNA and RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The alpha/beta hydrolase fold is a typical example of a tertiary fold adopted by proteins that have no obvious sequence similarity, but nevertheless, in the course of evolution, diverged from a common ancestor. Recently solved structures demonstrate a considerably increased variability in fold architecture and substrate specificity, necessitating the redefinition of the minimal features that distinguish the family.  相似文献   

Neocarzinostatin (NCS) is a seven-stranded beta-sandwich protein, the folding of which is similar to that of the variable domains of immunoglobulins (Ig). The investigation of the backbone dynamics of apo-NCS [Izadi-Pruneyre et al. (2001) Protein Sci., 10, 2228-2240] enabled us to identify the involvement of long side-chain residues in maintaining the rigidity of this beta-protein. In the perspective of using this protein for drug targeting, this raises the following question: do these residues also play a key role in the stabilization of the beta-sheet? To investigate this problem, various genetically engineered variants were constructed by mutating these residues to amino acids with shorter aliphatic side chains. These substitutions have no effects on the global fold. However, an important destabilization of the protein, higher than that expected for a simple 'large-to-small' substitution of buried hydrophobic residues, is observed for three mutants, V34A, V21A and V95A. Interestingly, the nature of the residues in these positions is highly conserved in the other Ig-like proteins. The absence of an evolutionary relationship between NCS and the other Ig-like proteins strongly suggests that this hydrophobic core is characteristic of the Ig-fold itself.  相似文献   

Identification of the protein domains that are responsible for RNA recognition has lagged behind the characterization of protein-DNA interactions. However, it is now becoming clear that a range of structural motifs bind to RNA and their structures and molecular mechanisms of action are beginning to be elucidated. In this report, we have expressed and purified one of the two putative RNA-binding domains from ZNF265, a protein that has been shown to bind to the spliceosomal components U1-70K and U2AF35 and to direct alternative splicing. We show that this domain, which contains four highly conserved cysteine residues, forms a stable, monomeric structure upon the addition of 1 molar eq of Zn(II). Determination of the solution structure of this domain reveals a conformation comprising two stacked beta-hairpins oriented at approximately 80 degrees to each other and sandwiching the zinc ion; the fold resembles the zinc ribbon class of zinc-binding domains, although with one less beta-strand than most members of the class. Analysis of the structure reveals a striking resemblance to known RNA-binding motifs in terms of the distribution of key surface residues responsible for making RNA contacts, despite a complete lack of structural homology. Furthermore, we have used an RNA gel shift assay to demonstrate that a single crossed finger domain from ZNF265 is capable of binding to an RNA message. Taken together, these results define a new RNA-binding motif and should provide insight into the functions of the >100 uncharacterized proteins in the sequence data bases that contain this domain.  相似文献   

An irregular, all beta-class of proteins, comprising members of the chaperonin-10, quinone oxidoreductase, glucose dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase families has earlier been classified as the GroES fold. In this communication, we present an extensive analysis of sequences and three dimensional structures of proteins belonging to this family. The individual protein structures can be superposed within 1.6 A for more than 60 structurally equivalent residues. The comparisons show a highly conserved hydrophobic core and conservation of a few key residues. A glycyl-aspartate dipeptide is suggested as being critical for the maintenance of the GroES fold. One of the surprising findings of the study is the non-conservative nature of Ile to Leu mutations in the protein core, although Ile to Val mutations are found to occur frequently.  相似文献   

Brody SS  Gough SP  Kannangara CG 《Proteins》1999,37(3):485-493
The conserved residues of glutamyl tRNA reductase (GTR) from Hordeum vulgare (GTRhorvu) were found from an alignment/pile-up of 24 homologous sequences found using BLAST searches. A multiple alignment of sequences was used to obtain a prediction of the secondary structure of the GTR's. This secondary structure was submitted to the THREADER program to find possible homologous 3D structures. To help select the template for predicting the fold for GTRhorvu, we employed both molecular-biological and biochemical information about GTRhorvu. After fitting the secondary structure of GTRhorvu to the selected template, the MODELLER program was used to determine the fold for GTRhorvu. This model was built using the B subunit of succinyl CoA synthetase, 1scuB, as a template for the 3D structure of GTRhorvu. From the predicted structure, possible regions were identified for the binding of glutamyl-tRNA, NADPH and a heme inhibitor. The predicted structure was used to propose a detailed biochemical mechanism for the GTR, involving Mg catalyzed thioester formation and reduction by NADPH to glutamate-1-semialdehyde. Sites for these reactions are identified. The predicted structure has been deposited in the Brookhaven database as ID 1b61.  相似文献   

Small hemoproteins displaying amino acid sequences 20-40 residues shorter than (non-)vertebrate hemoglobins (Hbs) have recently been identified in several pathogenic and non-pathogenic unicellular organisms, and named 'truncated hemoglobins' (trHbs). They have been proposed to be involved not only in oxygen transport but also in other biological functions, such as protection against reactive nitrogen species, photosynthesis or to act as terminal oxidases. Crystal structures of trHbs from the ciliated protozoan Paramecium caudatum and the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas eugametos show that the tertiary structure of both proteins is based on a 'two-over-two' alpha-helical sandwich, reflecting an unprecedented editing of the classical 'three-over-three' alpha-helical globin fold. Based on specific Gly-Gly motifs the tertiary structure accommodates the deletion of the N-terminal A-helix and replacement of the crucial heme-binding F-helix with an extended polypeptide loop. Additionally, concerted structural modifications allow burying of the heme group and define the distal site, which hosts a TyrB10, GlnE7 residue pair. A set of structural and amino acid sequence consensus rules for stabilizing the fold and the bound heme in the trHbs homology subfamily is deduced.  相似文献   

Histone Sequence Database: new histone fold family members.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Searches of the major public protein databases with core and linker chicken and human histone sequences have resulted in the compilation of an annotated set of histone protein sequences. In addition, new database searches with two distinct motif search algorithms have identified several members of the histone fold family, including human DRAP1 and yeast CSE4. Database resources include information on conflicts between similar sequence entries in different source databases, multiple sequence alignments, links to the Entrez integrated information retrieval system, structures for histone and histone fold proteins, and the ability to visualize structural data through Cn3D. The database currently contains >1000 protein sequences, which are searchable by protein type, accession number, organism name, or any other free text appearing in the definition line of the entry. All sequences and alignments in this database are available through the World Wide Web at http://www.nhgri.nih. gov/DIR/GTB/HISTONES or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/Baxevani/HISTONES  相似文献   

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