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基因调控网络重建是功能基因组研究的基础,有助于理解基因间的调控机理,探索复杂的生命系统及其本质.针对传统贝叶斯方法计算复杂度高、仅能构建小规模基因调控网络,而信息论方法假阳性边较多、且不能推测基因因果定向问题.本文基于有序条件互信息和有限父结点,提出一种快速构建基因调控网络的OCMIPN算法.OCMIPN方法首先采用有序条件互信息构建基因调控相关网络;然后根据基因调控网络拓扑先验知识,限制每个基因结点的父结点数量,利用贝叶斯方法推断出基因调控网络结构,有效降低算法的时间计算复杂度.人工合成网络及真实生物分子网络上仿真实验结果表明:OCMIPN方法不仅能构建出高精度的基因调控网络,且时间计算复杂度较低,其性能优于LASSO、ARACNE、Scan BMA和LBN等现有流行算法.  相似文献   

目的:由基因芯片数据精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。方法:提出了一种高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型,并给出了网络结构学习算法,该模型假定基因的调控过程为多阶马尔科夫过程,从而能够建模基因调控网络中的异步多时延特性。结果:由酵母基因调控网络一个子网络人工生成了加入10%含噪声的表达数据用于调控网络结构学习。在75%的后验概率下,本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够正确建模实际网络中全部的异步多时延调控关系,而经典动态贝叶斯网络仅能够正确建模实际网络中1/3的调控关系;ROC曲线对比表明在各个后验概率水平上高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型的效果均优于经典动态贝叶斯网络。结论:本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。  相似文献   

目的:由基因芯片数据精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。方法:提出了一种高阶动态贝叶斯网 络模型,并给出了网络结构学习算法,该模型假定基因的调控过程为多阶马尔科夫过程,从而能够建模基因调控网络中的异步多 时延特性。结果:由酵母基因调控网络一个子网络人工生成了加入10%含噪声的表达数据用于调控网络结构学习。在75%的后验 概率下,本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够正确建模实际网络中全部的异步多时延调控关系,而经典动态贝叶斯网络仅 能够正确建模实际网络中1/3的调控关系;ROC曲线对比表明在各个后验概率水平上高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型的效果均优于经 典动态贝叶斯网络。结论:本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网 络。  相似文献   

为了在构建基因调控网络时能确定网络方向,在基于条件互信息的路径一致性算法PCA-CMI的基础上,利用节点拓扑排序(node ordering,NO)建立了构建调控网络的PCA-CMI-NO算法。为建立这一算法,对图分裂方法加以改进:首先对基因对间的互信息进行筛选,然后按贝叶斯得分对子图排序,根据子图顺序选取不同子图中含相同基因对间边的方向,从而确定基因表达数据中节点的顺序。最后,将节点拓扑排序结果应用于PCA-CMI所构建的网络,获得有向网络,同时,使用条件互信息去除独立关系的边,以提高网络准确率。采用DREAM3数据集,将PCA-CMI-NO算法与有序的K2算法进行对比,验证了算法的优越性。  相似文献   

刘万霖  李栋  朱云平  贺福初 《遗传》2007,29(12):1434-1442
随着微阵列数据的快速增长, 微阵列基因表达数据日益成为生物信息学研究的重要数据源。利用微阵列基因表达数据构建基因调控网络也成为一个研究热点。通过构建基因调控网络, 可以解读复杂的调控关系, 发现细胞内的调控模式, 并进而在系统尺度上理解生物学进程。近年来, 人们引入了多种算法来利用基因芯片数据构建基因调控网络。文章回顾了这些算法的发展历史, 尤其是其在理论和方法上的改进, 给出了一些相关的软件平台, 并预测了该领域可能的发展趋势。  相似文献   

揭示生物体内在的调控机制是生物信息学的一项重要研究内容.各种高通量生物数据的涌现,为从基因组的尺度上重构基因调控网络提供了可能.由于单数据源仅能提供关于调控关系的片面信息且存在噪声,因此整合多种生物学数据的方法有望得到可靠性较高的调控网络.提出了一种综合ChIP-chip数据、knock out (敲除)数据和各种条件下的表达谱数据来推断调控关系的新方法.ChIP-chip数据和knock out 数据能分别提供转录因子和目标基因对关系的直接物理结合和功能关系的证据,这两类数据的整合有望获得较高的识别准确率.但这两类数据的重合性通常较低,基于共调控的基因通常具有较高的表达相似性这一假设,在一定程度上降低了这两类数据重合性较低所带来的影响.算法所识别的大部分调控关系都被YEASTRACT,高质量ChIP-chip数据和文献所验证,从而证明了该方法在调控关系的预测上具有较高的准确性.与其他方法的比较,也表明了该方法具有较高的预测性能.  相似文献   

基因调控网络的重构是功能基因组中最具挑战性的课题之一. 针对基因间转录调控的时间延迟性, 提出了一种寻找时间延迟调控关系的方法: 多点延迟调控网络算法, 简称TdGRN (time-delayed gene regulatory networking). 该方法根据时间序列基因表达谱数据, 构建时间延迟基因表达矩阵, 利用有监督决策树分类器方法和随机重排技术挖掘基因之间的时间延迟调控关系, 从而构建时间延迟的基因调控网络. 该方法是一种不依赖模型的基因网络重建方法, 相对于目前采用的基于模型的网络重建方法有显著优势, 可直接利用连续的基因表达谱数据发现延迟任一时间单位差的基因表达调控关系, 并避免了目前一些研究方法中需要人为设定基因的最大调控子数目(k)的问题. 将该方法应用于酿酒酵母细胞周期的基因表达谱数据, 并构建时间延迟的基因调控网络, 结果发现多数时间延迟调控关系获得了已有知识的支持.  相似文献   

高通量组学技术的快速发展使生命科学进入大数据时代。科学家们从基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和代谢组等多组学数据中剥茧抽丝, 逐步揭示生物体内复杂而巧妙的调控网络。近日, 华中农业大学李林课题组联合杨芳课题组和严建兵课题组构建了玉米(Zea mays)首个多组学整合网络。该网络包括3万个玉米基因在三维基因组水平、转录水平、翻译水平和蛋白质互作水平的调控关系, 由280万个网络连接组成, 构成1 412个调控模块。利用该整合网络, 研究团队预测并证实了5个调控玉米分蘖、侧生器官发育和籽粒皱缩的新基因。进一步结合机器学习方法, 他们预测出2 651个影响玉米开花期的候选基因, 鉴定到8条可能参与玉米开花期的调控通路, 并利用基因编辑技术和EMS突变体证实了20个候选基因的生物学功能。此外, 通过对整合调控网络的进化分析, 他们发现玉米两套亚基因组在转录组、翻译组和蛋白互作组水平上存在渐进式的功能分化。这套集合多组学数据构建的整合网络图谱是玉米功能基因组学研究的重大进展, 为玉米重要性状新基因克隆、分子调控通路解析和玉米基因组进化分析提供了新工具, 是解锁玉米功能基因组学的一把新钥匙。  相似文献   

疾病关键基因可用于疾病诊断、预测和新药或新疗法有效性的评价,故识别与疾病紧密相关的关键基因十分重要。然而现在有些疾病样本数据较少,传统基于大样本的关键基因挖掘方法不适用于该类数据。本文针对含少量样本数据的疾病,首先利用单样本网络构建方法构建每个疾病样本的个体化基因网络,并通过建立基因间的层间联系构建多层基因网络。然后利用基于张量的多层网络中心性方法评估每层网络中基因间的相互作用以及层间影响,对基因进行重要性打分,识别疾病关键基因。最后将该方法应用到哮喘数据集上,并与经典算法进行比较,结果表明,利用该方法所识别的已获批准的药物靶标基因的排名较优;对所得到的新的潜在关键基因TP53、PUS10、MAP3K1等进行功能和通路富集分析,结果表明其与哮喘有紧密关联。  相似文献   

本文基于范德华力势能预测2D三向的蛋白质结构。首先,将蛋白质结构预测这一生物问题转化为数学问题,并建立基于范德华力势能函数的数学模型。其次,使用遗传算法对数学模型进行求解,为了提高蛋白质结构预测效率,我们在标准遗传算法的基础上引入了调整算子这一概念,改进了遗传算法。最后,进行数值模拟实验。实验的结果表明范德华力势能函数模型是可行的,同时,和规范遗传算法相比,改进后的遗传算法能够较大幅度提高算法的搜索效率,并且遗传算法在蛋白质结构预测问题上有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的基于重连接方法的无标度网络构建算法.根据重连接方法新节点的调控节点会被重选,重连接概率取决于幂率分布模型参数gamma.用本文算法构建的网络通过微分方程模型来模拟基因表达谱数据,所用的优化算法为GA与PSO.候选节点的选择可以根据已有节点的连接数决定.实验的网络可以用log-log图,模拟的基因表达谱也用微分方程模型来验证效果.每个连接的正确性将会通过实验验证,完整的程序可以通过我们的官方网站获得:http://ccst.jlu.edu.cn/CSBG/ourown/.  相似文献   

We assume that multivariate observational data are generated from a distribution whose conditional independencies are encoded in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). For any given DAG, the causal effect of a variable onto another one can be evaluated through intervention calculus. A DAG is typically not identifiable from observational data alone. However, its Markov equivalence class (a collection of DAGs) can be estimated from the data. As a consequence, for the same intervention a set of causal effects, one for each DAG in the equivalence class, can be evaluated. In this paper, we propose a fully Bayesian methodology to make inference on the causal effects of any intervention in the system. Main features of our method are: (a) both uncertainty on the equivalence class and the causal effects are jointly modeled; (b) priors on the parameters of the modified Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrices across all DAG models are constructively assigned starting from a unique prior on the complete (unrestricted) DAG; (c) an efficient algorithm to sample from the posterior distribution on graph space is adopted; (d) an objective Bayes approach, requiring virtually no user specification, is used throughout. We demonstrate the merits of our methodology in simulation studies, wherein comparisons with current state‐of‐the‐art procedures turn out to be highly satisfactory. Finally we examine a real data set of gene expressions for Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for protein secondary structure prediction that achieves accuracies as high as 71.0%, the highest value yet reported. The main component of our method is a nearest-neighbor algorithm that uses a more sophisticated treatment of the feature space than standard nearest-neighbor methods. It calculates distance tables that allow it to produce real-valued distances between amino acid residues, and attaches weights to the instances to further modify the the structure of feature space. The algorithm, which is closely related to the memory-based reasoning method of Zhang et al., is simple and easy to train, and has also been applied with excellent results to the problem of identifying DNA promoter sequences.  相似文献   

Recently a state-space model with time delays for inferring gene regulatory networks was proposed. It was assumed that each regulation between two internal state variables had multiple time delays. This assumption caused underestimation of the model with many current gene expression datasets. In biological reality, one regulatory relationship may have just a single time delay, and not multiple time delays. This study employs Boolean variables to capture the existence of the time-delayed regulatory relationships in gene regulatory networks in terms of the state-space model. As the solution space of time delayed relationships is too large for an exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to determine the optimal Boolean variables (the optimal time-delayed regulatory relationships). Coupled with the proposed GA, Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and probabilistic principle component analysis (PPCA) are employed to infer gene regulatory networks with time delays. Computational experiments are performed on two real gene expression datasets. The results show that the GA is effective at finding time-delayed regulatory relationships. Moreover, the inferred gene regulatory networks with time delays from the datasets improve the prediction accuracy and possess more of the expected properties of a real network, compared to a gene regulatory network without time delays.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on maximum neural network, we propose a new parallel algorithm that can help the maximum neural network escape from local minima by including a transient chaotic neurodynamics for bipartite subgraph problem. The goal of the bipartite subgraph problem, which is an NP- complete problem, is to remove the minimum number of edges in a given graph such that the remaining graph is a bipartite graph. Lee et al. presented a parallel algorithm using the maximum neural model (winner-take-all neuron model) for this NP- complete problem. The maximum neural model always guarantees a valid solution and greatly reduces the search space without a burden on the parameter-tuning. However, the model has a tendency to converge to a local minimum easily because it is based on the steepest descent method. By adding a negative self-feedback to the maximum neural network, we proposed a new parallel algorithm that introduces richer and more flexible chaotic dynamics and can prevent the network from getting stuck at local minima. After the chaotic dynamics vanishes, the proposed algorithm is then fundamentally reined by the gradient descent dynamics and usually converges to a stable equilibrium point. The proposed algorithm has the advantages of both the maximum neural network and the chaotic neurodynamics. A large number of instances have been simulated to verify the proposed algorithm. The simulation results show that our algorithm finds the optimum or near-optimum solution for the bipartite subgraph problem superior to that of the best existing parallel algorithms.  相似文献   

The S-system model is one of the nonlinear differential equation models of gene regulatory networks, and it can describe various dynamics of the relationships among genes. If we successfully infer rigorous S-system model parameters that describe a target gene regulatory network, we can simulate gene expressions mathematically. However, the problem of finding an optimal S-system model parameter is too complex to be solved analytically. Thus, some heuristic search methods that offer approximate solutions are needed for reducing the computational time. In previous studies, several heuristic search methods such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been applied to the parameter search of the S-system model. However, they have not achieved enough estimation accuracy. One of the conceivable reasons is that the mechanisms to escape local optima. We applied an Immune Algorithm (IA) to search for the S-system parameters. IA is also a heuristic search method, which is inspired by the biological mechanism of acquired immunity. Compared to GA, IA is able to search large solution space, thereby avoiding local optima, and have multiple candidates of the solutions. These features work well for searching the S-system model. Actually, our algorithm showed higher performance than GA for both simulation and real data analyses.  相似文献   

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