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We report the isolation and characterization of products from a subtractive cDNA library from the haemolymph of Penaeus monodon experimentally infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). One cDNA derived from up-regulated mRNA was identified. A homology search indicated similarity to the putative protein syntenin (TE8). The nearly complete nucleotide sequence of TE8 was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA (RACE). Its putative protein product contained a tandem repeat of PDZ domains (postsynaptic density protein or PSD-95, DlgA and ZO-1). We propose that TE8 may function as an adapter that couples PDZ-binding protein(s) in a signaling pathway involved in the shrimp response to WSSV.  相似文献   

Fifty black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon from commercial cultivation ponds in Malaysia were examined by Tdt-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) fluorescence assay and agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracts for evidence of DNA fragmentation as an indicator of apoptosis. From these specimens, 30 were grossly normal and 20 showed gross signs of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection. Of the 30 grossly normal shrimp, 5 specimens were found to be positive for WSSV infection by normal histology and by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. All of the specimens showing gross signs of WSSV infection were positive for WSSV by normal histology, while 5 were positive by nested PCR only (indicating light infections) and 15 were positive by 1-step PCR (indicating heavy infections). Typical histological signs of WSSV infection included nuclear hypertrophy, chromatin condensation and margination. None of the 25 grossly normal shrimp negative for WSSV by 1-step PCR showed any signs of DNA fragmentation by TUNEL assay or agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracts. The 10 specimens that gave PCR-positive results for WSSV by nested PCR only (i.e., 5 grossly normal shrimp and 5 grossly positive for WSSV) gave mean counts of 16 +/- 8% TUNEL-positive cells, while the 25 specimens PCR positive by 1-step PCR gave mean counts of 40 +/- 7% TUNEL-positive cells. Thus, the number of TUNEL positive cells present in tissues increased with increasing severity of infection, as determined by gross signs of white spots on the cuticle, the number of intranuclear inclusions in histological sections, and results from single and nested PCR assays. DNA extracts of PCR-positive specimens tested by agarose gel electrophoresis showed indications of DNA fragmentation either as smears or as 200 bp ladders. Given that DNA fragmentation is generally considered to be a hallmark of apoptosis, the results suggested that apoptosis might be implicated in shrimp death caused by WSSV.  相似文献   

A black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) caspase cDNA homologue (PmCasp) has been identified from a hemocyte library using a previously identified caspase homologue from the banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) as a probe. The full-length PmCasp was 1202bp with a 954bp open reading frame, encoding 317 amino acids. The deduced protein contained a potential active site (QACRG pentapeptide) conserved in most caspases. It had 83% identity with caspase of P. merguiensis and 30% identity with drICE protein of Drosophila melanogaster, and it exhibited caspase-3 activity in vitro. PmCasp was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and a rabbit polyclonal antiserum was produced. In Western blots, the antiserum reacted with purified recombinant PmCasp and with lysates of E. coli containing the expressed plasmid. In crude protein extracts from normal shrimp, the antiserum reacted with 36 and 26kDa bands likely to correspond to inactive pro-caspase and its proteolytic intermediate form, respectively. PmCasp expression was measured in normal shrimp and in white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)-infected shrimp at 24 and 48h post-injection (p.i.) by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and immunohistochemistry. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed up-regulation of PmCasp at 48h p.i. and expression remained high up to the moribund state. These results were supported by Western blot analysis showing increased PmCasp protein levels at 24 and 48h p.i. when compared to normal control shrimp. Immunohistochemical analysis of gills from the WSSV-infected shrimp revealed immunoreactivity localized in the cytoplasm of both normal and apparently apoptotic cells. In summary, a caspase-3 like gene is conserved in P. monodon and is up-regulated after WSSV infection.  相似文献   

Immunostimulants are the substances, which enhance the non-specific defence mechanism and provide resistance against the invading pathogenic micro-organism. In order to increase the immunity of shrimps against the WSSV, the methanolic extracts of five different herbal medicinal plants like Cyanodon dactylon, Aegle marmelos, Tinospora cordifolia, Picrorhiza kurooa and Eclipta alba were selected and mixed thoroughly in equal proportion. The mixed extract was supplemented with various concentrations viz. 100 (A), 200 (B), 400 (C), and 800 (D) mgkg(-1) through artificial diets individually. The prepared diets (A-D) were fed individually to WSSV free healthy shrimp Penaeus monodon with an average weight of 8.0+/-0.5g for 25 days. Control diet (E), devoid of herbal extract was also fed to shrimps simultaneously. After 25 days of feeding experiment, the shrimps were challenged with WSSV, which were isolated and propagated from the infected crustaceans. The shrimps succumbed to death within 7 days when fed on no herbal immunostimulant diet (E). Among the different concentrations of herbal immunostimulant supplemented diets, the shrimps fed on diet D (800mgkg(-1)) significantly (P<0.0001) had more survival (74%) and reduction in the viral load. Also the better performance of haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters was found in the immunostimulant incorporated diets fed shrimps. The present work revealed that the application of herbal immunostimulants will be effective against shrimp viral pathogenesis and they can be recommended for shrimp culture.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody-based immunodot test was compared to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for managing white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) on shrimp farms at Kundapur and Kumta situated in Udupi and Uttar Kannada Districts, respectively, of Karnataka on the west coast of India. Of 12 grow-out farms in Kundapur, 6 (F1 to F6) yielded shrimp samples that were negative for WSSV by both immunodot test and 1-step PCR from stocking to successful harvest. Samples from the other 6 farms (F7 to F12) were positive for WSSV by both immunodot test and 1-step PCR at various times post stocking, and their crops failed. In the 2 farms at Kumta (F13, F14), immunodot and 1-step PCR results were both negative, and harvests were successful. In contrast to 1-step PCR results, farms F5, F6, F13, and F14 gave positive results for WSSV by 2-step PCR, and they were successfully harvested at 105 d post stocking. Our results indicate that an inexpensive immunodot assay can be used to replace the more expensive 1-step PCR assay for disease monitoring.  相似文献   

Prevalence of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was determined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology on DNA extracted from the gills of wild black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon collected from 7 sampling sites in the Philippines. These 7 sampling sites are the primary sources of spawners and broodstock for hatchery use. During the dry season, WSSV was detected in shrimp from all sites except Bohol, but during the wet season it was not detected in any site except Palawan. None of the WSSV-PCR positive shrimp showed signs of white spots in the cuticle. Prevalence of WSSV showed seasonal variations, i.e. prevalence in dry season (April to May) was higher than in the wet season (August to October). These results suggest that WSSV has already become established in the local marine environment and in wild populations of P. monodon. Thus, broodstock collected during the dry season could serve as the main source of WSSV contamination in shrimp farms due to vertical transmission of the virus in hatcheries.  相似文献   

The haematopoietic tissue (HPT) of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is located in different areas in the cephalothorax, mainly at the dorsal side of the stomach and in the onset of the maxillipeds and, to a lesser extent, towards the antennal gland. In young and in experimentally stimulated animals, the HPT is expanded in relatively larger and more numerous lobules throughout the cephalothorax. Four cell types could be identified in the HPT by electron microscopy. The type 1 cells are the presumed precursor cells that give rise to a large- and a small-granular young haemocyte, denominated as the type 2 and type 3 cells, respectively. A gradient of maturation from the type 1 towards the type 2 or 3 cells could frequently be observed. The presumed precursor cells are located towards the exterior of the lobules and maturing young haemocytes towards the inner part, where they can be released into the haemal lacunae. The type 4 cells show typical features of interstitial cells. Different stimulation experiments were carried out and various techniques were used to study the HPT in relation to the (circulating) haemocytes. The majority of the cells in the HPT are able to proliferate and proliferation can be increased significantly after the injection of saline and, to a much higher extent, after LPS injection. The circulating haemocytes of crustaceans are generally divided into hyaline (H), semigranular (SG) or granular (G) cells, of which large- and small-granular variants of each of these were suggested in the present study. Even after stimulation in this study, the circulating haemocytes scarcely divide. The high variations that were found in the total haemocyte count in the stimulation experiments were not accompanied by significant differences in differential haemocyte count and, therefore, appeared to be a less useful indicator of stress or health in P. monodon. Light and electron microscopical observations support the regulation of the populations of the different haemocyte types in the circulation by (stored) haemocytes from the connective tissue. In conclusion, according to morphological and immuno-chemical criteria, it is proposed in the present study to divide the haemocytes into a large-and a small-granular developmental series. After extensive morphological observations, it is suggested that the hyaline cells are the young and immature haemocytes of both the large- and small-granular cell line that are produced in the HPT, and can be released into the haemolymph. Indications were found that the granular cells, of at least the large-granular cell line, mature and accumulate in the connective tissue and are easily released into the haemolymph. Combining the results of the present study with literature, this proposed model for haemocyte proliferation, maturation and reaction will be discussed.  相似文献   

This study focused on apoptosis in various tissues of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon following white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) injection. The study included: (1) light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of various tissues; (2) fluorescent LM of nuclear DNA by staining with 4, 6-diamidine-2-phenyl indole dihydrochloride (DAPI) and TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) techniques; and (3) determination of caspase-3 activity. Juvenile P. monodon were injected with WSSV, and several tissues of ectodermal and mesodermal origin were studied at different intervals after injection. The total haemocyte count had decreased to one-tenth of its original level 60 h after WSSV injection. By LM, extensive destruction by WSSV was observed in the stomach epithelium, gills, hematopoietic tissue, hemocytes and the heart, but the most severely affected tissue was the subcuticular epithelium. TEM revealed that at 6 h post-injection (p.i.) the chromatin of infected nuclei was marginated, and by 24 h p.i. the nuclei were filled with enveloped and non-enveloped WSSV virions. At later stages of the infection, the nucleus extruded WSSV particles. Chromatin margination and nuclear condensation and fragmentation (i.e. signs of apoptosis) were observed as early as 6 h p.i. in all affected tissues, but occurred in cells without WSSV virions rather than in cells with virions. The occurrence of apoptosis was supported by data obtained using TUNEL and by DAPI-staining and progressed from 6 to 60 h p.i. In addition, caspase-3 activity in WSSV-infected shrimp was about 6-fold higher than that in uninfected shrimp. The data strongly suggests that apoptosis occurs following WSSV infection in P. monodon, but the extent to which it contributes to shrimp mortality requires further investigation.  相似文献   

A Kazal type serine proteinase SPIPm2 is abundantly expressed in the hemocytes and shown to be involved in innate immune response against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in Penaeus monodon. The SPIPm2 is expressed and stored in the granules in the cytoplasm of semigranular and granular but not the hyaline hemocytes. Upon WSSV challenge and progression of infection, the SPIPm2 was secreted readily from the semigranular and granular hemocytes. The more they secreted the SPIPm2, the less they were distinguishable from the hyaline cells. The WSSV-infected cells were either semigranular or granular hemocytes or both and depleted of SPIPm2. The rSPIPm2 was able to temporarily and dose-dependently neutralize the WSSV and protect the hemocytes from viral infection judging from the substantially less expression of WSSV late gene VP28. The antiviral activity was very likely due to the binding of SPIPm2 to the components of viral particle and hemocyte cell membrane.  相似文献   

An effective foreign gene transfer method for shrimp would have several potential uses in the shrimp culture industry, such as in preventing infectious diseases. We evaluated two gene transfer methods and used black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, as a model target species. For a promoter, we used the 1,592-bp promoter region of the EF-1alpha gene, a house-keeping gene, of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. The promoter region was linked to either the gene for green fluorescence protein (GFP) or the gene for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). The fusion genes were designated pJEF-GFP and pJEF-CAT, respectively. The pJEF-GFP gene was introduced into fertilized eggs of black tiger shrimp by microinjection and particle gun bombardment. The survival rate of the microinjected eggs was 17.6%, and 1.0% of the treated embryos were found to be GFP-positive. However, the GFP-positive embryos were damaged and embryogenesis did not progress. The survival rate of the particle-bombarded eggs was 60.6%, and 0.42% of the treated embryos were found to be GFP-positive. Ubiquitous GFP expression was observed from 8 hr post-fertilization and these embryos developed and hatched normally. The pJEF-CAT gene was introduced into fertilized eggs of black tiger shrimp using the optimized conditions of the particle gun bombardment. CAT activity was observed from 1 to 7 days post-fertilization, with the highest activities being observed at 5 and 7 days post-hatching.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) occurs worldwide and causes high mortality and considerable economic damage to the shrimp farming industry. No adequate treatments against this virus are available. It is generally accepted that invertebrates such as shrimp do not have an adaptive immune response system such as that present in vertebrates. As it has been demonstrated that shrimp surviving a WSSV infection have higher survival rates upon subsequent rechallenge, we investigated the potential of oral vaccination of shrimp with subunit vaccines consisting of WSSV virion envelope proteins. Penaeus monodon shrimp were fed food pellets coated with inactivated bacteria overexpressing two WSSV envelope proteins, VP19 and VP28. Vaccination with VP28 showed a significant lower cumulative mortality compared to vaccination with bacteria expressing the empty vectors after challenge via immersion (relative survival, 61%), while vaccination with VP19 provided no protection. To determine the onset and duration of protection, challenges were subsequently performed 3, 7, and 21 days after vaccination. A significantly higher survival was observed both 3 and 7 days postvaccination (relative survival, 64% and 77%, respectively), but the protection was reduced 21 days after the vaccination (relative survival, 29%). This suggests that contrary to current assumptions that invertebrates do not have a true adaptive immune system, a specific immune response and protection can be induced in P. monodon. These experiments open up new ways to benefit the WSSV-hampered shrimp farming industry.  相似文献   

In 2001-2002 throughout Thailand, black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon farmers reported very unusual retarded growth. We have called this problem monodon slow growth syndrome (MSGS). Based on decreased national production, estimated losses due to this phenomenon were in the range of 13 000 million baht (approximately 300 million US dollars) in 2002. Since rearing practices had not changed, it was considered possible that the MSGS problem may have arisen from a new or existing pathogen. To examine this possibility, cultivated shrimp were sampled from 32 commercial rearing ponds that reported abnormally slow growth from eastern, central and southern regions of Thailand. Shrimp were randomly sampled from each pond and grouped into normal and small shrimp. Normal shrimp were defined as those with body weights (BW) of 24 g or more while small shrimp were defined as those that weighed 16.8 g or less. Pleopods were used for detection of monodon baculovirus (MBV), heptopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) using specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. In addition, some shrimp were processed for normal histopathology and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Most of the shrimp specimens were infected by at least 1 of these viruses but many had dual or multiple infections. Prevalence of HPV and combined HPV/MBV infections in the small shrimp was significantly higher than in the normal shrimp. In addition to the viruses, a new microsporidian species, gregarines and bacteria were also observed but were not significantly associated with the MSGS problem. Some of the small shrimp gave negative results for all these pathogens by PCR and histology and no new and unique histopathology was recognized in any of the samples. The findings suggested that HPV infection was a contributing factor but not the overriding factor responsible for MSGS. It is possible that MSGS is caused by an unknown pathogen or by some other presently unknown, non-pathogenic factor.  相似文献   

The total haemocyte count (THC), differential haemocyte count (DHC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory bursts (release of superoxide anion), superoxide dismutase activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Photobacterium damsela were measured when tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (13.5+/-1.5 g) were individually injected with saline or dopamine at 10(-8), 10(-7), or 10(-6)mol shrimp(-1). Results showed that a transient period of immunosuppression occurred between 2 and 8h after injection of dopamine for all immune parameters except circulating haemocytes, and all immune parameters had returned to control values within 8-16 h after receiving dopamine. The injection of dopamine also significantly increased the mortality of P. monodon challenged with the pathogen Pho. damsela. These results suggest that stress-inducing dopamine suppresses the immune system, which in turn promotes the susceptibility of P. monodon to Pho. damsela.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag (EST) library was constructed from hemocytes of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) to identify genes associated with immunity in this economically important species. The number of complementary DNA clones in the constructed library was approximately 4 x 10(5). Of these, 615 clones having inserts larger than 500 bp were unidirectionally sequenced and analyzed by homology searches against data in GenBank. Significant homology to known genes was found in 314 (51%) of the 615 clones, but the remaining 301 sequences (49%) did not match any sequence in GenBank. Approximately 35% of the matched ESTs were significantly identified by the BLASTN and BLASTX programs, while 65% were recognized only by the BLASTX program. Of the 615 clones, 55 (8.9%) were identified as putative immune-related genes. The isolated genes were composed of those coding for enzymes and proteins in the clotting system and the prophenoloxidase-activating system, antioxidative enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and serine proteinase inhibitors. Three full-length ESTs encoding antimicrobial peptides (antilipopolysaccharide and penaeidin homologues) and a heat shock protein (cpn10 homologue) are reported.  相似文献   

Shrimp exhibit a diverse response to viral infection that is manifested in drastic up- and down-regulations of a variety of genes. In our previous work, we identified syntenin of the shrimp Penaeus monodon (Pm) as a dynamic responder to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection, its message being greatly upregulated in the acute phase of the infection. In order to further explore the link between Pm-syntenin and viral infection, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening of a P. monodon cDNA library, using Pm-syntenin as bait. One of the molecules that specifically interacted with Pm-syntenin was the receptor-binding domain of alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M). A GST pull-down assay showed that GST-alpha2M, but not GST alone, was capable of co-precipitating syntenin. Another GST pull-down assay showed that GST-syntenin, but not GST alone, was capable of co-precipitating alpha2M. In addition, mutant analyses showed that the N-terminal 131 amino acids of syntenin were both necessary and sufficient to bind the C-terminus receptor-binding domain of alpha2M. Furthermore, WSSV-infected Pm showed a significant upregulation of the alpha2M message, suggesting that both syntenin and its protein partner alpha2M are upregulated in the acute phase of a WSSV infection. Taken together with a previous report showing the co-localization of alpha2M and syntenin in the exosome of a dendritic cell line, it is likely that syntenin, through its interaction with alpha2M, plays an important role in the immune defense mechanisms of viral infections of shrimps.  相似文献   

Vibrio species' infections are a common sequelae to environmental stress or other disease processes in shrimp, but the mechanism by which the shrimp eliminate the bacteria is poorly understood. In this study, the penetration, fate and the clearing of V. vulnificus were investigated in Penaeus monodon. A bacterial disease isolate from a shrimp farm was identified as V. vulnificus biotype I. Polyclonal antiserum was raised in rabbits against the bacterium and the specificity was verified by ELISA and immunoblot against a range of Vibrio spp. and other gram-negative bacteria. The bacteria were then administered to P. monodon juveniles by injection, immersion and oral intubation. An indirect immunoperoxidase technique was employed in a time course study to follow the bacteria and bacterial antigens in the tissue of the shrimp. Bacteria were cleared by a common route, regardless of the method of administration. Observations in immersion challenge were similar to a combination of those for oral and injection challenges. With immersion, bacteria entered the shrimp through damaged cuticle or via insertion points of cuticular setae. Shortly after entry, whole bacterial cells were observed in the haemolymph and connective tissue. They were either phagocytosed by haemocytes, or broken down outside host cells. Haemocytes containing bacterial cells or antigens (HCB) were observed in the connective tissue and haemolymph. HCB accumulated around the hepatopancreas, midgut, midgut-caecum, gills, heart and lymphoid organ. Free bacterial antigens also accumulated in the heart and lymphoid organ. Bacteria entering through the mouth by oral intubation or immersion were broken down so that only soluble or very fine particles entered the hepatopancreas. Bacterial antigens passed through the hepatopancreas into the haemolymph. Antigens were initially observed in the haemolymph sinuses and subsequently accumulated in the heart and lymphoid organ. Bacterial antigens were released from the shrimp, initially through the gills and subsequently through hepatopancreatic B-cells, branchial podocytes and sub-cuticular podocytes.  相似文献   

White spot disease is an important viral disease caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and is responsible for huge economic losses in the shrimp culture industry worldwide. The VP28 gene encoding the most dominant envelope protein of WSSV was used to construct a DNA vaccine. The VP28 gene was cloned in the eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1 and the construct was named as pVP28. The protective efficiency of pVP28 against WSSV was evaluated in Penaeus monodon by intramuscular challenge. In vitro expression of VP28 gene was confirmed in sea bass kidney cell line (SISK) by fluorescence microscopy before administering to shrimp. The distribution of injected pVP28 in different tissues of shrimp was studied and the results revealed the presence of pVP28 in gill, head soft tissue, abdominal muscle, hemolymph, pleopods, hepatopancreas and gut. RT-PCR and fluorescence microscopy analyses showed the expression of pVP28 in all these tissues examined. The results of vaccination trials showed a significantly higher survival rate in shrimp vaccinated with pVP28 (56.6-90%) when compared to control groups (100% mortality). The immunological parameters analyzed in the vaccinated and control groups revealed that the vaccinated shrimp showed significantly high level of prophenoloxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) when compared to the control groups. The high levels of prophenoloxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) might be responsible for developing resistance against WSSV in DNA vaccinated shrimp.  相似文献   

This work constitutes the second report from a continuing investigation of shrimp genes that may be involved in apoptosis associated death resulting from yellow head virus (YHV) infection. Here, we describe from the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon, a ribophorin I-like gene that is probably a subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex (OST), a key enzyme in N-linked glycosylation that occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum. The OST complex also contains DAD1 (defender against apoptotic death 1) that has been reported to control apoptosis and that we have previously reported from P. monodon. The full length ribophorin I of P. monodon comprised 2157 bp with the ORF of 1806 bp corresponding to 601 deduced amino acids and three putative N-linked glycosylation sites. Analysis revealed hydrophobic properties implying that it could be a membrane protein. Tissue distribution analysis using real-time RT-PCR with SYBR Green revealed that ribophorin I was endogenously expressed in all examined tissues of normal shrimp. However, unlike DAD1 that was down-regulated after YHV challenge, ribophorin I expression was up-regulated and remained high until the moribund stage.  相似文献   

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