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5-Methoxytryptamine, beta-methylcarboxylate hydrochloride (indorenate) is a new antihypertensive serotonin derivative. We evaluated its genotoxic activity using the mouse bone marrow and cytogenetic test and the human lymphocyte culture cytogenetic assay. As endpoints we measured chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges and cellular proliferation kinetics. Our results agree in both systems showing that indorenate is a non-genotoxic agent in these assays.  相似文献   

Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid analgesic structurally related to codeine and morphine. O-Alkyl, N-desmethyl, and non-phenol containing derivatives of tramadol were synthesized to probe their effect on metabolic stability and both in vitro and in vivo potency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate topical formulations of Spantide II, a neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) antagonist, for the treatment of inflammatory skin disorders. Spantide II lotion and gel was formulated with and without n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) as a penetration enhancer. The release of Spantide II from gels was evaluated using microporous polyethylene and polypropylene membranes in a Franz Diffusion cell setup. In vitro percutaneous absorption of Spantide II from lotion and gel formulations was evaluated using the above setup by replacing the membranes with hairless rat skin. The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of Spantide II formulations was evaluated in an allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) mouse model. Among different gels studied, PF127 gel showed highest (70-fold) release of Spantide II compared with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) gels. Lotion and gel formulations with or without NMP showed no detectable levels of Spantide II in the receiver compartment of the Franz diffusion cell until 24 hours. However, Spantide II showed significant retention in epidermis and dermis from lotion and gel formulations at 24 hours. The dermal levels increased ≈3.5- and 2-fold when the lotion and gel formulations contained NMP as compared with the formulation with no NMP (P<.05). The in vivo studies indicated that Spantide II formulations with NMP were effective in significantly reducing ACD response, similar to dexamethasone (0.5 mM). In conclusion, Spantide II was stable as a topical formulation and delivered to target skin tissue (epidermis and dermis) for the treatment of ACD. In addition this study supports the role of cutaneous neurosensory system in modulating inflammatory responses in the skin. Published: October 31, 2005  相似文献   

A novel series of semi-synthetic gomphostenin derivatives (19) were prepared utilizing C-14 hydroxyl group for the first time and studied for their antimalarial properties. In vitro antiplasmodial activity was evaluated against both the chloroquine sensitive and resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Most of the compounds exhibited superior or comparable antiplasmodial activity compared to parent compound, that is, gomphostenin (GN). Based upon in vitro antiplasmodial activity, compounds with IC50 values less than 10 μM were selected for in vivo antiplasmodial evaluation against Plasmodium berghei infection in mice model. GN derivatives 3 and 5 were found to have curative activity with moderate chemosuppression of 65% and 69%, respectively, at the dose level of 150 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

The cellular immune response to specific and nonspecific agents was investigated. both in vivo and in vitro, in 19 patients with paracoceidioidomycosis. In addition, the immunologic study of an investigator aceidentally inoculated with P. brasiliensis was included in this study. Nearly half of the patients showed depressed cell-mediated immune responses, as evaluated by intradermal tests with an antigenic preparation from P. brasiliensis (P.b.Ag.), ubiquitous antigens, and by the ability to develop sensitization to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. A similar proportion of impaired responses was observed when the patients' lymphocytes were cultured with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). C'. albicans antigen and P.h.Ag. A factor was detected in the plasma of some patients which reduced the ability of patients' and normal lymphocytes to undergo blastic transformation. A positive correlation was found between the ability to develop delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions to P.b.Ag. and other ubiquitous antigens, normal in vitro responsiveness to PHA and the absence of humoral blastogenic inhibitory factor. The inhibition of leukocyte migration, but not lymphocyte transformation, correlated positively with delayed hypersensitivity. The percentage of T lymphocytes was significantly reduced in the group of patients, being the absolute number and percentage of B cells bearing receptors tor complement normal. Two polar immunological patterns emerged. One characterized by positiveness in the skin test to P.b.Ag. and lack of significant abnormalities in cellular immunity, and another anergic to P.b.Ag., with cell mediated immunity severely depressed. Between the two polar groups, there were patients with intermediary patterns of immune response. This paper also includes the results obtained with the administration of transfer factor and levamisole to some of the patients.  相似文献   

The normal aging process is accompanied by a progressive deterioration of renal function. We studied the kinetics of proximal tubular acidification of young (3 mo) and aging (22 mo) rats using in vivo and in vitro techniques. Blood acid-base parameters were similar in both groups. The maximum velocity of the Na(+)/H(+) exchange (NHE) in brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) showed a 72% decrease in aging compared with young rats, whereas the Michaelis constant remained unchanged. The NHE3 isoform of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger was detected in BBMV by Western blot in both groups, and a decrease of 90% in the abundance was observed in aging rats. Micropuncture experiments with simultaneous luminal and peritubular perfusion with phosphate Ringer and continuous measurement of intratubular pH showed an acidification rate constant 34% smaller in aging compared with young rats. Proton flux was 48% lower in aging than in young rats. The present results suggest that proximal tubular acidification is impaired with aging.  相似文献   

Neuroserpin is a member of the serine protease inhibitor or serpin superfamily of proteins. It is secreted by neurones and plays an important role in the regulation of tissue plasminogen activator at the synapse. Point mutations in the neuroserpin gene cause the autosomal dominant dementia familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies or FENIB. This is one of a group of disorders caused by mutations in the serpins that are collectively known as the serpinopathies. Others include α(1)-antitrypsin deficiency and deficiency of C1 inhibitor, antithrombin and α(1)-antichymotrypsin. The serpinopathies are characterised by delays in protein folding and the retention of ordered polymers of the mutant serpin within the cell of synthesis. The clinical phenotype results from either a toxic gain of function from the inclusions or a loss of function, as there is insufficient protease inhibitor to regulate important proteolytic cascades. We describe here the methods required to characterise the polymerisation of neuroserpin and draw parallels with the polymerisation of α(1)-antitrypsin. It is important to recognise that the conditions in which experiments are performed will have a major effect on the findings. For example, incubation of monomeric serpins with guanidine or urea will produce polymers that are not found in vivo. The characterisation of the pathological polymers requires heating of the folded protein or alternatively the assessment of ordered polymers from cell and animal models of disease or from the tissues of humans who carry the mutation.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic organisms characterized by their ability to produce secondary metabolites with different biological activities. The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of the cosmopolitan freshwater cyanobacterium H. kuetzingii. An extract from H. kuetzingii and cyanobacterial growth media were assessed for presence of intracellular and extracellular toxins by in vitro tests using primary cell cultures from mouse kidney and fibroblasts, cell lines A549 and 3T3, a fish cell line RTgill-W1 as well as by a traditional in vivo mouse bioassay. The presence of toxicity was compared with the ELISA and HPLC data for corresponding cyanotoxins. In vitro tests showed pronounced cytotoxicity of the cyanobacterium extract and growth medium in which H. kuetzingii released potential extracellular toxic compounds as the mammalian cells were significantly more sensitive to exposure compared to the fish cells. Histopathological analyses of the liver and kidneys of treated mice showed pathological changes such as leukocyte infiltration and necrosis, changes in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, lack of differentiation of Bowman’s space, enlarged Bowman’s capsules and massive hemorrhages. ELISA and HPLC analyses confirmed the presence of saxitoxins and microcystins at low concentrations. In addition, the histological analyses suggest that H. kuetzingii produces other, yet unknown toxic metabolites. Monitoring efforts are therefore required to evaluate the potential hazard for the freshwater aquatic systems and possible public health implications associated with this cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop poly(ethylene glycol)-coated nanostructured lipid carriers (PEG-NLC) for parenteral delivery of oridonin (ORI) to prolong drug circulation time in blood. Oridonin-loaded PEG-NLC (ORI-PEG-NLC) consisting of PEG(2000)-stearate, glycerol monostearate and medium chain triglycerides were prepared by emulsion-evaporation and low temperature-solidification technique. Oridonin-loaded NLC (ORI-NLC) were also prepared as control. ORI-PEG-NLC were observed by transmission election microscope and the morphology was in rotiform shape. The mean particle size of ORI-PEG-NLC was 329.2 nm and entrapment efficacy was 71.18%. The results of differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction revealed a low-crystalline structure of ORI and verified the incorporation of ORI into the nanoparticles. In vitro drug release of ORI-PEG-NLC exhibited biphasic drug release patterns with burst release initially and prolonged release afterwards. Pharmacokinetic analysis showed that the mean residence time of ORI-PEG-NLC was prolonged and AUC (area under tissue concentration-time curve) value was also improved compared with ORI-NLC and ORI solution. In conclusion, ORI-PEG-NLC could be a potential carrier to get prolonged retention time of oridonin in blood.  相似文献   

PD 151832 is a potent partial muscarinic agonist that displays a high level of functional selectivity for the muscarinic m1 receptor subtype, as evidenced by its selective stimulation of PI turnover and cellular metabolic activity in transfected Hm1-CHO cells at concentrations that produce minimal stimulation of other cloned human muscarinic receptors. PD 151832 enhanced the amplification of Hm1-transfected NIH-3T3 cells at concentrations lower than those required to produce similar effects in Hm2 or Hm3-transfected cells. The functional m1 selectivity of PD 151832 is consistent with its improvement of mouse water maze performance at doses far lower than those required to produce peripheral parasympathetic side effects.  相似文献   

This work aims at investigating different types and levels of hydrophilic matrixing agents, including methylcellulose (MC), sodium alginate (Alg), and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), in an attempt to formulate controlled-release matrix tablets containing 25 mg baclofen. The tablets were prepared by wet granulation. Prior to compression, the prepared granules were evaluated for flow and compression characteristics. In vitro, newly formulated controlled-release tablets were compared with standard commercial tablets (Lioresal and baclofen). The excipients used in this study did not alter physicochemical properties of the drug, as tested by the thermal analysis using differential scanning calorimetry. The flow and compression characteristics of the prepared granules significantly improved by virtue of granulation process. Also, the prepared matrix tablets showed good mechanical properties (hardness and friability). MC- and Alg-based tablet formulations showed high release-retarding efficiency, and good reproducibility and stability of the drug release profiles when stored for 6 months in ambient room conditions, suggesting that MC and Alg are good candidates for preparing modified-release baclofen tablet formulations.  相似文献   

Antimalarial candidates possessing novel mechanisms of action are needed to control drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum. We were drawn to Malaria Box compound 1 (MMV665831) by virtue of its excellent in vitro potency, and twelve analogs were prepared to probe its structure–activity relationship. Modulation of the diethyl amino group was fruitful, producing compound 25, which was twice as potent as 1 against cultured parasites. Efforts were made to modify the phenolic Mannich base functionality of 1, to prevent formation of a reactive quinone methide. Homologated analog 28 had reduced potency relative to 1, but still inhibited growth with EC50 ≤ 200 nM. Thus, the antimalarial activity of 1 does not derive from quinone methide formation. Chemical stability studies on dimethyl analog 2 showed remarkable hydrolytic stability of both the phenolic Mannich base and ethyl ester moieties, and 1 was evaluated for in vivo efficacy in P. berghei-infected mice (40 mg/kg, oral). Unfortunately, no reduction in parasitemia was seen relative to control. These results are discussed in the context of measured plasma and hepatocyte stabilities, with reference to structurally-related, orally-efficacious antimalarials.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether aerial parts of Trichosanthes cucumerina extracts can exert significant antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of a hot water extract (HWE) and a cold ethanolic extract (CE) of T. cucumerina aerial parts was evaluated by assessing its (a) radical scavenging ability and prevention effect of lipid peroxidation in vitro, and (b) effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities, in vivo.In vitro antioxidant assays (DPPH, TBARS and carotene-linoleic acid assays) clearly demonstrated the antioxidant potential of HWE and CEE. Moreover, HWE increased SOD: by 91.2% and GPX by 104.4% while CEE increased SOD: by 115.5% and GPX by 96.4%) in CCl4-induced rats. Treatments with HWE and CE prevented the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products by 30.5% and 33.8%, respectively, in liver tissues compared to the rats exposed only to CCl4. In conclusion, the present investigation demonstrates for the first time that components in T. cucumerina aerial parts can exert significant antioxidant activity in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

The prebiotic effects of water extracts of two blueberry (BBE) cultivars (‘Centurion’ and ‘Maru’) were studied using pure and mixed cultures of human faecal bacteria. The results demonstrated for the first time that addition of BBE from both cultivars to broth media containing pure cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium breve resulted in a significant increase (P < 0.05–0.0001) in the population size of these strains. Batch fermentation system was used to monitor the effect of BBE addition on the mixed faecal bacterial populations (obtained from healthy human donors). Addition of BBE from both cultivars to batch cultures inoculated with mixed human faecal cultures resulted in a significant increase in the number of lactobacilli (P < 0.01–0.0001) and bifidobacteria (P < 0.05–0.0001). Furthermore, a significant influence on the population size of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria was observed after administration of extracts from both cultivars to rats daily for 6 days in comparison with the control group. In rats gavaged orally with 4 ml kg−1 day−1 of BBE for 6 days, the population size of lactobacilli (P < 0.05) and bifidobacteria (P < 0.05–0.01) was increased significantly. We hypothesize that BBE could modify the bacterial profile by increasing the numbers of beneficial bacteria and thereby improving gut health.  相似文献   

The possibility of using soluble cross-linked enzyme-albumin polymers as a means of enzyme therapy for the treatment of certain enzyme deficiency diseases is investigated. The hyperuricemic Dalmatian coach hound is used as an experimental animal and the enzyme uricase (urate oxidase) as the administered enzyme. Chemically cross-linking uricase with an excess of canine albumin yields a soluble enzyme polymer that is significantly more heat stable and resistant to proteolytic activity than the native enzyme. Intravenous administration of similar amounts of enzyme in the native or polymeric form indicated that the “solubilized” enzyme survived in the circulation for a longer period of time (clearance half-time of 26 hours as opposed to 4 hours for the native enzyme) and was more effective in lowering plasma uric acid levels for longer periods. In vivo administration of the native enzyme lowered uric acid levels by about 35% with a return to normal levels with a half-time of about 24 hours. Subsequent injections of native uricase proved less effective and produced a severe hypersensitivity reaction following the third injection. No such adverse reactions or decreased activity of the administered “solubilized” uricase-albumin polymers were observed. The plasma uric acid levels were decreased by about 40% and only after 48 hours did the substrate levels begin to rise towards their resting levels.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to develop a hydrodynamically balanced system for celecoxib as single-unit floating capsules. Various grades of low-density polymers were used for formulation of these capsules. The capsules were prepared by physical blending of celecoxib and the polymer in varying ratios. The formulation was optimized on the basis of in vitro buoyancy and in vitro release in citrate phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (with 1% sodium lauryl sulfate). Capsules prepared with polyethylene oxide 60K and Eudragit RL100 gave the best in vitro percentage release and were used as the optimized formulation. By fitting the data into zero-order, first-order, and Higuchi models, we concluded that the release followed zero-order kinetics, as the correlation coefficient (R value) was higher for zero-order release. For gamma scintigraphy studies, celecoxib was radiolabeled with technetium-99m by the stannous reduction method. To achieve the maximum labeling efficiency the process was optimized by studying the reaction at various pH conditions and stannous concentration levels. The radiolabeled complex was added to the optimized capsule, and dissolution studies were performed to ensure that there was no leaching of radioactivity from the capsules. Gamma imaging was performed in rabbits to assess the buoyancy of the optimized formulation. The optimized formulation remained buoyant during 5 hours of gamma scintigraphic studies in rabbits.  相似文献   

Adenia trilobata, locally known as akandaphal in Bangladesh, has some traditional uses. Leaves and stems extracted with pure methanol (MEATL, MEATS) and fractioned by n-hexane (NFATL, NFATS), which was subjected to qualitative phytochemical analysis. The qualitative phytochemical analysis of four extracts showed the presence of secondary metabolites such as alkaloid, carbohydrate, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, flavonol, and saponins. All four extracts of A. trilobata, exhibited a strong antioxidant activity while a moderately (MEATS = 328 μg/mL) to weakly toxic (NFATL = 616.85 μg/mL) LC50 observed in brine shrimp lethality bioassay. In thrombolytic test, MEATL (18.54 ± 2.18%; P < 0.01) and MEATS (25.58 ± 4.76%; P < 0.0001) showed significant percentage of clot lysis in human blood. The in vivo analgesic activity carried by acetic acid test and formalin test, while the antidiarrheal activity assayed by two standard methods e.g., castor oil-induced diarrhea and castor oil-induced gastrointestinal motility. Both, in vivo model, showed an extremely significant (P < 0.0001) dose-dependent manner percentage of inhibition in comparison to the control group. Present results suggested, A. trilobata could be a potential source for antioxidative, cytotoxic, thrombolytic, analgesic, antidiarrheal agents which require further study to identify the mechanism of A. trilobata.  相似文献   

The biological activities of six symmetrically substituted 2-methoxy-benzyl polymethylene tetraamines (14) and diphenylethyl polymethylene tetraamines (5 and 6) as N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor channel blockers, were evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Although all compounds exhibited stronger channel block activities in comparison to memantine in Xenopus oocytes voltage clamped at ?70 mV, only compound 2 (0.4 mg/kg intravenous injection) decreased the size of brain infarction in a photochemically induced thrombosis model mice at the same extent of memantine (10 mg/kg intravenous injection). Other compounds (1, 3, 4, 5 and 6) did not decrease the size of brain infarction significantly due to the limited injection doses. The present study suggests that compound 2 could represent a valuable lead compound to design low toxicity polyamines for clinical use against stroke.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plasmid DNA vectors offer the potential of safe gene therapy avoiding viral vector-mediated toxicity and immunogenicity. As plasmid DNA is bacterial in origin, presence of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or unmethylated CpG dinucleotides may stimulate host innate immunity. METHODS: Primary cultures of mouse and rat dendritic cells were established and incubated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide; immunostimulatory CpG oligodeoxynucleotide; control GpC oligodeoxynucleotide; and a range of (pVR1012) plasmids encoding transgenes with increasing CpG content (wild-type and mutant human preproinsulin; non-mammalian eukaryotic eGFP reporter gene; and bacterial beta-galactosidase reporter gene). IL-12 secretion was assayed to determine in vitro plasmid immunogenicity. Local inflammatory response following intramuscular injection of these plasmids, with or without a non-ionic carrier SP1017, was characterised in vivo. RESULTS: Dose-responsive LPS and CpG stimulation of IL-12 secretion from dendritic cells was demonstrated. All plasmids induced significant IL-12 secretion in comparison to control unstimulated cells. The beta-galactosidase plasmid had highest CpG content and induced significantly higher IL-12 secretion than constructs containing a eukaryotic transgene. Injection of rat muscle with the beta-galactosidase construct induced greater inflammatory response than human preproinsulin constructs. This was further enhanced by SP1017. At 2 days post-injection, monocyte/macrophage injection site infiltration predominated with CD8-positive lymphocytes predominating at 7 days. There was no evidence of transgene expression in infiltrating immune cells. CONCLUSIONS: Dendritic cell immunostimulation may be employed as an in vitro bioassay of innate immune response to plasmid DNA vectors during evaluation for clinical gene therapy.  相似文献   

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