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 The inheritance of resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax in Solanum fendleri, S. hougasii and S. stoloniferum was studied assuming disomic behaviour of these polyploid Solanum species. Various populations were produced from crosses within the wild Solanum species; resistant×susceptible and reciprocal crosses (F1), self-pollinations (S1), testcrosses (TC) and self-pollinations (F2) of resistant hybrids, if possible. For the test crosses with S. hougasii, susceptible genotypes of S. iopetalum were used. In seedling tests, numbers of egg masses were counted after inoculation with M. chitwoodi or M. fallax. Almost all seedlings of the F1 and S1 populations of S. fendleri appeared to be resistant, whereas the TC and F2 populations of three different resistant hybrid genotypes segregated into resistant (having 1 or no egg mass) and susceptible plants (having more than 1 egg mass) at ratios of 1:1 and 3:1, respectively. The results clearly indicate the action of a single dominantly inherited gene, and the symbol R Mc2 is proposed for this gene. In the case of S. hougasii, F1 and S1 seedlings appeared to be mostly resistant. Difficulties were met in producing TC and F2 populations, and only four TC populations were obtained, which segregated at a 1:1 ratio. These results also indicate the presence of a simple dominant factor. For both S. fendleri and S. hougasii no differences were observed between M. chitwoodi and M. fallax, indicating that resistance genes are the same for both nematode species. The F1, S1 and TC populations of S. stoloniferum segregated for the square root number of egg masses into normal-like distributions, which deviated between the Meloidogyne species used. The patterns indicate the presence of several additive genes and one or more genes effective to M. fallax but not to M. chitwoodi. The relationship of resistance genes present in various Central American Solanum species is discussed. Received: 24 September 1996/Accepted: 8 November 1996  相似文献   

Under controlled field conditions, a Solanum backcross population segregated for resistance to Phytophthora infestans. The population (`BCT') had been derived previously by crossing the Solanum tuberosum dihaploid USW2230 × Solanum berthaultii PI473331 to obtain the hybrid M200-30, and then backcrossing the hybrid to the S. tuberosum dihaploid HH1-9. Resistance was assessed from analyses of epidemics in small plots of each individual genotype, and data were recorded as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The parents of the original cross (USW2230 and a selection from PI473331) were not included in the test, but the hybrid was incompatible and HH1-9 was compatible with the tester strain of P. infestans (US-8 lineage). Somewhat more than half of the progeny also were incompatible with the tester strain, indicating the presence of an R gene. This gene segregated from the S. berthaultii parent and mapped 4.8 cm from the RFLP marker TG63 on chromosome 10. We deduce that the R gene is not R-1, R-2, R-3, R-6, or R-7 and is probably not R-4, R-5, or R-10. Among the remaining, compatible progeny, there was a wide range of quantitative resistance. All were more resistant than the susceptible cultivar Superior, and most individuals were much more resistant than the moderately resistant cultivar Kennebec. AUDPC values among the sub-population of compatible genotypes ranged from about 400 to 1500 units the first year and from 400 to 1760 units the second year. At least five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected in this sub-population in both 1997 and 1998, including one detected through segregation of alleles from both the hybrid parent and the recurrent S. tuberosum parent. A model of main and epistatic effects explained 56% and 66% of the variation observed for quantitative resistance to late blight in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Several of the QTLs for late blight resistance were located in regions of the genome to which QTLs for late maturity have previously been mapped.  相似文献   

Summary In the 1940's the root-knot nematode resistance gene (Mi) was introgressed into the cultivated tomato from the wild species, L. peruvianum, and today it provides the only form of genetic resistance against this pathogen. We report here the construction of a high resolution RFLP map around the Mi gene that may aid in the future cloning of this gene via chromosome walking. The map covers the most distal nine map units of chromosome 6 and contains the Mi gene, nine RFLP markers, and one isozyme marker (Aps-1). Based on the analysis of more than 1,000 F2 plants from four crosses, we were able to pinpoint the Mi gene to the interval between two of these markers — GP79 and Aps-1. In crosses containing the Mi gene, this interval is suppressed in recombination and is estimated to be 0.4 cM in length. In contrast, for a cross not containing Mi, the estimated map distance is approximately 5 times greater (ca. 2 cM).Using RFLP markers around Mi as probes, it was possible to classify nematode resistant tomato varieties into three types based on the amount of linked peruvianum DNA still present. Two of these types (representing the majority of the varieties tested) were found to still contain more than 5 cM of peruvianum chromosome — a result that may explain some of the negative effects (e.g. fruit cracking) associated with nematode resistance. The third type (represented by a single variety) is predicted to carry a very small segment of peruvianum DNA (<2 cM) and may be useful in the identification of additional markers close to Mi and in the orientation of clones during a chromosome walk to clone the gene.  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance of the self-incompatible Myrobalan plum Prunus cerasifera to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria was studied using first a diallel cross between five parents of variable host suitability (including two highly resistant clones P.1079 and P.2175, a moderate host P.2032, a good host P.2646 and an excellent host P.16.5), followed by the G2 crosses P.16.5 × (P.2646 × P.1079) and P.2646 × (P.16.5 × P.1079). A total of 355 G1 and 72 G2 clones obtained from hard-wood cuttings sampled from trees in the field experimental design, then rooted in the nursery and inoculated individually in containers (5–10 replicates per clone) under greenhouse conditions, were evaluated for their host suitability based on a 0–5 gall-index rating under a high and durable inoculum pressure of the nematode. In the crosses involving the resistant P.1079 and P.2175 and the hosts P.2646 and P.16.5: (1) all of the G1 crosses of P.1079 were resistant while the G2 crosses segregated 1 resistant to 1 host, (2) the G1 crosses between P.2175 and either P.2646 or P.16.5 segregated 1 resistant to 1 host, and (3) all of the G1 progeny between P.2646 and P.16.5 were host. These results indicate that resistance is conferred by a single major dominant resistance gene (homozygous) in P.1079, and the same, or an allelic or a different, major dominant gene (heterozygous) in P.2175, and that P.2646 and P.16.5 are recessive for this (these) major resistance gene(s). As expected according to the hypothesis of a recessive genotype for P.2032, all of its hybrids with P.1079 were resistant, all of its hybrids with P.2646 and P.16.5 were host, and its hybrids with P.2175 segregated for resistance. Nevertheless, the 32 segregation ratio of these latter hybrids suggests that clones bearing the P.2175 gene would have a selective advantage. Both resistance genes are completely dominant and confer a non-host behaviour that totally prevents the multiplication of the nematode. This is the first reported evidence of major nematode resistance genes towards M. arenaria in a species of the subgenus Prunophora in the genus Prunus. The symbols Ma1 for the P.2175 gene and Ma2 for the P.1079 gene are proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids between Solanum etuberosum and S. pinnatisectum harboring resistance to titer buildup of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) were reciprocally crossed with tuber-bearing wild species S. acaule and S. verrucosum. A total of 47 hybrids with acaule were obtained with the aid of embryo rescue and sterile culturing of embryos from imbibing seeds. All but two hybrids with acaule had low pollen stainabilities or were pollen sterile. Hybrid seeds from crosses with verrucosum were easily obtained, and the triploid progenies were sterile. Hybrid progeny were screened for resistance to PLRV infection by viruliferous green peach aphid and for resistance to titer buildup. Although hybrids did not exhibit resistance to infection, PLRV was not detectable using ELISA. Virus was detected, however, by graft transmission to Datura stramonium. Crosses of fertile acaule-etuberosum-pinnatisectum hybrids with S. phureja, a cultivated diploid, using the latter as pollen parent, produced berries but seed did not complete development and was aborted. Rescue of immature embryos 25 days after pollination by excision from berries and sterile culture produced vigorous, pot-cultured plants. Segregation of susceptible (virus detected) and resistant (virus undetected) progenies suggests simple inheritance.  相似文献   

A somatic hybrid, CBP-233, between resistant Solanum bulbocastanum (SB-22) and susceptible S. tuberosum (R4) was tested for resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1. One week after inoculation, only 0.04-0.4% of the initial inoculum (Pi, 5,000 eggs) as second stage-juveniles infected SB-22 and CBP-233 root systems, compared to 2% in R4. After 8 weeks, the number of M. chitwoodi in SB-22 and CBP-233 roots remained lower (0.3-1.5% of Pi) compared to R4, which increased from 2% to ca. 27%. Development of M. chitwoodi was delayed on SB-22 and CBP-233 by at least 2 weeks, and only half of the infective nematodes established feeding sites and matured in resistant clones compared to 99% in susceptible R4. Necrotic tissue surrounded nematodes that failed to develop in SB-22 and CBP-233. The reproductive factor (ratio of final number of eggs recovered from roots to Pi) was <0.01 for both SB-22 and CBP-233 and 46.8 for R4. Delaying inoculation of CBP-233 from 1 to 3 months after planting did not increase the chance or rate of tuber infection. Only a few M. chitwoodi developed to maturity on CBP-233 tubers and deposited a small number of eggs. SB-22 rarely produced tubers in these experiments, and like CBP-233 were resistant to M. chitwoodi. It appeared that the mechanisms of resistance to M. chitwoodi in roots and tubers of CBP-233 are similar.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans causes an economically important disease of potato called late blight. The epidemic is controlled chemically but resistant potatoes can become an environment-friendly and financially justified alternative solution. The use of diploid Solanum tuberosum derived from European tetraploid cultivars enabled the introgression of novel genes encoding foliage resistance and tuber resistance from other species into the modern cultivated potato gene pool. This study evaluated the resistance of the obtained hybrids, its quality, expression in leaflets and tubers and its relation to the length of vegetation period. We also identified genetic loci involved in late blight resistance and the length of vegetation period. A family of 156 individuals segregating for resistance to late blight was assessed by three laboratory methods: detached leaflet, tuber slice and whole tuber test, repeatedly over 5 years. Length of vegetation period was estimated by a field test over 2 years. The phenotypic distributions of all traits were close to normal. Using sequence-specific PCR markers of known chromosomal position on the potato genetic map, six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance and length of vegetation period were identified. The most significant and robust QTL were located on chromosomes III (explaining 17.3% of variance observed in whole tuber tests), IV (15.5% of variance observed in slice tests), X (15.6% of variance observed in leaflet tests) and V (19.9% of variance observed in length of vegetation period). Genetic characterization of these novel resistance sources can be valuable for potato breeders and the knowledge that the most prominent QTLs for resistance and vegetation period length do not overlap in this material is promising with respect to breeding early potatoes resistant to P. infestans. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The Mi gene originating from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon peruvianum confers resistance to all major root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). This single dominant gene is located on chromosome 6 and is very closely linked to the acid phosphatase-1 (Aps-1) locus. Resistance to nematodes has been introgressed into various cultivars of the cultivated tomato (L. esculentum), in many cultivars along with the linked L. peruvianum Aps-1 1 allele. By using a pair of nearly isogenic lines differing in a small chromosomal region containing the Mi and Aps-1 loci, we have identified two RFLP markers, GP79 and H6A2c2, which are located in the introgressed L. peruvianum region. Analysis of a test panel of 51 L. esculentum genotypes of various origins indicated that GP79 is very tightly linked to the Mi gene and allows both homozygous and heterozygous nematode-resistant genotypes to be distinguished from susceptible genotypes, irrespective of their Aps-1 alleles. Marker H6A2c2 is linked to the Aps-1 locus and is capable of discriminating between the L. peruvianum Aps-1 1 allele and the L. esculentum Aps-1 3 and Aps-1 + alleles. In combination, these RFLP markers may provide a powerful tool in breeding tomatoes for nematode resistance.  相似文献   

In order to develop biological control methods that are effective against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) chitwood, the activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of wild plant species distributed on Okinawa Island on the viability and mobility of second stage M. incognita juveniles (J2s) was evaluated. Eleven of the 29 extracts immobilized at least half of the J2 stage nematodes in an in vitro assay. Aqueous extracts of Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Scherff, Hydrocotyle dichondroides Makino, Oxalis corymbosa DC., Oxalis corniculata L., and Stenactis annus (L.) Cass gave 90% or better immobilization activity. Among these, B. pilosa var. radiata had the highest activity. Significant immobilization, lethality, repellence and egg hatching inhibition were observed with extracts from each B. pilosa plant part, but especially from leaves. The effects of plant extracts on the mobility of M. incognita were higher than on the free-living nematode Panagrolaimus sp., suggesting that M. incognita could be suppressed using B. pilosa extracts without significantly affecting beneficial nematodes.  相似文献   

The cereal cyst nematode (CCN) (Heterodera avenae Woll.) is an economically damaging pest of wheat in many of the worlds cereal growing areas. The development of CCN-resistant cultivars may be accelerated by the use of molecular markers. The Cre gene of the wheat line AUS 10894 confers resistance to CCN. Using a pair of near-isogenic lines (NILs) that should differ only in a small chromosome segment containing the Cre locus, we screened 58 group-2 probes and found two (Tag605 and CDO588) that detect polymorphism between the NILs. Nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines confirmed that the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers identified were derived from the long arm of wheat chromosome 2. Crosses between AUS 10894 and Spear and the NIL AP and its recurrent parent Prins were used to produce F2 populations that gave the expected 31 segregation ratio for the resistance gene. Linkage analysis identified two RFLP markers flanking the resistance gene. Xglk605 and Xcdo588 mapped 7.3 cM (LOD=6.0) and 8.4 cM (LOD=6.7), respectively, from the Cre locus.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific variation of a wild potato species, Solanum acaule Bitt., was analyzed by RFLPs of genomic DNA. One hundred and five accessions were selected throughout the distribution area, including all subspecies, i.e., ssp. albicans (hexaploid), ssp. punae (tetraploid), ssp. acaule (tetraploid) and ssp. aemulans (tetraploid). Twenty-seven low-copy DNA clones (probes) were Southern hybridized with EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII, and XbaI digests of total DNA of all accessions. In total, 238 RFLPs were detected from 94 enzyme x probe combinations. Among them, 49 RFLPs were specific to ssp. albicans, suggesting that the additional third genome is distinct from its two other genomes. RFLPs between and within subspecies were analyzed by principal component analysis. DNA similarities between subspecies coincided with a former taxonomic treatment in the sense that ssp. albicans is the most distantly related to ssp. acaule and ssp. aemulans is distantly related. Subspecies acaule and ssp. punae were indistinguishable. In addition, RFLPs could be used to distinguish groups within subspecies. Subspecies aemulans, confined to Argentina, was divided into two populations, one from the province of La Rioja and the other from the province of Jujuy. In ssp. acaule, some accessions from the southernmost distribution area were clearly distinguishable, while the others varied continuously, showing a geographical cline from Peru to Argentina.Reference to a specific brand or firm name does not constitute endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others of similar nature not mentioned  相似文献   

Summary Resistance of potato leaflets to culture filtrates of Phytophthora infestans is correlated with lower growth of the congenial parasite but not with lower sporulation.  相似文献   

 Crossing experiments were conducted to introduce resistance to the root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax, from various polyploid Central American Solanum spp. into the cultivated potato, S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum. The most effort was put into producing tetraploid hybrids through inter-EBN (Endosperm Balance Number) crosses. From the crosses of tetraploid S. tuberosum (4 EBN) with tetraploid S. stoloniferum and S. fendleri (both 2 EBN), few seeds were derived that led to viable plants. In vitro culture of immature seeds also yielded several hybrid plants. From crosses of diploid S. tuberosum (2 EBN) with hexaploid S. hougasii (4 EBN) four hybrids were obtained through in vitro culture. Backcrosses were made with selected hybrids and a variable number of seeds was produced depending on the hybrid genotype. The successful introgression of resistance into backcross populations is shown. A scheme is presented for the introgression of traits at a tetraploid level from allotetraploid Solanum species into autotetraploid S. tuberosum through sexual crosses. The relevance of EBN for potato breeding is discussed. Received: 25 November 1996 / Accepted: 14 February 1997  相似文献   

 The presence of a codominant AFLP marker, EAA/MCAT10, correlates with the primary source of resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica) in rootstock cultivars of peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. Two allelic DNA fragments of this AFLP marker were cloned, sequenced and converted to sequence tagged sites (STS). Four nucleotide differences (i.e. one addition and three substitutions) were observed between the two clones. Furthermore, there was a diagnostic Sau3 AI cleavage site (GATC) in the large fragment that was absent from the small fragment (GTTC at this site). The applicability of this STS marker system to peach germplasm improvement was evaluated: genomic DNAs of cross parents (i.e. ‘Lovell’ and ‘Nemared’), four F1 hybrids (K62-67, K62-68, P101-40 and P101-41) and two F2 populations (from K62-68 and P101-41), as well as DNA from a test panel of 18 rootstock cultivars or selections, were PCR-amplified with the Mij3F/Mij1R primer pair and then digested with Sau3 AI. The banding patterns showed that the EAA/MCAT10 STS markers can clearly distinguish the three genotypes – homozygous resistant, heterozygous resistant and homozygous susceptible – in the ‘Lovell’בNemared’ cross. In addition, results from the rootstock survey were consistent with each rootstock’s phenotypic response to nematode infection, except for ‘Okinawa’, ‘Flordaguard’ and ‘Yunnan’ where root-knot resistance may have arisen independently. Therefore, the EAA/MCAT10 STS markers will be a useful tool to initiate marker assisted selection studies in peach rootstock breeding for root-knot nematode resistance. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

An accession of Solanum hougasii, a wild tuber-bearing potato species native to Mexico, was found to be resistant to races 1 and 2 of Meloidogyne chitwoodi. A resistant selection was selfed and its progeny possessed the same combined resistance uniformly. A selected resistant seedling from the selfed progeny was crossed to cultivated tetraploid potato (S. tuberosum) to form an F₁ hybrid, and was backcrossed to cultivated tetraploid potato to form a BC₁ population in which resistance to the two races segregated. Progeny of the BC₁ were tested in inoculation experiments with four replicates for each progeny genotype for each race of nematode. Resistance was evaluated on the basis of extracted egg counts from the entire root system of pot-grown plants. Considering resistance to each race separately, for race 1, non-host (Rf ≤ 0.1) status was exhibited by approximately half of the BC₁. About one-third of the progeny showed non-host status to race 2. Egg production among progeny that showed non-host status for both races was higher with race 2 than with race 1. Analysis of co-segregation established that genetic control for the two races appears to be independently segregating. Although genes for resistance to race 1 derived from S. bulbocastanum and S. fendleri were previously described, this report is the first analysis showing independent genetic control in Solanum spp. for resistance to race 2 of M. chitwoodi only.  相似文献   

【目的】进一步明确湖南省平江县水稻根结线虫病发生危害情况、病原线虫种类及影响水稻发病的因素。【方法】2020年4—6月,采用5点取样法对湖南省平江县24个乡镇400块田块的水稻根结线虫病发生危害情况进行再调查及病原种类鉴定,并对水稻根结线虫病的病情指数与水稻的栽培方式、土壤类型之间的关系进行了分析。【结果】平江县水稻根结线虫病的发生较为普遍,发现病害的乡镇已由2018年的5个增加到2020年的15个,其中15个乡镇的病田率为10%~100%,病株率为2%~55%,根结指数为0.4~15.4。分离获得的病原线虫种类均为拟禾本科根结线虫。调查还发现,发病水稻在砂壤、中壤、重壤稻田的根结指数明显高于在黏土和轻壤稻田的根结指数,直播、抛秧栽培方式下发病水稻的根结指数明显高于移栽方式下的根结指数。【结论】平江县水稻根结线虫病呈蔓延趋势。本研究为有效防控平江县水稻根结线虫病提供了依据。  相似文献   

A population of diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) was used for the genetic analysis and mapping of a locus for resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis, introgressed from the wild potato species Solanum vernei. Resistance tests of 108 genotypes of a F1 population revealed the presence of a single locus with a dominant allele for resistance to G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1. This locus, designated GroV1, was located on chromosome 5 with RFLP markers. Fine-mapping was performed with RAPD and SCAR markers. The GroV1 locus was found in the same region of the potato genome as the S. tuberosum ssp. andigena H1 nematode resistance locus. Both resistance loci could not excluded to be allelic. The identification of markers flanking the GroV1 locus offers a valuable strategy for marker-assisted selection for introgression of this nematode resistance.Abbreviations BSA bulked segregant analysis - RAPD random-amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - SCAR sequence-characterized amplified region  相似文献   

The nuclear genome composition of five asymmetric somatic hybrids, obtained by fusion of leaf protoplasts from Solanum tuberosum and gamma-irradiated leaf protoplasts from S. brevidens, have been analyzed at the molecular level. An analysis of 21 loci using linkage group-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was included in the study. All five hybrids contained a complete set of the loci studied from S. tuberosum. The degree of elimination of alleles from the irradiated S. brevidens donor genome ranged from 10–65% in the five asymmetric hybrids analyzed. The detection of incomplete chromosomes, as well as non-parental bands in Southern hybridizations with RFLP markers, revealed extensive chromosome rearrangements in the asymmetric hybrids.  相似文献   

Hordeum bulbosum represents the secondary gene pool of barley and constitutes a potential source of various disease resistances in barley breeding. Interspecific crosses of H. vulgare × H. bulbosum resulted in recombinant diploid-barley progeny with immunity to BaMMV after mechanical inoculation. Tests on fields contaminated with different viruses demonstrated that resistance was effective against all European viruses of the soil-borne virus complex (BaMMV, BaYMV-1, -2). Genetic analysis revealed that resistance was dominantly inherited. Marker analysis in a F5 mapping family was performed to map the introgression in the barley genome and to estimate its size after several rounds of recombination. RFLP anchor-marker alleles indicative of an H. bulbosum introgression were found to cover an interval 2.9 cM in length on chromosome 6HS. The soil-borne virus resistance locus harboured by this introgressed segment was designated Rym14Hb. For marker-assisted selection of Rym14Hb carriers, a diagnostic codominant STS marker was derived from an AFLP fragment amplified from leaf cDNA of homozygous-resistant genotypes inoculated with BaMMV.Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

An acetone extract of Nodularia harveyana wasshown to be toxic to the free-living nematode Cephaloboides oxycerca. This antagonistic effect wastested in pot culture trials with lyophilized biomasson gall induction by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, using different methods ofapplication of the cyanobacterial biomass to thetomato plants. The trials revealed a possibleutilization of biomass of this cyanobacterium as aprotection agent against this phytoparasite.  相似文献   

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