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That birds migrate in the reverse direction of the expected is a phenomenon of regular occurrence which has been observed at many sites. Here we use three different methods; tracking radar, radiotelemetry and ringing, to characterize the flights of these reverse migrants and investigate possible causes of reverse migration of nocturnally migrating passerines during autumn migration at Falsterbo peninsula, Sweden. Using these different methods we investigated both internal factors, such as age and fuel load, and external factors such as weather variables, competition and predation risk. Birds flying in the reverse direction were more likely to be lean and to be juveniles. Reverse migration was also more common with overcast skies and winds with north and east components. We did not find any effect of temperature, visibility, number of migrating sparrowhawks, or the total number of ringed birds at the site on the day of departure. We found that reverse migration is characterized by slower flight speeds (airspeed) at high altitudes and that it takes place later in the night than forward migration.  相似文献   

W. John  Richardson 《Ibis》1974,116(2):172-193
Migration over Puerto Rico was recorded by time-lapse filming of the display of a long-range surveillance radar on 40 days and 37 nights in the period 2 March-29 May 1971. Moderate density movements occurred every night; low density movements occurred on most days. Many birds, primarily passerines, took off from Puerto Rico each evening at 20–45 minutes after sunset.
Almost all birds flew to the west, NW or north. Birds were seen approaching from the direction of the Windward Islands and Venezuela, over Puerto Rico, and departing towards the Bahamas and eastern coast of the U.S. Uni- and multivariate analyses showed that the number of birds departing W-N each evening was positively correlated with following winds.
There is less night-to-night variation in the amount of migration at Puerto Rico than in eastern North America. However, this is apparently the result of less variable weather in the tropics, not the result of any lesser degree of meteorological selectivity by the migrants.
The tracks of the birds were correlated with wind direction. Birds moved WNW-NW with NE side winds but NW-NNW with SE following winds. The tracks were rarely exactly downwind. The variance amongst the directions of individual birds at any given time was usually small and not correlated with cloud cover or magnetic disturbances. The estimated headings of the birds varied from day to day in a pattern suggesting adjustment of headings to compensate at least partially for lateral wind drift.
In autumn many birds approach Puerto Rico from the north or even east of north; in spring few birds moved in the opposite directions. This difference in routes takes advantage of prevailing wind patterns.  相似文献   

David  Lack 《Ibis》1963,105(4):461-492
Arrivals of gulls S.W. seem almost confined to late July.
In August, the main movements are W. by day and night of Lapwings and S.S.E. by night of warblers. Sand Martins migrated at dawn directly from a large roost at 34 m.p.h.
In midwinter, migration occurred in at least one direction almost every morning and night. "Hard-weather movements" west or south are initiated primarily by easterly or northerly winds respectively, and not by cold. The corresponding return movements, which sometimes follow immediately, arc initiated primarily by westerly or southerly winds respectively, but warmth has an influence in February. In midwinter, various species are evidently ready to travel in either the autumn or the spring direction, and wind-direction is the paramount factor determining which occurs.
The big eastward departures in March and April occur mainly with westerly winds and in warm weather, both factors being important, but proportionately more departures occur against strong head or cross-winds than in autumn. The general weather situation has no direct influence.
Starlings migrated directly from their roosts on a few mornings each spring, normally at sunrise but on one occasion some did so much earlier.
In late April and May the chief movements are N.N.W. arrivals and onward passages of British summer visitors, N.E. departures of shore-birds, and N.N.E. departures of small passerines, presumably en route between Iberia and Norway. These movements occur mainly with southerly winds, but sometimes against the wind.
"Reversed movements" W. or S.S.E. are much more frequent in spring than has previously been supposed. They occur exclusively with easterly or northerly winds respectively (like the midwinter movements).
The frequency of each migratory movement throughout the year is summarized in Table 6.
The main findings of the 5-year study are reviewed under four heads in the Conclusion.  相似文献   

J. L. F. Parslow 《Ibis》1969,111(1):48-79
An account is given of the migration of British summer resident small passerine night migrants across the English Channel in spring and autumn, as detected by radar.
The main times of passage of each species have been determined from the trapping records of Dungeness Bird Observatory.
The tracks of the migrants are consistent with the view that they always head about NNW in spring and SSE in autumn but may be drifted by a cross-wind.
The wind-direction and speed had a paramount influence on the volume of migration in both spring and autumn. Temperature had no effect in autumn, and though there was more migration with warmer than cold weather in spring, this need not have been due to the influence of temperature as such.
Small reversed movements occurred, with southerly winds in autumn or, more doubtfully, with northerly winds in spring.  相似文献   

Nocturnal avian migration flyways remain an elusive concept, as we have largely lacked methods to map their full extent. We used the network of European weather radars to investigate nocturnal bird movements at the scale of the European flyway. We mapped the main migration directions and showed the intensity of movement across part of Europe by extracting biological information from 70 weather radar stations from northern Scandinavia to Portugal, during the autumn migration season of 2016. On average, over the 20 nights and all sites, 389 birds passed per 1 km transect per hour. The night with highest migration intensity showed an average of 1621 birds km–1 h–1 passing the radar stations, but there was considerable geographical and temporal variation in migration intensity. The highest intensity of migration was seen in central France. The overall migration directions showed strong southwest components. Migration dynamics were strongly related to synoptic wind conditions. A wind‐related mass migration event occurred immediately after a change in wind conditions, but quickly diminished even when supporting winds continued to prevail. This first continental‐scale study using the European network of weather radars demonstrates the wealth of information available and its potential for investigating large‐scale bird movements, with consequences for ecosystem function, nutrient transfer, human and livestock health, and civil and military aviation.  相似文献   

C. De  Lucca 《Ibis》1969,111(3):322-337
The present paper is based on data obtained during several years' observations and three recent surveys. Little has previously been published on migration through the Maltese Islands. The geographical, vegetational and climatic factors of the islands are discussed in so far as they affect the migrants. Visible migration is seen with anticyclonic weather and westerly winds. Birds are found grounded after night migration in cyclonic weather with southwesterly or easterly winds, much larger numbers and variety being seen with the latter. When there is a deterioration in the weather during the night, a large influx of birds is seen on the following morning, and in addition large flocks of migrating Turtle Doves are seen. Several trans-Saharan migrants may pass in smaller numbers during autumn than spring, but the difference may be more apparent than real because in early autumn the birds may depart after only a very short stay, and a few conspicuous species are absent or scarce. By contrast several species which winter north of the Sahara pass only or in much larger numbers during autumn, and these more than make up for those which are absent or rare. There is no evidence from bird ringing that in spring Malta regularly gets birds from Tunisia, at any rate from that part covered by the ringing stations (Cap Bon, Enfidaville, Gabes). The migrants which pass through Malta probably originate from an area in North Africa around Tripoli and some way westwards of it. During autumn the bulk of recoveries is from eastern European countries with a smaller percentage from northern and central Europe. Several species or groups of species are dealt with individually. In the discussion stress is laid on the very close relationship between migration and weather, especially the wind component. The comparatively small numbers of birds seen at Malta probably form part of a larger movement travelling on a broad front. It is argued that the large “falls” of migrants in bad weather result from drift acting on a mass passing mainly to one side or the other of the islands. Since much larger densities are seen with easterly than with westerly winds, it follows, if the hypothesis of drift be correct, that the numbers of birds travelling to the east of Malta are larger than those to the west of it. Moreover, since day migrants are seen with westerly winds and the bulk of night migrants with easterly ones, it is inferred that day migrants normally pass to the west, and the bulk of night migrants to the east, of the Maltese Islands. A parallel is drawn between the autumn migration and the performance of racing pigeons which are flown from the north and NE at this season.  相似文献   

A bird's ground speed is influenced by the wind conditions it encounters. Wind conditions, although variable, are not entirely random. Instead, wind exhibits persistent spatial and temporal dynamics described by the general circulation of the atmosphere. As such, in certain geographical areas wind's assistance (or hindrance) on migratory flight is also persistent, being dependent upon the bird's migratory direction in relation to prevailing wind conditions. We propose that, considering the western migration route of nocturnal migrants through Europe, winds should be more supportive in spring than in autumn. Thus, we expect higher ground speeds, contributing to higher overall migration speeds, in spring. To test whether winds were more supportive in spring than autumn, we quantified monthly wind conditions within western Europe relative to the seasonal direction of migration using 30 years (1978–2008) of wind data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis dataset. We found that supporting winds were significantly more frequent for spring migration compared to autumn and up to twice as frequent at higher altitudes. We then analyzed three years (2006–2008) of nocturnal migratory ground speeds measured with radar in the Netherlands which confirmed higher ground speeds in spring than autumn. This seasonal difference in ground speed suggests a 16.9% increase in migration speed from autumn to spring. These results stress the importance of considering the specific wind conditions experienced by birds when interpreting migration speed. We provide a simple methodological approach enabling researchers to quantify regional wind conditions for any geographic area and time period of interest.  相似文献   

K. D. Smith 《Ibis》1968,110(4):452-492
Very few quantitative data existed for the spring migration of birds across the Sahara desert. Observations covering 105 days in spring 1963–66 were made at Defilia, on the extreme northern fringe of the desert in southeast Morocco. The physical features and climate of the area are described, with brief reference to neighbouring desert zones. The birds recorded are listed in weekly or part-weekly totals, followed by subspecific and other comments on selected species.
The movements of migrants are summarized, together with the effects of adverse winds on migration; very bad weather along the northern desert fringe may contribute to the late arrival of some species in the British Isles (and presumably elsewhere in Europe) in spring by causing delays and heavy mortality. Most visible migration was northeastward or eastward, but substantial westward movements of hirundines took place.
Comparison is made with migration through other areas in Morocco and Algeria, both from existing literature and from previously unpublished data, which provide evidence of broad-front migration across the entire width of the Moroccan Sahara. Birds recorded in northwest Algeria in 1966 are listed, together with notes on physical features, climate and field observations. Many terns and waders were recorded at Daiat Tchiour, including some predominantly coastal species, which suggests that the latter were migrating on a great-circle track from winter quarters in West Africa across the Sahara to their breeding grounds in Siberia.
Recoveries of ringed birds are discussed; some of these, together with records of species well west of their normal migratory range, suggest that birds may be subject to lateral displacement by winds when crossing the Sahara, leading to considerable annual variation in species and numbers of birds recorded on the northern desert edge, even in the same place.  相似文献   

A surveillance radar in southwest Iceland was recorded by time-lapse filming in order to monitor the migration pattern of birds departing from or passing Iceland on their way to high-arctic breeding grounds in late May and early June 1988–1990. An overwhelming majority of the radar echoes from migrating bird flocks departed from Iceland but a few seemed to pass over from further south. Timing of movements and supplementary field observations indicated that mainly four species were involved, i.e. Knot Calidris canutus , Turnstone Arenaria interpres. Sanderling C. alba and Brent Goose Branta bernicla. Departures in late May from stopover sites in Iceland took place mainly in the afternoons, peaking between 1700 and 1900h in all 3 years. The departure intensity was lowest between 0100 and 1300h. Flight paths were generally straight, and the average track direction was towards the northwest (315°), suggesting that the majority of birds were heading for a transglacial migration across the Greenland icecap on their way to breeding grounds in northwest Greenland and northern Canada. Track directions varied with wind, although to a rather small degree, indicating partial drift or pseudodrift. More echoes were registered in easterly winds (tailwinds) and fewer in northerly winds than expected from random. Airspeeds were significantly slower than groundspeeds (average 17.0 and 18.7 m/s, respectively), showing that the birds more often than not benefited from tail wind assistance.  相似文献   

Many animals seasonally travel between their breeding and wintering grounds. With their advanced mobility, birds often migrate over thousands of kilometres. Recently, satellite-tracking studies have revealed peculiar migration routes for some avian species at a global scale. However, the adaptability of such migration routes has not been clearly demonstrated. Using satellite-tracking data for 33 individuals, we show that the Japanese population of Oriental honey-buzzards (Pernis ptilorhynchus) directly crosses the 650-km-wide East China Sea during their autumn migration, although they fly a longer route around the sea rather than directly crossing it during their spring migration. By applying aerodynamic theory, we show that the buzzards could cross the sea by soaring and gliding flight. Moreover, using a high-resolution meteorological-prediction analysis, we demonstrate that the migratory trajectory of the birds strongly depends on the wind direction at their estimated locations. In the area, northeastern tailwinds blow stably only during autumn. Thermals were abundant ca. 500–1,000 m over the East China Sea in autumn, but that was not the case in spring. We suggest that the autumn-migration route across the East China Sea is likely to have evolved in response to the specific weather conditions over the sea. Animations showing movements of Oriental honey-buzzards and temporal change in weather conditions are available at: , , , , , and .  相似文献   

Migration is fundamental in the life of many birds and entails significant energetic and time investments. Given the importance of arrival time in the breeding area and the relatively short period available to reproduce (particularly at high latitudes), it is expected that birds reduce spring migration duration to a greater extent than autumn migration, assuming that pressure to arrive into the wintering area might be relaxed. This has previously been shown for several avian groups, but recent evidence from four tracked Icelandic whimbrels Numenius phaeopus islandicus, a long distance migratory wader, suggests that this subspecies tends to migrate faster in autumn than in spring. Here, we 1) investigate differences in seasonal migration duration, migration speed and ground speed of whimbrels using 56 migrations from 19 individuals tracked with geolocators and 2) map the migration routes, wintering and stopover areas for this population. Tracking methods only provide temporal information on the migration period between departure and arrival. However, migration starts with the fuelling that takes place ahead of departure. Here we estimate the period of first fuelling using published fuel deposition rates and thus explore migration speed using tracking data. We found that migration duration was shorter in autumn than in spring. Migration speed was higher in autumn, with all individuals undertaking a direct flight to the wintering areas, while in spring most made a stopover. Wind patterns could drive whimbrels to stop in spring, but be more favourable during autumn migration and allow a direct flight. Additionally, the stopover might allow the appraisal of weather conditions closer to the breeding areas and/or improve body condition in order to arrive at the breeding sites with reserves.  相似文献   

P. R. Evans  G. W. Lathbury 《Ibis》1973,115(4):572-585
The visible migration of birds of prey at Gibraltar is analysed from records kept throughout the spring passages of 1967–70 and the autumn passages of 1967–69. In early spring most visible passage is noted in the afternoons, whereas radar observations by Houghton (1970) indicate passage in the mornings. Later in the year an additional burst of visible passage sometimes occurs in the early morning, but it is concluded that most morning movements take place above visible range. Visible migration is recorded on most days of westerly wind during the migration seasons at Gibraltar. Passage is rarely seen when the winds are easterly. It is argued that under the latter conditions a strong upcurrent of air (standing wave) is formed over Gibraltar, and that this carries nearly all migrants above visible range.
Observations of visible passage elsewhere in the Straits suggest that, in spring, raptors of all species cross on a broad front from Tangier to Ceuta, except Honey Buzzards, which probably cross chiefly near Ceuta. In autumn, all species from northern Europe cross chiefly between Tarifa and to the east of Gibraltar, while birds from western Iberia probably cross mainly near Tarifa.
The periods of passage of the common migrant species are summarised.
On the basis of visual observations and published radar results, it is argued that raptors can compensate for lateral drift by the wind and so fly on chosen courses; but that in very strong cross-winds, e.g. the easterly Levanters, they may have to let themselves be drifted off-course.  相似文献   

Migrating animals should optimise time and energy use when migrating, travelling directly to their destination. Detours from the most direct route may arise however because of barriers and weather conditions. Identifying how such situations arise from variable weather conditions is crucial to understand population response in the light of increased anthropogenic climate change. Here we used light-level geolocators to follow Cyprus wheatears for their full annual cycle in two separate years migrating between Cyprus, over the Mediterranean and the Sahara to winter in north–east sub-Saharan Africa. We predicted that any route detours would be related to wind conditions experienced during migration. We found that spring migration for all birds included an eastern detour, whilst autumn migrations were direct across the Sahara. The direct autumn migration was likely a consequence of consistent tail-winds, whilst the eastern detour in spring is likely to be more efficient given the wind conditions which are against a direct route. Such variable migration routes shaped by coincidence with prevailing winds are probably common suggesting that some birds may be able to adapt to future changes in wind conditions.  相似文献   

Migration is a critical period of time with fitness consequences for birds. The development of tracking technologies now allows researchers to examine how different aspects of bird migration affect population dynamics. Weather conditions experienced during migration are expected to influence movements and, subsequently, the timing of arrival and the energetic costs involved. We analysed satellite‐tracking data from 68 Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola fitted with Argos satellite tags in the British Isles and France (2012–17). First, we evaluated the effect of weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability and visibility) on migration movements of individuals. Then we investigated the consequences for breeding success (age ratio) and brood precocity (early‐brood ratio) population‐level indices while accounting for climatic variables on the breeding grounds. Air temperature, wind and relative humidity were the main variables related to migration movements, with high temperatures and northward winds greatly increasing the probability of onward flights, whereas a trend towards greater humidity over 4 days decreased the probability of movement. Breeding success was mostly affected by climatic variables on the breeding grounds. The proportion of juveniles in autumn was negatively correlated with temperature in May, but positively correlated with precipitation in June and July. Brood precocity was poorly explained by the covariates used in this study. Our data for the Eurasian Woodcock indicate that, although weather conditions during spring migration affect migration movements, they do not have a major influence on subsequent breeding success.  相似文献   

By altering its flight altitude, a bird can change the atmospheric conditions it experiences during migration. Although many factors may influence a bird's choice of altitude, wind is generally accepted as being the most influential. However, the influence of wind is not clearly understood, particularly outside the trade‐wind zone, and other factors may play a role. We used operational weather radar to measure the flight altitudes of nocturnally migrating birds during spring and autumn in the Netherlands. We first assessed whether the nocturnal altitudinal distribution of proportional bird density could be explained by the vertical distribution of wind support using three different methods. We then used generalized additive models to assess which atmospheric variables, in addition to altitude, best explained variability in proportional bird density per altitudinal layer each night. Migrants generally remained at low altitudes, and flight altitude explained 52 and 73% of the observed variability in proportional bird density in spring and autumn, respectively. Overall, there were weak correlations between altitudinal distributions of wind support and proportional bird density. Improving tailwind support with height increased the probability of birds climbing to higher altitude, but when birds did fly higher than normal, they generally concentrated around the lowest altitude with acceptable wind conditions. The generalized additive model analysis also indicated an influence of temperature on flight altitudes, suggesting that birds avoided colder layers. These findings suggested that birds increased flight altitudes to seek out more supportive winds when wind conditions near the surface were prohibitive. Thus, birds did not select flight altitudes only to optimize wind support. Rather, they preferred to fly at low altitudes unless wind conditions there were unsupportive of migration. Overall, flight altitudes of birds in relation to environmental conditions appear to reflect a balance between different adaptive pressures.  相似文献   

With a new standardized moon-watching method nocturnal bird migration was studied over southern Germany, the area of the Alps and northern Italy in autumn 1994 and spring 1995. Simultaneous observations from more than 300 sites showed that in autumn broad front migration was deviated and concentrated along the northern border of the Alps. Migration was concentrated in the Swiss lowlands by a factor 2 to 3 compared to southern Germany. Notable concentrations occurred also along the upper Rhine valley. Even under clear sky only about 20 to 30 % of the migrants continued their flight over the mountain ridges towards Italy. South of the Alps an important part of migration consisted of birds flying westwards, parallel to the border of the mountain ranges. Similar migratory intensity in autumn and in spring over northern Italy suggest concentrated spring migration south of the Alps. This idea is based on the fact that intensity of observed migration is lower to the north of the Alps and in general the expected density of migration is lower in spring (radar data and few moonwatching data). In principle, results showed that confronted with a mountain range (Vosges, Jura, Alps), most migrants prefer to deviate slightly from their innate migratory direction, instead of climbing up above the ridges, where they might encounter unfavourable winds.  相似文献   

On their migratory journeys, terrestrial birds can come across large inhospitable areas with limited opportunities to rest and refuel. Flight over these areas poses a risk especially when wind conditions en route are adverse, in which case inhospitable areas can act as an ecological barrier for terrestrial migrants. Thus, within the east-Atlantic flyway, the North Sea can function as an ecological barrier. The main aim of this study was to shed light on seasonal patterns of bird migration in the southern North Sea and determine whether departure decisions on nights of intense migration were related to increased wind assistance. We measured migration characteristics with a radar that was located 18 km off the NW Dutch coast and used simulation models to infer potential departure locations of birds on nights with intense nocturnal bird migration. We calculated headings, track directions, airspeeds, groundspeeds on weak and intense migration nights in both seasons and compared speeds between seasons. Moreover, we tested if departure decisions on intense migration nights were associated with supportive winds. Our results reveal that on the intense migration nights in spring, the mean heading was towards E, and birds departed predominantly from the UK. On intense migration nights in autumn, the majority of birds departed from Denmark, Germany and north of the Netherlands with the mean heading towards SW. Prevailing winds from WSW at departure were supportive of a direct crossing of the North Sea in spring. However, in autumn winds were generally not supportive, which is why many birds exploited positive wind assistance which occurred on intense migration nights. This implies that the seasonal wind regimes over the North Sea alter its migratory dynamics which is reflected in headings, timing and intensity of migration.  相似文献   

Although radar has been used in studies of bird migration for 60 years, there is still no network in Europe for comprehensive monitoring of bird migration. Europe has a dense network of military air surveillance radars but most systems are not directly suitable for reliable bird monitoring. Since the early 1990s, Doppler radars and wind profilers have been introduced in meteorology to measure wind. These wind measurements are known to be contaminated with insect and bird echoes. The aim of the present research is to assess how bird migration information can be deduced from meteorological Doppler radar output. We compare the observations on migrating birds using a dedicated X‐band bird radar with those using a C‐band Doppler weather radar. The observations were collected in the Netherlands, from 1 March to 22 May 2003. In this period, the bird radar showed that densities of more than one bird per km3 are present in 20% of all measurements. Among these measurements, the weather radar correctly recognized 86% of the cases when birds were present; in 38% of the cases with no birds detected by the bird radar, the weather radar claimed bird presence (false positive). The comparison showed that in this study reliable altitudinal density profiles of birds cannot be obtained from the weather radar. However, when integrated over altitude, weather radar reflectivity is correlated with bird radar density. Moreover, bird flight speeds from both radars show good agreement in 78% of cases, and flight direction in 73% of cases. The usefulness of the existing network of weather radars for deducing information on bird migration offers a great opportunity for a European‐wide monitoring network of bird migration.  相似文献   

J. VOELCKER 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):204-214
Bruderer, B. 1994. Nocturnal bud migration in the Negev (Israel) a tracking radar study. Ostrich 65: 204–212.

The present publication summarizes the methodological possibilities of tracking radar and describes some features of nocturnal migration at two sites in the Negev, which include anwers to basic questions of bird migration. The directions of spring and autumn migration were practically opposite; only the headings in spring indicated some more compensation for stronger westerly winds. The volume of nocturnal spring migration was only about 65% of autumn migration, which may be an indication of mortality outside tie breeding area. Highest densities of migration at the two radar sites in the Negev Highlands (450 m above sea level) and in the Arava Valley (150 m below sea level) indicated flightlevels adjusted to atmospheric conditions aloft, and not to round level. Due to the trade-wind system, the birds heading southward in autumn flew mainly below flew mainly above 1500 m above sea level, while in spring they tended to make use of the anti-trades at higher altitudes. The decisive factor for altitude choice was the speed of tailwind in spring and autumn; other factors, such as temperature, humidity and pressure had no significant influence on the altitude distributions. With respect to the question of non-stop or intermittent flight across large desert areas, the data show that between the eastern deserts of Egypt and the Sinai/Negev complex the nocturnal migrants maintained their schedule of nocturnal flight and diurnal rest. A few exceptions of nocturnal migrants continuing migration at high altitudes into the day were identified mainly as heron- and gull-type birds. The proportion of waders and waterfowl identified by wing-beat pattern in nocturnal migration is nearly the same at both sites, indicating broad-front migration across the desert. The numbers of birds with continuous wingbeats is, however, so large compared to available estimates of waders and waterfowl wintering in Africa that careful reconsideration of the underlying assumptions in the radar and field estimates is necessary.  相似文献   

Nocturnal passerine migrants could substantially reduce the amount of energy spent per distance covered if they fly with tailwind assistance and thus achieve ground speeds that exceed their airspeeds (the birds’ speed in relation to the surrounding air). We analysed tracking radar data from two study sites in southern and northern Scandinavia and show that nocturnally migrating passerines, during both spring and autumn migration, regularly travelled without tailwind assistance. Average ground and airspeeds of the birds were strikingly similar for all seasonal and site‐specific samples, demonstrating that winds had little overall influence on the birds’ resulting travel speeds. Distributions of wind effects, measured as (1) the difference between ground and airspeed and (2) the tail/headwind component along the birds’ direction of travel, showed peaks close to a zero wind effect, indicating that the migratory flights often occurred irrespective of wind direction. An assessment of prevailing wind speeds at the birds’ mean altitude indicated a preference for lower wind speeds, with flights often taking place in moderate winds of 3–10 m/s. The limited frequency of wind‐assisted flights among the nocturnal passerine migrants studied is surprising and in clear contrast to the strong selectivity of tailwinds exhibited by some other bird groups. Relatively high costs of waiting for favourable winds, rather low probabilities of occurrence of tailwind conditions and a need to use a large proportion of nights for flying are probably among the factors that explain the lack of a distinct preference for wind‐assisted flights among nocturnal passerine migrants.  相似文献   

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