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A new, light-induced absorbance change centered at 591 nm wasfound during analysis of the effect of preliminary illuminationon ferricyanide photoreduction in spinach chloroplasts. Thisabsorbance change is believed to come from a chloroplast componentfunctionally related to the reaction-center of photosystem IIfor the following reasons: (1) It occurred rapidly upon illumination.(2) It was driven by only PS-II light. (3) It was observed evenat 77 K. (4) It was observed with subchloroplast preparationsenriched in the reaction-center of PS-II. (Received October 23, 1978; )  相似文献   

The relationships among X591, Cyt-b559 and C-550 in the primaryphotoact of PS-II were analysed by examining the effects ofvarious inhibitory substances and treatments on the light-inducedabsorbance changes of these components. The results were fully explainable by the scheme previouslypresented by Huzisige, in which two photoreactions are involvedin PS-II. Our conclusion is that X591 acts as the electron acceptorfor one of the photoreactions in PS-II. (Received October 23, 1978; )  相似文献   

Light-induced absorbance change at 515 nm in spinach chloroplastswas studied in the temperature range from –2?C to 27?C.Lowering of temperature had no marked effect on the extentsof initial "light-on" spike and the steady-state change overthe temperature range examined, whereas the rate of recoveryof the 515-nm change was significantly reduced at lower temperatures.Above 15?C, recovery of the 515-nm change after continuous illuminationshowed a first-order kinetics. In contrast, the recovery wascomposed of a fast and a slow phases at lower temperatures. The fast phase of the recovery of the 515-nm change was acceleratedby carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, valinomycin plusK+ or sodium tetraphenylboron, while the slow phase was completelyeliminated in glutaraldehyde-fixed chloroplasts. Light-inducedchange in absorbance at 546 nm, an indicator of structural changesof membrane, showed almost the same dependency on temperatureas the slow phase of the recovery of the 515-nm change. Theseresults suggest that not only electric field formation acrossthe thylakoid membrane but also structural or conformationalchanges in the membrane participate in the 515-nm absorbancechange observed under steady illumination. (Received July 5, 1976; )  相似文献   

Flash-induced 515-nm and 475-nm absorbance changes in spinachchloroplasts were investigated in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU). DCMU reduced the magnitude of the 515-nmabsorbance change by half and almost completely diminished theabsorbance change at 475-nm. The reduction of the 475-nm absorbancechange paralleled the inhibition of the photosystem II (PS II)light reaction. When chloroplasts were illuminated with red or far-red light,the ratio of A515/A475 changed depending on the photosystemactivated. Wide variations in the A515/A475 ratio observed insubchloroplast particle preparations were probably due to theenrichment and activation of one of the photosystems. We suggest that the photosynthetic pigments in the thylakoidmembrane are heterogeneously distributed, and chlorophyll bmolecules that may be responsible for the 475- nm absorbancechange are affected by the local field formed by the PS II lightreaction. On the other hand, an electric field due to the PSI reaction probably induced the absorbance change at 515-nm (Received February 24, 1978; )  相似文献   

Silicomolybdate functions as an electron acceptor in a Photosystem II water oxidation (measured as O2 evolution) partial reaction that is 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU) insensitive, that is, reduction os silicomolybdate occurs at or before the level of Q, the primary electron acceptor for Photosystem II. This report characterizes the partial reaction with the principal findings being as follows: 1. Electron transport to silicomolybdate significantly decreased room temperature Photosystem I side of the DCMU had no effect on the fluorescence level, consistent with silicomolybdate accepting electrons at or before Q. In the absence of DCMU, silicomolybdate is also reduced at a site on the Photosystem I side of the DCMU block, prior to or at plastoquinone, since the plastoquinone antagonist dibromothymoquinone (DBMIB) did not affect the electron transport rate. 3. Electron transport from water to silicomolybdate (+ DCMU) is not coupled to ATP formation, nor is there a measurable accumulation of protons within the membrane (measured by amine uptake). Silicomolybdate is not inhibitory to phosphorylation per se since neither cyclic nor post-illumination (XE) phosphorylation were inhibited. 4. Uncouplers stimulated electron transport from water to silicomolybdate in the pH range of 6 to 7, but inhibited at pH values near 8. These data are consistent with the view that when electron flow is through the abbreviated sequence of water to Photosystem II to silicomolybdate (+ DCMU), conditions are not established for the water protons to be deposited within the membrane. Experiments reported elsewhere (Fiaquinta, R.T., Dilley, R.A. and Horton, P.(19741 J. Bioenerg. 6, 167-177) and these data, are consistent with the hypothesis that electron transport between Q and plastoquinone energizes a membrane conformational change that is required to interact with the water oxication system so as to result in the deposition of water protons either within the membrane itself or within the inner oxmotic space.  相似文献   

The flash-induced absorbance change measured at 518 nm (P515) in intact chloroplasts consists of at least 4 kinetically different components. Here the non-electrochromic component, either called phase d or reaction 3, is studied in some detail. The effect of DCMU, DQH2 and DBMIB on the amplitude of reaction 3 and the turnover of cytochrome f and P700 have been monitored, suggesting an involvement of photosystem 1 in the activation of the non-electrochromic absorbance change. This is confirmed by the parallel oscillation pattern found in P700 rereduction and the amplitude of reaction 3.  相似文献   

Photosystem II reaction center components have been studied in small system II particles prepared with digitonin. Upon illumination the reduction of the primary acceptor was indicated by absorbance changes due to the reduction of a plastoquinone to the semiquinone anion and by a small blue shifts of absorption bands near 545 nm (C550) and 685 nm. The semiquinone to chlorophyll ratio was between 1/20 and 1/70 in various preparations. The terminal electron donor in this reaction did not cause large absorbance changes but its oxidized form was revealed by a hitherto unknown electron spin resonance (ESR) signal, which had some properties of the well-known signal II but a linewidth and g-value much nearer to those of signal I. Upon darkening absorbance and ESR changes decayed together in a cyclic or back reaction which was stimulated by 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. The donor could be oxidized by ferricyanide in the dark. Illumination in the presence of ferricyanide induced absorbance and ESR changes, rapidly reversed upon darkening, which may be ascribed to the oxidation of a chlorophyll a dimer, possibly the primary electron donor of photosystem II. In addition an ESR signal with 15 to 20 gauss linewidth and a slower dark decay was observed, which may have been caused by a secondary donor.  相似文献   

Accumulation of reduced pheophytin a (Pheo-D1) in photosystem II reaction center (PSII RC) under illumination at low redox potential is accompanied by changes in absorbance and circular dichroism spectra. The temperature dependences of these spectral changes have the potential to distinguish between changes caused by the excitonic interaction and temperature-dependent processes. We observed a conformational change in the PSII RC protein part and changes in the spatial positions of the PSII RC pigments of the active D1 branch upon reduction of Pheo-D1 only in the case of high temperature (298 K) dynamics. The resulting absorption difference spectra of PSII RC models equilibrated at temperatures of 77 K and 298 K were highly consistent with our previous experiments in which light-induced bleaching of the PSII RC absorbance spectrum was observable only at 298 K. These results support our previous hypothesis that Pheo-D1 does not interact excitonically with the other chlorins of the PSII RC, since the reduced form of Pheo-D1 causes absorption spectra bleaching only due to temperature-dependent processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Michal KutyEmail:

The absorbance change at 515 nm induced by a short (7.6 µsec)light flash in spinach chloroplasts was studied at sub-roomtemperatures in relation to rapid H+ uptake into chloroplasts. Lowering of temperature caused a marked decrease in the rateof recovery of 515-nm absorbance change after a flash illumination.Initial rate of rapid H+ uptake, measured with absorbance changeof bromcresol purple (BCP), was also reduced at lower temperatures,in a parallel fashion. Half-recovery time of the absorbancechange at 515 nm and rise-time of the pH-indicating absorbanceincrease of BCP coincided well at each temperature studied.Values of the calculated activation energy for these two processeswere almost the same. The parallelism between the 515-nm absorbance change and therapid H+ uptake after a single flash illumination was also observedwhen the electric field decay and/or H+ translocation were acceleratedby ionophorous antibiotics, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazoneor phenazine methosulfate. From these results, it is suggestedthat the rapid H+ uptake into chloroplast is chemically coupledto electron transfer and at the same time diffusion- (or transport-)controlled. Membrane potential, reflected in the 515-nm absorbancechange is dissipated with the rapid H+ influx. A model for theelectron-transfer-coupled H+ translocation involving a plastosemiquinoneloop is presented. Dissipation of the illumination-formed inside-positivemembrane potential by the influx of H+ is explained by the model. (Received September 17, 1976; )  相似文献   

G H Noren  B A Barry 《Biochemistry》1992,31(13):3335-3342
The currently accepted model for the location of the redox-active tyrosines, D and Z, in photosystem II suggests that they are symmetrically located on the D1 and D2 polypeptides, which are believed to form the heterodimer core of the reaction center. Z, the electron conduit from the manganese catalytic site to the primary chlorophyll donor, has been identified with tyrosine-161 of D1. The YF161D1 mutant of Synechocystis 6803 [Debus, R. J., Barry, B. A., Sithole, I., Babcock, G. T., & McIntosh, L. (1988b) Biochemistry 27, 9071-9074; Metz, J. G., Nixon, P. J., Rogner, M., Brudvig, G. W., & Diner, B. A. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6960-6969], in which this tyrosine has been changed to a phenylalanine, should have no light-induced EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) signal from a tyrosine radical. This negative result has indeed been obtained in analysis of one of two independently constructed mutants through the use of a non-oxygen-evolving core preparation (Metz et al., 1989). Here, we present an analysis of a YF161D1 mutant through the use of a photosystem II purification procedure that gives oxygen-evolving particles from wild-type Synechocystis cultures. In our mutant preparation, a light-induced EPR signal from a photosystem II radical is observed under conditions in which, in a wild-type preparation, we can accumulate an EPR signal from Z+. This EPR signal has a different lineshape from that of the Z+ tyrosine radical, and spin quantitation shows that this radical can be produced in up to 60% of the mutant reaction centers. The EPR lineshape of this radical suggests that photosystem II reaction centers of the YF161D1 mutant contain a redox-active amino acid.  相似文献   

Roles of the coupling factor in light-induced proton transportand 515-nm absorption change were investigated in chloroplastswashed with high concentrations of Tris salts (pH 7.2). Washingthe chloroplasts with Tris-HCl and Tris-HNO3 buffers diminishedboth the light-induced pH rise and absorbance change at 515-nm,while Tris-H2SO4 buffer was much less effective. Inhibited activitiescould be restored by replacement of the coupling factor afterextraction with EDTA. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide also restoredboth activities. Effects of various anions on the proton pumpand 515-nm shift were also investigated. The order of effectivenesswas NO3>Cl>SO42–. The role of thecoupling factor and its mode of action; the action mechanismsof Tris and anionsn energy transducing processes in chloroplasts,photophosphorylation, proton transport and absorbance changeat 515 nm, are discussed. 1Present address: Biology Department, College of Science andEngineering, Ryukyu University, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. (Received June 27, 1972; )  相似文献   

In flash-illuminated, oxygen-evolving spinach chloroplasts and green algae, a free radical transient has been observed with spectral parameters similar to those of Signal II (g approximately 2.0045, deltaHpp approximately 19G). However, in contrast with ESR Signal II, the transient radical does not readily saturate even at microwave power levels of 200 mW. This species is formed most efficiently with "red" illumination (lambda less than 680 nm) and occurs stoichiometrically in a 1:1 ratio with P-700+. The Photosystem II transient is formed in less than 100 mus and decays via first-order kinetics with a halftime of 400-900 mus. Additionally, the t1/2 for radical decay is temperature independent between 20 and 4 degrees C; however, below 4 degrees C the transient signal exhibits Arrhenius behavior with an activation energy of approx. 10 kcal-mol-1. Inhibition of electron transport through Photosystem II by o-phenanthroline, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or reduced 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone suppresses the formation of the light-induced transient. At low concentrations (0.2 mM), 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone partially inhibits the free radical formation, however, the decay kinetics are unaltered. High concentrations of 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (1-5 mM) restore both the transient signal and electron flow through Photosystem II. These findings suggest that this "quinoidal" type ESR transient functions as the physiological donor to the oxidized reaction center chlorophyll, P-680+.  相似文献   

The mechanism of D1 protein degradation was investigated during photoinhibitory illumination of isolated photosystem II core preparations. The studies revealed that a proteolytic activity resides within the photosystem II core complex. A relationship between the inhibition of D1 protein degradation and the binding of the highly specific serine protease inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate to isolated complexes of photosystem II was observed, evidence that this protease is of the serine type. Using radiolabeled inhibitor, it was shown that the binding site, representing the active serine of the catalytic site, is located on a 43-kDa polypeptide, probably the chlorophyll a protein CP43. The protease is apparently active in darkness, with the initiation of breakdown being dependent on high light-induced substrate activation. The proteolysis, which has an optimum at pH 7.5, gives rise to primary degradation fragments of 23 and 16 kDa. In addition, D1 protein fragments of 14, 13, and 10 kDa were identified. Experiments with phosphate-labeled D1 protein and sequence-specific antisera showed that the 23- and 16-kDa fragments originate from the N- and C-termini, respectively, suggesting a primary cleavage of the D1 protein at the outer thylakoid surface in the region between transmembrane helices D and E.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to identify a process co-determining with Q(A) the fluorescence rise between F(0) and F(M). With 3-(3',4'-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), the fluorescence rise is sigmoidal, in its absence it is not. Lowering the temperature to -10°C the sigmoidicity is lost. It is shown that the sigmoidicity is due to the kinetic overlap between the reduction kinetics of Q(A) and a second process; an overlap that disappears at low temperature because the temperature dependences of the two processes differ. This second process can still relax at -60°C where recombination between Q(A)(-) and the donor side of photosystem (PS) II is blocked. This suggests that it is not a redox reaction but a conformational change can explain the data. Without DCMU, a reduced photosynthetic electron transport chain (ETC) is a pre-condition for reaching the F(M). About 40% of the variable fluorescence relaxes in 100ms. Re-induction while the ETC is still reduced takes a few ms and this is a photochemical process. The fact that the process can relax and be re-induced in the absence of changes in the redox state of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool implies that it is unrelated to the Q(B)-occupancy state and PQ-pool quenching. In both +/-DCMU the process studied represents ~30% of the fluorescence rise. The presented observations are best described within a conformational protein relaxation concept. In untreated leaves we assume that conformational changes are only induced when Q(A) is reduced and relax rapidly on re-oxidation. This would explain the relationship between the fluorescence rise and the ETC-reduction.  相似文献   

The flash-induced electrochromic absorbance change (A 515) was measured in leaves of higher plants in the absence and presence of continuous monochromatic background illumination of different intensities and wavelengths. The variation of the amplitude of A 515 in background light was used to estimate the steady-state turnover time of the electron transport. In red light we obtained about 5 msec which was accounted for by the turnover of the linear electron transport. With far red background illumination or in the presence of the photosystem 2 inhibitor, DCMU, the steady-state turnover time tentatively assigned to photosystem 1 cyclic electron transport was much larger (100 msec).Increasing the intensity of background illumination with far red light gradually diminished the slow rise of A 515 in parallel with suppression of the initial rise generated by photosystem 1. At high intensities of the red light, however, while A 515 was attenuated, the slow rise was not eliminated and its proportion relative to the initial rise did not vary appreciably.  相似文献   

Extraction of PS II particles with 50 mM cholate and 1 M NaCl releases several proteins (33-, 23-, 17- and 13 kDa) and lipids from the thylakoid membrane which are essential for O2 evolution, dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) reduction and for stable charge separation between P680+ and QA -. This work correlates the results on the loss of steady-state rates for O2 evolution and PS II mediated DCIP photo-reduction with flash absorption changes directly monitoring the reaction center charge separation at 830 nm due to P680+, the chlorophyll a donor. Reconstitution of the extracted lipids to the depleted membrane restores the ability to photo-oxidize P680 reversibly and to reduce DCIP, while stimulating O2 evolution minimally. Addition of the extracted proteins of masses 33-, 23- and 17- kDa produces no further stimulation of DCIP reduction in the presence of an exogenous donor like DPC, but does enhance this rate in the absence of exogenous donors while also stimulating O2 evolution. The proteins alone in the absence of lipids have little influence on charge separation in the reaction center. Thus lipids are essential for stable charge separation within the reaction center, involving formation of P680+ and QA -.Abbreviations A830 Absorption change at 830 nm - Chl Chlorophyll - D1 primary electron donor to P680 - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DPC 1,5-diphenylcarbazide - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - P680 reaction center chlorophyll a molecule of photosystem II - PPBQ Phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PS II Photosystem II - QA, QB first and second quinone acceptors in PS II - V-DCIP rate of DCIP reduction - V-O2 rate of oxygen evolution - Y water-oxidizing enzyme system - CHAPS 3-Cyclohexylamino-propanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

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