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Fine needle aspiration cytology of paraganglionic tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative study of six paragangliomas from different locations and with different clinical behavior was performed. The fine needle aspirates in all cases were similar: abundant cells with round or oval nuclei and marked anisokaryosis with a tendency to form acini or follicular structures. Pheochromocytomas often contained binucleated cells and had cells with prominent intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions more often than did other paraganglionic tumors. Similar features were seen in the excised tumors. Evaluation of the significance of nuclear variations with morphometry confirmed the subjective impression that nuclear pleomorphism is not an indicator of the biologic behavior of these lesions; paradoxically, malignant paragangliomas show less anisokaryosis than do their benign counterparts.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of thymic tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytologic material was reviewed from 23 mediastinal tumors clinically suspected as thymomas. The thymomas had a characteristic biphasic cell pattern in material obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy that was easy to recognize and possible to differentiate from carcinoid tumors, malignant lymphomas and oat-cell carcinomas.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of eyelid tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy was performed on 19 patients with eyelid masses. Six of the patients also had preauricular/submandibular nodal enlargements aspirated. Histopathologic study was performed in ten of the cases. FNA cytology made the diagnosis of an epithelial malignancy in 17 cases (10 sebaceous carcinomas, 4 poorly differentiated carcinomas, 2 squamous cell carcinomas and 1 malignant melanoma). The diagnostic accuracy of FNA cytology in evaluating eyelid masses was thus 89.4%; there were two false-negative cases. All nodal FNA smears revealed metastases of the respective primary tumors. This study indicated that FNA cytology is a simple and efficient method for making the diagnosis of malignancy in eyelid masses, especially in those patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery. Subsequent nodal metastases and tumor recurrence were detected without difficulty using FNA smears.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review of the value of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors (STT). STUDY DESIGN: A review of the literature was coupled with the authors' experience with indications, diagnostic specificity and pitfalls; clinical information; and the final cytology report. RESULTS: Over the last few years, FNA has come to be considered a valuable tool in the management of STT in that it affords a specificity of > 90%. FNA is of particular value in any subcutaneous lesion > 5 cm, in all pediatric tumors and whenever direct incision biopsy is particularly contraindicated. Material from aspirates can be used to obtain cytologic smears for conventional staining, special pigment identification, histochemical techniques, cell blocks for paraffin embedding and ancillary techniques (immunocytochemistry, electron microscopy, and densitometric and cytogenetic analyses). The cytologic diagnosis, like its histologic counterpart, should be based on a correct evaluation of clinical data (age, localization, size, effect on bone, nerve and vessel involvement), radiologic information, cytologic findings (architectural pattern, cell and stroma characteristics) and results of special staining techniques. The final cytology report should place the tumor in one of three basic categories: benign, malignant, and inconclusive or undetermined. Wherever possible, a histopathologic diagnosis should also be provided, either based on purely cytologic criteria or aided by ancillary techniques. CONCLUSION: FNA does not present major complications and permits a swift, preliminary diagnosis in a large number of cases. The method is most effective when the aspiration is performed by an experienced pathologist.  相似文献   

Twenty-four cases coded as pulmonary carcinoid tumors initially sampled by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy were reviewed in order to determine the cytologic features most useful in making the FNA diagnosis. The diagnosis of carcinoid tumor had been confirmed in 23 cases; the remaining case, though closely resembling a carcinoid tumor on the FNA specimen, proved to be a sclerosing hemangioma of the lung. Comparison of the original and review interpretations of the FNA specimens revealed that all typical spindle cell carcinoids and all atypical carcinoids were correctly diagnosed and classified. Of the 15 typical round cell carcinoids, the original cytologic diagnosis was lymphoma in 2 cases and benign bronchial lining cells in 2 cases. Thus, it appears that diagnostic errors are most likely in "typical" carcinoids. Review of the FNA findings suggests that the frequently stripped cytoplasm (with resulting non-cohesive bare nuclei), coupled with the almost universal plexiform vascularity (seen in 21 of 23 cases), should allow an accurate cytologic diagnosis in virtually all cases.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic findings were compared with the results of conventional histology in a series of primary bone lesions to determine the diagnostic accuracy of FNA cytology. The series included 12 osteogenic sarcomas, 4 Ewing's sarcomas, 3 chordomas, 3 myelomas, 2 chondrosarcomas, 2 undifferentiated sarcomas and 1 case each of normal bone and marrow elements, lymphoma and giant-cell tumor. All aspirates yielded adequate material for smear diagnosis, and all 29 cases were correctly identified as benign or malignant by cytology. In 19 cases (66%), specific cytologic diagnoses were rendered and histologically confirmed. This series is compared with other published series of bone aspirations in terms of technique, accuracy and ability to obtain diagnostic material. The importance of technique, radiographic investigations and experience in performing the aspirations in achieving a high diagnostic yield is emphasized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in combination with radiological examination has recently gained clinical recognition for evaluating skeletal lesions. We evaluated our experience with the use of FNA in diagnosing bone lesions with emphasis on areas of difficulty and limitations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over a period of 5 years FNA was performed in 66 cases of bone lesions. Aspirations were done by cytopathologists using 22-gauge needle. Out of 66 cases unsatisfactory aspirate was obtained in 12 cases. Cytohistological correlation was available in 19 cases. RESULTS: Adequate aspirates were categorized into neoplastic (27 cases) and non-neoplastic (27 cases) lesions. Of the 27 neoplastic aspirates, 20 were malignant (12 primary, 8 metastatic deposits) and 7 were benign. In the malignant group osteosarcoma was correctly diagnosed in 3 cases while other 3 were labeled as sarcoma NOS because of lack of osteoid. Metastatic deposits were sub-typed in 6 cases; from renal cell carcinoma (3 cases), proststic adenocarcinoma, follicular carcinoma thyroid, and squamous cell carcinoma. Neoplastic group comprised of 6 cases of cysts and 21 cases of chronic osteomyelitis. Thirteen cases were diagnosed as tuberculous osteomyelitis. CONCLUSIONS: FNA is a frequent indication in metastases in the bone where distinct cytologic features can even identify an unknown primary. However, diagnosis of primary tumours of the bone is limited by precise subtyping of the tumours. FNA has emerged as a cost effective tool for initial diagnosis of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the bone.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of the Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To study the cytomorphologic features of the Ewing's sarcoma (ES) family of tumors. STUDY DESIGN: During a period of eight years (1990-1997), 123 soft tissue tumors and 65 bone tumors were evaluated by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC); 14 cases were diagnosed as in the ES family of tumors. The ages of the patients ranged from 8 to 30 years. All the cases were histologically confirmed. RESULTS: Of 14 cases of the ES family of tumors, 7 were ES, 3 extraosseous ES (EOE), 2 peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PPNET) and 2 Askin tumor. Cytologically, smears from all the cases showed round tumor cells with a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio. On detailed examination, subtle differentiating features were observed. The cells in ES had finer nuclear chromatin in comparison to those of PPNET and Askin tumor, and punched-out clear cytoplasmic vacuoles were present. PPNET showed nuclear molding, unipolar cytoplasmic tags and Homer-Wright rosettes. Histologically, all cases of ES and EOE and one case of Askin tumor showed periodic acid-Schiff-positive inclusions. CONCLUSION: FNAC features coupled with clinical findings enable a rapid diagnosis of the ES family of tumors, from which treatment modalities can be determined.  相似文献   

This report describes the fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic findings in 17 rare malignant breast tumors. The series consisted of invasive cribriform carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, carcinoma with pseudosarcomatous metaplasia, carcinosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, malignant phyllodes tumors, primary malignant lymphomas, plasmocytoma, metastatic melanoma and metastatic renal clear cell carcinoma. Besides cytomorphology, the results of immunostaining in eight cases are presented, as is a review of the literature. It is important for rare primary malignancies, as well as for metastatic tumors, to be diagnosed, or at least have the diagnosis suggested, preoperatively by FNA and immunocytochemistry, permitting better therapy planning.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of a pulmonary infarct diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology are reported in a 54-year-old white man with a prior history of renal transplant surgery. Although the diagnosis of pulmonary embolus was unsuspected, FNA cytology suggested the correct diagnosis, which was confirmed by subsequent radiologic studies. This is believed to be the first reported case of pulmonary infarct diagnosed by FNA cytology. Cytologic features of the entity are discussed along with potential sources for a false-positive diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of parotid sarcoidosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Granulomatous lesions of the salivary gland are rare; as such, there have been few reports of the cytologic features of granulomatous sialadenitis in general, and salivary gland sarcoidosis in particular. A case of systemic sarcoidosis involving both parotid glands, diagnosed initially by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology, is presented. The specific cytologic features included histiocytes of both epithelioid and giant multinucleated types, without background necrosis. The FNA cytologic differential diagnosis of bilateral parotitis is discussed.  相似文献   

The fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic findings are presented for 18 cases of granulomatous prostatitis (12 nonspecific, 5 tuberculous and 1 eosinophilic cases). These cases represented 19% of all prostatitis cases and 2% of all prostatic aspirates examined from January 1986 to December 1987. The cytomorphologic differences between the three types of granulomatous prostatitis are described, with emphasis on the differentiation between the nonspecific and specific varieties. The differential diagnostic features between reactive changes and well-differentiated adenocarcinomas of the prostate are also presented. The findings in these cases indicate that FNA cytology is a reliable procedure for the morphologic diagnosis of granulomatous prostatitis, which can clinically mimic prostatic carcinoma when it presents as a diffuse or nodular enlargement with increased consistency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cytomorphology of bursal cyst and assess the efficacy of aspiration cytology in its diagnosis and treatment. STUDY DESIGN: Nineteen cases of bursal cyst seen over four years were studied. Material was obtained by fine needle aspiration. The smears were stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain and hematoxylin and eosin. RESULTS: Eight cysts were in the popliteal fossa, 4 on the elbow, 3 on the knee, 2 on the shoulder and 2 in the calf. Gelatinous material was aspirated in all the cases. In some cases the cyst collapsed after aspiration. The key diagnostic features were hypocellular smears in a mucoid background. Histiocytelike (synovial) cells were seen lying in all cases and as pseudopapillary structures in two. CONCLUSION: The presence of a cyst at a classic location with aspiration of gelatinous material and the presence of singly occurring histiocytelike cells in a mucoid background in smears is diagnostic of bursal cyst. The procedure is therapeutic in some cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in ovarian lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Sixty-two fine needle aspirations of varied ovarian masses were performed between January 2000 and February 2003. Aspiration material was obtained from fresh tissues at the time of frozen section before dissection of the specimens. The slides were evaluated by a pathologist who was blinded to the gross findings and histopathologic diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 62.9% of cases were assessed as malignant and 30.6% as benign. Two false positive and 2 false negative cases occurred. In our series the overall sensitivity and specificity were 95.1% and 90.4%, respectively. Seven benign and 15 malignant lesions could be subclassified specifically. CONCLUSION: We studied excised specimens, but since ovarian masses are reachable by laparoscopically and ultrasonographically guided aspiration, FNAC can be used for diagnoses of these lesions. If a multidisciplinary approach can be carried out in patients with ovarian lesions, cytopathologic interpretation can provide optimum benefits.  相似文献   

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