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Epidemiological studies have indicated a connection between extremely low frequency magnetic flux densities above 0.4 microT (time weighted average) and childhood leukemia risks. This conclusion is based mainly on indoor exposure measurements. We therefore regarded it important to map outdoor magnetic flux densities in public areas in Trondheim, Norway. Because of seasonal power consumption variations, the fields were measured during both summer and winter. Magnetic flux density was mapped 1.0 m above the ground along 17 km of pavements in downtown Trondheim. The spectrum was measured at some spots and the magnetic flux density emanated mainly from the power frequency of 50 Hz. In summer less than 4% of the streets showed values exceeding 0.4 microT, increasing to 29% and 34% on cold and on snowy winter days, respectively. The average levels were 0.13 microT (summer), 0.85 microT (winter, cold), and 0.90 microT (winter, snow), with the highest recorded value of 37 microT. High spot measurements were usually encountered above underground transformer substations. In winter electric heating of pavements also gave rise to relatively high flux densities. There was no indication that the ICNIRP basic restriction was exceeded. It would be of interest to map the flux density situation in other cities and towns with a cold climate.  相似文献   

We have developed an intermediate frequency (IF) magnetic field exposure system for in vitro studies. Since there are no previous studies on exposure to heating-frequency magnetic fields generated from an induction heating (IH) cook top, there is a strong need for such an exposure system and for biological studies of IF magnetic fields. This system mainly consists of a magnetic-field-generating coil housed inside an incubator, inside which cultured cells can be exposed to magnetic field. Two systems were prepared to allow the experiment to be conducted in a double-blind manner. The level of the generated magnetic field was set to 532 microT rms in the exposure space, 23 kHz, 80 times the value in the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines, with a spatial field uniformity better than 3.8%. The waveforms were nearly sinusoidal. It was also confirmed that the parasitic electric field was 157 V/m rms and the induced electric field was 1.9 V/m rms. The temperature was maintained at 36.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C for 2 h. Furthermore, leaked magnetic flux density was 0.7 microT rms or lower at extremely low frequency (ELF) and IF in the stopped system when the other system was being operated, and the environmental magnetic flux density was 0.1 microT rms or lower at the center of the coils. As a result, it was confirmed that this system could be successfully used to evaluate the biological effects of exposure to IF magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Several epidemiologic studies have suggested an association between exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MFs) and cancer in adults and children. A possible target of MFs is the immune system. The effects of the exposure to ELF MFs on the immunological functions of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from healthy male volunteers were assessed by measuring the natural killer (NK) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) activities and the production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and interleukin-10 (IL-10). The PBMCs were exposed to three different MF: linearly polarized (vertical), circularly polarized, and elliptically polarized, at 50 and 60 Hz. Magnetic flux densities were set at 500, 100, 20, and 2 microT (rms) for vertical field and at 500 microT (rms) for the rotating fields. Using cytotoxicity assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for cytokine production, we could not find any effects of ELF MFs on the cytotoxic activities and the cytokines production of human PBMCs.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in urban environments of the Extremadura region (Spain). The study included a spectral analysis, an analysis of the temporal variation, and spot measurements in the streets of four cities. The spectral analysis showed that the main source of magnetic field exposure was that corresponding to the principal power frequency (50 Hz) and its third harmonic. The magnetic flux density measured at one point over 24 h presented rapid fluctuations in short time periods. Smoothing the time series eliminated these fluctuations, showing a temporal evolution associated with the differing levels of power consumption over the course of the day. The values of the spot measurements taken in the streets were all below the ICNIRP reference level, although 30% surpassed 0.2 microT, the value that some epidemiological studies take as the threshold above which there exist risks of effects that could be harmful to health. The values found for the magnetic flux density in these urban settings were generally greater than values reported in the literature for residential areas, and similar to, although in some cases less than those in workplace environments.  相似文献   

Transformer stations in apartment buildings may offer a possibility to conduct epidemiological studies that involve high exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (MF), avoid selection bias and minimize confounding factors. To validate exposure assessment based on transformer stations, measurements were performed in thirty buildings in three Finnish cities. In each building, spot measurements in all rooms and a 24-h recording in a bedroom were performed in one apartment above a transformer station (AAT), in one first floor (FF) reference apartment, and one reference apartment on upper floors (UF). The apartment mean of spot measurements was 0.62 microT in the AATs, 0.21 microT in the FF and 0.11 microT in the UF reference apartments The 24-h apartment mean (estimated from the spot measurements and the bedroom 24-h recording) was 0.2 microT or higher in 29 (97%) AATs, in 7 (25%) FF and in 3 (10 %) UF reference apartments. The corresponding numbers for the 0.4 microT cut-off point were 19 (63%), 4 (14%), and 1 (3.3%). The higher MF level in the FF reference apartments indicates that they should not be considered "unexposed" in epidemiological studies. If such apartments are excluded, a transformer station under the floor predicts 24-h apartment mean MF with a sensitivity of 0.41 (or 0.58) and a specificity of 0.997 (or 0.97), depending on the MF cut-off point (0.2 or 0.4 microT). The results indicate that apartments can be reliably classified as high and low MF field categories based on the known location of transformer stations.  相似文献   

Clinical and epidemiological studies attest that alterations in heart rate variability (HRV) are predictive of specific types of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in otherwise healthy persons. Recent reports also suggest that changes in HRV may be associated with exposure to intermittent magnetic fields (60 Hz, 28.3 microT) in the laboratory and that mortality is increased in cardiac disease categories related to altered HRV for utility workers whose jobs involve longer exposure to elevated magnetic fields. This study combined three approaches to learn more about the specific exposure circumstances under which changes in HRV occur. First, cardiac autonomic control, as indexed by HRV spectral analysis measures, was measured in 24 men during exposure to a much higher intensity field than any previously examined (resultant flux density = 127.3 microT [1273 milliGauss, mG]). Second, HRV measures from the same individual were compared across three relevant test conditions: intermittent and continuous field exposure and during a no-exposure, control condition. Third, electrocardiographic data were analyzed to determine if the precise timing of when the magnetic field switched on or off in relation to the cardiac cycle results in phase-resetting of the human cardiac rhythm. HRV measures were not altered by either field exposure condition compared to the control condition, and no evidence for a phase-resetting mechanism was found. Further research is needed to resolve the differences between the present and the earlier laboratory-based studies of HRV and to determine if cardiac rhythm disturbances are associated with exposure to the more complex magnetic fields found in the man-made environment.  相似文献   

Comparatively high exposures to power-frequency electric and magnetic fields produce established biological effects that are explained by accepted mechanisms and that form the basis of exposure guidelines. Lower exposures to magnetic fields (< 1 microT average in the home) are classified as "possibly carcinogenic" on the basis of epidemiological studies of childhood leukemia. This classification takes into consideration largely negative laboratory data. Lack of biophysical mechanisms operating at such low levels also argues against causality. We survey around 20 biophysical mechanisms that have been proposed to explain effects at such low levels, with particular emphasis on plausibility: the principle that to produce biological effects, a mechanism must produce a "signal" larger than the "noise" that exists naturally. Some of the mechanisms are impossible, and some require specific conditions for which there is limited or no evidence as to their existence in a way that would make them relevant to human exposure. Others are predicted to become plausible above some level of field. We conclude that effects below 5 microT are implausible. At about 50 microT, no specific mechanism has been identified, but the basic problem of implausibility is removed. Above about 500 microT, there are established or likely effects from accepted mechanisms. The absence of a plausible biophysical mechanism at lower fields cannot be taken as proof that health effects of environmental electric and magnetic fields are impossible. Nevertheless, it is a relevant consideration in assessing the overall evidence on these fields.  相似文献   

This study investigates the individual magnetic field exposures at 16 2/3 and 50 Hz of 1952 people, selected from the Bavarian population. Personal flux density meters ("Field Watcher FW2A") were worn by the participants for 24 h. Every second, the flux density was recorded for both frequencies and for the three spatial axes (dynamic range per axis: several nT up to 100 microT at 50 Hz, 150 microT at 16 2/3 Hz). For 50 Hz fields, the mean of the 1,952 individual means was 0.101 microT and that of the individual medians was 0.047 microT. High level exposures occurred mainly during working hours. Only 2.4% of the subjects showed individual medians higher than 0.2 microT. About 53% of all volunteers were working on the day of recording. Levels for craftsmen (n = 148; mean individual mean: 0.166 microT) were generally higher than those for office workers (n = 624; mean individual mean: 0.107 microT). Flux densities exceeding 100 microT at 50 Hz were measured in 31 persons. The total time with such extreme exposures amounts to nearly 21 min, less than 0.001% of the total time for all measurements (5.3 years). To our knowledge, this is the first exposure study where 16 2/3 Hz magnetic fields (caused by electrified railways) have additionally been monitored over 24 h. For persons living next to railway lines, the mean individual mean (0.156 microT) and mean individual median (0.102 microT) were calculated. Over all, the mean exposures are only 0.1% of the magnetic flux density limit for 50 Hz (100 microT) and about 0.05% of the limit (300 microT) for 16 2/3 Hz recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic or cocarcinogenic potential of extremely low frequency (ELF; 50 or 60 Hz) magnetic fields (MFs) has been evaluated worldwide in diverse animal model systems. Though most results have been negative, weakly positive or equivocal results have been reported in several cancer models, including the rat DMBA (7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene) model of mammary cancer. Based on the experimental conditions used in studies in which cocarcinogenic effects of ELF MF were found, it was recently proposed that MF exposure may potentiate the effects of known carcinogens only when the animals are exposed to both MF and carcinogen during an extended period of tumor development, i.e., when the carcinogen is given repeatedly during MF exposure. This review summarizes a series of experiments from our group, showing cocarcinogenic MF effects in the DMBA breast cancer model in rats, to test whether the above proposal is confirmed by existing data. Flux densities of 50 or 100 microT significantly increased the growth of mammary tumors, independent of whether DMBA was given in a single administration or repeatedly over a prolonged period. Thus, these data do not substantiate the hypothesis requiring repeated doses of DMBA during MF exposure. Instead, several other aspects of study design and experimental factors are identified that seem to be critical for the detection of cocarcinogenic effects of MF exposure in the rat DMBA mammary cancer model. These include the rat subline used, the dose of DMBA, the duration of MF exposure, the flux density, the background (sham control) tumor incidence, and the location of mammary tumors in the mammary gland complex. These and other experimental aspects may explain why some laboratories did not detect cocarcinogenic MF effects in the DMBA model. We hope that direct comparison of MF bioeffects in different rat sublines and further evaluation of other experimental differences between studies on MF exposure in the DMBA model will eventually determine which genetic and environmental factors are critical for potential carcinogenic or cocarcinogenic effects of ELF MF exposure.  相似文献   

Results of epidemiological research show low association of electromagnetic field (EMF) with increased risk of cancerous diseases and missing dose-effect relations. An important component in assessing potential cancer risk is knowledge concerning any genotoxic effects of extremely-low-frequency-EMF (ELF-EMF).Human diploid fibroblasts were exposed to continuous or intermittent ELF-EMF (50Hz, sinusoidal, 24h, 1000microT). For evaluation of genotoxic effects in form of DNA single- (SSB) and double-strand breaks (DSB), the alkaline and the neutral comet assay were used.In contrast to continuous ELF-EMF exposure, the application of intermittent fields reproducibly resulted in a significant increase of DNA strand break levels, mainly DSBs, as compared to non-exposed controls. The conditions of intermittence showed an impact on the induction of DNA strand breaks, producing the highest levels at 5min field-on/10min field-off. We also found individual differences in response to ELF-EMF as well as an evident exposure-response relationship between magnetic flux density and DNA migration in the comet assay.Our data strongly indicate a genotoxic potential of intermittent EMF. This points to the need of further studies in vivo and consideration about environmental threshold values for ELF exposure.  相似文献   

Potential health effects of static magnetic fields have received far less attention than, for example, power frequency or radiofrequency fields. Static fields are found in certain occupational settings, e.g. in the aluminium and chloralkali industries, in arc-welding processes, and certain railways systems. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for medical diagnosis is another source. This paper summarizes the epidemiological evidence of static magnetic field exposure and long-term health effects. There are only a few epidemiological studies available, and the majority of these have focused on cancer risks. There are some reports on reproductive outcomes, and sporadic studies of other outcomes. Overall, few occupational studies have focused specifically on effects of static magnetic field exposure, and exposure assessment have consequently been poor or non-existent. Results from studies that have estimated static magnetic field exposure have not indicated any increased cancer risks, but they are generally based on small numbers of cases and crude exposure assessment. Control of confounding has been limited, and it is likely that the “healthy worker” effect have influenced the results. A few studies have reported results on reproductive outcomes among aluminium workers and MRI operators, but limitations in study designs prevent conclusions. A problem in epidemiological studies of static magnetic fields is that workers in exposed occupations are also exposed to a wide variety of other potentially harmful agents, including some known carcinogens. In conclusion, the available evidence from epidemiological studies is not sufficient to draw any conclusions about potential health effects of static magnetic field exposure.  相似文献   

Several animal studies have been carried out at the Institut Armand Frappier (IAF) to determine whether chronic exposure to 60 Hz linearly polarized sinusoidal magnetic fields might increase the risk of cancer development of female Fisher rats. The magnetic field exposure facility was developed to meet the requirements of the study protocol for chronic exposure of large number of animals to field intensities of sham < 0.2 microT, 2 microT, 20 microT, 200 microT, and 2000 microT. At each exposure level, including sham, the animals are distributed in a group of four exposure units. Each exposure unit contains two exposure volumes having uniform distribution of magnetic fields for the animals, while the magnetic field external to the unit falls off rapidly due to the "figure-eight" coil topography used. A program of "shake down" tests, followed by verification and calibration of the exposure facility, was carried out prior to starting the animal experiments. Continuous monitoring of the magnetic field and other environmental parameters was an important part in the overall quality assurance program adopted.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate whether power frequency magnetic fields can affect the kinetics of cell cycle progression in exposed human cells. To achieve this, cultures of normal human fibroblasts were synchronised in the G(0) phase of the cell cycle and exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields at a range of flux densities. Progression through the cycle was monitored by examining the timing of entry into S phase, as characterised by the onset of DNA synthesis. Simultaneous positive controls were exposed to human recombinant fibroblast growth factor to demonstrate that the system was responsive to external stimuli. Exposure to magnetic fields at 20 and 200 microT induced a small but significant increase in the length of the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. However, exposure at higher flux densities of 2 and 20 mT had no significant effect. These results are discussed in relation to weak magnetic field effects on free radical concentration.  相似文献   

Li CY  Lin RS  Sung FC 《Bioelectromagnetics》2003,24(3):218-221
To explore whether the age at cancer diagnosis was associated with residential exposure to magnetic field, we compared average ages at diagnosis for cases of leukemia, brain tumor, or female breast cancer with elevated exposure (magnetic flux density >or= 0.2 microT, or residential distance from major power lines 100 m from major power lines). Comparing with brain tumor cases with background magnetic field exposure (n = 506), brain tumor cases with elevated exposure (n = 71) were 6 years older on average at diagnosis (P = 0.01). The difference was greater for males (45.2 vs. 52.1 years, P = 0.01) than for females (44.3 vs. 48.2 years, P = 0.27). No such phenomena at a significant level was observed for leukemia, female breast cancer, or a random sample of general population. We noted an association between magnetic field exposure and a greater mean age at diagnosis for brain tumors. Whether or not these phenomena suggest a delayed occurrence of brain tumors following a higher than background residential magnetic field exposure deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

The rationale for selection of an animal model, the experimental design, and the design and evaluation of an exposure system used in studies of 60-Hz magnetic fields are described. The studies were conceived to assay development of cancer and immune responsiveness in mice exposed to magnetic fields. The exposure system utilized a quadrupole-coil configuration to minimize stray magnetic fields. Four square-wound coil provided a uniform field within a volume occupied by 16 animal cages. The magnetic field had a mean flux density of 2 mT that varied less than +/- 10% within the volume occupied by animals' cages. The flux density decreased to less than 0.1 microT at a distance of 2 m from the coils. In each exposure system 32 animals could be housed in plastic cages.  相似文献   

A series of epidemiological studies have indicated associations between exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) and a variety of cancers, including breast cancer. In order to test the possibility that MF acts as a cancer promoter or copromoter, four separate experiments have been conducted in rats in which the effects of chronic exposure to MFs on the development of mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) were determined. Female rats were exposed in magnetic coils for 91 days (24 h/day) to either alternating current (AC; 50 Hz)-MF or direct current (DC)-MF. Magnetic flux density of the DC-MF was 15 mT. Two AC-MF exposures used a homogeneous field with a flux density of 30 mT (rms); one used a gradient field with flux density ranging from 0.3–1 μT. DMBA (5 mg) was administered orally at the onset of MF exposure and was repeated thrice at intervals of 1 week. In each experiment, 18–36 animals were exposed in 6 magnetic coils. The same number of rats were used as sham-exposed control. These control animals were treated with DMBA and were placed in dummy coils in the same room as the MF-exposed rats. Furthermore, groups of age-matched rats (reference controls) were treated with DMBA but housed in another room to exclude any MF exposure due to the magnetic stray field from the MF produced by coils. At the end of the exposure or sham-exposure period, tumor number and weight or size of tumors were determined at necropsy. Results were as follows: In sham-exposed animals or reference controls, the tumor incidence varied between 50 and 78% in the 4 experiments. The average number of mammary tumors per tumor-bearing animal varied between 1.6 and 2.9. In none of the experiments did MFs significantly alter tumor incidence, but in one of the experiments with AC-MF exposure at 30 mT, the number of tumors per tumor-bearing animal was significantly increased. Furthermore, exposure to a DC-MF at 15 mT significantly enhanced the tumor weight. Exposure to a gradient AC-MF at 0.3–1 μT exerted no significant effects. These experiments seem to indicate that MFs at high flux densities may act as a promoter or copromoter of breast cancer. However, this interpretation must be considered only a tentative conclusion because of the limitations of this study, particularly the small sample size used for MF exposure and the lack of repetition of data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

We previously reported phenotypic changes in human breast cancer cells following low-level magnetic field (MF) exposure. Here proteomic methods were used to investigate the biochemical effect of MF exposure in SF767 human glioma cells. Protein alterations were studied after exposure to 1.2 microTesla (microT) MF [12 milliGauss (mG), 60 Hertz (Hz)] +/- epidermal growth factor (EGF). SF767 cells were exposed for 3 h to sham conditions (<0.2 microT ambient field strength) or 1.2 microT MF (+/-EGF; 10 ng/ml). Solubilized protein fractions (sham; 1.2 microT; sham + EGF; 1.2 microT + EGF) were loaded for electrophoresis by 2D-PAGE and stained using a colloidal Coomassie blue technique to resolve and characterize the proteins. Protein patterns were compared across groups via Student's t-test using PDQUEST software. Cell profiles revealed significant alterations in the spot density of a subset of treated cells. Automated spot excision and processing was performed prior to peptide mass fingerprinting proteins of interest. Fifty-seven proteins from the detectable pool were identified and/or found to differ significantly across treatment groups. The mean abundance of 10 identified proteins was altered following 1.2 microT exposure. In the presence of EGF six proteins were altered after low magnetic field treatment by increasing (4) or decreasing (2) in abundance. The results suggest that the analysis of differentially expressed proteins in SF767 cells may be useful as biomarkers for biological changes caused by exposure to magnetic fields.  相似文献   

An effect on the tumor promotion process, as represented by accelerated cell growth, has been indicated as one example of areas that demonstrate the possibility of biological effects of extremely-low frequency magnetic fields. We, therefore, exposed the five cell lines (HL-60, K-562, MCF-7, A-375, and H4) derived from human tumors to a magnetic field for 3 days to investigate the effects on cell growth. Prior to exposure or sham exposure, the cells were precultured for 2 days in low serum conditions. The number of growing cells was counted in a blind manner. To investigate the effect on the initial response of cell proliferation, two cell lines were synchronized in G1 phase by serum starvation and then exposed to a magnetic field for 18 h (H4 cells) or 24 h (MCF-7 cells), both with and without serum stimulation. The rate of DNA synthesis, taken as a measure of the cell proliferation, was determined by following the incorporation of [(3)H]-thymidine into the DNA. Three different magnetic field polarizations at both 50 and 60 Hz were used: linearly polarized (vertical); circularly polarized; and an elliptically polarized field. Magnetic field flux densities were set at 500, 100, 20 and 2 microT (rms) for the vertical field and at 500 microT (rms) for the rotating fields. No effect of magnetic field exposure was observed on either cell growth or the initial response of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Seeds of hornwort (Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk) were exposed to sinusoidally time-varying extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (AC fields) in combination with the local geomagnetic field (DC field). Exposure lasted 24 h/day for 16 days. Three directions of the AC magnetic fields were considered; the vertical (magnetic flux density B ACV, the directions parallel B ACparallel), and perpendicular B ACperpendicular to the direction of total geomagnetic field (magnetic flux density BG) in the geomagnetic plane (GP). Controls consisted of seeds exposed to zero AC magnetic fields in combination with the DC magnetic field. The B ACV in combination with BG effectively promoted the germination of hornwort seeds when applied at 750 microT (RMS) at 7 Hz or 500 microT (RMS) at 14 Hz from among the cases of individual frequencies f = 3.5, 7.0, 10.5, 14.0 Hz at 500 and 750 microT. The B ACparallel promoted the germination of hornwort seeds more effectively than the B ACperpendicular in combination with BG when 500 and 750 microT at 7 Hz were applied.  相似文献   

Exposure of B-lineage lymphoid cells to a 100 microT 60 Hz AC magnetic field has been reported to stimulate the rapid activation of Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinases and the induction of protein tyrosine phosphorylation. These findings are significant because of the critical role played by these B cell signaling events in the control of growth and differentiation, and therefore the potential of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure to induce cancer. We report the first study carried out with the aim of reproducing the reported EMF effects on Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinases. The system used enabled EMF exposure conditions to be carefully controlled and also allowed experiments to be performed blind. The effects of a 100 microT 60 Hz AC magnetic field on protein tyrosine phosphorylation and on Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinase activities were investigated in Nalm-6 and DT40 B cells in the absence and presence of a 46 microT DC magnetic field. However, no significant effects of low-energy electromagnetic fields on tyrosine kinase activities or protein phosphorylation were observed.  相似文献   

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