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Molecular phylogenies are increasingly being used to investigate the patterns and mechanisms of macroevolution. In particular, node heights in a phylogeny can be used to detect changes in rates of diversification over time. Such analyses rest on the assumption that node heights in a phylogeny represent the timing of diversification events, which in turn rests on the assumption that evolutionary time can be accurately predicted from DNA sequence divergence. But there are many influences on the rate of molecular evolution, which might also influence node heights in molecular phylogenies, and thus affect estimates of diversification rate. In particular, a growing number of studies have revealed an association between the net diversification rate estimated from phylogenies and the rate of molecular evolution. Such an association might, by influencing the relative position of node heights, systematically bias estimates of diversification time. We simulated the evolution of DNA sequences under several scenarios where rates of diversification and molecular evolution vary through time, including models where diversification and molecular evolutionary rates are linked. We show that commonly used methods, including metric‐based, likelihood and Bayesian approaches, can have a low power to identify changes in diversification rate when molecular substitution rates vary. Furthermore, the association between the rates of speciation and molecular evolution rate can cause the signature of a slowdown or speedup in speciation rates to be lost or misidentified. These results suggest that the multiple sources of variation in molecular evolutionary rates need to be considered when inferring macroevolutionary processes from phylogenies.  相似文献   

The rate of molecular evolution is not constant across the Tree of Life. Characterizing rate discrepancies and evaluating the relative roles of time and rate along branches through the past are both critical to a full understanding of evolutionary history. In this study, we explore the interactions of time and rate in filmy ferns (Hymenophyllaceae), a lineage with extreme branch length differences between the two major clades. We test for the presence of significant rate discrepancies within and between these clades, and we separate time and rate across the filmy fern phylogeny to simultaneously yield an evolutionary time scale of filmy fern diversification and reconstructions of ancestral rates of molecular evolution. Our results indicate that the branch length disparity observed between the major lineages of filmy ferns is indeed due to a significant difference in molecular evolutionary rate. The estimation of divergence times reveals that the timing of crown group diversification was not concurrent for the two lineages, and the reconstruction of ancestral rates of molecular evolution points to a substantial rate deceleration in one of the clades. Further analysis suggests that this may be due to a genome-wide deceleration in the rate of nucleotide substitution.  相似文献   

Rates of molecular evolution vary over time and, hence, among lineages. In contrast, widely used methods for estimating divergence times from molecular sequence data assume constancy of rates. Therefore, methods for estimation of divergence times that incorporate rate variation are attractive. Improvements on a previously proposed Bayesian technique for divergence time estimation are described. New parameterization more effectively captures the phylogenetic structure of rate evolution on a tree. Fossil information and other evidence can now be included in Bayesian analyses in the form of constraints on divergence times. Simulation results demonstrate that the accuracy of divergence time estimation is substantially enhanced when constraints are included.  相似文献   

ZihengYANG 《动物学报》2004,50(4):645-656
众所周知 ,物种分化年代的估计对分子钟 (进化速率恒定 )假定很敏感。另一方面 ,在远缘物种 (例如哺乳纲不同目的动物 )的比较中 ,分子钟几乎总是不成立的。这样在估计分化时间时考虑不同进化区系的速率差异至为重要。最大似然法可以很自然地考虑这种速率差异 ,并且可以同时分析多个基因位点的资料以及同时利用多重化石校正数据。以前提出的似然法需要研究者将进化树的树枝按速率分组 ,本文提出一个近似方法以使这个过程自动化。本方法综合了以前的似然法、贝斯法及近似速率平滑法的一些特征。此外 ,还对算法加以改进 ,以适应综合数据分析时某些基因在某些物种中缺乏资料的情形。应用新提出的方法来分析马达加斯加的倭狐猴的分化年代 ,并与以前的似然法及贝斯法的分析进行了比较  相似文献   

The comparison of DNA and protein sequences of extant species might be informative for reconstructing the chronology of evolutionary events on Earth. A phylogenetic tree inferred from molecular data directly depicts the evolutionary affinities of species and indirectly allows estimating the age of their origin and diversification. Molecular dating is achieved by assuming the molecular clock hypothesis, i.e., that the rate of change of nucleotide and amino acid sequences is on average constant over geological time. If paleontological calibrations are available, then absolute divergence times of species can be estimated. However, three major difficulties potentially hamper molecular dating : (1) a limited sample of genes and organisms, (2) a limited number of fossil references, and (3) pervasive variations of molecular evolutionary rates among genomes and species. To circumvent these problems, different solutions have been recently proposed. Larger data sets are built with more genes and more species sampled through the mining of an increasing number of genomes. Moreover, independent key fossils are identified to calibrate molecular clocks, and the uncertainty on their age is integrated in subsequent analyses. Finally, models of molecular rate variations are constructed, and incorporated in the so-called relaxed molecular clock approaches. As an illustration of these improvements, we mention that the debated age of the animal (bilaterian metazoans) diversification may have occurred between 642-761 million years ago (Mya), roughly 100 Ma before the Cambrian explosion. Among mammals, the initial diversification of major placental groups may have taken place around 100 Mya, well before the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary marking the extinction of dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Although Madagascar is an ancient fragment of Gondwana, the majority of taxa studied thus far appear to have reached the island through dispersal from Cenozoic times. Ancient lineages may have experienced a different history compared to more recent Cenozoic arrivals, as such lineages would have encountered geoclimatic shifts over an extended time period. The motivation for this study was to unravel the signature of diversification in an ancient lineage by comparing an area known for major geoclimatic upheavals (Madagascar) versus other areas where the environment has been relatively stable. Archaeid spiders are an ancient paleoendemic group with unusual predatory behaviors and spectacular trophic morphology that likely have been on Madagascar since its isolation. We examined disparities between Madagascan archaeids and their non‐Madagascan relatives regarding timing of divergence, rates of trait evolution, and distribution patterns. Results reveal an increased rate of adaptive trait diversification in Madagascan archaeids. Furthermore, geoclimatic events in Madagascar over long periods of time may have facilitated high species richness due to montane refugia and stability, rainforest refugia, and also ecogeographic shifts, allowing for the accumulation of adaptive traits. This research suggests that time alone, coupled with more ancient geoclimatic events allowed for the different patterns in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Identifying nonrandom clade diversification is a critical first step toward understanding the evolutionary processes underlying any radiation and how best to preserve future phylogenetic diversity. However, differences in diversification rates have not been quantitatively assessed for the majority of groups because of the lack of necessary analytical tools (e.g., complete species-level phylogenies, estimates of divergence times, and robust statistics which incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty and test appropriate null models of clade growth). Here, for the first time, we investigate diversification rate heterogeneity in one of the largest groups studied thus far, the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). We use a recent, robust statistical approach (whole-tree likelihood-based relative rate tests) on complete dated species-level supertree phylogenies. As has been demonstrated previously for most other groups, among-lineage diversification rate within bats has not been constant. However, we show that bat diversification is more heterogeneous than in other mammalian clades thus far studied. The whole-tree likelihood-based relative rates tests suggest that clades within the families Phyllostomidae and Molossidae underwent a number of significant changes in relative diversification rate. There is also some evidence for rate shifts within Pteropodidae, Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae, and Vespertilionidae, but the significance of these shifts depends on polytomy resolution within each family. Diversification rate in bats has also not been constant, with the largest diversification rate shifts occurring 30-50 million years ago, a time overlapping with the greatest number of shifts in flowering plant diversification rates.  相似文献   

Although still controversial, estimation of divergence times using molecular data has emerged as a powerful tool to examine the tempo and mode of evolutionary change. Two primary obstacles in improving the accuracy of molecular dating are heterogeneity in DNA substitution rates and accuracy of the fossil record as calibration points. Recent methodological advances have provided powerful methods that estimate relative divergence times in the face of heterogeneity of nucleotide substitution rates among lineages. However, relatively little attention has focused on the accuracy of fossil calibration points that allow one to translate relative divergence times into absolute time. We present a new cross-validation method that identifies inconsistent fossils when multiple fossil calibrations are available for a clade and apply our method to a molecular phylogeny of living turtles with fossil calibration times for 17 of the 22 internal nodes in the tree. Our cross-validation procedure identified seven inconsistent fossils. Using the consistent fossils as calibration points, we found that despite their overall antiquity as a lineage, the most species-rich clades of turtles diversified well within the Cenozoic. Many of the truly ancient lineages of turtles are currently represented by a few, often endangered species that deserve high priority as conservation targets.  相似文献   

Diversification rates are critically important for understanding patterns of species richness among clades. However, the effects of climatic niche width on plant diversification rates remain to be elucidated. Based on the phylogenetic, climatic, and distributional information of angiosperms in China, a total of 26 906 species from 182 families were included in this study. We aimed to test relationships between diversification rate and climatic niche width and climatic niche width related variables (including climatic niche divergence, climatic niche position, geographic extent, and climatic niche evolutionary rate) using phylogenetic methods. We found that climatic niche divergence had the largest unique contribution to the diversification rate, while the unique effects of climatic niche width, climatic niche position, geographic extent, and climatic niche evolutionary rate on the diversification rate were negligible. We also observed that the relationship between diversification rate and climatic niche divergence was significantly stronger than the null assumption (artefactual relationship between diversification and clade-level climatic niche width by sampling more species). Our study supports the hypothesis that wider family climatic niche widths explain faster diversification rates through a higher climatic niche divergence rather than through higher geographic extent, higher climatic niche evolutionary rate, or separated climatic niche position. Hence, the results provide a potential explanation for large-scale diversity patterns within families of plants.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the biogeographical history of the angiosperm clade Caprifolieae (Caprifoliaceae) using parametric biogeographical reconstruction methods. The existing parametric method was extended to evaluate biogeographical reconstructions over the distribution of dated phylogenies. This method provides a framework for reconstructing large‐scale biogeography with parametric methods, while accounting for uncertainty in the phylogenetic relationships and divergence time. Location Asia, Europe and North America. Methods The biogeographical history of the major lineages of Caprifolieae was reconstructed over the posterior distribution of dated trees generated from Bayesian divergence‐time analyses. Results from a model with no geological constraints were compared with those from one where movement is disallowed across the North Atlantic after the Eocene. The most plausible scenarios were segregated at each node to test whether particular scenarios were reconstructed for particular divergence times. The parametric biogeographical method was also extended to estimate connectivity between areas so that the probability of dispersal between the major areas of the Northern Hemisphere could be explored. Results Phylogenetic results for Caprifolieae agreed with previous estimates using smaller sampling, but uncertainty remained despite efforts to resolve the relationships of the four genera within this clade using multiple markers. In addition to topological uncertainty, there were few fossils available for calibrations, resulting in large confidence intervals for divergence times. Divergence‐time analyses put the diversification of Caprifolieae at between 36 and 51 Ma and showed that Caprifolieae probably originated in Asia, with multiple movements into Europe and western and eastern North America. Main conclusions Newly developed parametric methods for biogeographical reconstruction incorporate more data and better models. Here, the parametric biogeographical reconstruction method has been extended to allow for topological and divergence‐time uncertainty. The analyses of Caprifolieae demonstrated that biogeographical hypotheses can be explored even where there are large confidence intervals on divergence times and uncertainty in topology. These results add to the growing evidence that Asia was an important source of Northern Hemisphere diversity throughout the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Precise dating of viral subtype divergence enables researchers to correlate divergence with geographic and demographic occurrences. When historical data are absent (that is, the overwhelming majority), viral sequence sampling on a time scale commensurate with the rate of substitution permits the inference of the times of subtype divergence. Currently, researchers use two strategies to approach this task, both requiring strong conditions on the molecular clock assumption of substitution rate. As the underlying structure of the substitution rate process at the time of subtype divergence is not understood and likely highly variable, we present a simple method that estimates rates of substitution, and from there, times of divergence, without use of an assumed molecular clock. We accomplish this by blending estimates of the substitution rate for triplets of dated sequences where each sequence draws from a distinct viral subtype, providing a zeroth-order approximation for the rate between subtypes. As an example, we calculate the time of divergence for three genes among influenza subtypes A-H3N2 and B using subtype C as an outgroup. We show a time of divergence approximately 100 years ago, substantially more recent than previous estimates which range from 250 to 3800 years ago.  相似文献   

For more than a century, members of the traditional avian order Galliformes (i.e., pheasants, partridges, junglefowl, and relatives) have been among the most intensively studied birds, but still a comprehensive timeframe for their evolutionary history is lacking. Thanks to a number of recent cladistic interpretations for several galliform fossils, candidates now exist that can potentially be used as accurate internal calibrations for molecular clocks. Here, we describe a molecular timescale for Galliformes based on cytochrome b and ND2 using nine mostly internal fossil-based anchorpoints. Beyond application of calibrations spanning the entire evolutionary history of Galliformes, care was taken to investigate the effects of calibration choice, substitution saturation, and rate heterogeneity among lineages on divergence time estimation. Results show broad consistency in time estimation with five out of the nine total calibrations. Our divergence time estimates, based on these anchorpoints, indicate that the early history of Galliformes took place in the Cretaceous, including the origin of the basal-most megapode and perhaps cracid lineages, but that the remaining morphological diversification likely started in the earliest Tertiary. The multi-calibration/multi-genetic partition approach used here highlights the importance of understanding the genetic saturation, variation, and rate constancy spectra for the accurate calculation of divergence times by use of molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Estimating divergence dates from molecular sequences   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:12  
The ability to date the time of divergence between lineages using molecular data provides the opportunity to answer many important questions in evolutionary biology. However, molecular dating techniques have previously been criticized for failing to adequately account for variation in the rate of molecular evolution. We present a maximum- likelihood approach to estimating divergence times that deals explicitly with the problem of rate variation. This method has many advantages over previous approaches including the following: (1) a rate constancy test excludes data for which rate heterogeneity is detected; (2) date estimates are generated with confidence intervals that allow the explicit testing of hypotheses regarding divergence times; and (3) a range of sequences and fossil dates are used, removing the reliance on a single calculated calibration rate. We present tests of the accuracy of our method, which show it to be robust to the effects of some modes of rate variation. In addition, we test the effect of substitution model and length of sequence on the accuracy of the dating technique. We believe that the method presented here offers solutions to many of the problems facing molecular dating and provides a platform for future improvements to such analyses.   相似文献   

S. Easteal 《Genetics》1990,124(1):165-173
The rates of nucleotide substitution at four genes in four orders of eutherian mammals are compared in relative rate tests using marsupial orthologs for reference. There is no evidence of systematic variation in evolutionary rate among the orders. The sequences are used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the orders using maximum likelihood, parsimony and compatibility methods. A branching order of rodent then ungulate then primate and lagomorph is overwhelmingly indicated. The nodes of the nucleotide based cladograms are widely separated in relation to the total lengths of the branches. The assumption of a star phylogeny that underlies Kimura's test for molecular evolutionary rate variation is shown to be invalid for eutherian mammals. Excess variance in nucleotide or amino acid differences between mammalian orders, above that predicted by neutral theory is explained better by variation in divergence time than by variation in evolutionary rate.  相似文献   

Attempts by biogeographers to understand biotic diversification in the Amazon have often employed contemporary species distribution patterns to support particular theories, such as Pleistocene rainforest refugia, rather than to test among alternative hypotheses. Suture zones, narrow regions where multiple contact zones and hybrid zones between taxa cluster, have been seen as evidence for past expansion of whole biotas that have undergone allopatric divergence in vicariant refuges. We used coalescent analysis of mutilocus sequence data to examine population split times in 22 pairs of geminate taxa in ithomiine and heliconiine butterflies. We test a hypothesis of simultaneous divergence across a suture zone in NE Peru. Our results reveal a scattered time course of diversification in this suture zone, rather than a tight cluster of split times. Additionally, we find rapid diversification within some lineages such as Melinaea contrasting with older divergence within lineages such as the Oleriina (Hyposcada and Oleria). These results strongly reject simple vicariance as a cause of the suture zone. At the same time, observed lineage effects are incompatible with a series of geographically coincident vicariant events which should affect all lineages similarly. Our results suggest that Pleistocene climatic forcing cannot readily explain this Peruvian suture zone. Lineage‐specific biological traits, such as characteristic distances of gene flow or varying rates of parapatric divergence, may be of greater importance.  相似文献   

Dipsacales is an asterid angiosperm clade of ca. 1100 species, with most of its lineages occupying temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. A recent phylogenetic analysis based on 7593 nucleotides of chloroplast DNA recovered a well-resolved and strongly supported phylogenetic hypothesis, which we use here to estimate divergence times within the group. A molecular clock is strongly rejected, regardless of data partition. We used recently proposed methods that relax the assumption of rate constancy among lineages (local clocks, nonparametric rate smoothing, penalized likelihood, and Bayesian relaxed clock) to estimate the ages of major lineages. Age estimates for Dipsacales varied widely among markers and codon positions, and depended on the fossils used for calibration and method of analysis. Some methods yielded dates for the Dipsacales diversification that appear to be too old (prior to the presumed 125 my [million years] age of eudicots), and others suggested ages that are too young based on well-documented Dipsacales fossils. Concordant penalized likelihood and Bayesian studies imply that Dipsacales originated in the Cretaceous, as did its two major lineages, Adoxaceae and Caprifoliaceae. However, diversification of crown Adoxaceae and Caprifoliaceae mainly occurred in the Tertiary, with the origin of major lineages within these clades mainly occurring during the Eocene. Another round of diversification appears to have occurred in the Miocene. Several radiations, such as Valerianaceae in South America and Dipsacaceae around the Mediterranean, are even more recent. This study demonstrates the wide range of divergence times that can be obtained using different methods and data sets, and cautions against reliance on age estimates based on only a single gene or methodology. Despite this variance, significant conclusions can be made about the timing of Dipsacales evolution.  相似文献   

This is the first study to use both molecular and fossil data to date the divergence of taxa within the coleoid cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish). A dataset including sequences from three nuclear and three mitochondrial genes (3415 bp in total) was used to investigate the evolutionary divergences within the group. Divergence time analyses were performed using the Thorne/Kishino method of analysis which allows multiple constraints from the fossil record and permits rates of molecular evolution to vary on different branches of a phylogenetic tree. The data support a Paleozoic origin of the Orders Vampyromorpha, Octopoda and the majority of the extant higher level decapodiform taxa. These estimated divergence times are considerably older than paleontological estimates. The major lineages within the Order Octopoda were estimated to have diverged in the Mesozoic, with a radiation of many taxa around the Cretaceous/Cenozoic boundary. Higher level decapodiform phylogenetic relationships appear to have been obscured due to an ancient diversification of this group. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

An understanding of the evolution of modern terrestrial ecosystems requires an understanding of the dynamics associated with angiosperm evolution, including the timing of their origin and diversification into their extraordinary present-day diversity. Molecular estimates of angiosperm age have varied widely, and many substantially predate the Early Cretaceous fossil appearance of the group. In this study, the effect of different genes, codon positions, and chronological constraints on node ages are examined on divergence time estimates across seed plants, with a special focus on angiosperms. Penalized likelihood was used to estimate divergence times on a phylogenetic hypothesis for seed plants derived from Bayesian analysis, with branch lengths estimated with maximum likelihood. The plastid genes atpB, psaA, psbB, and rbcL were used individually and in combination, using first and second, third, and the three codon positions, including and excluding age constraints on 20 nodes derived from a critical examination of the land-plant fossil record. The optimal level of rate smoothing according to each unconstrained and constrained dataset was obtained with penalized likelihood. Tests for a molecular clock revealed significantly unclocklike rates in all datasets. Addition of fossil constraints resulted in even greater departures from constancy. Consistently with significant deviations from a clock, estimated optimal smoothing values were low, but a strict correlation between rate heterogeneity and optimal smoothing value was not found. Age estimates for nodes across the phylogeny varied, sometimes substantially, with gene and codon position. Nevertheless, estimates based on the four concatenated genes are very similar to the mean of the four individual gene estimates. For any given node, unconstrained age estimates are more variable than constrained estimates and are frequently younger than well-substantiated fossil members of the clade. Constrained estimates of ages of clades are older than unconstrained estimates and oldest fossil representatives, sometimes substantially so. Angiosperm age estimates decreased as rate smoothing increased. Whereas the range of unconstrained angiosperm age estimates spans the fossil age of the clade, the range of constrained estimates is narrower (and older) than the earliest angiosperm fossils. Results unambiguously indicate the relevance of constraints in reducing the variability of ages derived from different partitions of the data and diminishing the effect of the smoothing parameter. Constrained optimizations of divergence times and substitution rates across the phylogeny suggest appreciably different evolutionary dynamics for angiosperms and for gymnosperms. Whereas the gymnosperm crown group originated shortly after the origin of seed plants, a long time elapsed before the origin of crown group angiosperms. Although absolute age estimates of angiosperms and angiosperm clades are older than their earliest fossils, the estimated pace of phylogenetic diversification largely agrees with the rapid appearance of angiosperm lineages in stratigraphic sequences.  相似文献   

Ecological processes are manifest in the evolution and form of phenotype diversity. The great abundance of parasitoid species has led to speculation whether rates of speciation and extinction are dependent on parasitoid diversity. If these factors are mutually exclusive, species diversity should fluctuate instead of remaining relatively constant over time. It is not known whether radiations constrained by coevolutionary interactions conform to density‐dependent diversification processes. Here we test the prediction that parasitoid fig wasp diversification responds to changes in ecological opportunity and density‐independent processes. A phylogenetic approach is used to estimate relative divergence times and infer diversification rate changes using γ‐statistics. Monte Carlo constant rates tests that accommodate incomplete sampling could not reject constant rates diversification. Parasitoid fig wasp diversification is consistent with a more complex explanation than density‐dependent cladogenesis. The results suggest contemporary African parasitoid fig wasp diversity remains a legacy of an ancient ecological opportunity facilitated by fig tree diversification following the breakup of Pan‐African forests and evolution of the savanna biome over the last 55 Ma and the more recent aridification of the African continent in the last 5 Ma. These results imply that amplified phenotypic differentiation of specialist insects coevolving with plants is coupled to evolutionarily infrequent changes in ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

Gingerich  Philip D. 《Genetica》2001,(1):127-144
A generational time scale, involving change from one generation to the next, is the time scale of evolution by natural selection. Microevolutionary and macroevolutionary patterns reflect this process on longer time scales. Rates of evolution are most efficiently expressed in haldane units, H, in standard deviations per generation, indexed by the log of the time interval. Rates from replicated selection experiments and simulations have rate-interval [RI] and log rate-log interval [LRI] scaling relations enabling directional, stationary, and random time series to be distinguished. Empirical microevolutionary and macroevolutionary data exhibit stationary scaling, but point to generational rates of evolution (H 0) conservatively on the order of 0.2 standard deviations per generation on the time scale of the evolutionary process. This paradox of long-term stationary scaling and short-term high rates of change can be explained by considering the shape of an heuristic time-form evolutionary lattice. Cenozoic mammals occupy a lattice that is about four orders of magnitude longer in time than it has ever been wide in form. The evolutionary process is dynamic but operates within relatively narrow morphological constraints compared to the time available for change.  相似文献   

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