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Collisions with vehicles can be a major threat to wildlife populations, so wildlife mitigation structures, including exclusionary fencing and wildlife crossings, are often constructed. To assess mitigation structure effectiveness, it is useful to compare wildlife road mortalities (WRMs) before, during, and after mitigation structure construction; however, differences in survey methodologies may make comparisons of counts impractical. Location‐based cluster analyses provide a means to assess how WRM spatial patterns have changed over time. We collected WRM data between 2015 and 2019 on State Highway 100 in Texas, USA. Five wildlife crossings and exclusionary fencing were installed in this area between September 2016 and May 2018 for the endangered ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and other similarly sized mammals. Roads intersecting State Highway 100 were mitigated by gates, wildlife guards, and wing walls. However, these structures may have provided wildlife access to the highway. We combined local hot spot analysis and time series analysis to assess how WRM cluster intensity changed after mitigation structure construction at fine spatial and temporal scales and generalized linear regression to assess how gaps in fencing and land cover were related to WRM cluster intensity in the before, during, and after construction periods. Overall, WRMs/survey day decreased after mitigation structure construction and most hot spots occurred where there were more fence gaps, and, while cluster intensity increased in a few locations, these were not at fence gaps. Cluster intensity of WRMs increased when nearer to fence gaps in naturally vegetated areas, especially forested areas, and decreased nearer to fence gaps in areas with less natural vegetation. We recommend that if fence gaps are necessary in forested areas, less permeable mitigation structures, such as gates, should be used. Local hot spot analysis, coupled with time series and regression techniques, can effectively assess how WRM clustering changes over time.  相似文献   

Postmortem records of wild-living birds in Norway with laboratory-confirmed findings of salmonella infection were summarized for the period from 1969 to 2000. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 470 birds belonging to 26 species. The salmonella-positive birds included 441 small passerines, 15 gulls, 5 waterfowl, 4 birds of prey, 3 doves, and 2 crows. The bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) was by far the most frequently recorded species (54% of the cases). Salmonella enterica serover Typhimurium was recovered from all cases except from one hooded crow (Corvus corone), which yielded serovar Paratyphi-B var. Java. Variant O:4,12 comprised 96% (451 cases) of all serovar Typhimurium isolates, including all the passerines, while variant O:4,5,12 accounted for the remaining 4% (18 cases). The occurrence of salmonellae in small passerines showed a distinct seasonality, with a peak in February and March. Plasmid profile analysis of 346 isolates of serovar Typhimurium O:4,12 detected six profiles, of which two comprised 66 and 28% of the isolates, respectively. Phage typing of 52 randomly selected isolates of serovar Typhimurium O:4,12 from passerines detected four types: DT 40 (54%), U277 (35%), DT 99 (6%), and DT 110 (4%).  相似文献   

Interlaboratory studies are common in toxicology, particularly for the introduction of alternative assays. Numerous papers are available on the statistical analysis of interlaboratory studies, but these deal primarily with the case of a replicated single sample studied in several laboratories. This approach can be used for some assays, but for the majority, the results will be unsatisfactory, i.e. involving great variability between both the dose groups and the laboratories. However, the primary objective of toxicological assays is to achieve similarity between the sizes of effects, rather than to determine absolute values. In the parametric model, the sizes of effects are the studentised differences from the negative control or, for the commonly used dose-response designs, the similarity of the slopes of the dose-response curves. Standard approaches for the estimation of intralaboratory and interlaboratory variability, including Mandel plots, are introduced, and new approaches are presented for demonstrating similarity of effect sizes, with or without assuming a dose-response model. One approach is based on a modification of the parallel-line assay, the other is based on a modification of the interaction contrasts of the analysis of variance. SAS programs are given for all approaches, and real data from an interlaboratory immunotoxicological study are analysed as a demonstration.  相似文献   

贝类血细胞及其免疫功能研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
贝类由于是开放性系统,不存在特异性体液免疫,贝类的宿主免疫防御包括以血细胞为基础的细胞和体液系统。血细胞能够在体内或体外吞噬各种有机和无机颗粒,清除病原生物和自身损伤或死亡细胞,而且血细胞能够产生各种非特异性体液因子来参与宿主的免疫防御过程。所以贝类的血细胞在宿主免疫防御机制中起着重要作用。近年来,随着贝类养殖规模的扩大,贝类病害日益严重,给中国的贝类养殖业造成了重大经济损失[1,2]。所以研究贝类免疫学,特别是贝类血细胞的免疫防御功能和机制,以解决贝类养殖中发生的病害问题已成为研究的热点。本文依据国内外有关文献,就贝类血细胞的分类、结构及免疫功能方面的研究作一综述,为国内外研究提供理论基础及资料。1贝类血细胞结构、分类贝类血细胞的分类一直分歧很大,有人将其分为三类:无颗粒细胞、小颗粒细胞、大颗粒细胞,也有人将其分为四类:大颗粒细胞、小颗粒细胞、透明细胞、浆细胞,还有人将其分为八类,甚至几十类,至今无统一命名[3]。关于血细胞的分类,Moore等[4]根据血细胞超微结构和对染色反应的不同,将紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)血细胞分为两大类,无颗粒的嗜碱性细胞和有颗粒的嗜酸性颗粒细胞...  相似文献   

Within isolated and fragmented populations, species interactions such as predation can cause shifts in community structure and demographics in tidal marsh ecosystems. It is critical to incorporate species interactions into our understanding when evaluating the effects of sea‐level rise and storm surges on tidal marshes. In this study, we hypothesize that avian predators will increase their presence and hunting activities during high tides when increased inundation makes their prey more vulnerable. We present evidence that there is a relationship between tidal inundation depth and time of day on the presence, abundance, and behavior of avian predators. We introduce predation pressure as a combined probability of predator presence related to water level. Focal surveys were conducted at four tidal marshes in the San Francisco Bay, California where tidal inundation patterns were monitored across 6 months of the winter. Sixteen avian predator species were observed. During high tide at Tolay Slough marsh, ardeids had a 29‐fold increase in capture attempts and 4 times greater apparent success rate compared with low tide. Significantly fewer raptors and ardeids were found on low tides than on high tides across all sites. There were more raptors in December and January and more ardeids in January than in other months. Ardeids were more prevalent in the morning, while raptors did not exhibit a significant response to time of day. Modeling results showed that raptors had a unimodal response to water level with a peak at 0.5 m over the marsh platform, while ardeids had an increasing response with water level. We found that predation pressure is related to flooding of the marsh surface, and short‐term increases in sea levels from high astronomical tides, sea‐level rise, and storm surges increase vulnerability of tidal marsh wildlife.  相似文献   

应用GIS技术进行野生动物生境研究概况及展望   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
1  GIS的特性及对野生动物生境研究产生的影响近年来 ,生物多样性的研究和保护已在多层次、多水平上展开 [2 7] ,其中对野生动物生境的保护和研究是非常重要的一方面。生境 ( habitat)一词首先由美国的 Grinnel于 1 91 7年提出 ,指的是生物的居住场所 ,即生物个体、种群或群落能在其中完成生命过程的空间 [11]。自然界的生物都有它特定的生活环境 ,都有各自要求的适宜的环境条件。由于生物种类繁多 ,生物和环境、生物和生物之间的关系错综复杂 ,因此 ,野生动物生境的保护涉及到许多与时间动态及空间格局相关的问题。传统动物生态学和动物…  相似文献   

The immunological function of allosuckling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young mammals are unable to mount an efficient immune response against invading pathogens. Until their immune system is mature mothers transmit to their young immunological compounds during lactation. Given that genetic and foster mothers can assume this protective role, we propose that young mammals may gain immunological benefits by suckling more than one nursing female, a behaviour referred to as "allosuckling". This hypothesis has so far not been considered as a potential explanation for the propensity of young mammals to suckle foster mothers. However, pathogen transmission through milk during allosuckling may reduce the immunological net benefit that young gain, and furthermore allosuckling may increase pathogen transmission between foster and genetic mothers implying costs of allosuckling for all participants. Here, we develop the immunological function of allosuckling hypothesis (IFA) as a potential explanation for intra-and interspecific variation in allosuckling frequency. We present published experimental evidence for the assumption that immunological benefits of allosuckling depend on the immunological status of the offspring, the foster and the genetic mothers. Finally, we give predictions arising from the IFA hypothesis and propose that the IFA may provide a new explanation as to why neonates suckle various females and why foster females often refuse to nurse nonoffspring.  相似文献   

Mortality site investigations of telemetered wildlife are important for cause‐specific survival analyses and understanding underlying causes of observed population dynamics. Yet, eroding ecoliteracy and a lack of quality control in data collection can lead researchers to make incorrect conclusions, which may negatively impact management decisions for wildlife populations. We reviewed a random sample of 50 peer‐reviewed studies published between 2000 and 2019 on survival and cause‐specific mortality of ungulates monitored with telemetry devices. This concise review revealed extensive variation in reporting of field procedures, with many studies omitting critical information for the cause of mortality inference. Field protocols used to investigate mortality sites and ascertain the cause of mortality are often minimally described and frequently fail to address how investigators dealt with uncertainty. We outline a step‐by‐step procedure for mortality site investigations of telemetered ungulates, including evidence that should be documented in the field. Specifically, we highlight data that can be useful to differentiate predation from scavenging and more conclusively identify the predator species that killed the ungulate. We also outline how uncertainty in identifying the cause of mortality could be acknowledged and reported. We demonstrate the importance of rigorous protocols and prompt site investigations using data from our 5‐year study on survival and cause‐specific mortality of telemetered mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in northern California. Over the course of our study, we visited mortality sites of neonates (n = 91) and adults (n = 23) to ascertain the cause of mortality. Rapid site visitations significantly improved the successful identification of the cause of mortality and confidence levels for neonates. We discuss the need for rigorous and standardized protocols that include measures of confidence for mortality site investigations. We invite reviewers and journal editors to encourage authors to provide supportive information associated with the identification of causes of mortality, including uncertainty.  相似文献   

Assessing ancient DNA studies   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The study of ancient DNA has the potential to make significant and unique contributions to ecology and evolution. However, the techniques used contain inherent problems, particularly with regards to the generation of authentic and useful data. The solution currently advocated to reduce contamination and artefactual results is to adopt criteria for authentication. Nevertheless, these criteria are not foolproof, and we believe that they have, in practice, replaced the use of thought and prudence when designing and executing ancient DNA studies. We argue here that researchers in this field must take a more cognitive and self-critical approach. Specifically, in place of checking criteria off lists, researchers must explain, in sufficient enough detail to dispel doubt, how the data were obtained, and why they should be believed to be authentic.  相似文献   

Epizootic avian vacuolar myelinopathy (AVM) was first recognized as a neurologic disease in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and American coots (Fulica americana) in Arkansas, USA in 1994 and 1996, respectively, but attempts to identify the etiology of the disease have been unsuccessful to date. Between 1998 and 2001, wing clipped sentinel birds (wild American coots and game farm mallards [Anas platyrhynchos]) were released at Lake Surf, North Carolina, a lake with recurrent outbreaks of AVM, in order to gain a better understanding of the epizootiology of the disease. As early as 5-7 days post-release, sentinel coots and mallards showed neurologic signs of disease and were confirmed with AVM upon histologic examination of their brains. Serial releases of sentinel mallards during the summer, fall, and winter of 2000-01 demonstrated that exposure to the causative agent at a threshold sufficient to manifest disease was seasonal and occurred over about a 2 mo period, during November and December. Our findings that disease onset can be very rapid (5-7 days) and that exposure to the causative agent of AVM is site-specific, seasonal (late fall to early winter), and occurs over a relatively short duration (several months) supports the hypothesis that the disease is caused by a chemical substance, most likely of natural origin.  相似文献   

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