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The effects of nicotine on intact human granulocytes were examined, using 5-doxylstearic acid as a spin probe. At micromolar concentrations, (-)-nitocine produces a membrane perturbation in granulocytes not observable with oriented lipid bilayers. The effect, which is stereoselective for the (-)-isomer, occurs at concentrations of nicotine that bind to noncholinergic nicotine receptors on granulocytes and which are present in the blood after smoking. At comparable concentrations, (-)-nicotine modulates granulocyte chemotaxis towards a chemotactic peptide in a stereospecific and dose-dependent manner. Cotinine, the major metabolite of nicotine, does not bind to the receptor, does not produce the membrane perturbation observed with nicotine, and has no effect on chemotaxis. These results suggest that (-)-nicotine present in the blood after smoking binds to a receptor on granulocytes, perturbs granulocyte membranes and modulates chemotaxis.  相似文献   

chlorpromazine interacted preferentially with membrane proteins rather than membrane lipids in the initial incorporation into human erythrocyte ghosts, as demonstrated by means of the fluorescence quenching and a maleimide spin label. In this state the membrane fluidity increased. At higher concentrations of chlorpromazine, the membrane fluidity decreased and a motionally restricted signal from fatty acid spin labels appeared predominantly. However, no such signal appeared in protein-free vesicles. The temperature and pH dependences of the outer hyperfine splitting of this restricted signal were very similar to those of bovine serum albumin. On the basis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of chlorpromazine-treated and -untreated ghosts, it was found that there was no significant difference in membrane proteins between both samples except for the changes of a few bands which were not directly concerned with the occurrence of this restricted signal. These results suggest that the fatty acid spin labels bind preferably to membrane proteins as the lipid domain becomes packed with chlorpromazine.  相似文献   

A strongly immobilized signal from fatty acid spin labels was observed in human erythrocytes treated with oxidizing agents such as glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, phenylhydrazine and copper-ortho-phenanthroline. This signal was also observed in freshly prepared ghosts treated with potassium superoxide and in old erythrocyte ghosts. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of these samples demonstrated the diffuse, nondiscrete bands of high molecular weight due to the cross-linking of membrane proteins. The temperature and pH dependences of the outer hyperfine splitting of this signal were very similar to those of bovine serum albumin. We propose that the strongly immobilized signal reflects the interaction of the lipids with the cross-linked products of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Quinolinic acid (2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid), an endogenous metabolite of l-tryptophan, reportedly via the kynurenine pathway, has been previously shown to possess neurotoxic properties when injected into rat striatum (Schwarcz R., Whetsell, W.O., Jr. and Mangano R.M. (1983) Science 219, 316–318) and to alter the physical state of human erythrocyte membrane proteins, as judged by ESR spectroscopy (Farmer, B.T., II and Butterfield, D.A. (1984) Life Sci. 35, 501–509). Both the morphologic and ESR studies employed nicotinic acid as one comparative control and found that the effect of quinolinic acid is significantly different from that of nicotinic acid. In the present study, we report that the effects of several structural analogues and positional isomers of quinolinic acid on the ESR parameter associated with the physical state of membrane proteins in human erythrocyte membranes suggest the following conclusions concerning the structure-effect relationship of quinolinic acid: The alteration in the conformation of membrane proteins: (1) requires the presence of two carboxylic acid groups; (2) is independent of their relationship to one another on the pyridine ring; (3) is slightly dependent on the presence of the pyridine nitrogen atom but is independent of the positional relationship of the two carboxylic acid moieties to the heteroatom; and (4) seems to depend upon the presence of restricted internal motion derived from the aromaticity in these compounds.  相似文献   

Early works have shown that when biomembranes are extracted with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 at 4 degrees C, only a subset of the components is solubilized. The aim of this paper was to investigate the solubilization of a cell membrane at different Triton concentrations, and to compare the lipid composition and acyl chain order/mobility of the insoluble material with those of the original membrane. We choose bovine erythrocytes, because they have an uncommon composition, as they have a huge amount of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine is almost absent. We determined the degree of order/mobility of the lipid acyl chains by EPR spectroscopy, using liposoluble spin labels. Incubation of bovine erythrocytes with increasing Triton X-100 concentrations yields decreasing amounts of insoluble material which is enriched in sphingomyelin and depleted in cholesterol. Complete lipid solubilization is achieved at a detergent/lipid ratio of about 60, which is much higher than the values reported for human erythrocytes, but is in line with results obtained in model systems. An insoluble pellet is still obtained at higher Triton concentrations, which seems to consist mainly of protein. A very high correlation is found between lipid chain mobility restrictions and sphingomyelin content in the lipid structures. The human erythrocyte membrane also fits well in this correlation, suggesting a significant role of sphingomyelin in determining acyl chain organization. The analogies and differences between our insoluble material and the detergent-resistant membranes (DRM) are discussed.  相似文献   

Spin label experiments have been carried out on the urinary bladder luminal membrane of the bovine transitional epithelium employing the 5-, 7-, 12-, and 16-doxyl substituted stearic acid methyl esters, and compared for reference to similarly labeled bovine erythrocytes. The bladder membranes are significantly different from the bovine red blood cell membranes and show a lower order and polarity near the membrane surface. This fact and the general similarity of results for the bladder and isolated plaque membranes suggests that the highly organized proteins of the bladder membrane may act as a coat on the lipid bilayer and, while intrinsic in nature, do not significantly perturb the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

C S Lai  J S Schutzbach 《FEBS letters》1984,169(2):279-282
Dolichol promotes the leakage of membranes in liposomes composed of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine but not liposomes composed only of phosphatidylcholine. The membrane leakage was assayed by measuring the entrapment of TEMPOcholine, a cationic spin probe, in liposomes using ESR methods. The percent of membrane leakage induced by dolichol was found to be linearly proportional to the concentrations of dolichol. It is proposed that dolichol enhances the formation of non-bilayer configurations in liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine, thereby membrane leakage.  相似文献   

Trans- and cis-azethoxyl nitroxides , , and can be trapped in the cavities of thiourea crystals. The presence of a single gauche conformation on either side of the pyrrolidine ring within the crystals was indicated by the ESR spectra. Rotation about the long molecular axis then corresponds approximately to y-axis motion of the nitroxide moiety. Proxyl nitroxides in which the nitroxide group is located on the penultimate carbon of long chain lipids can also be trapped and were shown to adopt the azethoxyl conformation in the thiourea crystals.The measured ΔA values (A|A) of oriented egg lecithin multilayers containing trans- and cis-azethoxyl nitroxides and were quite small, consistent with the unique orientation of the nitroxide principal axes with respect to the long axis of the molecule. The ΔA values for a series of lipids bearing a label near the terminus of the chain were very similar to that of , showing that the azethoxyl conformation is likely the predominant one in these labels in orienting systems.Computer simulations of the ESR spectra of and in egg lecithin vesicles provided values for molecular orientation and motion parameters consistent with those expected from a consideration of molecular models in the extended (all trans) conformation.Azethoxyl nitroxides have also proven useful in the investigation of motion restricted (boundary) lipid in a lipid-protein system. Thus, the values (69 ± 10%) for the amount of boundary lipid in the chromatophore membranes from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides as determined using trans- and cis- are in good agreement with values using 16-doxylstearic acid (64 ± 3%). The fact that all three labels show about the same fraction of boundary lipid in this system indicates that the lipid binding sites are relatively insensitive to the geometry of the lipid chain. Also, both and appear to be able to detect a third lipid environment not seen with the doxyl fatty acid. The apparent fluidity of this component lies between that of boundary and bilayer lipid. The unique orientation of the nitroxide principal axes with respect to the long molecular axis in azethoxyl nitroxides and allows detection of hindrance to rotation about the long molecular axis, in contrast to the analogous doxyl and proxyl fatty acids.Comparative reduction studies using ascorbate and dithiothreitol indicate that azethoxyl nitroxides are slightly more resistant toward reduction than proxyl nitroxides and much more resistant than doxyl nitroxides.  相似文献   

Saturation transfer ESR has been used to study the dynamic behaviour of lipids in the appressed regions of thylakoid membranes from pea seedlings. Four different phospho- and galacto-lipid spin labels (phosphatidylcholine labelled at the 12 or 14 C-atom positions of the sn-2 chain, phosphatidylglycerol labelled at the 14-position of the sn-2 chain, and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol labelled at the 12-position of the sn-2 chain) were used to probe the lipid environment in photosystem II-enriched membranes prepared by detergent extraction. The ESR spectra show that the majority of the lipid in these preparations is strongly motionally restricted. Values for the effective rotational correlation times of the labelled chains were deduced from the lineheight ratios and integrals of thhe saturation transfer ESR spectra. The effective rotational correlation times were found to be in the 105 range, indicating a very low lipid chain mobility which correlates with the low lipid content of these preparations. Comparison of the effective rotational correlation times deduced from the different diagnostic regions of the spectrum revealed little anisotropy in the chain mobility, indicating that the dominant motional mode was trans-gauche isomerization. The effective rotational correlation times deduced from the spectral integrals were similar to those deduced from the lineheight ratios, consistent with the absence of any appreciable fluid lipid component in these preparations. The results also indicate some selectivity of interaction between the lipid species, with phosphatidylcholine exhibiting appreciably slower motion than either phosphatidylglycerol or monogalactosyldiacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Electrometric titrations and spin label data demonstrate changes in the experimentally determined apparent pK of an ionizable drug in the presence of membranes. This effect is attributed to the difference in partition coefficients for the charged and uncharged forms of the drug. Investigation of the binding of a local anesthetic, tetracaine, to egg phosphatidylcholine membranes indicates that the drug apparent pK decreases in the presence of membranes, the decrease being a function of membrane concentration. The agreement between titration and spin label studies is very good and could be simulated by calculating membrane-bound and free populations of charged and uncharged tetracaine from the independently-measured partition coefficients for the two forms.  相似文献   

The existence of different lipid domains in the monolayers of the human erythrocyte membrane was investigated at 4 °C by employing spin-labelled phospholipid analogues. Spectra of analogues located exclusively either in the exoplasmic or in the cytoplasmic leaflet of erythrocyte membranes were recorded. Spectra were simulated by variation of order parameter describing the average amplitude of motion of the long molecular axis of the nitrogen 2 orbital of the spin label and of the respective correlation times. For both leaflets at least three components were required to fit the experimental spectra, differing mainly in the order parameter. While the parameters of each component are not very different between both membrane halves, the relative contribution of each component to the spectrum is different between the exoplasmic and cytoplasmic leaflet. The order parameter of the most fluid component, presumably resembling the lipid bulk phase, is smaller in the cytoplasmic leaflet in comparison to the exoplasmic one. The lateral coexistence of different lipid domains in the human red blood cell membrane is concluded. The molecular nature of those domains is discussed. Received: 6 November 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 29 January 1999  相似文献   

The properties of mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and analogues of cholesterol bearing side chains of varying lengths were examined by a variety of methods. The incorporation of the analogues into sonicated liposomes and their effect on the rate of osmotic shrinking of multilamellar liposomes were determined. The ordering of a steroid spin label was studied in an oriented multibilayer system and the effect of the analogues on the phase transition of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine monitored using the spin label TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl). Mixtures of analogues and phospholipid were also studied in monolayers.In all the bilayer systems studied cholesterol caused the greatest ‘rigidifying’ effect, the analogues with shorter or longer side chains being less effective. However, in the monolayer experiments the length of the sterol molecule was found to be much less critical. It is suggested that cholesterol is anchored in position in a phospholipid bilayer by virtue of the molecule being the precise length required to maximise interactions between neighbouring molecules without disturbing the bilayer structure.  相似文献   

The physical properties of the plasma membrane of the aquatic phycomycete Blastocladiella emersonii were investigated, in particular the effects of cations on membrane structure. Intact zoospores and lipid extracts were labelled with the spin-labels 5-nitroxystearate (5-NS), 12-nitroxystearate (12-NS), and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (Tempo). Electron spin resonance spectroscopy indicated a total of three breaks in plots of the hyperfine splitting parameter, 2T|, order parameter, S, and the partition coefficient, f, vs. temperature. The first and third break points (TL and TH) were found to be independent of the external K+, Ca2+, or Mg2+ concentrations. They were similar to the break points found in aqueous dispersions of lipid extracts and correlate well with the temperature limits for zoospore viability. In contrast, the middle break point (TM) was markedly influenced by the external Ca2+ concentration. Ca2+ increased TM from 12°C (no Ca2+ added) to 22°C (10 mM Ca2+), i.e., growth temperature. K+ reversed this Ca2+ effect, downshifting TM from 22°C to 10°C. A comparison of the physico-chemical effects of these ions on the membrane, as revealed by the cation-induced shift in TM, is closely correlated with the temperature dependence and physiological effects of cations on zoospore differentiation. This suggests that cations may modify the physical state of the plasma membrane and be involved in regulating the initial changes during zoospore encystment.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-label methods were used with 5-doxyl-stearic acid as a probe to investigate membrane fluidity of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells during the cell cycle. A 35 GHz ESR technique was developed to study membrane fluidity of intact cells. This technique requires only about 16 the amount of cells compared to the conventional spin-label techniques. With this technique we observed a cyclic change of membrane fluidity during the cell cycle of CHO cells: cells in mitosis had the highest membrane fluidity, whereas cells in G1 and early S phases had the lowest membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Freely diffusable lipid spin labels in bovine rod outer segment disc membranes display an apparent two-component ESR spectrum. One component is markedly more immobilized than that found in fluid lipid bilayers, and is attributed to lipid interacting directly with rhodopsin. For the 14-doxyl stearic acid spin label this more immobilized component has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C, with a considerable temperature dependence, the effective outer splitting decreasing to 54 G at 24°C. Spin label lipid chains covalently attached to rhodopsin can also display a two-component spectrum in rod outer segment membranes. In unbleached, non-delipidated membranes the 16-doxyl stearoyl maleimide label shows an immobilized component which has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C and a considerable temperature dependence. This component which is not resolved at high temperatures (24–35°C), is attributed to the lipid chains interacting directly with the monomeric protein, as with the diffusable labels. In contrast, in rod outer segment membranes which have been either delipidated or extensively bleached, a strongly immobilized component is observed with the 16-doxyl maleimide label at all temperatures. This immobilized component has an outer splitting of 62–64 G at 0°C, with very little temperature dependence (61–62 G at 35°C), and is attributed to protein aggregation.  相似文献   

This study describes the interaction of molybdenum with blood components. Molybdenum-99 was added to blood, and after four washings, 3% of the total radioactivity was found in red cells. More specifically, the radioactivity was determined to be associated with the cell membrane. Molybdenum-99 in the +VI form did not interact with the human erythrocyte membrane; however, Mo(V) forms did interact. Of five different compounds, the highes uptake was observed with a brown Mo(V)-ascorbate complex generated from Mo(VI) and ascorbic acid in the molar ratio 1∶20. A membrane suspension of Mo-ascorbate-treated human erythrocytes was prepared and the solubilized proteins were separated on a polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Molybdenum-99 binding to spectrin was demonstrated, as well as some minor interactions with membrane hemoglobin and bands 6 and 8.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic compounds such as long-chain acyl carnitines accumulate in ischemic myocardium and potentially contribute to the myocardial damage. To characterize alterations in membrane molecular dynamics produced by palmitoylcarnitine, human erythrocytes were spin-labeled with 5-doxylstearic acid, and membrane fluidity was quantified by measuring the changes in the order parameter derived from ESR spectra. Palmitoylcarnitine induced triphasic alterations in membrane fluidity of human erythrocytes. The membrane fluidity increased for 5 min, then decreased in a concentration-dependent manner. At higher concentrations (100 and 150 μM) of palmitoylcarnitine, membrane fluidity increased again after 30 and 20 min of the incubation, respectively. Addition of 2.8 mM CaCl2 resulted in a significant decrease in membrane fluidity and enhanced the alterations in membrane fluidity caused by palmitoylcarnitine. The results suggest that alterations in molecular dynamics are one mechanism through which long-chain acyl carnitine could play an important role in ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Abstract The morphological response of neutrophils to chemotactic factors is characterized by an immediate change (in seconds) from a spherical to an irregular shape. Within two or three minutes, the cells assume the head-tail polarity typical of locomotor cells. In this study the effects of the anaesthetic drugs, propofol and thiopentone, on the time-sequence of the morphological response of human neutrophils to the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe were examined. At concentrations seen in the plasma during anaesthesia, both drugs inhibited both the rate and degree of the neutrophil chemotactic response. The effect of propofol was not attributable to its lipid vehicle, as 10% intralipid alone had no effect on neutrophil polarization. Plasma membrane reorganization occurs during polarization of neutrophils, resulting in morphological and functional changes which prepare the cells for chemotaxis and phagocytosis. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) was used to investigate effects of the anaesthetics on membrane lipid behaviour. With a lipid probe, the proportion of mobile lipid in neutrophils exposed to propofol or thiopentone was reduced. There was a less significant reduction with intralipid which also caused reduction in velocity of lateral diffusion of the probe. These findings suggest that the inhibitory effects of anaesthetics on neutrophil locomotion are related to reductions in fluid mobility of the plasma membranes of anaesthetic-treated cells.  相似文献   

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