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Analysis of surface fluorescence with flow cytometry has revealed the presence of membrane-associated interleukin 2 (IL-2) epitopes on the surface of long term human T cell clones. These IL-2 epitopes could not be accounted for by soluble IL-2 binding to its specific receptor or adsorbing nonspecifically to the cells. The level of surface IL-2 antigenic determinants on the T cell clones was decreased in the presence of phorbol esters and increased in the absence of an exogenous source of IL-2. It was completely lost upon stimulation of the clones to produce the soluble lymphokine. Surface IL-2 epitopes were also detected on the Jurkat tumor cell line which secretes IL-2 upon stimulation and on another T cell tumor line MOLT 4. MLA-144 produces IL-2 constitutively; however, it did not possess membrane-associated epitopes. Tumor lines of other lineages were negative. A subpopulation of peripheral blood T lymphocytes demonstrated some membrane-bound IL-2, whereas non-T peripheral blood mononuclear cells were negative. Thus, cells with the potential of producing and secreting IL-2 upon stimulation possessed the surface epitopes of the lymphokine and cells either actively secreting IL-2 or without the potential for secretion were negative for surface expression. Membrane-associated IL-2 antigenic determinants appear to represent a T lymphocytic surface marker of potential cellular function. The relationship of this marker to the secreted lymphokine is not known. Although it is possible that the epitopes seen were present on a distinct molecule independent of secreted IL-2, the distribution on a variety of T cells and regulation via cellular activation suggest that the surface expression of IL-2 epitopes is in some way related to the soluble lymphokine.  相似文献   

Evidence from the literature suggests that the nervous and the immune systems closely interact via neuromediators, which affect the immune system, and cytokines, which control nerve cell growth and activity. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a neuropeptide that has been identified in numerous tissues including immune organs and inhibits the proliferation of spleen cells. We investigated whether CGRP altered the function of T lymphocytes. We present evidence that CGRP induces a dose-dependent cAMP accumulation in interleukin 2-producing TH1 cells and inhibits their production of interleukin 2. These effects are prevented by CGRP8-37, a CGRP antagonist that is missing the first 7 amino acids. This CGRP-mediated inhibition of interleukin 2 production is accompanied by a decrease in interleukin 2 mRNA accumulation. CGRP also inhibits the accumulation of mRNA coding for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and -beta and interferon-gamma. Thus, we have identified one mechanism by which CGRP inhibits the proliferation of spleen cells.  相似文献   

A novel polypeptide secreted by activated human T lymphocytes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have identified two cDNA clones, I-309 and G-26, which define genes expressed abundantly in activated human PBMC, but at low or undetectable levels in resting PBMC. Based upon nucleotide sequence analysis, both clones are predicted to encode small, structurally related polypeptides, each containing a hydrophobic leader sequence characteristic of secreted proteins and a motif of four conserved cysteine residues. Further, I-309 and G-26 are structurally related to a growing family of genes that apparently encode small polypeptides whose secretion is induced upon cell activation. I-309 represents a previously undescribed human gene. We have generated an anti-peptide antiserum to the I-309 gene product which recognizes proteins in culture supernatants of an activated T cell clone and of COS cells transfected with the I-309 cDNA, supporting the idea that I-309 encodes a secreted protein. Because I-309 encodes a small protein secreted by activated T cells that displays structural features similar to other cytokines, we believe that it defines a novel cytokine with as yet unknown function.  相似文献   

The effect of interleukin 2 (IL 2) on the capability of human monocytes to secrete reactive oxygen species triggered via Fc-γ receptor (Fc-γ R) function had been investigated by measurement of chemiluminescence (CL). IL 2 did not activate highly purified (hp) monocytes to respond to Fc-γ R mediated phagocytic stimulation with an enhanced respiratory burst activity unless low numbers of T cells had been co-cultured with hp monocytes. Supernatants from IL 2 treated PBMC contained interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and monocyte activating factor (MAF) activity. The secretion of both cytokine activities was strongly enhanced by cooperative function of monocytes. The correlation of IL 2 induced secretion of IFN-γ and MAF activity was striking, however, monoclonal antibody (mAb) anti-human IFN-γ failed to abrogate IL 2 stimulated and lymphocyte dependent monocyte activation. Although IL 2 had no direct monocyte activating effect, pretreatment of hp monocytes with IL 2 led to monocyte priming: subsequent co-culture with autologous control T cells enhanced the monocyte Fc-γ R mediated CL response. The priming of monocytes by IL 2 was dependent on the interaction of IL 2 with the monocytic IL 2 receptor as shown by inhibition experiments with anti IL 2 R monoclonal antibody. Thus the IL 2 driven monocyte/T-cell interaction leads to an increased Fc-γ R mediated monocytic respiratory burst activity and to the secretion of a soluble MAF activity, but there were no detectable amounts of IFN-γ.  相似文献   

The activation of alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors is dependent upon the presence of both macrophages and helper T cells or regulatory molecules derived from these facilitative cells. Three biochemically distinct helper factors have been identified: interleukin 1 (macrophage-derived), Interleukin 2 (T cell derived), and immune interferon. All 3 factors are found in supernatants of mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), however, the removal of macrophages from these cultures completely ablates the production of these factors as well as the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The addition of IL 2 to these macrophage-depleted MLC restores the ability of responder T cells to: 1) bypass the requirement for macrophage soluble function, 2) produce immune interferon, and 3) generate CTL. The kinetics and dose response of immune interferon production in response to IL 2 correlates with the generation of CTL. The production of immune interferon as well as the generation of CTL requires T cells, alloantigen, and IL2. Furthermore, the induction of CTL by IL2 was neutralized by the addition of anti-immune interferon. These data suggest that: 1) the regulation of immune interferon production is based on a T to T cell interaction mediated by IL 2, and 2) immune interferon production may be required for IL 2 induction of CTL. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the induction of CTL involves a linear cell-factor interaction in which IL 1 (macrophage-derived) stimulates T cells to produce IL 2, which in turn stimulates other T cells to produce immune interferon and become cytotoxic.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin 2 (rH IL-2) in the presence or absence of additional stimuli, was found to be able to induce and support the proliferation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs). These proliferative effects were observed at low doses (less than or equal to 10 U/ml) of interleukin 2 (IL-2) only when additional signals (antigen, mitogen) were provided. However, higher doses (greater than or equal to 100 U/ml) of rH IL-2 significantly stimulated the proliferation of PBL even in the absence of exogenous lectin, antigen, or allogeneic serum. The subpopulation of lymphocytes most responsive to these higher doses of rH IL-2 was the large granular lymphocyte (LGL), the morphologic homologue of natural killer activity. After the separation of human PBLs on discontinuous Percoll gradients, cells from fraction 2 (greater than 90% LGLs) responded in a dose-dependent manner to rH IL-2 alone, whereas cells from fraction 6 (greater than 90% T cells) were only slightly responsive to rH IL-2 alone. A portion of the proliferation of cells from fraction 2 was dependent on the expression of the TAC receptor, because the prior removal of TAC-positive cells significantly reduced IL-2-induced lymphocyte proliferation. These results demonstrate that human LGL that have not been exogenously stimulated can proliferate in direct response to IL-2, and suggest that LGL are the major cellular phenotype in the proliferative response that has been observed clinically.  相似文献   

Several alloreactive human T cell clones derived from a rejected kidney graft were found to produce in their culture supernatants soluble interleukin 2 receptors (IL-2R) upon specific antigenic challenge (irradiated B cell line from the graft's donor). Among them, the 2B11, a high producer clone, was used to purify a soluble IL-2R preparation which was analyzed, in comparison with the high and low affinity cell-surface IL-2R expressed by 2B11 cells, for its parameters of interaction with a set of anti-IL-2R monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and IL-2. This soluble receptor purified by affinity chromatography (anti-IL-2R mAb column) and sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis is composed of a single chain of 35,000 to 45,000 Da. Immunoradiometric assays (IRMA) at equilibrium were set up, using pairs of mAb directed against two separate epitopes on the Tac antigen of the human IL-2R, to measure the respective dissociation constant of these mAb for the soluble IL-2R. They were found to be identical to those found on the cell-surface IL-2R. A 1:1 stoichiometry between the two epitopes were found both on the membrane and soluble species. Competition experiments between membrane and soluble IL-2R for binding the mAb allowed the quantitative analysis of the concentration of soluble IL-2R without the need of amino acid analysis on purified material and set up a quantitative IRMA for the human soluble IL-2R (detection limit 5 pM). The affinity of the soluble IL-2R for IL-2 was determined by various techniques including an IRMA using an anti-IL-2R mAb and radiolabeled IL-2. The results obtained led us to conclude that the soluble IL-2R binds IL-2 with a dissociation constant (KD = 30 nM) identical to that found for the binding of IL-2 to low affinity cell-surface IL-2R (Tac antigen). Whereas 2.5% of cell-surface IL-2R expressed 2 days after antigenic stimulation of 2B11 cells were of high affinity for IL-2 (KD = 25 pM), no (less than 0.07%) high affinity binding sites could be detected on the purified soluble IL-2R. This soluble IL-2R therefore likely corresponds to a truncated, extracellular part of the membrane Tac antigen. The amounts of soluble Tac antigen produced by the 2B11 alloreactive human T cell clone did not exceed 1 nM and, as expected from the binding studies, did not affect IL-2-induced T cell proliferation. The physiologic and pathologic implications of our results are discussed.  相似文献   

Human recombinant interleukin 2 (hrIL-2) was demonstrated in vitro to be chemotactic for mouse large granular lymphocytes (LGL) activated in vivo by virus infection. Peritoneal exudate cells harvested from virus-infected mice were used as a source of LGL. LGL collected from mouse hepatitis virus-infected mice at 3 days postinfection were a source for NK 1.1 positive natural killer (NK)/LGL. LGL collected from mice treated with antiserum to gangliotetraosylceramide and infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus for 7 days were used as a source for Lyt-2 positive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)/LGL. Both NK/LGL and CTL/LGL responded chemotactically to hrIL-2, purified IFN-beta, and to crude cell-free washout fluids collected from the peritoneal cavity of virus-infected mice. hrIL-2 had chemotactic activity for virus-elicited granular and agranular lymphocytes but did not attract the contaminating macrophages, in contrast to IFN-beta, which displayed chemotactic activity for virus-elicited granular and agranular lymphocytes as well as macrophages. The migration to hrIL-2 was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody (7D4) to the IL-2 receptor, but treatment with 7D4 did not affect migration in response to IFN-beta. Microscopic examination of Wright's-Giemsa-stained migrated NK/LGL and CTL/LGL revealed that the majority of migrated LGL in either LGL population had a blast cell morphology (enlarged cells with rich basophilic cytoplasm). The frequency of cells bearing the LGL morphology within the virus-elicited nonadherent peritoneal exudate cell population was on incubation in vitro, stabilized by either hrIL-2 or IFN-beta. These data suggest that another important immunomodulating function of IL-2 may be to attract activated NK/LGL and CTL/LGL to sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

IFN-alpha exerts prominent regulatory functions on the immune system. One such effect is the inhibition of proliferation of in vitro stimulated T lymphocytes. The exact physiological function of this activity is not known, but it has been implicated in the antiviral effects of IFN, its antitumor action in T-cell malignancies, and the regulation of the in vivo T-cell response. Here, we have investigated the mechanism underlying the IFN-alpha-mediated growth inhibition of normal human PHA- and IL-2-stimulated T lymphocytes by an analysis of how IFN-alpha treatment influences known molecular events that normally accompany the transition from quiescence to proliferation in these cells. IFN-alpha treatment was found to profoundly block S-phase entry of stimulated T lymphocytes. This correlated with a strong inhibition of IL-2-induced changes in G1-regulatory proteins, including the prevented up-regulation of G1 cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases as well as an abrogation of mitogen-induced reduction of p27Kip1 levels. This latter effect was due to a maintained stability of the p27Kip1 protein in the IFN-alpha-treated cells. In line with these findings, phosphorylation of the pocket proteins was abrogated in IFN-alpha-treated cells. Furthermore, our data indicate that IFN-alpha has selective effects on the pathways that emerge from the IL-2 receptor because IFN-alpha treatment does not block IL-2-induced up-regulation of c-myc or Cdc25A.  相似文献   

Interferon-beta 2/interleukin 6 is a co-stimulant for human T lymphocytes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
IFN-beta 2/IL-6 promotes the proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells in the presence of either PHA or Con A. This effect is observed with highly purified T cells and is masked by the addition of as few as 2% monocytes, suggesting that accessory cells are not required and that IFN-beta 2/IL-6 acts directly on the T cells. Both T4-positive and T8-positive cells respond to IFN-beta 2/IL-6 plus PHA. Studies of the time requirements of IFN-beta 2/IL-6 and of PHA in the response of T cells show that optimal co-stimulation occurs when both IFN-beta 2/IL-6 and PHA are added together at the outset of culture, suggesting that IFN-beta 2/IL-6 acts predominantly on resting T cells. Unlike T cell proliferation induced by IL-2, T cell proliferation induced by IFN-beta 2/IL-6 is not blocked by antibodies to the IL-2 R, suggesting that IFN-beta 2/IL-6 does not act by stimulating IL-2 production. Thus, in addition to its previously reported properties, IFN-beta 2/IL-6 stimulates T cells in the presence of mitogen, and may prove to be of considerable importance in the physiologic activation of T cells.  相似文献   

The incubation of murine splenocytes in recombinant interleukin 2 (RIL 2) gives rise to lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells that can lyse fresh, NK-resistant tumor cells but not normal cells in 4-hr 51Cr-release assays. Lysis by this IL 2-activated cell population was enhanced up to 100-fold by prior reaction of target cells with specific antisera reactive with antigens on the target cells. This antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) also resulted in lysis of fresh normal target cells, which are not usually susceptible to LAK lysis. The ADCC was evident after 24 hr of incubation of splenocytes in RIL 2, but peak lytic activity was reached after 3 to 4 days of incubation. The concentrations of RIL 2 needed for the in vitro activation of the effectors in order to attain maximal ADCC was between 100 and 3000 U/ml and parallel the IL 2 concentrations required to generate LAK cells. ADCC mediated by IL 2-activated splenocytes was completely blocked by anti-FcR monoclonal antibodies. Although antisera directed against MHC antigens were used in most experiments, anti-B16 monoclonal antibodies have also shown the ability to induce ADCC mediated by RIL 2-activated syngeneic and allogeneic cells. Treatment of the precursor splenocyte populations with anti-asialo GM1 and complement eliminated the direct LAK activity and the antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, suggesting that both direct and indirect tumor cell lysis may be caused by the same effector cell. ADCC mediated by LAK cell populations represents another possible mechanism for the in vivo therapeutic effects of these cells.  相似文献   

IL 2 receptor expression as a function of time after antigenic stimulation was examined on antigen-dependent human CTL clones specific for type A influenza virus. The anti-Tac monoclonal antibody was used to follow IL 2 receptor levels on the cloned cells. Shortly after antigenic stimulation, IL 2 receptor expression was maximal; by 1 wk, however, levels had decayed considerably, and by 2 wk only background expression remained. Reexpression of IL 2 receptors could be induced by exposure of quiescent clones to antigen or lectin. IL 2-driven proliferation of the cytotoxic clones was also examined, and it decayed with the same kinetics as IL 2 receptor levels. Proliferation of quiescent cells could also be obtained by antigen-specific stimulation. Thus, IL 2 receptor expression by human CTL clones at least in part regulates the antigen-specific proliferation of these cells.  相似文献   

The capacity for circulating human T cells which have or lack receptors for interleukin 2 (IL 2) to produce IL 2, interleukin 3 (IL 3), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) under the stimulus of phytohemagglutinin was studied. By using the monoclonal anti-Tac antibody which reacts against IL 2 receptors on human T cells, concanavalin A-treated T cells were separated into IL 2 receptor-positive (Tac+ T cells) and IL 2 receptor-negative (Tac- T cells) lymphocytes. The results show that Tac+ T cells secreted IL 2 and IFN-gamma but not IL 3. Tac- T cells produced IL 2 and IL 3 but not IFN-gamma. It is concluded that: 1) both T cells lacking and T cells having receptors for IL 2 produce IL 2, but only IL 2 receptor-negative T cells appear to secrete IL 3; and 2) virtually all of the T cells that produce IFN-gamma after PHA stimulation express receptors for IL 2.  相似文献   

Engagement of the T cell receptor (TCR) by antigen or anti-CD3 antibody results in a cycle of internalization and re-expression of the CD3zeta. Following internalization, CD3zeta is degraded and replaced by newly synthesized CD3zeta on the cell surface. Here, we provide evidence that availability of the amino acid L-arginine modulates the cycle of internalization and re-expression of CD3zeta and cause T cell dysfunction. T cells stimulated and cultured in presence of L-arginine, undergo the normal cycle of internalization and re-expression of CD3zeta. In contrast, T cells stimulated and cultured in absence of L-arginine, present a sustained down-regulation of CD3zeta preventing the normal expression of the TCR, exhibit a decreased proliferation, and a significantly diminished production of IFNgamma, IL5, and IL10, but not IL2. The replenishment of L-arginine recovers the expression of CD3zeta. The decreased expression of CD3zeta is not caused by a decreased CD3zeta mRNA, an increased CD3zeta degradation or T cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

T-Cell subsets identified by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) were investigated. Analysis in a cytofluorograf revealed 63 +/- 7% positive scatter-gated T lymphocytes. DP IV-positive cells were found to be T11+, 74-81% OKT4+, and 12-19% OKT8+. DP IV-negative cells were T11+ and comprise 16-40% OKT8+, and 10-30% OKT4+ T cells. Treatment of T lymphocytes with rabbit anti-DP IV and complement as well as the presence of rabbit anti-DP IV during culture resulted in a reduction of interleukin 2 (IL-2) production. This reduction was not observed with the mouse monoclonal anti-DP IV antibody II-19-4-7. Positive enrichment of DP IV-positive lymphocytes by cell sorting revealed excellent IL-2 production of DP IV-positive cells and very poor IL-2 activity in supernatants obtained from DP IV-negative lymphocytes. Thus, DP IV may serve as cell surface marker for IL-2-producing T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Two different bispecific hybrid antibodies were established by fusing a hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the pancarcinoma antigen KS1/4 with either of the two hybridomas OKT3 and 9.3, secreting antibodies reactive with the T cell determinants CD3 and CD28, respectively. The KS1/4 antibody reacts with a 40-kDa cell-surface glycoprotein antigen that is expressed on the surface of a variety of adenocarcinoma cells, including ovarian carcinoma. The ability of the bispecific antibodies 9.3KS1/4 and OKT3KS1/4 to direct peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) specifically against OVCAR-3 ovarian carcinoma target cells was measured in a 4-h51Cr-release assay. The bispecific antibodies were four to six times more potent in killing the OVCAR-3 target cells when compared to their parental antibodies either alone or in combination. A dose-dependent response was observed in the 10–10000 ng/ml range. The specificity of the targeting was demonstrated by the complete inhibition of cytotoxic activity following pre-incubation of tumor target cells with the parental mAb and by the lack of killing of KS1/4-negative target cell lines. An evaluation of the efficacy of PBMC from ovarian cancer patients as effector cells revealed that their specific cytotoxicity against OVCAR-3 cells was enhanced severalfold by bispecific antibodies as compared to parental antibodies. Furthermore, stimulation of PBMC with immobilized CD3 and interleukin-2 for 4 days resulted in an enhanced directed killing of human ovarian carcinoma cells by human T effector cells and the bispecific antibodies.  相似文献   

Phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-MR69 was used to activate human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The PHA concentration in the range of 1 to 4 micrograms/ml was optimal for lymphocyte stimulation. Cell activation occurred only in the presence of Ca ions and 5 min after it was followed by an increase in cGMP but not in cAMP. Immunomodulator, methylene bisphosphonic acid (10(-7) M and 4.10(-5) M), did not influence in culture. The cAMP and cGMP levels in PHA activated cells. Methylene bisphosphonic acid similar to 1-hydroxyenthylidene-1,1-bisphosphonic acid, aminomethylene bisphosphonic acid and phosphoneacetic acid on its addition to the culture (in the range from 10(-8) to 10(-4)M) 60 min before PHA or 24 or 48 hours after PHA administration produced no effect on the [3H]-incorporation into PHA-activated human blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Certain cell lines were found to significantly enhance IL-2 production by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated T lymphocytes, and the mechanisms involved in mediating such an enhancement have been studied. All B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-CL) tested had an enhancing capability, even lines which were immature, surface immunoglobulin negative, or negative for EBV-associated antigens or Fc receptors. Furthermore, a B-CL lacking HLA-A, B, and C, antigens as well as a HLA-DR-deficient mutant line enhanced IL-2 production. Autologous B-CL as well as allogeneic lines were able to augment IL-2 production. Cell lines from patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia did not stimulate, while more mature, DR-positive T-cell lines did. Although all HLA-DR positive cell lines, regardless of their derivation, provided enhancement, several lines of evidence, including blocking experiments with anti-DR antibodies, indicated that the reaction was not HLA-DR mediated. The enhancing determinant(s) appeared to be cell associated since CL supernatants were ineffective, and it may serve as an important additional signal to the preactivated IL-2-producer T-cell.  相似文献   

Regulation of immune cell activation in lymphocyte-bearing human tissues is a pivotal host function, and metabolites of arachidonic acid (prostaglandin E2 in particular) have been reported to serve this function at non-mucosal sites. However, it is unknown whether prostaglandin E2 is immunoregulatory for the large lymphocyte population in the lamina propria of intestine; whether low (nM) concentrations of prostaglandin E2 modulate immune responses occurring there; and whether adjacent inflammation per se abrogates prostaglandin E2's regulatory effects. To address these issues, intestine-derived lymphocytes and T hybridoma cells were assessed, T cell activation was monitored by release of independently quantitated lymphokines, and dose-response studies were performed over an 8-log prostaglandin E2concentration range. IL-3 release by normal intestinal lamina propria mononuclear cells was reduced (up to 78%) in a dose-dependent manner by prostaglandin E2, when present in as low a concentration as 10−10M. PGE2 also inhibited(by ≥ 60%) mucosal T lymphocytes' ability to destabilize the barrier function of human epithelial monolayers. Further, with an intestine-derived T lymphocyte hybridoma cell line, a prostaglandin E2 dose-dependent reduction in IL-3 and IL-2 (90 and 95%, respectively) was found; this was true for both mitogen- and antigen-driven T cell lymphokine release. Concomitant [3H] thymidine uptake studies suggested this was not due to a prostaglandin E2-induced reduction in T cell proliferation or viability. In contrast, cells from chronically inflamed intestinal mucosa were substantially less sensitive to prostaglandin E2, e.g., high concentrations (10−6 M) of prostaglandin E2 inhibited IL-3 release by only 41%. We conclude that prostaglandin E2 in nM concentrations is an important modulator of cytokine release from T lymphocytes derived from the gastrointestinal tract, and it may play a central role in regulation of lamina propria immunocyte populations residing there. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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