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Specific antibodies were used to purify glycogen synthase from isolated rabbit hepatocytes that had been incubated in a medium containing [32P]phosphate. The enzyme gave rise to two main 32P-labeled CNBr fragments of electrophoretic mobilities similar to those obtained after phosphorylation of the enzyme by individual protein kinases in vitro.  相似文献   

Single molecules of glycogen phosphorylase b exhibit images in the electron microscope which are similar in shape and dimension to those derived from X-ray crystallography. Phosphorylase alpha exhibits tetramers but shows dimers in the presence of glucose. Glycogen debranching enzyme appears as a monomer with an unusual crescent or shrimp-like shape, with occasional isologous aggregation to circular dimers. The longest dimension of the monomer is very similar to that of the phosphorylase dimer, 11.5 nm. Strong binding of the debranching enzyme to glycogen is readily visualized in the electron microscope. It is suggested that the distinctive shape of the debranching enzyme may be related to its catalytic function.  相似文献   

The structural changes accompanying digitonin-induced release of enzymes and metabolites from isolated hepatocytes have been studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In the initial phase, characterized by total release of the cytosolic marker enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase, the plasma membrane was immediately damaged, rapidly followed by extensive damage to the endoplasmic reticulum. The shape of the cell, however, was maintained, and the mitochondria and nucleus remained tightly held together by the cytoskeleton. Mitochondria remained intact initially, whereas the cytosol became less electron dense and the nuclear chromatin was more dispersed. An intermediate phase was characterized by total release of adenylate kinase and most of the glucose-6-phosphatase, marker enzymes for the mitochondrial intermembrane space and the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. The outer mitochondrial membrane was ruptured, but mitochondria maintained their normal matrix electron density. In the final phase, characterized by the beginning of citrate synthase release from the mitochondrial matrix space, the mitochondria became swollen, and only the nucleus, inner and outer mitochondrial membranes, and the cytoskeleton could be clearly distinguished. Although the plasma membrane could not be readily discerned in electron micrographs after the initial phase, the plasma membrane marker enzyme 5′-nucleotidase remained associated with digitonin-treated hepatocytes. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase was released much more slowly than lactate dehydrogenase, indicating some severe restriction on its release. The release of acetyl-CoA carboxylase closely paralleled the release of glucose-6-phosphatase. The controlled exposure of hepatocytes to digitonin, therefore, leads to the sequential release of soluble, compartmentalized cellular components and some membrane-bound components, but the mitochondrial membrane, cytoskeleton and the nucleoskeleton survive even long-term digitonin treatment.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of elevation of liver glycogen synthase (GYS2) activity on glucose and glycogen metabolism, we performed adenoviral overexpression of the mutant GYS2 with six serine-to-alanine substitutions in rat primary hepatocytes. Cell-free assays demonstrated that the serine-to-alanine substitutions caused constitutive activity and electrophoretic mobility shift. In rat primary hepatocytes, overexpression of the mutant GYS2 significantly reduced glucose production by 40% and dramatically induced glycogen synthesis via the indirect pathway rather than the direct pathway. Thus, we conclude that elevation of glycogen synthase activity has an inhibitory effect on glucose production in hepatocytes by shunting gluconeogenic precursors into glycogen. In addition, although intracellular compartmentation of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) remains unclear in hepatocytes, our results imply that there are at least two G6P pools via gluconeogenesis and due to glucose phosphorylation, and that G6P via gluconeogenesis is preferentially used for glycogen synthesis in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Glycogen, a branched polymer of glucose, serves as an energy reserve in many organisms. The degree of branching likely reflects the balance between the activities of glycogen synthase and branching enzyme. Mice overexpressing constitutively active glycogen synthase in skeletal muscle (GSL30) have elevated muscle glycogen. To test whether excess glycogen synthase activity affected glycogen branching, we examined the glycogen from skeletal muscle of GSL30 mice. The absorption spectrum of muscle glycogen determined in the presence of iodine was shifted to higher wavelengths in the GSL30 animals, consistent with a decrease in the degree of branching. As judged by Western blotting, the levels of glycogenin and the branching enzyme were also elevated. Branching enzyme activity also increased approximately threefold. However, this compared with an increase in glycogen synthase of some 50-fold, so that the increase in branching enzyme in response to overexpression of glycogen synthase was insufficient to synthesize normally branched glycogen.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were used to investigate the uptake of zinc at early exposure times. Hepatocytes were incubated with 65Zn (1–500 μM) and samples were withdrawn at times ranging from 25 s to 60 min. A biphasic pattern of uptake was observed with a rapid first phase of uptake followed by a slower second phase. The relationship between velocity of uptake and substrate concentration for the first phase was nonlinear, while that of the second phase was linear. The presence of 10 μM cadmium produced a decrease in the velocity of uptake of only the first phase. This suggests that the first phase is at least partly carrier mediated, while there is no indication of involvement of a carrier in the second phase. KCN (1 mM) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (2 μM), did not cause any change in the uptake of 65Zn (1 μM), which suggests that there is no active component in the uptake of zinc.  相似文献   

Glutamine stimulated glycogen synthesis and lactate production in hepatocytes from overnight-fasted normal and diabetic rats. The effect, which was half-maximal with about 3 mM-glutamine, depended on glucose concentration and was maximal below 10 mM-glucose. beta-2-Aminobicyclo[2.2.1.]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, an analogue of leucine, stimulated glutaminase flux, but inhibited the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine. Various purine analogues and inhibitors of purine synthesis were found to inhibit glycogen synthesis from glucose, but they did not abolish the stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen synthesis. The correlation between the rate of glycogen synthesis and synthase activity suggested that the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine depended solely on the activation of glycogen synthase. This activation of synthase was not due to a change in total synthase, nor was it caused by a faster inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase, as was the case after glucose. It could, however, result from a stimulation of synthase phosphatase, since, after the addition of 1 nM-glucagon or 10 nM-vasopressin, glutamine did not interfere with the inactivation of synthase, but did promote its subsequent re-activation. Glutamine was also found to inhibit ketone-body production and to stimulate lipogenesis.  相似文献   

The loss of glucose regulation of glycogen synthase in perfused livers from diabetic rats was associated with a substantial reduction in synthase phosphatase activity. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin alone resulted in total restoration of the glucose effect and synthase phosphatase activity, while simultaneous treatment with cycloheximide severely reduced the hormonal effect. Although treatment of normal rats with cycloheximide had no effect on glucose activation of synthase, it did result in severe depletion of liver glycogen increased liver glycogen phosphorylase activity, and elevation of liver adenosine 3′,5′-monosphosphate (cyclic AMP), but without elevation of liver protein kinase activity. Simultaneous treatment of alloxan-diabetic rats with insulin and cycloheximide resulted in reduction of total liver glycogen, increased phosphorylase activity, a reduction in the ability of insulin to lower hepatic cyclic AMP, and a further reduction of protein kinase activity.In summary, the effect of insulin treatment of diabetic rats to restore glucose regulation of hepatic glycogen synthase probably involves synthesis of new protein, and the data remain consistent with the hypothesis that the defect may be due to a diabetes-related deficiency in a specific synthase phosphatase and/or alteration of the synthase molecule itself.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase plays a key role in regulating glycogen metabolism. In a search for regulators of glycogen synthase, a yeast two-hybrid study was performed. Two glycogen synthase-interacting proteins were identified in human skeletal muscle, glycogenin-1, and nebulin. The interaction with glycogenin was found to be mediated by the region of glycogenin which contains the 33 COOH-terminal amino acid residues. The regions in glycogen synthase containing both NH2- and COOH-terminal phosphorylation sites are not involved in the interaction. The core segment of glycogen synthase from Glu21 to Gly503 does not bind COOH-terminal fragment of glycogenin. However, this region of glycogen synthase binds full-length glycogenin indicating that glycogenin contains at least one additional interacting site for glycogen synthase besides the COOH-terminus. We demonstrate that the COOH-terminal fragment of glycogenin can be used as an effective high affinity reagent for the purification of glycogen synthase from skeletal muscle and liver.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of insulin resistance on glycogen concentration and glycogen synthase activity in the red and white gastrocnemius muscles and to determine whether the inverse relationship existing between glycogen concentration and enzyme activity is maintained in insulin resistant state. These questions were addressed using 3 models that induce various degrees of insulin resistance: sucrose feeding, dexamethasone administration, and a combination of both treatments (dex+sucrose). Sucrose feeding raised triglyceride levels without affecting plasma glucose or insulin concentrations whereas dexamethasone and dex+sucrose provoked severe hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Sucrose feeding did not alter muscle glycogen concentration but provoked a small reduction in the glycogen synthase activity ratio (-/+ glucose-6-phosphate) in red but not in white gastrocnemius. Dexamethasone administration augmented glycogen concentration and reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio in both muscle fiber types. In contrast, dex+sucrose animals showed decreased muscle glycogen concentration compared to dexamethasone group, leading to levels similar to those of control animals. This was associated with lower glycogen synthase activity compared to control animals leading to levels comparable to those of dexamethasone-treated animals. Thus, in dex+sucrose animals, the inverse relationship observed between glycogen levels and glycogen synthase activity was not maintained, suggesting that factors other than the glycogen concentration modulate the enzyme's activity. In conclusion, while insulin resistance was associated with a reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio, we found no correlation between muscle glycogen concentration and insulin resistance. Furthermore, our results suggest that sucrose treatment may modulate dexamethasone action in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Swelling of rat hepatocytes stimulates glycogen synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In hepatocytes from fasted rats, several amino acids are known to stimulate glycogen synthesis via activation of glycogen synthase. The hypothesis that an increase in cell volume resulting from amino acid uptake may be involved in the stimulation of glycogen synthesis is supported by the following observations. 1) The extent of stimulation of glycogen synthesis by both metabolizable and nonmetabolizable amino acids was directly proportional to their ability to increase cell volume, except for proline, which stimulated glycogen synthesis more than could be accounted for by the increase in cell volume. 2) Both cell swelling and stimulation of glycogen synthesis by amino acids were prevented when hepatocytes were incubated in hyperosmotic media containing sucrose or raffinose. 3) Increasing the cell volume by incubating hepatocytes in Na(+)-depleted media in the absence of amino acids also stimulated glycogen synthesis. 4) Stimulation of glycogen synthesis by Na+ depletion was prevented by restoring the normal osmolarity with sucrose, but not with choline chloride which, by itself, stimulated glycogen synthesis and increased the cell volume. It is concluded that stimulation of glycogen synthesis by amino acids is due, at least in part, to an increase in hepatocyte volume resulting from amino acid uptake, and that hepatocyte swelling per se stimulates glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

H C Stevens  W L Dills 《FEBS letters》1984,165(2):247-250
2,5-Anhydro-D-mannitol, an analog of D-fructofuranose, inhibited basal and glucagon-stimulated glycogenolysis and glucose production in hepatocytes isolated from fed rats. Glucose formation from galactose was unaffected by the inhibitor. 2,5-Anhydro-D-mannitol-1-phosphate inhibits phosphorylase alpha with a Ki value of 2.4 mM. This same phosphorylated metabolite accumulates to the extent of 9.2 mumol/g wet wt in treated hepatocytes suggesting that phosphorolysis is the locus of the inhibition of glucose production from glycogen. Our results suggest that 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol can be used to produce a model of hereditary fructose intolerance and that it merits further study as a hypoglycemic agent.  相似文献   

Traditionally, glycogen synthase (GS) has been considered to catalyze the key step of glycogen synthesis and to exercise most of the control over this metabolic pathway. However, recent advances have shown that other factors must be considered. Moreover, the control of glycogen deposition does not follow identical mechanisms in muscle and liver. Glucose must be phosphorylated to promote activation of GS. Glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) binds to GS, causing the allosteric activation of the enzyme probably through a conformational rearrangement that simultaneously converts it into a better substrate for protein phosphatases, which can then lead to the covalent activation of GS. The potency of Glc-6-P for activation of liver GS is determined by its source, since Glc-6-P arising from the catalytic action of glucokinase (GK) is much more effective in mediating the activation of the enzyme than the same metabolite produced by hexokinase I (HK I). As a result, hepatic glycogen deposition from glucose is subject to a system of control in which the 'controller', GS, is in turn controlled by GK. In contrast, in skeletal muscle, the control of glycogen synthesis is shared between glucose transport and GS. The characteristics of the two pairs of isoenzymes, liver GS/GK and muscle GS/HK I, and the relationships that they establish are tailored to suit specific metabolic roles of the tissues in which they are expressed. The key enzymes in glycogen metabolism change their intracellular localization in response to glucose. The changes in the intracellular distribution of liver GS and GK triggered by glucose correlate with stimulation of glycogen synthesis. The translocation of GS, which constitutes an additional mechanism of control, causes the orderly deposition of hepatic glycogen and probably represents a functional advantage in the metabolism of the polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Regulation of insulin-binding and basal (insulin-independent) as well as insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis from [14C]glucose, net glycogen deposition and glycogen synthase activation by insulin and dexamethasone were studied in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes maintained under chemically defined conditions. (1) Insulin receptor number was increased in a dose-dependent fashion by dexamethasone added to the medium between 24 and 48 h of culture and reduced by insulin, whereas ligand affinity remained unaltered. Insulin-induced down-regulation of insulin receptors was not affected by the glucocorticoid. (2) Although the changes in the sensitivity to insulin of glycogen synthesis from glucose and net glycogen deposition paralleled the modulation of the number of insulin receptors, postbinding events appear to be implicated also in the regulation of insulin-sensitivity. (3) Alterations of the responsiveness of glycogen synthesis to insulin caused by the glucocorticoid and/or insulin and by variation between individual rats were inversely related to cellular glycogen contents, suggesting that hepatocellular glycogen content participates in the regulation of insulin-responsiveness of this metabolic pathway. (4) Regulation of insulin-independent glycogenesis in response to an increase from 5 to 10 mM glucose, and of insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis were different. Since the effects of this ‘physiological’ increase in exogenous glucose were small compared to the acute action of insulin, insulin rather than portal venous glucose is considered to represent the prime stimulator of hepatic glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Quantitative structure toxicity relationship (QSTR) equations were obtained to predict and describe the cytotoxicity of 31 phenols using logLD(50) as a concentration to induce 50% cytotoxicity of isolated rat hepatocytes in 2 h and logP as octanol/water partitioning: logLD(50) (microM)=-0.588(+/-0.059)logP+4.652(+/-0.153) (n=27, r(2)=0.801, s=0.261, P<1 x 10(-9)). Hydroquinone, catechol, 4-nitrophenol, and 2,4-dinitrophenol were outliers for this equation. When the ionization constant pK(a) was considered as a contributing factor a two-parameter QSTR equation was derived: logLD(50) (microM)=-0.595(+/-0.051)logP+0.197(+/-0.029)pK(a)+2.665(+/-0.281) (n=28, r(2)=0.859, s=0.218, P<1 x 10(-6)). Using sigma+, the Brown variation of the Hammet electronic constant, as a contributing parameter, the cytotoxicity of phenols towards hepatocytes were defined by logLD(50) (microM)=-0.594(+/-0.052)logP-0.552(+/-0.085)sigma+ +4.540(+/-0.132) (n=28, r(2)=0.853, s=0.223, P<1 x 10(-6)). Replacing sigma+ with the homolytic bond dissociation energy (BDE) for (X-PhOH+PhO.-->X-PhO.+PhOH) led to logLD(50) (microM)=-0.601(+/-0.066)logP-0.040(+/-0.018)BDE+4.611(+/-0.166) (n=23, r(2)=0.827, s=0.223, P<0.05). Hydroquinone, catechol and 2-nitrophenol were outliers for the above equations. Using redox potential and logP led to a new correlation: logLD(50) (microM)=-0.529(+/-0.135)logP+2.077(+/-0.892)E(p/2)+2.806(+/-0.592) (n=15, r(2)=0.561, s=0.383, P<0.05) with 4-nitrophenol as an outlier. Our findings indicate that phenols with higher lipophilicity, BDE, or sigma+ values or with lower pK(a) and redox potential were more toxic towards hepatocytes. We also showed that a collapse of hepatocyte mitochondrial membrane potential preceded the cytotoxicity of most phenols. Our study indicates that one or a combination of mechanisms; i.e. mitochondrial uncoupling, phenoxy radicals, or phenol metabolism to quinone methides and quinones, contribute to phenol cytotoxicity towards hepatocytes depending on the phenol chemical structure.  相似文献   

Addition of glucagon (20 nM) to the isolated hepatocytes from 24-h starved male rats results in an inactivation of glycogen synthase. The A0.5 for glucose-6-P is increased 2-fold over the control but the S0.5 for UDP-glucose is not significantly affected. The glucagon-stimulated inactivation of glycogen synthase is also accompanied by a 60-120% increase in the phosphorylation of the synthase. Glycogen synthase labeled with 32P by incubation of the hepatocytes with [32P] PO4(3-) was recovered by immunoprecipitation and the resulting immunoprecipitate was subjected to tryptic digestion. Analysis of the 32P-labeled peptides reveals that the sites corresponding to those phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase and glycogen synthase (casein) kinase-1 (Itarte, E., and Huang, K.-P. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 4052-4057) are rapidly phosphorylated in response to glucagon. These results demonstrate that glucagon not only triggers the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase through an increase in the intracellular level of cAMP but also, by an unknown mechanism, activates a Ca2+- and cAMP-independent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte differentiation during early fetal development in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Rat hepatocyte differentiation between day 12 and 19 of fetal life was studied by electron microscopy. The cytoplasmic structures involved in synthetic and secretory function, i.e., rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, appear to be the first to differentiate, and their development is probably related to the secretion of different kinds of plasma proteins. The cytoplasmic organelles involved in other hepatic functions develop later: lysosomes from day 15, peroxysomes, glycogen rosettes and smooth endoplasmic reticulum still later. However, the morphological differentiation of bile canaliculi begins from day 12.This work was supported in part by a grant from C.N.R. n. 78.02265.04  相似文献   

Kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside is one of the several compounds that have been reported to have insulin-like properties in terms of glucose lowering. We studied the effect of kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside in glycogen synthesis in rat soleus muscle through the incorporation of 14C-d-glucose in glycogen. Kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside stimulates glycogen synthesis in rat soleus muscle by approximately 2.38-fold. Insulin at 100 nM showed a stimulatory effect on glycogen synthesis when compared with the control group. The stimulatory effect of kaempferol 3-neophesperidoside on glycogen synthesis was inhibited by wortmannin, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, and enhanced by lithium chloride, a glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) inhibitor. Moreover, the stimulatory effect of kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside was also nullified by PD98059, a specific inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK) and by calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) activity. It was concluded that the PI3K – GSK-3 pathway and MAPK – PP1 pathway are involved in the stimulatory kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside effect on glycogen synthesis in rat soleus muscle.  相似文献   

The correlation between blood glucose levels, the concentration of glycogen, the activities of glycogen sythase and phosphorylase and their respective kinases and phosphatases was examined in liver of rat fetuses between day 18 of gestation and one day after birth. Between day 18 and 21 there is a rapid increase in the concentration of glycogen and in the activity of synthase a and a much slower increase in the activity of phosphorylase a. The activity of the respective kinases increased rapidly during this period and reached maximun on day 21. The activity of synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase increased after day 18, to reach a maximum on day 19 and 20, respectively, but decreased again towards day 21. The possibility that the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities were related to an effect of glucose of AMP on the respective phosphatases was considered. It was found that the Km of phosphatase for glucose in the prenatal period was 5–7 mM, as in the adult. Since the level of blood glucose during this period was constant (2.8 mM), an effect of glucose on phosphatase activity seems unlikely. AMP concentration increased between day 18 and 21 from 6–15 nmol/g. In view of the low level of phosphorylase a activity during this period, the increase in AMP concentration is not considered to be important in the regulation of glycogen breakdown at this time.Immediately after birth blood glucose levels dropped to 5 mg/dl. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in glycogen concentration and in the activity of glycogen synthase and a rise in phosphorylase activity. Blood glucose levels returned to the initial level within 1 h after birth, whereas the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities continued for at least 3 h after birth. On day 22 all parameters examined had reached the level found in adult rat liver.It is suggested that the rapid changes observed immediately after birth are due to an effect of hypoglycemia mediated by hormones and cannot be ascribed to direct effects of metabolites on the enzyme systems involved.  相似文献   

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