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Since the introduction of the Cytobrush for sampling the uterine cervix, some practitioners have ceased taking a concomitant cervical scraping using a spatula. To examine whether Cytobrush sampling alone is adequate for the diagnosis of cervical lesions, the Cytobrush and spatula samples in 444 smears (most with original diagnoses of at least mild dysplasia) were analyzed separately for the presence of diagnostic cells, endocervical cells and squamous cells. Of the 412 smears showing pathologic findings (mild to severe dysplasia or worse), diagnostic cells were present in 400 Cytobrush samples and in 369 spatula samples; the combination of both samples thus gave a 3% gain in correct diagnoses as compared to use of the Cytobrush samples alone. Another 18 smears would have been underdiagnosed based only on the Cytobrush samples. Endocervical cells were present in 95.3% of the Cytobrush samples and 83.8% of the spatula samples; squamous cells were present in 93.9% of the Cytobrush samples and 96.8% of the spatula samples. Analysis confirmed that it is important that the smear should contain both endocervical and squamous cells. A positive relationship between the absence of squamous cells in the Cytobrush sample and the probability of a false-negative assessment was suggested. It thus seems inadvisable to replace the combination sampling method by Cytobrush sampling alone, which may lead to a false-negative diagnosis.  相似文献   

The Cytobrush has been used frequently in cervical cytology, but as yet its value in oral exfoliative cytology has not been assessed. A study was undertaken to compare the efficiency of the Cytobrush with that of the wooden tongue spatula. For 26 patients, two smears were collected from clinically normal mucosa from four sites in the oral cavity (buccal mucosa, dorsal tongue, ventral tongue and hard palate). The smears were graded for cell yield and dispersion on a three-point scale. The results were analyzed using the chi 2 test. The Cytobrush was found to be significantly more efficient than the wooden spatula, in terms of both cell yield (P less than .005) and cell dispersion (P less than .005). When each site was examined separately, the Cytobrush produced significantly better dispersion for the dorsal tongue, ventral tongue and buccal mucosa and a better cell yield for the tongue surfaces. No significant difference for cell yield or dispersion was found for the hard palate. The study showed that the Cytobrush is an effective instrument for use in exfoliative cytology of normal oral mucosa.  相似文献   

Exact Touch is a new plastic device for the collection of cells from the ectocervix and endocervix. A total of 189 consecutive women were evaluated, 94 with the Ayre/cytobrush and 95 with Exact Touch. Sampling was performed by only one clinician, and the slides were analysed by only one cytotechnologist, who had no information about the sampling method. Our results showed that more endocervical and metaplastic cells were collected by Exact Touch than by Ayre/cytobrush.  相似文献   

The wooden Ayre spatula with an extended endocervical tip was compared with both designs of the plastic Accu-Pap sampler in two series of 100 consecutive patients to compare their adequacy in obtaining samples for cervical cytology. There was no significant advantage noted in the smears taken by either spatula. In terms of the sequence of smears, the second smear generally contained more endocervical cells and less often showed an absence of diagnostic cells.  相似文献   

The presence of endocervical cells in routine gynecologic smears (prepared from spatula and cotton swab samples) and Cytobrush smears was analyzed in 52 patients with a history of prior cryotherapy. These cases represented 11% of the 491 women evaluated using both techniques between August 1, 1987, and January 31, 1990. The routine smear contained endocervical cells in 25 (48%) of the 52 cases while the Cytobrush smear contained endocervical cells in 49 (94%) of the cases. The use of the Cytobrush for cervical cytologic screening thus appears to be of value in patients with a prior history of cryotherapy, which frequently renders the transformation zone less accessible to routine sampling.  相似文献   

A comparison between nonspatula (cotton swab and Cytobrush) cervical sampling methods and spatula (wooden Ayre spatula and plastic extended-tip Szalay Cyto-Spatula) sampling methods was made in 109 cases. Based on the presence of endocervical cells, there were statistically significant qualitative differences between the non-spatula methods as well as between the spatula methods, but not between the Cytobrush and Cyto-Spatula smears or the cotton swab and Ayre spatula smears. In all kinds of inflammatory lesions, the spatula samples were more accurate and diagnostic than the nonspatula ones. In all cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and in most cases of squamous metaplasia, the Cyto-Spatula sample was the most accurate. It is concluded that the Szalay Cyto-Spatula method is superior to the other cervical sampling methods because it provides well-preserved cells from both the endocervix and the ectocervix in one smear. The Cytobrush should be used in conjunction with spatula sampling (combination method) for effective sampling of the cervix. The Cytobrush alone is effective mainly for endocervical sampling while the Ayre spatula alone is effective mainly for ectocervical sampling; the cotton swab is ineffective for both endocervical and ectocervical sampling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the adequacy of cervical cytology sampling with two sampling instruments commonly used in primary care-namely, the Aylesbury spatula and the Cervex brush. DESIGN: Pair matched, population based randomised controlled trial. SETTING: 86 general practices and family planning clinics in Greater Manchester. SUBJECTS: 15 882 cervical smears taken from women aged 20-64 years as part of the national cervical screening programme. INTERVENTIONS: Participating centres were allocated to sample with either the Cervex brush or the Aylesbury spatula. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Inadequate smear rate. RESULTS: 5.4% and 5.5% (433/8086 and 426/7796) of smears taken with the Cervex brush and the Aylesbury spatula respectively were reported as inadequate (odds ratio 0.95; 95% confidence interval 0.74 to 1.22). CONCLUSION: The Cervex brush offers no advantage over the Aylesbury spatula in reducing inadequate smear rates in the primary care setting.  相似文献   

The Cytobrush was compared with the cotton swab for collecting samples used to detect human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 DNA by filter in situ hybridization. The study design entailed collecting two endocervical and one vaginal fornix sample from each of 200 women admitted to a colposcopy clinic. No difference was found in the HPV positivity rates in samples obtained with the two collection instruments. There was good agreement (91.5%) in the detection of viral DNA between the first and second endocervical samples; however, 15% of the patients with positive samples had detectable DNA in their second sample only. Significantly fewer samples from the fornix contained detectable HPV-16 or HPV-18 DNA than did endocervical samples.  相似文献   

A major cause of false‐negative cervical smears is sampling error. We examined the results obtained with three different instruments in 126 608 smears from general practitioners. The spatula/brush combination yielded the highest proportion of smears showing cytological abnormalities, and the Cervex brush the lowest. Although not a randomized study, this paper highlights the shortcomings of the Cervex brush. We postulate a mechanical deficiency. Diagnostic accuracy rather than a high proportion of good quality smears should dictate the choice of instrument.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the cervix (LELC) is cytologically identical to its counterparts at other sites, such as the nasopharynx. LELC can be suspected on a cervical cytologic smear. The differential diagnosis includes nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma with prominent stromal inflammation, carcinoma with intense stromal eosinophilia, glassy cell carcinoma, malignant lymphoma (especially lymphoepitheloid-Lennerts lymphoma) and metastatic Schmincke-Regaud tumor. CASE: A 55-year-old female presented with an ulcerated endophytic tumor in the cervix. Exfoliative cytology showed uniform, large tumor cells, often associated with inflammatory cells, with round or oval nuclei and one or more prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm was finely granular to flocculent, and the nuclei were uniformly vesicular. The chromatin was peripherally marginated. The cell borders were indistinct. There was no evidence of dyskeratotic or keratinized cells, koilocytes or glandlike formations. These findings were highly suspicious for LELC and were confirmed by biopsy. Flow cytometry showed DNA aneuploidy, with a DNA index of 1.08. In situ hybridization was negative for human papillomavirus 16 and 18. CONCLUSION: LELC of the uterine cervix has cytologic features that are sufficiently characteristic for a specific cytologic diagnosis. The diagnosis, nevertheless, has to be proven by histology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To produce practice and patient variables for general practices from census and family health services authority data, and to determine the importance of these variables in explaining variation in cervical smear uptake rates between practices. DESIGN--Population based study examining variations in cervical smear uptake rates among 126 general practices using routine data. SETTING--Merton, Sutton, and Wandsworth Family Health Services Authority, which covers parts of inner and outer London. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Percentage of women aged 25-64 years registered with a general practitioner who had undergone a cervical smear test during the five and a half years preceding 31 March 1992. RESULTS--Cervical smear uptake rates varied from 16.5% to 94.1%. The estimated percentage of practice population from ethnic minority groups correlated negatively with uptake rates (r = -0.42), as did variables associated with social deprivation such as overcrowding (r = -0.42), not owning a car (r = -0.41), and unemployment (r = -0.40). Percentage of practice population under 5 years of age correlated positively with uptake rate (r = 0.42). Rates were higher in practices with a female partner than in those without (66.6% v 49.1%; difference 17.5% (95% confidence interval 10.5% to 24.5%)), and in computerised than in non-computerised practices (64.5% v 50.5%; 14.0% (6.4% to 21.6%)). Rates were higher in larger practices. In a stepwise multiple regression model that explained 52% of variation, five factors were significant predictors of uptake rates: presence of a female partner; children under 5; overcrowding; number of women aged 35-44 as percentage of all women aged 25-64; change of address in past year. CONCLUSIONS--Over half of variation in cervical smear uptake rates can be explained by patient and practice variables derived from census and family health services authority data; these variables may have a role in explaining variations in performance of general practices and in producing adjusted measures of practice performance. Practices with a female partner had substantially higher uptake rates.  相似文献   

Given interest from the professionals concerned, an external quality assurance scheme for cervical cytology can successfully be introduced in developing countries. This is a very important precondition if screening programs are to be expanded and decreases in mortality from cervical cancer are to occur in developing countries. Nicaragua and Peru have been experimenting with an external quality assurance system adapted from the Scottish and Northern Ireland scheme. It has been received with enthusiasm and acceptance and has helped cytology laboratories in these countries focusing on quality issues. Nevertheless, a successful quality control scheme that is to result in improvements in the quality of professionals' diagnostic skills needs to be accompanied by a remedial program for subperformers.  相似文献   

The use of Cytobrush samples for the detection and typing of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infections was analyzed. The average yield of squamous cells from Cytobrush samples was on the order of 10(6) cells when the sample was collected in a lytic collection buffer, which was approximately double the content of (1) samples collected in ethanol and (2) an average biopsy specimen. The material obtained could be used for sensitive detection and typing of HPV infections using, respectively, a nonradioactive dot-blot method and the Southern blot procedure performed with subgenomic probes, which permitted a simple interpretation even in cases of mixed infections. A sample containing at least 500,000 viral copies was required for the detection and typing. At this level of sensitivity, the frequencies of HPV obtained in different risk groups varied from 6% (in "healthy" young women) to 53% (in women with abnormal cytologic findings in simultaneous smears). The noninvasive nature of the sampling procedure and the relative simplicity of the test should allow this method to be applied in large-scale studies.  相似文献   

The quality of a cervical cytology laboratory depends on adequate handling and staining of the samples, screening and interpretation of the slides and reporting of the results. These guidelines give an overview of procedures recommended in Europe to manage the balance between best patient care possible, laboratory quality assurance and cost effectiveness and will be published as a chapter 4 in the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. The laboratory guidelines include protocols for personnel and organisation, material requirements, handling and analysing cervical samples, recording of results, quality management and communication. The section on quality management is comprehensive and includes protocols for all aspects of internal and external quality assurance. The guidelines are extensively referenced and as far as possible the recommendations are evidence-based.  相似文献   

There are many different systems of cytology classification used in the member states of the European Union (EU) and many different languages. The following short annexe to Chapter 3 of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening provides a framework that will allow different terminologies and languages to be translated into standard terminology based on the Bethesda system (TBS) for cytology while retaining the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) classification for histology. This approach has followed extensive consultation with representatives of many countries and professional groups as well as a discussion forum published in Cytopathology (2005;16:113). This article will describe the reporting of specimen adequacy, which is dealt with in more detail elsewhere in Chapter 3 of the guidelines, the optional general categorization recommended in TBS, the interpretation/cytology result and other comments that may be made on reports such as concurrent human papillomavirus testing and the use of automation review and recommendations for management. The main categories in TBS will be described in the context of CIN, dyskaryosis and dysplasia terminologies so that all may be translated into the same framework. These guidelines should allow European countries to adapt their terminology in such a way as to make their screening programmes comparable with each other as well as with programmes elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Cytologic examination of urethral smears prepared with the Cytobrush and colposcopic examination of the penis were performed in 53 male partners of women with cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and in 14 healthy controls. A diagnosis of HPV infection was recorded in 28 subjects (52.8%). Cytology was positive in 26 cases (49%) and colposcopy was positive in 5 cases, with both tests positive in 3 cases. No controls were positive by cytology or colposcopy. These findings suggest that urethral cytology and colposcopic examination should be routinely performed in partners of women with HPV infections to detect inapparent infections. The Cytobrush should be employed for the urethral cytologic sampling; smears prepared by other techniques (urine collection or urethral swabbing) yield lower detection rates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cervical screening programmes in England and Wales were advised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in 2003 to adopt liquid-based cytology (LBC) in place of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) cytology to facilitate laboratory efficiency. Pilot evaluations in England and Scotland monitored daily or weekly workloads of smear readers and concluded that LBC could increase hourly throughput rates. This study, instead, used timing surveys to determine screening rates. METHODS: Two National Health Service cytology laboratories in Manchester and Stockport were partially converted to the LBC ThinPrep process for a cervical screening trial. Three 1-week timing surveys were conducted over 7 months. The surveys covered all LBC-trained staff. The first survey in Manchester also covered staff undertaking conventional Pap screening. The smear readers used timers to record time taken for examining and reporting each slide. RESULTS: In Manchester, in the first survey, nearly 1 minute per slide was saved by the LBC method during primary microscopy. In both laboratories, the mean microscopy time for primary screening of LBC slides was reduced by almost 1 minute between the first and second surveys. There was no difference between the second and third surveys. Microscopy by cytopathologists was also 1 minute per slide quicker with LBC than conventional Pap. The LBC inadequate rates for both laboratories were <2.0%. Organizational factors impacted on the hourly LBC primary screening rates in the laboratories, the rate for Stockport being higher than the rates in the pilot evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: The timing surveys confirm that the LBC ThinPrep technology can improve laboratory efficiency. However, decision-makers should also consider the overall costs and benefits of introducing the technology in screening programmes, including the capital investment and workforce implications.  相似文献   

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