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A three-dimensional model of interleukin-4 (IL-4) bound to one molecule each of the high- and low-affinity receptors (IL-4R and IL-2Rγ) was built, using the crystal structure of the complex of human growth hormone (HGH) with its receptor (HGHR) as a starting model. The modeling of IL-4 with its receptors was based on the conservation of the sequences and on the predicted structural organization for cytokine receptors, and assuming that the binding mode of the ligands would be similar. Analysis of the interface between IL-4 and both receptor molecules was carried out to reveal which residues are important for complex formation. The modeling procedures showed that there were no major problems in maintaining a reasonable fit of IL-4 with the two receptor molecules, in a manner analogous to the complex of HGH–HGHR. Many of the residues that appear by modeling to be important for binding between IL-4 and the receptors have been previously implicated in that role by different methods. A striking motif of aromatic and positively charged residues on the surface of the C-terminal domains of the receptors is highly conserved in the structure of HGH–HGHR and in the models of IL-4 complexed with its receptors. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fujita N  Okamoto Y  Gotoh Y  Yada Y  Suzuki Y  Ando T  Togari H  Nishida M 《Cytokine》2005,32(3-4):143-148
To elucidate the usefulness of the simultaneous analysis of the multiple kinds of soluble cytokine receptors, we determined both the soluble interleukin 2 receptor (sIL-2R, Th1-type cytokine receptor) and the soluble interleukin 4 receptor (sIL-4R, Th2-type cytokine receptor) levels in the sera of healthy subjects as reference values and preliminarily applied to evaluate the patients with diarrhea positive (D+) hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) as the diagnostic parameter of the severity. Both sIL-2R and sIL-4R levels in the sera of healthy children were significantly higher than those of healthy adults (p<0.01). The serum sIL-2R level of the patients with severe HUS (n=4) was higher than that of the patients with mild/moderate HUS (n=6) at the initial stage (p<0.01) or healthy children (n=51, p<0.01). Whereas, the serum sIL-4R level of both the severe and mild/moderate groups was lower than that of the healthy control children, although there was no significant difference among the three groups. Namely, the soluble receptor balance (sIL-2R/sIL-4R) in the patients with severe HUS may shift. We considered that the evaluation of the balance between soluble cytokine receptors might be informative for the evaluation of the immune states, as well as the conventional cytokine balance (Th1/Th2).  相似文献   

Interleukin-4 is a member of the cytokine family, a group of related messenger proteins which collectively help to moderate and control the immune response. It is believed that the folding topology of the β-sheets of the interleukin-4 receptor (IL4R) is the same as that seen in the crystal structure of CD4. Although the sequence identity is low, homology modeling techniques have been used to model the IL4R structure from CD4. Refinement by molecular dynamics leads to a suggested structure which has been docked to interleukin-4 (IL4). Several residues of apparent importance for binding are identified. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used fluorescence resonance energy transfer previously to show that the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) receptor complex is a preformed entity mediated by constitutive interactions between the IFN-gammaR2 and IFN-gammaR1 chains, and that this preassembled entity changes its structure after the treatment of cells with IFN-gamma. We applied this technique to determine the structure of the interleukin-10 (IL-10) receptor complex and whether it undergoes a similar conformational change after treatment of cells with IL-10. We report that, like the IFN-gamma receptor complex, the IL-10 receptor complex is preassembled: constitutive but weaker interactions occur between the IL-10R1 and IL-10R2 chains, and between two IL-10R2 chains. The IL-10 receptor complex undergoes no major conformational changes when cells are treated with cellular or Epstein-Barr viral IL-10. Receptor complex preassembly may be an inherent feature of Class 2 cytokine receptor complexes.  相似文献   

The unique properties of agonist binding to the frog erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptor include the existence of two affinity forms of the receptor. The proportion and relative affinity of these two states of the receptor for ligands varies with the intrinsic activity of the agonist and the presence of guanine nucleotides. The simplest model for hormone-receptor interactions which can explain and reproduce the experimental data involves the interaction of the receptor R with an additional membrane component X, leading to the agonist-promoted formation of a high affinity ternary complex HRX. Computer modeling of agonist binding data with a ternary complex model indicates that the model can fit the data with high accuracy under conditions where the ligand used is either a full or a partial agonist and where the system is altered by the addition of guanine nucleotide or after treatment with group-specific reagents, e.g. p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. The parameter estimates obtained indicate that the intrinsic activity of the agonist is correlated significantly with the affinity constant L of the component X for the binary complex HR. The major effect of adding guanine nucleotides is to destabilize the ternary complex HRX from which both the hormone H and the component X can dissociate. The modulatory role of nucleotides on the affinity of agonists for the receptor is consistent with the assumption that the component X is the guanine nucleotide binding site. The ternary complex model was also applied successfully to the turkey erythrocyte receptor system. The model provides a general scheme for the activation by agonists of adenylate cyclase-coupled receptor systems and also of other systems where the effector might be different.  相似文献   

T W Lee  M J Sole  J W Wells 《Biochemistry》1986,25(22):7009-7020
A frequently cited variant of the "mobile receptor" hypothesis has been examined for its ability to describe the binding of agonists at neurohumoral receptors that operate via a guanylyl nucleotide binding protein. The model involves a reversible association between the receptor (R) and the G protein (G). Agonists (A) bind with different affinity to R and to the RG complex; similarly, G differentiates between R and the AR complex. Theoretical binding curves calculated according to the model have been analyzed in terms of the Hill equation and as a mixture of independent and noninteracting sites. The model is shown to be compatible in some respects with reported data on the binding of agonists to the beta-adrenergic receptor but not to the muscarinic cholinergic or D2 dopaminergic receptors. It is difficult to reconcile with the reported effects of guanylyl nucleotides, magnesium, and N-ethylmaleimide on the binding of agonists at any neurohumoral receptor.  相似文献   

The allosteric ternary complex model is frequently used in pharmacology to represent the interaction of a receptor R with two ligands A and B. Certain well-known formulas are routinely used to calculate the fractions of the receptor bound at equilibrium with A only, B only, and both A and B. However, it is often omitted that these classical formulas presume that there is no ligand depletion, i.e. that the equilibrium concentrations [A] and [B] of the ligands are well approximated by their total concentrations [A]T and [B]T. We present a calculation method which is applicable without this or any restrictions. The equilibrium concentration [R] of the receptor is implicitly characterized by an equation which is solved with a very simple convergent numerical algorithm. The concentrations [A] and [B] are given by explicit formulas in terms of [R]. The required parameters are the equilibrium dissociation constants KA and KB, the cooperativity factor α, and the total concentrations [R]T, [A]T and [B]T.  相似文献   

 In contrast to popular recurrent artificial neural network (RANN) models, biological neural networks have unsymmetric structures and incorporate significant delays as a result of axonal propagation. Consequently, biologically inspired neural network models are more accurately described by nonlinear differential-delay equations rather than nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and the standard techniques for studying the dynamics of RANNs are wholly inadequate for these models. This paper develops a ternary-logic based method for analyzing these networks. Key to the technique is the realization that a nonzero delay produces a bounded stability region. This result significantly simplifies the construction of sufficient conditions for characterizing the network equilibria. If the network gain is large enough, each equilibrium can be classified as either asymptotically stable or unstable. To illustrate the analysis technique, the swim central pattern generator (CPG) of the sea slug Tritonia diomedea is examined. For wide range of reasonable parameter values, the ternary analysis shows that none of the network equilibria are stable, and thus the network must oscillate. The results show that complex synaptic dynamics are not necessary for pattern generation. Received: 15 June 1994/Accepted in revised form: 10 February 1995  相似文献   

The 46-kD enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase catalyzes the condensation of shikimate-3-phosphate (S3P) and phosphoenolpyruvate to form EPSP. The reaction is inhibited by N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine (Glp), which, in the presence of S3P, binds to EPSP synthase to form a stable ternary complex. We have used solid-state NMR and molecular modeling to characterize the EPSP synthase-S3P-Glp ternary complex. Modeling began with the crystal coordinates of the unliganded protein, published distance restraints, and information from the chemical modification and mutagenesis literature on EPSP synthase. New inter-ligand and ligand-protein distances were obtained. These measurements utilized the native (31)P in S3P and Glp, biosynthetically (13)C-labeled S3P, specifically (13)C and (15)N labeled Glp, and a variety of protein-(15)N labels. Several models were investigated and tested for accuracy using the results of both new and previously published rotational-echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR experiments. The REDOR model is compared with the recently published X-ray crystal structure of the ternary complex, PDB code 1G6S. There is general agreement between the REDOR model and the crystal structure with respect to the global folding of the two domains of EPSP synthase and the relative positioning of S3P and Glp in the binding pocket. However, some of the REDOR data are in disagreement with predictions based on the coordinates of 1G6S, particularly those of the five arginines lining the binding site. We attribute these discrepancies to substantive differences in sample preparation for REDOR and X-ray crystallography. We applied the REDOR restraints to the 1G6S coordinates and created a REDOR-refined xray structure that agrees with the NMR results.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) is strictly regulated to yield products with cell/tissue-specific composition. Interactions between HS and a variety of proteins, including growth factors and morphogens, are essential for embryonic development and for homeostasis in the adult. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their various receptors (FRs) form ternary complexes with HS, as required for receptor signaling. Libraries of HS-related, radiolabeled oligosaccharides were generated by chemo-enzymatic modification of heparin and tested for affinity to immobilized FR ectodomains in the presence of FGF1 or FGF2. Experiments were designed to enable assessment of N-sulfated 8- and 10-mers with defined numbers of iduronic acid 2-O-sulfate and glucosamine 6-O-sulfate groups. FGF1 and FGF2 were found to require similar oligosaccharides in complex formation with FR1c-3c, FGF2 affording somewhat more efficient oligosaccharide recruitment than FGF1. FR4, contrary to FR1c-3c, bound oligosaccharides at physiological ionic conditions even in the absence of FGFs, and this interaction was further promoted by FGF1 but not by FGF2. In all systems studied, the stability of FGF-oligosaccharide-FR complexes correlated with the overall level of saccharide O-sulfation rather than on the precise distribution of sulfate groups.  相似文献   

Clinical and experimental studies have shown increased concentrations of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors in serum of patients with acute pancreatitis. In this work, we have investigated the time-course of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors during taurocholate-induced acute pancreatitis. In addition, since TNF-alpha itself could mediate the shedding of its receptors, we have assessed the effect of inhibiting TNF-alpha production on the release of soluble TNF-alpha receptors in experimental acute pancreatitis. Our results indicate that soluble receptors are released in the early stages of the disease and this increase is concomitant with the release of TNF-alpha, which is mainly bound to specific proteins. The increased concentrations of its receptors strongly suggest that they could be these binding proteins. Inhibition of TNF-alpha generation with pentoxifylline abrogated the shedding of sTNF-alphaR1, but had no effect on sTNF-alphaR2. This finding suggests that the shedding of sTNF-alphaR1 is induced by TNF-alpha itself, but in the case of sTNF-alphaR2, the shedding appears to be induced by another mechanism.  相似文献   

A neutron scattering study of the ternary complex EF-Tu.GTP-valyl-tRNAVal1A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex formation between elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), GTP, and valyl-tRNAVal1A has been investigated in a hepes buffer of pH 7.4 and 0.2 M ionic strength using the small-angle neutron scattering method at concentrations of D2O where EF-Tu (42% D2O) and tRNA (71% D2O) are successively matched by the solvents. The results indicate that EF-Tu undergoes a conformational change and contracts as a result of the complex formation, since the radius of gyration decreases by 15% from 2.82 to 2.39 nm. tRNAVal1A, on the other hand, seems to mainly retain its conformation within the complex, since the radii of gyration for the free (after correction for interparticular scattering) and complexed form are essentially the same, 2.38 and 2.47 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

A frequency domain fluorescence study of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase has been performed to observe the effect of substrates on the structure and dynamics of the enzyme. At 20 degrees C and pH 7.2, a biexponential decay is observed for tryptophanyl emission. The short fluorescence lifetime (0.4 ns) component is associated with a spectrum having a 329-nm maximum and a 18.4-kJ/mol activation energy, Ea, for thermal quenching. The long-lifetime (3.5 ns) component has a 338-nm maximum and an Ea of only 7.9 kJ/mol. Tentatively we assign the short and long-lifetime components to Trp-333 and Trp-308. Binding of the substrates ATP and 3-phosphoglycerate leads to a significant increase in the fluorescence lifetime, the red shift of the emission spectrum and in the decrease in the Ea for both components. Acrylamide-quenching studies indicate that the two tryptophan residues have about the same degree of kinetic exposure to the quencher and that the binding of the substrates causes a very slight change in the quenching pattern. These fluorescence studies indicate that the binding of the substrates to phosphoglycerate kinase may influence the conformational dynamics around the two tryptophan residues located on one of the protein's domains.  相似文献   

Kerrigan JE  Pilch DS 《Biochemistry》2001,40(33):9792-9798
Using the X-ray crystal structure of the human topoisomerase I (TOP1)-DNA cleavable complex, we have developed a general model for the ternary drug-DNA-TOP1 cleavable complex formed with camptothecin (CPT) and its analogues. This model has the drug intercalated between the -1 and +1 base pairs, with the E-ring pointing into the minor groove and the A-ring directed toward the major groove. The ternary complex is stabilized by an array of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions between the drug and both the enzyme and the DNA. Significantly, the proposed model is consistent with the current body of experimental mutation, cross-linking, and structure-activity data. In addition, the model reveals potential sites of interaction that can provide a rational basis for the design of next generation compounds as well as for de novo drug design.  相似文献   

Interleukin-13 (IL-13) is a critical mediator of pulmonary pathology associated with asthma. Drugs that block the biological function of IL-13 may be an effective treatment for asthma. IL-13 signals by forming a ternary complex with IL-13Rα1 and IL-4R. Genetic variants of IL-13 and of its receptor components have been linked to asthma. One in particular, IL-13R110Q, is associated with increased IgE levels and asthma. We characterized the interactions of the binary complexes composed of IL-13 or IL-13R110Q with IL-13Rα1 and the ternary complexes composed of IL-13 or IL-13R110Q and IL-13Rα1 with IL-4R using surface plasmon resonance and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET). By both biophysical methods, we found no differences between IL-13 and IL-13R110Q binding in either the binary or the ternary complex. IL-4R bound to the IL-13/IL-13Rα1 complex with slow on and off rates, resulting in a relatively weak affinity of about 100 nM. We developed a TR-FRET assay targeting the interaction between the IL-4R and the binary complex. Two antibodies with known binding epitopes to IL-13 that block binding to either IL-13Rα1 or IL-4R inhibited the TR-FRET signal formed by the ternary complex. This assay will be useful to identify and characterize inhibitory molecules of IL-13 function.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-23 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine playing a key role in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. We have determined the crystal structures of the heterodimeric p19-p40 IL-23 and its complex with the Fab (antigen-binding fragment) of a neutralizing antibody at 2.9 and 1.9 Å, respectively. The IL-23 structure closely resembles that of IL-12. They share the common p40 subunit, and IL-23 p19 overlaps well with IL-12 p35. Along the hydrophilic heterodimeric interface, fewer charged residues are involved for IL-23 compared with IL-12. The binding site of the Fab is located exclusively on the p19 subunit, and comparison with published cytokine-receptor structures suggests that it overlaps with the IL-23 receptor binding site.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disorder associated with infertility. However, treatment options remain limited at present. Since the pathogenesis involves immune responses, the immunomodulatory effect of macrolide on endometriosis has been the focus of much research. A previous study showed that clarithromycin decreased stromal proliferation and promoted apoptosis of fibroblasts in an endometriosis model in rats; however, the mechanism of the effect remains unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of clarithromycin, one of the major macrolides, and telithromycin, one of the antibiotics belonging to a macrolide group (ketolide), on IL6, IL10 and Ccl2 expression in a rat endometriosis model induced by the surgical transplantation of endometrium onto the peritoneum in 8-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats. After autotransplantation, the rats were given daily administration of clarithromycin (16 mg/kg/day or telithromycin (12 mg/kg/day) for 3 days. The induced lesions were examined 4 days after autotransplantation. After treatment, IL10 expression in the lesions was increased in rats treated with clarithromycin (1.70-fold) and telithromycin (2.88-fold). The drugs attenuated proliferative stromal lesion of the endometriosis model. The results showed that in the endometriosis model, the drugs enhanced expression of IL10, which may play a role in inhibiting excess inflammatory reaction with its therapeutic effect on the lesion. Macrolide and ketolide therapy may have significant value for the treatment of human endometriosis.  相似文献   

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