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Charge Motion during the Photocycle of Bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The function of bacteriorhodopsin in Halobacterium salinarum is to pump protons from the internal side of the plasma membrane to the external after light excitation, thereby building up electrochemical energy. This energy is transduced into biological energy forms. This review deals with one of the methods elaborated for recording the charge transfer inside the protein. In this method the current produced in oriented purple membrane containing bacteriorhodopsin is measured. It is shown that this method might be applied not only to correlate charge motion with the photocycle reactions but also for general problems like effect of water, electric field, and different ions and buffers for the functioning of proteins.  相似文献   

Early Picosecond Events in the Photocycle of Bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The primary processes of the photochemical cycle of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (BR) were studied by various experimental techniques with a time resolution of 5 × 10-13 s. The following results were obtained. (a) After optical excitation the first excited singlet state S1 of bacteriorhodopsin is observed via its fluorescence and absorption properties. The population of the excited singlet state decays with a lifetime τ1 of ~0.7 ps (430 ± 50 fs) (52). (b) With the same time constant the first ground-state intermediate J builds up. Its absorption spectrum is red-shifted relative to the spectrum of BR by ~30 nm. (c) The second photoproduct K, which appears with a time constant of τ2 = 5 ps shows a red-shift of 20 nm, relative to the peak of BR. Its absorption remains constant for the observation time of 300 ps. (d) Upon suspending bacteriorhodopsin in D2O and deuterating the retinal Schiff base at its nitrogen (lysine 216), the same photoproducts J and K are observed. The relaxation time constants τ1 and τ2 remain unchanged upon deuteration within the experimental accuracy of 20%.  相似文献   

Both the solution and the oriented film absorption and circular dichroic spectra of the bacteriorhodopsin (bR568) and M412 intermediate of the purple membrane photocycle were compared over the wavelength region 800-183 nm to assess structural changes during this photocycle. The main findings are (a) loss of the excitonic interaction among the chromophoric retinal transitions indicating disordering of the retinal orientations in the membrane and distortions of the membrane hexagonal crystal lattice, (b) structural change of the chromophoric retinal, (c) changes in the key interactions between the retinal and specific groups in the local environment of the apoprotein, (d) significant changes of the tertiary structure of the bR with negligible secondary structure involvement, and (e) a net tilting of the rodlike segments of the bR polypeptides away from the membrane normal. These findings are in accord with large scale global structural changes of the membrane during the photocycle and with structural metastability of the bR molecules. An important implication of these changes is the possibility of transmembrane retinal-regulated pulsating channels during the photocycle. The significance of this possibility in respect to models for the proton translocation function of this membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Monodisperse lipid nanodiscs are particularly suitable for characterizing membrane protein in near-native environment. To study the lipid-composition dependence of photocycle kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR), transient absorption spectroscopy was utilized to monitor the evolution of the photocycle intermediates of bR reconstituted in nanodiscs composed of different ratios of the zwitterionic lipid (DMPC, dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine; DOPC, dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine) to the negatively charged lipid (DOPG, dioleoyl phosphatidylglycerol; DMPG, dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol). The characterization of ion-exchange chromatography showed that the negative surface charge of nanodiscs increased as the content of DOPG or DMPG was increased. The steady-state absorption contours of the light-adapted monomeric bR in nanodiscs composed of different lipid ratios exhibited highly similar absorption features of the retinal moiety at 560 nm, referring to the conservation of the tertiary structure of bR in nanodiscs of different lipid compositions. In addition, transient absorption contours showed that the photocycle kinetics of bR was significantly retarded and the transient populations of intermediates N and O were decreased as the content of DMPG or DOPG was reduced. This observation could be attributed to the negatively charged lipid heads of DMPG and DOPG, exhibiting similar proton relay capability as the native phosphatidylglycerol (PG) analog lipids in the purple membrane. In this work, we not only demonstrated the usefulness of nanodiscs as a membrane-mimicking system, but also showed that the surrounding lipids play a crucial role in altering the biological functions, e.g., the ion translocation kinetics of the transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsins are a large family of seven-helical transmembrane proteins that function as light-driven proton pumps. Here, we present the crystal structure of a new member of the family, Haloarcula marismortui bacteriorhodopsin I (HmBRI) D94N mutant, at the resolution of 2.5 Å. While the HmBRI retinal-binding pocket and proton donor site are similar to those of other archaeal proton pumps, its proton release region is extended and contains additional water molecules. The protein''s fold is reinforced by three novel inter-helical hydrogen bonds, two of which result from double substitutions relative to Halobacterium salinarum bacteriorhodopsin and other similar proteins. Despite the expression in Escherichia coli and consequent absence of native lipids, the protein assembles as a trimer in crystals. The unique extended loop between the helices D and E of HmBRI makes contacts with the adjacent protomer and appears to stabilize the interface. Many lipidic hydrophobic tail groups are discernible in the membrane region, and their positions are similar to those of archaeal isoprenoid lipids in the crystals of other proton pumps, isolated from native or native-like sources. All these features might explain the HmBRI properties and establish the protein as a novel model for the microbial rhodopsin proton pumping studies.  相似文献   

In the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin at pH 7, a proton is ejected to the extracellular medium during the protonation of Asp-85 upon formation of the M intermediate. The group that releases the ejected proton does not become reprotonated until the prephotolysis state is restored from the N and O intermediates. In contrast, at acidic pH, this proton release group remains protonated to the end of the cycle. Time-resolved Fourier transform infrared measurements obtained at pH 5 and 7 were fitted to obtain spectra of kinetic intermediates, from which the spectra of M and N/O versus unphotolyzed state were calculated. Vibrational features that appear in both M and N/O spectra at pH 7, but not at pH 5, are attributable to deprotonation from the proton release group and resulting structural alterations. Our results agree with the earlier conclusion that this group is a protonated internal water cluster, and provide a stronger experimental basis for this assignment. A decrease in local polarity at the N-C bond of the side chain of Lys-216 resulting from deprotonation of this water cluster may be responsible for the increase in the proton affinity of Asp-85 through M and N/O, which is crucial for maintaining the directionality of proton pumping.  相似文献   

The bacteriorhodopsin transport cycle includes protonation of the retinal Schiff base by Asp96 (M→N reaction) and reprotonation of Asp96 from the cytoplasmic surface (N→N′ reaction). We measured distance changes between pairs of spin-labeled structural elements of interest, and in general observed larger overall structural changes in the N state compared with the N′ state. The distance between the C-D loop and E-F interhelical loops in A103R1/M163R1 increased ∼6 Å in the N state and ∼3 Å in the N′ state. The opposite trend of distance changes in V101R1/A168R1 and L100R1/T170R1 supports counterclockwise rotation of helix F in the N but not the N′ state. Small distance increases were observed in S169R1/S226R1, but little change was seen in G106R1/G155R1. Taking earlier published EPR data into account, we suggest that structural changes of the E-F loop occur first, and then helices F and G begin to move together in the late M state. These motions then reach their maximum amplitude in the N state, evidently to facilitate the release of a proton from Asp96 and the formation of a proton-conduction pathway from Asp96 to the Schiff base. The structural changes reverse their directions and decay in the N′ state.  相似文献   

采用紫外可见吸收光谱技术和闪光光解技术,初步观察了细菌视紫红质(BR)分子在宽pH范围(2.1~12.3)内的特征吸收峰以及M412的相对浓度和M412的慢成分半衰期的变化,并对其结构和光循环功能进行了讨论.紫外可见吸收光谱实验结果显示:pH=5.0~10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰值约为568 nm;pH<5.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生红移;pH>10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生蓝移.闪光动力学光谱结果显示:pH为7.3~9.5时,M412的相对浓度(M0)基本稳定在0.038左右;pH<7.3时,M0逐渐减小;pH>9.5时,M0明显上升,在pH=11.8时达到最大值0.1355,随后又快速下降.pH为2.1~7.3时,M412的慢成分半衰期(ts1/2)值在(4.1±1.1)ms左右;pH>7.3时,ts1/2值急剧延长到40 677.4 ms.推测在高pH条件下,BR分子的光循环有新的路径和机理.  相似文献   

In bacteriorhodopsin, the order of molecular events that control the cytoplasmic or extracellular accessibility of the Schiff bases (SB) are not well understood. We use molecular dynamics simulations to study a process involved in the second accessibility switch of SB that occurs after its reprotonation in the N intermediate of the photocycle. We find that once protonated, the SB C15 = NZ bond switches from a cytoplasmic facing (13-cis, 15-anti) configuration to an extracellular facing (13-cis, 15-syn) configuration on the pico to nanosecond timescale. Significantly, rotation about the retinal’s C13 = C14 double bond is not observed. The dynamics of the isomeric state transitions of the protonated SB are strongly influenced by the surrounding charges and dielectric effects of other buried ions, particularly D96 and D212. Our simulations indicate that the thermal isomerization of retinal from 13-cis back to all-trans likely occurs independently from and after the SB C15 = NZ rotation in the N-to-O transition.  相似文献   

This review begins with a brief history of early studies on the involvement of lipids in certain bacteriorhodopsin (BR) properties. Such properties include the regulation of the pK for the purple to blue transition caused by deionization, and the reformation of trimers from monomers after exposure of the purple membrane to Triton X-100. Most of the review is devoted to newer studies which indicate an important role for the neutral lipid squalene in the functional stability of the fast-decaying M-intermediate, for its decay through a pathway involving the O-intermediate, and for the regulation of the relative amounts of slow-decaying and fast-decaying forms of M. Participation of a peripheral acidic amino acid in the overall expression of fast-decaying M is also discussed. Initial studies suggest that the acidic amino acid may be Asp36 and/or Asp38.  相似文献   

Transmembrane location of the retinal chromophore, either native or reduced in situ to a fluorescent derivative, of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium was investigated with fluorescence energy transfer techniques. Single sheets of purple membrane, either native or reduced with borohydride, were adsorbed on polylysine-coated glass; the orientation, whether the exposed surfaces were cytoplasmic or extracellular, was controlled by adjusting the pH of the membrane suspension before the adsorption. On the exposed surface of the reduced membrane, a layer of cytochrome c, hemoglobin, or ferritin was deposited. The rate of excitation energy transfer from the fluorescent chromophore in the membrane to the colored protein was greater when the protein was on the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane than when it was on the extracellular surface. Analysis in which uniform distribution of the protein on the surface was assumed showed that the reduced chromophore is situated at a depth of <1.5 nm from the cytoplasmic surface. The location of the native retinal chromophore was examined by depositing a small amount of tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) complex on the native membrane adsorbed on the glass. Energy transfer from the luminescent complex to the retinal chromosphore was more efficient on the cytoplasmic surface than on the extracellular surface, suggesting that the native chromophore is also on the cytoplasmic side. From these and previous results we conclude that the chromophore, whether native or reduced, of bacteriorhodopsin is located at a depth of 1.0 ± 0.3 nm from the cytoplasmic surface of purple membrane.  相似文献   

This review deals with the role of carboxylic amino acids in the proton-transport activity of bacteriorhodopsin. The main focus is on the infrared data, which allow direct monitoring of the protonation/deprotonation of specific residues during the proton movement in the course of the photocycle. Additional attention is paid to the potential use of carboxylic acids in proteins as internal sensors, based on the sensitivity of their IR frequencies to the immediate environment.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that trans-cis isomerization of retinal is the primary photoreaction in the photocycle of the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from Halobacterium salinarum, as well as in the photocycle of the chloride pump halorhodopsin (HR). The transmembrane proteins HR and BR show extensive structural similarities, but differ in the electrostatic surroundings of the retinal chromophore near the protonated Schiff base. Point mutation of BR of the negatively charged aspartate D85 to a threonine T (D85T) in combination with variation of the pH value and anion concentration is used to study the ultrafast photoisomerization of BR and HR for well-defined electrostatic surroundings of the retinal chromophore. Variations of the pH value and salt concentration allow a switch in the isomerization dynamics of the BR mutant D85T between BR-like and HR-like behaviors. At low salt concentrations or a high pH value (pH 8), the mutant D85T shows a biexponential initial reaction similar to that of HR. The combination of high salt concentration and a low pH value (pH 6) leads to a subpopulation of 25% of the mutant D85T whose stationary and dynamic absorption properties are similar to those of native BR. In this sample, the combination of low pH and high salt concentration reestablishes the electrostatic surroundings originally present in native BR, but only a minor fraction of the D85T molecules have the charge located exactly at the position required for the BR-like fast isomerization reaction. The results suggest that the electrostatics in the native BR protein is optimized by evolution. The accurate location of the fixed charge at the aspartate D85 near the Schiff base in BR is essential for the high efficiency of the primary reaction.  相似文献   

采用紫外可见吸收光谱技术和闪光光解技术,初步观察了细菌视紫红质(BR)分子在宽pH范围(2.1~12.3)内的特征吸收峰以及M412的相对浓度和M412的慢成分半衰期的变化,并对其结构和光循环功能进行了讨论.紫外可见吸收光谱实验结果显示:pH=5.0~10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰值约为568 nm;pH<5.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生红移;pH>10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生蓝移.闪光动力学光谱结果显示:pH为7.3~9.5时,M412的相对浓度(M0)基本稳定在0.038左右;pH<7.3时,M0逐渐减小;pH>9.5时,M0明显上升,在pH=11.8时达到最大值0.1355,随后又快速下降.pH为2.1~7.3时,M412的慢成分半衰期(ts1/2)值在(4.1±1.1)ms左右;pH>7.3时,ts1/2值急剧延长到40 677.4 ms.推测在高pH条件下,BR分子的光循环有新的路径和机理.  相似文献   

Simultaneously measured low temperature absorption and circular dichroic spectra are presented for different intermediates of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle in suspension and hydrated film of purple membranes. The data for the L intermediate are in accord with excitonic interpretation of the visible part of the circular dichroic spectrum, suggesting that no large scale structural change of the purple membrane affecting its crystalline structure happens during the L formation. The structure of the membrane, which is disrupted in the M state, is recovered when M is illuminated with blue light at low temperature.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which bacteriorhodopsin (BR), the light-driven proton pump from the purple membrane (PM) of Halobacterium halobium, arranges in a 2D hexagonal array has been studied by reconstitution of BR in complexes of two types of bilayer made either with PM-derived lipids or with PM lipids and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC). The unit cell dimensions of the 2D protein crystals, determined by correlation averaging analysis of freeze-fracture electron micrographs, were compared with the lattice constant of the PM. In complexes made with delipidated BR and with the polar lipids extracted from H. halobium cells (HHPL), BR trimers are arranged in a hexagonal lattice with the same lattice constant of 5.9 ± 0.2 nm as found in the PM. In BR-containing complexes made with PM-derived lipids and DMPC at several protein:lipid mole ratios, BR trimers are also arranged in a hexagonal lattice, but with a unit cell dimension of 9.2 ± 0.2 nm, which is about one-third larger compared to that measured in PM (Michel et al. , 1980). In a subclass of this type of complexes, orthogonal BR arrays were observed with a lattice constant of 5.9 × 9.9 ± 0.2 nm. It appears that insertion of DMPC into the BP/PM-derived lipid complexes increases the center-to-center distances in both array types by a discrete amount.  相似文献   

Structure of the Purple Membrane   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
IN the preceding article1 it has been shown that a cell membrane fragment, the purple membrane, isolated from Halobacterium halobium2 contains retinal bound in a mole ratio of 1 : 1 to a protein of molecular weight 26,000 which is the only protein present. We now describe the structure of the purple membrane and its localization in the bacterial cell envelope.  相似文献   

When cations are removed from the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium it turns blue (λmax = 603 nm); continuous irradiation with intense red light (λ's ≥ 630 nm) converts this deionized blue membrane into a pink membrane (λmax ≈ 491 nm). The rate and extent of the transformation from the blue to the pink membrane is facilitated by the removal of the last twenty COOH-terminal amino acids of bacteriorhodopsin. While the chromophore of the blue membrane is a 32:68 mixture of the 13-cis and all-trans isomers of retinal, the chromophore of the pink membrane is 9-cis rectinal. The quantum efficiency of the pink to blue membrane photoconversion is relatively high compared with that of the blue to pink membrane photoconversion. Proton release is observed when the pink membrane is converted to the blue form, and proton uptake occurs during the reverse transition. Unlike the blue membrane, the absorbance maximum of the pink membrane is only slightly affected by cation addition at low pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质(bacteriorhodopsin,bR)是一种光驱受体蛋白,每个活性单元由3个单体组成,每个单体由一分子视蛋白和一分子的视黄醛发色团共价结合而成,其功能为从胞内向胞外定向传输质子,利用形成的质子浓度梯度将光能转化为化学能.光照后视黄醛发色团构型发生all-trans向13-cis转变,蛋白的构象也随之发生了一系列具有稳定中间态的变化并驱动质子的定向传递.为探讨bR视黄醛键合区保守性氨基酸色氨酸86 (Tryptop-han86,w86)对其光循环中间态和质子泵功能的影响,本研究采用定点突变技术将W86突变为侧链大小不同的F86和A86,通过原位紫外-可见光吸收光谱、闪光光解光谱、pH滴定、固体核磁共振等技术手段,探究W86F和W86A突变对bR光循环及质子泵功能影响差异性的分子机制.结果 表明,W86F和W86A突变均造成了bR暗适应状态下视黄醛顺反异构平衡向顺式构型占优的方向移动,且W86F突变可造成反式构型的完全消失.此外,无论是W86F还是W86A突变都造成了蛋白光循环中间态的减弱且衰减延长,以及质子泵功能减弱,但影响机制各有所不同,这可能与这两个突变对视黄醛多烯链上电子云的分布以及周围残基造成的扰动程度不同有关.  相似文献   

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