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To maintain optimal intracellular concentrations of alkali-metal-cations, yeast cells use a series of influx and efflux systems. Nonconventional yeast species have at least three different types of efficient transporters that ensure potassium uptake and accumulation in cells. Most of them have Trk uniporters and Hak K(+)-H(+) symporters and a few yeast species also have the rare K(+) (Na(+))-uptake ATPase Acu. To eliminate surplus potassium or toxic sodium cations, various yeast species use highly conserved Nha Na(+) (K(+))/H(+) antiporters and Na(+) (K(+))-efflux Ena ATPases. The potassium-specific yeast Tok1 channel is also highly conserved among various yeast species and its activity is important for the regulation of plasma membrane potential.  相似文献   

Cerebral malaria is a serious and often fatal complication of Plasmodium falciparum infections. The precise mechanisms involved in the onset of neuropathology remain unknown, but parasite sequestration in the brain, metabolic disturbances and host immune responses are all thought to be involved. This review outlines the current state of knowledge of cerebral disease in humans, and discusses the contribution of studies of animal models to elucidation of the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

A global network of long‐term carbon and water flux measurements has existed since the late 1990s. With its representative sampling of the terrestrial biosphere's climate and ecological spaces, this network is providing background information and direct measurements on how ecosystem metabolism responds to environmental and biological forcings and how they may be changing in a warmer world with more carbon dioxide. In this review, I explore how carbon and water fluxes of the world's ecosystem are responding to a suite of covarying environmental factors, like sunlight, temperature, soil moisture, and carbon dioxide. I also report on how coupled carbon and water fluxes are modulated by biological and ecological factors such as phenology and a suite of structural and functional properties. And, I investigate whether long‐term trends in carbon and water fluxes are emerging in various ecological and climate spaces and the degree to which they may be driven by physical and biological forcings. As a growing number of time series extend up to 20 years in duration, we are at the verge of capturing ecosystem scale trends in the breathing of a changing biosphere. Consequently, flux measurements need to continue to report on future conditions and responses and assess the efficacy of natural climate solutions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus is a human pathogen responsible for liver diseases including acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Its high prevalence, the absence of a prophylactic vaccine and the poor efficiency of current therapies are huge medical problems. Since the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, our knowledge of its biology has been largely punctuated by the development of original models of research. At the end of the 1980s, the chimpanzee model led to cloning of the viral genome and the definition of infectious molecular clones. In 1999, a breakthrough was achieved with the development of a robust in vitro replication model named 'replicon'. This system allowed intensive research into replication mechanisms and drug discovery. Later, in 2003, pseudotyped retroviruses harbouring surface proteins of hepatitis C virus were produced to specifically investigate the viral entry process. It was only in 2005 that infectious viruses were produced in vitro, enabling intensive investigations into the entire life cycle of the hepatitis C virus. This review describes the different in vitro models developed to study hepatitis C virus, their contribution to current knowledge of the virus biology and their future research applications.  相似文献   

The frequency of labeled mitoses (FLM) method for analyzing cell-cycle phases necessitates a determination of cell-cycle interdivision times and the absolute lengths of the cell-cycle phases. The change to flow sorting (FACS) analysis, a simpler, less labor intensive, and more rapid method, eliminated determinations of absolute phase times, yielding only percents of cells exhibiting particular DMA contents. Without an interdivision time value, conversion of these fractions into absolute phase lengths is not possible. This change in methodology has led to an alteration in how the cell cycle is viewed. The FLM method allowed the conclusion that G1 phase variability resulted from constancy of S and G2 phase lengths. In contrast, with FACS analysis, slow growing cells exhibiting a large fraction of cells with a G1-phase amount of DMA appeared to be "arrested in G1 phase". The loss of absolute phase length determinations has therefore led to the proposals of G1-phase arrest, G1-phase controls, restriction points, and G0 phase. It is suggested that these G1-phase controls and phenomena require a critical reevaluation in the light of an alternative cell-cycle model that does not require or postulate such G1-phase controls.  相似文献   

The 3D structure of a protein is essential to understand protein dynamics. If experimentally determined structure is unavailable, comparative models could be used to infer dynamics. However, the effectiveness of comparative models, compared to experimental structures, in inferring dynamics is not clear. To address this, we compared dynamics features of ~800 comparative models with their crystal structures using normal mode analysis. Average similarity in magnitude, direction, and correlation of residue motions is >0.8 (where value 1 is identical) indicating that the dynamics of models and crystal structures are highly similar. Accuracy of 3D structure and dynamics is significantly higher for models built on multiple and/or high sequence identity templates (>40%). Three-dimensional (3D) structure and residue fluctuations of models are closer to that of crystal structures than to templates (TM score 0.9 vs 0.7 and square inner product 0.92 vs 0.88). Furthermore, long-range molecular dynamics simulations on comparative models of RNase 1 and Angiogenin showed significant differences in the conformational sampling of conserved active-site residues that characterize differences in their activity levels. Similar analyses on two EGFR kinase variant models highlight the effect of mutations on the functional state-specific αC helix motions and these results corroborate with the previous experimental observations. Thus, our study adds confidence to the use of comparative models in understanding protein dynamics.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum has been very useful for elucidating principles of development over the last 50 years, but a key attribute means there is a lot to be learned from a very different intellectual tradition: social evolution. Because Dictyostelium arrives at multicellularity by aggregation instead of through a single-cell bottleneck, the multicellular body could be made up of genetically distinct cells. If they are genetically distinct, natural selection will result in conflict over which cells become fertile spores and which become dead stalk cells. Evidence for this conflict includes unequal representation of two genetically different clones in spores of a chimera, the poison-like differentiation inducing factor (DIF) system that appears to involve some cells forcing others to become stalk, and reduced functionality in migrating chimeras. Understanding how selection operates on chimeras of genetically distinct clones is crucial for a comprehensive view of Dictyostelium multicellularity. In nature, Dictyostelium fruiting bodies are often clonal, or nearly so, meaning development will often be very cooperative. Relatedness levels tell us what benefits must be present for sociality to evolve. Therefore it is important to measure relatedness in nature, show that it has an impact on cooperation in the laboratory, and investigate genes that Dictyostelium uses to discriminate between relatives and non-relatives. Clearly, there is a promising future for research at the interface of development and social evolution in this fascinating group.  相似文献   

Darwin charted the field of emotional expressions with five major contributions. Possible explanations of why he was able to make such important and lasting contributions are proposed. A few of the important questions that he did not consider are described. Two of those questions have been answered at least in part; one remains a major gap in our understanding of emotion.  相似文献   

We have studied primordial germ cells and gamete-producing cells of both sexes of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus using electron microscopy. Two fibrogranular inclusions are present in most of the stages examined and are specific to the germ-line cells. One of the inclusions consists of amorphous material of undefined shape and size while the other type consists of spherical bodies 0.1 μm in diameter. The latter are named goniosomes and are scattered individually in the cytoplasm or in ordered arrays of up to 50 units. Both goniosomes and amorphous material are often associated with mitochondria. A third type of inclusion, the bipartite body, is found only in oocytes and may be a specific product of oogenesis.  相似文献   

In several metazoans including flies of the genus Drosophila, germ line specification occurs through the inheritance of maternally deposited cytoplasmic determinants, collectively called germ plasm. The novel insect gene oskar is at the top of the Drosophila germ line specification pathway, and also plays an important role in posterior patterning. A novel N-terminal domain of oskar (the Long Oskar domain) evolved in Drosophilids, but the role of this domain in oskar functional evolution is unknown. Trans-species transgenesis experiments have shown that oskar orthologs from different Drosophila species have functionally diverged, but the underlying selective pressures and molecular changes have not been investigated. As a first step toward understanding how Oskar function could have evolved, we applied molecular evolution analysis to oskar sequences from the completely sequenced genomes of 16 Drosophila species from the Sophophora subgenus, Drosophila virilis and Drosophila immigrans. We show that overall, this gene is subject to purifying selection, but that individual predicted structural and functional domains are subject to heterogeneous selection pressures. Specifically, two domains, the Drosophila-specific Long Osk domain and the region that interacts with the germ plasm protein Lasp, are evolving at a faster rate than other regions of oskar. Further, we provide evidence that positive selection may have acted on specific sites within these two domains on the D. virilis branch. Our domain-based analysis suggests that changes in the Long Osk and Lasp-binding domains are strong candidates for the molecular basis of functional divergence between the Oskar proteins of D. melanogaster and D. virilis. This molecular evolutionary analysis thus represents an important step towards understanding the role of an evolutionarily and developmentally critical gene in germ plasm evolution and assembly.  相似文献   

Anovulatory infertility affects a large proportion of reproductive-aged women. Major improvements in successful clinical treatment of this prevalent disorder in women's health have been made possible because of biomedical research employing nonhuman primates. Experiments on female rhesus monkeys were the first to demonstrate that the key hypothalamic neurotransmitter, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, involved in stimulating pituitary gonadotropin synthesis, storage, and release was bioactive only when released in approximately hourly bursts. This breakthrough in understanding gonadotropin regulation enabled identification of hypogonadotropic, apparently normogonadotropic, and hypergonadotropic forms of anovulatory infertility, and development of appropriate stimulatory or inhibitory gonadotropin therapies. Treatments to overcome anovulatory infertility represent one of the major advances in clinical reproductive endocrinology during the last 25 yr. The future promise of nonhuman primate models for human ovulatory dysfunction, however, may be based on an increased understanding of molecular and physiological mechanisms responsible for fetal programming of adult metabolic and reproductive defects and for obesity-related, hyperinsulinemic impairment of oocyte development.  相似文献   

Karnaukhov  A. V.  Karnaukhova  E. V. 《Biophysics》2009,54(4):531-535

An informational hypothesis of aging is formulated, and a model is proposed for the survival of a population of multicellular organisms under conditions of informational degradation of the cell genetic material (accumulation of random errors in the genome). The germline cells are not anyhow privileged in this respect, but the genetic material undergoes “rejuvenation” (decrease in the number of errors) during its transition from parents to progeny, owing to meiotic crossover (which changes the error density in individual gametes) and subsequent selection of the most functional (i.e. most error-free) gametes to form the progeny genomes. With a simulation-type model, it is shown that such a mechanism ensures stability of the population gene pool in many generations, though in any individual organism the amount of genome errors in all cells increases with aging.


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