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Bioturbating lugworms (Arenicola marina) were excluded from 400 m2 plots of intertidal sand which initiated sequences of direct and indirect changes in the structure of the benthic community. The sessile, tube-building species Polydora cornuta and Lanice conchilega took advantage of the absence of lugworms and settled preferentially on lugworm exclusion plots. The protruding tubes provided attachment for an ephemeral development of algal tufts (Berkeleya colonies and Enteromorpha thalli) which in turn enhanced settlement of the juvenile drifting clams Mya arenaria and Macoma balthica. This causal chain of enhanced bivalve settlement in the presence of above-ground structures, like animal tubes and algae, on lugworm exclusion plots occurred in 2 years at different tidal zones with different tube builders, algae and juvenile clams. A significant response of L. conchilega in a year with relatively low lugworm abundances at the entire site suggests that not only the actual absence of large bioturbators was responsible for the establishment of tube-dwelling species, but also a cumulative change of the sediment in exclusion plots since the onset of the experiment. While the sediment on lugworm plots remained permeable, fine particles and organic matter accumulated at exclusion plots. It is suggested that these differences in sediment characteristics were the product of divergent benthic engineering by sediment destabilizing lugworms on control plots and sediment stabilizing species on exclusion plots. Cumulative changes of the sedimentary habitat and cascading effects in the benthic community may explain the persistence of patches that are dominated by either sediment stabilizing or destabilizing species in the assemblage mosaic of intertidal sediments.  相似文献   

The American razor clamEnsis americanus (=E. directus) was introduced into the eastern North Sea in the late 1970s. By larval and poslarval drifting the species rapidly extended its distribution, now ranging from the English Channel to the Kattegat. Near the island of Sylt in the eastern North Sea it has been recorded since 1979. Recruitment was rather irregular, with about six strong year-classes within two decades. Growth seems comparable with populations in its native range (Atlantic North America). Although present in the lower intertidal zone, maximum densities occurred in shallow subtidal sand with a biomass similar to that of dense beds of native cockles and mussels in the adjacent intertidal zone.Ensis americanus established in otherwise sparsely faunated sand (channels exposed to strong currents) as well as in dense infaunal assemblages (lower intertidal and subtidally). There were no significant interactions with resident species. In dense beds of razor clams, however, fine sediment particles accumulated which may have altered abundances of polychaetes. In spite of high annual variability,E. americanus has become a prominent component of the macrobenthos in shallow subtidal sands of the North Sea.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the effects of predation by birds on the intertidal mole crab Emerita analoga fouled by macroalgae in a sandy beach of central Peru (11° S). The epibiosis affected mostly the larger animals, especially adult females. Epibiosis prevalence for the entire intertidal population was relatively low (1–2%), however, within the size range affected by epibiosis in the intertidal zone (18–23 mm in carapace length), 20–38% of the animals were fouled. Focal observations of birds showed that fouled animals are preferred over those non-fouled of the same size class and hence the same sex, being consumed at a higher rate than their proportion in the intertidal (Chesson’s alpha index of prey selection >0.96), and estimations of mortality rates indicated that more than 35% of the intertidal fouled animals are removed everyday by birds. The effect of epibiosis may be mainly attributed to a higher burrowing time or an increased visual attractive effect of the algae, which make fouled animals more conspicuous to predatory birds, or because of fouling enhances profitability of the animals. The results show that epibiosis has negative effects on E. analoga through increasing predation by birds, which in turn restricts the distribution and abundance of fouled E. analoga in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

A population decline of the western Atlantic red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) has been linked to food limitation during the spring migratory stopover in Delaware Bay, USA. The stopover ecology at potential alternative sites has received little attention. We studied factors affecting red knot habitat selection and flock size at a coastal stopover site in Virginia in 2006–2007. The most common potential prey items were coquina clams (Donax variabilis) and crustaceans. Red knot foraging sites had more clams and crustaceans than unused sites in 2006. Prey abundance increased during the 2007 stopover period and remained high after the red knot peak. Red knot flock size in 2007 increased with mean clam shell length, and probability of flock presence decreased with increasing distance from night use locations. Our results suggest that red knots preferred coquina clams and that these clams were not depleted during the stopover period in 2007. Thus prey abundance did not appear to be a population-limiting factor at this coastal stopover site in Virginia in that year. Protection of coastal sites outside of Delaware Bay, many of which have been altered by human development, would likely benefit red knot population recovery, as they can apparently provide abundant food resources during at least some years.  相似文献   

We compared wintering bird communities and their habitats among three shoals at Jiuduansha, a newly-formed wetland in the Yangtze River estuary. The highest species richness and diversity were recorded in Shangsha, which is the highest shoal, and the highest abundance and lowest species diversity were recorded in Xiasha, which is the lowest shoal. Shangsha had the largest abundance of perching birds whereas Xiasha was the most abundant in waterbirds. Bird assemblages showed different associations with the different habitat types—perching birds were favored by reed (Phragmites australis) communities, shallow water foragers and dabbling ducks preferred sea-bulrush (Scirpus mariqueter) communities, and moist-soil foragers and gulls showed a preference for bare intertidal zones. All bird assemblages, however, avoided the smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) communities, which are dominated by an alien invasive plant. The composition of avian communities was related to habitat types at the three shoals. Our results suggest that the newly-formed tidelands can provide suitable habitats for waterbirds and that the lower tidelands can attract more waterfowl than the higher tidelands. Because the shoal with low species diversity could have exclusive bird species, conservation efforts should not concentrate only on the area with high species diversity. The estuarine wetlands should be considered as a whole when conservation strategies are designed. The alien invasive plant should, moreover, be effectively controlled, to provide suitable habitats for birds.  相似文献   

Cryptic species of coquina clams Donax fossor and D. variabilis carry the hydroid epibiont Lovenella gracilis and are infected with metacercariae of the monorchiid parasites Lasiotocus trachinoti and L. choanura. The associations among this host–epibiont–parasite system were investigated. Fifty clams were collected at low tide over 3 days in June 2020 in South Carolina from each of three groups: clams with no hydroid from the upper intertidal zone and clams with and without hydroids from the swash zone. Clams were measured, identified using a newly developed PCR-RFLP, and examined for infection by metacercariae. Parasites were identified based on cercarial morphology and on metacercariae habitat in the clams. D. fossor was most often found in the swash zone and D. variabilis in the upper intertidal zone. The hydroid was most often associated with D. fossor, which was more infected by both digeneans than D. variabilis. Mean abundance of metacercariae of L. choanura was higher than that of L. trachinoti in both clams and increased over time for both parasites, because higher infection was correlated with larger clams. Greater time spent in the water by individuals of D. fossor appears to best explain these results, with the presence of the hydroids also being associated with higher infection by metacercariae in this coquina. Integration of D. variabilis in both digenean life cycles appears to lead to a positive outcome for the parasites as prevalence and abundance of infection were high; however, because D. variabilis is most frequent in the upper intertidal, more emersed, zone, it is likely deleterious to the epibiont to establish on this clam.  相似文献   

During their annual mid- to late-summer southward migration, Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) feed intensively on the amphipod Corophium volutator on intertidal mudflats in the Bay of Fundy. Corophium, in turn, feed on diatoms and bacteria. Using a series of bird exclosures and fertilizer addition, we examined top–down and bottom–up effects, and investigated the presence of a trophic cascade in the mudflat community during the period when birds are abundant. Although both top–down and bottom–up forces were present in this system, neither transmitted beyond a single trophic link. Predation by shorebirds, which may be less size-selective than previously thought, reduced Corophium abundance in control plots by approximately 80% relative to exclosures, but most other species were unaffected. Shorebird predation did not result in an increase in diatom abundance, as predicted under the trophic cascade hypothesis. Fertilizer increased diatom abundance, but had no effect on Corophium abundance or bird predation, and little effect on other mudflat invertebrates. The only indirect effect observed was on mud snails (Ilyanassa obsoleta), which, by rapidly responding to changes in diatom abundance, compensated for both bird exclusion and fertilizer addition, and prevented the trophic cascade. This population response by snails, possibly stemming from competition with Corophium, probably contributed to the stability of the community. Our results provide an example of short-term compensation in a simple intertidal community, and highlight the importance of considering direct and indirect effects in community ecological studies. We conclude that while compensatory interactions that block trophic cascades may be more common in more complex ecosystems, they are not restricted to them.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were used to determine the effect of a common intertidal snail (Nerita funiculata) on the use of space for foraging by the hermit crab Clibanarius digueti. Removals of Nerita resulted in an increased density of foraging Clibanarius, while additions of the gastropod had the opposite effect. The observed negative effect of the gastropod on individual hermit crabs appears to be food-related. Field surveys, however, suggested that the hermit crab population is limited by shell number, rather than food. Because Nerita contributes to the shell resource, its effect on the hermit crab population is positive. Nerita, therefore, has a negative effect on the distribution of foraging hermit crabs, but a positive effect on their abundance. Such decouplings of distribution and abundance effects are rare.  相似文献   

We studied experimentally how heterospecific attraction may affect habitat selection of migrant passerine birds in Finnish Lapland. We manipulated the densities of resident tit species (Parus spp.). In four study plots residents were removed before the arrival of the migrants in the first study year, and in four other plots their densities were increased by releasing caught individuals. In the second year the treatments of the areas were reversed, allowing paired comparisons within each plot. We also investigated the relative abundance of arthropods in the study plots by the sweep-net method. This allowed us to estimate the effect of food resources on the abundance of birds. The heterospecific attraction hypothesis predicts that densities of migrant species (especially habitat generalists) would be higher during increased resident density. Results supported this prediction. Densities and number of the most abundant migrant species were significantly higher when resident density was increased than when they were removed. On the species level the redwing (Turdus iliacus) showed the strongest positive response to the increased abundance of tits. Migrant bird abundances seemed not to vary in parallel with relative arthropod abundance, with the exception of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) which showed a strongly positive correlation with many arthropod groups. The results of the experiment indicate that migrants can use resident tit species as a cue to a profitable breeding patch. The relationship between the abundance of the birds and arthropods suggests that annual changes in food resources during the breeding season probably do not have a very important effect on bird populations in these areas. The results stress the importance of positive interspecific interactions in structuring northern breeding bird communities. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 22 January 1998  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are an important prey species for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and are considered critical for lynx population persistence. Determination of snowshoe hare distribution and abundance is needed by land management agencies for lynx conservation. An accepted approach for estimating snowshoe hare abundance is the use of fecal-pellet plot counts. Locally derived regression equations are preferred for accurate calibration of pellet counts to snowshoe hare density due to local differences in pellet deposition and decomposition. We used linear regression to examine correlations between snowshoe hare density, as determined by mark–recapture estimates, and pellet plot counts on both uncleared plots and annually cleared plots on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, western Wyoming, USA. We found significant correlations between snowshoe hare density estimates and fecal pellet counts for both uncleared and annually cleared pellet counts; however, the relationship was stronger (higher r) when using pellet counts from annually cleared plots. In addition, we found that adjusting the buffer size by omitting hard habitat edges (not used by hares) around trapping grids improved correlations between snowshoe hare density and fecal pellet counts for both uncleared plots and annually cleared plots. Though precision is sacrificed when using uncleared plots, they may be useful as a coarse index of habitat use by snowshoe hares. Our derived regression equations may be useful to identify important foraging habitat for Canada lynx in western Wyoming. Land managers responsible for conserving snowshoe hare habitat in western Wyoming may use these equations to monitor changes in hare populations among habitats and during prescribed management actions.  相似文献   

F. J. Pulido  M. Díaz 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):434-442
 In spite of recent theoretical interest, few field studies have addressed the links between individual behavioral decisions and population distribution. This work analyzes the foraging behavior of individuals and the spatial distribution of a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) just before the main breeding season, when blue tit foraging was not affected by central-place or flocking behaviors. The study was carried out in open holm oak Quercus ilex woodlands (dehesas) that are patchy for canopy-foraging birds because of the scattered arrangement of trees. Residence time on each tree was not correlated either with previous flight time or with prey abundance in trees. Flight distances between trees were larger than average distances estimated in random samples of holm oaks taken close to foraging birds. Trees were not selected by birds on the basis of their expected energy costs and rewards. Bird abundance was not related to food availability in trees or to tree size across dehesas. However, bird abundance was strongly correlated with tree density and with the availability of tree holes for nesting, to the extent that the proportion of tits matched the proportions of both tree abundance and hole abundance across study plots. Overall, neither the behavior of individuals nor the distribution of the population of blue tits corresponded with food resources, which appeared superabundant; instead, tits appeared to behave and be distributed according to the distribution of structural resources such as trees and tree holes for nesting. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

Byssus production of Ruditapes philippinarum clams becomes reduced with growth. This tendency is well recognized but has not been analysed in detail. Additionally, it remains uninvestigated whether the lack of competence to produce byssus threads in the adult stage is caused by atrophy of the byssal glands or not. The objective of this study was to evaluate the byssus production ability of clams through the juvenile to adult stages and to examine the importance of two endogenous factors (i.e. shell size, somatic condition) in determining the byssus production probability (proportion of clams with byssus production in a population). This study also histologically confirmed the presence of byssal glands in juvenile to adult clams. For these purposes, field surveys to investigate the relationship among byssus production, shell size and somatic condition of clams collected from four intertidal sites and a histological study for byssal glands of the clams was conducted. This study revealed that byssus production probability decreases with increasing shell size and declining somatic condition and that the lack of byssus production is not caused by the loss of the byssal glands.  相似文献   

The influence of biotic interactions in structuring macroinfaunal communities of exposed sandy beaches, an unstable habitat characterized by strong physical forces, is generally considered negligible. We investigated the hypothesis that competitive interactions during burrowing could potentially affect the intertidal distribution and abundance of macroinfaunal animals of sandy beaches using two species of invertebrates, a hippid crab, Emerita analoga, and a bivalve, Mesodesma donacium, common along the coast of Chile. Spatial overlap in the intertidal distributions of these species was dynamic, varying with abundance, location, time of year and tide. Highest density zones of each species were often distinctly separated at low tide and spatial overlap in their distributions decreased significantly with increasing density, suggesting density dependence of the interactions. Negative relationships between densities of the two species at the smallest spatial scale examined also suggested active interactions among individuals. Over a tidal cycle, peak densities of the two species overlapped suggesting that interactions could occur frequently. Burrowing performance of E. analoga varied between size classes in three experimental densities of clams (5, 10 and 15 clams 0.008 m-2) and in controls with no clams. Burrowing times of large crabs were significantly longer (~twofold) in all densities of clams than in controls, while those of small crabs did not differ significantly among treatments and controls. Large crabs also displaced clams from the sand while burrowing suggesting that two mechanisms of direct interference can occur, both of which could increase exposure of individuals involved to active swash and transport across or along the beach with potentially negative consequences. Our results suggest that competitive interactions capable of affecting zonation and population and community biology on a number of scales can occur among burrowing macroinfauna on exposed sandy beaches. Those interactions could be more ecologically significant than previously appreciated and may contribute to patterns observed in community structure and zonation on sandy beaches. Our results illustrate the potential importance of negative biological interactions in a physically stressful environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some diurnal raptors are frequently observed at prairie dog (Cynomys sp.) colonies. As a result, some military installations have conducted prairie dog control activities to reduce the bird-aircraft strike hazard (BASH) potential of low-flying aircraft. To evaluate the validity of this management strategy, we assessed raptor associations with prairie dog colonies at 2 short-grass prairie study areas: southern Lubbock County, Texas, USA, and Melrose Bombing and Gunnery Range in east-central New Mexico, USA. We quantified diurnal raptors (i.e., Falconiformes) at plots occupied (colony plots) and unoccupied (noncolony plots) by black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) at both sites throughout 2002. We compared the number of individual birds of a given species at colony and noncolony plots within each study area by season. Ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) and northern harriers (Circus cyaneus) were more abundant at colony plots, whereas Swainson's hawks (B. swainsoni) and American kestrels (Falco sparverius) were more abundant at noncolony plots. Red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis) abundance did not differ between the 2 plot types. Our results suggest prairie dog control as a method of reducing BASH potential may be effective at some sites but may be ineffective or even increase the BASH potential at others. Thus, bird-avoidance models assessing the BASH potential should be conducted on a site-specific basis using information on relative and seasonal abundances of individual raptor species and the relative strike risks they pose to aircraft.  相似文献   

The effects of herbivory and the season of disturbance on species composition and algal succession were experimentally tested at a tropical intertidal shore, Phuket Island, Thailand. Dead coral patches were cleared of all organisms during both the dry and rainy seasons in order to study the effects of season on algal succession and cages were set up to exclude fish herbivory. Algal succession in this intertidal habitat showed a simple pattern and took a year from the early Ulva paradoxa C. Agardh stage to the late Polysiphonia sphaerocarpa Børgesen stage. The abundance of algae during succession was under the influence of seasonal change. U. paradoxa reproduced and recruited throughout the year. Caging effects did not apparently influence algal abundance, perhaps because resident herbivorous damselfishes excluded other herbivores from their territories and maintained their algal “farms”. Unexpectedly, the percent cover of Ulva in the caged plots was lower than in uncaged plots. This pattern may indicate that caging excluded damselfishes only, but allowed small herbivores that consumed substantial amounts of soft filamentous algae in the cages.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that the decline of the endangered American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) from over 90% of its original range is the result of habitat loss and fragmentation of eastern North America. Forest removal at a site in southeastern Oklahoma known to have a significant population of N. americanus gave us a unique opportunity to test this hypothesis. At the local scale of this experiment, N. americanus declined significantly after forest removal while beetle numbers at adjacent forested plots did not change. Our results indicate that local disturbances such as forest removal, if occurring across relatively broad spatial scales, can cause wholesale geographic range collapse in this species.  相似文献   

Herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are opportunistic predators that prefer to forage in the intertidal zone, but an increasing degree of terrestrial foraging has recently been observed. We therefore aimed to analyze the factors influencing foraging behavior and diet composition in the German Wadden Sea. Gulls from three breeding colonies on islands at different distances from the mainland were equipped with GPS data loggers during the incubation seasons in 2012–2015. Logger data were analyzed for 37 individuals, including 1,115 foraging trips. Herring gulls breeding on the island furthest from the mainland had shorter trips (mean total distance = 12.3 km; mean maximum distance = 4.2 km) and preferred to feed on the tidal flats close to the colony, mainly feeding on common cockles (Cerastoderma edule) and shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). In contrast, herring gulls breeding close to the mainland carried out trips with a mean total distance of 26.7 km (mean maximum distance = 9.2 km). These gulls fed on the neobiotic razor clams (Ensis leei) in the intertidal zone, and a larger proportion of time was spent in distant terrestrial habitats on the mainland, feeding on earthworms. δ13C and δ15N values were higher at the colony furthest from the mainland and confirmed a geographical gradient in foraging strategy. Analyses of logger data, pellets, and stable isotopes revealed that herring gulls preferred to forage in intertidal habitats close to the breeding colony, but shifted to terrestrial habitats on the mainland as the tide rose and during the daytime. Reduced prey availability in the vicinity of the breeding colony might force herring gulls to switch to feed on razor clams in the intertidal zone or to use distant terrestrial habitats. Herring gulls may thus act as an indicator for the state of the intertidal system close to their breeding colony.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis that sea urchin grazing and interactions with turf-forming red algae prevent large brown algae from forming an extensive canopy in the low intertidal zone of southern California was tested with field experiments at two study sites. Experimental removal of sea urchins resulted in rapid algal recruitment. Crustose coralline algae which typically dominate the substratum in areas with dense urchin populations were quickly overgrown by several species of short-lived green, brown and red algae. The removal of urchins also significantly increased the recruitment of two long-lived species of large brown algae (Egregia laevigata and Cystoseira osmundacea at one study site and E. laevigata and Halidrys dioica at the other). The experimental plots at both sites were eventually dominated by perennial red algae.A two-factorial experiment demonstrated that sea urchin grazing and preemption of space by red algae in areas where urchins are less abundant are responsible for the rarity of large brown algae in the low intertidal of southern California. The three dominant perennial red algae, Gigartina canaliculata, Laurencia pacifica and Gastroclonium coulteri, recruit seasonally from settled spores but can rapidly fill open space with vigorous vegetative growth throughout the year. These species encroach laterally into space created by the deaths of large brown algae or by other disturbances. Once extensive turfs of these red algae are established further invasion is inhibited. This interaction of algae which proliferate vegetatively with algae which recruit only from settled spores is analogous to those which occur between solitary and colonial marine invertebrates and between solitary and cloning terrestrial plants.It is suggested that a north-south gradient in the abundance of vegetatively propagating species, in grazing intensity and in the frequency of space-clearing disturbances, may account for latitudinal variation in intertidal algal community structure along the Pacific coast of North America.  相似文献   

Tropical intertidal organisms tolerate large fluctuations in temperature and high desiccation rates when exposed during low tide. In order to withstand the short‐term heat stress, intertidal organisms adopt behavioral responses to maximize their survival. Our previous research showed that tropical littorinids found at the upper and lower intertidal shores in Singapore exhibited different behavioral adaptations during low tide. Most of the upper‐shore Echinolittorina malaccana kept a flat orientation, with the aperture against the substrate and the long axis of the shell towards the sun, whereas a majority of the lower‐shore individuals of Echinolittorina vidua stood with the edge of the aperture perpendicular to the substrate on the rocky shore during low tide. This prompted analyses of the shells of these two species to determine whether the differences in the shell morphometry, microstructure, and thermal conductivity of shells of E. malaccana and E. vidua were associated with their respective behavioral responses to thermal stress. Analyses of shell morphometry and thermal conductivity showed that shells of E. malaccana were more likely to minimize heat gain, despite having a higher thermal conductivity on the outer surface, due to their light‐gray, elongated shell. By contrast, the dark‐colored, globose shells of E. vidua probably gain heat more readily through solar radiation. Scanning electron microscopy images of the shells of both littorinid species further revealed that they have cross‐lamellar structure; however, only individuals of E. vidua showed the presence of disjointed rod layers and a pigmented inner shell surface. Individuals of E. malaccana had a rough outer shell surface with holes that inter‐connect to form water‐trapping channels that probably aid cooling. Individuals of E. vidua, however, had a smooth outer surface with rows of kidney‐shaped depressions as microsculptures which probably help to stabilize shell shape. In both Echinolittorina species, behavioral responses were used to overcome thermal stress during low tide that was associated with shell morphometry and shell thermal conductivity. Such combined adaptations increase survivability of the littorinids at their respective tidal levels.  相似文献   

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