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Over the 6 years 1980–85, 212 Norwegian rivers have been examined for occurrence of Gyrodactylus salaris: it was found in 26 rivers and six salmon hatcheries scattered throughout the country from Troms county in the north to Sogn og Fjordane in western Norway. The distribution of G. salaris is connected with the stocking of fish from infected salmon hatcheries. The populations of salmon parr have been drastically reduced in the infected rivers. In later years catches of ascending salmon in these rivers have also sharply declined: in 1984 salmon fishery losses were estimated at 250–500 t.
Gyrodactylus salaris is most probably a recent introduction to Norwegian rivers. A primary aim is to exterminate this parasite from all infected rivers and hatcheries: so far this has been accomplished in one river and one hatchery.  相似文献   

We describe the polyphasic characterization of four Vibrio isolates which formed a tight AFLP group in a former study. The group was closely related to V. cyclitrophicus, V. lentus and V. splendidus (98.2-98.9% similarity) on the basis of the 16S rDNA sequence analysis, but by DNA-DNA hybridisation experiments it had at maximum 61% DNA similarity towards V. splendidus. Thus, we propose that the isolates represent a new Vibrio species i.e. V. tasmaniensis (LMG 20012T; EMBL under the accession numbers AJ316192; mol% G+C of DNA of the type strain is 44.7). Useful phenotypical features for discrimination of V. tasmaniensis from other Vibrio species include gelatinase and beta-galactosidase activity, fatty acid composition (particularly 14:0), utilisation and fermentation of different compounds (e.g. sucrose, melibiose and D-galactose) as sole carbon source.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome numbers for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from ten populations in Scotland were ascertained. The majority of fish had 2n = 58, NF = 74 karyotypes, and no polymorphisms between populations were found. The findings suggest that Atlantic salmon in Scotland are cytogenetically homogeneous.  相似文献   

A total of 1145 stomachs from Atlantic salmon caught over the shelf off Helgeland/Trøndelag, and in the oceanic waters off Andenes, northern Norway during late winter–spring, 1969–1972 were examined. Food was found in 52.9% of the stomachs examined. The most important food items found in fish caught in the Helgeland/Trøndelag area were euphausids and hyperid amphipods while the myctophid Benthosema glaciale , the squid Gonatus fabricil and euphausids were found most frequently in the salmon caught off Andenes. Most salmon had preyed upon only one species, and few stomachs contained three or more prey species. The type of food did not appear to be related to the length of the fish. It is suggested that some mesopelagic feeding occurred.  相似文献   

Cranial nodules are described from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar fry hatched from certain egg batches. Conspicuous, smooth, mostly unilateral nodules were recorded on the cranium. Histologically, the cerebellum appeared normal, but was displaced dorsally. Karyorhectic malpighian cells were absent from the epidermis and the meninges appeared normal. There was no apparent contact of the cerebellum with the water, or evidence of fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection. Mortality of up to 15% as recorded. The aetiology of this condition is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was examined in 209 Atlantic salmon from two river systems, the R. Itchen in Hampshire (Southern England) and the R. Conwy (North Wales). Within each system, five spawning sites were sampled. Four enzymes (AVA II, HAE III, HINF I and MBO I) revealed restriction fragment polymorphisms that were informative. Ten clonal lines were observed. These clones were differentially distributed between the two river systems and single clonal types were found to predominate at several spawning sites. MBO I variants were found in salmon from the R. Itchen but not the R. Conwy. A significant heterogeneity in frequency distribution of clonal lines between parr and smolt assemblages of the same year class within the R. Itchen was detected. This heterogeneity suggests that differences in survival or migratory behaviour may be identified by changes in mtDNA clonal frequencies.  相似文献   

We describe an unusually high infection rate of Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. of Baltic Sea origin, which are generally believed to be more resistant to G. salaris than East Atlantic salmon populations. Based on analyses of mitochondrial (complete cytochrome oxidase 1 [CO1] gene, 1548 bp) and nuclear (ADNAM1, 435 bp; internal transcribed spacer [ITS] rDNA region, 1232 bp) DNA fragments, the closest relatives of the characterized Estonian G. salaris strain were parasites found off the Swedish west coast and in Raasakka hatchery, Iijoki (Baltic Sea, Finland). Analyses of 14 microsatellite loci of the host S. salarrevealed that approximately 40% of studied fish were triploids. We subsequently identified triploid Atlantic salmon of Baltic origin as more susceptible to G. salaris infection than their diploid counterparts, possibly due to compromised complement-dependent immune pathways in triploid salmon. This is in accordance with earlier studies that have shown elevated susceptibility of triploids to various viral or bacterial pathogens, and represents one of the first reports of increased susceptibility of triploid salmonid fish to an ectoparasite. However, further experimental work is needed to determine whether triploid Atlantic salmon is generally more susceptible to G. salaris compared to their diploid counterparts, irrespective of the particular triploidization method and population of origin.  相似文献   

A method using light aircraft to observe spawning activity of Atlantic salmon and brown trout in some Norwegian streams was tested between the years 1981 and 83. From the air, spawning redds of these species appear as light, oval spots in the river bottom. The method was successfully applied to most of the rivers studied, and information about numbers of redds, distribution of redds and spawning times was obtained. However, it has several limitations, the most important being that it proved to be unsuccessful in a deep river with high water turbidity. Also, during periods with high precipitation and high water level, the method cannot be used. Several quantitative and qualitative aspects of the results obtained by this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Movement rhythms in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nocturnal downstrean migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon is usually interpreted as increased locomotor activity. The frequency of downstream passages of 0–1 + salmon in an endless stream channel was greater by night than by day in both smoking and non-smolting fish in autumn and spring. Movement increased at dusk, and decreased after dawn. Mature male 1 + fish moved slightly less than immatures in October, but significantly more in November. Total movement frequency was lower at full moon than at other moon phases, and movement was reduced when the moon was up. Under turbid conditions by day, the threshold water velocity inducing nett downstream movement was 8.2 cm s−1, and the relative velocity of fish swimming downstream was never more than one third that of fish holding station at the normal maximal flow of 25–30 cm s−1.
At the end of their first growing season in October, fish which had been offered food continuously through 24 h did not differ in size from those fed by day only, but the latter were significantly larger than those offered food only at night.
We conclude that: (1) the fish fed actively by day, and not by night; (2) station-holding represented activity, and downstream nocturnal movement represented relative inactivity (displacement) which occurred on loss of visual orientation, hence migration resulted from reduced activity; (3) lack of displacement in early autumn has adaptive value for maturing fish, but not for non-spawners.  相似文献   

The deposition of otolith rings in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Salmon embryos, age 48–81 days post-fertilization (dpf), were incubated under three different temperature and photoperiod regimes to test the effects of incubation conditions on otolith ring deposition. Otolith rings were first observed at 50 dpf and certain developmental events were marked by distinct, heavy rings. The rate of ring deposition increased with increasing temperature and exposure to light, ranging from 0·50 to 2·33 rings per day. The possible relation to physiological activity as measured by oxygen consumption is discussed.  相似文献   

The production of Atlantic salmon gynogenomes by the combined use of a novel method for sperm irradiation and differently timed high hydrostatic pressure shocks is described. Sperm solutions were exposed to UV irradiation in a temperature-controlled flow-through device. Eggs fertilised with such sperm were exposed to shocks of 9500 psi at 30 min or approximately 7 h after fertilisation in order to produce meiotic and mitotic gynogenomes respectively. Yields of meiotic gynogenomes were generally high (up to 95%); those of mitotic gynogenomes were lower (range 2–20%). Analyses of the offspring by ploidy status and fingerprinting confirmed their gynogenetic origin. Small numbers of mitotic gynogenetic fish were grown on for 2 years in fresh and salt water. S1/S2 ratios were lower in gynogenetic fish and mean age at maturity was greater. Of the presumptive gynogenetic fish subjected to destructive sampling (n = 87) all were female.  相似文献   

Growth, density and production of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout were studied in three different sections of the Kvassheimsåna River in south-western Norway from 1979 to 1983. Section 1. in the upper part of the river, is located above a waterfall impassable for migratory salmonids and is surrounded by grazing land. Sections 2 and 3, in the middle and lower parts of the river, are influenced by agricultural activity. Total nitrogen concentration varied between 250 and 1000 μg l ?1 in section 1 and 1500 and 2500 μg l?1 in sections 2 and 3. Total phosphorus (Tot-P) concentrations also increased with decreasing altitude: 19–46 μg l?1 in section I and 31–101 μg l ?1 in sections 2 and 3. The number of 0 + salmon in sections 2 and 3 varied between 30.1 and 167.8 specimens 100 m ?2, with means 90.2 and 95.2 specimens 100 m ?2:, respectively; the density of 1 + salmon, with mean values of 16.3 and 51.0 specimens 100m?2 was significantly correlated with the original fry density. The growth rate of 0+ salmon was not inversely related to cohort density, but was significantly so for 1 + salmon. Mean annual salmon production in section 2 was 1595 g 100 m?2 year 1, and in section 3 was 841 g 100m?2 year 1. A logarithmic function gave the best curve fit between salmon production and mean annual biomass. Thus, production levelled off for the highest values recorded in section 2, and perhaps approached the carrying capacity of the stream. A multiple regression analysis showed that yearly variation in 1 + salmon density was the single factor accounting for most of the total variability in production (60%). Variation in water temperature and nutrient content were not significantly related to variation in fish production. Densities of brown trout were low in all sections (<20 specimens 100m ?2). Fry density was highest in section 3 and parr density in section 1. All age groups of sympatric brown trout grew significantly faster in sections 2 and 3 compared with allopatric brown trout in section 1.  相似文献   

Seasonal microhabitat selection by sympatric young Atlantic salmon and brown trout was studied by diving. Both species, especially Atlantic salmon, showed seasonal variation with respect to surface and mean water velocities and depth. This variation is partly attributed to varying water flows and water temperatures. In winter the fish sought shelter in the substratum. A spatial variation in habitat use along the river due to different habitat availabilities was observed. Both species occupied habitats within the ranges of the microhabitat variables, rather than selecting narrow optima. It is hypothesized that the genetic basis allows a certain range to the behavioural response. Microhabitat segregation between the two species was pronounced, with brown trout inhabiting the more slow-flowing and partly more shallow stream areas. Atlantic salmon tolerated a wider range of water velocities and depths. Habitat suitability curves were produced from both species. It is suggested that habitat suitability curves that are based on observations of fish occupancy of habitat at median or base flow may not be suitable in habitat simulation models, where available habitat is projected at substantially greater water flows.  相似文献   

Otoliths of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are more slender than the otoliths of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Discriminant analysis on otolith measurements of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout from four river systems revealed a discriminant function which distinguished more than 94% of the cases. This function was tested by using data from a fifth river with cohabiting Atlantic salmon and brown trout: all Atlantic salmon and 91 % of the brown trout were correctly classified.  相似文献   

Periodicity in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. smolt migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioural and physiological mechanisms postulated for the control of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts are reviewed briefly, and some new evidence is presented for their refusal to undergo sustained swimming. Although these mechanisms imply passive displacement as the primary means of emigration, it is likely that active components must also exist as the rates of travel of smolts through loch systems are only slightly slower than those recorded for river systems. The timing of these movements within 24 h periods is reviewed and it is shown that the predominantly nocturnal emigration pattern is evident on occasions in alevin, fry and parr stages also. Thus at migration the diel periodicity probably represents a seasonal locomotor rhythm which, under changed behavioural and physiological circumstances, results in downstream displacement.  相似文献   

Twenty-two salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., carrying miniature sonic tags were tracked individually for periods of up to 175 h in Loch Voil, Scotland, during May 1979 and 1980. Activity was predominantly nocturnal, 80% occurring between 21.00 and 06.00 hours, and was apparently undirected. Average velocities during this active interval were 0.6 body lengths per second (bl s−1), with 98 and 93% of the time spent moving at less than 2 and less than 1 bl s−1, respectively. The rates of downstream displacement were 0.04 bl s−1 in 1979 and 0.01 bl s−1 in 1980. The direction of displacement of smolts and of movement of water at a depth of 1 m was positively correlated ( P <0.001) and smolt displacement was biassed slightly ahead of water movement. Mean step lengths were 141 and 200 m in 1979 and 1980, respectively. Rates of downstream passage of 327 ICES plate-tagged smolts released 16.8 km upstream of the fish trap at Clunie dam, Loch Tummel, during the spring migrations of 1975 and 1976 averaged 0.13 bl s−1 in each year: net surface water movement was about 3.7 times this rate during the same intervals. These data are consistent with the model of passive smolt migration postulated by Tytler et al. (1978) and suggest that the active component required to ensure passage through a loch (Thorpe & Morgan, 1978) is very small.  相似文献   

There are two fundamental types of research problems facing the management of Atlantic salmon in Atlantic Canada. First, there are problems associated with assessment of individual and mixed stocks: these can be divided into estimating optimal spawning requirements, estimating current spawning escapements, and forecasting available harvests at least one year in advance. Second, there are problems related to the large number of Atlantic salmon stocks, at least 350, and the small number of biological staff. One solution to many of these problems is to focus research efforts on small index rivers where upstream and downstream fish migrations are counted and randomly sampled. These rivers can be used to estimate optimal yield and to forecast harvest in distinct geographical areas. They also provide base-line data to examine phenomena such as fluctuations in ocean survival, density-dependent growth and mortality, or even large-scale environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Hypo-osmoregulatory ability in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Sulrno salur L., was improved by cortisol treatment. Implantation of a vegetable shortening pellet containing cortisol (50 mg kg−1) resulted in elevated plasma cortisol titres. Maximum cortisol levels (160–170ngml−1) were observed at days 6 and 12 after the implantation and dropped significantly by day 55. Cortisol-implanted fish in fresh water developed a twofold increase in gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity at days 6 and 12, and a threefold increase by day 55. Intestinal mucosa Na+/K+-ATPase activity was not affected by cortisol. Cortisol-implanted fish exposed to 28 ppt sea water for 48 h tended to show an improved ability to regulate their plasma osmolarity and reduce their ionic load. The osmo-regulatory ability attained at days 12 and 55 was further evaluated by exposing fish to 37 ppt sea water for 96 h. While all the control fish died relatively early in these tests, cortisol-implanted fish showed a clear reduction in their mortality rate. These results indicate that cortisol can induce biochemical and organismal changes during winter months that typify preadaptive events normally occurring in the spring.  相似文献   

Sexually mature male parr successfully mated with female anadromous Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , in the absence of anadromous males. There was no significant difference between the proportion of eggs fertilized by mature male parr and anadromous males. One of the demographic consequences of our observations is that overfishing could eventually eliminate anadromy in male members of a population.  相似文献   

In recent years, blood group and protein polymorphisms in Atlantic salmon have been investigated extensively with a view, primarily, to their use in identifying individuals of different spawning populations present in high seas fisheries. Erythrocyte antigens, haemoglobins, serum proteins and various tissue enzymes—mainly esterases and de-hydrogenases—have been studied by electrophoretic and immunological techniques. These studies are reviewed here for the first time.
Many of the protein systems exhibit multiple components and this fact, together with cytological evidence, indicates the occurrence of tetraploidy in the course of Salmonid evolution. The significance of a tetraploid origin in the evolution and ecological adaptation of Salmonids is discussed briefly.
Some protein systems studied exhibit phylogenetic variation, and analyses of phenotype ratios and allele frequencies indicate that the populations of different river systems are genetically distinct. Allele frequencies have not yet been shown to be stable from generation to generation however, and some of the factors likely to affect allele frequencies are discussed.
Different spawning populations can not be identified in high seas fisheries using these protein characters, although it may be possible to identify the continent of origin (N. America or Europe) of some individuals. Indeed, it has been proposed independently by two groups that North American and European populations of Atlantic salmon be assigned to different sub-species viz. S. s. americanus and S. s. europaeus respectively. The contradictory evidence on which these taxa are proposed is discussed, together with the evidence for other population groups proposed in the European part of the salmon's range. The possible role and future direction of studies on the biochemical genetics of salmon are outlined.  相似文献   

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