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Theba pisana is a bush-dwelling snail with a circum-Mediterranean distribution. In Israel it is limited to a narrow coastal strip, along which there is a north-to-south gradient in mean annual rainfall (700–300 mm per year). In this study we found significant intraspecific differences among populations ofT. pisana in resistance to desiccation along this gradient, and in a population from Greece, which may be grossly correlated with the climatic gradient. The Greek population was the least resistant to desiccation with an extremely high rate of water loss. The differences in total mass loss were mainly determined by the rate of water loss during the first 4 days of desiccation. A general phenomenon during desiccation was the close regulation of the soft body water content at the expense of the extra-pallial fluid compartment.  相似文献   

Morphological responses to the presence of predator info-chemicals havebeen described for many Daphnia (Cladocera) species, butD. galeata is generally considered to exhibit almost nomorphological changes that could increase its fitness under predation.Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine the nature and magnitude ofmorphological responses of D. galeata to their predatorsindetail and assess their potential role in decreasing the predation threat. Twoclones of Daphnia were exposed to predator info-chemicals(kairomones) from perch, a fish (Perca), and a phantommidge larvae (Chaoborus) an invertebrate, and a kairomone mixture fromboththese organisms. Laboratory life-table experiments were carried out and fiveparameters characterising the body shape of the daphnids were measured: helmetlength, head- and carapace width, eye diameter and body size. The last-namedthree parameters did not differ significantly between the clones or thetreatments. The differences found between the clones were significant for headwidth and helmet length, but only in combination with the treatment effects.Ourresults on genotype-dependent phenotypic plasticity indicated that, althoughphenotypic plasticity is present, the clonal composition of aDaphnia population can be altered by selection on themorphotype. This potential for a change in clonal frequencies is given by thedifferences measured between the two clones in head width and helmet length,altering the curvature of the Daphina body in response tokairomone presence.  相似文献   

Life tables of Tetranychus urticae Koch were used to assess resistance to spider mites in five varieties of cotton in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California. Experiments were conducted during midseason and again in mid- to late season. The most resistant variety was Pima S-5 and the most susceptible was Acala SJ-2. Resistance of S-5 was expressed primarily as lower mite survivorship and fecundity. Developmental rates were similar on all 5 varieties. Although differences in the net reproductive rate (Ro) were large, there were only slight differences in the intrinsic rate of increase (r). Comparisons of the data in the first and second experiment, showed that resistance to spider mites increased as the plants matured. It is hypothesized that increased resistance associated with plant maturation results from a decrease in available nutrients in the leaves of older plants.
Résumé Les tables de vie de T. urticae Koch ont servi à la mise en évidence de la résistance de cinq variétés de coton dans la partie méridionale de la vallée de San Joaquin en Californie. Les expériences ont eu lieu à la mi-saison et à nouveau de la mi à la fin saison. La variété la plus résistante a été Pima S-5 et la plus sensible Acala SJ-2. La résistance de S-5 s'est traduite d'abord par une diminution de la survie et de la fécondité des acariens. Les taux de développement ont été les mêmes sur les cinq variétés. Bien que les différences entre les taux de reproduction nets (Ro) aient été importants, il n'y a eu que de légères différences entre les taux intrinsèques d'accroissement (r). La comparaison des résultats des lère et 2ème expériences a montré que la résistance aux acariens a augmenté quand les plantes ont mûri. L'hypothèse est émise d'un accroissement de la résistance lié à la maturation par suite d'une diminution de la quantité de'éléments nutritifs dans les feuilles des plantes âgées.

We have examined the resistance to desiccation among rock-dwelling land snails of various phylogenetic groups:Cristataria genezarethana (Clausiliidae),Rupestrella rhodia (Chondrinidae) andLevantina caesareana (Helicidae), all from the same location in Israel.L. caesareana was the most resistant andR. rhodia the least resistant to desiccation andC. genezarethana was of intermediate resistance. Differences in the rates of water loss during desiccation were determined mainly by rate of water loss during the first 2 days of desiccation. The high rates of water loss in rock-dwelling species exceed those of other snails in the Mediterranean habitat of Israel. However, snails collected in the field at the end of aestivation were in only a mild state of dehydration, suggesting that the rocky habitat protects its occupants against desiccation. We also suggest that among the rock-dwelling species, the protective role of the rock is more important in the more evolutionarily primitive genera (the chondrinidRupestrella and the clausiliidCristataria) and that physiological capacities are more effective in the more highly evolved helicidLevantina.  相似文献   

Susan C. Walls 《Oecologia》1995,101(1):86-93
The aquatic larvae of two species of salamanders coexist as a result of differences in their competitive abilities: Ambystoma talpoideum is a superior aggressor, whereas A. maculatum is a superior forager. I examined the behavioral mechanisms that permit these species to coexist with their predatory congener, A. opacum. I asked whether the two prey species differ in their vulnerability to predation and in their use of structural and spatial refugia when under the risk of predation; such inter-specific variation may allow predation to contribute indirectly to prey coexistence. Larval A. maculatum (the superior forager) was more vulnerable to predation by A. opacum than was A. talpoideum, and only the latter species significantly increased its use of structural refugia (leaf litter) in the presence of the predator. In pond enclosures, both species of prey exhibited diel patterns of microhabitat use; significantly more larvae occupied shallow regions of enclosures during the day and migrated to deeper water (a spatial refugium) at night. However, when considered separately, neither (1) the presence of a predatory larval A. opacum nor (2) an increased density of intra- and interspecific competitors significantly altered this habitat shift for either prey species. Rather, diel microhabitat usage in A. talpoideum was significantly affected by an interaction between predator presence and competitor density. My results demonstrate the importance of refugia to coexistence in this predator-prey assemblage. Furthermore, predation by A. opacum may mediate prey competition; that is, preferential consumption of A. maculatum may reduce the competitive impact of this superior forager on A. talpoideum, thus enhancing their coexistence.  相似文献   

The primary parasitoid Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetski and its host, the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) both showed specific bands for the enzyme malate dehydrogenase (MDH), thereby allowing clear detection of parasitism. The specific profiles of MDH activities remained recognizable through all post-embryonal life-stages, but the intensity of staining depended on the instar and morph subjected to analysis. A calibrated equation, representing the relationship between percentage parasitoid-specific MDH activity and percentage parasitism, was elaborated for third instar S. avenae. This equation was, however, not applicable to field-collected material. Reasons for this failure and the possible use of isolectric focusing (IEF) for other parasitoid: host relationships are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die herkömmlichen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Parasitierungsrate bei Blattläusen sind zeit- und arbeitsaufwendig, so daß sich meist nur ein geringer Stichprobenumfang bearbeiten läßt. Wir haben daher untersucht, ob die Parasitierung größerer Blattlauskollektive mittels der isoelektrischen Fokussierung (IEF) schnell und verläßlich zu ermitteln ist, wobei wir die Malatdehydrogenase (MDH) als Enzymsystem wählten.Die Modellpopulationen (der Parasitoid Aphidius uzbekistanicus und die Wirtsblattlaus Sitobion avenae) zeigten in allen Stadien und Morphen spezifische Bandenprofile, die ein Erkennen parasitierter Blattläuse eindeutig ermöglichten. Die Intensität der Färbung hing aber von den untersuchten Larvenstadien ab, d.h. ältere, größere Tiere ergaben quantitativ bedeutendere Enzymaktivitäten als jüngere, kleinere.Bei S. avenae wurde dieser Sachverhalt noch von der jeweiligen Morphenzugehörigkeit überlagert: alatiforme Stadien bewirkten stärkere Färbungsintensitäten als apteriforme. Dieses ist wahrscheinlich auf die Anhäufung von MDH-reichen Mitochondrien in der Flugmuskulatur zurückzuführen.Durch eine densitometerische Auswertung war es uns möglich, den relativen Anteil des parasitoidenspezifischen Peaks einer Probe mit dem jeweiligen (bekannten) Parasitierungsgrad in Beziehung zu setzen. Zwischen dem kleinsten und größten Larvenstadium des Parasitoiden ergab sich dabei eine bestimmte Spanne für einen gegebenen Parasitierungsgrad.Mit diesen Werten haben wir eine auf Feldbedingungen ausgerichtete, simulierte Gleichung errechnet, die wir auf Freilandblattläuse mit bekanntem Parasitierungsgrad anwendeten. Um den Einfluß der Stadienzugehörigkeit auszuschalten, wurden nur Blattläuse im dritten Stadium untersucht.Die Verteilung der Larvenstadien der Parasitoiden erwies sich aber als zu heterogen, so daß die errechneten Werte nur in zwei von neun Proben mit den durch Zuchtansätze ermittelten Werten übereinstimmten. In anderen Wirt-Parasitoid-Systemen mit ausgeprägter Stadienspezifität und demzufolge synchroner Entwicklung könnte die IEF aber durchaus von großem Nutzen sein.

This research is part of the Guadiamar River Basin (S Iberian Peninsula) Recovery Monitoring Programme. The main aim of this Program is to establish whether the management of the area affected by the Aznalcóllar mining accident (1998) has indeed led to a regeneration process and to select applicable parameters for the future following program. The Carabidae Family was selected to analyse these questions since it is one of the most effective bio-indicator taxa belonging to the soil fauna. Previous research carried out in different areas from Europe suggested that the mean individual biomass (MIB) of ground beetles could be used as a suitable measure to assess the environment stage. This paper analyses the progress made by the ground beetles community 6 years after the disaster and aims to validate the usefulness of MIB as a means of assessing the recovery process of the Guadiamar Green Corridor. To evaluate changes in the research area over time, correlation and classification analysis have been performed. Indices commonly used in population dynamics were calculated in addition to the MIB. Results allow us to infer two conclusions: (I) The area as a whole is undergoing a significant recovery process. However, this process has not yet reached the expected levels of a non-affected basin in the southern Iberian Peninsula. (II) The application of the MIB index of Carabid beetles could be a useful tool to assess long-term environmental changes. However, this proposal requires further validation.  相似文献   

Heathlands, dominated byCalluna vulgaris, are located along the western seaboard of Europe. Most undergo a cyclical succession as the heather plants pass through four definable growth-phases over a period of about 30 years. Examples of upland heathlands are drawn from the North York Moors National Park, an area of Jurassic rocks in the north of England (approximately 54°25N, 0°55W). Botanical diversity is low. In a survey of 10 heathlands selected to encompass the botanical variation of the heathlands of the National Park, only 40 species of higher plants and 31 species of mosses were recorded (2.2% and 4.5% of the British flora, respectively).However, diversity of some invertebrate groups is high. Totals of 54 species of carabid beetles and 127 species of spiders were recorded (15.3% and 20.4% of the British fauna, respectively). At least two environmental gradients appear to influence the species composition of the invertebrate assemblages: a wet-dry gradient and the height of the vegetation (corresponding to the growth-phase of the heather). Experimental areas on three heathlands were burnt and cut, the traditional and more modern methods of heather management. Analysis of both the spider and beetle data indicated that the species assemblages were primarily influenced by the growth-phase of the heather. Some of the nationally rarer species are associated with the open conditions of recently-cut or burnt heathland. An altitudinal effect was also inferred since heathland at 410 m above sea level tended to be less species-rich than heathlands at ca 260 m above sea level.These results present a paradox. Although botanical diversity is extremely low, and although it is a non-natural ecosystem maintained by fire and grazing management to prevent a succession to woodland, arthropod diversity can be extremely high. The discussion focuses on the importance of upland heathlands in the conservation of insect and spider diversity, as well as on the value of these upland areas for conservation more generally.C. vulgaris is seen to be a key species on which many other species depend. One conclusion is that there is insufficient effort, nationally and especially internationally, to conserve the heathlands of Europe.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of freshwater snails, Physa acuta and Lymnaea sp. aff. columella, were collected from Asabata marsh, Shizuoka Japan. Individuals of both species inhabit the same plants. Individuals of P. acuta are more abundant than those of L. sp. aff. columella. Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of water conditioned by snails on the growth of 10-day-old juvenile P. acuta snails. Juvenile snails in water conditioned by L. sp. aff. columella grew faster than those in water conditioned by P. acuta or only lettuce. The effects of water conditioned by P. acuta differed among the litters. The results suggest that juvenile P. acuta snails experience accelated growth in the presence of L. sp. aff. columella. The freshwater snails interacted through resource competition as well as through substances disolved in the water.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of predatory beetles that locate their prey, Ips pini, by responding to its aggregation pheromone have different chiral preferences to ispdienol than does the herbivore. This suggests that chiral disparity may provide some escape for bark beetles from predation, and that geographic variation in herbivore communication systems may be partially due to predator — imposed selection pressures. These results also suggest ways in which the semiochemical and biological control of North America's most damaging group of forest insects can be improved.  相似文献   

Lee A. Dyer  Ted Floyd 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):575-582
To evaluate the role of predation in the evolution of diet specialization and to determine the effectiveness of various larval defenses, we offered lepidopteran larvae to colonies of the tropical ant Paraponera clavata. We recorded behavioral and physical characteristics of prey items and used log-linear models to analyze their importance as deterrents to predation by P. clavata. The most important determinant of probability of prey rejection by P. clavata was a prey's diet breadth; specialists were rejected by the ants significantly more than generalists. Other less important, but significant, predictors of prey rejection included ontogeny, morphology and chemistry. Late instar caterpillars were rejected more frequently than early instars, hairy caterpillars were rejected more frequently than caterpillars with other morphologies, and one caterpillar species with an unpalatable extract was rejected more frequently than two species with palatable extracts.  相似文献   

The threat-sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey species assess and adjust their behavior in accordance with the magnitude of the threat posed by a predator. A largely overlooked characteristic of a prey that will affect its sensitivity to predators is its history of autotomy. We studied threat-sensitive behavior to fish kairomones in larvae of Ischnura elegans damselflies, which had undergone autotomy, from a fishpond and from a fishless pond. In agreement with their higher perceived risk, larvae from the fishpond showed fewer rigid abdomen bends, foraged less and walked more slowly than larvae from the fishless pond. In line with their higher vulnerability to predators, larvae without lamellae spent less time foraging than larvae with lamellae. There was a decrease in swimming activity in the presence of fish kairomones except for larvae with lamellae from the fishless pond. This may reflect differences in vulnerability of larvae without lamellae between pond types. Such context-dependent responses in activity to kairomones should be kept in mind when evaluating the ability of a prey to recognize kairomones.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in three freshwater snails, an aquatic plant, sediment, and water from Azraq Oasis pools in the Jordanian desert were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. There were significant differences in metal accumulation among snail species. These snails are ranked according to their metal accumulation capacity in the order: Melanoides tuberculata > Melanopsis praemorsa > Theodoxus jordani. Although there were no significant differences among the size classes of these snails in metal concentrations, larger snails contained generally higher levels of metals than the smaller ones. The concentration factors for the selected snails exceeded 103, while it ranged from 0.1–10.2 × 103 for Typha angustata plants. Among sampling sites, metal concentrations in M. praemorsa, T. angustata, sediment, and water were not significantly different, except for Fe in M. praemorsa which was highest at station 3, and Cd and Cr which were highest in water and sediment of station 4. The seasonal variation in metal content was found to be species and metal-dependent.  相似文献   

Borell EM  Foggo A  Coleman RA 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):328-334
Herbivory in terrestrial and marine systems can induce changes in plant chemistry affecting the foraging behaviour of herbivores. A model based on terrestrial plant-herbivore interactions predicts herbivory-induced changes in leaf chemistry to be manifested in (1) increased herbivore mobility, (2) increased feeding dispersal and (3) reduced tissue consumption by herbivores. This study is the first to demonstrate that herbivory-induced changes in the tissue chemistry of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum elicit the same response in the feeding behaviour of the gastropod Littorina obtusata as predicted for herbivorous insects, providing good evidence for the models validity across different ecosystems. The potential benefit of increased feeding dispersal to terrestrial plants as suggested by the model is the prevention of concentrated damage to apical tissues thereby preserving the plants ability to compete for light; A. nodosum does not conform to these predictions. Increased dispersal of feeding damage on A. nodosum away from primary frond tissues would reduce the likelihood of frond breakage implying a fitness benefit of induced resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Several types of receptor endings were identified with scanning electron microscopy and silver-impregnation techniques in the skin of the tentacles, lips, dorsal surface of the head and mouth region of the pond snails Lymnaea stagnalis and Vivipara viviparus. Sensory endings at the tips of dendrites of primary receptor neurones, scattered below the epithelium, differ in structure, i.e., the endings exposed to the surface of the skin possess different proportions of cilia and microvilli, which vary in number, length, and packing. Type-I endings have microvilli and a few (1–5) cilia, 5–12 m in length. Type-2 endings have abundant (20–40), interwoven long (9–12 m) cilia and random microvilli. Type-3 endings show typical packing of 10–25 cilia in the form of bundles or brushes. They may be composed either of long (9–18 m) or short (2–7 m) cilia, or of both long and short ones. Microvilli here are absent. Type-4 endings have only microvilli. Two other types of skin receptors do not extend their sensory endings to the surface and can be indentified only in silver-stained preparations. Type-5 endings are branching dendrites of skin receptors cells that terminate among epithelial cells. In type-6, the sensory endings also terminate among epithelial cells but their cell bodies are located outside of the skin. In both species all skin regions examined possess the receptors of all six types differing only in their relative proportion. Possible functional roles of different receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Four partulid tree snail species are known from American Samoa. In 1998, we surveyed the recently established National Park (units on three islands: Tutuila, Tau, Ofu) and neighboring areas for partulids. On Tutuila, Samoana abbreviata, previously considered probably extinct, was extremely rare (15 snails seen); Samoana conica was more common (288 snails) but still rare; Eua zebrina was the most common (1102 snails), at one locality perhaps near its natural abundance. The species have similar distributions within the Park. All three have declined dramatically since the 1920s. Before 1980, when the predatory snail Euglandina rosea was introduced, habitat destruction, and perhaps rat predation and shell collecting, probably caused the decline. The Park provides protection to the Tutuila partulids by protecting habitat, although development is still a potential problem. But predation by E. rosea may yet cause their extinction. On Ofu (only outside the Park), 12 live Samoana thurstoni were found; 31 have now been recorded by western science. Also, an apparently robust population of E. zebrina, previously considered a Tutuila endemic, was found. Euglandina rosea is not on Ofu, so these populations are important remnants of the fauna. No partulids were found on Tau; none has ever been recorded there.  相似文献   

Synopsis The densities, habitat use, and feeding behaviors of 13 fish species belonging to the benthic invertebrate-feeding guild were studied by snorkeling at three localities in the Little River of eastern Tennessee, U.S.A. Resource partitioning occurred by habitat, feeding behavior and time of activity. Differences were also found at the generic level.Cottus was a nocturnal feeder, whereasPercina andEtheostoma were, for the most part, diurnally active.Percina moved about rapidly and spent most of its time above the bottom. In contrast,Etheostoma varied considerably in the amount of time spent under cover, spent little time above the bottom, and exhibited low levels of swimming activity. Nearly all species sought cover at night, suggesting they may be particularly sensitive to predation at night. Species with small adult sizes (Etheostoma, Cottus andP. evides) were concentrated in shallow water habitats, whereas species with large adult sizes (Percina) were more abundant in deep water habitats. The habitat use data are consistent with the hypothesis that size-selective predation by centrarchid bass may cause smaller fish to avoid deep water areas. Large species should have a lower risk of predation due to their size and behavior.  相似文献   

Despite potentially reducing predation mortality, behavioural responses of native species to introduced predators may still have sub-lethal impacts. In video-recorded laboratory trials, we examined the effects of introduced brown trout, Salmo trutta, on the short-term behaviour of a threatened, lake-dwelling galaxiid fish and confirmed a suspected diel pattern in habitat use by this species. We found that Galaxias auratus followed a distinct diel pattern in the use of complex habitats and open water, which was significantly altered by the presence of brown trout. In trials without the introduced predator, G. auratus used complex habitats (rocks or macrophytes) during the day, and open water during the night. In trials with brown trout present, G. auratus spent significantly less time in open water and rarely ventured out of the macrophytes. However, when given the option of using only rocky substrate or open water, which is the more common situation in the lakes to which this galaxiid is endemic, the fish reduced the amount of time they spent in the open water during the night, but still spent more time in open water than when macrophytes were available. Spending the daylight hours amongst the cover of rocks or macrophytes is most likely an adaptation to reduce the risk of predation by visual predators, and the pattern of reduced use of open water habitats in the presence of brown trout is an acute response to the close proximity of the introduced predator. The difference in the nocturnal use of macrophytes and rocks when trout are present may be related to differences in feeding opportunities or success within these habitats.  相似文献   

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