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A supernatant derived from the Th2 clone D10.G4.1 (D10 supernatant) stimulated high numbers of Ig-secreting cells when added to dextran-conjugated anti-delta-antibody (anti-delta-dextran)-activated B cells but stimulated only marginal Ag-specific responses when added to B cells cultured with TNP-Ficoll. When anti-IL-10 antibody was added to cultures containing D10 supernatant, IL-5, and TNP-Ficoll, there was a significant increase in the numbers of anti-TNP-antibody producing cells, suggesting that at least a part of the inhibitory activity of D10 supernatant is mediated by IL-10. Addition of rIL-10 inhibited both TNP-Ficoll- and anti-delta-dextran-mediated Ig secretion that was stimulated in the presence of IL-5 but had no suppressive effect on IL-2-stimulated responses, indicating that its inhibitory effect was selective for a specific mode of B cell activation. Addition of IL-10 did not, however, inhibit anti-delta-dextran-stimulated B cell proliferation. The IL-10-induced-inhibition of Ig secretion was not due to suppression of IFN-gamma production, because the addition of IFN-gamma did not reverse the inhibition, nor did the addition of anti-IFN-gamma mimic the IL-10-mediated inhibition. These data suggest that a composite of lymphokines secreted by Th cells may contain both inhibitory and stimulatory activities. Sorting out the conditions under which stimulation or inhibition is seen may reveal additional diversity in Ag-stimulated pathways of B cell activation.  相似文献   

The staphylococcal cell wall component protein A (SpA) and formalinized, Cowan I strain Staphylococcal organisms (STA) were compared with the lectins phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen for their ability to trigger proliferation of normal human lymphocytes, lymphocyte subpopulations, and cells from patients with primary immune deficiency diseases. SpA was found to be a potent T cell mitogen, very similar to the other lectins tested. It failed to stimulate purified non-T cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with different forms of severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID). STA, treated to prevent the leakage of soluble SpA during culture, exclusively stimulated non-T cells: the responding cell population was characterized to be E-rosette negative but positive for C3 receptors, surface Ia, a receptor for STA itself, and likely carried surface immunoglobulin. Normal responses to STA were found in patients with the adenosine deaminase-positive form of SCID. In 18 patients with humoral immune deficiency syndromes, the presence of STA responses was correlated with the presence of circulating, surface immunoglobulin-bearing cells. A commercial STA preparation was rendered B cell specific after reformalinization, a procedure that eliminated the shedding of soluble SpA under culture conditions.  相似文献   

In 4 to 24 hr cultures of rabbit lymphoid cells in medium supplemented with autologous serum, most B cells lost their surface Ig as assayed by rosette formation with anti-Ig antibody-coated erythrocytes. This loss was prevented by adding selected mitogens such as streptococcal mitogen (SM), lipopolysaccharide, and concanavalin A or by supplementing the medium with fetal calf serum. When SM was added at various times to the cultures (1, 2, 3, and 4 hr), it was effective in maintaining the approximate level of Ig-bearing cells present at the time of its addition but was ineffective in restoring the level of Ig-bearing cells present at the time the cultures were intiated. Very small, submitogenic doses of SM were sufficient to maintain the level of Ig-bearing cells. The data suggest that lymphocytes require continuous stimulation to maintain their surface receptors.  相似文献   

We have studied the properties of several developmentally defined subpopulations of CD4+ T cells from normal animals which can be stimulated to secrete lymphokines. We find that the Th cells responsible for direct secretion of lymphokines after stimulation are from a resting, very long lived subpopulation of CD4+ T cells which persists for over 25 wk after adult thymectomy. These T cells are depleted by in vivo administration of antithymocyte serum and they are enriched among T cells which express high levels of Pgp-1. This phenotype suggests that the T cells responsible are most likely memory T cells which have resulted from antigen exposure in vivo. T cells in this subset secrete predominantly IL-2 with small quantities of IL-3, granulocyte/macrophage CSF, and IFN-gamma. In contrast, the CD4+ T cells which require in vitro culture and restimulation before they develop into an effector population with the ability to secrete lymphokines after restimulation, differ dramatically by most of these criteria. The precursors we study are resting Th cells which are considerably shorter lived after adult thymectomy (5 to 10 wk) and resistant to the same doses of antithymocyte serum which deplete the putative memory population. We hypothesize that this precursor population represents naive helper cells which have not yet encountered Ag. The effectors derived from such precursors can be stimulated to secrete high levels of both Th cell types 1 and 2 lymphokines (IFN-gamma, IL-4, IL-5, granulocyte/macrophage CSF, and IL-3). Generation of effectors requires proliferation and differentiation events which occur during a mandatory culture with lymphokines and antigen presenting cells for 3 to 4 days. We discuss the striking phenotypic and functional differences among these subpopulations of helper cells--the precursor population and the two types--memory and cultured effector Th which secrete lymphokines. We also discuss the relationship of these populations to CD4+ T cell subsets defined by other studies of patterns of lymphokine secretion and by cell surface phenotype.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between muscle fiber type, metabolism, and blood flow vs. the increase in skeletal muscle (1)H-NMR transverse relaxation time (T2) after stimulation. Triceps surae muscles of anesthetized rats were stimulated in situ at 1-10 Hz for 6 min, and T2 was calculated from (1)H-NMR images acquired at 4.7 T immediately after stimulation. At low-to-intermediate frequencies (1-5 Hz), the stimulation-induced T2 increase was greater in the superficial, fast-twitch white portion of the gastrocnemius muscle compared with the deeper, more aerobic muscles of the triceps surae group. Although whole triceps muscle area changed in parallel with T2 after stimulation when blood flow was intact, clamping of the femoral artery during stimulation prevented an increase in muscle area but not an increase in T2. Partial inhibition of lactic acid production with iodoacetate diminished intracellular acidification (measured by (31)P-NMR spectroscopy) during brief (1.5 min) stimulation but had no significant effect either on estimated osmolite accumulation or on muscle T2 after stimulation. Depletion of muscle phosphocreatine content by feeding rats beta-guanidinopropionate decreased both estimated osmolite accumulation and T2 after 1.5-min stimulation. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the T2 increase in stimulated muscle is related to osmotically driven shifts of fluid into an intracellular compartment.  相似文献   

A good secondary IgG response to the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus has been obtained in vitro in Marbrook-type cultures of influenza-primed mouse spleen cell suspensions stimulated with inactivated influenza virus. Anti-HA antibody was quantitated by a solid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) by using purified HA as substrate. The T dependence of this secondary response was shown by depletion of T cells and reconstitution with a source of primed or unprimed T cells. The help given by T cells primed to the homologous virus was many times greater than that given by unprimed T cells, although the latter was significant. The system described will allow investigation of the specificity requirements of helper T cells engaged in the anti-HA response.  相似文献   

The developmental origins of health and diseases (DOHaD) is a concept stating that adverse intrauterine environments contribute to the health risks of offspring. Since the theory emerged more than 30 years ago, many epidemiological and animal studies have confirmed that in utero exposure to environmental insults, including hyperglycemia and chemicals, increased the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). These NCDs include metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and complications such as diabetic cardiomyopathy. Studying the effects of different environmental insults on early embryo development would aid in understanding the underlying mechanisms by which these insults promote NCD development. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have also been utilized by researchers to study the DOHaD. ESCs have pluripotent characteristics and can be differentiated into almost every cell lineage; therefore, they are excellent in vitro models for studying early developmental events. More importantly, human ESCs (hESCs) are the best alternative to human embryos for research because of ethical concerns. In this review, we will discuss different maternal conditions associated with DOHaD, focusing on the complications of maternal diabetes. Next, we will review the differentiation protocols developed to generate different cell lineages from hESCs. Additionally, we will review how hESCs are utilized as a model for research into the DOHaD. The effects of environmental insults on hESC differentiation and the possible involvement of epigenetic regulation will be discussed.  相似文献   

A series of heavy chain isotype switch-variant anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was used to study the proliferation requirements of purified T cells. None of the variant antibodies was able by itself to induce proliferation. In the presence of exogenous interleukin 2 (IL-2) strong mitogenesis was observed upon stimulation with epsilon-anti-CD3, whereas gamma 1, gamma 2b, gamma 2a, and alpha-anti-CD3 failed to induce T cell proliferation. All variant antibodies induced vigorous proliferation in combination with phorbol myristate acetate. Purified T cells, cultured in the presence of epsilon-anti-CD3, in the absence of IL-2, did not express detectable amounts of TAC-antigen (CD25). The binding of the variant antibodies to the CD3 antigen was evaluated in cross-blocking experiments. It was demonstrated that the epsilon-anti-CD3 antibody, in comparison with the other variant mAb, has a relatively low avidity for the CD3 antigen. In modulation experiments, the IgE variant antibody was unable to induce a substantial loss of CD3 antigen. T cell triggering was investigated at the level of Ca2+ mobilization by means of the dye Indo-1. In contrast to the gamma 1, gamma 2b, gamma 2a, and alpha mAb, which induced a rapid and high rise in the free intracellular calcium level, epsilon-anti-CD3 caused a slow and low rise. These studies indicate that the epsilon-anti-CD3 antibody has a low avidity for the CD3 antigen, compared with the other variant mAb, possibly as a result of monovalent binding. Apparently, the avidity and/or valency of CD3 antigen binding not only has a major influence on CD3 modulation and anti-CD3-induced Ca2+ mobilization, but also sets T cell requirements for IL-2 responsiveness.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L) is a membrane-bound molecule expressed by activated T cells. CD40L potently induces dendritic cell (DC) maturation and IL-12p70 secretion and plays a critical role during T cell priming in the lymph nodes. IFN-gamma and IL-4 are required for CD40L-mediated cytokine secretion, suggesting that T cells are required for optimal CD40L activity. Because CD40L is rapidly up-regulated by non-T cells during inflammation, CD40 stimulation may also be important at the primary infection site. However, a role for T cells at the earliest stages of infection is unclear. The present study demonstrates that the innate immune cell-derived cytokine, IL-1beta, can increase CD40L-induced cytokine secretion by monocyte-derived DC, CD34(+)-derived DC, and peripheral blood DC independently of T cell-derived cytokines. Furthermore, IL-1beta is constitutively produced by monocyte-derived DC and monocytes, and is increased in response to intact Escherichia coli or CD40L, whereas neither CD34(+)-derived DC nor peripheral blood DC produce IL-1beta. Finally, DC activated with CD40L and IL-1beta induce higher levels of IFN-gamma secretion by T cells compared with DC activated with CD40L alone. Therefore, IL-1beta is the first non-T cell-derived cytokine identified that enhances CD40L-mediated activation of DC. The synergy between CD40L and IL-1beta highlights a potent, T cell-independent mechanism for DC activation during the earliest stages of inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

HeLa cell OTF-1 has been purified on the basis of its DNA binding activity and used to raise a polyclonal rabbit antiserum. This antiserum is shown to recognize both native and denatured OTF-1 from both human and a similar protein from Xenopus culture cells, but to react either more weakly or not at all with the lymphoid cell-specific OTF-2. Separately, NFIII has been purified on the basis of its ability to stimulate Adenovirus DNA replication in vitro. On denaturing polyacrylamide gels OTF-1 and NFIII exhibit identical mobility. Anti-OTF-1 antiserum recognizes NFIII and neutralizes its stimulatory effect on DNA replication. Moreover, OTF-1 can functionally replace NFIII. Taken together with previously published DNA binding data, this indicates that OTF-1 and NFIII are either very closely related or identical.  相似文献   

We used monoclonal antibodies reacting with glycoproteins specified by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) to characterize the individual antigens in terms of structure, processing, and kinetics of synthesis in BHK or Vero infected cells. Our results provided a direct demonstration of the structural identity of the gA and gB proteins of HSV-2 as well as confirmation of the existence of type-specific and type-common domains within the gD molecule. They also show that, with the exception of gC, processing of the viral glycoproteins differs to some extent in Vero and BHK infected cells, possibly as a result of different efficiency of glycosylation or different processing of underglycosylated and unglycosylated products in the two cell types. Finally, we showed that individual HSV-2 glycoproteins are synthesized at greatly different times during the infectious cycle, possibly in response to their different roles in virus replication and assembly.  相似文献   

Fluorometric quantitative tyrosine determination on dried-blood spots is the primary neonatal screening test used for tyrosinemia type I (HT) in the province of Quebec. Succinylacetone determination on these same spots is used as the complementary test when the tyrosine level is higher than a given threshold. This procedure has proved to be less discriminant over the past few years because of changes in newborn feeding and because of early discharge of newborns from the nursery. We have developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure the deficient enzyme in HT in dried-blood spots. Fumarylacetoacetase (FAH) (E.C. was measured retrospectively by an ELISA on 25 dried-blood samples from proven patients with HT and prospectively in 72,000 specimens received in the neonatal screening program. In this pilot project, FAH was measured first, and, if necessary, succinylacetone was determined as the complementary test. All 25 samples from proven patients and specimens from four other patients detected in the pilot study have shown almost complete absence of FAH in dried-blood samples. At a cutoff level of 12.5% of normal adult blood spotted on the same type of paper, only 30 other cases disclosed FAH levels low enough to warrant succinylacetone measurement but had no detectable succinylacetone. The false-positive rate is thus 1:2,400 with this primary ELISA. However, blood transfusion in newborns prior to blood collection on filter paper may yield false-negative tests, since FAH is present in erythrocytes of normal donors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mink homozygous for the mutation Pro214Leu in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) had only traces of LPL activity but amounts of LPL protein in their tissues similar to those of normal mink. In normal mink, lymph chylomicrons from rats given [3H]retinol (incorporated into retinyl esters, providing a core label) and [14C]oleic acid (incorporated mainly in triglycerides (TG)) were rapidly cleared from the circulation. In the homozygous mink, clearance was much retarded. The ratio of TG to core label in plasma did not decrease and much less [14C]oleic acid appeared in plasma. Still, half of the labeled material disappeared from the circulating blood within 30;-40 min and the calculated total turnover of TG in the hypertriglyceridemic mink was almost as large as in normal mink. The core label was distributed to the same tissues in hypertriglyceridemic mink as in normal mink. Half to two-thirds of the cleared core label was in the liver. The large difference was that in the hypertriglyceridemic mink, TG label (about 40% of the total amount removed) followed the core label to the liver and there was no preferential uptake of TG over core label in adipose or muscle tissue. In normal mink, only small amounts of TG label (<10%) appeared in the liver, while most was in adipose and muscle tissues. Apolipoprotein B-48 dominated in the accumulated TG-rich lipoproteins in blood of hypertriglyceridemic mink, even in fasted animals.  相似文献   

A profound state of specific tolerance for the contact sensitivity reaction can be produced by i.v. exposure to hapten on the surface of syngeneic macrophages. When the same haptenated cells are incubated with specific antibody to form cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes, i.v. injection induces immunity rather than tolerance. We observe that such cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes induce not only effector cells for contact sensitivity but also hapten-specific contrasuppressor T (Tcs) cells, which are capable of rendering effector cells resistant to the inhibitory effects of Ts cells. Whereas the induction of the effector cells of contact sensitivity by cell-bound complexes required I region compatibility between the injected cells and the recipient, the induction of Tcs cells showed no genetic restriction. On the other hand, induction of contrasuppression required intact Fc on the complexed antibody, inasmuch as F(ab')2 fragments of specific antibody did not induce immunity. In addition, Tcs cells could also be induced by Ag-antibody complexes on opsonized TNP-mouse RBC treated with anti-TNP antibody. Immunity induced by cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes was observed only when antibodies of the IgM, IgG3, or IgG1 isotypes are used to generate the complexes. Further studies demonstrated that the Tcs cells induced in this way displayed the phenotype of Tcs cells described in other systems (Lyt-1+,2- I-J+, Vicia villosa lectin-adherent) and released a hapten-specific contrasuppressor factor. These studies indicate that Tcs cells can be induced independently of other T cells (such as the effector cells of contact sensitivity) and are likely to be responsible for some of the immunoregulatory effects of cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes. The role of antibody isotype in the induction of Tcs cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Chicken tracheal mucosa in vitro transported and incorporated radioactive precursors into mucins, which were secreted at a steady rate into the tracheal lumen. Secretion of mucins labelled with 35S and 3H after pulse-labelling of the mucosal layer with Na235SO4 and d-[1-3H]glucosamine as precursors was an energy-dependent process, as it was strongly inhibited by the action of respiratory-chain inhibitors, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, a metabolic blocker and a temperature shift from 41°C to 5°C. On the other hand, both cholinergic and parasympathomimetic agents considerably increased the secretion of dual-radiolabelled mucins when applied on the submucosal side of the trachea. The effect of Ca2+ was directional, since only high submucosal (3.6 or 18mm) or low luminal (zero or 0.18mm) Ca2+ massively enhanced the secretion of radiolabelled mucin compared with the mucin output measured under physiological Ca2+ conditions (1.8mm). Whereas application of ionophore A23187 on either side of the trachea significantly increased mucin output, its presence in the appropriate tracheal compartment and under appropriate Ca2+ conditions further accentuated the output of radiolabelled mucins. Addition of acetylcholine under appropriate conditions also had an additive effect on the Ca2+-stimulated secretion of mucins. Ca2+ stimulation of mucin secretion appears to be dependent on the metabolic integrity of the mucosal cells. Mucins secreted in response to high submucosal and low luminal [Ca2+] appear to consist of a number of different types of glycoproteins, as judged from their ion-exchange-chromatographic behaviour.  相似文献   

Models for T cell:B cell collaboration suggest that activated B cells process and present Ag to Th cells which subsequently induce B cell proliferation and differentiation. In contrast to activated B cells, resting B cells have generally been shown to be less efficient APC. If this model of T:B collaboration is physiologically correct, then resting B cells must undergo a phenotypic change that permits effective interaction with T cells. In this report, the requirement for rapid signaling through surface Ig on resting B cells for the induction of T:B interaction was investigated with an in vitro clustering assay. Resting splenic B cells were unable to form specific conjugates with T cell clones, unless the B cells were first treated with neuraminidase to remove sialic acid. In contrast, LPS-activated B cells were able to form conjugates without prior treatment. The ability of antibody against LFA-1 or L3T4 to inhibit cluster formation depended on the state of B cell activation in that anti-LFA-1 and anti-L3T4 mAb inhibited cluster formation by neuraminidase-treated resting B cells, but not by LPS-activated B cells. In addition, Ag-specific B cells which were isolated by their capacity to bind specific Ag were able to form clusters without any additional treatment. Moreover, treatment of resting splenic B cells with anti-mu-antibody induced clustering potential in B cells in as little as 10 min, suggesting that signaling through surface Ig was sufficient to induce this phenotypic change in B cells. Furthermore, activation of protein kinase C and Ca2+ mobilization were shown to be involved in that PMA and ionomycin treatment were also able to induce clustering potential in resting B cells. The rapid induction of clustering potential in resting B cells after signaling through surface Ig may represent a fundamental change in B cell physiology which occurs after recognition of specific Ag and may be required for effective cognate recognition between resting hapten-specific B cells and carrier-specific T cells. The potential role of desialylation for the induction of T:B interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Paralysis of one or both sides of the larynx musculature compromises breathing and speech function. Currently there is no surgical remedy to restore adequate function of the larynx. A plausible alternative solution is triggered electrical stimulation of the paralysed larynx site using a laryngeal pacemaker. Triggering of the pacemaker succeeds via constant EMG measurement of the muscle activity of the healthy larynx side. The EMG data analysis described in this work is one possible approach for regulating pacemaker triggering. In this study we used EMG data from the thenar muscles as a model to calculate a trigger point.  相似文献   

During an immune response, somatic mutations are introduced into the VH and VL regions of Ig chains. The consequences of somatic mutation in highly conserved residues are poorly understood. Ile51 is present in 91% of murine VH complementarity-determining region 2 sequences, and we demonstrate that single Ile51-->Arg or Lys substitutions in the PCG1-1 Ab are sufficient to severely reduce Ig secretion (1-3% of wild-type (WT) levels). Mutant H chains, expressed in the presence of excess L chain, associate with Ig binding protein (BiP) and GRP94 and fail to form HL and H2L assembly intermediates efficiently. The mutations do not irreversibly alter the VH domain as the small amount of mutant H chain, which assembles with L chain as H2L2, is secreted. The secreted mutant Ab binds phosphocholine-protein with avidity identical with that of WT Ab, suggesting that the combining site adopts a WT conformation. A computer-generated model of the PCG1-1 variable region fragment of Ig (Fv) indicates that Ile51 is buried between complementarity-determining region 2 and framework 3 and does not directly contact the L chain. Thus, the Ile51-->Arg or Ile51-->Lys mutations impair association with the PCG1-1 L chain via indirect interactions. These interactions are in part dependent on the nature of the L chain as the PCG1-1 VH single Ile51-->Arg or Ile51-->Lys mutants were partially rescued when expressed with the J558L lambda1 L chain. These results represent the first demonstration that single somatic mutations in V(H) residues can impair Ig secretion and suggest one reason for the conservation of Ile51 in so many Ig VH.  相似文献   

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