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Translation of the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS is stimulated by at least two small RNAs, DsrA and RprA. DsrA disrupts an inhibitory secondary structure in the rpoS leader mRNA by pairing with the upstream RNA. Mutations in rprA and compensating mutations in the rpoS leader demonstrate that RprA interacts with the same region of the RpoS leader as DsrA. This is the first example of two different small RNAs regulating a common target. Regulation of these RNAs differs. DsrA synthesis is increased at low temperature. We find that RprA synthesis is regulated by the RcsC/RcsB phosphorelay system, previously found to regulate capsule synthesis and promoters of ftsZ and osmC. An rcsB null mutation abolishes the basal level, whereas mutations in rcsC that activate capsule synthesis also activate expression of the rprA promoter. An essential site with similarity to other RcsB-regulated promoters was defined in the rprA promoter. Activation of the RcsC/RcsB system leads to increased RpoS synthesis, in an RprA-dependent fashion. This work suggests a new signal for RpoS translation and extends the global regulation effected by the RcsC/RcsB system to coregulation of RpoS with capsule and FtsZ.  相似文献   

Translation of the sigma factor RpoS is activated by DsrA, RprA and ArcA, three small non-coding sRNAs (sRNA) that expose the ribosome-binding site (RBS) by opening up an inhibitory loop. In the RpoS network, no sRNAs have been found to pair with the RBS, a most common sRNA target site in bacteria. Here, we generate Ribo-0, an artificial sRNA, which represses rpoS translation by pairing with the RBS. Ribo-0 bypasses the RNA chaperon Hfq but requires the RBS to be loosely blocked. Ribo-0 interacts with DsrA and reshapes the RpoS network. Specifically, in the intact RpoS network, DsrA activates rpoS translation by freeing up the RBS. In the modified RpoS network where Ribo-0 is introduced, the DsrA-caused RBS exposure facilitates Ribo-0 binding, thereby strengthening Ribo-0 inhibition. In other words, Ribo-0 changes DsrA from an activator to an accomplice for repressing rpoS translation. This work presents an artificial mechanism of rpoS regulation, reveals mutual effects of native and synthetic players and demonstrates genetic context-dependency of their functions.  相似文献   

The sRNA RprA is known to activate rpoS translation in E. coli in an osmolarity-dependent manner. We asked whether RprA stability contributes to osmolarity-dependent regulation and how the RNA binding protein Hfq and the major E. coli endonucleases contribute to this turn-over. The study reveals that osmolarity-dependent turn-over of RprA indeed contributes to its osmolarity-dependent abundance. RprA is stabilized by the RNA chaperone Hfq and in absence of Hfq its turn-over is no longer osmolarity-dependent. The stability of the RprA target mRNA rpoS shows a lower extent of osmolarity dependence, which differs from the profile observed for RprA. Thus, the effect of sucrose is specific for individual RNAs. We can attribute a role of the endoribonuclease RNase E in turn-over of RprA and an indirect effect of the endoribonuclease III in vivo. In addition, RprA is stabilized by the presence of rpoS suggesting that hybrid formation with its target may protect it against ribonucleases. In vitro RprA is cleaved by the RNase E containing degradosome and by RNase III and rpoS interferes with RNase III cleavage. We also show that temperature affects the stabilities of the sRNAs binding to rpoS and of rpoS mRNA itself differentially and that higher stability of DsrA with decreasing temperature may contribute to its high abundance at lower temperatures. This study demonstrates that environmental parameters can affect the stability of sRNAs and consequently their abundance.  相似文献   

MicA is a trans-encoded small non-coding RNA, which downregulates porin-expression in stationary-phase. In this work, we focus on the role of endoribonucleases III and E on Salmonella typhimurium sRNA MicA regulation. RNase III is shown to regulate MicA in a target-coupled way, while RNase E is responsible for the control of free MicA levels in the cell. We purified both Salmonella enzymes and demonstrated that in vitro RNase III is only active over MicA when in complex with its targets (whether ompA or lamB mRNAs). In vivo, MicA is demonstrated to be cleaved by RNase III in a coupled way with ompA mRNA. On the other hand, RNase E is able to cleave unpaired MicA and does not show a marked dependence on its 5' phosphorylation state. The main conclusion of this work is the existence of two independent pathways for MicA turnover. Each pathway involves a distinct endoribonuclease, having a different role in the context of the fine-tuned regulation of porin levels. Cleavage of MicA by RNase III in a target-dependent fashion, with the concomitant decay of the mRNA target, strongly resembles the eukaryotic RNAi system, where RNase III-like enzymes play a pivotal role.  相似文献   

Rat liver coated vesicle preparations were frequently found to contain small ovoid bodies, which resembled coated vesicles in morphology. We have purified these bodies to homogeneity using sucrose density gradients and preparative agarose gel electrophoresis. When negatively stained and viewed by electron microscopy, the purified structures display a very distinct and complex morphology, resembling the multiple arches which form cathedral vaults. They measure 35 X 65 nm and are therefore considerably larger than ribosomes. When subjected to SDS PAGE, these structures, which we refer to as vaults, appear to contain several minor and five major species: Mr 210,000, 192,000, 104,000, 54,000, and 37,000. One of these (Mr 104,000) greatly predominates, accounting for greater than 70% of the total Coomassie Brilliant Blue-staining protein. Another major species of Mr 37,000 has been identified as a species of small RNA of unusual base composition (adenosine 12.0%, guanosine 29.7%, uridine 30.9%, and 27.4% cytidine), which migrates as a single species in urea PAGE between the 5S and 5.8S ribosomal standards, containing approximately 140 bases. Although the RNA constitutes only 4.6% of the entire structure, the large size of the particle requires that each one contains approximately 9 molecules of this RNA. Antibodies prepared against the entire particle are largely specific for the major (Mr 104,000) polypeptide species. Although they do not directly react with the RNA constituent on Western blots, these antibodies immunoprecipitate a 32P-labeled RNA of identical size from metabolically-labeled rat hepatoma cells. Vaults are observed in partially purified fractions from human fibroblasts, murine 3T3 cells, glial cells, and rabbit alveolar macrophages. It therefore appears that these novel ribonucleoprotein structures are broadly distributed among different cell types. The function of vaults is at present unknown.  相似文献   

The RpoS sigma factor in proteobacteria regulates genes in stationary phase and in response to stress. Although of conserved function, the RpoS regulon may have different gene composition across species due to high genomic diversity and to known environmental conditions that select for RpoS mutants. In this study, the distribution of RpoS homologs in prokaryotes and the differential dependence of regulon members on RpoS for expression in two γ-proteobacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were examined. Using a maximum-likelihood phylogeny and reciprocal best hits analysis, we show that the RpoS sigma factor is conserved within γ-, β-, and δ-proteobacteria. Annotated RpoS of Borrelia and the enteric RpoS are postulated to have separate evolutionary origins. To determine the conservation of RpoS-dependent gene expression across species, reciprocal best hits analysis was used to identify orthologs of the E. coli RpoS regulon in the RpoS regulon of P. aeruginosa. Of the 186 RpoS-dependent genes of E. coli, 50 proteins have an ortholog within the P. aeruginosa genome. Twelve genes of the 50 orthologs are RpoS-dependent in both species, and at least four genes are regulated by RpoS in other γ-proteobacteria. Despite RpoS conservation in γ-, β-, and δ-proteobacteria, RpoS regulon composition is subject to modification between species. Environmental selection for RpoS mutants likely contributes to the evolutionary divergence and specialization of the RpoS regulon within different bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

As central components of RNA silencing, small RNAs play diverse and important roles in many biological processes in eukaryotes. Aberrant reduction or elevation in the levels of small RNAs is associated with many developmental and physiological defects. The in vivo levels of small RNAs are precisely regulated through modulating the rates of their biogenesis and turnover. 2′-O-methylation on the 3′ terminal ribose is a major mechanism that increases the stability of small RNAs. The small RNA methyltransferase HUA ENHANCER1 (HEN1) and its homologs methylate microRNAs and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in plants, Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in animals, and siRNAs in Drosophila. 3′ nucleotide addition, especially uridylation, and 3′-5′ exonucleolytic degradation are major mechanisms that turnover small RNAs. Other mechanisms impacting small RNA stability include complementary RNAs, cis-elements in small RNA sequences and RNA-binding proteins. Investigations are ongoing to further understand how small RNA stability impacts their accumulation in vivo in order to improve the utilization of RNA silencing in biotechnology and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed a mitochondrial small (ms) RNA in Dictyostelium discoideum, which is 129 nucleotides long and has a GC content of only 22.5%. In the mitochondrial DNA, a single-copy gene (msr) for the ms RNA was located downstream of the gene for large-subunit rRNA. The location of msr was similar to that of the 5S rRNA gene in prokaryotes and chloroplasts, but clearly different from that in mitochondria of plants, liverwort and the chlorophycean alga Prototheca wikerhamii, in which small-subunit rRNA and 5S rRNA genes are closely linked. The primary sequence of ms RNA showed low homology with mitochondrial 5S rRNA from plants, liverwort and the chlorophycean alga, but the proposed secondary structure of ms RNA was similar to that of cytoplasmic 5S rRNA. In addition, ms RNA showed a highly conserved GAAC sequence in the same loop as in common 5S rRNA. However, ms RNA was detected mainly in the mitochondrial 25?000?×?g supernatant fraction which was devoid of ribosomes. It is possible that ms RNA is an evolutionary derivative of mitochondrial 5S rRNA.  相似文献   

Axis determination in early Drosophila embryos is controlled, in part, by regulation of translation of mRNAs transcribed in maternal cells during oogenesis. The Pumilio protein is essential in posterior determination, binding to hunchback mRNA in complex with Nanos to suppress hunchback translation. In order to understand the structural basis of RNA binding, Nanos recruitment, and translational control, we have crystallized a domain of the Drosophila Pumilio protein that binds RNA. The crystals belong to the space group P6(3) with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 94.5 A, c = 228.9 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees and diffract to 2.6 A with synchrotron radiation. We show that the purified protein actively binds RNA and is likely to have a novel RNA binding fold due to a very high content of alpha-helical secondary structure.  相似文献   

M Wecker  D Smith    L Gold 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》1996,2(10):982-994
An in vitro RNA selection for catalytic activity was used to co-select for binding activity to a small peptide. 5'-phosphorothioate-modified RNA (GMPS-RNA) sequences were selected from a randomized pool of oligoribonucleotides for their ability to accelerate a halide substitution reaction with N-bromoacetyl-bradykinin (BrBK). One RNA selected shows a 2,420-fold increase in rate of reaction with BrBK relative to the starting pool. This reaction is specifically inhibited by free bradykinin (Ki 230 microM), indicating that interactions with bradykinin contribute to the rate enhancement. Inhibition of the reaction by the peptide requires both the amino- and carboxy-terminal arginine residues of the peptide for optimal inhibition activity. Reaction with N-bromoacetamide is not enhanced, indicating that the intrinsic reactivity of the 5' phosphorothioate is not increased in the selected RNA. Through 3'-end boundary analysis, much of the catalytic activity of the selected GMPS-RNA is shown to reside in a hairpin structure in the selected region of the molecule. This hairpin structure is also implicated in the recognition of the peptide substrate.  相似文献   

郭艳合  刘立  蔡荣  钱程 《遗传》2008,30(1):28-34
microRNA (miRNA)和small interfering RNA(siRNA)在真核生物生命活动的基本过程中发挥着重要的调节作用。随着对siRNA和miRNA研究的不断深入, 最近科学家在研究大鼠雄性精子时发现哺乳动物睾丸内存在另一种新型的小RNA分子, 该分子在精子发生过程中起着重要的生理调节作用, 该种小分子RNA被命名为piRNA, 在功能、分布和分子特征等方面piRNA较miRNA和siRNA存在着显著的不同, 对piRNA深入研究有望揭示出机体内在的基因表达调节机制。  相似文献   

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